Lesson Plan - MCC

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A Detailed Lesson Plan

in Prof Ed 10 - The Teacher and The School Curriculum

I. Objectives
After the 60 minutes discussion the students are expected to;

1. Discussd the meaning of Lesson Planning and its importance in

teaching profession.
2. Appreciate the importance of Lesson Planning.
3. Create a sample of lesson planing incorporated the 3 domains of

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Lesson Planning
References: The Teacher and The School Curriculum P. 100-109
Curriculum Code: Prof Ed10

PowerPoint Presentation Laptop

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

1. Review

Good morning, class! Good morning, teacher!

Are all presents today? Yes Teacher!

Very Good! Jose Kindly lead the prayer

Okay class last meeting we discussed the

different types of curriculum. And we
learned that in order for us to transform
the documented curriculum into
progressive curriculum the skills within
the curriculum mus be asses that there is
the application of that skills in the day to
day life of the learners.

Meaning the Learners must apply what

he or she learned from the lesson.

And Now let us discuss another

significant part of your chosen

Are you ready class? Yes Sir!

Very good you are very excited to learn.

I will show a group of pictures I would

like all of you to observed and tell me
what these picture shows an idea?


Very Good Guest !

So our Lesson for today is all about

Lesson Planning.

Have your Student ever looked like this?


Or like these!


Motivation. : Asking questions based on

Lesson Planning Experience…

Brains Storning : What is the purpose of

a Lesson Plan?

FAILED to Plan is Planning to


2. Presentation

Why Lesson Plannng is so important?

Lesson Plnning means decisions in

advance about what to teach, how to
teach and the time assignment of every
teaching procedure.

Teaching Plan is necessarily or both

novice and expert teachers, Although
preparation does not guarantee
successful lessons, Walking into a
classroom unprepared is often the
beginning of a disastrous lesson.

So from the statement mention any body

to simplify the idea on how Lesson
Planning is important? Lesson Planning is about What to teach,
How to teach and considering the Time.
Very Good!

Regardless of the level of detail, the

importance of lesson planning is that it
bridges the curriculum's intent with the
daily teaching and learning in a
classroom. At a minimum, lesson
planning adds the element of time,
breaking the curriculum into units
delivered each session.

How about the word Lesson Plan what is

that mean?

James…What is Lesson Plan? •It is a document that outlines the

content of your lesson step-by-step.
It's a list of tasks that your students
will undertake, to help guide your
teaching. A lesson plan is usually
prepared in advance and can either
cover a one-off activity, an entire
lesson, a unit or course, a day, or a

• is a teacher's detailed description of the

course of instruction or "learning
trajectory" for a lesson. A daily
lesson plan is developed by a
teacher to guide class learning.
Very Well said!

Since Lesson Planning is important and

it serve as the Guide of the teachers in
leading his class to its objective.
Therefor there are some parts that is very
important on the lesson which we need
to considered.

You have to know it Background which

involved the following :

1. Know your Students

2. Know your content
3. Know your resources
Now Lets proceed to the 1 st Part of
the Lesson Plan which is Objective.

Objective - it is something you plan

to achieve.

are the concrete deliverable that

make the goal come to life. Progress
towards them helps measure
advancement to reaching the larger
end goal.

In carefully crafting your Objective

or the learning target you have to
considered the 3 DOMAINS OF

1. Cognitive - Learning and

application of knowledge.

Such as - Knowledge
- Comprehension
- Application
- Analysis
- Synthesis
- Evaluation

2. Affective - Address the

acquisition of attitudes and values.

Such as - Tolerate
- Enjoy
- Express
- Appriciate

3. Psychomotor - Development of
Body skills.

Such as - Practice
- imitate
- Develop
- Create
3. Generalization

Anybody who can give the learning you

have gained from the topic discussed
today? Lesson Planning is important to teachers
so that they can able to plan What to
teach, How to Teach and also to plan the
time for a better and effective and efficient
Very good! teaching and learning process.

How about the three domains of

The 3 Domains of learning is need in
crafting your objective in the lesson plan
are :
1. Cognitive
2. Affective
3. Psychomotor


4. Application

Can you please craft your objective

applying the 3 Domains of Learning on
your chosen topic.

Okay, very good class!

IV. Evaluation

Identify the following and write only the answer on the blank
_________________1. It is the guide and compass of teachers toward the teaching and learning
________________2. it is something you plan to achieve.
________________3. It is a domian which serve as the acquisition of knowledge
________________4. It is the acquisition of attitudes and values.
________________5. It is the development of Body skills.

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