Perdev q2 Mod4-The Family

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The key takeaways are about understanding family structure and dynamics and making a genogram to trace physical, personal, and behavioral attributes across generations.

The purpose of this module is to appraise one's family structure and the type of care one gives and receives in order to better understand oneself. It also aims to teach how to make a genogram and trace attributes through generations.

The parts of the module discussed include the pre-test, expectations, brief introduction, discussion, activities, remember section, check your understanding, and post-test.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila

Quarter 2 - Module 4

Most Essential Learning Competency:

 Appraise one’s family structure and the type of care he/she gives
and receives, which may help in understanding himself/herself
 Make a genogram and trace certain physical, personal, and
behavioral attributes through generations.


Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb
you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully
enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all instructions found in the pageg of this module.

2. Use your notebook to take note of the concepts in each lesson. Writing
enhances learning which is important in developing retention.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the answer key card.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


 Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after completing the
lessons in the module.
 Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be
mastered throughout the lesson.
 Looking Back to Your Lesson - This section will measure what learnings and
skills did you understand from the previous lesson.
 Brief Introduction - This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
 Discussion - This section provides a short discussion of the lesson. This aims
to help you discover and understand new concepts and skills.
 Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
 Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the
 Check Your understanding - It will verify how you learned from the lesson.
 Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire

In this module, you will specifically learn how to:

 appraise one’s family structure and the type of care he/she gives and
receive, which may help in understanding himself/herself better.
 make a genogram and trace certain physical, personality and
behavioral attributes through generations.
Let us start your journey in learning more on the family. I am sure you are ready and excited to answer
the Pretest. Smile and cheer up!


Instruction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise.

1. _________ The family is the core unit of a society

2. _________ A single parent family may consist of either the mother or the father as
the head of the home and their dependent children.

3. _________ An extended family can also be a complex family, joint family, or

multigenerational family.

4._________ In the Philippines, small families usually have only two children and
large families range from 4 to 7 children.

5. _________ The Family Code refers to the changes in the emotional and intellectual

6._________ The second stage of the family life cycle is independence.

7._________ The first stage of the family life cycle is parenting.

8. _________ The last stage is retirement where parents rest from the daily grind of
work and enjoy the remaining years with their grandchildren.

9. _________ Adolescents undergo major changes: from physical and physiological

aspects to the emotional and social areas of their lives.

10. ________ Teens should not be treated with respect and parents should not make
them feel proud of their family.

Great, you finished answering the questions. You may request your
facilitator to check your work. Congratulations and keep on learning!

Directions: Answer the following questions. Write on the space provided.

1. Briefly explain and differentiate the three (3) Basic Principles of Social
Perception. Provide example situations that can be found in your daily interaction
in your family.

2. Briefly explain the different kinds of error in perceiving other people. Give at
least one situational example for each.

3. In doing research, what do you think are the possible hindrances or lapses that
can occur while you are conducting your survey to the normal population. Cite at
least three (3) hindrances.

The family is the foremost unit that gave you the first experience of the world. You
were born dependent on the love and care of the people around you. The family is
the core unit of society. Its influence on an individual is undeniable, as it is more
powerful than an adolescent’s friends as well as other people around them. This
lesson will help you know and understand how a family can affect its members and
how you, as its member, can affect your own family.


The Family and the

4 Adolescents
Family Types, Structures, and Composition

In a typical Filipino family, the father is the head of the home, the provider
and the protector. The mother, who assumes the nurturing roles, takes charge of the
domestic needs of the family including emotional care and values formation of the
children. A typical or normal family consists of two parents and their children, both
biological and adopted. There are different types of family structures but the most
common ones include the nuclear family, the single parent family, the grandparent
family, and the extended family. Let us discuss the difference and orientation of each.

A nuclear family or the traditional family, typically consists of two married

parents and their biological or adopted children all living in the same residence and
sharing the values, duties, and responsibilities of the family. This type of family is
different from a family where one of the parents left their home or one parent died.
In this case, it is referred to as a single parent family.

A single parent family, which is already becoming

a trend due to the many factors that arise, may
consist of either the mother or the father as the
head of the home and their dependent children.
This type of family is formed when one parent
leaves the home permanently; it is then called
broken nuclear family. Sometimes, grandparents
come into the picture, and the family evolves into
what is called extended family or grandparent family. Although it may also happen that both
spouses-children-philippines/ parents are together and other relatives join the

An extended family can also be called a

complex family, joint family, or multi-
generational family. This type of family includes
other relatives other than just the parents and
their children. There may be aunts and uncles
from both sides of the family who will stay inside
the household. Thus, relatives are considered
“extended”. Some of relatives, whether aunts,
uncles, or grandparents assume parent-like
roles and share responsibilities in providing for
the whole family. https...A&usqp=CAU

Filipino families usually have extended families. Relatives from both sides of
the family usually stay with the family. Some of them stay temporarily but others
live with the family permanently to provide support and company when parents are
away to work. A reconstituted family or a blended family is formed out of another
relationship, otherwise known as a stepfamily. This type of family is brought about
by changes in the parents’ marital status. Families may also be categorized according
to family size. In the Philippines, small families usually have only two children and
large families range from 4 to 7 children.

The Family Life Cycle and Family Parenting

Systems Theory
The Family Life Cycle refers to the Marriage Family
Adult Children
changes in the emotional and intellectual Life
life of a person as one passes through from Cycle
childhood to the retirement years. In each
stage, one faces challenges in the family Retirement
life, allowing him or her to build or gain
new skills. Gaining these skills helps one
work through the changes that nearly
every family goes through.

Acquiring independence requires a family member to have the ability to fend for
his/her needs. It is assumed that the individual has completed formal education or
at least vocational training to be able to secure the job. The person who is going to
be independent is like a young bird who is about to fly away from its nest. However,
independence in the Philippines comes late because the older siblings are expected
to help out in the family. They take the responsibility of supporting the education of
the younger siblings as soon as they have earning capacity. Thus, Filipino young
adults cannot assume full independence from the family not until they get married.

The second stage of the family life cycle is marriage where an individual is
expected to separate from his or her family of origin to build their own. This stage is
followed by parenting where one starts building his or her family and starts raising
children. Once the children become adults, parents make every effort to prepare them
to face the challenges of the world. The last stage is retirement where parents rest
from the daily grind of work and enjoy their remaining years with grandchildren.

Family Influences

The family is the very first social unit

that a child is exposed to. From birth to
adulthood, it is the family who provides care
and nurturance. Thus, its influence on
one’s attitudes, values, and beliefs are great.
How does the family influence the
adolescent? The family takes a significant
role in the lives of the growing children. The
home environment can either influence the
child in positive or negative ways. By their
images/happy-filipino-family.html action and by example, parents shape the

lives of their children from birth through adulthood. They serve as models for the
social behavior that they will later exhibit. You may probably notice that siblings
usually have the same intonation in talking or have similar mannerisms. Family
influences may be slightly modified by the socialization process that children go
through in school or in other places.

Dr. Murray Bowen

(1913; Brown,
2014), an
famous for his
theory in the
Family Systems,
suggests that
individuals cannot
be understood in isolation from
wen-theory/ one another, but http://www.bowentheoryeducationcente
rather as a part of concepts
their family. He considers the family as an
emotional unit. It means that one’s behavior affects the other family members’
behavior in predictable ways. Families are systems of interconnected and
interdependent individuals, and therefore, they cannot be understood apart from
each other. However, during the adolescent years, the influence of friends and peers
become powerful. They sometimes listen to their friends more than their parents.
Teens put importance in their need to belong to a group. Despite this strong influence
of peer groups, parents continue to take a significant role in shaping the behaviors
of adolescents. We cannot discount the fact that teens face major choices and
decisions that require guidance from their parents. Close parent-adolescent
relationships, good parenting skills, shared family activities, and positive parent role
modeling all have positive effects on adolescent health and development.

Challenges and Issues in the Family

It has been the traditional view that adolescents

go through “storms and stress.” They are often
viewed as rebellious and difficult to manage.
Adolescents undergo major changes, ranging
from the physical and physiological aspects to
the emotional and social areas of their lives.
Problems in the family aggravate this period of
adjustment. There may also be pressures in
school, with their friends, or even with their
teachers. Still, other pressures may come from
financial lack, from emotional upheaval brought
about by break-up, or parental conflicts. Some may have difficulty dealing with past traumas
19/come-filipinos-live-extended-families/ (e.g. abuse) that they have experienced.

Parents, counselors, and teachers are concerned on how to help adolescents who are
faced with these challenges.
Since these adolescents are usually left on their own when dealing with
various challenges, behavioral problems arise such as delinquency, alcoholism,
“barkada”, cutting classes, smoking, drugs, or bullying in school. Sometimes,
teenagers could not easily explain why they engage in smoking, alcohol, and drugs.
Are these simply peer pressure or are these behaviors with underlying problems?
They are sometimes as confused as their parents, or they simply find time to vent
their pent-up feelings. Sometimes, the parents themselves get scared, angry,
frustrated, or hopeless. They also feel guilty about what happened to their children.
These are normal reactions. However, understanding what adolescents go through
both by the parent and adolescents themselves can help the situation and resolve
existing conflicts. Teens should be treated with respect and parents should make
them feel proud of their family.
It is in the family that values and right conduct start. As the family is the basic
unit of society, it is an opportunity for them to train and practice the set of values
taught to them by their parents and teachers.


Family Legacy is the basis of understanding the ecology of being human. It offers not
only the origins of our evolving sense of who we are, but the context in which to
explore self-fulfillment and well-being. While the family context can uncover many
descriptions, interconnections, and identities, it may also lead to unpredictable
outcomes. Moreover, it also provides
resources to be a more integrated part
of the many interdependent aspects of
our world. An extremely useful tool for
understanding how you were
influenced by your family of origin is
the Genogram, developed by Monica
McGoldrick (The Genogram Journey:
Reconnecting with Your Family, Norton:
New York, 2011). A Genogram is a
graphic representation of a family tree
that displays detailed data on
ml relationships among individuals. It
goes beyond a traditional family tree by
allowing the user to analyze hereditary patterns and psychological factors that
punctuate relationships. Genograms allow a therapist and his patient to quickly
identify and understand various patterns in the patient's family history which may
have had an influence on the patient's current state of mind. The genogram maps
out relationships and traits that may otherwise be missed on a pedigree chart. Below
is some symbols frequently used in creating a family genogram.

Genograms contain a wealth of
information on the families
represented. First, they contain
basic data found in family trees
such as the name, gender, date
of birth, and date of death of
each individual. Additional data
may include education,
occupation, major life events,
chronic illnesses, social
behaviors, nature of family
relationships, emotional
relationships, and social
relationships. Some genograms
also include information on
disorders running in the family theory/bowen-theory-concepts
such as alcoholism, depression,
diseases, alliances, and living situations. Genograms can vary significantly because
there is no limitation as to what type of data can be included.

Activity 1: Genogram Making
Instruction: Draw your family tree and make it as comprehensive as you can (include
your grandparents, grand-uncles, great-grandparents, etc.). Label your family. Use
a separate sheet of paper for this activity.

Activity 2: Journal Writing
Instruction: Answer the following questions.

1. How is your family structure different/similar from/to other typical families?


2. Why is it important to know the different types of family structures?

3. Do you think that family orientation has something to do with the existence of
LGBTQ+ community?

4. What is an ideal family for you?



Activity 3: Reflection and Journal Writing

Among your family members, who influenced you positively? Negatively? In what
ways? Will you consider yourself a positive or negative influencer to any member
of your family? Cut out a picture that represents that person, and tell why you
chose that kind of image to represent the individual.

A Strong Filipino Family
Direction: Cut out and paste a picture of your family and place it on the space
provided. Cite some characteristics that make the Filipino family strong during the
trying and challenging times.

Your Family Picture




 There are different types of family structures, such as the nuclear family, the
single parent’s family, the grandparent family, the extended family, and the
reconstituted family.
 The family life cycle refers to an individual’s emotional and intellectual life
changes from childhood to retirement
 The family systems theory suggests that family members are interdependent
and cannot be understood in isolation from each other.
 Families can influence adolescents in both positive and negative ways.
 Behavioral problems typically arise during adolescence, and these usually are
the results of the family rearing practices or family background that they have.
That’s why it is crucial that values and good child-rearing practices must
always start in the family.
 Genogram is an important tool not only for therapists, but also for those who
wish to understand the underlying psychological problems and hereditary
health conditions that run in the family. The study of Genogram provides
students the opportunity to understand their family and how more
importantly how these affects their development as an individual in the family.

A. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. This theory explains the interdependence of the family members.

a. Family life cycle theory b. family systems theory
c. System Cycles Theory d. generational theory

2. If the grandparents join the household to take care of their grandchildren

while the parents are away to work, this type of family is called __________.
a. Nuclear Family b. Single parent family
c. Grandparent family d. Core Family

3. The family life cycle can be disrupted by:

a. finances b. cancer of one-member
c. all of the above d. death of the head of the family

4. One of the factors in forging strong family relations and values of parents to
their offsprings is through ____.
a. being a good role model b. having positive relationship
c. all of the above d. positive discipline

5. The Family systems theory was created by _____.

a. Bowen b. Freud
c. Erikson d. Holland

B. Identify the concepts asked on each item

______________ 1. The basic unit of society
______________ 2. The concept that shows the emotional and intellectual changes in
an individual’s life
______________ 3. The first stage of the family cycle
______________ 4. The last stage of the family cycle
______________ 5. The psychiatrist that introduced the family systems theory
______________ 6. The stage of the family life cycle wherein the individual starts
having and raising children.
______________ 7. The theory which suggests that the family is an emotional unit
______________ 8. The type of family structure commonly found in Filipino society
but rare in American or Western societies.
______________ 9. The type of family structure wherein a mother becomes a widow.
______________ 10. The types of family structure wherein aunts or uncles are


Agoncillo, Teodoro A. (1990). History of the Filipino People (Eight Edition). Quezon
GAROTHECH Publishing,

Andolina, Michael (2001). Critical Thinking for Working Students. Delmar Thomson
Learning, U.S.A.

Dacey, John et al. (2000). Adolescent Development 3rd Editon. Alliance Press.

Fernandez, Barbara W., Legaspi Estesa Xaris Q., Quiba, Carolyn C., Rafanan, Mae
R., Garcia, Zisa V(2016). Personal Development for Senior High School Pasig
City: Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources.
Jolly, W., Froom, J., & Rosen, M. G. (1980). The genogram. The Journal of Family Practice,
10(2), 251-5.

Ramos, Maricel Ilag (2016). Moving Up: A Guide to Personal and Career
Development for Senior High School. Quezon City: The Phoenix Publishing

Santos, Ricardo R. (2016). Personal Development. Manila: Rex Bookstore


Wallace, Harold and Masters, Ann L. (2008). Personal Development for Life and
Work. Singpore: Thomson

Internet Sources,ps

1. True
2. True A.
3. True 1. B
4. True 2. A
5. False 3. C
6. False 4. C
7. False 5. A
8. True B.
9. True 1. Family
10 False 2. Family life cycle
3. Independence
4. Retirement
5. Dr. Murray Bowen
6. Parenting
7. Family Life Cycle
8. Reconstituted
9. Single Parent
10. Extended family


Name ____________________________________________ Grade and Section ___________

School: ______________________ Date: _____________ Subj. Teacher: _______________
Quarter: 2 Module No.: 4 Week No.: 4

 To appraise one’s family structure and the type of care he/she gives
and receives which may help in understanding himself/herself better.
 To make a genogram and trace certain physical, personal, and
behavioral attributes through generations.

Topic: The LGBTQ+ Family

Journal Entry: Research Report

Directions: Make a research on the current condition of the LGBTQ+

Family. Cite their methods of child rearing practices as well as the
implications of these way to the development of the child. Prepare a research
report to be presented in class.

Management and Development Team

Schools Division Superintendent: Maria Magdalena M. Lim, CESO V

Chief Education Supervisor: Aida H. Rondilla
CID Education Program Supervisor: Amalia C. Solis
CID LR Supervisor: Lucky S. Carpio
CID – LRMS Librarian II: Lady Hannah C. Gillo

Editor/s: Fructuoso O. Salao (Content)

Krislene C. Dela Cruz (Language)

Writer: Hernani D. Patches Jr.


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