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Amy e Rude Resume

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Amy Elizabeth Rude

amyerude75@yahoo.com | 862-268-2870

American Public University M.Ed. Student Affairs in Higher Education 2021
American Public University M.A. History 2011
Ramapo College of New Jersey B.A. History 2002

Teaching Experience
Adjunct Faculty-History, Professional Personnel, Level 1 January 2011-May 2018
Sussex County Community College Newton, New Jersey, 07816
 Designed and taught classes across the discipline of history as part of the general education
requirements for all students enrolled at the college.
 Consistently rank above department mean based on student evaluations.
 Conduct conferences with students for each major assignment to address individual goals and
 Emphasize historical research as an on-going process of discovery and growth, encouraging
students to see historical research and inquiry as activities central to daily life. Teach students
to conduct historical research and critical evaluation of historic documents.
 Focus on drawing parallels between the topics studied in the historic context and the
connections to present day to bring to light the relevance of coursework to student’s lives.
 Evaluated student writing and knowledge with an emphasis on skills that are transferable to
other classes and contexts.
 Integrate students’ own experience into the class discussion to encourage students to think of
history as interactive, as something in which they take part.
 Worked with a diverse population of students, including many non-traditional returning Adult
students and ESL students, and developed strategies for responding to a wide variety of
educational levels and individual needs.
 Encouraged students to develop personal and academic goals and then to tailor each assignment
to these goals.
 Used online learning management systems to organize content and communicate with students
outside of class to encourage clarity and transparency.
 Work in a collaborative manner with all History Adjuncts and the Department Chair to evaluate
and improve current department including course development, assessment, and the selection
of textbooks.

Higher Education Academic Affairs Administrative Experience

Department Liaison for Assessment January 2012-August 2012
Sussex County Community College Newton, New Jersey, 07816
 Worked collaboratively with all members of the History Department to develop an assessment
tool to measure student outcomes.
 Regularly attended Assessment Committee meetings. Made presentations on the progress of the
history department in meeting deadlines for assessment.
 Produced end of the Semester/Year Assessment Report including finding from the history
courses and the compilation of reports from other Department Assessment Coordinators.
Student Affairs Experience
Assistant Director of Student Engagement September 2017-Present
Sussex County Community College Newton, New Jersey, 07816
 Develops and markets student initiatives and programming that promotes high-quality student
life experiences and holistic well-being.
 Works collaboratively with all campus departments to implement and facilitate educational and
developmental workshops that foster student leadership and professionalism.
 Provides direct oversight of signature campus events including Welcome Bash & Club Rush,
Homecoming, Spring Fling, and all others as requested by the Dean of Students.
 Primary Advisor for the Student Government Association and manager of the Skylander
Student Ambassador program.
 Is the primary contact for all student clubs and organizations on campus, including working
with students and advisors on developing club and organization policies.
 Maintains the Student Handbook and coordinates all annual reviews and updates.
 Develops and manages the annual budget for Campus Life and Student Engagement.
 Works with various vendors on service contracts and compliance.
 Develops and maintains Campus Life website content.
 Coordinates New Student Orientation and Summer Bridge workshops.
 Intentionally dedicate creative energy toward innovative enrollment management initiatives.
 Coordinate transportation between student housing and campus, including budgeting, hiring &
scheduling drivers, and maintain all vehicle record logs.

Certifications/Continuing Education Credits

The Academy for Leadership and Development Leadership and Development Training
Sussex County Community College Certificate of Professional Development
New Jersey Department of Education Certificate of Eligibility Teacher of Social Studies

Memberships & Affiliations

Golden Key International Honor Society Member
Kappa Delta Pi, International Honor Society in Education Member
The Society for Collegiate Leadership & Achievement Member
Chi Sigma Alpha Honor Society Member
National Association for Campus Activities Member
NASPA-Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education Member
The American Historical Association Member
Sigma Iota Rho National Honor Society Member

A. Rude, page 2

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