Leadership Style and Motivation For Enhancing Employee Productivity

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Agatha Rinta Suhardi

Faculty of Business and Management, Universitas Widyatama, Bandung, Indonesia

Agatha Rinta Suhardi. Leadership Style And Motivation For Enhancing Employee
Productivity-- Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology 17(10), 2817-
2834 ISSN 1567-214x

Keywords: Leadership Style, Motivation, Work Productivity

Achievement of productivity of each employee decreased during April to June 2016 and in
July 2016 experienced a not significant increase. This shows the leadership's ability to direct
employees to achieve the level of productivity established by the company. The purpose of this
study is to find out how much influence leadership style and motivation have on employee
work productivity. This research method uses descriptive and verification methods with data
collection techniques through questionnaires. The results showed that leadership style and
motivation had an effect on increasing employee work productivity. This is based on a test of
the coefficient of determination which shows that leadership and motivation styles have a
strong relationship to increasing employee work productivity.

Today's company competition is getting tougher and demands to be able to
compete with other companies. The company's ability to survive in the midst of
intense competition is determined by the human resources owned by the
company concerned. The change in paradigm from competition based on
material to knowledge based competition requires companies to have high
quality human resources to gain competitive advantage, creative, innovative
human resources in responding to changing environments.

High work productivity creates high work results and affects the achievement
of targets determined by the company. The leader periodically conducts
meetings in an effort to improve employee work productivity. The tightness of
the activities given by him shows that the leadership is responsible for the
business enterprise provide direction to employees to improve their work
productivity. The activities carried out are expected to be a motivation for


employees to increase their abilities and insights in carrying out their work,
making it easier for employees to communicate both in one section and between
sections. The following is an overview of employee work productivity during
the period from April to July 2016.

Annual Premium Income

2,457,300,140 2,468,194,068

1,614,322,946 1,701,294,996



April May June July

Figure 1. Annual Premium Income (2016)

Source: Corporate Data

Based on Figure 1, it can be seen that the achievement of the target as a result
of the level of employee productivity during April to June 2016 has decreased
and in July 2016 experienced a meaningful increase. This means that leaders in
carrying out their duties must continue to strive to create and maintain good
relationships with subordinates so that they can work productively. Every
decision taken by a leader has a big influence on the continuity of the activities
and development of the company.

The problem / research objective is how much influence the leadership style on
the level of work productivity of employees, how much influence motivation on
the level of work productivity of employees, and how much influence the
leadership style and motivation on the level of employee productivity. And
novelty of the research is used Multiple Regression Analysis.


Human Resource Management

Human resource management is a translation of man power management. The

functions of human resource management consist of planning, organizing,
directing, controlling, procuring, developing compensation, integrating,
maintaining, disciplining, and dismissing (Sariadi, 2013).

Human resource management is a process of utilizing human resources

effectively and efficiently through planning activities, mobilizing and
controlling a value that becomes a human power to achieve goals. Human
resource management is the withdrawal, selection, development, maintenance
and use of human resources to achieve both individual and organizational goals
(Rumondor, 2013).


Human resource development is defined as the field of study and practice

responsible for the fostering of a long-term, work-related learning capacity at
the individual, group and organization level of organizations. The organization
needs to learn about individuals, to help groups overcome barriers, and to help
in the creation of a culture that promotes continuous learning. This definition
relates to the theory of human capital that the factors of knowledge and skills
acquired during education and training will have a positive impact on the
organization. Human resources are useful for organizations because of their
flexibility and adaptability, individual improvement, competence, development
of organizational competencies, and individual work. Human capital is
positively related to organizational performance (Kalangi, 2015).

Human resource management is the art and science of procurement,

development and utilization of human resources so that organizational goals are
realized in a useful manner and the work enthusiasm of all workers. Human
resource management is defined as the activities of planning, procurement,
development, maintenance and use of human resources to achieve goals both
individually and organizationally. Human resource management is a
management activity that includes the utilization, development, assessment,
giving remuneration for humans as individual members of organizations or
business enterprises (Manik & Syafrina, 2018).

Leadership is a process affecting the activities of a person or group of people in
an effort to achieve a goal in certain situations. Understanding leadership as an
effort to use this type of influence is not a compulsion to motivate people to
achieve certain goals. Leadership is the way a person influences the behavior of
subordinates, in order to cooperate and work productively to achieve
organizational goals. Leadership is also the ability to influence the activities of
others through communication, both individuals and groups towards achieving
goals. In leadership there are elements such as leaders, led groups, goals,
activities, interactions and strengths. Leadership is an ability that is inherent in
a person who leads depending on various factors both internal and
external (Lina, 2014).

Leadership is also the use of influence in the device or organizational situation,

which produces something meaningful and has a direct impact on challenging
goals. Leadership is the ability to give constructive influence to other people to
make a cooperative effort to achieve planned goals (Trang, 2013).

Leadership is the process of directing, influencing, and supervising other people

to work on tasks in accordance with the planned order. Leadership is a process
affecting group activities in efforts to formulate and achieve goals (Sariadi,

Leadership has implications for three main things, namely 1) leadership

involves 'other people', subordinates or followers, their willingness to receive
direction from the leader. If there are no followers, there will be no
leader. Without subordinate all leadership qualities of a superior will become


irrelevant. It means that effective leaders must know how to inspire and
establish relationships with their followers. 2) Leadership is a 'process', so that
it can lead. Leaders must do something; leadership is more than just occupying
an authority position. Even though the formalized position of authority may
greatly encourage the leadership process, but simply occupying that position is
not sufficient to make someone a leader. 3) Leadership must 'persuade' other
people to take action. Leaders persuade followers through various means such
as using legitimate authority, creating models (role models), setting goals,
giving rewards and punishments, restructuring organizations, and
communicating a vision (Harimisa, 2013).

The leadership style is assumed to be the application of certain styles, attitudes

or behaviors that will change leaders and create new behaviors from leaders so
that they become more effective. Effective leaders applying their leadership
styles must first understand the individual characteristics of their subordinates,
understand the strengths and weaknesses of their subordinates, and understand
how to use subordinate strengths to compensate for their weaknesses (Pradita,

Leadership style is a set of characteristics used by leaders to influence

subordinates so that organizational goals are achieved or it can also be said that
leadership styles are behavioral patterns and strategies that are liked and often
applied by a leader. So that the most appropriate leadership style is a style that
can maximize productivity, job satisfaction, growth and easily adapt to all
situations (Sariadi, 2013).

Leadership style is the behavior or method chosen and used by leaders in

influencing the thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and behavior of the members of the
organization or subordinates. Relationships between leaders and subordinates
can be measured through the assessment of workers on leadership styles of
leaders in directing and fostering their subordinates to carry out
work. Specifically, there are five main elements which are the essence of
leadership, namely elements of leaders or people who influence, elements of
people who are led as influenced parties, elements of interaction or activities /
businesses and processes influence, elements of goals to be achieved in the
process of influencing, and elements of behavior / activities carried out as a
result of influencing. In addition, there are five leadership functions, namely
decision-making functions, instructive functions, consultative functions,
participatory functions, and delegation functions (Susanty & Baskoro, 2012).

Leadership style is a pattern of behavior that is designed in such a way as to

influence subordinates in order to maximize the performance of their
subordinates so that organizational performance and organizational goals can
be maximized. A leader must implement a leadership style to manage his
subordinates because a leader will greatly influence the success of the
organization in achieving its goals. Leadership style is a way used by leaders to
interact with their subordinates. Meanwhile, another opinion states that
leadership style is a pattern of behavior (words and actions) of a leader that is
felt by others. There are five leadership styles namely


1) The type of autocratic leader, an autocratic leader is a leader who

considers the organization as private property, identifies personal goals with
organizational goals, considers that as a tool solely, does not want to accept
criticism, suggestions and opinions, too dependent on formal power, in the act
of driving it often uses an approach that contains elements of coercion and
2) The type of militaristic leader, a militaristic type leader has the
characteristics to move his subordinate command system that is often used, in
moving his subordinates happy to depend on rank and position, happy to
excessive formality, demanding high discipline and stiffness from his
3) The type of paternalistic leader considers that as an immature human
being, overprotective, rarely gives an opportunity to his subordinates to make
decisions, rarely gives opportunities to subordinates to take initiatives, rarely
gives opportunities to subordinates to develop creative and fantasy powers,
often behave want to know.
4) A charismatic type of leader, a charismatic leader is very necessary but
a negative character trumps a positive character.
5) Type of democratic leader, knowledge of leadership has proven that the
type of democratic leader is the most appropriate for modern organizations
because he likes to receive suggestions, opinions, and even criticism from
subordinates, always trying to prioritize teamwork in an effort to achieve goals,
always trying to make more successful than him, always trying to develop his
personal capacity as a leader.

There is another opinion, four types of leadership styles, namely

1) charismatic leadership style that has the main characteristics:

a) vision and articulation, has a vision aimed at ideal goals that hope the future
is better than the status quo, and able to clarify the importance of understandable
vision other people.
b) Personal risk, charismatic leaders are willing to take high personal risks, bear
huge costs, and engage in self-sacrifice to achieve vision.
c) Sensitive to the environment, they are able to realistically assess the
environmental and resource constraints needed to make changes.
d) Sensitivity to the needs of followers, charismatic leaders’ perspective (very
understanding) to the abilities of others and responsive to their needs and
e) Unconventional behavior, charismatic leaders engage in behavior that is
considered new and contrary to the norm.

2) Transactional leadership style, transactional leaders are leaders who guide or

motivate their followers towards the goals set by clarifying the requirements of
roles and tasks. Transactional leadership style focuses on leader-subordinate
relationships without any effort to create change for subordinates. There are
four characteristics of transactional leaders:

a) Contingent returns: reward exchange contracts for efforts made, promising

rewards for good performance, acknowledging achievement.


b) Exception based management (active): seeing and looking for deviations

from rules and standards, taking corrective actions.
c) Management based on exceptions (passive): intervening only if the standard
is not met.
d) Laissez- Faire: take off responsibility, avoid making decisions.

3) Transformational leadership style, transformational leaders pay attention to

the things and development needs of each follower. Transfrational leaders
change followers' awareness of problems by helping them view old problems in
new ways, and they are able to excite, arouse, and inspire followers to spend
extra efforts to reach the group's goals. There are four characteristics of a
transformational leader, namely:

a) charisma by providing a vision and sense of mission, instilling pride, gaining

respect and trust.
b) Inspiration: communicating high expectations, using symbols to focus on
effort, simply illustrates important intentions.
c) Intellectual stimulation: encouraging intelligence, rationality, and
understanding the problem carefully.
d) Individual considerations: giving personal attention, serving employees
personally, training and advising.

4) Visionary leadership style, the ability to create and articulate a vision that is
reaslitis, credible, and interesting about the future of an organization that is
growing and improving. This vision, if selected and implemented appropriately,
has great power that can lead to an initial leap into the future by generating
skills, talents, and resources to make it happen (Tampi, 2014).

The organizational commitment of employees to continue working as part of an
organization will increase if it is supported by high motivation from employees
who are related to their work. Employee motivation is very effective to improve
organizational commitment and employee performance where motivational
factors can be measured through intrinsic factors, namely achievement and
interest needs and extrinsic factors, namely job security, salary, and promotion
(Prihantoro, 2012).

Organizational commitment is considered important for the company because it

affects employee turnover, is related to performance which assumes that
employees who have a commitment to the company tend to develop greater
efforts on the company (Prihantoro, 2012).

The word motivation has a basic motive which means encouragement, cause or
reason for someone to do something. Motivation is a condition that encourages
or becomes because someone does an act / re-activity takes place consciously.
Motivation is a mental condition that encourages an action to take place and
provides strength that leads to achieving needs, giving satisfaction or reducing
discontinuity. Motivation is a potential force that exists in a human person,
which can be developed independently or developed by a number of external
forces, essentially revolving around material rewards and non-material benefits


that can positively or negatively affect the results of their performance

depending on on the situation and conditions faced by the person concerned
(Rahmawati, 2013).

Motivation questions how to cooperate productively to achieve and realize

predetermined goals, work and enthusiastically achieve optimal results.
Motivation as work carried out by a manager to give enthusiasm and
encouragement to employees to take actions. The provision of encouragement
aims to encourage employees to be enthusiastic and to achieve results as desired
by the person (Rahmawati, 2013).

Motivation is a condition or energy that moves self-directed or directed

employees to achieve goals, company organizations or those aimed at achieving
the goals of the company's organization. The mental attitude of employees who
are pro and positive towards work situations is what strengthens their work
motivation to achieve maximum performance. Motivation consists of four
dimensions, namely work evaluation, salary increase, bonus and promotion
opportunities. Job evaluation is an opportunity to get more commissions that are
expected to increase work productivity. Increase in salary, the opportunity to
obtain more conditions to be able to increase productivity and work results.
Giving bonuses aims to increase work motivation and increase work
productivity. Giving the same promotion every employee can improve
employee performance (Rahmawati, 2013).

Motivation builds hypotheses that are used to explain initiation, direction,

intensity, and behavior directed at goals, such as the need for achievement, the
need for affiliation, incentives (rewards or punishments), habits, differences,
and curiosity. Motivation is a process that explains the intensity, direction, and
perseverance of an individual to achieve his goals. Motivation is divided into
two, namely motivation from within oneself (intrinsic motivation) and
motivation from outside oneself (extrinsic motivation). Motivation is an
important factor in improving employee performance. Motivated employees are
those who carry out substantial efforts in order to achieve organizational
performance and goals (Pradita, 2017).

Motivation means that the whole process of giving motivation works to

subordinates in such a way that they want to work sincerely in order to achieve
organizational goals efficiently and economically. Psychologically, a very
important aspect in work leadership is the extent to which leaders are able to
influence the motivation of their HR work so that they are able to work
productively with full responsibility (Sariadi, 2013).

Motivation can be defined as an urge in employees to do their utmost in carrying

out their duties, because they believe that with the success of the organization
in achieving its goals and objectives, the personal interests of the members of
the organization will be preserved as well. Motivation also means a series of
attitudes and values that influence individuals who achieve specific things
according to individual goals (Rumondor, 2013).


Work motivation is encouragement or enthusiasm that arises in a person or

employee to do something or work because of external stimuli both from the
boss and the basis for fulfilling needs and satisfaction, and fulfilling
responsibility for the tasks given and carried out in organization (Tampi, 2014).

Motivation to work is not only in the form of economic needs, but also in the
form of appreciation from the environment, achievement, social status which is
an immaterial social reward. The main motivations in increasing employee work
productivity are job satisfaction, measuring the potential of jobs that provide
satisfaction, job design that motivates work, social factors in motivation, giving
incentives and rewards for motivation, training, opportunities to develop
(promotion), motivation and progress business (Hutabarat, 2016).

Motivation for people to work is to get appropriate benefits from what they have
done for the company, one of which is in the form of financial
incentives. Adapaun indicator of employee motivation is the feeling of pleasure
from employees working in this office, coming to work on time, not going home
ahead of work hours, completing assignments on time, carrying out tasks
diligently and diligently, responsible for tasks assigned by
superiors. Motivation is a driver or driver for someone to want to act and work
hard in accordance with their duties and obligations (Harimisa, 2013).

Motivation theory is divided into two drives, namely motivation as an internal

drive and motivation as an external drive. Some models or theories about
motivation are in line with the view that motivation is an encouragement in that
is the motivation theory of the needs of Abraham Maslow, X and Y theory, three
needs theory, and motivation-hygiene-theory. The motivation theory of the
needs of Abraham Maslow states that humans are motivated to satisfy the
inherent needs of every human being that tends to be innate. Theory X and Y
mentions that humans of type X do not like work and always want to avoid work
and responsibilities if possible so that the type of human X includes having a
low level of needs. Whereas type Y humans show the nature of being happy to
work, have initiative and are not happy to be directed because they have the
ability to make decisions so that the type of person who has high needs In three
needs theory, it was stated that three human needs include the need for
achievement, namely the desire to do something better than before, the need
for power, the need to be more powerful, and the affiliate's need to be liked and
develop or maintain friendship with people others (Wijaya & Andreani, 2015) .

Abraham Maslow's motivational theory says that in all human beings there are
five levels of needs, namely physiology (hunger, thirst, protection (clothing and
housing), sex, and other physical needs), security (safety and protection for
physical and emotional harm), social (including affection, belonging,
acceptance, and friendship), appreciation (self-respect factors such as self-
esteem, autonomy, and achievement, as well as external factors such as status,
recognition, and attention), self-actualization (encouragement to be someone /
something according to his ambition that includes growth, achievement of
potential, and fulfillment of self needs). McClelland's theory says three points,
namely the need for achievement (the drive to outperform, achievement with
respect to a set of standards, grappling for success), the need for power (the need


to make other people behave in ways that people will not behave in such a way),
the need for affiliation (the desire for friendly and intimate interpersonal
relationships) (Tampi, 2014).

Motivation questions how to direct the power and potential possessed by

subordinates so that subordinates are willing to work productively to achieve
and realize their intended goals. Motivation is important because motivation can
be a cause, channel, or supporter of a person's behavior so that the person is
willing to work hard and be enthusiastic to achieve optimal results (Susanty &
Baskoro, 2012).

Some motivational models that are influenced by what is learned include

expectation theory, balance or justice theory, reinforcement theory, and goal
setting theory. Expectation theory states that the tendency to act in a certain way
depends on the strength of an award that the action will be followed by a certain
output and on the attractiveness of the output that is influenced by three factors
or the relationship between the level of effort and performance. rewards, reward
relationships with personal goals. The theory of balance or justice states that
employees compare the input and output of work with other employees, then
respond to eliminate injustice. Reinforcement theory states that the factors that
motivate a person in doing work are the rewards that will be received from
carrying out a job. The goal setting theory states that work that can motivate is
a job whose level of difficulty is moderate, clear, and accepted by the
implementer (Wijaya & Andreani, 2015).

Some ways that need to be done to be able to build motivation, namely assessing
attitudes, being a good manager, improving communication, creating a culture
of not blaming, winning cooperation, encouraging initiatives. Motivational
indicators are employee behavior, employee business, employee
persistence. Good employee behavior at work shows that employees are
motivated at work. The hard work done by employees indicates that employees
are motivated at work. The high tenacity of employees in work shows that
employees have high motivation (Wijaya & Adreani, 2015).

Motivation is the willingness to issue a high level of effort for organizational

goals that is conditioned by the ability of that effort in meeting several
individual needs. Motivation is the result of three components, namely valence,
expectancy and instrumentality. Valence refers to the strength of one's
preference for reward. Expectancy is a strong level of confidence that work
effort will result in the completion of a task. Expectations are expressed as
possible estimates of employees about the degree to which the achievements
achieved are determined by the efforts made. Instrumentality shows employees'
confidence that they will get a reward if the task can be completed (Setiawan,

Every organization in the form of a company or other institution will always
strive so that the employees involved in the activities of the organization can
provide the highest possible level of work productivity in order to realize the
organizational goals that have been previously set. Productivity is a comparison
between the results achieved (output) and the overall resources used


(input). The concept of productivity generally links output and

input. Productivity is defined as a measure of the use of resources in an
organization which is usually expressed as the ratio of output achieved with the
resources used. Productivity is closely related to effectiveness and
efficiency. Another definition of work productivity, namely: productivity is the
ability to get the maximum benefit from available facilities and infrastructure
by producing (output) optimal even if possible the maximum. It can be
concluded that work productivity is a comparison between the effectiveness of
producing output with the efficient use of input all of which are views on
improving the quality of employees desired or needed in order to achieve
company goals. To measure the increase in employee work productivity, the
employee productivity analysis tool can use amount and time, quality or quality,
efficiency and effectiveness (Harimisa, 2013).

Productivity is expressed as a comparison between the results achieved with the

overall power or production factors used. While pro- work productivity is a
comparison between the results achieved with the participation of labor unity
of time. Another definition of work productivity is a comparison between the
results achieved with the participation of labor unity in time (Rumondor, 2013).

Work productivity is a behavior that is expressed by individuals or groups. In

terms of behavior, a person's personality often places himself in various forms
of attitudes, ways of thinking and ways of acting on various things that affect a
person's personality or organization that are reflected in his behavior which in
turn will affect his performance. Situation factors influence the level of
performance achieved by a person, a supportive situation such as the existence
of good business facilities, a quiet space, recognition of the opinions of other
colleagues, leaders who understand the needs of employees and are not
authoritarian but democratic. Supporting work systems will certainly encourage
the achievement of high performance rather than working conditions that do not
support where there are authoritarian leaders, unsatisfactory services, pressure
on roles, of course will lead to low employee performance (Rahmawati, 2013).

Work productivity is defined as concrete results (products) produced by

individuals or groups during a certain unit of time in a work process. In this
case, how the workforce is able to complete the work by producing output in a
relatively shorter time. In other words, productivity will be achieved when the
production process requires shorter time. The concept of productivity develops
from technical understanding to understanding of behavior. Productivity in the
technical sense refers to the degree of effectiveness and efficiency in the use of
various resources, while in the sense of productivity behavior is a mental
attitude that always strives to continue to develop (Rismayadi, 2015).

Technically productivity is a comparison between the results achieved and the

overall resources used, while labor productivity is a comparison between the
results achieved with the labor market per unit time and as a benchmark if the
expansion and activities of the source attitudes used during productivity take
place with compare the amount produced with each source used.
Philosophically, productivity is a mental attitude that is always trying and has


the view that a life today is better than yesterday and tomorrow is better than
today (Manik & Syafrina, 2018).

The concept of productivity can basically be seen from two dimensions, namely
individual dimensions and organizational dimensions. The assessment of
productivity problems from the individual dimension is nothing but seeing
productivity especially in relation to the characteristics of individual
personality. In this context the essence of the notion of productivity is a mental
attitude that always has the view that the quality of life today must be better than
yesterday, and tomorrow must be better than today (Rismayadi, 2015).

Factors that influence the work productivity of company employees can be

classified into two groups, first, concerning the quality and physical abilities of
employees which include the level of education, training, work motivation,
work ethic, mental and physical abilities of employees. Second, in the form of
supporting facilities including work environment (production, production
facilities and equipment, work safety level) and employee welfare (management
and industrial relations). The main conditions of employees are very important
and determine the level of employee productivity, namely education and
training, motivation, age, discipline, skills, income level, environment and work
experience, and mastery of equipment. The hope is that employees will be more
passionate and have enthusiasm at work and ultimately be able to improve the
quality of work, increase production and work productivity (Rismayadi, 2015).

Factors that influence employee work productivity include

1) Mental attitude in the form of work motivation, work discipline and

work ethics.
2) Education and training, in general people who have higher education
will have broader insights, especially appreciation of the importance of
3) Skills, in certain aspects if employees are more skilled, they will be
better able to work and use work facilities properly. Employees will be more
skilled if they have the ability (ability) and experience (experience) that is
4) Management, relating to the system applied by the leadership to manage
or lead and control staff or subordinates.
5) Industrial relations, by creating a harmonious and dynamic working
relationship between leaders and subordinates in the organization will create
work calm so that they can motivate productively, and can foster active
participation in efforts to increase productivity.
6) Income level, if the level of income is adequate, it can lead to a
concentration of work and the ability possessed can be used to increase
7) Nutrition and health, if employees can be fulfilled with nutrition and
having healthy body, it will be stronger to work, especially if they have high
morale, they will be able to improve their work productivity.
8) Social security, social security provided by an organization to its
employees is intended to increase service and morale.


9) The environment and work climate, environment and good work climate
will encourage employees to enjoy working and increase their sense of
responsibility to do work better towards increasing productivity.
10) Production facilities, quality of production facilities affect the increase
in productivity, if the production facilities used are not good then it can cause
waste of material used.
11) Technology, if the technology is used correctly and is more advanced in
its level, it will enable timely completion of the production process, more
production and quality will be produced, minimizing the occurrence of waste
material waste (Harimisa, 2013).

The six main factors that determine work productivity are work attitudes
(willingness to work in turns, can receive additional tasks and work in a team),
skill level (determined by education, training in management and supervision,
and skills in industrial engineering), the relationship between labor with
leadership (reflected in joint ventures between organizational leaders and labor
to increase productivity), productivity management (efficient management of
work sources and systems to achieve productivity levels), labor efficiency
(workforce planning in addition to tasks), entrepreneurship (reflected in risk
taking, creativity in trying, and on the right track in trying). The characteristics
of workers are intelligent and can learn relatively quickly, are competent
professionally, creatively and innovatively, understand work, study smartly, use
logic, are efficient, not easily jammed at work, always look for improvements
but know when to stop, are considered valuable by their superiors, have a good
track record, always improve themselves.

Basically, productivity improvements can be grouped into four forms, namely

a reduction in a small amount of resources to obtain the same amount of
production, a reduction in the resources available to obtain a larger amount of
production, the use of the same amount of resources to obtain a larger amount
of production, the use of a number of sources more power to get a much larger
amount of production. Factors that influence the productivity of company
workers can be classified into three groups, namely quality and ability
(influenced by the level of education, training, work motivation, work ethic,
mental, and physical abilities of the workers concerned), supporting facilities,
and supra facilities. Supporting facilities are grouped into two, including 1)
concerning the work environment including technology and methods of
production, facilities and production equipment used, the level of occupational
safety and health, and the atmosphere in the work environment itself, 2)
concerning the welfare of workers reflected in the wage system and social
security and guaranteed continuity of work. Supra facilities are very strategic
management roles to increase productivity, namely by combining and utilizing
all production facilities, implementing management functions, creating work
systems and division of labor, placing the right people in the right jobs, and
creating safe working conditions and environments and comfortable. It can be
said that the factors that affect work productivity require the active role of
management because in creating resources that are of high quality and have high
abilities in their fields must be supported by the existence of facilities and
infrastructure, and appropriate management so that productivity improvements
can be achieved.


Work productivity is a universal concept that applies to all systems because each
activity requires productivity in its implementation. Productivity is a
comparison of the results of the activities that should be. Within the company,
this productivity can be used as a measure of the effectiveness of the use of
inputs or use of equipment (facilities or facilities) in the production of the
company concerned. Labor productivity is a renewal of life and cultural views
with a mental attitude to start work and opportunities for achievement and so
on. Increased productivity can be seen in three forms, namely the amount of
productivity increases by using the same resources, the same or increasing
number of production is achieved by using less resources, the amount of
production that is far greater is obtained with relatively smaller resource
increase (Suroyo, 2016).

Increasing productivity for companies has the benefit of strengthening the

competitiveness of companies because they can produce with lower costs and
better quality of production, support the sustainability and development of
companies because with increased productivity, companies will benefit from
new investments. At the individual level, increasing productivity means first
increasing income and other social security. This will increase the ability
(power) to buy goods and services or the necessities of daily living so that
welfare will be better. Second, improve the nature and dignity and channel the
potential of individuals. Third, increasing desire for achievement and work
motivation (Suroyo, 2016).

Indicators that can show employee work productivity include employee work
discipline, improving employee performance, employee responsibility (Hidayat
& Hasanah, 2016).

The indicators used to determine employee work productivity are absenteeism

levels because attendance is data that involves employees' responsibilities
towards the implementation of their respective tasks, and the level of labor
turnover because the size of employee turnover that occurs can indicate whether
or not there is pleasure employees work for the company that is. To measure
work productivity, an indicator is needed as follows (Manik & Syafrina, 2018):

1. Ability. Has the ability to carry out tasks. The ability of an employee is
very dependent on the skills possessed and their professionalism at work. This
provides the power to complete the tasks that are assigned to them.
2. Increase the results achieved. Trying to improve the results achieved.
Results are one that can be felt by those who work and who enjoy the results of
the work. So, efforts to utilize work productivity for each of those involved in a
3. Work spirit. This is an effort to be better than yesterday. This indicator
can be seen from the work ethic and the results achieved in one day are then
compared with the previous results.
4. Self development. Develop yourself to improve work ability. Self-
development can be done by looking at the challenges and expectations of what
will be faced. Because the stronger the challenge, self-development is


absolutely necessary. Likewise, the expectation to be better in turn will greatly

affect the desire of employees to improve their abilities.
5. Quality. Trying to improve quality better than the past. Quality is the
result of work that can show the quality of work of an employee. So, improve
quality to provide the best results which in turn will be very useful for the
company and itself.
6. Efficiency. Comparison between the results achieved with the overall
resources used. Inputs and outputs are productivity aspects that have a
significant influence on employees.

The relationship between motivation and work productivity

The whole process of giving motivation to subordinates is such that they want
to work sincerely in order to achieve organizational goals effectively and
efficiently. Work situations that can affect work motivation are company
policies such as wage scales and employee benefits (cuffs, pensions, and
benefits), generally having a small impact on individual performance. The
system of remuneration or rewards, salary increases, bonuses and promotions
can be a powerful motivator for one's achievements if managed effectively.
Wages must be associated with increased productivity so that why wages are
given, and wages should be seen as something fair by other people in the work
group. To encourage higher work productivity, many companies adhere to the
incentive system as part of the system that applies to company employees, one
of which is the provision of incentives (Rahmawati, 2013).

Motivation is a condition in a person who encourages the desire of individuals

to carry out certain activities in order to achieve goals. If someone is motivated
or motivated, the work done will be satisfactory. Motivation in employees is
needed to be able to increase employee productivity itself. With motivation, an
employee will be encouraged to do better work than before, and this will
increase their productivity (Rismayadi, 2015).

This research was conducted at PT. Prudential Life Assurance Cipaganti
Bandung branch office with the object of research for all employees who are
still actively working from January 1, 2016 to November 30, 2016. The
independent variables in this study are leadership style and motivation, the
dependent variable used is work productivity. The population of this study is
employees of PT. The Cipaganti branch Prudential Life Assurance is 150 people
and the sample taken is the same as the population of 150 people. The sampling
technique used is saturated side where the number of samples is equal to the
population of 150 people. The statistical tests applied in the research are
classical assumptions, multiple linear regression, correlation coefficient,
coefficient of determination.

The Results of Statistical Tests

Tests carried out on the independent variables of leadership style and

motivation, dependent variable work productivity. Based on the validity test, it
was found that the variables of leadership style, motivation and work


productivity were valid. From the reliability test it was found that the value of
Cronbach's Alpa variable was leadership style 0.794, motivation 0.970, and
work productivity 0.864. The three variables used in this study have the value
of Cronbach's Alpa > 0.70, it can be concluded that the three variables are

Classical assumption test was carried out by another: normality test and
multicollinearity test. Based on the normality test, it was obtained that the
significance value of the leadership style variable was 0.065, motivation was
0.063, and work productivity was 0.068. The multicollinearity test carried out
resulted in the VIF value for the leadership style variable and the motivation of
each of them having the same value of 7.657, while the tolerance value for the
leadership style and motivation variables were each of the same value, 0.131.

The multiple regression analysis performed produces a constant value of 3.965,

the coefficient of leadership style is 1.431 and the coefficient of motivation is -

The correlation coefficient between leadership style and work productivity is

0.946 and the correlation coefficient between motivation and work productivity
is 0.876. While the correlation coefficient between motivation and leadership
style is 0.932. The coefficient of determination between leadership style and
motivation on work productivity is 0.895 or 89.5%.

This study did not carry out t-Test and F-Test because the number of samples
taken was the same as the number of population or in other words this research
conducted a census of all employees in the company.

Variables of leadership style, motivation and work productivity are valid,
meaning there are no instruments that need to be eliminated and then continued
testing. Variables of leadership style, motivation and work productivity are
reliable, meaning that these three variables are reliable and not conflicting.

The normality test results in the variables of leadership style, motivation and
work productivity used in this study showing normal distribution, meaning that
a decent regression model is used to predict the increase in work productivity
based on input variables of leadership style and motivation. In other words, the
data can be said to meet the requirements for multiple linear regression analysis.
Multicollinearity test produces a tolerance value of ≠ 0 so it can be said that
there is no relationship between leadership style and motivation. While the
value of VIF obtained for leadership style and motivation variables <10, it can
be said that there is no collinearity between the independent variables of
leadership style and motivation. Thus the multiple regression line model used
for the independent variable of leadership style and motivation with the
dependent variable of work productivity is appropriate.

From multiple regression analysis it can be concluded that if motivation does

not experience change and leadership style increases, work productivity will


increase. While every increase in motivation will affect the decline in work
productivity if the leadership style does not change.

The correlation coefficient between leadership style and work productivity is

between 0800 - 1.00, meaning that the relationship between leadership style and
productivity is very strong. Similarly, what happens between motivation and
work productivity, the correlation coefficient value is between 0800 - 1.00,
meaning that the relationship between motivation and work productivity is very
strong. And the motivation correlation coefficient value with leadership style is
between 0800 - 1.00, meaning the relationship between motivation and
leadership style is very strong too. The coefficient of determination shows that
the leadership style and motivation variables contribute significantly to work
productivity but there are still other factors that affect such welfare programs
and bonuses.

The results of this statistical test are also the same as the results of previous
studies that there is an influence of leadership and organizational culture on the
performance of employees with the reward system as a moderating variable
(Lina, 2014), there was an influence of leadership style and characteristics of
marketers on the motivation and performance of marketers (Pradita, 2017),
leadership style and organizational culture have an influence on employee
performance in BPKP Representatives of North Sulawesi Province (Trang,
2013), leadership style and motivation influence the performance of employees
in the TNI Secretariat section AL Lantamal VIII in Manado (Sariadi, 2013).
Another states that motivation, work discipline, and leadership have an
influence on work productivity in the Staffing and Training Agency of the South
Minahasa Region (Rumondor, 2013). There is an influence of motivation and
compensation on the performance of employees at PT. Sinar Jaya Abadi
Bersama (Wijaya & Andreani, 2015), there is an influence of work motivation
and leadership style on work discipline and its impact on employee performance
at PT. PLN (Persero) APD Semarang (Susanty & Baskoro, 2012), there is an
influence of leadership style and motivation on the performance of employees
of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia, TBK Regional Sales Manado (Tampi, 2014).
Another mentions that motivation in the form of salaries, bonuses and
promotions has a significant influence on the work productivity that is formed.
But partially, salaries and promotions do not have a significant effect on the
work productivity that is formed (Rahmawati, 2013). Another said competency,
work facilities, motivation and work experience significantly influence the
amount of work productivity. But partially, work facilities and work experience
do not significantly influence the size of work productivity (Syarif et al., 2014).
Another mentions work motivation, work experience and age of employees
significantly influence work productivity. But partially, the level of education
does not significantly influence work productivity (Rismayadi, 2015). Verbal
and verbal communication is a very strong relationship and has a significant
effect on employee work productivity (Hidayat & Hasanah, 2016). Motivation
had a significant effect on the performance of employees at the executive level
in the Operations Division of PT. Pusri Palembang (Setiawan, 2015). After
improvements to the layout and elements of the work movement, there was an
increase in labor productivity in the home industry of the XYZ cake (Sari et al.,


2013). Discipline has a negative effect on employee productivity at PT. Bekasi

Myfast (Suroyo, 2016).

Based on the results of statistical tests and discussion, it can be concluded that
1) leadership style has an effect on employee work productivity and leadership
style has a strong relationship with the work productivity of employees at PT.
Prudential Life Assurance Cipaganti Branch Office. 2) Motivation affects the
work productivity of employees and Motivation has a strong relationship with
the work productivity of employees at PT. Prudential Life Assurance Cipaganti
Branch Office. 3) Leadership and motivation styles have a considerable
influence on the work productivity of employees at PT. Prudential Life
Assurance Cipaganti Branch Office. Suggestions for further research, research
can use moderating variables or add independent variables to variables
dependent on work productivity.

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