Sartorius Basic Sartorius Gem: Operating Instructions

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Operating Instructions

Sartorius Basiclite
Sartorius Gemlite
Electronic Precision Balances
and Precious Metal Scales

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Practical Use Contents

The Basiclite Series and Gemlite Series 2 Practical Use

from Sartorius offer precision balances/ 2 Contents
scales with capacities ranging from 2 Warning and Safety Information
0.1 mg to 12 kg. 3 Getting Started
These balances/scales meet the highest Operating the Balance/Scale
requirements on the accuracy and 8 Basic Weighing Function
reliability of weighing results through 9 Calibration/Adjustment
the following features: Application Programs
– Efficient filtering-out of unfavorable 10 Counting
ambient conditions such as vibrations, 12 Weighing in Percent
drafts, etc. 14 Weigh Averaging
– Stable and reproducible results 16 Net-Total Formulation/
– Rugged, durable weighing system Second Tare Memory
Basiclite balances and Gemlite scales 17 Toggle Between Weighing Units
save work and speed up simple routine Configuring the Balance/Scale
applications through: 18 Setting the Parameters (Menu Codes)
– Ultrafast response times 19 Balance/Scale Operating Menu
– Easy operation (Overview)
You can also choose from the following 20 Error Codes
extra functions for simple applications: 21 Care and Maintenance
– Toggling between weight units 22 Instructions for Recycling
– Net-total formulation (tare memory) Overview
– Counting 23 Specifications
– Weighing in percent 28 Accessories (Options)
– Averaging 29 C Marking

Warning and Safety Information

Read these operating instructions ! Do not use this balance/scale in a haz-
thoroughly before using your balance/ ardous area/location
scale to prevent damage to the equip-
ment. Keep these instructions in a safe – The only way to turn the power off
place. completely is to disconnect the AC
Follow the instructions below to ensure adapter
safe and trouble-free operation of your
balance/scale: – Connect only Sartorius accessories and
options, as these are optimally designed
!Make sure that the voltage rating for use with your balance/scale.
printed on the AC adapter is identical
to your local line voltage – Protect the AC adapter from contact
with liquid.
! Use only a commercially available
9-volt battery or rechargeable battery Do not open the balance/scale housing.
If the seal is broken, this will result in
forfeiture of all claims under the manu-
2 facturer’s warranty.

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Getting Started

Warranty Equipment Supplied

Do not miss out on the benefits of our The equipment supplied includes the
full warranty. Please contact your local components listed below:
Sartorius office or dealer for further BL210S, BL120S, BL60S, GC503, GC103
information. Complete the warranty – Balance/scale
registration card, if available indicating – Weighing pan
the date of installation, and return the – Pan support
card to your Sartorius office or dealer. – Shield ring
– Shield plate
Storage and Shipping Conditions – Dust cover
Do not expose the balance/scale to – AC adapter
shocks, vibration, moisture or extreme – Gem tray (only with GC models)
temperatures. – Calibration weight 100 g, F1
(only with model GC503)
Unpacking the Balance/Scale
§ After unpacking the balance/scale, BL150S
check it immediately for any visible – Balance/scale
damage as a result of rough handling – Weighing pan
during shipment. – Pan support
$ If you see any sign of damage, proceed – Glass draft shield with cover
as directed in the chapter entitled “Care – AC adapter
and Maintenance,” under the section on
“Safety Inspection.” Balances/scales with a readability
of >0.01g
Save the box and all parts of the – Balance/scale
packaging until you have successfully – Weighing pan
installed your balance/scale. Only – Pan support (only on models with a
the original packaging provides the best round weighing pan)
protection for shipment. Before – AC adapter
packing your balance/scale, unplug all
connected cables to prevent damage.

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Installation Instructions Conditioning the Balance/Scale:
Your balance/scale is designed to Moisture in the air can condense
provide reliable weighing results under on the surfaces of a cold balance/
normal ambient conditions. When scale whenever it is brought into a
choosing a location to set up your bal- substantially warmer place. If you
ance/scale, observe the following so transfer the balance/scale to a
that you will be able to work with warmer area, make sure to condition it
added speed and accuracy: for about 2 hours at room temperature,
– Set up the balance/scale on a stable, leaving it unplugged from AC power.
even surface
– Avoid placing the balance/scale in close Information
proximity to a heater or otherwise on Radio Frequency Interference
exposing the balance/scale to heat or Warning!
direct sunlight This equipment generates, uses and can
– Protect the balance/scale from drafts radiate radio frequency energy and, if
that come from open windows or doors not installed and used in accordance
– Avoid exposing the balance/scale to with the instruction manual, may cause
extreme vibrations during weighing interference to radio communications.
– Protect the balance/scale from It has been tested and found to comply
aggressive chemical vapors with the limits for a Class A computing
– Do not expose the balance/scale to device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15
extreme moisture over long periods of FCC Rules, which are designed to
provide reasonable protection against
such interference, when operated in a
commercial environment. Operation of
this equipment in a residential area is
likely to cause interference, in which
case the user, at his own expense, will
be required to take whatever measures
may be required to correct the

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Setting up the Balance/Scale
Balances/Scales with an Analytical Draft Shield

§ Place the components listed below inside the

chamber in the order given:
– Shield plate
– Shield ring
– Pan support
– Weighing pan
– Gem tray (only with GC models)

Balances/Scales with a Glass Draft Shield:

§ Place the components listed below inside

the chamber in the order given:
– Draft shield base – place it on the balance/scale so
that the edge for fitting the glass draft shield faces
upwards and turn it until it is firmly in place
– Pan support
– Weighing pan
– Glass draft shield
– Draft shield cover – place it on the balance/scale so
that the edge faces downwards

Balances/Scales with a Round Weighing Pan

§ Place the components listed below inside

the chamber in the order given:
– Pan support
– Weighing pan

Balances/Scales with a Rectangular Weighing Pan:

§ Place the weighing pan on the balance/scale

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Connecting the Balance/Scale to AC Power/
Safety Precautions
Use only original Sartorius AC adapters:
– for Europe: 6971948 – for the RSA: 6971949
– for the U.S.: 6971947 – for Australia: 6971950

§ Insert the right-angle plug into the jack

§ The AC adapter rated to Class 2 can be plugged into
any wall outlet without requiring any
additional safety precautions

The ground is connected to the balance/scale

housing, which can be additionally grounded
for operation.

Using a Non-Rechargeable/Rechargeable Battery

(not for models BL210S, BL120S, BL60S, BL150S,
BL1500S, GC503, GC103, GM1502, GM2202,

$ A non-rechargeable or rechargeable battery is not

included with the equipment supplied
!Use only a commercially available non-rechargeable
or rechargeable 9-volt battery
!When using a rechargeable battery, always use an
external charger to recharge the battery
§ Lay the balance/scale on its side
§ Open the battery compartment:
Lift the compartment cover

§ Insert the 9-volt (rechargeable) battery in the

$ Make sure to connect the positive and negative
poles correctly
!All used batteries are classified as waste
that requires special handling (not “household”
waste). Dispose of rechargeable batteries in accor-
dance with the applicable special waste disposal reg-
§ Close the battery compartment:
Press down on the cover until it clicks into place

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Selecting the Line Voltage (Mains Voltage)
Use the following original AC adapters for selecting
the line voltage:
– AC adapter TNG8, order no. 6971951 (universal)
– AC adapter TNG8, order no. 6971952 (for the U.K.)

● Use the switch to toggle between 230 V and 115 V

Leveling the Balance/Scale

(only for models BL210S, BL120S, BL60S, BL150S,
BL1500S, GC503, GC103, GM1502, GM2202,

Level the balance/scale any time you set it up in

a new location. Use only the 2 front feet of the
balance/scale for leveling.

§ Turn the 2 rear feet until they are in position

(only on models BL1500S and GM1502, GM2202
and GM1202)

§ Turn the 2 front feet as shown here in the illustra-

tion until the air bubble is centered in the level

> In most cases, this will require several adjustment


Anti-theft Locking Device

To protect against theft, use the mounting lug on
the rear panel of the balance/scale.

● Secure the balance/scale at the place of installation,

for example with a chain or a lock

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Operating the Balance/Scale

Basic Weighing Function

Available Features
– Taring the balance/scale
You can tare the balance/scale within the entire weighing range.

§ Turn on the balance/scale: Press e

§ To change configurations: See the chapter entitled “Configuring the Balance/Scale”

§ To load factory-set configurations: See “Configuring the Balance/Scale,” parameter 9 – 1

$ To tare the balance/scale: Press t

Additional Functions
§ To turn off the balance/scale: Press e

Basic weighing

Menu code settings: Factory-set codes

Step Key (or instruction) Display/Printout

1. Turn on the balance/scale e

Self-test is performed

2. Place container on balance/ + 52.0 g

scale (here: 52 g)

3. Tare the balance/scale t + 0.0 g

4. Place sample in container on + 150.2 g

balance/scale (here: 150.2 g)

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Always calibrate/adjust the balance/scale after setting it up in a new location.

Available Features
Calibration/adjustment can only be performed when
– there is no load on the balance/scale,
– the balance/scale is tared,
– the internal signal is stable.
If these conditions are not met, an error message is displayed.
The weight required for calibration/adjustment is displayed (see “Accessories” for
calibration weights; for model GC503 see “Equipment Supplied”).

On Basic lite balances, calibration/adjustment can be performed with any of three weight
units: g, kg**, or lb (menu code 1. 4. x)
Factory setting: Grams (menu code 1. 4. 1)

Calibrate the balance/scale

Menu code settings: Factory-set codes

Step Key (or instruction) Display/Printout

1. Turn on the balance/scale e

2. Tare the balance/scale t 0.0 g

3. Begin calibration t >2 sec. + 1000.0

Calibration weight is displayed
without weight unit (here: 1000 g)

4. Place the indicated calibration 1000.0

weight on the balance/scale

After calibration, the calibration + 1000.0 g

weight is displayed with wt. unit

5. Remove the calibration weight 0.0 g

* = “Calibration” technically means to determine the difference between the balance/scale readout
and the actual weight on the pan to determine the accuracy.
Adjustment means to bring a balance/scale into the state of accuracy required for its use.
Therefore, “calibration,” as used in this manual, actually means “adjustment.”
**= not on models with a readability of 0.1 mg

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Application Programs

With the Counting program you can determine
the number of parts that each have approximately
equal weight.

Available Features
– Store the current weight value to have it loaded
as the preset reference sample quantity next time
you initialize the Counting application
– The reference sample quantity can be changed
in the operating menu:
See “Configuring the Balance/Scale”
– The average piece weight is automatically
output via the optional data interface port after ini-
tialization, if the menu code for “Printout
with data ID codes” is set
– Press v to toggle the display between piece count
and weight

Factory Settings
Reference sample quantity: 10 (menu code 3. 3. 2)

§ Configure the Counting application
in the operating menu:
See “Configuring the Balance/Scale”
Menu code 2. 1. 4 Counting

§ Reference sample quantity:

Menu code 3. 3. 1 5 pcs
Menu code 3. 3. 2 10 pcs
Menu code 3. 3. 3 20 pcs
Menu code 3. 3. 4 50 pcs
Menu code 3. 3. 5 100 pcs

See also “Configuring the Balance/Scale”

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Determine an unknown piece count; weigh the preset reference sample quantity

Settings (changes in the factory settings required for this example):

Menu: Application program: Counting (menu code 2. 1. 4)
Reference sample quantity: 20 pcs (menu code 3. 3. 3)

Step Key (or instruction) Display/Printout

1. Turn on the balance/scale e

12. Tare the balance/scale t 0.0 g

13. Display the reference sample v >2 sec. ref 20 (briefly)

quantity (here: 20 pcs)

14. Place the reference sample + 66.0 g

quantity (20 pcs) on the
balance/scale (here: 66 g)

15. Start the application; if the v + 20 pcs

print format is set to include
data ID codes, the following
is printed: wRef + 3.300 g

16. Weigh uncounted parts + 174 pcs

(here: 174 pcs)

17. Display weight v + 574.2 g

18. Display quantity v + 174 pcs

19. Unload the balance/scale 0 pcs

10. Delete the reference value c

11. Repeat the procedure starting

from step 6, if desired.

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Weighing in Percent

This application program allows you to obtain
weight readouts in percent which are in proportion
to a reference weight.

Available Features
– Store the current weight value to have it loaded
as the preset reference percentage next time you ini-
tialize the Weighing in Percent application
– The reference percentage can be changed
in the operating menu:
See “Configuring the Balance/Scale”
– The reference percentage is automatically
output via the optional data interface port after ini-
tialization, if the menu code for “Printout
with data ID codes” is set
– Press v to toggle the display between
percentage and weight

Factory Settings
Reference percentage: 10 (menu code 3. 3. 2)

§ Configure the Weighing in Percent application
in the operating menu:
See “Configuring the Balance/Scale”
Menu code 2. 1. 5 Weighing in percent

§ Reference percentage:
Menu code 3. 3. 1 5%
Menu code 3. 3. 2 10 %
Menu code 3. 3. 3 20 %
Menu code 3. 3. 4 50 %
Menu code 3. 3. 5 100 %
See also “Configuring the Balance/Scale”

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Determine an unknown percentage; store the weight on the balance/scale as a reference

Settings (changes in the factory settings required for this example):

Menu: Application program: Weighing in percent (menu code 2. 1. 5)
Menu: Reference percentage 100 % (menu code 3. 3. 5)

Step Key (or instruction) Display/Printout

11. Turn on the balance/scale e

12. Tare the balance/scale t 0.0 g

13. Display the reference

percentage v > 2 sec. ref 100

14. Place the reference weight + 222.5 g

for 100% on the balance/scale
(here: 222.5 g)

15. Start application; if the print v + 100.00 %

format is set to include data
ID codes,
the following is printed: Wxx% + 222.500 g

16. Place an unknown weight + 144.94 %

on the balance/scale
(here: 322.5 g)

17. Display weight v + 322.5 g

18. Display percentage v + 144.94 %

19. Unload the balance/scale 0.00 %

10. Delete the reference percentage c

11. Repeat the procedure starting

from step 6, if desired.

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Weigh Averaging

Use this program to determine weights under
unstable ambient conditions. In this program, the
balance/scale calculates the weight as the average
value from a defined number of individual weighing
operations. These weighing operations are also
known as “subweighing operations” or “subweighs.”

Available Features
– The measured result displayed is the arithmetic
mean shown in the selected weight unit;
a triangle indicates that this is a calculated value
– You can set the number of subweighing
operations performed in the operating menu:
See “Configuring the Balance/Scale”
– Press v for at least 2 sec. to display
the preset number of subweighing operations
– Press v to toggle the display between
the calculated result and the weight

Factory Settings
Number of subweighs for averaging: 10 (3. 3. 2)

§ Configure the Weigh Averaging application
in the operating menu:
See “Configuring the Balance/Scale”
Menu code 2. 1.12 Averaging

– Number of subweighs for weigh averaging:

3. 3. 1 5 subweighs
3. 3. 2 10 subweighs
3. 3. 3 20 subweighs
3. 3. 4 50 subweighs
3. 3. 5 100 subweighs
See also “Configuring the Balance/Scale”

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Determine the weight of a sample in extremely unstable ambient conditions by calculating
the average of 10 subweighing operations.

Settings (changes in the factory settings required for this example):

Menu: Application program: Weigh Averaging (menu code 2. 1.12)

Step Key (or instruction) Display/Printout

1. Turn on the balance/scale e

2. Tare the balance/scale t 0.0 g

3. Display the number

of subweighs (here: 10) v >2 sec. ref 10 (briefly)

4. Place sample on the balance/ + 8888

scale (weight readout fluctuates;
here: about 275 g)

5. Start measurement v + 8888

After 10 subweighs + 275.5 g

If the print format is set

to include data ID codes,
the following is printed: RES + 275.5 g

6. Unload the balance/scale + 275.5 g G

(stable display)

7. Delete the result c

8. Repeat the procedure starting

from step 4, if desired.

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Net-Total Formulation/Second Tare Memory

With this application program you can weigh in components for formulation of a mixture.

Configure the Net-Total Formulation/Second Tare Memory application in the operating
menu: See “Configuring the Balance/Scale” Menu code 2.1.3


Step Key (or instruction) Display/Printout

1. Turn on the balance/scale e

2. Place an empty container on + 65.0 g

the balance/scale

3. Tare the balance/scale t

4. Add the first component + 120,5 g

5. Store the first component weight v 0.0 gNET

If the print format is set
to include data ID codes,
the following is printed: N1 + 120.5 g

6. Add the next component + 70,5 g

7. Store the 2nd component weight v 0.0 gNET

8. Add further components, As described

if desired for steps 5 and 6

9. Display total weight c + 191,0 g

and fill to desired final weight

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Toggle Between Weight Units

With this application program you can toggle the display of a weight value back and forth
between two weight units.

Configure the “Toggle Weight Units” application in the operating menu:

See “Configuring the Balance/Scale,” menu code 2.1. 2 Toggle weight units (Factory setting
on Gemlite models)

Menu code Unit Conversion factor Abbr. on

1. 7. 1 3. 1. 1 Taiwanese taels 4) 0.02666666000 o
(only selectable on Gemlite scales)
1. 7. 2 o 3. 1. 2 o Grams 1.00000000000 g
1. 7. 3 1) 3. 1. 3 1) Kilograms 0.00100000000 kg
1. 7. 4 2) 3. 1. 4 Carats 5.00000000000 ct
1. 7. 5 3. 1. 5 Pounds 0.00220462260 lb
1. 7. 6 3. 1. 6 Ounces 0.03527396200 oz
1. 7. 7 3. 1. 7 3) Troy ounces 0.03215074700 ozt
1. 7. 8 3. 1. 8 Hong Kong taels 0.02671725000 tlh
1. 7. 9 3. 1. 9 Singapore taels 0.02645544638 tls
1. 7. 10 3. 1. 10 Taiwanese taels 0.02666666000 tlt
1. 7. 11 3. 1. 11 Grains 15.43235835000 GN
1. 7. 12 3. 1. 12 Pennyweights 0.64301493100 dwt
1. 7. 13 3. 1. 13 Milligrams 1000.00000000000 mg
1. 7. 14 3. 1. 14 Parts per pound 1.12876677120 /lb
1. 7. 15 3. 1. 15 Chinese taels 0.02645547175 tlc
1. 7. 16 3. 1. 16 Mommes 0.26670000000 mom
1. 7. 17 3. 1. 17 Austrian carats 5.00000000000 K
1. 7. 18 3. 1. 18 Tola 0.08573333810 tol
1. 7. 19 3. 1. 19 Baht 0.06578947437 bat
1. 7. 20 3. 1. 20 Mesghal 0.21700000000 MS
1. 7. 22 3. 1. 22 lb/oz – Gemlite scales only 0.03527396200 o

ο = Factory setting
) = not for models with a readability of ≤ 0.2 mg
) = Factory setting only for model GC503
) = Factory setting only for GM models
) = Readability in increments of 1 digit

● To toggle the display between the 1st and 2nd weight units:
Press the v key

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Configuring the Balance/Scale

Setting the Parameters (Menu Codes)

You can configure your Basiclite balance or Gemlite scale to meet individual requirements
by selecting from the parameters available in the menu.

Example: Adapt the balance/scale to unstable ambient conditions:

Menu code 1 1 4

Step Key (or instruction) Display

1. Turn off the balance/scale e

2. Turn the balance/scale back on; e

while all segments
are displayed: t briefly 1.

$ To navigate within a menu t 2.

level; the last menu option is repeatedly ...
followed by the first option 9.

3. Select the 2nd menu level p 1. 1.

4. Select the 3rd menu level p 1. 1. 2 o

5. In Menu Level 3: t
Select the desired option repeatedly 1. 1. 4

6. Confirm new setting;

the “o” indicates the currently set p
option for 2 sec. 1. 1. 4 o
$ Select the next menu level
(here: move from the 3rd to
the 1st level) p 1.

$ Set other menu codes, if desired p, t

7. Store parameter settings t

and exit operating menu for 2 sec.
$ Exit operating menu without
storing changes e

> Restart the application 0.0 g

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Balance/Scale Operating Menu (Overview)
ο Factory setting
√ User setting
y setti leve
nu nu nu tor nu
Me Me Me Fac Me
Menu 1. Balance/ 1.1. Adapt filter 1.1.1 Minimum vibration
scale functions 1.1.2 ο Normal vibration
1.1.3 Strong vibration
1.1.4 Extreme vibration
1.3. Stability range 1.3.1 1/4 digit
1.3.2 1/2 digit
1.3.3 1 digit
1.3.4 ο 2 digits
1.3.5 4 digits
1.4. Weight unit for 1.4.1 ο Grams
calibration weight** 1.4.2 Kilograms1)
1.4.3 Pounds
1.6. Auto zero 1.6.1 ο On
1.6.2 Off
1.7. Weight unit 1 See “Toggle between Weight Units”
1.8. Display accuracy 1.8.1 ο Standard resolution
1.8.3 Increased resolution
2. Application 2.1. Program selection see the desired application program
programs description
3. Application 3.1. Weight unit 2 see “Toggle between Weight Units”
parameters 3.2. Display accuracy 3.2.1 ο Standard resolution
3.2.3 Increased resolution
3.3. Reference qty or % see the desired application program
5. through 7. applies only if an interface is installed; see the corresponding instructions
8. Extra functions 8.1. Menu 8.1.1 ο Parameter settings: alterable
8.1.2 Parameter settings: read only
8.2. External switch function applies only if an interface is installed;
see the corresponding instructions
8.3. Power-on mode 8.3.1 Off/on (battery shuts off
automatically after 3 min)
8.3.2 ο Standby/on
9. Reset menu 9.– Factory settings 9.– 1 Reset
9.– 2 ο Do not reset
* = only for GM models
** = only for BL models
) = not for models with a readability of 0.1 mg⁄
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Error Codes

Error codes are shown on the main display for approx. 2 seconds, after which the program
automatically returns to the weighing mode.

Display Cause Solution

No segments appear No AC power is available Check the AC power supply
on the display The AC adapter is not plugged in Plug in the AC adapter
Battery is dead Replace the battery
Recharge the battery using
an external charger
h The load exceeds the Unload the balance/scale
balance/scale capacity
l The weighing pan is not Place the weighing pan on
in place the balance/scale
Something is touching Move the object that is
the weighing pan touching the weighing pan
e 01 Display capacity exceeded: Decrease the weight on
Value to be output cannot the balance/scale
be shown on the display
e 02 Calibration parameter Calibrate only when zero
requirement not met; e.g.: is displayed
– balance/scale not zeroed Press t to tare the
– balance/scale is loaded Unload the balance/scale
e 09 When gross value < zero, no tare Tare the balance/scale
e 10 The t key is blocked when Press c to clear the
there is data in the second tare tare memory and release the
memory (net-total) – only 1 tare tare key
function can be used at a time
e 11 Value input is not allowed for Press t
second tare memory
e 22 Weight is too light or there is Increase the reference quantity
no sample on the balance/scale or sample amount
e 30 Interface port for printer Contact your local Sartorius
output is blocked Service Center
Max. weighing capacity The balance/scale was Place the weighing pan on the
is less than indicated turned on without the balance/scale and press e to
under “Specifications” weighing pan in place turn the balance/scale back on
The weight readout The balance/scale has not Calibrate/adjust the balance/
is obviously wrong been calibrated/adjusted scale
The balance/scale was not Tare before weighing
tared before weighing
If any other errors occur, please contact your local Sartorius Service Center.

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Care and Maintenance

Regular servicing by a Sartorius technician will
extend the service life of your balance/scale and
ensure its continued weighing accuracy. Sartorius
can offer you service contracts, with your choice of
regular maintenance intervals ranging from 1 month
to 2 years. The frequency of the maintenance inter-
vals depends on the user’s operating conditions and
the tolerance limits.

Repair work must be performed by trained service
technicians. Any attempt by untrained persons
to perform repairs may lead to hazards for the user.

!Disconnect the balance/scale from the AC adapter
and unplug any interface cables that are connected
to the balance/scale

!Make sure that no liquid enters the balance/scale


!Do not use any aggressive cleaning agents (solvents

or similar agents)

§ Clean the balance/scale using a piece of cloth which

has been wet with a mild detergent (soap)

§ After cleaning, wipe down the balance/scale with

a soft, dry cloth

Removing and Cleaning the Weighing Pan:

● Lift up and remove the weighing pan together
with the pan support by gripping them from under
the shield ring. Make sure that you do not damage
the weighing system in doing so.

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Safety Inspection
If there is any indication that safe operation of the
balance/scale with the AC adapter is no longer

§ Turn off the power and disconnect the equipment

from AC power immediately

> Lock the equipment in a secure place to ensure that

it cannot be used for the time being

Safe operation of the balance/scale with the AC

adapter is no longer ensured when:
– there is visible damage to the AC adapter

– the AC adapter no longer functions properly

– The AC adapter has been stored for a relatively long

period under unfavorable conditions

In this case, notify your nearest Sartorius Service

Center or the International Technical Support Unit
based in Goettingen, Germany. Maintenance and
repair work may only be performed by service tech-
nicians who are authorized by Sartorius and who
– have access to the required maintenance manuals

– have attended the relevant service training


Instructions for Recycling the Packaging

To ensure adequate protection for safe shipment,
your balance/scale has been packaged to the extent
necessary using environmentally friendly materials.
After successful installation of the balance/scale,
you should return this packaging for recycling
because it is a valuable source of secondary raw
For information on recycling options, including
recycling of old weighing equipment, contact your
municipal waste disposal center or local recycling

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Basiclite Series

Model BL210S BL120S BL60S

Weighing capacity g 210 120 60
Readability mg 0.1 0.1 0.1
Tare range (subtractive) g 210 120 60
Repeatability <±mg 0.1 0.1 0.1
Linearity <±mg 0.2 0.2 0.2
Operating temperature range +10…+30°C (50°F–86°F)
Allowable ambient
operating temperature +5…+40°C
Sensitivity drift within
+10…+30°C <±/K 2·10–6 2·10–6 2·10–6
Response time (average) s 3 3 3
Adaptation to ambient conditions By selection of 1 of 4 optimized filter levels
Display update (depends on
the filter level selected) s 0.1–0.4
External calibration weight g 200 (E2) 100 (E2) 50 (E2)
(of at least accuracy class…) lb 0.4 0.2 0.1
Net weight, approx. kg/lb 3.0/6.6 3.0/6.6 3.0/6.6
Pan size mm 80 Ø 80 Ø 80 Ø
inches 3.3 Ø 3.3 Ø 3.3 Ø
Weighing chamber height mm 200 200 200
inches 7.9 7.9 7.9
Dimensions (WxDxH) mm 189x251x299
inches 7.4x9.9x11.8
AC power source/power
requirements AC adapter, 230 V or 115 V, +15%…–20%
Frequency 48–60 Hz
Power requirements, direct current V 10 to 20
Power consumption (average) W 1 1 1
Hours of operation with the
YRB08Z rechargeable battery pack h 20 20 20

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Gemlite Series

Model GC503 GC103 GM1205

Weighing capacity 505 ct/101 g 105 ct/21 g 1200 g
Readability 0.001 ct/0.2 mg 0.001 ct/0.2 mg 50 mg
Tare range (subtractive) 505 ct/101 g 105 ct/21 g 1200 g
Repeatability <± 0.001 ct/0.2 mg 0.001 ct/0.2 mg 50 mg
Linearity <± 0.002 ct/0.4 mg 0.002 ct/0.4 mg 100 mg
Operating temperature range +10…+30°C
Allowable ambient
operating temperature +5…+40°C
Sensitivity drift within
+10…+30°C <±/K 2·10–6 2·10–6 2·10–5
Response time (average) s 3 3 2
Adaptation to ambient conditions By selection of 1 of 4 optimized filter levels
Display update (depends on
the filter level selected) s 0.2–0.4 0.2–0.4 0.2–0.8
External calibration weight g 100 (F1) 20 (F1) 1000 (F2)
(of at least accuracy class…) lb – – –
Net weight, approx. kg/lb 2.8/6.2 2.8/6.2 1.4/3.1
Pan size mm 80 Ø 80 Ø 174 x 143
inches 3.3 Ø 3.3 Ø 6.9 x 5.6
Weighing chamber height mm 133 133 –
inches 5.2 5.2 –
Dimensions (WxDxH) mm 189x251x233 189x251x233 189x251x70
inches 7.4x9.9x9.2 7.4x9.9x9.2 7.4x9.9x2.8
AC power source/power
requirements AC adapter, 230 V or 115 V, +15%…–20%
Frequency 48–60 Hz
Power requirements,
direct current V 10 to 20
Power consumption (average) W 1 1 0.75
Approx. hours of operation with:
– 9-volt battery, approx. h – – 11
– fully charged
rechargeable battery h – – 2.5
Hours of operation with the
YRB08Z rechargeable battery pack h 20 20 25

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Basiclite Series and Gemlite Series

Model BL150S GM2202 BL1500S, GM1202 BL610,

GM1502 GM612
Weighing capacity g 150 2200 1500 1200 610
Readability g 0.001 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Tare range (subtractive) g 150 2200 1500 1200 610
Repeatability <±g 0.0015 0.03 0.015 0.03 0.01
Linearity <±g 0.003 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02
Operating temperature range +10…+30°C (50°F…86°F)
Allowable ambient
operating temperature +5…+40°C
Sensitivity drift within <±
+10…+30°C /K 3.3·10–6 3.3·10–6 3.3·10–6 3.3·10–6 0.5·10–5
Response time (average) s 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2
Adaptation to ambient
conditions By selection of 1 of 4 optimized filter levels
Display update (depends on
the filter level selected) s 0.2–0.8
External calibration weight g 100 (F1) 2000 (F1) 1000 (F1) 1000 (F1) 500 (F2)
(of at least accuracy class…) lb* 0.2 – 2 – 1
Net weight, approx. kg
/lb 1.6/3.5 1.4/3.1 1.4/3.1 1.4/3.1 1.1/2.4
Pan size mm 100 Ø 174x143 174x143 174x143 116 Ø
inches 3.9 Ø 6.9x5.6 6.9x5.6 6.9x5.6 4.6 Ø
Dimensions (WxDxH) mm 189x251x70 (7.4x9.9x2.8 inches)
AC power source/power
requirements AC adapter, 230 V or 115 V, +15%…– 20%
Frequency 48–60 Hz
Power requirements,
direct current V 10 to 20
Power consumption (average) W 0.75
Approx. hours of operation with:
– 9-volt battery, approx. h – – – – 11
– fully charged
rechargeable battery h – – – – 2.5
Hours of operation with the
YRB08Z rechargeable
battery pack h 25

* = only for BL models

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Basiclite Series and Gemlite Series

Model BL310, GM212 BL150, BL6100,

GM312 GM152 GM6101
Weighing capacity g 310 210 150 6100
Readability g 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.1
Tare range (subtractive) g 310 210 150 6100
Repeatability <±g 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.1
Linearity <±g 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.2
Operating temperature range +10…+30°C (50°F…86°F)
Allowable ambient operating
temperature +5…+40°C
Sensitivity drift within <±
+10…+30°C /K 1·10–5 1·10–5 2·10–5 0.5·10–5
Response time (average) s 2 2 1.5 2
Adaptation to ambient
conditions By selection of 1 of 4 optimized filter levels
Display update (depends on
the filter level selected) s 0.2–0.8
External calibration weight g 100 (F2) 100 (F2) 100 (M1) 5000 (F2)
(of at least accuracy class…) lb* 0.2 – 0.2 10
Net weight, approx. kg
/lb 1.1/2.4 1.1/2.4 1.1/2.4 1.4/3.1
Pan size mm 116 Ø 116 Ø 116 Ø 174x143
inches 4.6 Ø 4.6 Ø 4.6 Ø 6.9x5.6
Dimensions (WxDxH) mm 189x251x70 (7.4x9.9x2.8 inches)
AC power source/power
requirements AC adapter, 230 V or 115 V, +15%…– 20%
Frequency 48–60 Hz
Power requirements,
direct current V 10 to 20
Power consumption (average) W 0.75
Approx. hours of operation with:
– 9-volt battery, approx. h 11
– fully charged
rechargeable battery h 2.5
Hours of operation with the
YRB08Z rechargeable
battery pack h 25

* = only for BL models

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Basiclite und Gemlite Serie

Model BL3100, BL1500, BL600, BL12 BL6 BL3

GM3101 GM1501 GM601
Weighing capacity g 3100 1500 610 12000 6000 3000
Readability g 0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 1
Tare range (subtractive) g 3100 1500 610 12 6 3
Repeatability <±g 0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 1
Linearity <±g 0.2 0.2 0.2 2 2 2
Operating temperature range +10…+30°C (50°F…86°F)
Allowable ambient
operating temperature +5…+40°C
Sensitivity drift within
+10…+30°C <±/K 1·10–5 2·10–5 5·10–5 2.5·10–5 5·10–5 10·10–5
Response time (average) s 2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Adaptation to ambient conditions By selection of 1 of 4 optimized filter levels
Display update (depends on
the filter level selected) s 0.2–0.8
External calibration weight kg 1 (F2) 1 (M1) 0.5 (M1) 5 (M1) 5 (M1) 1 (M1)
(of at least accuracy class…) lb* 2 2 1 10 10 2
Net weight, approx. kg/lb 1.4/3.1
Pan size mm 174x143 (6.9x5.6 inches)
Dimensions (WxDxH) mm 189x251x70 (7.4x9.9x2.8 inches)
AC power source/power
requirements AC adapter, 230 V or 115 V, +15%…– 20%
Frequency 48–60 Hz
Power requirements,
direct current V 10 to 20
Power consumption (average) W 0.75
Approx. hours of operation with:
– 9-volt battery, approx. h 11
– fully charged
rechargeable battery h 2.5
Hours of operation with the
YRB08Z rechargeable
battery pack h 25

* = only for BL models

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Accessories (Options)

Product Order No. Product Order No.

Interface port, installation kit YDO02BL Dust cover, for use during
Data printer YDP04 weighing
– for models with a rectangular
Data printer YDP03-0CE weighing pan 6960BL02
with date/time, statistics evaluation – for models with a round
and transaction counter functions weighing pan 6960BL03
and LCD (data interface required)
Paper (5 rolls) 6906937 Attaching the dust cover to
models with a glass draft shield:
Remote display – Remove adhesive strip from
(data interface required) balance/scale housing
– reflective YRD02Z – Place dust cover on balance/scale
– for overhead projectors, – Stick adhesive strip on dust cover
transmissive YRD13Z
Gem trays
External rechargeable – 300 ml, weight: 86 g,
battery pack YRB08Z stainless steel 6407
with external battery charger – 1000 ml, wt.: 240 g,
(hours of operation: 20 or 40. stainless steel 641211
depending on balance/scale model) – 300 ml, wt.: 22 g, aluminum 69641304
SartoConnect data transfer – 110 ml, 90 Ø mm, aluminum YWP02G
program for interfacing a YSC01L – 270 ml, wt.: 62 g,
Sartorius balance to a PC 137 Ø mm stainless steel YWP03G
with a Windows 95/98 or Calibration weights
NT operating system – for BL210S (200 g; E2) YCW5228-00
This software enables you to – for BL120S, BL150S,
transfer the data recorded by GC503* (100 g; E2) YCW5128-00
your balance to any PC – for GC103 (20 g; F1) YCW4238-00
application program (e.g., Excel). – for BL60S (50 g; E2) YCW4528-00
Interface cable 7357312 – for the BL150, BL310,
for connecting a PC; 25-pin GM512, GM212, GM312
Universal remote control switch: (100 g; F2) YCW5148-00
(data interface required) – for the BL610, BL600,
Foot switch with T-connector YFS01 GM612, GM601
Hand switch with T-connector YHS02 (500 g; F2) YCW5548-00
– for the BL1500S, GM1502,
T-connector YTC01 GM1202 (1 kg; F1) YCW6138-00
for connecting 2 peripheral – for the BL1500, BL3100, BL3,
devices GM3101, GM1205,
(data interface required) GM1501 (1 kg; F2) YCW6148-00
Carrying case – for the GM2202 (2000 g; F1) YCW6238-00
– for models with a – for the BL6100, BL6, BL12,
readability >1mg YDB01BL GM6101 (5 kg; F1) YCW6538-00
– for models BL210S, BL120S, or alternative YSS653-00

* = F1 100-g weight supplied with the GC503


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Copyright by Sartorius AG,

Goettingen, Germany.
All rights reserved. No part
of this publication may
be reprinted or translated in
any form or by any means
without the prior written
permission of Sartorius AG.
The status of the information,
specifications and illustrations
in this manual is indicated
by the date given below.
Sartorius AG reserves the
right to make changes to
the technology, features,
specifications and design of
the equipment without notice.

July 2002, Sartorius AG,
Goettingen, Germany

Printed in Germany on paper that has

been bleached without any use of chlorine
W8A000 Basiclite/Gemlite · KT
Publication No.: WBL6005-e02076

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