Year 3 Science Plants Planning.198867045

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Court Lane Junior School Planning Proforma - Science

Year: 3 Subject: Science Working Scientifically (LKS2) Enquiry Process:

Class: Unit: Plants
Kinney Term: Spring 2
1 2
Walliams BIG IDEA: Plants use some of their parts to grow and some parts to
Dahl make more plants similar to themselves. 8 3
Donaldson Learning Journey: (KPIs in order of journey)
 To understand the different parts of a flowering plant and their
 To understand how different conditions can have an effect on plant
 To understand how water is transported through plants.
 To understand the life cycle of a plant. 4
air, light, water, nutrients, soil, reproduction, transportation, dispersal,
pollination, flower, phloem, xylem, stem, petal, root, leaf, photosynthesis 6 5

KEY VOCABULARY ASSESSMENT SHEET – remember you can draw a diagram with labels, write an example or both to show your understanding of each word.
Pre Asses
PLANTS UNIT PRE ASSESSMENT TEST - the question can be read to you but you have to answer independently.
Practical Based Learning: Knowledge Based Learning:
Find a healthy living plant that you could use to dissect and label.
Dissect each part of the plant to show that you have understood Explain what a root is and does.
what a petal, leaf, stem, root and a flower is. Explain what a leaf is and does.
LO: Once completed, begin investigating how many of the same Explain what a flower is and does.
2 To understand the different parts of a plant parts you can find on different species. Create a way of Explain what a stem is and does.
flowering plant and their functions presenting this data and see what there is most of in your garden Explain what a petal is and does.
e.g. there are more different species of leaf than there are
flower. This could be completed in the form of a pictogram. Link these to your dissected parts if you can.
Remember to take a picture of it and write notes around it to tell
us what you have found out.
3 LO: Practical Based Learning: Knowledge Based Learning:
To understand how different Set up an investigation in your house and garden. Plant some
conditions can have an effect on seeds in different growing conditions ( without water, without Explain what a plant needs to survive.
plant growth. light, without soil etc) and monitor its progress over the course Predict what might happen if one or more of these elements are
of two weeks. Think about the constants (things that should stay taken away.
the same) and variables (things that can be changed). Predict Explain why certain growing conditions affect the plants in
which condition you think the seeds will grow best in. (CRESS IS A different ways.
GROW QUITE QUICKLY). Research the term ‘photosynthesis’. Draw a diagram that shows
Remember to observe your seedlings daily and water when your understanding of this. The way you draw it should help
necessary. When you begin to notice changes and/ or growth, with your understanding of what is happening to plants.
note it down in the form of a description, labelled diagram or
both. This will be your evidence.
After a couple of weeks, have a look to see which seedlings grew
the best. What conditions were these in? Was your prediction
correct? Explain why you think this was.
You can design your own way of planning and presenting this
Practical Based Learning: Knowledge Based Learning:
Choose a tree and attach a clear and empty plastic bag to a
branch by enclosing the leaves and sealing the bag (or tying the Explain how water is transported up the plant. Where does it
handles in a knot) to keep it in place. After a week, observe what come from? What is it used for? Use diagrams to help with your
happens to the bag. It should go misty as it now contains water. explanations.
LO: Where has this come from and why has is appeared?
4 To understand how water is Recap that plants, including trees, absorb nutrients and water
transported through plants. How can you turn a white flower, a different colour? Investigate
from the soil through their roots. The water flows through the
through questioning, creating an investigation and exploring trunk(stem) of the tree, along the branches and to every leaf.
what works and what doesn’t. Record what you find out. The leaves use the water, with other things like sunlight and
carbon dioxide, to make their food and stay healthy. Some of this
water is returned to the air and this is what has been captured in
the bag.
Practical Based Learning: Knowledge Based Learning:
In your garden or an outside space, create ways that could How are seeds dispersed (spread)?
encourage insects and wildlife to visit. These creatures will help Why are seeds dispersed?
5 To understand the life cycle of a
with pollination as well as the ourselves and the wind. All Explain (in some way) what pollination is.
creative designs that have been put into action will be awarded How could we help in this process?
housepoints and a special certificate. Do all seeds disperse in the same way? Why? Why not?
Post KEY VOCABULARY ASSESSMENT SHEET - remember you can draw a diagram with labels, write an example or both to show your understanding of each word.
Assess PLANTS POST UNIT ASSESSMENT TEST – the question can be read to you but you have to answer independently.

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