Comprobar Rectificador Fluke
Comprobar Rectificador Fluke
Comprobar Rectificador Fluke
Diode is open
Testing D1
Functions C
Load 0/ Volts
60 Hz
Case Input
Diode testing
If the diode
Current flow conducts in: It is:
+ – Both directions Shorted
Neither direction Open
One direction only Good
The Golden Valley Electric “Our focus on rectifiers is the Diodes and capacitors:
Association’s generating capac- result of the need for clean A rectifier’s critical
ity of 228 megawatts, along direct current to maintain the components
with its 2,566 miles of trans- charge on backup batteries at
mission and distribution lines each of our substations,” he As the key components of recti-
and its 31 substations, enables says. To keep an eye on the fiers, diodes and capacitors play
it to supply electric power to utility’s systems, Gengler relies an important role in Gengler’s
approximately 90,000 residents on a Fluke 189, a high-accuracy work. Let’s take a look.
of Alaska’s interior region. As (0.025 % DC), handheld digital Half-wave rectifiers
part of a team including 12 multimeter (DMM). On occasion, “In the first example, we will
wiremen and 23 linemen, he also finds that the graphic use a capacitor in parallel with
James Gengler helps keep this display of a handheld Fluke load and acting as an input
system spinning like a top. digital oscilloscope (DSO) can filter,” notes Gengler. (See
Occasionally, that task requires assist in spotting problems on Figure 1.) “The problem here is
the performance of a miracle rectifier outputs. that there is no voltage across
worker, he says, but more often the load. That means the circuit
it involves getting the upper is open, and the question is
hand on power supply rectifiers.
D1 D1
“Whether diode D1 is func-
60 Hz 60 Hz
tioning properly or not, one can
Input D2 C Load Input D2 C Load easily determine if the capaci-
tor-input filter is open,” he says.
“If the capacitor fails, the ripple
effect is lost, causing a signifi-
cant failure in the filtering action
60 Hz 120 Hz
waveform waveform of the rectified DC output.”
ripple ripple is less
Diode failures
“Diodes fail if a circuit condition +
exists that allows the diode to voltage Load
reach a reverse breakdown –
voltage,” says Gengler. “In most
cases, the result is an open, but Figure 5. Half-wave rectifier circuit.
it may also be a short.* A
shorted diode in a bridge recti- Full-wave rectifiers
fier circuit would more than If order to rectify ac power so as to use both half-cycles of the
likely burn open because of sine wave, a different rectifier circuit configuration must be used.
sufficiently high current that Such a circuit is called a full-wave rectifier. Its output is also a
would exist during one half of pulsed dc signal, but at twice the frequency of the half-wave
the input cycle. (See Figure 4.) signal. See Figure 6.
The amount of current in the
shorted diode would cause it
to open, and the other diode
in series with it might also fail V A V A
open.” AC
voltage Load
If both diodes open, no volt- source
age will develop across the
load. “In such a case,” he says,
“a shorted capacitor would Figure 6. Full-wave rectifier circuit (center-tap design).
cause an excess of current
through the diodes and burn all
four diodes open.”
*Some diodes, called Zeners, are designed to oper-
ate in the reverse breakdown voltage region.