Osce Lesson Plan

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Time Behavioral Content Teaching Learning AV aids Evaluation

objectives activities activities

2min Introduce Introduction Narrates Listening Black
the topic Assessment of clinical the topic board
competence is essential
requirement of health profession
education. Since its development
in the 1970s the objective
structured clinical examination
(OSCE) has gained acceptance as
a benchmark for clinical skills
assessment. it has been widely
adopted to assess the students
competence in a range of subject.
It’s a formal assessment of
student clinical procedure skills.
An OSCE requires each student to
perform or demonstrate specific
skills and behaviors in a simulated
work environment with
standardized patient.
OSCE is an assessment tool in
1min Define which the components of clinical
OSCE competence such as history
taking, physical examination, Listens
simple procedure, interpretation Defining Black
of lab results, patient the topic board
management problems,
communications, attitude etc, are
tested using agreed checklist and
rotating the students round a
number of station some which
have observed with check list.
 Candidate sees a number
Describe of examiners in the course Describe Listens
the of the examination, Discusses
5min objective usually eight or more. AV aids
 What is to be assessed at
each station is agreed in
advance and marking
schedule is produced
which lists what is
expected of the candidate
at each station.
 Examiners use a checklist,
which reflects what is to
be tested at the station
agreed by examiner.
 The aim of the
examination is to produce
a profile for each
candidate rather than a Black
single composite mark. board
 The standard for pass,
distinction, fail and
dangerous fail can be
 Examiners can be trained
for the task expected of
them and their
performance can be
assessed in advanced
video tapes.
 The examinations tested a
wide range of the skills
 All students face the same

Problems in conducting OSCE

 Non availability of
many faculty members Discusses listens Black
Describe  Lack of enthusiasm of board
3min the the teachers to try out
problems in new methods
conducting  Student apprehension
0SCE for having to learn
even the smallest
detail of the subject
 Lack of the physical
facilities and
cooperation in the
clinical setting.
 Controversies over the
evaluation criteria.
Strategies to overcome
 Training the faculty
members using OSCE
Describe  Preparation of the Explain
2min the students from the
stratergies beginnings of the
overcome course for this type of
OSCE examination.
 Proper
communication with
the administrators of
the clinical areas
regarding OSCE.
 Ensuring the reliability
and availability and
validity of the
evaluation criteria.
 Adequate planning
and organizing of the
whole exercise.
1. The use in both formative
and summative
3min Describe assessment in health Describe
the purpose AV aids
of OSCE profession education.
2. Identify objectives
performance criteria for
skills being examined
3. Structured the
performance criteria in
checklist to facilitate the
identification of desired
clinical skills.
4. A requirement for listens
accreditation in many
health professional
Describe 1. Interpersonal and
5min the uses of communication skills
OSCE 2. History- taking skills Discusses
3. Physical examination of AV aids
specific body systems
4. Mental health assessment
5. Clinical decision making,
including the formation of
differential diagnosis.
6. Clinical problem- solving
7. Health promotion
8. Interpretation of clinical
findings and investigation
9. Management of a clinical
situation, including
treatment and referral
10. Patient education.
 Skill to be tested is given Black
Describe in form of specific Discusses board
3min the question
principal of  To be answered in 4-5
0SCE minutes
 Each question is a station Listens
or each station a checklist
is prepared in advance
 Checklist is prepared by
breaking the skills to be
tested into vital
components and
precaution to be observed Explain
 The OSCE examination AV aids
Explain the consist of about 10-15
organize stations, each of which
10mi the OSCE requires about 4-5 Discusses
n minutes. The number of
station and time spent on
each station may vary
based on needs of
 All station should be
capable of being
completed in the same
 The students are rotated
through all station and
have to move to the next
station at the signal.
 As the station are
generally independent, Charts
students can start at nay
procedure station and
compete the cycle.
 Thus, using 15 stations of
4 minutes each, 15
students can complete the
examination within 1 hour
 Each station is designed to
test components of Discusses
clinical competence. Listens
 All components of clinical
exams are assessed
 Valid examination Describe
 Used as summative well
Enumerates formative
5min the  Can be used with large
advantages number of students
of OSCE  Components of clinical AV aids
skills and standards of
competencies are
predetermined so Listens
objectivity and reliability is
 Provide unique
programmatic evaluation
 Objectivity and validity are
highly ensured in OSCE
 A wide range and variety Discusses
of facts can be tested at a
 Contains detailed for
students and teachers.
 Knowledge and skills are
5min tested in compartments
and not tested in ability to
Enumerates look at the patients as a AV aids
the whole, so long case may Observe
disadvantag also needed
es of OSCE  The OSCE may be
demanding for both
examiners and patients
 More time in setting it up
 Shortage of examiners
 Might be quite distressing
to the student
 Expensive
 Takes long time to
construct a case and a
scoring checklist
• The OSCE has several conclussio
distinct advantages. In n
Concluding view of there, the nurse Listens
the topic educators can adopt it as Observe
2min an objective method for
clinical evaluation. This
will help the students to
improve their clinical
competence. The
emphasise is on assessing
what students can do
rather what they known's.
Therefore, OSCE gives
direction for attaining the
ultimate aim of the
teaching-learning process.




1. Jaspreet K S, Comprehensive Textbook Of Nursing Education, First Edition 2017, Jayvee

2. Suresh K S, Communication And Education Technology In Nursing, Second Edition
2015, Elsevier Publication.

3. R Sudha, Nursing Education Principles And Concepts, First Edition 2013, Jaypee

4. Elakkuvana Bhaskar Raj D , Text Book Of Nursing Education, Second Edition 2015,
Emmess Medical Publishers.

5. Shabeer P , Basheer , Textbook Book Of Nursing Education, First Edition 2015, Emmess
Medical Publishers.

6. Http://Www.Oschehome.Com.

7. www.Slideshare.Com

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