Module 3 - The Teaching Profession - Calimlim, Wrensly M.
Module 3 - The Teaching Profession - Calimlim, Wrensly M.
Module 3 - The Teaching Profession - Calimlim, Wrensly M.
Review Exercises
Name: Wrensly M. Calimlim Date: November 05, 2021
Year & Section: BSEd – English I-2 Score: __________
Activity 1.1 Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions
1.Why is one’s philosophy of education said to be one’s “window” to the world or “compass” in life?
As a learner and an aspiring professional teacher, my philosophy of education acts as a
"window" into the world since it influences my perceptions of people, things, and everything around
me, providing a better perspective on the issues I'm currently dealing with, and allowing me to envision
myself as an educator in the future. It is my compass in life as well, since my educational philosophy
serves as my guide in dealing with everyday living and in overcoming life's most difficult challenges. It
prevents me from getting lost in my path towards being an educator by supporting me and through
maintaining my good pace in the marathon I am currently participating with. In addition to what has
already been stated, it helps in directing the actions I must take, influences my decision-making
abilities, and fosters increased autonomy and judgment.
2.What are the consequences of the absence of a teacher’s lack of a clear philosophy of education?
A teacher who has a clear educational philosophy will be able to see and analyze things
through the eyes of their students. If a teacher lacks a clear educational philosophy, they will
struggle to understand why students behave in a certain way and will not be able to know how
students perceive their actions. Furthermore, they would have difficulty adapting better
teaching strategies and guidance, and thus would be unable to achieve better results. Most
importantly, a teacher would be unable to analyze his or her actions and comprehend the
benefits and drawbacks of their methods.
3. Does this education philosophy of yours make a difference in your life? Why?
Yes, my education philosophy absolutely makes a couple of differences in my life. My
educational philosophy had always served as my guide in dealing with everyday life and is helping me
overcome the most difficult challenges I had to face. Before, when I haven’t come up with it, life was
truly a pain. Everything in my life had completely changed when I started to become more motivated
about the things I want to pursue and it had truly helped me improve my decision-making abilities, and
had increased my autonomy and judgment. It had also enabled me to be more understanding on the
happenings around me which helped me be calm and think critically at all times. The most important
change I had noticed is that my philosophy in education had given me a whole new perspective about
the things around me and it also had reshaped my ways in day to day life.
Review Exercises
Name: Wrensly M. Calimlim Date: November 05, 2021
Year & Section: BSEd – English I-2 Score: __________
Activity 1.2 Identification: Write the correct answer before each number.
John Dewey 5. The father of Progressive education. He was the most eloquent and
arguably most influential figure.
Perennialism 8.It was originally religious in nature, developed first by Thomas Aquinas in
the thirteenth century in his work De Magistro (On the Teacher).
Philosophy 10. The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and existence,
especially when considered as an academic discipline.
Review Exercises
Name: Wrensly M. Calimlim Date: November 05, 2021
Year & Section: BSEd – English I-2 Score: __________
Activity 1.3. Essay: Formulate your personal philosophy of education. Do it well for this will form part of
your teaching portfolio which you will bring along with you when you apply for a teaching job. Write it down
I strongly believe in the idea that students must be approached holistically. 21st century life is
full of challenges and hardships; one way to help the students be capable of coping up with the never-