Important Figures From History-Dawson
Important Figures From History-Dawson
Important Figures From History-Dawson
Arlene H. Dawson
Spring 2011
Pathfinder URL:
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Skills Indicator(s):
2.1.1 Continue an inquiry based research process by applying critical-thinking skills (analysis,
synthesis, evaluation, organization) to information and knowledge in order to construct new
understandings, draw conclusions, and create new knowledge.
2.1.2 Organize information so that it is useful.
2.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to analyze and organize information.
2.1.5 Collaborate with others to exchange ideas, develop new understandings, make decisions,
and solve problems.
2.1.6 Use the writing process, media and visual literacy, and technology skills to create products
that express new understandings.
• Select a variety of credible sources in different formats relevant to research needs.
• Locate appropriate nonfiction resources by using the library’s classification scheme.
• Work collaboratively in using technology to meet information needs.
• Evaluate sources based on criteria such as copyright date, authority of author or
publisher, comprehensiveness, readability, and alignment with research needs.
Dispositions Indicator(s):
2.2.1 Demonstrate flexibility in the use of resources by adapting information strategies to each
specific resource and by seeking additional resources when clear conclusions cannot be drawn.
2.2.4 Demonstrate personal productivity by completing products to express learning.
Responsibilities Indicator(s):
2.3.1 Connect understanding to the real world.
2.3.3 Use valid information and reasoned conclusions to make ethical decisions.
Self-Assessment Strategies Indicator(s):
2.4.1 Determine how to act on information (accept, reject, modify).
2.4.3 Recognize new knowledge and understanding.
I met with Mr. M. Bartlett and we determined, based on the CRCT scores for
seventh grade students, that one area of weakness for our students were using
informational text and research skills. Students had difficulty locating appropriate
nonfiction resources and information from a variety of resources. Seventh-grade students
in social studies and language arts classes will focus on researching important figures in
African American history. Each student will select one person to research from an
extensive listing of over one hundred and twenty-five subjects. The students will use the
information gleaned from various research sources to produce a variety of products such
as posters, timelines, letters, comic strips, Powerpoints, poems, videos, newsletters,
informative essays, and monologues.
Essential questions:
• Why do we study other people’s lives?
• Why is this person important?
• What contributions to the community of man has this person made?
• What has been the impact of this person’s contributions?
• How can a person’s life experiences impact his or her achievement?
Students will work independently to complete three products from a History Tic-Tac-Toe
assignment sheet. The products vary from posters, monologues, PowerPoints, informative
essays, videos, poems, timelines, newsletters, videos, and letters.
Students will learn how to access information through online, print, and electronic resources,
identify project appropriate resources, work with the school library media specialist (SLMS) in
over a course of several days to research information that they can use in their presentations.
They will make use of the school library media specialist prepared pathfinder for this
assignment. They will access information through online, print, and electronic resources. They
will ethically credit their sources.
• Product -Teacher, SLMS, and students will use rubrics to perform summative assessments of
the Black History Tic-Tac-Toe products. The evaluation guidelines for each of the different
products will be given to students at the beginning of the project. See Black History Tic-Tac-
Toe assignment sheet.
• Process -Teacher and SLMS will formatively assess student progress daily through the use of
questioning, observations, dialogue, group conferences. Students will maintain note cards on
media research with bibliographic information on the reverse side. Students will use group
journal to record daily progress and reflect on research, progress, needed improvement, and
additional courses of action. The teacher will conference with the students on their progress.
The SLMS will assist with further research if needed.
• Student self-questioning-
• What questions do I have about this topic?
• What is my plan for research?
• What are some of the resources that I can use?
• How will I evaluate my sources?
• Have I completed all of the required sections of this assignment?
• What new understandings about the topic do I have?
� Web sites –
• Black Voices:
• American Black Journal: Documenting Detroit and African American History from
African American Perspectives:
� Books
• Notable Black American Men. Ed. by Jessie Carney Smith. Detroit: Gale
Research, 1999.
• Black Women in America: 2nd edition. Ed. by Darlene Clark Hine. NY:
Oxford University Press, 2005.
� Other (list):
_x__ Videos in Media Center
__x_ Online Media specialists produced Podcasts
• Instruction/activities
o Modeling and guided practice: The media specialists will show a video on
information literacy research skills: Media
specialist shares several online websites for researching topic or subject.
o Independent practice: Students will select research subject from box containing
over one hundred subject names.
o Sharing and reflecting: Students will take research subjects home, reflect on them
and decide on a course of action for gaining information. Students will decide on
the types of products that he or she will produce.
o Sharing and reflecting: Students will share research notes with media specialist
and teacher. Students will reflect on amount of research information and
conference with the media specialist and teacher.
Homework -additional research to be conducted by students at home or public library.
o Technology Integration and Research
Opening- Media specialist and teacher will instruct students on the development of a
bibliography on the resources used for the Black History Tic-Tac-Toe project.
Show video
o Modeling and guided practice: Teacher and Media Specialist will share examples
of bibliography using textbook models and internet websites
o Independent practice: Students will begin writing bibliography for individual
Black History Tic-Tac-Toe projects.
o Sharing and reflecting: Students will share and reflect on development of Black
History Tic-Tac-Toe project bibliography.
The collaboration and development of this lesson began early in January. The
teacher and I had previously used the Tic-Tac-Toe assignment and assessment formats in
our gifted classes and decided to use them again this year. We decided to look at
information literary and skills and research skills in particular because our students’
scores on the CRCT do not reflect significant gains. We decided to our school’s media
center Destiny and to search the web for instructional materials that would facilitate this
project I collaborated with Mr. Bartlett, and we decided to collaborate on the lessons and
integrate the technology and pathfinders into the lessons.
Again taking the role of the media specialist was extremely beneficial for me. I
conducted two days of research in the media center acting as a media specialist with the
students. The collaboration worked very well because Mr. Bartlett and I have worked
together as colleagues for a number of years and have developed lessons together. We
had the same planning period and were both available for after-school collaborations and
discussions. Mr. Bartlett in the role of teacher assigned the project, homework,
determined due date, and presentation details.
I enjoyed taking the role of the media specialist and using technology that I had
developed, measuring its effectiveness and making note of places for improvement in the
technology development and in the lesson planning and implementation. I was able to
share research and technology tips with the students and offer pathways for further
learning and development using some of the things that I have learned in my classes.
The pathfinder and the other internet, print and nonprint resources were extremely
useful in the presentation of the assignments and providing students with initial paths of
research for their individual assignments.
*Required of everyone.
___At three(3) four line ___At least (2 )pages ___Follows format for
stanzas monologue
___At least (4) sources-(2)
___Second and fourth lines print and (2) electronic ___Point of view of the
should rhyme or couplets sources subject
(1st and 2nd, 3rd and 4th
lines rhyme) ___A cover page with picture ___Uses emotional words to
or drawing create the tone in relating
___Tells about subject and an important event in the
achievements ___Correctly prepared life of the subject
___Correct spelling, ___At least one page
capitalization, and grammar ___Correct spelling,
capitalization, and grammar Suggested Extension: Dress
___Perform ballad in class or as the subject and develop
play recording. Suggested Extension: stage props for delivery of
Create a PowerPoint based the monologue.
Suggested Extension: on research and
Create and play an informational essay. See
instrumental music Mr. Bartlett for PowerPoint
selection based on your assessment rubric.
____Written copy of ten (10) ____Follows poster criteria ____At least twelve (12)
interview questions and card ____Neat, legible important events and
answers achievements from the life
___Colorful drawing or of the subject
____Dress as the character picture of the subject
placed in center of poster ____Correct sequencing of
____3-5 minutes in length events
___ Nine (9) Important
____ Answer questions about informational segments ____Correct spelling,
important life experiences about the subject capitalization
and achievements
___ Correct spelling, ____Seven (7) of the events
____Show video in class capitalization, punctuation are illustrated
and grammar
Suggested Extension: Suggested Extension: Use
Create a video quiz for Suggested Extension: grab bag items
classmates based on news Create a bookmark for representative of events to
classmates with highlights serve as concrete reminders
interview. of events.
Name _______________________________
CATEGORY Excellent Proficient Needs Improvement Points
Wrote notes Wrote notes which Wrote notes which included Wrote notes which
including key facts included facts that irrelevant facts which did not included a majority of
which directly answered most of the answer the research facts which did not
answered all of the research questions and questions. Some notes were answer the research
research questions were written in the copied directly from the questions. Most or all
and were written in student’s own words. original source. notes were copied word-
the student's own for-word from the original
words. source.
Total ___/6
Bibliography Checklist
check accuracy.
I information gathered.