Hospital Customer Care

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Hospital Customer Care

Supervisor :

Naajihah Mafruudloh, M.Pd

Arranged By :

1. Muhammad Faturrahman (2002070057)

2. Shofia Nur Laila (2002070058)
3. Marreta Aldy Windiana (2002070067)





Names of group members : 1. Muhammad Faturrahman (2002070057)

2. Shofia Nur Laila (2002070058)

3. Marreta Aldy Windiana (2002070067)

Department : Hospital Administration

Higher Education : University of Muhammadiyah Lamongan

Title of Paper : Hospital Customer Care

Lamongan, 19 Mei 2021

Who makes a statement Who Gives the Endorsement

(.........................................) (.........................................)


We give thanks to the presence of Allah SWT, because thanks to His grace,
knowledge and guidance, all understanding is perfect. Also do not forget that all
blessings and best wishes will always be bestowed on the most honorable prophet,
our role model Muhammad SAW.
But the author realizes that there are still many shortcomings and mistakes
in the preparation of this paper, because it is still in the learning process.
Therefore, we hope that readers who provide constructive criticism to improve the
preparation of future papers. We do not forget to thank the lecturers who have
guided us in the preparation of this paper, as well as friends who have contributed
in the form of ideas, ideas, thoughts etc.
Hopefully this paper can add to the scientific repertoire, especially for us
as compilers and generally for all readers. Aamiin.

Lamongan, 19 Mei 2021



ENDORSEMENT PAGE………………………………………...…...…………..2


TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………...…..4

A. Backround …………………………………………………...……………5
B. Formulation Of The Problem……………………………...………………6
C. Purpose ……………………………………………………...…………….6

A. Definition Hospital Customer Care…………………………………………7
B. Example Of Hospital Customer Care Dialogue…………………………..8

C. Expression of Hospital Customer Care…………………………………..10

A. Closing……………….…………………………………………………..17


A. Background

Hospital customer care are an important aspect of service health to realize

patient satisfaction, because for 24 hours the nurse be beside the patient and be
responsible for the care services patient. So that during the treatment process,
the patient will compare nursing care received with their hopes and needs, then
the patient will judge the service by feeling satisfied or not satisfied.

In getting nurse service, the patient will be satisfied if the expectations

expectations are fulfilled, these expectations are such as service that is ready,
fast, responsive, polite, friendly, optimal technical service, comfortable to
complaintsillness and good interaction between nurse and patient. So it's deep
realizing patient satisfaction, the hospital needs to maintain and improving the
quality of nurse services as an effort to accelerate increasing the degree of health
as a whole, evenly distributed, affordable and accessible accepted by the whole
community or patients.

The quality of care in hospitals is a phenomenon which is unique, because

someone can perceive a quality of service differ among people involved in
nursing care. This matter caused because patient satisfaction is the result of an
assessment of feelings more subjective.

B. Formulation Of The Problem

1. What is meant by hospital customer care ?

2. How about an example of a hospital customer care dialogue ?

3. How to expression of hospital customer care ?

C. Purpose

To explain about occupational, health, and safety management in a hospital.


A. Definition Hospital Customer Care

Customer care is an act of assisting customers and working on behalf of

business firms. The professionals of call center service provider strive hard to
create high level of customer satisfaction and loyalty towards the
brand. Customer support center is a place of doing business with the help of
phone and other communication platforms. The service providers offer a range
of support services to customers including assistance in planning, installation,
training, trouble shooting, maintenance, upgrading, and disposal of a product.

Customer care is a provision of service that every customer avail before,

after or while purchasing business offerings. Good customer service plays a
pivotal role in the success of business. Every single customer call gives an
opportunity to improve your reputation with customers and increase your brand
value and further sales. It helps in increasing the ROI of the company.
Healthcare is a customer service industry. Companies (and customers) live
or die based on the quality of care provided and the daily interactions between
staff and patients. The first key to providing great customer service in the
healthcare industry is to stop treating patients as customers whose sole purpose
is to generate revenue. Great customer service starts with taking a patient-
centric perspective – viewing them as people your company is meant to help.
Every employee in a healthcare company is potentially a customer service
representative – someone whose daily activities should be focused on
improving the quality of care provided to patients. Some employees will
interact with patients directly while others work in supporting roles (behind the
scenes), but everyone should approach his or her job with a customer-service
Customer service performance is often a symptom and indicator of
underlying issues within an organization. A company that provides excellent
customer service is likely to have robust and refined processes and systems.
Companies that provide poor customer service are likely to struggle with

process inefficiencies, staff training and data quality. These don’t just impact
patient care, they also impact the cost of operations.
Here are a few key tips healthcare companies can use to maximize the
impact of post-appointment follow-up interactions.

1. Make it personal – Phone calls and personal attention from staff

demonstrate to the patient that they and the facility care about his or her
health and experience. Automated emails, text messages and robocalls
should not be used for post-appointment follow-ups and are likely to have
a negative effect.

2. Ask the patient how he or she is feeling – This may seem intuitive, but
asking this simple question indicates to the patient that the company cares
about him or her and not just as another business opportunity.

3. Follow-up any continuation of care recommendations – If the patient

was referred to another provider, required testing or was recommended for
a recheck appointment, then be sure to ask the patient about the status of
these activities. It may be necessary to offer new referrals or assist in
scheduling appointments.

4. Inquire if the patient has any questions – Healthcare appointments can

be stressful and, often, patients forget to ask questions. They may also
think of follow-up questions after they have returned home. Post-
appointment follow-up interactions are a good time to make sure patients’
questions are answered fully.

5. Provide contact instructions for future engagements – Healthcare

companies should be fostering long-term relationships with patients. Post-
appointment follow-up calls should always end with an invitation to the
patient to contact the company again for further questions or future
healthcare needs.

B. Example Of Hospital Customer Care Dialogue

Dialogue 1 :

Customer care: Hallo, FastNet Costumer Service, how may I help you today? 

Customer: I would like to make a complaint.

Customer care: May I know what the nature of the complaint is, sir? 

Customer: My internet connection has not worked properly for two days. It keeps
connected and disconnected. And when it is connected, the speeds are very low. 

Customer care: I am sorry to hear that. Could you please tell me your client
number? I need it so that I could check if there is any problem with the network in
your area. 

Customer: Sure, my client number is 544B2W-3YG. 

Customer care: Thank you. Our system shows that there is not any issue or
maintenance in your area. Have you tried to restart the router, sir? 

Customer: Of course I have! What kind of question is that?! 

Customer care: I understand that you are upset, sir. I am just trying to
comprehend the issue. I am afraid that I could not tell it from here. How about I
will get our technician to come to your house to check it? 

Customer: Okay, that will work for me. 

Customer care: Will there be someone in your house between 1 pm and 4 pm

tomorrow? Our technician will get to your house around that time.

Customer: Yes, my wife will be home. 

Customer care:  All right. Is there anything else you would like me to help? 

Customer: No. Thank you. 

Customer care: Very well, then. We will do our best to get your internet
connection back to normal. 

Dialogue 2 :

Customer care: Good morning, Ma’am. How I can help you?

Customer: I want to make a saving account.
Customer care: Alright, Ma’am. Please fill this form.
Customer: Okay. (After a few minutes). Here it is.
Customer care: May I see your ID card?
Customer: Here.
Customer care: Could you type the password that you want, please?
Customer: Yes.
Customer care: Once again, please. And please sign here, Ma’am.
Customer: Done.
Customer care: Alright, Ma’am. Your saving account is ready, Ma’am. You can
use it start from today. This is your passbook and this is your ATM card. Is there
anything you want to ask, Ma’am?
Customer: No. Thank you. I think I understand how to use it.
Customer care: Very well, Ma’am. Thank you for using our service. Have a
good day.

C. Expression of Hospital Customer Care ?

Expressing appreciation

There’s a reason “thank you” is one of the magic phrases we all learn in
kindergarten. Showing appreciation isn’t merely a matter of good manners. It
acknowledges kindness and helps strengthen bonds between people. In a customer
support situation, it’s a simple and effective way of saying to your clients that
you’re grateful that they use your products or services, and that they took the time
to reach out to you when they encountered a problem - instead of simply going to
a competitor. A proper “thank you” can be delivered in many stages of the
conversation. Thank them for getting in touch with you. Thank them for their
feedback (whether positive or negative). Thank them for their patience, or their
honesty. You can always learn from your interactions with your customers, and
that’s a reason to be thankful.

Other ways you can say thank you are:

 “I appreciate your ...”
 “I’m sincerely grateful for ...”
 “Your feedback is valuable to us. Thank you for these recommendations.”

Apologizing to the customer

Apologize when it is called for and use the best words for them. There is
nothing as powerful or straightforward as these two simple words when
expressing regret. You can expound by saying what you’re apologizing for, such
as “I’m sorry about the delay in the delivery of your package,” or “I’m sorry for
mixing up your order.” Acknowledge the shortcoming on your part and follow
this up with a solution, for instance: “Let me send you a replacement.”
A word of caution, though: Be judicious and try to use these words in a
balanced manner. On one hand, some companies avoid apologizing altogether
because it seems weak or sounds like an admission of guilt. There is nothing
wrong with saying sorry. On the contrary, research shows that customers
appreciate an apology more than financial compensation. On the other hand,
saying “I’m sorry” too often or saying it for frivolous matters makes it sound
cheap and insincere. Don’t overdo it. It can also sound patronizing to apologize
for instances when it is the customer who made a mistake: “I’m sorry you didn’t
understand the instructions.” Say these words when they are appropriate and mean

These phrases are also useful when expressing regret:

 “I sincerely apologize for…”
 “Please let us make things right by…”

Offering assistance

This puts customers at ease and shows that you appreciate them for
reaching out. There may be clients who are embarrassed about calling or
messaging about small issues, and this phrase reassures them that no question is
too trivial for you to answer. When saying this phrase, remember what we were
taught in theater class: your body language infuses into your voice. So smile!
People will “hear” it even over the phone (and it’s actually proven by science).

Here are some similar phrases:
 “It’s my pleasure to be of assistance.”
 “I’m glad to be of service.”
 “I’m here to help.”
 “I would be delighted to help.”
 “Let’s make things right.”
 “We’d be happy to make things better / right.”

Attending to customer needs

It’s okay if you don’t know the answers right away. There are issues that
go beyond the FAQs (frequently asked questions) and may need more research to
address thoroughly. Besides, we’re all human and can’t be expected to know
everything. Saying this shows that we’re taking that extra step to ensure that the
customer’s needs will be attended.

This phrase is particularly useful when providing support over the phone.
You can ask if the customer minds waiting on hold for a moment while you check
for a solution. Alternatively, you can call them back with the answer. It can also
work for email and social media support. Make sure you get back to your client,
though, and don’t commit to a deadline you can’t meet. If you don’t know how
long it’ll take you to solve the issue, it’s better not to specify any deadline and say
that you’ll get back to them “very soon” (or “we’ll do our best to get back to you
as soon as possible”), rather than creating expectations you won’t be able to

Other ways to say this are
 “Let me get back to you on this.”
 “Please give me a moment to double check that I have the right answer.”
 “I want to make sure I give you the correct information. Would it be okay
for me to get back to you on this?”

Showing empathy

We are all customers and many of us have likely had frustrating customer
service experiences before. So when speaking with your own clients, show
empathy and compassion. It’s only reasonable to expect your products and
services to work as advertised, and to express dissatisfaction when they don’t.
This phrase conveys authenticity and shows clients that the agent they’re speaking
with really cares about and understands them.

Similar phrases you can use to show empathy are:

 “I understand where you’re coming from.”

 “I’d feel ___________, too.

 “That would frustrate / upset me, too.”

Redirecting the conversation

It’s sometimes unavoidable that we’d have to redirect customers to

someone else. However, nobody likes feeling like they’re being passed around. It
can also get frustrating to have to explain the issue again only to find out that the

person you’re speaking with can’t actually help you. So ensure that the person or
department you forward the client to is better equipped to assist them. It also helps
to use help desk software that can track support tickets from multiple channels,
which saves clients the hassle of repeating themselves.

Some alternatives are:

 “Let me pass this call on to our specialist, Maria, who is better able to help
with this question.”
 “Do you mind waiting for a moment while I get our specialist on the
 “It would be a good idea to have our specialist involved, since she is better
qualified to assist with this issue.”
 “Let me forward this matter to our _________ team. They are better able
to help you with this.

Confirming the request

This gives you the opportunity to restate the issue to check if you’ve
understood it well and covered all the relevant points. This also allows you to iron
out any potential misunderstandings before searching for a solution.

Other ways to this are:

 “Let me confirm if I’ve got this right.”

 “I want to make sure I understood everything correctly.”

 “Please feel free to correct me if I’ve misunderstood anything.”

Reassuring the customer

This shows a commitment to resolving the issue. It is also an assurance

that it is within your power to fix things. There is no need for the client to be
forwarded to yet another department or to make yet another phone call. In short:
the buck stops with you. But if you say this, do it. Don’t promise anything you
can’t deliver.

Other phrases you can say are:

 “I’ll get this sorted out.”

 “I’ll fix these issues for you.”

 “I’ll make things right.”

Giving alternatives

There are times when clients ask for things you can’t give at the moment.
Instead of saying “no”, you can search for options that you can offer. This
emphasizes positive language. It also leaves the door open to alternative solutions
and shows that you’re listening to your customers’ needs.

You can also say

 “While that isn’t possible right now, I can…”

 “Currently, that’s a limitation. What I can do is…”

Wrapping it up

This is often used to wrap up a call and check that you’ve addressed all of
the customer’s concerns. In addition, it serves as an invitation to ask more
questions. It shows you have the time for them and that you aren’t just trying to
end the conversation or close the ticket.

These phrases also work:

“Is there anything else I can do for you today?”
“Please let me know if you have any other questions.”

Now that we’ve got the phrases covered, let’s add the key ingredient to the
mix: sincerity. You may find yourself saying some of these on a regular basis, but
aim to make them worth more than mere lip service. After all, customers don’t
need empty words said in a robotic manner. They look for honest and genuine
human interaction.



A. Closing
Customer satisfaction is a situation where the desires, expectations and
customer needs are met. A service is considered satisfactory if these services
can meet the needs and expectations of customers.Measuring customer
satisfaction is an important element in provide better, more efficient and more
effective service. If the customer is not satisfied with a service provided, then
the service can be ascertained that it is ineffective and not efficient. This is
especially important for public services.

The hospital was established as a center for health services-especially

curative and rehabilitative for the surrounding community. The paradigm

developed in the tradition of the art of medicine to be its

distinctivcharacteristics should be present in every hospital activity. Patients
are human equals his position fitrawi with doctors and other paramedics, so

the relationship that is built between them should be humanist, right

exploitative. In the context of this doctor-patient relationship, various

inequalities and dissatisfaction always arises and is felt by both parties.

Indicators in the form of dimensions of health service quality can help pattern

thought in defining the problem that is there to measure to the extent

where the standards and effectiveness of existing health services have been
achieved. There are five cross dimensions related to service effectiveness

health, namely:

1. Competence of officers

2. Continuity of service

3. Information management that supports decision making.

4. Education and training for quality

5. Accreditation and implementation of health services. In order to achieve
optimal results, the factor of health workers is not spared this matter. An ideal
health worker are those who have ability (ability), performance (performance),
personality (personality), credibility (trust) and maturity (maturity).

Rumah- Sakit
respon-untuk-dodo/ http://pengaruh-mutu-pelayanan-terhadap.html. Di akses pada
tanggal 23 Maret 2012 http://kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan rumah sakit «
Artikel Psikologi Klinis Perkembangan dan Sosial.htm. Di akses pada tanggal 23
Maret 2012 terhadap-


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