Task 11

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Task 1

Locate Annex C in CMO 74 or 75 s. 2017. Review the competencies and read the responding
performance indicators under each of the 7 domains. Identify one performance in indicator for each
cluster that you consider most important and that you are excited to do. Identify also one performance
indicator that you consider least important and that you are not excited to do. Place your answer on the

ICT domain Performance indicator most Performance indicator least

important for us to do important for us to do
Domain understanding ICT Incorporate ICT polices in the Discuss national ICT policies
Education design and implementation of affecting classroom policies
Domain 2 .Curriculum and Help student acquire and apply Use assessment techniques and
assessment strategies processes including instrument other than
processes use in thinking and standardized test.
social interactions.
Domain 3. pedagogy The teacher are required to Unit plans are part of the
create and maintain unit plans written and assessed curriculum
that help them monitor their
progress in a unit and evaluate
their performances through
reflecting on these
Domain 4. Technology tools Purpose of recommend Perform basic troubles shooting
technology and policy and maintenance of technology
innovations relate to promoting tools.
continuous learning among
Domain 5. Organization and Facilitate flexible lessening Lead up activities using
administration environment that enhance technology tools.
collaboration with the use of
technology tools.
Domain 6: Teacher Professional Use technology tools to search Join online expert and learning
Learning for manage analyze integration communities
and evaluate information that
can be used to support
professional learning

Domain:7 Teacher position Discuss safety issues in Provide support to learner

obtaining resources materials digital culture and behavior.
room local area network base
and the internet
Task 2 Lesson 1

1. Form a group of at most five members.

2.Use the survey instrument on the use of ICT in the Classroom found below.

3.Ask permeation from the school head or principal that you will conduct a survey.

4.With your group conduct a survey of at least 20 elementary teacher for does how will teach from K to
grade 6 or 20 high school teacher for does how will be teaching from grade 7 grade 12.

The survey on the uses ICT in the teaching and learning for teachers.

Dear teacher, please mark check Yes No

(/) your answer to the following
question found below.
1. Do you use technology in 45
your teaching?
2. Are you aware of policies that 45
guide you in the use of ICT?
3. Do you use non-digital 45
learning resources in your

4. Do you develop digital 45

resources for your learners.
5. Do you use technology tools 40 5
for Classroom activities?
6. Are you expert in the use the 30 15
technology tools in your
7. Do you have facilities to use 28 17
the technology tools in your

8. Are you aware of the ethical 45

and legal responsibilities in the
use of ICT tools?
9. Are you students learning 45
better with the use of
technology tools?
10. Do you enjoy using ICT tools 44 1
in your teaching?
2. Which of the 10 items\s has more YES than NO answer? Rank the items with more YES and rank the
items with more NO

Answer. The 11 items\ has more yes than no more answer is that. The items in and 11
while the rank of terms with more yes is that the items and 11 and the items with more
no is that the items 5.6.and 7.

3. What meaning can you Derive from your result?

Answer. The meaning that I can drive from my result that more teachers is not expert in using technology
tools in teaching and also they do not have a facilities in using the technology tools during this
pandemic and I observed that some of the teacher they not use technology tools for the classroom
activities. But even though it is hard for the elder teacher to apply technology in their strategies but they
are trying to adopt and explore their mind and knowledge about. Technology and use technology in our
everyday life so that it is important to apply to adopt. And to share out learning internet of technology.

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