Assignment of Practical Class Meeting 3: Erfiansyah Indra Putra Wardanu - F31212249

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Erfiansyah Indra Putra Wardanu_F31212249


Exercise 1

Read the following sentences carefully, then select the best answer
from the options given!

Example :
The student revolt is not only a thorn in the side of t hepresident's
newly established government, but it has international implications as
Who or what does this revolt affect?
a. the students
b. the side of the president's body
c. only the national government
d. national and international affairs
Answer: d.

1) I disagreed then as now with many of John Smith's judgement, but

always respected him, and this book is a welcome reminder of his
big, honest, friendly, stubborn personality.
How does the author of this sentence feel about John Smith?
a. Hedislikes him but agrees with his ideas.

b. He considers him to be a disagreeable person.

c. He disagrees with his ideas but respects him.

d. He disagreed with him then but agrees with him now.

Answer : C

2) Concepts like passivity, dependence, and aggression may need

further research if they are to continue to be useful ways of
thinking about human personalities.
What might require more research?
a. human thought processes.
b. certain concepts.
c. human personalities.
d. useful ways of thinking.
Answer : B
3) In order for you to follow the schedule set by the publisher, your
paper must be looked over the weekend, revised, and handed in its
final form on Monday.
What must you do on Saturday and Sunday?
a. meet the publisher.
b. examine your paper.
b. hand in a paper.
c. look over the weekend.
Answer : B

4) The real reason why prices were, and still are, high is
complicated, and no short discussion can satisfactorily explain
this problem.
What word or phrase best describes prices?
a. complicated.

b.adequately explained.

c. too high in-the-past,-but low now.

d.Too high in the past and the present.

Answer : D

5) This is not just a sad-but-true story; the boy's experience is

horrible-and damaging, yet a sense of love shines through every
How does the author of this sentence feel about the story?
a. It transmits a sense of love.
b. It is just sad.
c. It is not true.
d. It is horrible and damaging.
Answer : D

6) In the past five years the movement has grown from unorganized
groups of poorly armed individuals to a comparatively well-armed,
well-trained army of anywhere from 10,000 to 16,000 members.
What is the present condition of this movement?
a. The members are poorly armed.
b. There are only a few poor individuals.
c. There are over 16,000 members.
d. The members are organized and well armed.
Answer : D

7) The financial situation isn't bad yet, but we believe that we have
some vital information and, if it is correct, unemployment will
soon become a serious problem.
What do we know about the financial situation?
a. It won't change.
b. It will become a serious problem.
c. It is not bad now.
d. It will improve.
Answer : B

8) The general then added, "The only reasonable solution to the sort
of problems caused by the current unstable political situation is one
of diplomacy and economic measures and not the use of military
a. What type of solution does the general support?
b. economic and diplomatic action.
c. diplomatic and economic action if military force fails.
d. only diplomatic action.
e. military actions in response to political problems.

9) Because the supply of natural gas was plentiful in comparison to

other choices like coal and fuel oil, and because it burns cleaner,
many people changed their heating systems to natural gas,
thereby creating shortages.
Why did people prefer gas?
a. It was natural.
b. There were no other choices.
c. The other fuels were dirtier and less plentiful.
d. There is, even today, a plentiful supply of it.
Answer : C

Exercise 2

Each sentence below is followed by five statements. The

statements are four types:

1) Some of the statements are restatements of the original sentence.

They give the same information in a different way.
2) Some of the statements are inferences (conclusions) which can be
drawn from the information given in the original sentence.
3) Some of the statements are false based on the information given.
4) Some of the statements cannot be judged true false based on the
information given in the original sentence.
What you have to do is to choose which of the options given are
restatements and inferences (type 1 and 2).

Heavy smokers and drinkers run a fifteen-times greater risk of
developing cancer of the mouth and throat than nonsmokers and
a. Cancer of the mouth and throat is more likely to occur in heavy
smokers and drinkers than in nonsmokers and nondrinkers.
b. People who never drink and smoke will not get mouth or throat
c. Heavy drinkers who run have a greater risk of developing cancer
than nondrinkers.
d. People who don't smoke and drink have less chance of getting
cancer of the mouth and throat than those who smoke and drink
e. People would probably be healthier if they did not drink and smoke
too much.
Answer: a., d.,and e.

Begin please!
1) Nine out of ten doctors responding to a survey said they recommend
our product to their patients if they recommend anything.
a. Nine out of ten doctors recommend the product.
b. Of the doctors who responded to a survey, nine out of ten
doctors recommend the product.
c. If they recommend anything, nine out of ten doctors responding
to a survey recommend the product.
d. Most doctors recommend the product.
e. We don't know how many doctors recommend the product.
Answer : a,d,e

2) This organization may succeed marvelously at what it wants to do,

but what it wants to do may not be all that important.
a. The organization is marvelous.
b. The organization may succeed.
c. Although the organization may reach its goals, the goals might
not be important.
d. What the organization wants is marvelous.
e. The author questions the goals of the organization.
Answer : b,c,d

3) This book contains a totally new outlook which combines the

wisdom of the past with scientific knowledge to solve the problems
of the present.
a. Problems of the past and present are solved in this book.
b. In this book, current knowledge and past wisdom are combined
to solve current problems.
c. only by using knowledge of the past and present can we solve
d. None of today's problems can be solved without scientific
e. This book is different because it combines the wisdom of the past
with scientific knowledge.
Answer : b,c,e

4) Like other timeless symbols, flags have accompanied mankind for

thousands of years, gaining ever wider meaning, yet losing none of
their inherent and original force.
a. In spite of losing some of their original force, flags are a timeless
symbol which have accompanied flanking for thousands of years.
b. Flags have existed for thousands of years.
c. Timeless symbols typically gain wider meaning while not losing
their inherent force.
d. Thousands of years ago flags accompanied mankind but through
time they have lost their force.
e. Because flags are considered a timeless symbol, they have
gained continually wider meaning without losing their inherent
original force.
Answer : c,e
5) When there is an absence of reliable information about drugs, the
risks involved in using them are greatly increased.
a. There is no reliable information about drugs.
b. Using drugs is more dangerous when we don't know what
effects and dangers are involved.
c. The risks involved in using drugs have increased.
d. People should try to find out about drugs before using them.
e. There are no risks involved in using drugs if we have reliable
information about them.
Answer : d,e
6) The project of which this book is the result was first suggested in
the summer of 1962, in the course of some leisurely conversations
at the foot of and (occasionally) on top of the Alps of western
a. This book was written in 1962.
b. This book was written in Austria.
c. This book is a collection of conversations held in 1962.
d. This book is the end result of a project.
b. This book is about western Austria.
Answer : a,b

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