Ep1564119b1 Soucy Rubber Track

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(11) EP 1 564 119 B1


(45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.:

of the grant of the patent: B62D 55/14 (2006.01)
18.04.2007 Bulletin 2007/16

(21) Application number: 05009240.2

(22) Date of filing: 11.09.2002

(54) Endless track for high speed multi-terrain vehicles

Gleiskette für Hochgeschwindigkeits-Geländefahrzeuge
Chenille flexible sans fin pour véhicule tout-terrain à grande vitesse

(84) Designated Contracting States: (72) Inventors:

• Deland, André
(30) Priority: 11.09.2001 CA 2357140 Québec, J2B 5R1 (CA)
• Delisle, Marc
(43) Date of publication of application: Québec, J2C 7A9 (CA)
17.08.2005 Bulletin 2005/33 • Faucher, Claude
Québec, J2B 7S4 (CA)
(62) Document number(s) of the earlier application(s) in
accordance with Art. 76 EPC: (74) Representative: Müller - Hoffmann & Partner
02020416.0 / 1 291 270 Patentanwälte,
Innere Wiener Strasse 17
(73) Proprietor: Soucy International, Inc. 81667 München (DE)
Québec J2B 6W3 (CA) (56) References cited:
FR-A- 2 683 201 US-A- 5 447 365
EP 1 564 119 B1

Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give
notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in
a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art.
99(1) European Patent Convention).

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)

1 EP 1 564 119 B1 2

Description etc.) for practical operation, and the developing countries

are decades away from having the necessary infrastruc-
Background of the invention ture for such conventional vehicles. Further, most load-
carrying off-road vehicles presently in use have either
1. Field of the invention 5 very large wheels or very cumbersome tracks which are
heavy, slow moving, and inappropriate for use on paved
[0001] This invention relates to endless tracks used to roads at normal highway speeds.
propel track-laying vehicles [i.e., vehicles which use end- [0007] Rubber endless tracks have become popular
less tracks rather than tires to contact the terrain over due to an increase in construction in urban areas where
which they are driven, e.g., tractors, tanks, bulldozers, 10 vehicles having tracks must drive on the pavement and
etc.] and, more particularly, to an improved rubber track because there is a demand for low soil compaction farm-
design allowing the endless track to be driven more effi- ing. Witch the combination of rubber technology and a
ciently at highway speeds: tremendous amount of trial and error, various types of
rubber tracks are now available in the industry. They are
2. General discussion 15 used on excavators, dump carriers, boring machines,
combines, tractors, and the like See for example U.S.
[0002] Numerous types of vehicles are frequently used Patents 5,279,378 (Graiwey & al) and 6,267,458
in terrain in which it is difficult for pneumatic tires to op- (Hansen et al). Most of them operate on the job site only
erate. Both military vehicles, such as tanks and amphib- and are transported between sites by trucks or trailers.
ious vehicles, and civilian vehicles, such as tractors and 20 To eliminate the inconvenience of transporting the vehi-
recreational vehicles, are sometime utilized on terrains cle between job sites, a vehicle which can operate both
which are very soft, for example sand surfaces. Pneu- on public roads at normal speeds and in off-road con-
matic tires are not capable of efficient operation on such struction environments is required. However, such a ve-
soft surfaces, as they tend to burrow into the surface, hicle will have to be constructed so as to provide little
rather than riding across the surface. 25 damage to the pavement, include less vibration and
[0003] Endless track vehicles have been developed noise, and operate with less maintenance and lubrica-
for use on terrains in which pneumatic-tired vehicles are tion. Furthermore, vibrations to be transmitted to occu-
impractical. See for example U.S. Patents 3,361,488 pants are mitigated and paved roads are not significantly
(Ohm et al), 3,688,858 (Jespersen), 3,734,577 (Snell- damaged.
man) and 3,955,855 (Massieon et al). In many types of 30 [0008] A number of hybrid tracks have been proposed
terrain these vehicles provide improved performance rel- where the links or shoes are made of metal which is pro-
ative to the performance of pneumatic-tired vehicles; still, vided with a rubber cover or insert. See for example U.S.
difficulties are encountered with existing endless track Patents 2,359,586 (Sayler), 2,369,130 (Benson),
vehicles. 2,409,502 (Leguillon et al), 3,148,921 (Batur et al),
[0004] Originally, such tracks were made of a plurality 35 4,109,971 (Black et al), 4,359,248 (Kortering) and
of metal links or shoes pivotally attached to each other 4,588,233 (DenBesten).
to form an endless track which are very heavy, cause
serious damage to roads and other surfaces on which 3. Description of the related art
they run and result in an uncomfortable ride for the pas-
sengers. See for example U.S. Patents 2,823,082 (Bau- 40 [0009] [NOTE: As used herein, the term "rubber" re-
er) and 4,530,546 (Meisel, Jr.). Heavier vehicles still use lates to any elastic and primarily non-metallic materials
metal tracks. such as rubber, elastomers, or combinations thereof
[0005] The above-referenced conventional tracks used in the manufacture of endless tracks].
have the disadvantages of being noisy and vibration [0010] Most rubber tracks are formed around a basic
prone, not sufficiently durable and/or not usable on road 45 carcass or belt. The carcass includes an endless belt-
surfaces. This is because of the conventional configura- shaped rubber-like elastic member, a number of core
tions and use of metal parts. Accordingly, substantial ef- bars (usually of metal) embedded therein and aligned in
forts have been made to construct quieter, smoother op- the longitudinal direction thereof and extending in
erating and more durable tracks for tracked vehicles. traverse directions thereof, and steel cords (tension-re-
[0006] A need has developed for a form of vehicle ap- 50 sistant members) embedded in the endless elastic mem-
propriate for both normal highway use and off-road use ber to surround the core bars circumferentially outwardly.
over snow-covered, very uneven, or muddy terrain. See for example U.S. Patents 4,904,030 (Ono),
There is significant need for such a vehicle not only during 5,295,741 (Togashi et al), 5,511,869 (Edwards et al) and
armed conflicts but also following natural emergencies 6,241,327 (Gleasman).
(snow and wind storms, floods, etc.), and such vehicles 55 [0011] Some have suggested the construction of end-
are at present particularly needed in developing coun- less rubber tracks using a plurality of interconnected pol-
tries. Unfortunately, almost all available automotive ve- ymeric modules. See for example U.S. Patents
hicles require infrastructure (paved highways, bridges, 4,861,120 (Edwards et al) 5,005,922 (Edwards et al).

3 EP 1 564 119 B1 4

[0012] Terrain-contacting lugs are formed integral with [0018] The aforementioned patents are representative
the exterior surface of this basic belt element. Known of a large body of patents which purport to solve one or
rubber tracks include large lugs having a variety of well- more of the rubber track system implementation prob-
known orientations, e.g., formed generally perpendicular lems. Such body of patents constitutes documentary ev-
to the track axis, or at an angle to the track axis, or in a 5 idence that efforts to achieve this blend of track and wheel
chevron or modified-chevron design. These latter special propulsion systems have been exerted for over half a
tracks also include interior lugs or horns for maintaining century without realizing any practical measure of suc-
the track in alignment as it travels over the circumferenc- cess. Solutions to the problems of actually implementing
es of the rubber-tired wheels, such lugs being located a heavy-duty vehicular rubber track drive system have
either in the centre of the interior surface of the track (for 10 proven elusive and scientific scaling techniques have not,
designs appropriate for fitting between the tires of dual- to date, been successfully applied to light duty vehicles
wheels) or in two aligned rows near the outside edges of for purposes of developing a heavy-duty rubber track sys-
the track (for receiving a single tire there between). See tem. Thus, despite the long felt need for and the advan-
for example U.S. Patent 5,447,365 (Muramatsu & al) and tages thereof, a heavy-duty application vehicle utilizing
5,540,489 (Muramatsu & al). 15 such rubbertrack system is commercially unavailable to-
[0013] The tracks are carried by a plurality of rotating day.
elements (wheels, sprockets, etc...) mounted on the [0019] For this reason, most military tracked vehicles
track-laying vehicle, the tracks being maintained in cir- are still equipped with metallic tracks. In an effort to re-
cumferential contact with these rotating elements and duce the inconveniences related to such metallic track
being driven thereby (or, in the case of trailer-like non- 20 systems, some tracks are provided with rubber pads on
driven vehicles, being supported for rotation thereon). the ground engaging side of the metallic track.
[0014] Problems encountered in actually reducing [0020] However, these metallic tracks still present sig-
such an endless rubbertrack to practice include how to nificant inconveniences in relation to wheeled vehicle.
maintain adequate tension on such belt, how to drive Some of these problems can be summarized as follows:
such tracks and keeping the belt in lateral alignment with 25
the wheels when the wheels are subject to large lateral • Noise. The metallic track produces an excessively
loads. Other problems are maintaining the structural in- high level of noise. This fact can cause a significant
tegrity and providing long life for the belt, mid-rollers, drive strategic disadvantage when used in association
wheels, and idler wheels. with military vehicles since the enemy can detect the
[0015] While smaller rubber tracked vehicles are com- 30 presence of the military vehicle many miles away.
mercially available, these do not carry adequate loads • Damage. With respect to civilian vehicles equipped
for military vehicles (including tanks), normal multi-pas- with such tracks or military vehicles used in peace
senger or produce transport, and their drive wheels can keeping missions, the metallic tracks can cause sig-
easily become mired in heavy mud or snow. nificant damage to the ground surface whether it be
[0016] As stated in U.S. Patent 5,295,741 (Togashi et 35 paved or not.
al), when a vehicle equipped with rubber tracks moves • Weight. Metallic tracks are very heavy. For example
on sandy terrain or quarries, the rubber tracks are likely the typical weight of a metallic track used on an M113
to shift from advancing directions of the vehicle due to tank is 544 kg (1200 pounds) while the metallic track
elongations and contractions of the rubber-like material used on a Bradley tank is 1134 kg (2500 pounds).
in vertical and horizontal and other directions. As a result, 40 Such a weight is both an inconvenience with respect
the rubber tracks unavoidably get off the sprocket wheels to the mobility of the vehicles and with respect to
or track rollers of the vehicle. Various attempts have been their consumption of fuel.
made in orderto prevent the dislodgement of the rubber • Short lifespan. Metallic tracks have a short lifespan.
tracks from the vehicle, but they have not met with suc- Even metallic tracks provided with rubber pads wear
cess. 45 out.extremely rapidly such that the pads need to be
[0017] Known rubber tracks, when mounted on the ro- replaced every 800 to 1600 km (500 to 1000 miles)
tating wheels of vehicles, exert distinct resistive forces on a military tank.
that must be overcome to move the vehicle, i.e., resistive • Maintenance. Metallic tracks also require a lot of
forces in addition to those forces created by the load be- maintenance. The replacement of the rubber pads,
ing carried and/or generated by the terrain. These further 50 the metallic links or shoes, etc. requires a continuous
resistive forces relate to the additional tensions required maintenance of the tracks.
to stretch the heavy lugs of the tracks around the wheels • Costs. Finally, the cost of manufacturing, mainte-
over which they are mounted and to the additional friction nance and refurbishing are extremely high.
generated between the tracks and the terrain. While the
latter frictional resistive forces are a valuable attribute 55 [0021] As seen above, efforts to develop a rubber al-
under wet or snowy conditions, they add undesirably to ternative to metallic tracks have been relatively success-
energy costs when driving the vehicle over flat, hard sur- ful in relation to "light" vehicles. However, such rubber
faces. tracks, although an improvement in many respects over

5 EP 1 564 119 B1 6

the known metallic tracks still have the following short- ing the belts, losing drive capability between engaged
comings in relation to heavy equipment such as tanks: wheels and belts, or disengaging the belts from the
• De-tracking. De-tracking is a phenomenon by which [0025] It is an object of the present invention to reduce
a track loses contact with the guiding system such 5 such de-tracking, teeth skipping and wear and tear on all
that it will completely remove itself from the vehicle types of vehicles (military, industrial, agricultural and oth-
and thus cause it to stop. To limit this phenomenon, ers).
more or less rigid protuberances or guide horns are [0026] It is another object of the present invention to
disposed along the interior portion of the track to form replace metallic tracks by a reinforced rubber track which
a rampart which fits between guide wheels. These 10 provides the advantages of metallic tracks (including
wheels are generally grouped in pairs and the space good traction, support and adaptability to all types of ter-
between the wheels allows the guide horns to past rain) while diminishing significantly the disadvantages
freely between them. Another element which is im- (noise, damage to the ground surface, weight, short
portant to reduce de-tracking is the use of an appro- lifespan, maintenance and high costs).
priate tension wheel. 15 [0027] There is therefore provided a track for use on
• Teeth Skipping. Tracks are powered by a motor a tracked vehicle made from a polymer adapted to travel
mechanically connected to a sprocket which engag- over a drive sprocket, a plurality of guide wheels and a
es protuberances or drive lugs on the inside surface tensioning wheel, said track having a first exterior ground
of the track. If these drive lugs are allowed to skip engaging surface and a second interior drive sprocket
over the teeth of the sprocket, damages to and pre- 20 engaging surface, said track comprising:
mature wear of the track will occur. The abrupt move-
ments which result also cause significant discomfort - a carcass portion in which reinforcing means are em-
to the passengers of the vehicle. In order to diminish bedded into said polymer;
such teeth skipping phenomenon, the drive lugs on - a plurality of tread lugs disposed on said first engag-
the track must produce as small a friction as possible 25 ing surface;
on the sprocket while allowing the sprocket to firmly - a plurality of drive lugs, also referred to as traction
engage the track. Again, tensioning of the track is a lugs disposed on said second engaging surface:
critical element. - a plurality of drive horns, also referred to as guide
• Wear and tear. Tracks can also prematurely break horns, disposed on said second engaging surface,
down due to a number of other internal and external 30 each said drive horn having: a forward surface, a:
elements such as: breakage of reinforcing rods, tear- rear surface and: two lateral surfaces;
ing of the reinforcing fabric, cables and fibres and
the abrasion, piercing, tearing and delamination of wherein the upper forward portion of each said lateral
the rubber components. surface is bevelled.
35 [0028] There is also provided a track for use on a
[0022] As regards prior art, FR-A-2683201 shows a tracked vehicle made from a polymer adapted to travel
track according to the preamble of claim 1 for use on a over a drive sprocket, a plurality of guide wheels and a
tracked vehicle, wherein horns are arranged between tensioning wheel, said track having a first exterior ground
drive wheels. engaging surface and a second interior drive sprocket
[0023] The prior art solutions which are adapted for 40 engaging surface, said track comprising:
industrial and agricultural vehicles are inadequate when
faced with the severity of the problems faced by military • a carcass portion in which reinforcing means are em-
vehicles. Indeed, the high weight of military vehicles com- bedded into said polymer;
bined to the high speeds and strong accelerations (both • a plurality of tread lugs disposed on said first engag-
lateral and longitudinal) create high stresses in the track 45 ing surface;
which considerably amplify the aforesaid problems. • a plurality of drive lugs disposed on said second en-
gaging surface;
Summary of the invention • a plurality of drive horns disposed on said second
engaging surface;
[0024] It is, thus, the objective of this invention to pro- 50
vide a workable solution to the problems by taking into wherein said sprocket drive is made of a polymer provid-
account that such vehicle’s undercarriage, to be truly ing a high abrasion resistance and low friction.
useful, should be roadable, provide high traction and low [0029] There is also provided a track for use on a
ground compression, and minimally disturb the underly- tracked vehicle made from a polymer adapted to travel
ing terrain, as well as operate in the heavy-duty working 55 over a drive sprocket having an outer perimeter, a plu-
mode and provide a smooth ride for the operator in most rality of guide wheels and a tensioning wheel, said track
soil conditions and topography from level land to steep having a first exterior ground engaging surface and a
inclinations while performing useful work without break- second interior drive sprocket engaging surface, said

7 EP 1 564 119 B1 8

track comprising: rain vehicles such as military tanks that are specifically
designed for normal speed travel over paved highways
• a carcass portion in which reinforcing means are em- as well as for appropriate use over unpaved roads and
bedded into said polymer, uneven off-road terrain.
• a plurality of tread lugs disposed on said first engag- 5 [0033] Other aspects and many of the attendant ad-
ing surface; vantages will be more readily appreciated as the same
• a plurality of drive lugs disposed on said second en- becomes better understood by reference to the following
gaging surface; detailed description and considered in connection with
• a plurality of drive horns disposed on said second the accompanying drawings in which like reference sym-
engaging surface; 10 bols designate like elements throughout the figures.
[0034] The features of the present invention which are
wherein said sprocket comprises a plurality of sockets believed to be novel are set forth with particularity in the
disposed along said perimeter, each socket being adapt- appended claims.
ed to drivingly engage one of said drive lugs and said
perimeter having a polygonal configuration when viewed 15 Brief description of the drawings
from one of its lateral sides.
[0030] There is also provided a track for use on a [0035] Accordingly it is intended that the foregoing dis-
tracked vehicle made from a polymer adapted to travel closure and showing made in the drawings shall be con-
over a drive sprocket, a plurality of guide wheels and a sidered only as an illustration of the principle of the
tensioning wheel, said track having a first exterior ground 20 present invention.
engaging surface and a second interior drive sprocket
engaging surface, said track comprising: FIG. 1 is an overall side view of a track system in
accordance with the invention.
• a carcass portion in which reinforcing means are em- FIG. 2 is a perspective top view of a portion of a track
bedded into said polymer, 25 in accordance with the invention.
FIG. 3 is a perspective bottom view of the track
• a plurality of tread lugs disposed on said first engag- shown in Figure 2.
ing surface; FIG. 4 is a side view of the track shown in Figure 2
taken generally along line B-B as shown in Figure 2.
• a plurality of drive lugs disposed on said second en- 30 FIG. 5 is a cross section of the track shown in Figures
gaging surface; 2 and 3 taken generally along line A-A as shown in
Figure 3.
• a plurality of guide horns disposed on said second FIG. 6 is a perspective view of a sprocket use to
engaging surface, each said guide horn having a for- power a track in accordance with this invention.
ward surface, a rear surface and two lateral surfaces; 35 FIG. 7 is a cross sectional view of the sprocket shown
in Figure 6 taken generally along line C-C as shown
wherein said guide wheels comprise two track supporting in Figure 1.
outer surfaces between which the said guide horns are FIG. 8 is left blank intentionally.
adapted to pass, each outer surfaces defining a first gap FIG. 9 is a cross sectional view of the guide wheel
between it and said guide horns and a second gap be- 40 shown in Figure 8 taken generally along line D-D as
tween it and said drive lugs, said second gap being great- shown in Figure 1.
er than said first gap. FIG. 10 is a perspective view of a tension wheel for
[0031] In another embodiment, the sprocket is provid- use with a track in accordance with the invention.
ed with: FIG. 11 is a cross section of the tension wheel shown
45 in Figure 10 taken generally along line E-E as shown
• an outer perimeter having a polygonal configuration in Figure1.
when viewed from one of its lateral sides;
Detailed description of a preferred embodiment
• a plurality of cavities disposed along said perimeter,
each adapted to engagingly mate with one of said 50 [0036] FIG 1. shows a general side view of a rubber
drive lugs; and track system in accordance with this invention installed
on a military vehicle 10. The track system comprises an
• a track engaging surface located along said perim- endless reinforced rubber track 100, a sprocket drive 20,
eter. a tension wheel 30 and a plurality of guide wheels 40
55 which support the vehicle and guide the track 100. This
[0032] While the invention is applicable to endless system is coupled to appropriate drive means (not
tracks for all track-laying vehicles, its particular purpose shown) through an appropriate suspension system (not
is to increase the efficiency of heavy track-laying all-ter- shown). A similar system is disposed on the other side

9 EP 1 564 119 B1 10

of the vehicle 10. reduce de-tracking, skipping of teeth and wear and tear,
[0037] As shown in FIG. 2, a track 100 is typically built it is preferable that each component be optimised as de-
around a belt like carcass 150 made of reinforced rubber. scribed hereunder:
As noted above, the term "rubber" relates to any appro-
priate elastic polymer. The belt 100 comprises an exter- 5 1. As illustrated in FIG. 1, when the track system is
nal surface 200 and an internal surface 300. As shown property installed on vehicle 10, track 100 is dis-
in FIG. 2, a plurality of traction lugs 210, 220 and 230 are posed around the sprocket wheel 20 such that the
disposed on the exterior surface 200. These traction lugs wrap angle can vary from one vehicle to the other
or tread interact with the surface on which the vehicle 10 but is usually comprised between 30 degrees and
is being displaced to ensure appropriate traction of the 10 180 degrees.
vehicle. The traction lugs are made out of a sufficient
quality of rubber to support the normal wear of the tread 2. The sprocket wheel 20 is rigidly coupled to the
due to abrasion. motor (not shown) through appropriate transmission
[0038] As shown in FIG. 3, the interior surface 300 of means (also not shown). Because the principal pur-
the track 100 comprises: 15 pose of this sprocket wheel is to transmit power from
the motor to the track, it is important to ensure a firm
i. a plurality of guide horns or lugs 320 which are engagement between the track traction lugs and
consecutively located along the longitudinal centre the.corresponding cavities 23 in the sprocket wheel
line of the interior surface 300. These guide lugs or 20. Appropriate engagement is obtained when the
horns form a quasi continuous rampart which fits in 20 track does not slide sideways or skip teeth on this
the gorge 29 formed in the sprocket wheel 20, gorge sprocket wheel 20. Proper engagement is itself de-
39 formed in the tension wheel 30 and the opening pendant on a certain number of principal factors
49 between the wheels 41 and 42 which form the which can be summarised as follows:
guide wheel 40. The mating of the guide horns with
the gorges and/or openings 29, 39 and 49 allows the 25 a. The lateral displacements of the track 100 100
track to be guided during the movement of the vehi- on the*p+16Xwheel 21 is prevented by the pres-
cle; ence of the guide horns 320 which engage in
ii. a plurality of protuberances 330 which are called the gorge 29 (which separates the sprocket
traction lugs are provided along each side of the track wheel into parts). However, it is preferable that
100. These traction lugs are designed to matingly 30 the width of the gorge be slightly larger (but not
engage with corresponding cavities 23 in the sprock- too much) than the width of the guide horns. The
et wheel 20. They thus ensure the transmission of recommended spacing 28 (in FIG. 7) for a M 113
power from the motor (not shown) to the track 100; tank is between 1,59 mm (1/16) and 2,38 mm
and (3/32).
iii. flat running surfaces 310 and 315 are provided 35 b. The lateral displacements and longitudinal
on each side of the guide horns 320. The support displacements (resulting in teeth skipping) of the
wheels 40 run on these running surfaces support the track 100 are further prevented by the mating of
weight of the vehicle 10. the traction lugs 330 within the corresponding
cavities 23 in the sprocket wheel 20. The quality
[0039] As illustrated in Figures 3 and 4, the guide lugs 40 of the mating depends itself on the following fac-
320, the traction lugs 330 and the exterior tread lugs 210, tors:
220 and 230 are placed on the track in such a way as to
form successive segments each having an identical pitch i. the longitudinal tension in the track 100
130. The various section are separated by sections 110 must be great enough so that the vertical
of the carcass 150 on which no lug, horn or other protu- 45 component of the tension forces compen-
berance is located thus forming a hinge which will allow sates for the forces which extend radially
the track to wrap itself around the various wheels forming between the walls of cavities 23 and those
the track system of this invention. When used in relation of the traction lugs 330;
to a military tank such as an M 113 tank, the pitch 130 is ii. these contact forces depend on the ma-
preferably between 50,8 mm (two inches) and 152,4 mm 50 terial which are used and of the geometric
(six inches). However, for a given sprocket diameter, it forms given to these surfaces;
is preferable to reduce the pitch in order to increase the iii. the maintenance of the quality of these
number of drive lugs which at any given time are engaged surfaces depend on the conditions of oper-
into the sprocket cavities 23. The minimum number of ation, the elastic deformation and wear.
drive lugs 330 which are in contact with cavities 23 at 55
any given time is four. c. The angle formed by the belt when it is
[0040] In order to optimise the interaction between the wrapped around the sprocket wheel 20 as well
track and the other components of the track system to as the number of drive lugs 330 engaged in the

11 EP 1 564 119 B1 12

sprocket wheel 20 have a significant impact on through the guide horns 320 rather than us-
the lateral, tangential and vertical displacements ing the traction lugs 330;
of the track 10; iii. the top portion of the traction lugs 330
d. It has been determined by trial and error that should preferably be truncated and round-
5 ed;
i. the sprocket wheel 20 should contain a iv. the base of the traction logs 330 should
minimum of twelve (12) and preferably fif- be as wide as possible;
teen (15) cavities 23; v. the exterior surface 328 of each traction
ii. the number of traction lugs 330 engaged log can be angled more than the interior sur-
in the cavities 23 must preferably be equal 10 face 336 as shown in 6 in FIG. 5.
or larger than four to ensure a firm engage-
ment and reduce the chances of teeth skip- 3. As shown in FIG. 1, when the track system of the
ping; invention is installed on a vehicle 10, the guide
iii. the shape and dimensions of the cavities wheels 40 which support the vehicle run on the track
23 are in direct relationship to those of the 15 100 which is itself disposed on the ground surface.
drive lugs 330. We have found that it is pref- The number of guide wheels 40 should be appropri-
erable that the pitch 130 of the track 100 be ate for the weight of the vehicle. Indeed, guide
slightly smaller than de pitch 26 of the wheels 40 support the entire weight of the vehicle
sprocket wheel 20. The difference prefera- as well as resist lateral efforts which may result from
bly being between 0% and 1 % in order to 20 turning the vehicle or hitting various objects during
compensate for stretch during high efforts the displacement of the vehicle.
and wear during the useful life of the track; As shown in FIG. 9, each guide wheel 40 is formed
iv. the use of a polymeric material having a of two wheels 43 and 44 each of which has a band
high mechanical resistance and high resist- of rubber (respectively 41 and 42) disposed on its
ance to abrasion is preferable. In this re- 25 outer perimeter. Each of these rubber bands 41 and
spect, UHMW polyethylene is one of the 42 contacts the flat surfaces 310 and 315 on the
preferred materials; interior 300 of the belt 100. Wheels 43 and 44 are
v. gorge 29 in this sprocket wheel 20 should separated from each other so as to form a gorge 49
preferably be ’V’ shaped to facilitate the in- between them. This gorge is designed to be slightly
stallation of the track 100 on the vehicle 10; 30 larger than the width of the guide horns 320 so as to
and leave a slight gap 45 on each side of the guide horn
vi. as shown in Figures 3 and 4, the traction 320. A gap 47 is also defined between the outer por-
lugs 330 have an anterior surface 332 and tion of rubber bands 41 and 42 and the interior portion
a posterior surface 324 presenting a gener- of guide logs 330. It is preferable that the gap 45 be
ally prismatic contour. The actual cross sec- 35 limited to between 1,59 mm (1/16 of an inch) and
tion of these traction logs is preferably of 4,76 mm (3/16 of an inch) in the case of an M113
the type described in U.S. Patent 4,605,389 tank. This spacing is critical as if it is to tight it will
(Westhoff). The length of the tangent t used cause high friction with the resulting serious incon-
in the traction equation x2(1 + y2) = t2 is a veniences. On the other hand, if it is to big, it will
function of the thickness 120 of the track 40 encourage de- tracking of the track 100 and will
100, of the position of the neutral axis 140 render the vehicle much more difficult to be driven
and of the height 335 of each traction lug in a straight line.
330. Such a profile procures an optimal in- Drive horns 320 are designed so as to maximise the
terface during the operation of the vehicle. guiding of the track 100. To do so, side surfaces 322
45 and 324 must cover an area as large as possible so
e. we have determined by experimentation that that their interaction with guide wheels 40 will be such
the traction lugs 330 should preferably have the that it creates as close as possible to a continuous
following characteristics: rampart between them.

i. the interior surface 336 should be slightly 50 4. However, their length should not be such that it
inclined by an angle a which is preferably compromises the rotation of the track 100 around
superior to 3 degrees to prevent interfer- the sprocket wheel 20 and the tension wheel 30.
ence with the wheels 40; Therefore, it is preferable that the guide horns be
ii. the spacing 47 between the wheels 40 tapered towards their exterior. It is also preferable
and the traction lugs 330 should be large 55 to have the top of each side 322 and 324 of the guide
enough (larger than spacing 45 between the horns tapered in the longitudinal direction corre-
wheels 40 and the guide lugs 320) so that sponding to the movement of the track 100 when the
the wheels effectively guide the track 100 vehicle is moving forward. As a result, the guide horn,

13 EP 1 564 119 B1 14

when viewed from the top (as shown in FIG. 3), de- polymer, a drive sprocket (20), a plurality of guide
fines a triangular surface 329 defining a corner 325 wheels (40) and a tensioning wheel (30), said track
on the side of the guide horn which corresponds to is adapted to travel over said drive sprocket (20),
the normal movement of the track 100. Without the said plurality of guide wheels (40) and said tension-
bevels 326 and 328, the track 100 would have a ten- 5 ing wheel (30) and has a first exterior ground engag-
dency to de-track when lateral forces are applied to ing surface (200) and a second interior drive sprocket
the wheels 40. Indeed, because of the way the engaging surface (300), said track comprising:
wheels 40 are usually attached to the vehicle 10,
when lateral forces are applied to the wheels 40, they a. a carcass (150) portion in which reinforcing
tend to become slightly misaligned with the general 10 means are embedded into said polymer;
direction of the vehicle therefore creating a greater b. a plurality of tread lugs (210, 220, 230) dis-
opportunity for the track to de-track itself from the posed on said first engaging surface;
vehicle. The use of a bevels 326 and 328 significantly c. a plurality of drive lugs (330) disposed on said
lowers this risk without significantly diminishing the second engaging surface;
area of surfaces 322 and 324. 15 d. a plurality of guide horns (320) disposed on
said second engaging surface, each said guide
5. The height and length of the guide horns 320 de- horn having a forward surface, a rear surface
pend on the configuration of vehicle 10. However, and two lateral surfaces (322, 324);
we have found that it is preferable that the ratio be-
tween the height and the width be approximately two. 20 whereby said guide wheels comprise two track sup-
In this way rotation around the sprocket wheel and porting outer surfaces (41, 42) between which the
the tension wheel is adequate without compromising said guide horns are adapted to pass, character-
the protection against de-tracking. It is also extreme- ised in that each outer surface defines a first gap
ly important that the guide horns 320 be rigid. If nec- (45) between it and said guide horns and a second
essary, they should be reinforced with known means 25 gap (47) between it and said drive lugs, said second
which may include fibers and rigid inserts. gap being greater than said first gap.

6. As shown in FIG. 1, when the track 100 is installed

on vehicle 10, it is wrapped around tension wheel 30 Patentansprüche
therefore forming a wrap angle which should prefer- 30
ably be between 30 degrees and 180 degrees. The 1. Gleiskettensystem zur Verwendung an einem Gleis-
tension wheel 30 is generally located at the rear of kettenfahrzeug (10), wobei dieses Gleiskettensy-
the vehicle and allows to maintain the necessary ten- stem über eine Gleiskette (100) aus einem Polymer,
sion in the track 100 to ensure that the traction lugs ein Antriebskettenrad (20), mehrere Führungsräder
330 maintain an adequate mating relationship with 35 (40) und ein Spannrad (30) verfügt, wobei die Gleis-
the cavities 23 in sprocket wheel 20. kette so angeordnet ist, dass sie über das Antriebs-
The tension wheel should be designed to reduce the kettenrad, die mehreren Führungsräder (40) und das
wear and abrasion of the track. Therefore, at least Spannrad (30) läuft, und sie über eine erste, äußere
its exterior portion should be made of a relatively soft Bodenkontaktfläche (200) und eine zweite, innere
material such as rubber. In order for the tension 40 Antriebskettenrad-Kontaktfläche (300) verfügt und
wheel not to damage the track 100 it is necessary Folgendes aufweist:
that the track be provided with reinforcing means
such as cables, fibers or fabric. In order to increase a. einen Karkassenteil (150), bei dem Verstär-
resistance of the vehicle to de-tracking, it is neces- kungseinrichtungen in das Polymer eingebettet
sary that the gap 47 as shown in FIG. 9 be grater 45 sind;
than the gap 45 shown in the same figure. b. mehrere Einfädelnasen (210, 220, 230), die
an der ersten Kontaktfläche angeordnet sind;
[0041] While a preferred embodiment of the invention c. mehrere Traktionsnasen (330), die an der
has been described herein, it should be apparent to those zweiten Kontaktfläche angeordnet sind;
skilled in the art that variations and modifications are pos- 50 d. mehrere Führungshörner (320), die an der
sible without departing from the spirit of this invention as zweiten Kontaktfläche angeordnet sind, wobei
defined by the appended claim. jedes Führungshorn (320) über eine Vordersei-
te, eine Rückseite und zwei Querseiten (322,
324) verfügt;
Claims 55
wobei die Führungsräder über zwei Gleiskette-Trä-
1. A track system for use on a tracked vehicle (10), said geraußenseiten (41, 42) verfügen und wobei die
track system comprising a track (100), made from a Führungshörner so ausgebildet sind, dass sie zwi-

15 EP 1 564 119 B1 16

schen diesen hindurchtreten;

dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass jede Außenfläche
zwischen sich und den Führungshörnern einen er-
sten Zwischenraum (45) sowie zwischen sich und
den Traktionsnasen einen zweiten Zwischenraum, 5
der größer als der erste ist, bildet.

1. Système de chenille à utiliser sur un véhicule à che-
nilles (10), ledit système de chenille comprenant une
chenille (100), constituée par un polymère, une roue
d’entraînement (20), plusieurs roues de guidage
(40), une roue de mise en tension (30), ladite chenille 15
étant conçue pour se déplacer sur ladite roue d’en-
traînement (20), lesdites roues de guidage (40) et
ladite roue de mise en tension (30) et ayant une pre-
mière surface extérieure en prise avec le sol (200)
et une seconde surface intérieure en prise avec la 20
roue d’entraînement (300), ladite chenille
comprenant :

a. une partie formant carcasse (150) dans la-

quelle des moyens de renfort sont incorporés 25
dans ledit polymère;
b. plusieurs pavés de bande de roulement (210,
220, 230) disposés sur ladite première surface
extérieure en prise avec le sol (200);
c. plusieurs dents de traction (330) disposées 30
sur ladite seconde surface intérieure en prise
avec la roue d’entraînement (300);
d. plusieurs cornes de guidage (320) disposées
sur ladite seconde surface intérieure en prise
avec la roue d’entraînement (300), chaque cor- 35
ne de guidage (320) ayant une surface avant,
une surface arrière et deux surfaces latérales
(322, 324);

dans lequel lesdites roues de guidage (40) compren- 40

nent deux surfaces extérieures de support de che-
nille (41, 42) entre lesquelles lesdites cornes de gui-
dage (320) sont conçues pour passer,
caractérisé en ce que
chacune desdites surfaces extérieures de support 45
de chenille (41, 42) définit un premier espace (45)
entre elle et lesdites cornes de guidage (320) et un
second espace (47) entre elle et lesdites dents de
traction (330), ledit second espace (47) étant plus
grand que ledit premier espace (45). 50


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