How To Write A Research Proposal
How To Write A Research Proposal
How To Write A Research Proposal
Edilburga W. Saptandari
12 November 2021
Introduction - 1
Question to be asked Steps to be taken Elements of the step
What is the problem? Selection and statement of the -Problem identification
Why should be studied? problem - Problem prioritization
- Justification
What information is already Literature review -Sources
available? -Reviewing
Why do conduct research? Formulation of aim and -- Aim, goals
What is the achievement of objectives -General and specific
the research? objectives
- Hypothesis
How to carry out the Research methodology -Variables
research? - Types of the research
How to collect data and - Data collection techniques
information? - Sampling
Wherefrom to collect data and - Data analysis process, plan
information? -Data processing plan
-Data interpretation process,
Introduction - 2
Question to be asked Steps to be taken Elements of the step
Who will collect and when? Work plan -Personnel, manpower
- Timetable
How will be monitored? Research administration plan -Administration
How the research findings will - Monitoring
be used? -Identification of potential
What and how much Budget -3 Ms: Man, materials, money
resources are needed? Funding Organizations - Fund collection, fund raising
Who will provide the
resources ?
What is a research proposal? - 1
• ....a blue print of future activities of a research project
✓ Use no ward which you do not understand
✓ Use of difficult ward unimpressive to the readers/supervisor/authority
Tugas: Menyusun Proposal Penelitian
• Judul
• Daftar Isi, Daftar Gambar, Daftar Tabel
• Abstrak
• Pendahuluan
• Tinjauan Pustaka
• Metode
• Daftar Pustaka (gunakan standar APA 7)