How To Write A Research Proposal

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Edilburga W. Saptandari

12 November 2021
Introduction - 1
Question to be asked Steps to be taken Elements of the step
What is the problem? Selection and statement of the -Problem identification
Why should be studied? problem - Problem prioritization
- Justification
What information is already Literature review -Sources
available? -Reviewing
Why do conduct research? Formulation of aim and -- Aim, goals
What is the achievement of objectives -General and specific
the research? objectives
- Hypothesis
How to carry out the Research methodology -Variables
research? - Types of the research
How to collect data and - Data collection techniques
information? - Sampling
Wherefrom to collect data and - Data analysis process, plan
information? -Data processing plan
-Data interpretation process,
Introduction - 2
Question to be asked Steps to be taken Elements of the step
Who will collect and when? Work plan -Personnel, manpower
- Timetable
How will be monitored? Research administration plan -Administration
How the research findings will - Monitoring
be used? -Identification of potential
What and how much Budget -3 Ms: Man, materials, money
resources are needed? Funding Organizations - Fund collection, fund raising
Who will provide the
resources ?
What is a research proposal? - 1
• ....a blue print of future activities of a research project

• …..some sort of preconceived framework for starting the

• … with ideas of researcher about what research he/she
wants to do, what objectives and methodology he/she has set,
how much time and resources are required to complete it, how
the research finding are to be reported, and so on.
• ….is an individual’s or a research institute's formal offer to
produce a product or render service to a client in response to
a request from the client.
What is a research proposal? - 2
• … with ideas of researcher about:
✓what research he/she wants to do

✓what objectives and methodology he/she has set

✓how much time and resources are required to complete it

✓how the research finding are to be reported

✓and so on.

• . ….a work plan, prospectus, outline, and statement of intent

• In short, he/she is proposing a work frame for completing the
How to write research proposal?
• A research proposal is intended to convince others that you
have a worthwhile research project and that you have the
competence and the work-plan to complete it.

• Generally, a research proposal should contain all the key

elements involved in the research process and include sufficient
information for the readers to evaluate the proposed study.

• Regardless of your research area and the methodology you

choose, all research proposals must address the following
✓What you plan to accomplish
✓why you want to do it and
✓how you are going to do it.
What inside a research proposal?
1. Title
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Literature review
5. Methods
1. Title
• An effective title attracts the reader’s interest
• Should be precise, specific and descriptive
2. Abstract
• Need 150-200 words abstract of the research proposal
• It should be short, precise and complete
• The abstract must in brief contain the following
• Background
• Aim of the research
• The hypothesis (if any)
• Methods used
3. Introduction
• State the research problem, which is often referred to as the
purpose of the study
• Provide the context and set the stage for your research question
in such a way as to show its necessity and importance
• Present the rationale of your proposed study and clearly indicate
why it is worth doing
• Briefly describe the major issues and sub-problems to be
addressed by your research.
• Identify the key independent and dependent variables of your
study. Alternatively, specify the phenomenon you want to study
• State your hypothesis or theory, if any.
• Set the delimitation or boundaries of your proposed research in
order to provide a clear focus.
• Provide definitions of key concepts (optional)
4. Literature Review
The literature review serves several important functions:
• Ensures that you are not "reinventing the wheel“
• Gives credits to those who have laid the groundwork for your
• Demonstrates your knowledge of the research problem
• Demonstrates your understanding of the theoretical and research
issues related to your research question
• Shows your ability to critically evaluate relevant literature
• Indicates your ability to integrate and synthesize the existing
• Provides new theoretical insights or develops a new model as the
conceptual framework for your research
• Convinces your reader that your proposed research will make a
significant and substantial contribution to the literature (i.e.,
resolving an important theoretical issue or filling a major gap in the
5. Methods
The Method section is very important because it tells your Research
Committee how you plan to tackle your research problem. It will
provide your work plan and describe the activities necessary for the
completion of your project
• The guiding principle for writing the Method section is that it should
contain sufficient information for the reader to determine whether
methodology is sound
• Furthermore, since there are no well-established and widely
accepted canons in qualitative analysis, your method section needs
to be more elaborate than what is required for traditional
quantitative research
• More importantly, the data collection process in qualitative research
has a far greater impact on the results as compared to quantitative
5. Methods – cont’d
• Selection of appropriate approach
• Tools/techniques to be used
• Data collection techniques
• Data processing, analysis, interpretation techniques
Tips and Tricks
• Read and read
• Take notes
• Talk to supervisors, experts, fellows
• Write topics and topics
• Get confused, get afraid
• Generate a number of research questions
• Systematize research questions
• Cut down these in line with your coherent thinking
Common Mistakes
• To provide context to frame research question(s)
• To delimit the boundary of research issue(s)
• To cite landmark studies undertaken so far
• To present accurate theoretical background of the study
• To focus the research questions(s)
• To develop coherent and persuasive arguments
• Too much detailed or too much short on major issues
• Too much rambling – going all over without clear cut sense of
• Incorrect citation/references
• Too long or too short
DOs and DO NOTs
✓ Produce/prepare a professional looking proposal
✓ Make it interesting
✓ Make it informative, meaningful
✓ Write easy way to read
✓ Present content in a page
✓ Use clear headings/sub-headings
✓ Be concise, precise
✓ Check spelling, grammar
✓ Present in accurate/acceptable format

✓ Use no ward which you do not understand
✓ Use of difficult ward unimpressive to the readers/supervisor/authority
Tugas: Menyusun Proposal Penelitian
• Judul
• Daftar Isi, Daftar Gambar, Daftar Tabel
• Abstrak
• Pendahuluan
• Tinjauan Pustaka
• Metode
• Daftar Pustaka (gunakan standar APA 7)

Dikumpulkan melalui Google Classroom paling lambat Jumat, 19

November 2021 pagi.

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