Shah Ehsan Habib, PHD (Unsw, Australia) : Professor Department of Sociology University of Dhaka E-Mail: Sehabib@Du - Ac.Bd
Shah Ehsan Habib, PHD (Unsw, Australia) : Professor Department of Sociology University of Dhaka E-Mail: Sehabib@Du - Ac.Bd
Shah Ehsan Habib, PHD (Unsw, Australia) : Professor Department of Sociology University of Dhaka E-Mail: Sehabib@Du - Ac.Bd
Department of Sociology
University of Dhaka
• Internal
– Internal proposals are short and snappy; a
one to three-page memo from the researcher
to management outlining the problem
statement, study objectives, research design,
and schedule is enough to start an
exploratory study.
– In the small scale proposal, the literature
review is not stressed and can be stated
briefly in the research design.
Types of Research Proposals
• External
– An external proposal is either solicited or unsolicited.
– A solicited proposal is developed in response to a
request for proposals (RFP), and is likely to compete
against several others for the contract or grant.
– An unsolicited proposal represents a suggestion by a
contract researcher for a research that might be done.
Such proposals do not compete against others.
1. Title Page:
• A short and precise overview about the current state of research that is immediately
connected with your research project.
Give a concise and clear outline of the academic (possibly also non-academic, e.g.
social and political) objectives that you want to achieve through your project.
5. Methods
• Describe the intended methods of data gathering, the controls you will introduce, the
statistical methods to be used, the type of literature or documentary analysis to be
followed, etc.
6. Timetable
• Develop a time table (if possible in table form), indicating the sequence of research
phases and the time that you will probably need for each phase.
• Take into account that at this stage, it can only be estimated, but make clear that you
have an idea about the time span that will be needed for each step.
7. Selective research bibliography
• List academic works mentioned in your research outline as well as other important
works to which you will refer during your research
8. Budget (for solicited proposals)
8. Attachments:
What is the problem or what is to Statement of the problem Identify basic difficulty, area
be studied? of concern, felt need,
What information is already Literature review Literature and other available
available? information
Why do we want to carry out the Formulation of objectives General and specific
research? objectives, Research questions
or hypotheses
How are we going to collect this Research methodology Variables
information? Type of study
Data collection technique
How will the results be used? Plan for utilization and Ethical consideration
dissemination of results Seminar, dissemination etc.