Error Code Pal 50

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M 2-19 Paltronic 50 V4.0

8. Status codes

8.1 Display

8.1-1 How it works

Paltronic 50 shows to different kinds of status codes:

a) Permanently shown (not flashing) codes. These codes do not contain an additional information, so the 2 digits afer the dot are “00” and therefore not shown.
b) Flashing codes. These codes contain of a main number and an additional information. To make a difference, the main number is shown with a dot (e.g. 63.), the
additional information without (e.g. 07).

8.1-2 Operating status – error code

Generally, there are normal operating status and error codes.

• Normal operating status codes are codes, which happen during normal operating. These codes are no errors, they just show a certain situation (e.g. an
overload situation). These codes appear and disappear automatically, a reset is not necessary.
• Normal operating status codes are shown with a ( * ) in the following description.

• Error codes are codes which show an unusual situation. They appear as soon as the problem happens and do not disappear automatically anymore. For
example, the code 63.04 shows, that a hand lever was not in neutral position during dart up. Even after bringing the lever back to neutral position, the code
does not disappear. The operator has to reset the system by either pressing the OLP button or restarting the system.
• Error codes are shown with a ( ** ) in the following description

M 2-19 Paltronic 50 V4.0

8.2 Codetable

Nr.1 Nr.2 Description Reason Solution

00. 00 System in normal working condition

01. 00 Checksum EPROM not ok Internal system check is not possible. EPROM (Chip) has to be changed in main unit.
** Crane cannot be operated EPROM error of hardware version

02. 00 Checksum EEPROM not ok Internal system check is not possible. Change main unit.
** Crane cannot be operated EEPROM error of hardware version

03. Overload on a crane load limit Crane in overload on the shown load limit. The Reduce crane load moment by operating a load moment decreasing
* second code tells, which limit is in overload. movement.
If necessary use the OLP button to lower the main boom cylinder and get
00 general (until version 2.8) the crane out of a so called ”false overload situation“.
01 Load limit HPLS
02 Load limit Nominal load
05 Negative Load limit
09 Slewing 1, Load limit 1 (SHB)
10 Slewing 1, Load limit 2 (SHB)
17 Slewing 2, Load limit 1 (ISC)
18 Slewing 2, Load limit 2 (ISC)
25 Slewing 3, Load limit 1 (no stab.)
26 Slewing 3, Load limit 2 (no stab.)

06 Workman basket mode not allowed. Crane outriggers and stabilizers are not used If the crane is built for workman basket mode and EN 280 code, check the
correctly; EN280 mode is activated in the software wiring and the signal. Otherwise deactivate the EN 280 mode in the
and the input in P50 tells, that the basket is software.
mounted. (Signal form relay contact K264/1). If the stabilizers and outriggers are used correctly (stabilizers down,
outriggers fully out), check the wiring of the stabilizers switches.

04. Error safety check Internal error on micro controller. Change program chip or change the main unit.
01 Internal program fault
02 Fault internal RAM/Register
03 Error controller

M 2-19 Paltronic 50 V4.0
Nr.1 Nr.2 Description Reason Solution

07. 00 Overlaod on rope winch Rope winch in overload. Reduce force on rope.
** Load moment increasing movements not (because of too high force on the rope or hoist (Lower the rope or retract extension boom).
possible. limiting switch active).

10. 00 Error on emergency cut off feedback. 12/24 V on emergency cut off valve but no signal Check magnetic valve (short cut)
** Attention: Crane has no overload system from Paltronic (Valve eventually electrically Remove any external power supply.
in this condition overridden by feed power). Check output signal from Paltronic (has to be 0 V in overload situation
when a lever is acted)
10. 01 Error emergency cut off feedback: crane Spool in control valve is out of centre without a Check magnetic valve
** 02 Error emergency cut off feedback: signal from Paltronic. Eventually the valve is overridden manually.
11. 00 Broken connection to pressure Broken connection to pressure transducer. Check wiring and connections (U230)
** transducer on main boom piston side Faulty connection on pressure transducer U230. Further: Interchange the plug U230 with U231, than reset system by
(signal less than 1.25 mA). pressing OLP.
If code 11 remains – broken wire
If code 12 appears – change pressure transducer U 230.
12. 00 Broken connection to pressure Broken connection to pressure transducer. Check wiring and connections (U231)
** transducer on main boom piston rod side Faulty connection on pressure transducer U231. Further: Interchange the plug U230 with U231, than reset system by
(signal less than 1.25 mA). pressing OLP.
If code 12 remains – broken wire
If code 11 appears – change pressure transducer U 231.
13. 00 Broken connection to pressure Broken connection to pressure transducer. Check wiring and connections (U236)
** transducer on fly-jib boom piston side Faulty connection on pressure transducer U236. Further: Interchange the plug U236 with U237, than reset system by
(signal less than 1.25 mA). pressing OLP.
If code 13 remains – broken wire
If code 14 appears – change pressure transducer U236.

14. 00 Broken connection to pressure Broken connection to pressure transducer. Check wiring and connections (U237)
** transducer on fly-jib boom piston side Faulty connection on pressure transducer U237. Further: Interchange the plug U236 with U237, than reset system by
(signal less than 1.25 mA). pressing OLP.
If code 14 remains – broken wire
If code 13 appears – change pressure transducer U237.

15. 00 Broken connection to level indicator on Broken connection to the level indicator or system Check wiring to the level indicator on the boom.
** crane (B1). activated in the software but not mounted on the If activated but not used, deactivate system via computer (Paldiag.NET).
crane. If necessary change the switch to the Palfinger standard switch.
Eventually wrong switch used.

M 2-19 Paltronic 50 V4.0
Nr.1 Nr.2 Description Reason Solution

16. 00 Broken connection to level indicator on Broken connection to the level indicator or system Check wiring to the level indicator on the boom.
** fly jib (B301). activated in the software but not mounted on the If activated but not used, deactivate system via computer (Paldiag.NET).
crane. Eventually wrong switch used. If necessary change the switch to the Palfinger standard switch.
20. 00 Too high signal value from pressure Too high signal (above 19.7 mA) from pressure Interchange plug of the transducer U230 with U231, reset system (OLP or
** transducer main boom piston side transducer U230. Short cut in the cable or restart).
(U230). defective pressure transducer. If error 20 remains, short cut in the cable or main unit defective.
If error 21 appears – change pressure transducer U230.
21. 00 Too high signal value from pressure Too high signal (above 19.7 mA) from pressure Interchange plug of the transducer U230 with U231, reset system (OLP or
** transducer main boom piston rod side transducer U231. Short cut in the cable or restart).
(U231). defective pressure transducer. If error 21 remains, short cut in the cable or main unit defective.
If error 20 appears – change pressure transducer U231.
22. 00 Too high signal value from pressure Too high signal (above 19.7 mA) from pressure Interchange plug of the transducer U236 with U237, reset system (OLP or
** transducer fly jib piston side (U236). transducer U236. Short cut in the cable or restart).
defective pressure transducer. If error 22 remains, short cut in the cable or main unit defective.
If error 23 appears – change pressure transducer U236.
23. 00 Too high signal value from pressure Too high signal (above 19.7 mA) from pressure Interchange plug of the transducer U236 with U237, reset system (OLP or
** transducer fly jib piston side (U237). transducer U237. Short cut in the cable or restart).
defective pressure transducer. If error 23 remains, short cut in the cable or main unit defective.
If error 22 appears – change pressure transducer U237.

30. Overload on Fly Jib Fly jib in overload on the shown load limit. The Reduce fly jib load moment by operating a load moment decreasing
* 00 general (until version 2.8)
second code tells, which limit is in overload. movement.
If necessary use the OLP button to lower the fly jib knuckle boom cylinder
01 Load limit HPLS
and get the jib out of a so called ”false overload situation“.
02 Load limit Nominal load
05 Negative Lastgrenze
09 Reduced load limit

M 2-19 Paltronic 50 V4.0

Nr.1 Nr.2 Description Reason Solution

32. 00 Load limit for manual extension boom Manual extension boom overloaded or system Remove manual extension boom from overload situation (lower the load)
** reached. activated in the software but not used on the crane. Eventually deactivate system if activated but not used (PALDIAG-

41. 00 CAN – reading buffer writing error. Internal CAN error. Restart the system. If error remains, check all bus connections.
** If necessary change main unit.

42. CAN Error interrupt, Bus Off . CAN bus fault. Restart system. If error remains, check all bus connections.
** If the error stays, change the CAN participants one by one. Every time
00 No Specification restart the system after changing.
01 Stuff Error
02 Form Error
03 Acknowledge Error
04 Bit 1 Error
05 Bit 0 Error
06 CRC Error
07 unused

44. Error CAN addressing. An address is used more than once in the system. Check addressing of the bus sysem, especially check the setting of the
** The second code shows, which address is used display units (remember, that the RRC receiver has address 61).
00 General more than once.
51-5F Spool position feeler boxes
61-6F Display units and RRC System
71-7F Encoder

45. CAN Warning interrupt, Bus Off . Warnung am CAN bus. Check configuration of the system in the software (PALDIAG), if
** necessary change and reset the configuration.
00 No Specification Check address switches of all CAN-participants (see Paltronic description
01 Stuff Error „Addressing of the system“). Check wiring.
02 Form Error Change CAN-participants one by one, always restart system after
03 Acknowledge Error changing a part by pressing OLP.
04 Bit 1 Error
05 Bit 0 Error
06 CRC Error
07 unused

M 2-19 Paltronic 50 V4.0
Nr.1 Nr.2 Description Reason Solution

46. 00 CAN transmitting not possible. It is not possible to transmit a data diagram due to Check wiring and connections of the bus system. Restart the system.
** a broken cable, a loose connection or a wrong
wiring of the bus system.

47. 00 CAN receiving not possible. It is not possible to receive a data diagram due to a Check wiring and connections of the bus system. Restart the system.
** broken cable, a loose connection or a wrong wiring
of the bus system. Received data diagram not
50. Error initialisation of CAN participant CAN participant has got an unexpected restart. Check wiring and connections of the bus system. Restart the system.
** This can happen due to a faulty CAN part or a If the error happens again, change the part with the address shown.
00 General defective wiring. It is also possible, that twice the If the error 50.00 occur, also check the CAN bus programming. Maybe a
51-5F Spool position box same address was used. CAN part is activated, which does not exist.
61-6F Display units and RRC system
71-7F Encoder

60. Error lever comparison The position of the control valve spool does not fit If error occurs on a new product or right after programming, check the
** to the signal from the RRC system. definition in the software.
01 Main boom lowering (Possible only on version 3.0 and higher). An error during operating can have the following reasons:
02 Main boom lifting
03 Outer boom lifting • During operating from RRC, somebody has moved a spool
04 Outer boom lowering manually (interrupts the comparison).
05 Slewing left
06 Slewing right • A control valve module is defective and makes an uncontrolled
07 Extensions extending movement.
08 Rope winch lifting
09 Fly jib outer boom lifting
10 Fly jib outer boom lowering
11 Fly jib extensions extending
27 Additional module active in direction A
28 Additional module active in direction B
61. Error CAN document from spool position The spool position box found an internal error Restart system. If error stays, change the part which is shown as the
** box to main unit during start up. faulty one.
The second box shows the address of the faulty
99 Unknown participant participant.
51 Spool position feeler crane
52 Spool position feeler crane fly jib
53 Input box for ISC
54-5F These addresses must not be used at all.

M 2-19 Paltronic 50 V4.0

Nr.1 Nr.2 Description Reason Solution

62. 10 times no data diagram (100 ms) The spool position box found an internal error Restart system. If error stays, change the part which is shown as the
** during operating. faulty one.
99 Unknown participant The second box shows the address of the faulty
51 Spool position feeler crane participant.
52 Spool position feeler crane fly jib
53 Input box for ISC
54-5F These addresses must not be used at all.

63. Lever not in neutral position during start • The spool of a certain movement is activated. Check wiring and correct connection of the spool position plug.
** up. • The wire from the spool position sensor to To test a module, one can interchange two plugs and check, if the code
Paltronic is defective jumps or stays after restart.
01 Main boom lowering • The plug in the Paltronic spool position box is If necessary, change module or cable.
02 Main boom lifting loose.
03 Outer boom lifting • The spool position sensor is defective.
04 Outer boom lowering
05 Slewing left Check:
06 Slewing right The diode in the spool position box has to light up,
07 Extensions extending if the spool is in neutral position.
08 Seilwinde Lifting
09 Fly-Jib outer boom Lifting
10 Fly-Jib outer boom lowering
11 Fly-Jib extensions extending
27 Zusatz-Modul in A-Richtung ausgelenkt
28 Zusatz-Modul in B-Richtung ausgelenkt
64. Function operated in both directions The spool position sensor does not get a signal in Check wiring and correct connection of the spool position plug.
** any direction of a function. To test a module, one can interchange two plugs and check, if the code
01 Main boom The cable might be loose or broken (no power jumps or stays after restart.
03 Outer boom supply to the module). If necessary, change module or cable.
05 Slewing
09 Fly-Jib knuckle boom
27 Additional module

M 2-19 Paltronic 50 V4.0
Nr.1 Nr.2 Description Reason Solution

65. Error initialisation of digital inputs The spool position box found an internal error Restart system. If error stays, change the box which is shown as the faulty
** during operating. one.
99 Unknown participant The second box shows the address of the faulty If a participant has been removed, deactivate it in the software as well.
51 Spool position feeler crane participant. At code 65.99 check CAN bus setting the software and correct it.
52 Spool position feeler crane fly jib
53 Input box for ISC At 65.99:
54-5F These addresses must not be used at all. Participant has been activated in the software,
which does not exist.

66. Document error from display unit to basic A display unit has found an internal error or does Restart system. If error stays change display unit.
** unit not react anymore. The second code shows the
address of the defective unit.
99 Unknown participant
62-6F Address of display unit

67. 10 times no data diagram A display unit has found an internal error or does Restart system. If error stays change display unit.
** not react anymore. The second code shows the
99 Unknown participant address of the defective unit.
62-6F Address of display unit
68. Error during initialisation of display unit Display unit found an internal error during Restart system. If error stays, change the box which is shown as the faulty
** operating. one.
99 Unknown participant The second box shows the address of the faulty If a participant has been removed, deactivate it in the software as well.
62-6F Address of display unit participant. At code 65.99 check CAN bus setting the software and correct it.
At 65.99: Participant has been activated in the
software, which does not exist.
70. Error on data document from RRC RRC receiver found an internal error. Paltronic has found an error on the RRC system.
** 00 - receiver to main unit. At new RRC systems (Scanreco P2 and Hetronic BMS2):
99 The second code on Paltronic is the first code of the RRC status code.

71. 61 Error 10 times no diagram on digital RRC system does not react anymore. Restart system. If code stays change RRC.
** channels On new RRC systems, check status code RRC.
100 ms no signal.

M 2-19 Paltronic 50 V4.0

Nr.1 Nr.2 Description Reason Solution

72. 61 10 times no diagram on analogue RRC system does not react anymore. Restart system. If code stays change RRC.
** channels. On new RRC systems, check status code on RRC.

73. Error of RRC initialisation (start up At 73.61: Check data bus cable and restart system.
** process) RRC system does not react anymore. If error stays, change RRC.
On new RRC systems, check status code on RRC.
61 RRC address At 73.99:
99 Unknown adderss RRC has been activated in the software but does
not exist.

75. Error document form encoder to main The encoder has got an internal error. Restart system. If error stays, change encoder.
** unit. The second code is the address of the encoder
(usually 7F).
71-7F Address of encoder.
76. No answer once per second from The encoder has got an internal error. Check wiring.
** encoder. The second code is the address of the encoder Restart system. If error stays, change encoder.
(usually 7F).
71-7F Address of encoder.

77. Angle change too quick. The encoder turned too quickly. Restart system. If error stays, change encoder.
71-7F Address of encoder.

78. Initialisation error of encoder. The encoder cannot be initialized. Restart system. If error stays, change encoder.
** The second code is the address of the encoder If the encoder has been removed, correct setting via software.
(usually 7F). At 78.99, an encoder has been activated via software, which does not
99 Unknown encoder exist.
70-7F Address of encoder (usually 7F).

79. Angle check wrong The switch fort he angle check is active, but the Redo the slew angle check via software.
** encoder is in a wrong position. Check, if the encoder is mounted correctly.

71-7F Address of encoder (usually 7F).

M 2-19 Paltronic 50 V4.0
Nr.1 Nr.2 Description Reason Solution

80. Service interval required. Crane or rope winch requires service due to the Visit workshop and reset the interval in the software.
** service interval counter
01 Service interval crane (until version 2.8)
02 Service interval rope winch

81. High stand limitation active The crane has been turned into the limited area of Move crane out of limited area.
* the high stand imitation system. If the crane is not in the limited area, check the wiring of the signal
01 High stand 1 (IS001) switches.
11 High stand 2 If the crane should not have this system, deactivate it in the software.

12 Error crane function in stabilizer mode A crane function has been operated in stabilizer Take the lever back to neutral position and press OLP.

90. 00 Load limit on fly-jib overridden by 10 bar. Due to wrong operation, the fly-jib is overloaded 10 Retract fly-jib extension booms, if necessary lower load by using the OLP-
* All load moment increasing movements bar above the set limit. button.
as well as all lifting movements not
91. 00 Electronic main relief valve on fly-jib Fly-jib lifting capacity is reached but system not yet This is no error or mistake in the system, the jib can be used with all free
* active. Fly-jib lifting is not possible any in overload. functions. This code only can appear in version 2.4 or less.
92. 00 Writing on EEPROM takes too much It is not possible to program the chip. Change main unit, restart the system.
** time.

93. 00 Load limit of crane overridden by 10 bar. Due to wrong operation, the fly-jib is overloaded 10 Retract crane extension booms, if necessary lower load by using the OLP-
* All load moment increasing movements bar above the set limit. button.
as well as all lifting movements not
94. 00 Lever not in neutral position after Hand lever still acted after overload situation. Put all levers to neutral position.
* overload situation. If code remains, restart the system.

M 2-19 Paltronic 50 V4.0

Nr.1 Nr.2 Description Reason Solution

95. 00 Electronic main relief valve on crane Crane lifting capacity is reached but system not yet This is no error or mistake in the system, the crane can be used with all
* active. in overload. free functions. This code only can appear in version 2.4 or less
Crane lifting is not possible any more.

96. 00 Power Fail (low voltage) Less than 9 V in the feed line.. Zuleitung prüfen, Sicherung prüfen.
98. 00 System switched off manually. Paltronic switched off with On/Off button. Start system with On/Off button.
* (also possible via RRC-feed back system)

99. 00 Programmed delay after overload. Programmed delay after overload or load limit Automatically shifts back to normal mode after the programmed delay
* overridden via the Paldiag.NET software. time is over or the setting via computer is completed.


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