ENGL120 Assignment 1
ENGL120 Assignment 1
ENGL120 Assignment 1
Assignment Form
استمارة الواجب
College Engineering
Total 10
Overconsumption signifies a circumstance wherein the utilization of a characteristic asset has past
the system's controllable cutoff. An illustration of deferred overconsumption brings about the
unavoidable loss of resource bases. Overconsumption means a circumstance where the use of
resources surpasses the organic framework's suitable breaking point. Proceeded with
overconsumption prompts ecological debasement and, at long last, resource misfortune.
Individuals in horticultural networks needed to work hard yet burn-through little.
With the ascent of worldwide fortunes and the Industrial Revolution, this has adjusted
significantly (F. J. Hooper). This expanded the pay individuals got - the optional income -
permitting them to spend definitely something beyond the necessities like food and asylum.
This expanded abundance brought about more neighborly flexibility. Individuals were spending
their cash on relaxation exercises, more pleasant houses, and wealthy ways of life, just as a
longing to flaunt their riches (D. Orr). As the common rose, so did the desire to work more and
acquire more cash to accomplish where every other person appeared to be. At this point, the lazy
yet predictable financial extension has been inseparably connected with the state of the art time of
small worldwide buying and uncontrolled utilization.
This was awesome for organizations, as it permitted them to assemble a need for more work and
products by utilizing contemporary correspondence enhancements (Ann Arbor, MI, May). Today,
we see this on the web, with buyers being presented to the lavish ways of life of superstars or
powerful people. It is additionally very straightforward nowadays, because of internet shopping,
to get clothing from a trustworthy business with only a couple of snaps. Practically 40% of
Twitter clients guarantee they've bought as an immediate aftereffect of a stalwart's Tweet.
Nonrenewable energy source use has expanded fundamentally during the most recent 50 years,
and has typically multiplied since approximately 1980 (L. Winner). Additionally, the division of
oil based commodity utilization exhibits that it isn't also isolated. In 2019, the normal American
utilized twice as much oil as somebody in Japan, and around 350 fold the amount of as somebody
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Besides, the most extravagant one percent of the
populace is presently liable for over two times as much carbon contamination as the least
fortunate one percent of humankind (3.1 billion individuals).
Real-life examples
1 has a clear thesis statement (gives the writer’s opinion about 1.5
the topic)
Discussion / Body
has clear organization - has unity (supporting sentences are 1
relevant to the main idea) and coherence (supporting sentences
are arranged in a suitable order to clearly express the opinion)
summarizes or restates the thesis sentence, and/or offers a 1
solution (opinion)
Length – 500-600 words. Write At least 5 paragraphs. 0.5
1 the paragraph answers the topic (task completion) 1
2 has relevant details supporting the topic sentence and the Reason 2
opinion = 3 reasons, explanations, statistics, examples, etc.
(minus marks for irrelevant information)
1 Sentence structure and fluency 1
2 Relevant vocabulary Language 1
use must
3 Accuracy – sequence words & chronological order, be at B2 1
tense, punctuation, etc. level
Students’ Declaration
اقرار الطالب
I hereby declare that this is my original work and that any text I have referred to has been appropriately acknowledged and
referenced. I have read thoroughly the University’s Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism and Student Guidelines for
Academic Honesty, and have understood that plagiarism is a serious offence in the University. I understand that all my
assessed work (except quizzes, midterm and final examinations) will be checked in Text-Matching Software (Turnitin),
and that the University shall take disciplinary actions, which can lead to fail in the course as per the University “Plagiarism
Procedures”, should I engage in plagiarism.
أنuuرأت بدقة سياسة الجامعة وإجراءاتها بشuu لقد ق.و المالئمuuه على النحuuارة إليuuه واإلشuuرار بuuأقر هنا أن هذا هو عملي األصلي وأن أي نص أشرت إليه قد تم اإلق
اراتuuتثناء اإلختبuuالي المقيمة (باسuu وأنا أفهم أن جميع أعم.يرة في الجامعةuu وقد فهمت أن االنتحال هو جريمة خط،اإلنتحال والقواعد اإلرشادية للنزاهة األكاديمية
د تؤديuu وأن الجامعة ستتخذ إجراءات تأديبية ق،)Turnitin( إمتحان منتصف الفصل واإلمتحان النهائي) سيتم فحصها بإستخدام برمجية مطابقة النص،المفاجئة
. االنتحالuإلى الرسوب في المقرر وفقا لـ "إجراءات اإلنتحال" في الجامعة إذا أرتكبت