Contemplation Based Learning

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Rina D, Ridwal T, Andrizal, Aidhya IP, Adripen; Contemplation Based Learning…

AL-TA’LIM JOURNAL, 27 (1), 2020, (1-15)

(Print ISSN 1410-7546 Online ISSN 2355-7893)

Available online at

Contemplation-based Learning: An Effective Learning Model for

Serving Science and Self-Knowledge Integration
Received: 22ndJuly 2019; Revised: 06thJanuary 2020; Accepted: 27 thFebruary 2020

Rina Delfita *) Abstract: The study aims to produce feasible a

Institut Agama Islam Negeri Batusangkar, contemplation-based learning model based on the aspect of
Indonesia. validity and practicality for Biology prospective teachers.
E-mail: Research and development (R&D) using ADDIE model was
used where the participants in this study were three Biology
Ridwal Trisoni Education lecturers, three experts, and 35 students who enroll
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Batusangkar, at first semester at Biology Education department in
Indonesia. Batusangkar State Islamic Institute (IAIN) as experimental subjects. The instruments used is observation, interview and
questionnaire. Means and standard deviations were calculated
for finding the level of validity and practicality of the
Andrizal prototype. The results showed that contemplation-based
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bukittinggi, biology learning model meet the characteristics of the learning
Indonesia. model and characteristic of contemplation. The contemplative
E-mail: approaches used through deep reading essays and paid
attention to figures related to the subject matter of General
Aidhya Irhas Putra Biology courses. The values cultivated are values contained in
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Batusangkar, the subject matter. The values that contained in the material
Indonesia. are islamic values, it is alasma’ ul husna. The contemplation-
E-mail: based learning model developed is feasible to be applied in the
biology classroom with the most valid and very practical
Adripen category. Thus, the contemplation-based learning model is a
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Batusangkar, solution for overcoming the gap of serving science with self-
Indonesia knowledge and is an alternative learning model to integrate
E-mail: science and religion at Biology Education Department.

*) Corresponding Author

Keywords: Contemplation-based Biology learning model; integration of serving science and self-knowledge;
integration science and religion.

How to Cite: Delfita, R., Trisoni, R., Andrizal, A., Putra, A., & Adripen, A. (2020). Contemplation-based
Learning: An Effective Learning Model for Serving Science and Self-knowledge Integration. Al-Ta lim Journal,
1(2). doi:

INTRODUCTION successful as creators and repositories of

knowledge, but have forgotten the main role
In the passing decade, universities have of education for university students.
been subjected to serious critiques (Ergas, Universities have forgotten the fundamental
2017), include universities in Indonesia, role of undergraduate education is to help
which is widely known from the "moral students grow up, to learn who they are, to
crisis". This also can be seen from the search for a larger purpose for their lives and
statement of Lewis (2006) that Havard to leave university better human being. In
University and other universities have been other words, universities are only focused on

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2 Volume 27, Number 1, February, 2020, Page 1-15

creating knowledge or serving science. through learning in each subject matter is very
Barbezat & Bush, (2014) also acknowledged necessary psychologically, socially and
that their higher education deviated and globally. Self-knowledge is key to the
forgotten main role to create graduates who cultivation of a life of meaning and virtue. An
had good characters as well as creativity. The education that hopes to cultivate these
universities in Indonesia also forget it. It qualities must in the curriculum there is
shows that knowledge is separated from the serious attention to it. Self-knowledge can
goal of education, to form a good person, thus be considered to be a “curriculum” in its
having morality, good ethics, applying values own right. It unfolds within a pedagogical
and having a good relationship with each space in which meaning becomes personal
other. Simmer-Brown, (2009) interpreted that meaning within a social sphere and moral
universities separated rationality with action becomes a deliberate choice (Ergas,
emotional and spirituality of student. Lelwica 2017).
(2009) also stated that university only
develops thinking skills. Thus, the existence The practice of contemplation in
of this separation gave birth to graduates who learning is a very appropriate solution for
were academically clever but they were lack fostering moral development. The practice of
of moral aspects. So, it results “moral crisis”. contemplation has been shown to increase
ethical motivation and behave through various
In undergraduate program, Biology mechanisms. Walsh & Shapiro (2006) stated
becomes the most common subject in that the practice of contemplation has been
Indonesia. Students claim that their courses shown to increase sensitivity to the
teach that “everything is abaut biology” and consequences of unethical actions such as
ignores the values, norms, rules that exist in guilt towards self and pain experienced by
their religion and culture. Colby, Ehrlich, & others, reduce motivation for wrongdoing
Sullivan, (2011)mentioned that in business such as anger and greed, and fostering moral.
undergraduated programs in USA, students In students, it is known that the practice of
claim that their course only teach about contemplation enhanced ethics in making
business and ignore religious values and decisions (Ruedy & Schweitzer, 2010) and
norms of society. While in Islamic university developed morality (Shapiro et al., 2015). By
in Indonesia are trying to integrate religious promoting curiosity and fostering students'
values in each subject matters, although it is curiosity about experience during
only limited to foster religious theory, not to contemplation, they will train to focus and
the level of practice in the form of learning improve their self-control skills in an effort to
models (Delfita and Andrizal, 2016). Some explore the environment or become objects of
expert argued that these are symptoms of contemplation in new and creative ways. Hart
contemporary times in which economic (2004) stated that when information is
thinking has been taking over education processed in depth, it is more reflective; then,
(Kandiko and Camille, 2010; Gilead, 2012), information will be easily integrated with one
transforming Universities into marketplace another and will be maintained for a long
players (Kleinman, Feinstein, & Downey, time. Practicing contemplation and promoting
2013), and trying them with economic success learners' curiosity about their experiences
in ways. These systemic and external during contemplation will help them to learn
contemporary conditions have something to more effectively and reflectively. Barbezat
do with this moral crisis. However, the and Pingree, (2012) stated that the practice of
bifurcation between “serving science” or contemplation in classroom learning
“knowledge” and “self-knowledge” is not developed critical thinking skills, focus and
novelty of contemporary times. It was the concentration, insight, compassion,
heart of what may be a central aspect of this connection, creativity, self-regulation, moral
moral crisis (Ergas, 2017). Therefore, and ethical understanding and mental
fostering the moral development of students development. The practice of contemplation

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Rina D, Ridwal T, Andrizal, Aidhya IP, Adripen; Contemplation Based Learning… 3

integrated in learning has been shown to research was to develop a contemplation-

improve learning outcomes (Zeidan et al., based learning model for perspective teachers
2010), spirituality (Davidson et al., 2012), of Biology. This study aims to develop
developed emotional management (Zajonc, contemplation-based learning models in the
2013), and developed self- regulation (Tang et General Biology course and examining the
al., 2014). feasibility of the contemplation-based
learning model developed.
Although the practice of contemplation
in class only help students to develop their METHOD
ability to concentrate, social care, manage
emotions and stress, improve spirituality, and Research and Development (R&D) with
improve learning outcomes, research has five phases of Analysis, Design,
shown that the practice of contemplation in Development, Implementation and Evaluation
the curriculum has not been conceptually tight or ADDIE was conducted (Molenda, 2003).
(Ergas, 2017). Many of these contemplation Analysis is the stage of needs analysis and
practices have not considered the complexity identification of problems found in the
of learners and are generally limited to the Biology Eucation Department, Faculty of
goals of managing stress, emotions and Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Islamic
attention of students (Davidson et al., 2012; Institute (IAIN) Batusangkar. The stage of
Zajonc, 2013; Shapiro et al., 2015; Bostic et needs analysis by analyzing the characteristics
al., 2015), and separating religion from of the Biology curriculum in the General
knowledge (Barbezat & Bush, 2014). Biology course and analyzing the
Contemplation is a separate thing from characteristics of students. Problem
learning or subject matter. In other words, the identification done to find out the problems
bifurcation between “serving science” or that exist in the learning of General Biology.
“knowledge”and“self” still occurs in learning Identify this problem through interview
process. activities with General Biology lecturers and
documentation studies on General Biology
The most common contemplation
Semester Learning Plan (Rancangan
techniques were mindfullness and yoga with
Pembelajaran Semester).
respiratory as objects of contemplation
(ACMHE, 2017). Only very few studies have The design stage is the stage of
specifically develop the practice of designing a contemplation-based learning
contemplation by making subject matter as model that conceptually addresses the
the object of contemplation, such as (Song analysis stage. This stage produced a
and Muschert, 2014; Delfita and Andrizal, prototype or a draft book of contemplation-
2016; Khayankij, 2017). These three articles based learning models. Meanwhile, the stage
are only limited to showing specific steps in of assessment of the prototype and revision of
the practice of contemplation applied in their prototype were based on expert input. Product
classes. It is not report whether the quality is determined by formative evaluation
application of the practice of contemplation in by experts review (Nieveen & Folmer, 2013).
this learning meets the criteria of a learning The results should show the valid prototype.
model or not. If not so, the prototype should be revised and
formative evaluation is redone (Plomp, 2010).
The scarcity of information about the
Prototype were evaluated formatively based
practice of contemplation that makes subject
on paper based on expert judgment (three
matter as the object of contemplation and
experts of instructional technology education,
fulfillment of the criteria of a learning model
Islamic education and language).
that integrates the practice of contemplation is
unfortunate. So, this information can be a The implementation phase is the stage
reference to assess whether or not the goal of of implementing a learning model that is valid
learning is achieved. This purpose of this

© 2020 by Al-Ta’lim All right reserved.This work is licensed under (CC-BY-SA)

4 Volume 27, Number 1, February, 2020, Page 1-15

in the classroom. The implementation of the integrate science and religion in order to
model is carried out in the General Biology respond the vision of islamic universities in
class B, 2017-2018 academic years and three indonesia. So, the process of design a
times courses. This stage obtained data on the contemplation-based learning model based on
activities of lecturers and student. The good practical education and reality.
evaluation phase is the assessment phase of
the model that has been implemented in the Construction of Model
class using summative evaluation which aims
to find out the practicality of contemplation- The contemplation-based learning
based biology learning models. This model model was constructed by specific program.
assessment was carried out by filling out They were contemplation characteristic,
questionnaires by three observers (biology Islamic values based on Al Asma’ Al Husna,
lecturers). The score of expert judgment and subject matter as object of contemplation, has
observation on implementation contemplation five components of the learning model
based learning model is calculate with (syntax, principle of reaction, the effects of
descriptive statistic (mean and standard intructional and nuturant effect, and
deviation). supporting system), integrated “knowledge”
and “ self” and integrated science and
RESULT AND DISCUSSION religion. The contemplation characteristics
were connected directly with the object of
contemplation through concentration
Developing a contemplation-based
meditation and have full awareness through
learning model reflected in some aspects:
mindfulness meditation (Zajonc, 2009; Center
process of design, construction of model, and
for Contemplative Mind in Society, 2016).
feasibility based on validity and practicality.
This result showed that product met the
characteristic contemplation. These
Process of Design
characteristics are found in the fourth stage of
the learning syntax.
At process of design, a contemplation-
based learning model develop based on good Islamic values based on Al Asma’ Al
practical education and reality. The related Husna contained in the material are used as
condition was identified as analysis stage, the first stage of the learning model to
such as the problems in biology curriculum facilitate the stages of contemplation. The
and characteristic of students. Developing a Islamic values are compassion (Ar-Rahman
contemplation based biology learning model wa Ar-Rahim), nurturing (As-Salam, Al-
is also constructed based on educational Hafizh, Al Muqit), the value of justice (Al-
design research or/and developmental ‘Adl, Al-Muqsith), thoroughness (Al-Lathif),
research (Richey, Klein, & Nelson, 2002). self reflection (Al-Hasib, Al-Muhshi),
This result showed that product met the commitment (Al-Barr), beneficiaries (An-
fundamental aspect of the study. This product Nafi’) and others. These value was chosen
also met another qualification that was one of them to be instilled in the stage of
designed through identification process. The cultivating value and contemplation (Table 1).
product was designed through cyclical Cultivating good values purposed to bring
process in activities of design, assesment and mental attitude to do kindness (Zajonc, 2009).
revision. So, it is the logical consistency and Salleh, (2009) stated that directly
comformity between expectation and reality incorporating Islamic values and making
(Nieveen, 2007). Formative evaluation emotions of students touched will form a self-
(Tessmer, 1993) was done at once and knowledge skill that can finally realize that
reflected in systematic documentation. A value in life. If the values are cultivated,
contemplation-based learning model not only students will take care of each other, take care
done to integrate “serving scienece” and
“self-knowledge” but also done in order to

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Rina D, Ridwal T, Andrizal, Aidhya IP, Adripen; Contemplation Based Learning… 5

of nature, have empathy and so on, so that the intructional and nuturant effect, and
moral crisis can be dammed. supporting system (Joyce and Weill, 1992).
This result showed that the product met
The component learning model are qualification as a learning model can be seen
syntax, principle of reaction, the effects of at Figure 1.

Figure 1. The Costruction of Contemplation-based Learning Model.

Syntax of Contemplation-based Learning learning subject matter and values which

Model contain it, cultivation of values, creation of
inner well-being and birth of the silent self,
Syntax is stages of activities carried out contemplation practice, write the
by lecturers and students, which include the contemplation experiences, small discussion
preliminary, core and closing activities. The and presentation, reflection and evaluation as
syntax of contemplation-based learning on Table 1.
models consists of seven stages: explain the
Table 1. Syntax of Contemplation-based Biology Learning Model.

Stage of learning Activities Descriptive of Activities

Prelimi-nary activities Setting up conditions for learning - Say Assalamu’alaikum and pray
(7-10 minutes). - Giving motivation
- Explain learning objective
- Explain the learning model that will be used.
Core activities Explain the learning subject - Teach the students about human nature based
matter and values Which contain on al Quran
it (30-40 minutes) - Connect human nature with the learning
The first stage subject matter.
- Explain the learning subject matter and values
which contain it and small discussion about it.
- Ask the students to explore the others value.
Cultivation of values - Select and assign a value to cultivate
(10 minutes). - Ask the students about the value that has been
The second stage set beforehand and immediately answer them.
For example, “Have I become human being
that....discipline or regularly life (according to
the set value).
- Associate students answer with Allah’s
purpose to create order in each of His creation
- Bring humility and self awareness in the
presence of Allah SWT.

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6 Volume 27, Number 1, February, 2020, Page 1-15

Stage of learning Activities Descriptive of Activities

Creation of inner well-being and - Align students’ thoughts and feelings based on
birth of the silent self (10 the value that were previously cultivated by
minutes) presenting past experience of violated value
The third of stage and its consequences.
- Associate students’ experiences that result
from violating value with the aims of creating
all organized creation by Allah SWT.
- Students write the value that is violated and
instill the action wrong.
- Present themselves that Allah SWT loves His
creatures very much
- Ask the students to be relaxed.
Contemplation practice - Ask students to read essay or pay attention to
(30-40 minutes). pictures that are objects of contemplation in
The fourth stage relaxed condition.
- Ask the students to present themselves when
dealing directly with subject matter in an
essays or pictures. Then, ask them to do
meditation, if they cannot concentrate well.
- Pay attention to students’ inner life by
presenting and feeling Allah SWT (depending
of subject matter and cultivated value). This is
the stage of harmonizing thoughts and feelings.
- Allow harmony between thoughts and feelings
as long as possible.
- Ask students do mindfulness meditation
Write the contemplation - Ask students write subjects matter, values and
experiences (10 minutes) experience gained during contemplation.
The fifth stage
Small discussion and presentation - Ask students to hold small discussion with
(20 minutes). friends who sit close together about subject
The sixth stage matter, values that contain it and their
- Ask students present the results of the
- The lecturer gave reinforcement to the result of
the discussion presented.
Closing activities Reflection and evaluation (10 - Students and teacher reflect on the learning.
menit). - Students and teacher conclude the lesson
The seventh stage

In the preliminary stage, students pay attention to the learning given, related
faced the phenomenon of irregularities in it to their previous knowledge and ask
the lives of students with the order of questions (Schunk, 2012).
creation by Allah SWT (depending on
material) to motivate and explore their The core phase begins with explained
initial knowledge. Cook & Ausubel, the nature of the human being based on al
(1970) stated that educators must find Quran and then connecting human nature
ways to connect new learning material with the learning subject matter and the
with the knowledge of previous students values that contain it.The lecturer
and prepare their students to receive new explained the subject matter and values
information. Comparing contradictory contained in it based on Al Asma’ Al
things is seen as a solution to attract and Husna (the first stage). At this stage,
motivate students (Ambrose & Lovett, students gain exposure to the subject
2014; Schneider, Nebel, Beege, & Rey, matter and values contained in it.
2018). If students are motivated, they will

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Rina D, Ridwal T, Andrizal, Aidhya IP, Adripen; Contemplation Based Learning… 7

The second syntax of this learning is students' confidence and ability to convey
cultivating value. This stage aims to ideas and opinions (Liu & Lin, 2012).
evaluate themselves (self-reflection) and After they get a sense of comfort, followed
instill values to foster self-regulation so by the phase of practice of contemplation
that they can change their bad qualities which consists of concentration and
both at home and on campus. Hayward and mindfulness meditation.
Colman, (2010) state that values and
principles arecultivated in someone when The fourth syntax is contemplation
they can be interconnect the realities of practice. The object of contemplation in
nature and their full benefits. Salleh, the form of essay or figure of General
(2009) states that directly incorporating Biology material that has been designed in
Islamic values and making emotions of accordance with the indicators of learning.
students touched will form a self- In concentration meditation students are
knowledge skill that can finally realize that asked to read essays or pay attention to the
value in life. If the values are cultivated, figure in 3-5 minutes detail in a relaxed
then students will take care of each other; state and without thinking about anything.
take care of nature, empathy and so on, so If their attention is disturbed, repeat
that the moral crisis can be dammed. Self- reading the essay or paying attention to the
regulation greatly helps students to figure. When this concentration meditation
maintain self-efficacy for learning, takes place, the lecturer directs students to
learning values, beliefs to achieve goals turn their attention to their inner lives
and maintain emotional stability (Schunk, (harmonizing their thoughts and feelings)
2012). This phase also aims to create a by presenting and feeling the presence of
positive learning environment that makes it Allah SWT through the subject matter that
easier for students to enter the next stage of they contemplate. This will describe the
learning, which facilitates the emergence harmony of thoughts and feelings. Students
of humility and the practice of are asked to maintain the conditions of
contemplation. Humility and full surrender harmony of their thoughts and feelings as
to the Creator are the foundation of the long as possible (mindfullness meditation)
moral foundation for entering the stage of and allow whatever arises as long as they
meditation (Zajonc, 2009). harmonize their thoughts and feelings. At
the time of concentration meditation, the
The third syntax of this learning processing of course material information
model is the creation of inner calm. At this occurs in depth and is more reflective so
stage students re-relax their bodies by that the information is easily connected to
presenting violated values and their one another and will enter into long-term
consequences (according to the material memory (Kapur et al., 1994). The values
and values previously invested). The contained in the subject matterl will enter
violated value is written and implanted that and touch the emotions of students (Salleh,
the violated value is wrong. For example, 2009).
in material structure and function of
animals, when paying attention to figures At biologically, meditation changed
of animal anatomical structures, students of parts of the brain responsible for
feel the love of Allah SWT through its processing emotions, and has a powerful
design and structure is very fitting and effect on the amygdala, the brain's trigger
amazing according to its function. This for fear, stress, and anger (Lazar, 2013).
will make students realize that Allah is the Holzel et al., (2011) reported that increases
Most Nurturing, so that humility is formed in gray matter concentration within the left
and gives birth to inner peace. This sense hippocampus, increased in the posterior
of comfort and inner calm can developed cingulated cortex, the temporo-parietal

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8 Volume 27, Number 1, February, 2020, Page 1-15

junction, and the cerebellum. The results such as building concentration and
suggest that it is associated with changes in attention (Jha, Krompinger, & Baime,
gray matter concentration in brain regions 2007), which will have an impact on
involve in learning and memory processes, cognitive (Zeidan et al., 2010; Campagne,
emotion regulation, self-referential 2013; Tang et al., 2014). Song and
processing, and perspective taking. Lazar, Muschert, (2014) state that the thought
(2013) also reported that the temporal- process will be deep and holistic. The
parietal junction involved empathy and practice of contemplation builds the ability
love and thickening of the brain stem area of students to manage emotions (Davidson
(pons), the place of production of the et al., 2012; Zajonc, 2013), reduces
neorotransmitter regulator. In the anxiety (Campagne, 2013) fosters self-
amygdala, an important place of defense knowledge (Barbezat and Pingree, 2012)
for regulating anxiety, fear and stress increases self regulation (Tang et al.,
becomes reduction in thickening (Lazar, 2014), fostering compassion, and
2013; Desbordes et al., 2012). Research increasing spirituality (Davidson et al.,
showed that meditation carried out for 2012; Zajonc, 2013). Khayankij, (2017)
eight weeks can evoke a brain response. reports that contemplation can develop
The connectivity between the prefrontal student awareness. The practice of
cortex, hippocampus and amygdala shows contemplation is very practical in
a neuronal mechanism of action about how overcoming the problem of contemporary
this meditation training induces emotional education and is a simple method (Hart,
and behavioral changes (Holzel et al., 2004). The students not only have
2011; Gotink et al., 2016). Studies using “knowledge” or “service science”, but also
neuroimaging techniques have shown that have self-knowledge.Self-knowledge” is
meditation increases activation and key to the cultivation of a life of meaning
connectivity in areas of the brain related to and virtue. It unfolds within a pedagogical
self-regulation (Tang, Posner, and space in which meaning becomes personal
Rothbart, 2014). This is very possible meaning within a social sphere and moral
because the key characteristic of the action becomes a deliberate choice (Ergas,
practice of contemplation is that they 2017). In other words, this contemplation-
represent a form of mental training that can based biology learning model can
cause changes in plasticity in the brain eliminate the gap in “serving science” and
(Lutz, et al., 2008). The heart of the “knowledge of self”. So, that the goal of
practice is repetition and practice to education is to create a well human being
cultivate more positive habits of mind. and “moral crisis” is overcome.
When positive thoughts are trained, the
part of the brain responsible for self The practice of contemplation
regulation will be active (Beauregard, applied in this learning model has the
Lévesque, & Bourgouin, 2001). same characteristics as the practice of
contemplation that has been applied in
Barbezat & Bush, 2014) stated that Buddhist schools and universities in
the practice of contemplation forms an America and Europe. The difference in
independent thinker person, develops the practice of contemplation in this
problem solving skills, provides learning model is the object of
opportunities for students to connect contemplation in the form of subject
directly with the material and values and matter in the General Biology course and
interpret the values that exist in the the values that are cultivated derived from
material so that it will be easier for them to the value of Al Asma’ Al-Husna. The
apply it to their daily lives. The practice of technique is to read essays and pay
contemplation build students' life skills attention to picture related to subject

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Rina D, Ridwal T, Andrizal, Aidhya IP, Adripen; Contemplation Based Learning… 9

matter. The objects of contemplation in The seventh syntax is a reflection and

Buddhist schools and universities in evaluation. The activity at this stage aims
America and Europe were generally to determine the extent to which students
breathing(Center for Contemplative Mind master the indicators given and know what
in Society, 2013), singing, painting and obstacles are in learning to be used as
dancing (Khayankij, 2017), and self (Song materials for improving learning. This
and Muschert, 2014).The contemplation phase is an important phase for lecturers
practice in Buddhist schools and and students. It is help lecturer to
universities in America and Europe understand better how students think and
separated religion and knowledge how support them in learning (Ash,
(Barbezat & Bush, 2014). Clayton, & Atkinson, 2005). Lecturers can
find out the obstacles that occur and the
The fifth syntax of this model is to degree to which students master the
write the contemplation experiences. concepts that are the goals of learning
Writing the students experience can (Cooperstein, 2004).
summarize and reflect on the lesson.
Writing the experience is not a simple Social System
process, it affects the development of skills
such as thinking and expressing. Writing
experience helped student developed The social system describes the role
communication skill and remember their of lecturers and students during learning.
lesson (Günel, Uzoğlu and Büyükkasap, In this contemplation-based learning model
2009), developed student analytical skills, students acted as subjects of learning, had
their skills of remembering, commenting, an active role in thinking, building ideas,
eliminating misconceptions, reinforcing looking for values contained in the subject
matter, cultivating values, contemplating,
the subject and making reasonable
asking questions, discussing and
explanation (Seven, Pinar Koksal, &
communicating and determining attitudes.
Kocak, 2017; Satriani, Emilia &
Lecturers acted as facilitators in planning
Gunawan, 2012). So, writing in this
learning, creating a conducive learning
learning model will significantly improve
environment, increasing intellectuality and
student learning outcomes.
student spirituality. Lecturers also acted as
The sixth syntax is a small discussion motivators in cultivating values, giving
and presentation. A small discussion aims awards. In addition, lecturers also acted as
to share information related to the things inspirators who play a role in encouraging
obtained during contemplation. This stage and creating new ideas. The point is that in
is continued with the presentation. This the social system the learning model gave
stage was importent aspect of learning, rise to social aspects in the classroom and a
such as promotes critical thinking by pleasant learning atmosphere so that it
forcing student to apply what they have invites students to be open, discuss and
learned in the classroom to information convey ideas that ultimately have a
that they gathered (Girard, Pinar, & Trapp, positive impact on learning outcomes. In
2011). Presentations allowed students to the social system of this model, an
communicate their understanding of environment of the classroom is very
concepts to their peers and foster an cooperative on the basis of the mutual and
environment for the discussion of those high feeling of emotional activities.
concepts (Thor et al., 2017). In addition,
interactions ofstundent stimulated and
encouraged cognitive growth (Schunk,

© 2020 by Al-Ta’lim All right reserved.This work is licensed under (CC-BY-SA)

10 Volume 27, Number 1, February, 2020, Page 1-15

Principle of Reaction competencies and make values as

guidelines for behavior. While, the
The reaction principle shows the nurturant effects is to develop
activities of lecturers and students during communication skill, self-reflection,
learning. The activities of lecturers in increase interest, motivation,
contemplation-based learning models responsibility, caring and self-confidence.
include conveying subject matter and
imitating the values contained in it, Feasibility of Contemplation-based
exemplifying ways to contemplate, asking Learning Model
students to read essays or pay attention to
images. Lecturers can also participate in Feasibility of this model conduct
contemplating and asking questions based validity and practicality. The
regarding the material and the results of feasibility of contemplation-based learning
contemplation. While student activities model has a value of 3.29 ± 0.13, with very
include listening to the explanation of the valid categories (Table 2) and 3.47 ± 0.09,
subject matterl and values contained in the with very practical categories (Table 3).
material, showing the values that exist in That is, contemplation-based learning
the material based on Al Asma’ Al-Husna, model met the criteria of the learning
choosing and setting the values to be modeland are feasible to use. As stated by
implanted, reading essays or paying Nieveen, (1999) that a learning model is
attention to figures, contemplating, writing said to be good if it is valid, practical and
down the results of contemplation, effective. Nineveh further stated that the
discussing, delivering results validity aspect of a model is associated
contemplation, asking questions and with two things: strong theoretical
answering questions at the end of learning. rationality and internal consistency of the
The point is how lecturers choose what components developed. The
reactions are effective for students. contemplation-based learning has fulfilled
this aspect of validity.
Supporting System
Table 2. The Validity Score of Contemplation-
based Learning Models
The support system for the
contemplation-based learning model was a No Aspects of assessment Average
model book, module and textbook. 1 The supporting theory 3.25 ± 0.43
Modules are arranged as a reference for 2 Syntax 3.43 ± 0.06
students that contain material equipped 3 Social system 3.33 ± 0.16
4 Priciple of reaction 3.06 ± 0.10
with values and guidance on
5 Instructional and 3.28 ± 0.13
contemplation-based learning models. nurturant effects
Another support system is the expertise of 6 The supporting system 3.39 ± 0.19
lecturers. Average 3.29 ± 0.13

Instructional and Nurturant Effects Description: If the average ≥ 3.20

category is very valid, 2.40 <average ≤
The instructional effects of this 3.20 categories are valid, 1.60 <average ≤
model is to develop knowledge and 2.40 the categories is quite valid, 0.80
knowledge of self, to construct knowledge <average ≤ 1.60 categories are less valid,
and consideration of values, practice If the average ≤ 0.80 category is invalid.
concentration, balance thoughts and
feelings, control self and enhance Atthe practical aspect,
spirituality. This instructional impact will contemplation-based learning model can
make the achievement of subject be easily used by lecturer. Plomp, (2010)

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Rina D, Ridwal T, Andrizal, Aidhya IP, Adripen; Contemplation Based Learning… 11

and Nieveen, (1999), a model is said to be prospective teachers are feasible based on
practical if it can be used easily and the aspect of validity and practicality. This
practically by users. model will stop the bifurcation “serving
science” and “self-knowledge” and is a
Table 3. The Practicality Score of Contemplation-
based Learning Models.
model to integrate science and religionat
Islamic Education. However, effects of
No Aspects of assessment Average implementation of contemplation-based
1 Sintax learning model on the student learning
Preliminary activities 3.44 ± 0.08 outcomes, spiritual and socio-emotional
Core activities 3.49 ± 0.07
Closing activities 3.56 ± 0.1
has not been studied.
Average 3.50 ± 0.02
2 Social system 3.57 ± 0.11 REFERENCES
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