Toward A Knowledge-Based Data Backbone For Seamless Digital Engineering in Smart Factories
Toward A Knowledge-Based Data Backbone For Seamless Digital Engineering in Smart Factories
Toward A Knowledge-Based Data Backbone For Seamless Digital Engineering in Smart Factories
interpretation of interrelations between its different aspects
such as product design, production process and manufacturing
resources. These interrelations can be used to automatically gen-
erate semantic process descriptions and execute corresponding
robot motions. An initial one-time effort to model the required
knowledge of a particular application domain can make the
manufacturing of high-variant products in small batches or even
lot size one production more efficient.
This paper introduces a knowledge-based digital engineer-
ing concept to automate engineering and production activities
without human involvement. The concept was integrated and
evaluated in a physical robot workcell where automotive fuse OD N
boxes are autonomously fitted with different fuse configurations. IN E E RIN G
Fig. 1: The knowledge-based Data Backbone in the center
Digital transformation is currently one of the key challenges
represents and links data from different engineering activities
in the manufacturing industry, when it comes to streamlining
along the value chain of manufacturing companies.
and automating internal processes. The core goals include
establishing data access to technical systems, sharing data, and
increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of data processing.
runs have to be interpreted with respect to these requirements
Most companies already use digital data such as PDF files,
and suitable performance criteria have to be derived and
spreadsheets, and other documents that often share different
evaluated. Manufacturing companies typically have dedicated
types of identifiers. But despite being digital data representa-
departments for these activities, but no semantic representation
tions, they do not provide the semantic meaning of the data or
of data and information that is shared among them and
an integrated view on multiple data sources. Thus, the potential
the production system. Product lifecycle management (PLM)
of a proper digital transformation strategy is not realized.
tools provide meta-level descriptions of various data and file
Manufacturing companies in particular face many chal-
formats, but lack a deep semantic understanding of how they
lenges. They have to optimize product costs and maximize the
are interconnected and the implications thereof.
flexibility of their production systems to stay competitive while
We propose a knowledge-based digital engineering concept
addressing individual customer requests. This leads to high-
for manufacturing companies that involves semantically de-
variant products and small-batch production. However, the
scribing and integrating all relevant knowledge of a product,
manual reconfiguration and operation of production systems
its production process, and related manufacturing resources.
are major cost drivers. Automating these activities is therefore
Ontologies are used to model and combine commonsense,
essential when competing in a global market [1].
domain, and application knowledge to provide a deeper un-
The production phase is a key aspect for assessing the
derstanding of the task at hand. Based on this context-rich
product costs and performance criteria of a manufacturing
semantic description, production-related engineering activities
value chain, but it is only one of several interrelated phases.
can be automated.
Product design and development take place before the start
In this paper, we present our knowledge-based Data Back-
of production. Production processes have to be specified
bone concept (Fig. 1) that semantically integrates the in-
and checked for compliance with requirements derived from
troduced activities along the value chain. Furthermore, we
product features. Production systems are engineered to meet
introduce a realistic use case that has been automated in a
the requirements of both the production process and the
physical robot workcell (Fig. 9). There, we show how even lot
product. Process data generated during individual production
size one production can be automated, starting from an order
A. Perzylo, I. Kessler, S. Profanter and M. Rickert are with fortiss, An- and ending with the execution of generated robot motions, by
Institut Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany. accessing and interpreting relevant semantic information.
The work in this paper is based on two core principles, i.e.,
the explicit representation of knowledge using ontologies and
the integration of manufacturing resources using skill models. Semantic Data Integration
Skills can be seen as a tool-centric approach to process
modeling and execution that simplifies the abstraction of func-
tionalities provided by hardware and software components [2],
Knowledge BASE
[3]. OPC UA (Open Platform Communications Unified Archi-
tecture) is a protocol for device integration and information
exchange in modular production systems developed by the
Semantic Knowledge
OPC Foundation. In [4], a standardized OPC UA skill model is
proposed to integrate and control industrial robots and tools in SEMANTIC KPI
a hardware- and manufacturer-independent manner. This skill MANUFACTURING EXECUTION SYSTEM EVALUATION
model provides, e.g., generic move skill types, which can be
hierarchically composed to higher-level functionalities. Using Fig. 2: Semantic representations of various types of knowl-
automatic device discovery, as described in [5], these device edge are integrated in a shared knowledge base to provide
components can be dynamically integrated on the shop floor. semantic context knowledge for our semantic MES in order
In recent years, there has been active research in to autonomously perform and evaluate manufacturing tasks.
knowledge representation for industrial automation and
robotics. Many approaches follow the product-process-
resources paradigm (PPR) [6], in which products [7] and agnostic process description, suitable hardware and software
product designs [8], production processes [9], and manufac- components are identified based on a formal description of
turing resources [10] are modeled. The combination of skills their capabilities [22]. As a result, the same process model
and explicit knowledge representation is often used to reduce can be reused in different production environments.
the complexity of programming production systems [9], [11],
[12]. In [13], a CAD-based instruction of assembly tasks is III. E XPLICIT K NOWLEDGE R EPRESENTATION
described. The authors suggest a system architecture, where Industrial automation solutions are characterized by a large
geometric constraints are specified on an application layer to engineering effort and tailored to particular hardware and
describe assembly steps. They are mapped to the skills of software components for specific use cases. Furthermore, a
a workcell and then executed and monitored using restricted lot of commonsense and domain knowledge is often encoded
finite state machines. in the software implementations that drive the systems. Con-
Rosen et al. emphasize the increasing importance of au- sequently, the knowledge is only implicitly represented and
tonomous manufacturing and meaningful digital representa- hidden in source code. Sharing the knowledge is complicated
tions of products and manufacturing resources [14]. A pre- by the use of various programming languages and the in-
requisite for increasing the autonomy in manufacturing is terweaving of task logic and control code. In our concept,
access to relevant data and information and a formal repre- knowledge is separated from software implementations and
sentation that encodes their semantic meaning. This includes described in ontologies using a formal knowledge representa-
semantic access to data [15], [16] and the extension of PLM tion language to make it reusable and shareable. The explicitly
systems [17]. In [18], the authors present a combination of represented knowledge can be more easily maintained and
semantic process knowledge and OPC UA-enabled devices to flexibly extended. As a result, software implementations can
create a self-organizing production system. Given the semantic be designed as generic components that are configured for
context information from PPR models and general automation specific hardware and use cases via semantic models.
knowledge, autonomous production can be extended with the Our knowledge-based digital engineering concept uses the
automated annotation of process data and derivation of key OWL 2 Web Ontology Language [23] as its formal knowledge
performance indicators (KPIs) [19], [20], [21]. representation language. OWL was developed by the World
In contrast to the mentioned papers and our own pre- Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for the Semantic Web. Due to
vious work, the approach presented in this paper aims at its wide applicability and many available software tools, it
replacing the manual instruction of production systems with can be used in other areas such as the domains of industrial
a knowledge-driven synthesis of process descriptions. We automation and robotics as well. OWL provides methods to
propose a product-centric process modeling paradigm that formally describe entities as classes, instances of these classes
differs from tool-centric approaches, which are based solely called individuals, and properties that define the relations
on the sequencing of specific skill invocations. Product-centric between them or connect them with literal values such as
process models contain hardware-independent descriptions of numbers or strings. New complex classes and relations can
the required manufacturing steps leading to the creation of be created by combining existing entities. Globally unique
a given product. During the deployment of such a device- names are assigned to new complex entities to hierarchically
infinite plane (Plane-1). The individual Wire-1 is a topological
BREP entity that contains a total of four edges that make
+ +
Face-1 a finite rectangular-shaped surface. The highlighted
Wire-1 Plane-1
edge (Edge-1) is defined by a line (Line-1) bounded by two
vertices (Vertex-1 and Vertex-2). In addition to this boundary
Edge-1 representation, which contains exact mathematical models of
geometries, the individual Triangulation-1 provides a triangu-
Line-1 lation of Face-1, which can be used for visualization purposes.
Another example for automated semantic integration is
Fig. 3: Simplified excerpt from a deep semantic model of a the transformation of industry-standard information models
blade fuse’s geometry based on the OntoBREP ontology. of manufacturing resources to OWL representations. In our
concept, OPC UA is used as the communication technology
between hardware and software components in the overall pro-
extend the existing vocabulary of an ontology. Due to OWL’s duction system. In OPC UA, components describe their func-
logical formalism, explicitly modeled knowledge can not only tionalities and internal states with so-called node sets, which
be queried, but also interpreted by semantic reasoning software can be remotely browsed by other components. OPC UA
to logically infer additional implicit knowledge. node sets are defined based on XML schemas and can be
automatically transformed to OWL representations [10].
Since most companies do not have formal descriptions of
Our knowledge-driven engineering approach aims at se- their production processes, creating semantic process descrip-
mantically describing all relevant data and information that is tions is still mostly a manual activity. Typically, plain texts
required to automatically generate suitable sequences of robot, and spreadsheets need to be analyzed and converted into a
tool, and sensor activities for achieving a given production sequence of production steps with adequate parameters. For
goal. One key aspect is the use of a common representation each type of production step and parameter, OWL classes and
for describing diverse data from heterogeneous sources and properties are created or reused. The resulting vocabulary is
different types of knowledge (Fig. 2). These descriptions do applied in the modeling of a workcell-independent description
not merely provide meta-information, but instead fully encode of a production process. This abstract process can be instan-
the actual content and its meaning. This includes knowledge of tiated for specific workcells and individual production runs in
the product to be built, the production process that creates the an automated manner.
product, the manufacturing resources that perform the process, The semantic process description can be seen as a hardware-
and general knowledge of the automation and application do- agnostic formalization of the required production steps to
mains. The semantic integration of certain kinds of information create a given product. It contains a high-level sequence of
can be automated, while for others it still has to be carried out abstract tasks, including their types and parameters, that are
manually. As the manual effort only needs to be expended once described with respect to abstract objects, including their types
and the resulting models can be shared and reused, the initial and properties. During the deployment of an abstract process
effort can lead to efficiency gains in the long run. to a manufacturing workcell, individual tasks are matched to
We use OWL to model all relevant entities in ontologies. compatible skills that are provided by the workcell’s hardware
In OWL every entity has an Internationalized Resource Iden- and software components. Objects and other parameters are
tifier (IRI), which can be used to unambiguously reference similarly mapped to suitable objects and other entities in
the entity and to link it with other entities. This concept of
linked data in combination with deep semantic models makes
1 toFrameTransitive
it possible to describe relationships across different knowledge + 2 hasPickObject
Fuse-1 I
domains and levels of granularity. 3 hasPlaceObject
4 hasTargetFrame
I represents frame
A. Semantic Data Integration 2 +
the workcell. As a result, the same abstract process can be Released Combination Fuses for Assignment
Order of Modules Combinations of Slots
reused and may result in different skill invocations and specific
parameters for different workcells (Fig. 4). FUSE 1 SLOT 2
B. Knowledge Base
The Knowledge Base (KB) component is responsible for
the central storage and interpretation of and access to the
semantic knowledge in the system. For this purpose, it uses MODULE B FUSE 3 SLOT 8
the triple store and OWL 2 RL [24] inference capabilities of
Ontotext GraphDB1 . The KB uses the open-source OPC UA MODULE C FUSE 4 SLOT 9
stack Eclipse Milo2 , so that other hardware and software
components in a workcell can directly communicate with it Fig. 5: Steps leading up to the creation of a process description
via OPC UA. For each use case, such as a robot workcell for equipping an automotive fuse box – from a released order
for mounting fuses, both general OWL ontologies as well as to the corresponding fuse configuration and slot assignment.
specialized ones, e.g., about application domain, production
process and workcell, are loaded into the KB.
In order to make the system more flexible and to separate detail, since it may be any proprietary implementation or
knowledge from source code, the ontologies may contain industrial solution. Its role is to gather information on the next
SPARQL 1.1 (SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language) production run and trigger the sMES with the corresponding
requests, i.e., SELECT and CONSTRUCT queries or DELETE product ID.
and INSERT updates. These requests are executed dynamically The sMES component is responsible for carrying out a
to query and manipulate knowledge in the KB during the production process. This includes mapping abstract processes
procedures described in Sections V-B, V-C and V-D. to specific workcells (Section V-B) and executing the resulting
Each modeled SPARQL request is defined by its IRI, type, specific processes (Section V-C). During this deployment, the
parameters, and request string. This representation is based on semantic process description in the KB is queried via OPC UA
the textual SPARQL forms in SPIN (SPARQL Inferencing No- methods (Section IV-B) in order to set the skills’ parameters
tation) [25] and SHACL (Shapes Constraint Language) [26]. prior to their invocation.
The KB mainly provides three OPC UA methods for executing All device components in the system implement a generic
SPARQL requests and returning their results as JSON [27] skill model [4] based on OPC UA’s ProgramStateMachineType
for SELECT queries and as N-Triples [28] for CONSTRUCT with predefined states and transitions. The execution of a
queries. skill is monitored based on the associated state machine. In
addition to the generic skill interface, all device components
• sparql-request(repoId, requestString) executes the given
have to implement OPC UA Local Discovery Services [5].
SPARQL request string in the given repository.
As soon as a newly plugged-in device is detected, the sMES
• sparql-command(repoId, requestIri, parameters) executes
triggers its internal skill detector to browse the remote server
the SPARQL request identified by the given IRI with the
for provided skill types. Thus, at all times an up-to-date list
given parameters.
of available skills is maintained, which can be used in the
• linked-sparql-command(repoId, resourceIri, propertyIri,
mapping procedure.
parameters) executes all SPARQL requests that are linked
with the given resource via the given property. As described in [4], lower-level skills can be grouped
hierarchically to compose new and more complex skill types.
An OWL class (using owl:hasValue restrictions) or indi- For example, a Pick-and-Place skill type is composed of robot
vidual can be linked with multiple requests via the same movement and gripper manipulation skills. This hierarchical
property. Thus, when a request is defined for each type in composition leads to further abstraction of hardware function-
a class hierarchy, a set of requests can be inferred for an alities and enables the intuitive modeling of complex skills.
individual based on its type. On account of this, linked-sparql-
command executes all linked requests, e.g., multiple updates, V. F ROM O RDER TO AUTONOMOUS A SSEMBLY
in an arbitrary but consistent order. For multiple CONSTRUCT
This section shows how the introduced concepts can be
queries the union of their results is returned.
applied to the knowledge-driven automation of equipping
C. Semantic Manufacturing Execution System automotive fuse boxes with different fuse configurations.
The semantic Manufacturing Execution System (sMES) A. Semantic Process Description
controls the other hardware and software components in a
The steps leading up to the required information for mod-
particular workcell and is managed by a superordinate shop
eling the semantic process descriptions are depicted in Fig. 5.
floor MES. The shop floor MES is not described in further
Based on an order consisting of a list of requested modules, a
1 module combination-specific wiring configuration is derived.
2 Afterwards, suitable fuse types are selected for the modules.
+ +
Sommer_Automatic_GEP1402-1 Task 1 has subclass 7 hasTemplateTask
2 has individual 8 hasPickObject
1 3 wasMappedFrom 9 hasPlaceObject
4 startsWith 10 hasWorkcell
+ + + +
KUKA_LBR_iiwa_7_R800-1 Process PickAndPlaceTask TemplateTask 5 hasNext 11 hasPerception
6 hasNextElse 12 toFrameTransitive
11 10 3 7 RGT = ReleaseGripperTask
+ + + + + +
Perception-1 Workcell-1 Speci�cProcess-1 AbstractProcess-1 PickAndPlaceTask-A PickAndPlaceTask-A-Template GGT = GraspGripperTask
CLMT = CartesianLinearMoveTask
4 CLFMT = CartesianLinearForceMoveTask
+ + + + + + + +
FuseTray-1 FuseBox-1 MoveHomeTask-1 ReleaseGripperTask-1 PickAndPlaceTask-A-1 PickAndPlaceTask-A-2 PickAndPlaceTask-A-n MoveHomeTask-2
+ + + + + + + + + +
PickAndPlaceTask-A-1-CLMT-1 ...CLFMT-1 ...CLFMT-2 ...GGT-1 ...CLFMT-3 ...CLMT-2 ...CLFMT-4 ...CLFMT-5 ...RGT-1 ...CLFMT-6
Fig. 6: Simplified overview of the OWL ontologies in the KB for a particular fuse mounting process and workcell. It shows
mapped process SpecificProcess-1 and its subtasks MoveHomeTask-1, ReleaseGripperTask-1, PickAndPlaceTask-A-1, etc. It
further visualizes a sequence of robot and gripper subtasks generated for PickAndPlaceTask-A-1 based on a modeled template.
In a last step, a mapping of fuses to slots in the fuse box is PREFIX core: <>
SELECT ?specificPickObj ?abstractPickObj
generated. WHERE {
The semantic process description from Section IV-A con- $specificProcess core:context ?context .
$abstractTask core:hasPickObject ?abstractPickObj .
tains not only knowledge about the process itself, but also { ?specificPickObj core:wasMappedFrom ?abstractPickObj .
links with other semantic descriptions that are relevant to BIND(1 AS ?priority) }
the process’s execution. This includes, e.g., the parts of a { ?specificPickObj a core:Object , core:Specific .
product, reusable production steps, or, once the process is FILTER NOT EXISTS {
?abstractPickObj a ?pickObjType .
deployed to a workcell, a robot and tool. The KB stores them FILTER (core:Abstract != ?pickObjType)
in various contexts corresponding to their respective OWL FILTER NOT EXISTS {?specificPickObj a ?pickObjType} }
BIND(2 AS ?priority) }
ontologies. Part ontologies may contain, e.g., the ID, type, FILTER EXISTS {GRAPH ?context {?specificPickObj a []}} }
size, current rating, and color of fuses. Workcell ontologies ORDER BY ?priority ?specificPickObj
may include hardware and software components as well as
information about them such as a robot’s workcell-specific Listing 1: Simplified subquery from a SPARQL mapping
home configuration. A separate perception context, which update for PickAndPlaceTasks. It maps a pick object from an
may be updated by object detection or inventory management abstract process to an object in a specific workcell based on its
systems, contains parts that dynamically enter and leave a types. Each pick object is an abstract parameter that is mapped
workcell, e.g., fuses and fuse boxes. only once and shared among tasks in the same process.
Trigger Production
Set Product ID
+ +
FixedJoint-1 ToolCenterPoint-1
1 toFrameTransitive
KPIs SPARQL Requests
2 2 toJoint
3 toFrame
Sommer_Automatic_GEP1402-1 hasTransform
I represents frame HMI MES SEMANTIC MES
II represents transform
Read Product ID MoveSkill
+ +
Workcell-1 FuseBox-1 BAR CODE GEP1402 IIWA 7 R800
Fig. 8: Hardware and software components in the robot
workcell provide OPC UA skills and services.
calculated at
some task types are affected by their subtasks. The status of the
Fig. 7: Product parts, manufacturing resources and their layout PickAndPlaceTask for mounting a fuse includes the maximum
in a workcell are represented semantically in ontologies. measured forces during the place motion and the number of
pick and place attempts that were necessary. Similarly, the
status of the process itself automatically shows the maximum
subtask is executed recursively instead, e.g., as shown by Fig. 6 measured forces among any of its PickAndPlaceTasks.
for the specific process itself and PickAndPlaceTask-A-1. The sMES parses, processes, and maps the status query
The sMES monitors the execution and calls the effect results to OPC UA variables in its address space. These
updates of successful tasks in the KB. The effect update of, variables correspond to the KPIs of the tasks and enable
e.g., a PickAndPlaceTask includes removing the pick object OPC UA clients to browse the current semantic process status.
from its old (relative) location in the KB’s semantic scene VI. E VALUATION
graph and inserting it at its new (relative) location (Fig. 7).
For both successful and unsuccessful tasks the sMES calls The components and semantic descriptions of the system
their status updates to insert the monitoring results into the are largely independent of any specific use case or workcell
KB. After the end of a task, the sMES asks the KB which task to the extent that, e.g., the source code of the sMES does
should be executed next. If the task was successful, the next not know what a PickAndPlaceTask is and the source code
task according to the semantic process description is executed. of the KB does not even know what a task is. Therefore,
Otherwise, the semantic process description may include error software components such as the KB and consequently the
handling strategies. For instance, in a PickAndPlaceTask-A the sMES are configured with general and domain ontologies
execution can jump back to an earlier subtask in case of an as well as abstract process and specific workcell ontologies.
error (Fig. 6) and the subtasks are rerun for a specified number Device components provide skills for robots, tools, or other
of attempts. hardware by wrapping them in OPC UA servers [4].
In this way, a physical robot workcell (Fig. 9) was set
D. Semantic Process Status up for the evaluation of the system using the architecture
The semantic process status is part of the semantic process
description in the KB and updated during the execution by
the SPARQL status updates in Section V-C. A general status
update for all task types sets the new status, e.g., OK/NOK,
and internally calculates additional KPI-related information
such as start time, end time, number of executions, number
of errors, and the process’s currently executed task. Some
skill types have additional status updates for skill-specific
information, e.g., the maximum measured forces during the
execution of a CartesianLinearForceMoveSkill.
After calling a task’s status updates, the sMES calls its
status queries, since the status and KPIs may change due
to calculations and completed subtasks. The status queries Source: Dräxlmaier
Source: Dräxlmaier
Fig. 10: Active slots in the fuse box shown in a HMI during
production (left). OPC UA variables in the address space of
the sMES provide the status based on the semantic process
description in the KB. Fuse box fitted by process P2 (right).
Source: Dräxlmaier
Fig. 11: Robot mounts each fuse by picking it from a tray (left)
and placing it in the assigned slot of a fuse box (right).
Fig. 12: An automotive supplier’s shop floor analytics dash-
board showing the maximum measured fuse mounting forces
in Z in the end effector frame for each PickAndPlaceTask
and components shown in Fig. 8. The workcell contains
in one execution of process P1 (top) and across different
a robot (KUKA LBR iiwa 7 R800), on which an electric
assemblies for slot 9 (bottom). For the mounting of mini
parallel gripper (Sommer Automatic GEP1402) was mounted.
fuses (11–13, 18) higher maximum Z forces were measured
The gripper fingers were designed after the shape of manual
than for regular ATO fuses (3–5, 9, 14).
pliers for automotive blade fuses and created using additive
manufacturing. A tray for supplying different types of blade
fuses and a fixture for fuse boxes were installed. A bar code
investigate the feasibility of our knowledge-driven automation
scanner of an automotive supplier reads the product ID on each
approach. A video of the experiment can be found online3 .
empty fuse box that is placed in the fixture. An automotive
For the mounting of fuses (Fig. 11), the system relies on
supplier’s human-machine interface (HMI) shows the fuse
the force-torque sensors of the robot. Forces occurring during
box’s current status (Fig. 10). The shop floor MES of an
the execution of tasks are measured and logged together with
automotive supplier is responsible for managing the production
other KPIs in the semantic process description in the KB. They
of different items and sends the product ID via OPC UA to the
can then be analyzed, visualized as depicted in Fig. 12, and
sMES. This triggers the fitting of a fuse box via the execution
interpreted with respect to maximum allowed forces. If the
of a corresponding abstract process from the KB.
maximum forces are exceeded during the execution of a task,
In the evaluation, the sMES was ordered to execute five
this information is stored in the semantic process description
different processes that contain fuse configurations provided
and an error handling strategy is performed (Section V-C).
by an automotive supplier. Table I lists for each process the
This is in addition to the robot’s configured maximum forces
number of fuses, the manual duration by a human worker, and
that trigger an emergency stop. As an extension to the current
the automated duration by the system from one execution. The
system, the robot could provide an additional move skill for
human worker is only somewhat faster, although at this stage
mounting fuses with a target force in addition to a target pose.
the goal was not to optimize the speed of the system, but to
This way, the robot would stop when a target force is exceeded
making the fuse mounting process more robust and accurate.
TABLE I: Comparison of cycle times between the manual
and automated mounting of blade fuses as measured by an VII. C ONCLUSION
automotive supplier. This paper describes a knowledge-based digital engineering
concept for the semantic integration of diverse data and in-
Process P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
formation along the value chain of manufacturing companies.
Number of fuses 9 11 8 18 11 The resulting OWL ontologies are used to increase the level of
Manual assembly (in s) 121 128 118 151 128
Autonomous assembly (in s) 131 139 151 231 150 3
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