Pathogen Reduction/Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Systems Final Rule 9 CFR Part 417

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HACCP Model for Beef Slaughter

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) published the Pathogen Reduction/Hazard
Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Systems Final Rule in July 1996 mandating all USDA
inspected meat and poultry establishments implement a HACCP system. Hazard Analysis Critical
Control Point (HACCP) is a systematic and scientific method of process control for the production
of safe food products. The HACCP regulations (9 CFR Part 417) require establishments to
develop and implement a system of controls designed to improve the safety of their products.
The HACCP models’ focus is on product safety, not product quality characteristics.

With the rule, FSIS made available a guidebook for the preparation of HACCP plans and a
generic model for each food processing category defined in the regulation (9 CFR 417.2(b)(1)).
The guidebook and the generic models have been revised since their initial publication to be
consistent with current science and policy. FSIS recommends you use the updated Guidebook
for the Preparation of HACCP Plans when developing an establishment-specific HACCP plan.

Generic models serve as useful examples of how to meet the regulatory requirements. Each
model represents a food processing category. Each processing category may contain numerous
products. Therefore, each single model represents a category of products and, as such, the
models do not demonstrate unique products or novel processes. The generic models are not
intended to be used “as is”. Establishments are to tailor the model(s) to fit the establishment’s

This generic HACCP model illustrates the slaughter processing category. Although this is a beef
slaughter model, the model may be used as a starting point for developing a slaughter HACCP
plan for other classes of livestock. The slaughter process has inherent food safety hazards that
originate with the live animal. Therefore, the slaughter process has heightened food safety
significance. Slaughter establishments typically produce carcasses which are raw intact finished
products. The food safety hazards identified for the slaughter process are also common to the
Raw Intact and Raw Non-Intact processing categories.

The model’s critical control points (CCPs) do not necessarily apply to all slaughter operations or
products. Products or operations may require fewer or more CCPs depending on the operation.
The flow diagram demonstrates a general production process and should be modified to reflect
the processes used at the establishment. The food safety critical limits selected must come from
scientific documents or other reliable sources. This model includes references for guidance on
the selection of critical limits.

The records produced while documenting a HACCP plan, including all documentation used to
support the hazard analysis are HACCP records (CFR 417.5(a)). Ensure you maintain the
documents produced while developing a HACCP plan.

For further assistance with developing HACCP plans see the Guidebook for the Preparation of
HACCP Plans and the guidance materials available on the FSIS HACCP webpage.

Process / Product Name: Beef Slaughter

Carcass and carcass parts, tongue, heart, liver, kidney and

Process / Product Name

Important product characteristics

(Aw, pH, Preservatives, etc.)
For further processing at this facility or intended for cooking
How it is to be used 2
for or by the end consumer
Packaging (durability and storage
Product bags and cardboard boxes
Not shelf stable – Keep refrigerated (7 days at ≤40°F) or
Shelf Life and at what temperature
frozen (180 days at ≤10°F)
Where it will be sold (specify
Sold direct to household consumers, through retail outlets or
intended consumers, especially at-
distributed to hotels, restaurants, and institutions.
risk populations3)
Product name, inspection legend and establishment
Labeling instructions and number, handling statement, net weight statement, address
requirements line, nutritional labeling (when needed) and safe handling
What special distribution controls are


1 Prior to developing the HACCP plan, please read the FSIS Guidebook for the Preparation of HACCP Plans for detailed descriptions of
the worksheets and hazard analysis. The FSIS Guidebook for the Preparation of HACCP Plans and the generic HACCP models are
intended for small and very small establishments seeking assistance in understanding the requirements in Title 9 Code of Federal
Regulations (9 CFR) Part 417. The HACCP models are for demonstration purposes only. The models do not represent requirements
that must be met. Establishments are required to develop HACCP plans specific to their facilities, production practices, and products.
2 The intended use or consumer of the product must be identified in accordance with 9 CFR 417.2(a)(2). Identifying the product’s

intended use in the product description is one way to meet the regulatory requirements specific to 417.2(a)(2).
3 At-risk populations include young children, the elderly and immunocompromised persons.
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Process / Product Name: Beef Slaughter

Meat and meat by-products4 Beef

Non-Meat food ingredients None

Antimicrobials5 or processing aids Organic Acid 6

Packaging material Product bags and cardboard boxes

Restricted ingredients or allergens None

Other None


List all meat (beef), processing aids, and packaging material used in production of these products. This is important to help
identify any special ingredients or processes to address in the HACCP plan.
FSIS and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that establishes the working
relationship followed when responding to notifications for the use of food additives (including ingredients) intended for use in the
production of FSIS regulated products. FSIS determines the suitability of the use of food ingredients used in the production of meat,
poultry, and egg products. FSIS consults, as necessary, with FDA on the requirements under the Federal Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act
and its implementing regulations. See FSIS Directive 7120.1, Safe and Suitable Ingredients Used in Meat, Poultry and Egg Products
for the list of suitable ingredients.
6 There are many different organic acids (for example, lactic acid, acetic acid). If used, establishments will need to select a

product best suited for their unique circumstances.

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Process / Product Name: Beef Slaughter

1a. Cattle Receiving

and Holding

2. Stunning

3. Sticking / Bleeding

4. Hide Removal
Heads Not Saved.

5. Evisceration 9. Harvest Tongue,

Liver, Kidneys and

6. Carcass Splitting 9a. Harvest 1c. Receive and

Hearts 9 Store Packaging

7. Zero Tolerance Examination

(carcass and hearts) CCP 1

10. Package Tongue, Liver, Kidney,

and Intestine 16. Returned
8. Carcass & Hearts Rinse Product 8

11. Organic Acid 12. Chilling 13. Cold Storage

Application CCP 2 CCP 3

1b. Receive and 15. Product Shipping 14. Hanging carcasses and
Store Organic Acid parts transferred to In-
House HACCP Process.

DATE: __________ APPROVED BY: _______________________

7 This is an example flow diagram. Establishments’ flow diagrams for the same product may be different. Establishments determine
which steps are included in their process. The steps must represent all relevant hazards in the hazard analysis. The Meat and Poultry
Hazards and Controls Guide (starting on page 5) describes the usual process steps, potential hazards and frequently used controls for
beef slaughter.
The Returned Product step (16) is shown as not connected to another process step. Returned product may re-enter the production
system at different process steps depending on condition or problem. Returned product may be relabeled, re-processed, discarded,
In this model, beef heart undergoes the same CCPs as carcasses because the heart meat may be a component of ground beef.
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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6

Ingredient/ Potential Is the Justification / Basis for Decision 13 If yes in Column 3, (RLTO), Is this
Process Step Hazards Potential What Control Measures Can Be step a
(introduced or Food Safety Applied to Prevent, Eliminate, Critical
controlled) at Hazard or Reduce the Hazard to Control
this step 11 Reasonably Acceptable Levels 14 Point
Likely to (CCP)?
(Yes or
No) 12
1a. Cattle C: Drug No No cattle purchased from suppliers with history of
Receiving and Residues violative residues (Residue Repeat Violators List).
Holding Supplier provides an affirmation.
P: Foreign No Lack of historical findings from visual inspection
Material during livestock handling and slaughter. 15

10 This is an example hazard analysis. Each establishment’s flow chart, hazards analysis, hazards, decision-making, and support may be different. An establishment can determine
what “steps” are included in the overall process if all of the hazards are considered in the hazard analysis. The FSIS Meat and Poultry Hazards and Controls Guide (starting on page
5) describes the usual process steps for beef slaughter.
11 Hazards are grouped into three categories: Biological (B), Chemical (C), and Physical (P). Biological hazards are living organisms. Chemical hazards may be naturally occurring in

foods, used or added during the processing of foods, or administered to live animals. Physical hazards are a component of a food that is unexpected, such as plastic, glass, metal, or
bone in a boneless product. See the Guidebook for the Preparation of HACCP Plans for more information about hazards identification.
12 Place the justification for your decision in column 4. Control measures either go in column 4 for hazards not reasonably likely to occur or go in column 5 for hazards reasonably

likely to occur. If a hazard is reasonably likely to occur, then a CCP must be addressed at the step where the hazard is recognized or a later step. See FSIS Meat and Poultry
Hazards and Controls Guide for a list of frequently used controls.
13 Scientific references are important in making decisions, providing justifications, and validating the HACCP system. When scientific references are used for decisions, the

referenced article must be part of the HACCP records. If the scientific justification is from FSIS, then list the document name. If justification is not from an FSIS document, then
HACCP system design must be supported by documentary evidence – that is, the theoretical principles, expert advice from processing authorities, scientific or technical data, peer-
reviewed journal articles, pathogen modeling programs, or other information demonstrating that particular process control measures can adequately prevent, reduce, or eliminate
specific hazards. These non-FSIS supporting documents must be kept for the life of the HACCP plan.
14 Because the results obtained under prerequisite programs could affect decisions made in the hazard analysis, an establishment is required to maintain records associated with

these programs as supporting documentation for its hazard analysis (9 CFR 417.5(a)). When an establishment determines that a potential hazard is not reasonably likely to occur
(NRLTO) because the implementation of a prerequisite program (e.g., Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure (Sanitation SOP), written sanitary dressing procedures incorporated
into prerequisite programs, purchase specifications, antimicrobial interventions) prevents conditions that make the potential hazard likely, that prerequisite program then becomes
part of the HACCP system and as a result, must be validated. This means that establishments must maintain scientific or technical support for the design of those prerequisite
programs used to support decisions in the hazard analysis and must collect in-plant validation data to support that the programs are implemented as designed (see FSIS
Compliance Guideline HACCP Systems Validation).
15 Note: this “historical data” must be supported with evidence from the establishment through the establishment’s history or validation data with reference to the actual SOP or

prerequisite program. When historical data is not available (for example, a HACCP plan for a new process or product), then system design must be supported by other documentary
evidence, such as the FSIS Meat and Poultry Hazards and Controls Guide which states “visual examination of carcass, parts and viscera” is a frequently used control for foreign
material hazards in beef slaughter.
Step Potential RLTO Justification / Basis Controls CCP

(needles, wire,
B: Presence of Yes The intestinal tract, mouth, hide, and hooves of cattle Controlled later at CCP 1 Zero No
pathogens, may harbor these pathogens. Tolerance Examination, CCP 2
Shiga-toxin Organic Acid Application and
producing CCP 3 Chilling.
Escherichia coli
(STEC) (E. coli
O157:H7, O26,
O45, O103,
O111, O121 and
O145) and

B: Bovine No Non-ambulatory cattle are not slaughtered (9 CFR

Spongiform 309.3(e)).
Written SRM Program to remove, segregate and
(BSE) Prions
dispose of SRMs (9 CFR 310.22).
associated with
Specified Risk

1b. Receive B: None

and Store C: Non-Food No Letter of Guarantee (LOG) maintained for organic
Organic Acid Grade Chemical. acid.
Written Incoming Materials Receiving and Storage
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
P: None

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Step Potential RLTO Justification / Basis Controls CCP

1c. Receive B: No Packaging materials are protected from pests and

and Store Contamination environmental contaminates.
Packaging with Pathogens
Materials C: Non-food No Letter of guarantee (LOG) for all packaging
grade materials materials.
Written Incoming Materials Receiving and Storage
SOP with procedures to examine packaging
materials and to protect packaging materials from
environmental contaminates.
P: None
2. Stunning B: Presence of Yes The intestinal tract, mouth, hide, and hooves of cattle Controlled later at CCP 1 Zero No
pathogens, may harbor these pathogens. Tolerance Examination, CCP 2
STEC and Organic Acid Application and
Salmonella. CCP 3 Chilling.

B: BSE / SRMs No Written SRM Program to remove, segregate and

dispose of SRMs (9 CFR 310.22). Heads are not
C: None
P: Foreign No Firearms are used for stunning. Heads are not
Material saved. (9 CFR 310.18(b)).
3. Sticking / B: Presence of Yes The intestinal tract, mouth, hide, and hooves of cattle Controlled later at CCP 1 Zero No
Bleeding pathogens, may harbor these pathogens. Tolerance Examination, CCP 2
STEC and Organic Acid Application and
Salmonella CCP 3 Chilling.
Written Sanitary Dressing
Procedures 16 to reduce likelihood

16 The FSIS Compliance Guideline for Minimizing the Risk of Shiga Toxin-producing Escherichia Coli (STEC) and Salmonella in Beef (including Veal) Slaughter Operations helps
establishments design comprehensive written sanitary dressing programs; shows establishments how to implement antimicrobial interventions effectively, and helps establishments
develop verification activities.
Page 7 of 16
Step Potential RLTO Justification / Basis Controls CCP

of cross-contamination.
C: None No
P: None No
4. Hide B: Presence of Yes The intestinal tract, mouth, hide, and hooves of cattle Controlled later at CCP 1 Zero No
Removal pathogens, may harbor these pathogens. Tolerance Examination, CCP 2
STEC and Organic Acid Application and
Salmonella. CCP 3 Chilling.
Written Sanitary Dressing
Procedures to reduce likelihood
of cross-contamination.
C: None
P: None
5. Evisceration B: Presence of Yes The intestinal tract, mouth, hide, and hooves of cattle Controlled later at CCP 1 Zero No
pathogens, may harbor these pathogens. Tolerance Examination, CCP 2
STEC and Organic Acid Application and
Salmonella. CCP 3 Chilling.

B: BSE / SRMs No Written SRM Program to remove, segregate and Written Sanitary Dressing
dispose of SRMs (9 CFR 310.22). Procedures to reduce likelihood
of cross-contamination.
C: None
P: None
6. Carcass B: Presence of Yes Carcass splitting equipment may transfer Controlled later at CCP 1 Zero No
Splitting pathogens, contaminants from carcass to carcass. Tolerance Examination, CCP 2
STEC and Organic Acid Application and
Salmonella. CCP 3 Chilling.

Written Sanitary Dressing

Procedures to reduce likelihood
Page 8 of 16
Step Potential RLTO Justification / Basis Controls CCP

of cross-contamination.
B: BSE / SRMs No Written SRM Program to remove, segregate, and Records indicate low likelihood of
dispose of SRMs (9 CFR 310.22) occurrence.17
C: None
P: None
7. Zero B: Presence of Yes FSIS enforces a zero-tolerance standard for visible CCP 1 Zero Tolerance CCP 1
Tolerance pathogens, fecal material, ingesta, or milk on carcasses Examination for carcasses and
Examination STEC and (Livestock Carcasses and Poultry Carcasses hearts.
(carcass and Salmonella. Contaminated With Visible Fecal Material). If contamination occurs, it is
hearts) CCP 1 Hearts are not subject to the FSIS zero-tolerance removed by trimming (9 CFR
standard. Hearts are included in this step because 310.18(a)).
they can become a component of raw ground beef
products. Therefore, hearts undergo the same
CCPs as the carcass. 18
C: None
P: None
8. Carcass and B. Presence of Yes Rinse with potable water to remove blood, bone Controlled later at CCP 2 No
Hearts Rinse pathogens, dust, and debris. Organic Acid Application and
STEC and CCP 3 Chilling.
C: None
P: None

When historical data is not available (for example, a HACCP plan for a new process or product), then system design must be supported by other documentary evidence, such as
the FSIS Meat and Poultry Hazards and Controls Guide which states “minimize cross-contamination through sanitary dressing procedures; Sanitation SOPs” is a frequently used
control for biological hazards in beef slaughter.
18 This generic beef slaughter HACCP model demonstrates how beef heart meat—which is to be incorporated into ground beef—can be addressed in the hazard analysis. In this

model, hearts are subject to the CCP 1 Zero Tolerance Examination, although beef hearts are not subject to FSIS’ zero tolerance policy. Beef hearts are subject to the requirements
of 9 CFR 310.18(a).
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Step Potential RLTO Justification / Basis Controls CCP

9. Harvest B: Presence of No The intestinal tract, mouth, hide, and hooves of cattle Written Sanitary Dressing No
Tongue, Liver, pathogens, may harbor these pathogens. Procedures designed to reduce
Kidney and STEC and The STEC and Salmonella biological hazards for the likelihood of cross-
Intestine Salmonella. tongue, liver, kidney and intestine are recognized as contamination.
not reasonably likely to occur because these
products are not to be incorporated into raw ground
beef products.
B: Outgrowth of Yes Chilling inhibits growth of pathogens. (Tompkin, R.B. Controlled later at CCP 3 Chilling.
pathogens, 1996). Outgrowth of STEC and Salmonella is
STEC and reasonably likely to occur, and outgrowth is
Salmonella. controlled with product chilling (CCP 3) and cold

B: BSE / SRMs No Written SRM Program to remove, segregate and

dispose of SRMs (9 CFR 310.22).
C: None
P: None
9a. Harvest B: Presence of Yes Hearts may become contaminated during Controlled later at CCP 1 Zero No
Hearts pathogens, evisceration. Tolerance Examination, CCP 2
STEC and The STEC and Salmonella biological hazards for Organic Acid Application and
Salmonella. beef hearts are recognized as reasonably likely to CCP 3 Chilling.
occur because heart meat is to be incorporated into
raw ground beef product. Written Sanitary Dressing
Procedures designed to prevent
the likelihood of cross-
C: None
P: None
10. Package B: Outgrowth Yes Low product temperatures inhibit growth of Controlled with CCP 3 Chilling. No
Tongue, Liver, of pathogens, pathogens. (Tompkin, R.B. 1996)
Page 10 of 16
Step Potential RLTO Justification / Basis Controls CCP

Kidney, and STEC and

Intestine Salmonella.
C: None
P: None
11. Organic B. Presence of Yes Eliminate or reduce STEC to non-detectable levels. CCP 2 Organic Acid CCP 2
Acid pathogens, Eliminate or reduce Salmonella. Application. 19, 20
Application STEC and
C: Incorrect acid No We adhere to the manufacturer’s guidance on
concentration. storing, mixing, verifying concentrations, and
applying the organic acid.
The acid is used in accordance with FSIS Directive
7120.1. 21
P: None
12. Chilling B: Outgrowth of Yes Chilling inhibits growth of pathogens. FSIS CCP 3 Chilling CCP 3
pathogens, Compliance Guideline for Minimizing the Risk of Process Control SOP
STEC and Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia Coli (STEC) and (prerequisite program) for
Salmonella. Salmonella in Beef (including Veal) Slaughter sampling of microbial organisms
Operations to monitor the establishment’s
ability to maintain process control
(9 CFR 310.18).

If an establishment implements a process consistent with the process specifications described in the scientific support, and the scientific support contains microbiological data
specifying the level of pathogen reduction achieved by the intervention strategy for the target pathogen identified in the hazard analysis, the in-plant validation data collected during
the 90 day initial validation period will consist of data on quantifiable characteristics of the critical operational parameters, such as pressure, temperature, and concentration (FSIS
Compliance Guideline HACCP Systems Validation, page 27).
20 The Pennsylvania State University worked with Texas Tech University and Washington State University to generate new data that very small establishments can use to effectively

remove pathogens from carcass surfaces. See the Antimicrobial Spray Treatments for Red Meat Carcasses Processed in Very Small Meat Establishments for additional
21 FSIS Directive 7120.1, Safe and Suitable Ingredients Used in Meat, Poultry and Egg Products contains the list of substances that may be used in the production of meat and

poultry products. The list contains the allowable amounts and the intended use of the approved antimicrobials. The list (Directive 7120.1) can be used as supporting documentation
for chemical hazard controls (safety and suitability). Directive 7120.1 cannot be used as support for the control of biological hazards because the antimicrobial concentration needed
to control bacteria is different from the concentrations required for safety and suitability.
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Step Potential RLTO Justification / Basis Controls CCP

C: None
P: None
13. Cold B: Outgrowth of No Written Cold Storage Program to maintain product
Storage pathogens, ≤40°F to prevent outgrowth (Tompkin, R.B. 1996)
STEC and
C: None
P: None
14. Hanging B: None
carcasses and C: None
transferred to P: None
15. Product B: Outgrowth of No Written Final Product SOP for procedures to
Shipping pathogens, examine outgoing products including sanitary
STEC and condition of trucks, functioning transport refrigeration
Salmonella. unit, and package integrity.
C: None
P: None
16. Returned B: None Returned Product Evaluation SOP implemented
Product before accepting returned product. Entity returning
the product must demonstrate the product was held
in the appropriate temperature range and in a
sanitary manner. When such assurance is not
available, returned product is rejected or destroyed.
Opened packages are not accepted. Accepted
product enters the appropriate step of the
production system based on findings of product
Page 12 of 16
Step Potential RLTO Justification / Basis Controls CCP

evaluation. Notify FSIS personnel when returned

product has been accepted.
C: None
P: None


Page 13 of 16
Beef Slaughter HACCP Plan
Critical Monitoring Procedures
Critical Limits for
Control Each Corrective Action Verification Records
Hazard(s) What How Frequency Who
Point (CCP) Control
CCP 1 Zero Presence of Zero visible Examine Observe all surfaces Once per Designee If a deviation from the Once per week, Zero
Tolerance pathogens: f ecal carcasses and of 2 randomly shif t critical limit occurs, the a supervisor Tolerance
Examination STEC (E. coli material, hearts f or selected carcasses at supervisor will: observes the Monitoring
O157:H7, milk, or contaminants. the USDA f inal rail 1. Hold all product produced designee Form
O26, O45, ingesta on Document inspection station. af ter the last acceptable perf orm the
Verif ication
O103, O111, carcasses at observations. Examine 2 randomly check until appropriate monitoring
O121 and the f inal rail selected hearts after disposition taken (no activity.
O145) and inspection processing is product injurious to health Corrective
Salmonella in station and will enter commerce); Once per week, a
complete in the Action
supervisor will
f ecal material, hearts af ter slaughter 2. Determine and eliminate Form
conduct the
ingesta and processing department. the cause of the deviation;
records review. Pre-
milk. is completed 3. Bring the CCP under
in the Document control; shipment
slaughter observations on the 4. Take measures to prevent Review
Zero Tolerance Form
department. recurrence
Monitoring Form. 9 CFR 417.3

Page 14 of 16
Example Beef Slaughter HACCP Plan
Critical Limits Monitoring Procedures
Significant for Each
Control Corrective Action Verification Records
Hazard(s) Control What How Frequency Who
Point (CCP)
CCP 2 Presence Solution at Solution Monitor the Monitor the Designee If a deviation from the critical Once per Organic Acid
Organic of appropriate concentration. measuring and measuring and limit occurs, the supervisor week, a Application
Acid pathogens: concentration combining of the combining of will: supervisor Form
Application STEC (E. (e.g., 2-5%), solution the solution 1. Hold all product produced observes
and hearts Verif ication
coli per supporting visibly wet. components. components af ter the last acceptable the
O157:H7, documentation. once at the check until appropriate designee Form
O26, O45, Monitor beginning of disposition taken (no product perf orm the Corrective
O103, Solution application of the the slaughter injurious to health will enter monitoring Action Form
O111, applied to each solution to day. commerce); activity.
O121 and carcass and carcasses and 2. Determine and eliminate the Pre-shipment
hearts. Monitor the Once per Review Form
O145) and heart until all cause of the deviation;
application of week, a
Salmonella surf aces are Document on the the solution 3. Bring the CCP under control;
visibly wet with Organic Acid 4. Take measures to prevent
once per recurrence will conduct
solution. Application Form. slaughter day. the records
9 CFR 417.3 review.

Page 15 of 16
Example Beef Slaughter HACCP Plan
Critical Monitoring Procedures
Limits for
Control Significant
Each Corrective Action Verification Records
Point Hazard(s) What How Frequency Who
CCP 3 Pathogen Carcass, The surf ace Insert a Within 24 DesigneeIf a deviation from the critical Once per week, a Chilling
Chilling 22 outgrowth: tongue, temperature. handheld digital hours of limit occurs, the supervisor supervisor observes Monitoring
STEC (E. hearts, liver, thermometer 1 slaughter, for will: the designee perform Form
coli kidney and mm under the 2 randomly 1. Hold all product produced the monitoring activity.
O157:H7, intestine f ascia on the selected af ter the last acceptable
Once per week, a Action Form
O26, O45, surf ace inside round of carcasses check until appropriate
supervisor will
O103, temperature carcasses and and 2 disposition taken (no Pre-
conduct the records
O111, O121 will be ≤40°F just under the randomly product injurious to health shipment
and O145) within 24 surf ace of the selected will enter commerce); review.
and hours of hearts, liver, hearts, livers, 2. Determine and eliminate Once per week, the Form
Salmonella slaughter. kidney and kidneys or the cause of the deviation; supervisor or designee Calibration
intestine. intestines. 3. Bring the CCP under will calibrate the Log
control; thermometer (per
Document on
4. Take measures to prevent supporting
the Chilling
recurrence documentation).
9 CFR 417.3


22 These limits, procedures and frequencies are all examples, and can vary by establishment. 9 CFR 417.2(c) requires each CCP to include a critical limit, and 9 CFR 417.5(a)(2)
requires support for the selection and development of the CCP and critical limits. 9 CFR 417.2(c) requires the HACCP plan to include monitoring and verification procedures and
frequencies, and 9 CFR 417.5(a)(2) requires support for the select procedures and frequencies. 9 CFR 417.4 requires each HACCP plan be validated.

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