Motivation RRL, Not Final
Motivation RRL, Not Final
Motivation RRL, Not Final
persevere in life. By not having the vital measure of rest, the mind and body do not
perform at their highest point and can likewise close down. A student's way of life can
most likely influence the student. For example, not getting sufficient sustenance of any
attitude and to their environment, which suggests that students' motivation should be
learning. Furthermore, keeping up the motivation to learn when socially isolated during
student motivation" According to the findings, students who used the online learning
However, in contrast to the study conducted by Lopez et al., (2021) reveals that
there is a high level of motivation in the students to continue their studies amidst the
hardship brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, and according to Ryan (2020),
“Academic motivation can achieve and complete the duties assigned to them”.
extrinsic motivation, and amotivation. Intrinsic motivation is done by the students who
enjoy and have fun. They do not demand incentives or rewards to do such actions. So,
intrinsic motivation portrays that the students are potentially motivated. Thus, extrinsic
motivation is associated with the action that is fulfilled to get incentives and rewards.
Amotivation defines being not motivated. It exemplifies the students who are neither
intrinsically motivated nor extrinsically. These students have adverse conceptions about
their learning development, and their contribution to their learning is inadequate (Buzdar
et al., 2017).
A study in China by Liu et al. (2019) entitled " Multiplicative effect of intrinsic and
students” The effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, as well as their multiplicative
effect, were examined among Chinese students in this study. The result showed that
extrinsic motivation was detrimental to academic performance for students with high
intrinsic motivation, according to the multiplicative effect between intrinsic and extrinsic
motivations. Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, helped students with poor intrinsic
motivation improve their academic performance. It was also mentioned that intrinsic
regulate their learning and motivation more freely due to the less organized learning
environment. High intrinsic motivation has been shown to be critical for learning success
in distant learning, but low intrinsic motivation might lead to maladaptive behavior such
motivation, used more self-regulated learning strategies (such as goal setting, planning,
students who did not perceive themselves as competent. Intrinsic motivation, on the
other hand, is thought to be crucial for learning behavior and achievement. Students
with more intrinsic motivation, for example, are more engaged in learning activities (Sun
et al., 2019), have greater tenacity, and procrastinate less. In particular, intrinsic
choose to participate in learning behavior, but they must also persevere in the face of
(Taylor et al., 2014). Extrinsic motivation is also beneficial to academic success (Helker
and Wosnitza, 2016). Amotivation, on the other hand, has a generally detrimental
impact on academic achievement (Arbabi et al., 2014), with a few exceptions (Mega et
al., 2014). This is also supported by the study of Angky Kenedi & Niken Widi Astuti
education. It will direct them to be inactive and promote procrastination, which will lead
them to poor performance. Their ability and sense of will to achieve an excellent