Transitor 2

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Consider the circuit shown in Fig.

, where v1 represents the signal generated by a microphone, IS = 3 * 10-16 A, 𝛽 = 100,

and Q1 operates in the active mode. (a) If v1 = 0, determine the small-signal parameters of Q1. (b) If the microphone
generates a 1-mV signal, how much change is observed in the collector and base currents?

𝐼# = 𝐼% exp = 6.92 𝑚𝐴 ∆𝐼# = 𝑔4 ∆𝑉*+ = 𝑔4 𝑣< = 𝑔4 𝑣A

𝑔4 =
𝐼# 6.92 𝑚𝐴
= = 0.266 (1/Ω)
∆𝐼# = 0.266 1/Ω 1 𝑚𝑉 = 0.266 𝑚𝐴
𝑉, 26 𝑚𝑉
𝑣A 1 𝑚𝑉
𝛽 100 ∆𝐼* = = = 2.66 𝜇𝐴
𝑟< = =
𝑔4 0.266 (1/Ω)
= 376 Ω 𝑟< 376 Ω
The circuit of previous Fig. is modified as shown in Fig. below, where resistor RC converts the collector
current to a voltage. (a) Verify that the transistor operates in the active mode. (b) Determine the output
signal level if the microphone produces a 1 mV signal.
The circuit of previous Fig. is modified as shown in Fig. below, where resistor RC converts the collector
current to a voltage. (a) Verify that the transistor operates in the active mode. (b) Determine the output
signal level if the microphone produces a 1-mV signal.

𝑉CD = 𝐼# 𝑅# = 6.92 mA 100Ω = 0.692 V

𝑉IJK = 𝑉## − 𝐼# 𝑅# = 1.8 V − 0.692 V = 1.108 V

Since the collector voltage (with respect to ground)

is more positive than the base voltage, the device
operates in the active mode.

As seen in the previous example, a 1 mV microphone signal leads to a 0.266 mA

change in IC. Upon flowing through RC, this change yields a change of 0.266 mA * 100
Ω = 26.7 mV in Vout. The circuit therefore amplifies the input by a factor of 26.7.
Early Effect
Suppose we raise RC to 200 Ω and VCC to 3.6 V.

The voltage drop across RC now increases to 6.92 mA * 200 Ω =

1.384 V, leading to a collector voltage of 3.6 V – 1.384 V = 2.216 V
and guaranteeing operation in the active mode.

If VCC is not doubled, then Vout = 1.8 V – 1.384 V = 0.416 V and

the transistor is not in the forward active region

Since RC is doubled, the voltage gain must also double, reaching a value of 53.2

= (0.266 1/ Ω)(200 Ω)= 53.2


Does this mean that, if RC à ∞, then the gain also grows indefinitely?

The “Early effect” translates to a nonideality in the device that can

limit the gain of amplifiers.
Large-signal model including Early effect Small-signal model including Early effect
Exercise A transistor is biased at a collector current of 1 mA. Determine
the small-signal model if 𝛽 = 100 and VA = 15 V.
Exercise A transistor is biased at a collector current of 1 mA. Determine
the small-signal model if 𝛽 = 100 and VA = 15 V.

=1/26 (1/ Ω)

=(26)(100) Ω = 2600 Ω

=15 V /1 mA = 15 k Ω
Operation of Bipolar Transistor in Saturation Mode
Exercise A bipolar transistor is biased with VBE = 750mV and has a nominal β of 100. How much
B-C forward bias can the device tolerate if must not degrade by more than 10%? For
simplicity, assume B-C and B-E junctions have identical structures and doping levels.

If the B-C junction is forward-biased so much that it carries a current equal to onetenth of the nominal
base current, IB, then the degrades by 10%. Since IB = IC/100, the B-C junction must carry no more than
IC/1000. We therefore ask, what B-C voltage results in a current of IC/1000 if VBE = 750 mV gives a collector
current of IC? Assuming identical B-E and B-C junctions, we have:
As with the npn counterpart, operation in the active region requires
The PNP Transistor forward-biasing the base-emitter junction and reverse-biasing the collector
junction. Thus, VBE < 0 and VBC > 0.
Problem In the circuit shown in Figure, determine the terminal currents of Q1 and verify
operation in the forward active region. Assume IS = 2*10-16 A and β = 50, but VA = ∞
Problem In the circuit shown in Figure, determine the terminal currents of Q1 and verify
operation in the forward active region. Assume IS = 2*10-16 A and β = 50, but VA = ∞

VEB = 2 V - 1.2 V = 0.8 V

𝐼# = 𝐼% 𝑒𝑥𝑝 = 4.61 𝑚𝐴

4.61 𝑚𝐴 50 + 1 4.61 𝑚𝐴
𝐼* = = 92.2 𝜇𝐴 𝐼+ = = 4.7 𝑚𝐴
50 50

𝑉U = 𝑅# 𝐼# = 0.922 𝑉

which is lower than the base voltage, and then, we

conclude that Q1 operates in the active mode.
Small-Signal Model
Problem In the circuit of the Figure, Vin represents a signal generated by a microphone.
Determine Vout for Vin = 0 and Vin = 5 mV if IS = 1.5 * 10-16 A.
Problem In the circuit of the Figure, Vin represents a signal generated by a microphone.
Determine Vout for Vin = 0 and Vin = 5 mV if IS = 1.5 * 10-16 A.

For Vin = 0, VEB = 800mV

If Vin increases to 5mV, VBE1 = 795mV and

Bipolar Amplifiers

(1) Power dissipation (e.g., because it determines the battery lifetime in a cellphone or a digital camera);
(2) Speed (e.g., some amplifiers in a cellphone or analog-to-digital converters in a digital camera must
operate at high frequencies);
(3) Noise (e.g., the front-end amplifier in a cellphone or a digital camera processes small signals and must
introduce negligible noise of its own)
Input and Output Impedances
The input and output (I/O) impedances of an amplifier play a critical role in its capability to
interface with preceding and following stages.

v At the input, the circuit must operate as a voltmeter, i.e., sense a voltage without
disturbing (loading) the preceding stage. The ideal input impedance is therefore infinite.

v At the output, the circuit must behave as a voltage source, i.e., deliver a constant signal
level to any load impedance. Thus, the ideal output impedance is equal to zero.
Problem Assuming that the transistor operates in the forward active region, determine
the input impedance of the circuit shown in Figure.

Since 𝑟< = = VZ[Y\D , we conclude that a higher β or lower IC yield a higher input impedance.

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