Meeting 6 Inference

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Universitas Pamulang Sastra Inggris


At the end of this lesson, students are expected to be able to:
6.1 Define the meaning of a passage of text without all the information
being spelled out.
6.2 Improve vocabulary by providing additional vocabulary exercises
and tests on words
6.3 Create meaning from text.
6.4 Make critical judgments.
6.5 Draw conclusions.


Goals of study 6.1:

Define the meaning of a passage of text

Inferring Meanings
a. Inference in reading is the ability to understand the meaning of a passage
of text without all the information being spelled out. From context clues
within a passage, the author gives information about plot, characters,
setting, time period and other elements of story by the things he or she
infers. Word choice and word order give clues about the story as it unfolds
to the reader. Readers take the clues they are given and draw conclusions
based on their own worldview and personal experiences.
b. Inferring is the process of creating meaning from text. It combines our
prior knowledge (schema) with what is read. When readers infer, they
create meaning that is not stated explicitly in the text. The reader "reads
between the lines" to pick up on clues provided by the author in order to

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extract meaning. When readers infer, they draw conclusions, make

predictions, create interpretations, make connections, and think critically
about the text. Inferring allows the reader to extend their comprehension
beyond literal understanding.
c. Inference is a mental process by which we reach a conclusion based on
specific evidence. Inferences are the stock and trade of detectives
examining clues, of doctors diagnosing diseases, and of car mechanics
repairing engine problems. We infer motives, purpose, and intentions.
d. Inferences are not random. While they may come about mysteriously with
a sudden jump of recognition, a sense of "Ah ha!" inferences are very
orderly. Inferences may be guesses, but they are educated guesses based
on supporting evidence. The evidence seems to require that we reach a
specific conclusion. Evidence is said to imply; readers infer. While this
image suggests an intent or power on the part of evidence that does not
exist—how, after all, can a fact compel a certain conclusion?—the image
and resulting terminology are useful nonetheless. The sense of inevitability
to the conclusion suggests that we did not jump to that conclusion or make
it up on our own, but found it by reasoning from the evidence.


A. Read the paragraph and answer the questions.
1. The family dog hid behind the 2. Our family raises honeybees. This spring
sofa as a storm roared outside. one of our ten hives was destroyed.
There was lightning and thunder. Recently, a bear was sighted in our
The dog whimpered each time it neighborhood.
heard the thunder. Dad tried to You can guess that _____.
coax the dog out, but it wasn't A. a storm destroyed the hive
going anywhere. B. the bees swarmed
You can guess that ___. C. the bear destroyed the hive

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A. storms made the dog afraid

B. the dog was playing hide and
C. Dad was afraid of storms

3. Mr. Burns is talking to Dad 4. Olivia was practicing her flute. She kept
about a large tree that is dying. checking the time. She constantly stared
After they are finished, Mr. at her neighbors playing baseball.
Burns ties a rope to the tree. You can guess that Olivia ___.
Then he starts his chainsaw. A. thinks time is flying
You can guess that Mr. Burns is B. is performing for an audience
a __________. C. would rather be outside
A. teacher
B. athlete
C. man from the tree service

5. Belinda found a baby bird near a 6. Lydia smelled the sweet aroma in the air.
tree in her yard. Up in the tree, Mom was baking brownies. Lydia heard
she could see a nest. The baby a buzzing sound. She smiled widely.
bird chirped loudly because it Can you guess what is happening?
was afraid. A. Mom is doing laundry.
Why was the baby bird on the B. Lydia is going to school.
ground? C. The brownies are done baking.
A. It could not fly yet.
B. It was hungry.
C. It ran away from home.

7. Beth started the water to fill the 8. An egg is laid. A caterpillar hatches from
tub for her bath. She adjusted the the egg and constantly eats flowers and
temperature and put in the plug. leaves. It turns into a pupa and rests
She was looking forward to inside of a cocoon.
soaking in the warm water. Then You can guess that ___.
she heard the telephone ring and A. a butterfly will come out of the

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ran to answer it. cocoon

You can guess that _____. B. a bird will come by and disturb it
A. the water was too cold C. the caterpillar will come out when it
B. the dog shut the water off gets hungry
C. the water in the tub

9. Carol had a snow day from school. Mom helped her put on her jacket, boots,
and hat. They went outside and made a snowman. Then they took a ride on the
sled. When do you think this is happening?
A. Fall C. Winter
B. Spring D. Summer
What do you like to do during this season?

10. It was dark. Jack and his mom had taken a long walk near their house. They
had gone with some friends. They used a flashlight to see the path and had a
lot of fun. They roasted marshmallows when they got home. When did this
story take place?
A. In the afternoon C. in the morning
B. at lunch D. at night
What might Jack be able to see if he looked at the sky?
A. a tiny bird C. Stars
B. his mom D. Sun

11. Miss Hines left the room. She was not gone for long. She looked at the board
when she came back. It was not the same. Who had erased the lesson? Miss
Hines looked at her students. Baylee was reading a book. Damon was putting
two pencils up his nose. Tia's head was on her desk. Jake was drawing a
dragon. The others sat very still. No one would tell Miss Hines who had
erased the board. She had a plan. "Who wants to go to recess?" she asked. All
the kids raised their hands. Tia's hand had white powder on it. Damon's hand
was dirty. Jake had pencil smudges on the side of his hand. Miss Hines knew

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which one had erased her board.

QUESTIONS: What clue told Miss Hines who erased the board?

What was on Tia's hand?

A. glue C. snow flakes
B. sugar from a donut D. chalk dust

12. Mom and Dad woke Jill up very early. They had a big surprise planned. They
all got into the minivan and drove for hours and hours. While they drove, Jill
searched for clues. First she saw it was snowing outside. Then she saw her
dad's skis were packed. Finally, the family stopped at a mountain. "I know
what we are doing," Jill said. What is Jill's family doing today?
A. skiing C. swimming
B. shopping D. going on a hot-air balloon
What season do you think it is?
A. summer C. Winter
B. fall D. Spring

B. Read the statements about this scenario. If you believe it is an

OBSERVATION (a fact), mark an O in the space provided. If you
believe it is an INFERENCE (an assumption), mark an I.

“Jamie put on a wool cap, gloves and scarf, carefully picked up the cane in
the closet and shuffled out the door, calling, and “Come on Rufus. Let’s go
for a walk.”
1. ___ Jamie called Rufus to go for a walk.
2. ___ Jamie is bald.
3. ___ Jamie is bald.
4. ___ It is cold outside.
5. ___ Jamie wants to get some exercise.
6. ___ Jamie is old and frail.
7. ___ Jamie shuffled.
8. ___ Jamie is injured.
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9. ___ It is icy outside.

10. ___ Jamie is a woman.
11. ___ Rufus is a dog.
12. ___ Jamie put on his wool cap, gloves and scarf.

C. Read the inferences. Decide which ones you think are reasonable and
write “R” in the space provided. For those that are not reasonable in
your opinion, write “N”.

1. ___The boys belong to the same sports team.

2. ___It is morning.
3. ___The boys may be visiting the school.
4. ___The boys may be part of a gang.
5. ___The boys are students.
6. ___They may be waiting for a bus to take them to a game.
7. ___The boys are going to have a fight.
8. ___The students know each other.

D. Read the text and Write 3 observations (facts) and write 2 inferences
you made from the text!

a. “It had been three days since Angelique and her family had left
Batoche. Along the way, other families had joined them, until nearly a
hundred carts were strung out across the prairie. Three days of
bumping along in creaking Red River carts, hoping for a herd. They
hadn’t expected anything on their first day out, but over the next day
and the next, people had become quieter, more expectant.”
b. “They found the van parked behind the mall. The driver-side door
was wide open but no one was inside. A dim glow from the headlights
lit up the parking lot.”

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E. An inference is a conclusion you draw based on evidence in a reading

passage. Read each paragraph and answer the inference question
that follows.

1. Tiffany gets home from school late on Thursday. She puts her sheet
music on the kitchen counter and her trumpet case in the living room.
Tiffany's mom asks her, “Did Mrs. Anderson give you the music for
the spring concert?”
Where was Tiffany? How do you know?
2. Sam gets out of the car and takes his sleeping bag and a bag of clothes
out of the trunk. As he walks toward his front door, he turns around to
wave good-bye to his friend, Michael, in the back seat. “That was so
fun,” Sam says, “But next time, I get to sleep in the top bunk!”
Where was Sam? How do you know?
3. Brittany's mom walks into the kitchen wearing her sun hat and a pair
of old shoes. “Those vegetable plants are growing by leaps and
bounds!” she exclaims to Brittany, as she takes off a dirty glove and
wipes a smudge of dirt off her face.
Where was Brittany's mom? How do you know?
4. I have quite an exciting job that allows me to work with lots of exotic
animals. I work hard from the early morning to the end of the day
because a lot of critters depend on me. I am in charge of feeding
animals, cleaning habitats, and making sure all the animals are happy
and healthy.

What is this person's occupation? How do you know?


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5. I am an expert on all there is to know about your teeth! My job is to

help you keep your teeth clean and healthy. In addition to your mom
and dad, I am also here to remind you to brush and floss your teeth!

Where was Brittany’s mom? How do you know?

6. You may want to have my phone number around just in case your
house has a leaky pipe! My services come in handy when your house
is having problems with the kitchen sink, faucet, or bath tub.
What is this person's occupation? How do you know?

Inference exercise, viewed 20 December 2016.

Inference strategies, viewed 20 December 2016.

Inference strategies, viewed 20 December 2016.

Inference exercise, viewed 20 December 2016.

Inference process, viewed 20 December 2016.

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