Garcia&Gelle AdLab GeigerMullerCounter
Garcia&Gelle AdLab GeigerMullerCounter
Garcia&Gelle AdLab GeigerMullerCounter
Abstract 2. Theory
The objectives of the experiment are: Using the same setup, the preset time
was changed from 30 to 5 with a 150 runs.
• To determine the plateau and optimal The radiation source was removed to obtain
operating voltage of a Geiger-Müller
counter a measurement for the background radiation.
• To investigate the statistics related to The radioactive source was placed back and
measurements with a Geiger counter the measurements were repeated with time
reset to 1 with 750 runs.
To investigate background radiation.
A different setting was made for
another background radiation measurement.
The Geiger Counter’s operating voltage was was found to be at 25 which corresponds to
set to 900v. For 5 minutes, it will measure the mean of the Cs-137. Table 1 summarizes
for 3 runs. A radioactive source was then the statistics of the Cs-137 source and the
placed for new 3 measurements.
300 5
200 2
100 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49
Table 2 shows the average counts,
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
background counts, and true counts of the
Operating Voltage (V) Cesium-137 radioactive source. The true
counts is the average count of the
radioactive source and the background
Figure 2 shows the frequency
counts. In the absence of a radioactive
distribution of the Cs-137 source. The peak
source, the counter still detects some
radioactive particles. To find the real count
of the radioactive source, a baseline needs to
be established which is the background
counts. The background counts need to be
subtracted from the average counts to
determine the true counts.
5. Conclusion
6. References