Vitality Resource Guide
Vitality Resource Guide
Vitality Resource Guide
This guide has been created as a resource for you to thrive. After we created
the movie Vitality, we’ve been bombarded with thousands of emails from
people who have been inspired by the film and want to know what next steps
they can take in order to get more Vitality in their lives. That is why we
created the 100 Day Vitality Challenge. This guide is a free resource we’ve
created as an adjunct to the full program that will help point you in the right
direction and get you to the tools and resources you’ll need in order to get
more Vitality in your life. We also released the Vitality Wisdom Deep Dive 2
DVD set, which is a treasure trove of extra footage that wasn’t in the movie.
This is the powerful stuff we really wanted to include but simply couldn’t fit
into the timeline. Take a good look through this guide first and then look at
some of the resources we’ve pooled together for you. We’re here to help and
WHO WE Well.Org is dedicated to helping people
causes that are making a difference and
important to us.
We’ve broken the framework of health into a generalized “wheel” of
framework gives you a starting point to see where you’re at currently and
then make some small meaningful adjustments that will go a long way.
Each section will be laden with tools, videos, audio clips, or graphics that
can help you understand the essentials of health and, from there, how to
Whether you are trying to get healthy, improve strength and fitness,
condition your body with exercise, or fix your posture, we’ve got you
The central notion of Vitality is a concept of health and
The central concept being that there is an energy that If you’re interested in
is the currency of life and, through healthy living, learning how to master
breathing, and conscious relaxation, we could enhance the energy flow in your
this energy and increase our personal Vitality. Qi Gong life and wake up to your
Click here to listen potential, check out our
and Meditation are powerful tools that can help us
and download the Urban Monk Academy.
enhance our overall Vitality. Here’s a clip of a powerful
Tai Chi Qi Gong practice that can easily replace your
M E D I TAT I O N Learn More
morning coffee. Check it out and tell us what you think. track!
Many of us use lotions, sunscreens, and
Phthalates and parabens belong to a group of chemicals Propylene glycol is a synthetic liquid used to absorb
commonly used as preservatives in cosmetics and water and maintain moisture. It is the active ingredient
pharmaceuticals. They keep our hairsprays sticky and in antifreeze, but it is also found in many cosmetics,
our nail polishes bacteria and fungus-free. Unfortunately, toothpastes, and deodorants. Although the FDA states
both of these chemicals have shown to be carcinogenic that propylene glycol is “generally labeled as safe” for use
and linked to breast cancer. The Genesis Breast Cancer in foods, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
Prevention Centre at the University Hospital of South Registry lists it as a potential agent for brain, liver, and
Manchester NHS Foundation Trust discovered that paraben kidney abnormalities. Even the EPA requires workers to
residues are found at concentrations up to 1 million times wear protective gloves, clothing, and goggles when working
higher than the estrogen levels naturally found in human with propylene glycol! So definitely look at the ingredients
breast tissue. Furthermore, propylparaben was found at its list of your favorite deodorants to make sure they are safe
highest concentration in the underarm area—think about for your body.
the deodorants we so often use!
4. DEA (diethanolamine)
2. TRICLOSAN MEA (monoethanolamine)
been compared to Agent Orange! The EPA currently lists These three chemicals can disrupt hormones and
triclosan as a pesticide—highly toxic to any living organism. form cancer-causing agents in the body. Research
It is also classified as a carcinogen, which is a cancer-causing indicates that these chemicals have a strong link to
chemical. Furthermore, triclosan disrupts hormones, liver and kidney cancer. They’re common ingredients
affects sexual function, causes infertility, and increases in shampoos, soaps, and facial cleansers.
the likelihood of birth defects. It is commonly used in
antibacterial cleansers, toothpaste, and household products.
Surprisingly, the FDA have not found any evidence that
triclosan is even effective as an antibacterial agent.
Check out a segment on controlling the addictive
We are what we eat. The central notion of making sure mind from The Health Bridge below. We also have
what goes into our bodies is seen as fuel and not as toxic a couple receipes for you in this book to try as you
foe is critical. In this day and age of GMOs and pesticides journey down the path of healthy eating!
everywhere, we’ve got to really be careful and seek out
that will clean some of the toxic chemicals off of your food.
reforming our diet. Eating a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods
taste great and leave us begging for more, but don’t let the butter
high in fat, sugar and salt. They drown the food with sauce and
whether you’ll come back for more. When you eat out you’re not
Steer Clear
Of These Sweeteners
4. Agave nectar
3. White refined sugar (table sugar)
2. High-fructose corn syrup
1. Artificial sweeteners
Kelp Noodles
with Pumpkin
Seed Pesto and
• 1 package kelp noodles, rinsed well and drained Directions:
• 1 cup small broccoli florets
1. Process all pesto ingredients in a food processor.
• 1 pint cherry tomatoes, quartered
2. Depending on your taste you may choose to make it
• 1/2 yellow bell pepper, diced
totally smooth or leave some texture.
• 1 cup almonds or pumpkin seeds for topping
3. Transfer the kelp noodles to a large bowl. Add the
For the Pumpkin seed pesto: broccoli florets.
• 1 cup pumpkin seeds, soaked for 8 hrs
4. Massage both ingredients with half of the pesto and
• 3 packed cups basil leaves
let sit for 20-30 minutes to allow the noodles and
• 1-2 cloves of garlic, minced, to taste
broccoli to soften up.
• 6 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
5. After that time add cherry tomatoes (but not the
• 2-3Tbsp lemon juice, to taste
juice that may have been released during the cutting
• 2 tsp sweet white miso
process, drink it!), yellow bell pepper and as much
• 1⁄4 tsp Himalayan or Celtic sea salt, more to taste
pesto as you like. Adjust seasonings to taste and serve.
• 1⁄4 cup hempseeds
6. Sprinkle hemp seeds on top and serve.
Simple Tempeh Reuben
Salad Recipe
Summer Bock and Robyn Youkilis come together to
create a salad version for a favorite, yet not so healthy,
sandwich... the classic reuben. They have created a
salad that has all the great flavors of the reuben, but
without the guilt. This simple recipe is easy to make
and sure to satisfy your cravings!
drops of stevia
• 1⁄2 cup onion, chopped
Vegetable Directions:
1. Saute the onion, ginger, and curry powder in
another minute.
In this module, Dr. Pedram Shojai
your right foot and pull your toes toward your right shin as you
place your right hand on your thigh to level your hips. These
progress deeper into the movement. You may also lean forward
with a flat back folding from the hip creases to deepen the
Using your chair, come to the edge of your seat and then step
feet out until knees are over your ankles (a 90-degree bend of
the legs). Wrap your hands around the sides of your seat as you
sit tall. Step your feet out one foot length each as you press the
heels of your hands into the seat and lift your bottom from the
chair. You are now holding yourself up and off the seat of the
chair. Inhale here and then as you exhale, bend your elbows and
lower your hips below the seat of your chair. Your goal is to bend
hands and straightening your arms. This will strengthen the back
and breathe. Complete two sets, with eight to 10 reps each set.
Imaginary Jump Rope:
preparing for your match against Apollo Creed. Pretend you are
holding a jump rope handle in each hand and begin to jump rope
your nose and out of your mouth. Keep the jumps small and
fast; the goal is to increase your heart rate and to move. It takes
knees over your ankles. Lift your heels off the ground and come
onto the toes and ball mounts of your feet. Pretend you are
holding a jump rope handle in each hand and begin to jump your
feet as if you are jump roping and move your hands and wrists in
small circles like you are holding a real jump rope. Remember to
stay on your toes and lift your knees as high as your hips when
back of your thigh. If you have flat low back posture, this stretch
Child’s Pose
The child’s pose stretches the muscles of the low back, as well as
Cobra Pose
While the cobra pose is a pose that many people readily associate
Pedram & Sarah On Back Pain
with yoga, its not safe for all types of back problems. people with
Pedram produced this video in Africa while filming
Vitality Module 3
1. No caffeine after 2pm
3. No TV in the bedroom
8. Read a little and try to avoid bright lights 1 hour before bed
Cinnamo n Cayenne
SUPER • Regulate blood sugar (great for • Rich source of potassium, calcium,
diabetics and hypoglycemics) beta-carotene, b-complexes, and
• Reduce LDL cholesterol levels vitamins a, c, and E
• Has natural anti-infectious • Beneficial to the heart and the flow
Reduce pain linked to arthritis •
of blood throughout the body
Normalize blood pressure
• Natural food preservative • Reduce hypertension
• Contain fiber, calcium, iron, and • Ability to fight cancer
manganese • Activate sensory nerves
• Effective relief for menstrual pain • Relieve rheumatism and arthritis
to an energy crash in the afternoon. Most • Help regulate glucose levels for • Improve digestion
Type 2 diabetes • Natural Liver Detoxifier
importantly, it tastes delicious! Bring your
• Enhances fat metabolism • Reduces Cholesterol Level
cups and saucers and let the tea concoction
• High amounts of minerals and • Contain lipopolysaccharide, which
begin. vitamins (potassium, manganese, helps stimulate the body’s immune
phosphorus, sodium, nitrogen, etc. system
Before you proceed to the next page to learn Vitamins A, C, E etc.)
the recipe to this energizing tea, let’s look at • Good source of natural energy
(with the aid of caffeine,
some of the health benefits provided by the
theobromine, and theophylline)
key ingredients.
Super Powered Tea Recipe
Click here to listen
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