Vitality Resource Guide

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This guide has been created as a resource for you to thrive. After we created

the movie Vitality, we’ve been bombarded with thousands of emails from

people who have been inspired by the film and want to know what next steps

they can take in order to get more Vitality in their lives. That is why we

created the 100 Day Vitality Challenge. This guide is a free resource we’ve

created as an adjunct to the full program that will help point you in the right

direction and get you to the tools and resources you’ll need in order to get

more Vitality in your life. We also released the Vitality Wisdom Deep Dive 2

DVD set, which is a treasure trove of extra footage that wasn’t in the movie.

This is the powerful stuff we really wanted to include but simply couldn’t fit

into the timeline. Take a good look through this guide first and then look at

some of the resources we’ve pooled together for you. We’re here to help and

support you all along the way.

WHO WE Well.Org is dedicated to helping people

help themselves. We support people and

causes that are making a difference and

we are committed to making the world

a better, cleaner, healthier, and safer

place for our children’s children. We have

pioneered the concept of “symbiotic

capitalism” which is designed to encourage

people to support good companies in a

collaborative vs. a competitive landscape.

We support the good guys and the heroes

that are looking past the cutthroat models

of the past and moving into a brighter world

filled with innovation and possibility. We

are here for you and your success is very

important to us.
We’ve broken the framework of health into a generalized “wheel” of

Vitality, which is comprised of Diet, Exercise, Sleep, and Mindset. This

framework gives you a starting point to see where you’re at currently and

then make some small meaningful adjustments that will go a long way.

Each section will be laden with tools, videos, audio clips, or graphics that

can help you understand the essentials of health and, from there, how to

actually thrive in our busy toxic world.

Whether you are trying to get healthy, improve strength and fitness,

condition your body with exercise, or fix your posture, we’ve got you

The central notion of Vitality is a concept of health and

well being that emerges from within. Vitality is that

which we reinforce in order to stay healthy. We’re born

with it and should look to preserve it so we can have a

long and healthy life. Getting all of the other spheres

on the wheel going can enhance vitality and health (as

seen in the movie), but it is also important to use some

of the ancient healing arts we have at our disposal. Yoga,

Tai Chi, and Qi Gong are great to enhance Vitality. The

central concept being that there is an energy that is the

currency of life and, through healthy living, breathing,

and conscious relaxation, we could enhance this energy

and increase our personal Vitality.


Yoga, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong are great to enhance Vitality.

The central concept being that there is an energy that If you’re interested in
is the currency of life and, through healthy living, learning how to master
breathing, and conscious relaxation, we could enhance the energy flow in your
this energy and increase our personal Vitality. Qi Gong life and wake up to your
Click here to listen potential, check out our
and Meditation are powerful tools that can help us
and download the Urban Monk Academy.
enhance our overall Vitality. Here’s a clip of a powerful
Tai Chi Qi Gong practice that can easily replace your
M E D I TAT I O N Learn More
morning coffee. Check it out and tell us what you think. track!
Many of us use lotions, sunscreens, and

deodorants on our skin, perhaps even every

day. Do we know what really goes in our beloved

skin care products? Let’s investigate! When

we put chemicals on our skin, it is actually way

worse than if we were to ingest them. Why?

because when we eat something, the enzymes

in our saliva and stomach help break down the

“something” and flush out any toxins from the

body. Unfortunately, personal care products

and cosmetics absorb directly through the

pores. That’s why people who use makeup on a

daily basis can absorb almost 5 pounds of toxic

chemicals into their bodies each year. Wow!


Phthalates and parabens belong to a group of chemicals Propylene glycol is a synthetic liquid used to absorb
commonly used as preservatives in cosmetics and water and maintain moisture. It is the active ingredient
pharmaceuticals. They keep our hairsprays sticky and in antifreeze, but it is also found in many cosmetics,
our nail polishes bacteria and fungus-free. Unfortunately, toothpastes, and deodorants. Although the FDA states
both of these chemicals have shown to be carcinogenic that propylene glycol is “generally labeled as safe” for use
and linked to breast cancer. The Genesis Breast Cancer in foods, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
Prevention Centre at the University Hospital of South Registry lists it as a potential agent for brain, liver, and
Manchester NHS Foundation Trust discovered that paraben kidney abnormalities. Even the EPA requires workers to
residues are found at concentrations up to 1 million times wear protective gloves, clothing, and goggles when working
higher than the estrogen levels naturally found in human with propylene glycol! So definitely look at the ingredients
breast tissue. Furthermore, propylparaben was found at its list of your favorite deodorants to make sure they are safe
highest concentration in the underarm area—think about for your body.
the deodorants we so often use!
4. DEA (diethanolamine)
2. TRICLOSAN MEA (monoethanolamine)

Triclosan is a synthetic antibacterial compound that has TEA (triethanolamine)

been compared to Agent Orange! The EPA currently lists These three chemicals can disrupt hormones and
triclosan as a pesticide—highly toxic to any living organism. form cancer-causing agents in the body. Research
It is also classified as a carcinogen, which is a cancer-causing indicates that these chemicals have a strong link to
chemical. Furthermore, triclosan disrupts hormones, liver and kidney cancer. They’re common ingredients
affects sexual function, causes infertility, and increases in shampoos, soaps, and facial cleansers.
the likelihood of birth defects. It is commonly used in
antibacterial cleansers, toothpaste, and household products.
Surprisingly, the FDA have not found any evidence that
triclosan is even effective as an antibacterial agent.
Check out a segment on controlling the addictive
We are what we eat. The central notion of making sure mind from The Health Bridge below. We also have
what goes into our bodies is seen as fuel and not as toxic a couple receipes for you in this book to try as you
foe is critical. In this day and age of GMOs and pesticides journey down the path of healthy eating!
everywhere, we’ve got to really be careful and seek out

clean sources of foods—especially fruits and vegetables.

Either buy organic or at least use a non-toxic vegetable wash

that will clean some of the toxic chemicals off of your food.

The problem is that many foods get toxins in systemically

and, therefore, we take them in when we eat them. Here’s a

list of the basic foods you must get organic:

Meat Apples Lettuces

Milk Bell Peppers Grapes
Coffee Celery Potatoes
Peaches Strawberries Tomatoes
START Did you know that we spend more than 75% of all health care
costs on lifestyle diseases such as, obesity, type 2 diabetes,
heart disease, and even a few types of cancer?
Most of these lifestyle diseases can be avoided simply by

reforming our diet. Eating a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods

provides a million and one benefits. We get the protein, vitamins,

antioxidants, minerals, and essential fatty acids that help our

body thrive. Preparing most of our meals at home helps us adjust

to a healthier regimen. There are many health benefits to home-

cooked meals. The most obvious is the benefit of controlling

what types of ingredients go into the meal. When we eat out

at a restaurant, we lose this advantage. Restaurant dishes may

taste great and leave us begging for more, but don’t let the butter

and salt fool you. Commercially prepared foods are infamously

high in fat, sugar and salt. They drown the food with sauce and

salt, because the only thing restaurants have to worry about is

whether you’ll come back for more. When you eat out you’re not

100% in control of what goes on your plate.

Many cultures around the world incorporate different fermented SAUERKRAUT IS A PROBIOTIC FOOD
foods into their everyday diets. Here in the United States, we tend
Sauerkraut promotes the growth of healthy gut flora, improves
to forget about fermented foods and their many health
digestion, relieves constipation, reduces irritable bowel
syndrome and even protects the digestive tract
against potential diseases. It is considered a
In this guide, we shine our spotlight onto the
probiotic food, because it contains a large
sauerkraut, cabbage that has been fermented
variety of lactic acid strains of probiotics.
by various lactic acid bacteria. The bacteria
The lactic acid in sauerkraut helps break
that form in the sauerkraut can help
down food more easily, which aids in
with the biology of the gut by soothing
digestion. Sauerkraut is one of the few
the digestive tract. When we think of
foods that contain lactobacilli plantarum,
“sauerkraut”, we might think, “Oh another
the “good guy” bacteria. L. plantarum can
hot dog topping”. It’s time to reinvent
live in your gut and prevent pathogenic
how this unlikely superfood fits into our
disease-causing microorganisms from
diets and we have Summer Bock, Expert
flourishing. Like the way icing lines a cake,
Fermentationist, here to show us the
l. plantarum maintains a healthy barrier in
way. Summer joins us in Pedram’s kitchen
your colon that helps keep the “bad guys”
to teach us her secrets to making deliciously
from penetrating the lining of your intestines
mouth-watering sauerkraut.
and entering your blood stream.
Remember to make or buy sauerkraut that is raw and
lacto-fermented instead of the ones that are typically made IMMUNE SYSTEM BOOSTER
with vinegar. That way you get the most benefits. Speaking of
Sauerkraut is packed full of Vitamin C as well as other beneficial
health benefits, let’s run through them now.
vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, iron,
and potassium. It’s absolutely amazing! One serving of
sauerkraut (100 grams) provides 24% of your daily
value for Vitamin C. it also contains vital phytochemicals
that are created during the fermentation process. These
compounds help keep your body safe from diseases.
They help reduce common health problems, such as skin
disorders, flues, colds, and weight gain.


Both cabbage and sauerkraut exhibit anticancer

characteristics, according to a study published in
“Phytotherapy Research” in August 2012. Furthermore,
cabbage is found to contain compounds that may decrease
lung cancer risk. So the combination of healthful cabbage
and the fermentation process produces a powerhouse
of benefits. The probiotic cultures that derive from
fermentation can detoxify ingested carcinogens and
stimulate the immune system. They also create an
environment in your gut that is hostile to carcinogenic
compounds. More specifically, these probiotic cultures
create organic compounds that can inhibit the growth of
tumors and cancer cells.

Remember to buy only sauerkraut that is freshly made,

raw, unpasteurized and organic. You can probably find it
in the refrigerated aisle of local health food markets or
farmers markets. Try to avoid canned sauerkraut, because
it offers far fewer nutrients and probiotic benefits.

We have an even better idea... Why not make your own

sauerkraut? It’s quick, easy, and you know exactly what’s
in it.
The problem with too many carbohydrates
is that we tend to store them as fat. Also, it is
estimated that up to 50% of the population
is now sensitive to gluten, which causes
all sorts of immune system issues. Now if
you’re training for a marathon, chances
are you’ll need some to get you the energy
you need but in reality, most of us don’t use
those kinds of calories but we eat that way
too often.

Is Gluten Really That Bad? It Depends...`

Sugar… baaaaaaad – a simple premise that we can all get
behind (until confronted with that giant chocolate chip
cookie someone evilly left on the break room table at
lunch, that is). But when you start thinking about it, it’s
not so simple.

Doesn’t fruit have sugar? Are we not supposed to eat

fruit–ever? Gulp. Or, how about agave nectar? That was
all the rage for a while then the hype sort of died down…
What’s up with that?

What are the alternatives? Or are we destined for a life

of food without that sunny bit of flavor? Unsweetened
sweets? That’s a sad thought.

OK, a little dramatic. But we do love our sweets and

need to have some viable alternatives. So we consulted
a few sugar experts to help us get a sense of the
best (and worst) sweeteners and sugar alternatives.
According to Victoria Brodsky, head of nutrition for
ContentChecked, three types of sugars get the most
attention: fructose, glucose and sucrose. Fructose is a
natural sugar found in fruits, glucose is found in our blood
and sucrose is known as table sugar, obtained from sugar
cane or sugar beets.

In terms of what we should and shouldn’t be eating,

Brodsky, clinical nutritionist Amanda Hayes-Morgan and
holistic nutritionist Mitra Shirmohammadi helped break
down the sweeteners, starting with the best.
To These Sweeteners
1. Stevia
2. Monk fruit
3. Raw, unprocessed honey
4. Chicory
5. Xylitol and erythritol
6. Vanilla
7. Maple syrup
8. Coconut sugar

Steer Clear
Of These Sweeteners
4. Agave nectar
3. White refined sugar (table sugar)
2. High-fructose corn syrup
1. Artificial sweeteners
Kelp Noodles
with Pumpkin
Seed Pesto and
• 1 package kelp noodles, rinsed well and drained Directions:
• 1 cup small broccoli florets
1. Process all pesto ingredients in a food processor.
• 1 pint cherry tomatoes, quartered
2. Depending on your taste you may choose to make it
• 1/2 yellow bell pepper, diced
totally smooth or leave some texture.
• 1 cup almonds or pumpkin seeds for topping
3. Transfer the kelp noodles to a large bowl. Add the
For the Pumpkin seed pesto: broccoli florets.
• 1 cup pumpkin seeds, soaked for 8 hrs
4. Massage both ingredients with half of the pesto and
• 3 packed cups basil leaves
let sit for 20-30 minutes to allow the noodles and
• 1-2 cloves of garlic, minced, to taste
broccoli to soften up.
• 6 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
5. After that time add cherry tomatoes (but not the
• 2-3Tbsp lemon juice, to taste
juice that may have been released during the cutting
• 2 tsp sweet white miso
process, drink it!), yellow bell pepper and as much
• 1⁄4 tsp Himalayan or Celtic sea salt, more to taste
pesto as you like. Adjust seasonings to taste and serve.
• 1⁄4 cup hempseeds
6. Sprinkle hemp seeds on top and serve.
Simple Tempeh Reuben
Salad Recipe
Summer Bock and Robyn Youkilis come together to
create a salad version for a favorite, yet not so healthy,
sandwich... the classic reuben. They have created a
salad that has all the great flavors of the reuben, but
without the guilt. This simple recipe is easy to make
and sure to satisfy your cravings!

In Summer and Robyn’s recipe, they use tempeh

as a substitute for meat. If you’re a vegetarian, you
may already know about this soy-based superfood. If
you’ve never heard of tempeh before stumbling onto tempeh is quickly becoming a favorite for vegetarians
this delicious recipe, then let us explore what this and vegans.
food has to offer.
Since tempeh is less processed than tofu, it packs
Soy products are healthy sources of protein and they more protein and fiber. If you have never tried
serve as excellent alternatives to meat and dairy tempeh, you can find it at most health food stores
products. Tempeh is made by fermenting cooked (it’s located in the refrigerated section). Tempeh is
soybeans with a mold and mixed with other whole great to cook with, because it absorbs other flavors
grains. This process creates fine white filaments that quickly. It has a mild, nutty flavor, and is easy on
cover and bind the mixture into a firm cake. Tempeh digestion. Plus, it crumbles easily so it’s the perfect
is not a new vegetarian food. It’s actually been a substitute for chopped meat in any recipe. you can
staple in indonesian diets for more than 2,000 years. easily incorporate this soy product into your diet by
Although, its popularity in the U.S. is still growing, adding it to soups, salads, and stir-fry.

• 2 Tbsp coconut oil

• 1 can full fat coconut milk

• 1/8 tsp sea salt

• 2 tsp maple syrup, coconut sugar OR a few

drops of stevia

• 2 tsp curry powder

• 2 servings of organic chicken or wild

sustainably caught fish of choice

• 1⁄2 cup fresh cilantro or basil

• 2 cups broccoli, chopped

• 1 cup red pepper, chopped

• 1⁄2 cup onion, chopped

• 1 cup spinach, chopped

• 1 inch ginger root, grated or finely chopped

Vegetable Directions:

1. Saute the onion, ginger, and curry powder in

a pan with coconut oil for a few minutes. Add

the coconut milk and sweetener of choice.

2. Add in the protein of choice. Add red pepper

and cook for several minutes.

3. Add the broccoli and spinach and cook for

another minute.

4. Remove from heat and top with fresh

In this module, Dr. Pedram Shojai

gets into how we lose energy in our

daily lives and what we need to do

to restore it. Our health and Vitality

come from an elaborate system of

energy extraction, which we need to

optimize in order to thrive in life.

Approximately 78 million people in the United States are
obese, according to The Journal of the American Medical
Association and the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. Now an epidemic, obesity is a part of the lives
of approximately one-third of our American population.
Obesity has become and will continue to be a grave threat
to the health of our nation’s population if we don’t change
this “sedentary lifestyle.”

The list of preventable comorbidities that go hand-in-hand

with obesity include: heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes
and certain types of cancer. Economically speaking,
obesity and its many comorbidities create a substantial
price tag. Estimated annual medical costs for the treatment
of obesity and obesity-related diseases in the U.S. are $191
billion. In simple terms, the U.S. will spend $1,400 more per
year on an obese individual compared to an individual who
is not obese.

Along with the rapid changes and remarkable advances

that technology has afforded Americans in completing a
day’s work, the majority of our population now completes
a day’s work in a sitting environment. Gone are the days of
manual labor. A sedentary lifestyle has become the norm.
Our society has fallen victim to this “sitting disease” both at
work and home. How do we combat this sedentary workday
First, identify your current
level of physical activity. Set
attainable and smart goals. This may
be something simple like getting
a pedometer or wearable fitness
device that tracks movement. It
is important to define if one is de-
conditioned or lives a sedentary Figure Four [Hip Opener/Lower
life (active < 30 min/day). If you Back and Gluteus Stretch]:
are sedentary, start with simple
Sit tall on the edge of your seat with your knees over your
movements like the sequence listed
ankles. Bring your right ankle onto your left thigh close to the
and begin with walking at least a mile
knee creating a “figure four” with your legs. If your hips are
a day (2,000 steps). The movements
tight, your right leg will be positioned diagonally. If you are
listed can be completed sitting or
unable to place your ankle on your thigh, try to place the foot
below the knee on your shin to create the figure four. This

modification will lessen the strain on already tight hips. Flex

your right foot and pull your toes toward your right shin as you
place your right hand on your thigh to level your hips. These

movements will deepen the stretch, but most importantly

remember to breathe even if you feel a deep sensation.

Extending your exhalations will allow the body to relax and

progress deeper into the movement. You may also lean forward

with a flat back folding from the hip creases to deepen the

stretch into your hip and right gluteus.

Tricep Dips:

Using your chair, come to the edge of your seat and then step

feet out until knees are over your ankles (a 90-degree bend of

the legs). Wrap your hands around the sides of your seat as you

sit tall. Step your feet out one foot length each as you press the

heels of your hands into the seat and lift your bottom from the

chair. You are now holding yourself up and off the seat of the

chair. Inhale here and then as you exhale, bend your elbows and

lower your hips below the seat of your chair. Your goal is to bend

your elbows 90 degrees and lower yourself down, but then be

able to lift yourself back up by pressing into the heels of your

hands and straightening your arms. This will strengthen the back

of your arms, but remember to keep your core gently contracted

and breathe. Complete two sets, with eight to 10 reps each set.
Imaginary Jump Rope:

Cue the music and envision yourself like Rocky Balboa

preparing for your match against Apollo Creed. Pretend you are

holding a jump rope handle in each hand and begin to jump rope

in place. Remember to stay on your toes and breathe in through

your nose and out of your mouth. Keep the jumps small and

fast; the goal is to increase your heart rate and to move. It takes

as little as 30 seconds to increase your heart rate, however, if

you are sedentary, 30-second intervals may seem challenging.

Alternate between jumping and resting for a total of three

minutes. Do not rest for more than 10 seconds. The goal is to

gradually work your way up to three minutes of imaginary jump

roping without taking a break.

Chair modification: Sit on the edge of your seat with your

knees over your ankles. Lift your heels off the ground and come

onto the toes and ball mounts of your feet. Pretend you are

holding a jump rope handle in each hand and begin to jump your

feet as if you are jump roping and move your hands and wrists in

small circles like you are holding a real jump rope. Remember to

stay on your toes and lift your knees as high as your hips when

seated. Breathe in through your nose and out through your

mouth. See above for recommended length of time.

Sitting is a low energy activity. When you

sit, the big muscles in areas like your legs and

back are not contracting. These major muscles

aren’t moving; therefore, metabolism slows

down (weight gain will ensue). It makes our

bodies think that we are in energy storage

mode. As a result, our bodies become resistant

to insulin, which increases the level of glucose

in the blood and reduces the level of good

cholesterol. These changes add to the risk of

obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Eager to learn more about beating bad posture?

Dr. Ben Rubin and Dr. Tim Brown, two legends

in the field, are here to share their insight on

posture, injuries, and athletic performance.

Downward Facing Dog Pose

A basic yet challenging yoga pose that stretches and lengthens

the spine develops shoulder muscles and can address postural

conditions such as kyphosis.

Standing Forward Bend

Forward bends will stretch your hamstring muscles, located on the

back of your thigh. If you have flat low back posture, this stretch

may help prevent it from getting worse, or even to reverse the


Child’s Pose

The child’s pose stretches the muscles of the low back, as well as

the inner thighs. It promotes flexibility, stress relief and helps

circulation to the muscles, joints and disks of the back.

Cobra Pose

While the cobra pose is a pose that many people readily associate
Pedram & Sarah On Back Pain
with yoga, its not safe for all types of back problems. people with

facet joint problems should approach cobra pose cautiously, if at

Pedram produced this video in Africa while filming

the movie Origins. We had a couple of days off so the

crew went out to the banks of the Limpopo River on the

border of South Africa and Zimbabwe. This is a helpful

Qi Gong set from the Tai Chi Chuan tradition and is

designed to help invigorate the channels and lubricate

the joints. Whether you are new to Tai Chi or have an

existing practice, this set is particularly helpful.

Sleep is critical and many of us are missing it in our modern
lives. It is where lots of healing happens and where our
bodies detoxify when while our brains process our days.
When we get less sleep, we have less energy to work with
the following day. When we do this for extended periods
of time without recovery, we start to break down and
get sick. One of the major contributors to this is caffeine.
Why? Because with caffeine we can “borrow” energy
from tomorrow in order to get through today. We tap into
our adrenals like they are a never ending savings account
and push through our daily battles, not realizing that
tomorrow brings another set of problems. It has become
an epidemic in our culture.

Vitality Module 3
1. No caffeine after 2pm

2. Keep the bedroom dark

3. No TV in the bedroom

4. No bills or financial stress in bed

5. Keep the room cool

6. Limit your alcohol intake if you have insomnia

7. If you are tired in the morning and/or your partner reports

that you gasp–get a sleep study–you may have sleep apnea

8. Read a little and try to avoid bright lights 1 hour before bed
Cinnamo n Cayenne
SUPER • Regulate blood sugar (great for • Rich source of potassium, calcium,

diabetics and hypoglycemics) beta-carotene, b-complexes, and
• Reduce LDL cholesterol levels vitamins a, c, and E
• Has natural anti-infectious • Beneficial to the heart and the flow

Reduce pain linked to arthritis •
of blood throughout the body
Normalize blood pressure

• Natural food preservative • Reduce hypertension
• Contain fiber, calcium, iron, and • Ability to fight cancer
manganese • Activate sensory nerves

• Effective relief for menstrual pain • Relieve rheumatism and arthritis

BOOST Yerba Mate Turmeric

• High antioxidant capacity; reduce • Cancer Prevention
oxidative stress • Anti-inflammatory properties for
Robyn Youkilis of Your Healthiest You • Promote healthy Gastrointestinal treating both osteoarthritis and
recently joined Pedram in his kitchen for Tract rheumatoid arthritis
• Improve digestion • Help moderate insulin levels
some super powered tea time.
• Lower blood pressure • Natural antiseptic and antibacterial
• Anti-inflammatory agent
By adding a few easy-to-get ingredients, this • Support overall brain health (aid
• Anti-carcinogenic
tea can help give a natural boost of energy • Increase cognition and mental in removal of plaque build-up and
without fogging up our brains or leading clarity improve flow of oxygen)

to an energy crash in the afternoon. Most • Help regulate glucose levels for • Improve digestion
Type 2 diabetes • Natural Liver Detoxifier
importantly, it tastes delicious! Bring your
• Enhances fat metabolism • Reduces Cholesterol Level
cups and saucers and let the tea concoction
• High amounts of minerals and • Contain lipopolysaccharide, which
begin. vitamins (potassium, manganese, helps stimulate the body’s immune
phosphorus, sodium, nitrogen, etc. system
Before you proceed to the next page to learn Vitamins A, C, E etc.)

the recipe to this energizing tea, let’s look at • Good source of natural energy
(with the aid of caffeine,
some of the health benefits provided by the
theobromine, and theophylline)
key ingredients.
Super Powered Tea Recipe
Click here to listen

MINDSET and download the

How we see our world really determines the

quality of our health. Stress levels in our culture

have hit epidemic proportions and we need to

learn how to deal with stress in order to break

free from its negative effects. Meditation,

prayer, yoga, Tai Chi, art, or even rock climbing

Anxiety and Five Natural Hacks
can be very helpful so long as you develop the

right PERSPECTIVE and use it to help clear

your mind better. We all dream of being whisked

away to some tropical island where all our

stress can go away but the truth is, most of life’s

problems are awaiting us upon our return. So what

happens on vacation that helps so much? Well–

we separate from our normal routine and allow

the mind to refresh and rejuvenate. The real trick

is to learn how to do that HERE and NOW. Our

ability to stop the world and take a mental time–

out several times during the day is a critical factor

in health outcomes. The better we get at clearing

the stress and relaxing the mind, the easier our

days get and the better off we are in the long-run.

NOW How To Detox, Step Up, And

Find Purpose And Vitality

In Life
This is why we get fit, in both body and mind... to push the

limits no matter what we do in the hope of harnessing the

true feeling of freedom. What’s your dream?

segment: I Believe I Can Fly

Urban Monk
Learn how to set goals, get focused, gain more
energy, and make things happen.

My name is Pedram Shojai and I’m a physician, Qi Gong

Master, Author, Film Producer, seasoned martial artist,
and successful businessman. I’ve got a lot going on and
people always ask me how I do it all. I decided to share my
secrets. I’ve spent quality time meditating on how to help
more people and make the world a better place. I took my
powerful 3 day seminar called “Energy Economics” and
blended it with my higher level “Life Mastery” course
because I wanted a single resource where our students
can learn to get out of their own way and achieve true
mastery, happiness, health, and wealth in life.

This may sound lofty but I’ve been teaching Fortune

100 CEOs, elite athletes, and dedicated students these
skills for the past 15 years. A blended course that was less
expensive and available to more people was what I was
striving for as my regular weekend seminars run $2,000
and higher. What I created here is a 3 month, 12 module
course with all the resources needed to learn how succeed
in your diet, career, and relationship goals.

enroll now

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