Basic of Control Component

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Control Transformers

It is often desirable to operate the control circuit at a lower

voltage than the power circuit. Control transformers are
used to step a voltage down to a lower level. Siemens Class
MT, MTG and K control transformers are available in various
primary and secondary voltages from 50 to 5000 VA.

In the following example, the power circuit is 460 VAC. A control

transformer is used to step the voltage down to 24 VAC for use
in the control circuit. The electromagnetic coil voltage must be
rated for 24 VAC. Fuses on the primary and secondary windings
of the transformer provide overcurrent protection.

Control Relays

Relays are widely used in control circuits. They are used for
switching multiple control circuits, and for controlling light loads
such as starting coils, indicator lights, and audible alarms.

Relay Operation The operation of a control relay is similar to a contactor. In

the example below, a relay with a set of normally open (NO)
contacts is used. When power is applied from the control circuit,
an electromagnetic coil is energized. The electromagnetic
electromagnet closing the contacts. When power is removed,
spring tension pushes the armature and movable contacts away
from the electromagnet, opening the contacts.

Contact Arrangement A relay can contain normally open, normally closed, or both
types of contacts.

The main difference between a control relay and a contactor is

the size and number of contacts. The contacts in a control relay
are relatively small because they need to handle only the small
currents used in control circuits. There are no power contacts.
Also, unlike a contactor, each contact in a control relay controls
a different circuit. In a contactor, they all control the starting and
stopping of the motor. Some relays have a greater number of
contacts than are found in the typical contactor.

The use of contacts in relays can be complex. There are three

key terms you will need to understand in dealing with relays.

Pole Pole describes the number of isolated circuits that can pass
through the relay at one time. A single-pole circuit can carry
current through one circuit, while a double-pole circuit can carry
current through two circuits simultaneously. The two circuits are
mechanically connected so that they open or close at the same

Throw Throw is the number of different closed-contact positions per

pole. This is equal to the total number of different circuits each
pole controls.

The following abbreviations are frequently used to indicate


SPST Single-Pole, Single-Throw

SPDT Single-Pole, Double-Throw
DPST Double-Pole, Single-Throw
DPDT Double-Pole, Double-Throw

Break Break is the number of separate contacts the switch contacts
use to open or close individual circuits. If the switch breaks the
circuit in one place, it is a single-break. If the relay breaks the
circuit in two places, it is a double-break.

The diagram below illustrates various contact arrangements.

Interposing a Relay The following line diagram illustrates one way that a control
relay might be used, in a circuit where a 24 VAC coil may not
be strong enough to operate a large starter. In this example
the electromagnetic coil of the “M” contactor selected is rated
for 460 VAC. The electromagnetic coil of the control relay (CR)
selected is 24 VAC. This is known as interposing a relay.

When the “Start” pushbutton in line 2 is momentarily depressed,

power is supplied to the control relay (CR).

This causes the “CR” contacts in lines 1 and 2 to close. The
“CR” contacts in line 2 maintain the start circuit, while the “CR”
contacts in line 1 complete the path of current to the “M” motor
starter. The “M” motor starter energizes and closes the “M”
contacts in the power circuit, starting the motor. Depressing the
“Stop” pushbutton de-energizes the “CR” relay and “M” motor

SIRIUS 3RH Siemens SIRIUS 3R modular system includes a complete line

Control Relays of control relays. For example, SIRIUS 3RH11 control relays
and 3RH14 latching control relays are available with screw or
spring-loaded terminals. Four contacts are available in the basic
device. Four additional contacts can be added by attaching
auxiliary switch blocks. Units are available for control supply
voltages from 12 to 230 VDC and from 24 to 600 VAC. 3RH14
latching control relays have two coils, a relay coil and a release
coil, that are rated for continuous duty operation.

3TX71 Siemens offers a variety of 3TX71 plug-in relays for socket
relay is that all the wiring stays in place if the relay needs to be

Solid-State Switching Devices

Conventional electromechanical switching devices are

unsuitable for applications requiring high switching frequencies
due to the wear on mechanical components. Electromechanical
switching devices are also inherently noisy and, as a result,
undesirable for use in noise-sensitive areas.

As a result, Siemens has developed three categories of

SIRIUS SC solid-state switching devices, relays, contactors,
and function modules. SIRIUS SC solid-state relays and
contactors are intended for switching resistive loads, but some
units are capable of switching slightly inductive loads.

SIRIUS SC SIRIUS SC solid-state relays can be mounted on existing

Solid-State Relays cooling surfaces. 3RF20 solid-state relays have a 45 mm
assembly width, and 3RF21 solid-state relays have a 22.5 mm
assembly width.

SIRIUS SC SIRIUS SC 3RF23 solid-state contactors incorporate a solid-
Solid-State Contactors state relay in an optimized heat sink to form a ready to use

SIRIUS SC Many applications require extended functionality that can be

Function Modules accommodated by SIRIUS SC function modules.

Examples of SIRIUS 3RF29 function modules include:

Converter – Converts an analog control signal to a pulse-width

modulated digital signal. This allows a SIRIUS SC solid-state
relay or contactor to adjust power to a load based on an analog
signal from a device such as a temperature sensor.

Load monitoring module – This module detects a variety of

faults, such as a failed load element and provides for an LED
fault indication and a PLC-compatible fault signal.

Power controller – This module combines load circuit

monitoring capability with the ability to adjust power to the
connected load.

Monitoring Relays

SIRIUS 3UG monitoring relays reduce machine and plant

downtime by monitoring electrical and mechanical quantities
and fault conditions, and providing appropriate diagnostic

A variety of monitoring relays are available. Examples of

functions performed by various monitoring relays include:

• Line monitoring for phase sequence, phase failure phase

asymmetry, undervoltage, and overvoltage.
• Single-phase current monitoring.
• Single-phase voltage monitoring.
• Power factor monitoring.
• Insulation resistance monitoring.
• Filling level monitoring.
• Motor underspeed monitoring.
• Temperature monitoring.

Time Relays

Time relays, such as Siemens 3RP15 and 3RP20 solid-state

time relays, are used in control switching operations involving
time delay.

3RP15 time relays have a 22.5 mm assembly width, and

3RP20 time relays have a 45 mm assembly width. Most
of these time relays have multiple time setting ranges. For
example, a number of the 3RP15 and 3RP20 time relays have
15 time setting ranges covering the span from 0.05 seconds to
100 hours.

Time Delay A time relay has two major functions: On-delay and Off-delay
timing. An arrow is used to denote the function of the timer. An
arrow pointing up indicates an On-delay timing action, while an
arrow pointing down indicates an Off-delay timing action.

On-delay and Off-delay timers can turn their connected loads
on or off, based on how the timer’s output is wired into the
circuit. On-delay indicates that once a timer has received
a signal to turn on, a predetermined time (set by the timer)
must pass before the timer’s contacts change state. Off-delay
indicates that once a timer has received a signal to turn off,
a predetermined time (set by the timer) must pass before the
timer’s contacts change state.

On-Delay, Timed Closed The following is an example of On-delay, timed closed, using
also referred to as normally open, timed closed (NOTC).The
timing relay (TR1) has been set for an On-delay of 5 seconds.

When S1 is closed, TR1 begins timing. When 5 seconds has

elapsed, TR1 will close its associated normally open (NO)
TR1 contacts, illuminating indicator light PL1. When S1 is
open, de-energizing TR1, the TR1 contacts open immediately,
extinguishing PL1.

On-Delay, Timed Open The following is an example of On-delay, timed open, using a
referred to as normally closed, timed open (NCTO). PL1 is
illuminated as long as S1 remains open. The timing relay (TR1)
has been set for an ON delay of 5 seconds.

When S1 is closed, timing relay TR1 is energized. After a

timed delay of 5 seconds, the associated normally closed
TR1 contacts open, extinguishing PL1. When S1 is open,
de-energizing TR1, the TR1 contacts close immediately,
illuminating PL1.

Off-Delay, Timed Open The following is an example of Off-delay, timed open, using a
referred to as normally open, timed open (NOTO). The timing
relay (TR1) has been set for an off delay of 5 seconds. Closing
S1 energizes TR1, causing its associated normally open TR1
contacts to close immediately and illuminate PL1.

When S1 is opened, TR1 begins timing. When 5 seconds has

elapsed, TR1 will open its associated normally open contacts,
extinguishing indicator light PL1.

Off-Delay, Timed Closed The following is an example of Off-delay, timed closed, using
also referred to as normally closed, timed closed (NCTC).
The timing relay (TR1) has been set for 5 seconds. PL1 is on.
Closing S1 energizes TR1, causing its associated contacts to
open immediately and extinguishing PL1.

When S1 is opened, timing relay TR1 is de-energized. After

5 seconds, the associated normally closed contacts close,
illuminating PL1.

Instantaneous Contacts Timing relays can also have normally open or normally closed
instantaneous contacts. In the following example, when
switch S1 is closed, the TR1 instantaneous contacts will close
immediately, illuminating PL1. After a preset time delay the TR1
timing contacts will close, illuminating PL2.

Terminal Blocks and
Supplementary Protectors

Terminal Blocks Siemens offers a broad range of spring-loaded and screw-type

terminal blocks for space-saving connections. Examples of the
types of terminal blocks are listed below.

8WA1 Terminals With Screw 8WA2 Spring-Loaded

Connections Terminals
• Through-type terminals • Through-type terminals
• N isolating and branch • Two-tier terminals
terminals • Insta or three-tier terminals
• Ground and ground-neutral • N isolating terminals
terminals • Ground terminals
• Two-tier terminals • Fuse terminals
• Two-tier terminals with solid-state • Terminal for components
components • Diode terminals
• Insta or three-tier terminals • Sliding-link terminals
• Flat-type and bolt-type
• Fuse terminals
• Terminal for components
• Diode and isolating terminals
• Fuse terminals
• Sliding-link terminals
• Through-type plug connection
• Measuring transformer terminals
• Circuit breaker terminals for
auxiliary circuits

Supplementary Siemens UL1077 supplementary protectors are designed to
Protectors trip faster than standard UL489 circuit breakers providing
additional protection for more sensitive devices. In addition
to providing supplementary branch circuit protection,
supplementary protectors may also be used as a local
disconnect means inside a panel when a branch circuit
protection device is already present.

Siemens supplementary protectors are equipped with a thermal

bimetal trip mechanism for low-current overloads and an
instantaneous electromagnetic trip for high-current overloads
and short circuits. Devices are available for single-pole and
multiple-pole varieties with mounting depths of 55mm or 70 mm.

LOGO! Logic Module

LOGO! is a logic module used to perform control tasks. The

module is compact and user friendly, providing a cost-effective
solution for the end user.

Hard-Wired Control In the past, many of these control tasks were solved with
contactor or relay controls. This is often referred to as hard-
wired control. Circuit diagrams had to be designed and
control function or system expansion could require extensive
component changes and rewiring.

Many of the same tasks can be performed with LOGO!.
Modifying the application is as easy as changing the
program via the keypad located on the front of the LOGO!.
Likewise, control programs can be created and tested before
implementation via a PC software program. Once the program
simple as plugging in a cable.

Basic LOGO! Operation LOGO! accepts a variety of digital inputs, such as pushbuttons,
switches, and contacts. LOGO! makes decisions and executes
instructions control various outputs connected to virtually any
type of load such as relays, contactors, lights, and small motors.

Design Features Multiple versions of LOGO! are available for different supply
voltages (12 VDC, 24 VDC, 24 VAC, or 115/230 VAC). Units
are equipped with 8 digital inputs and 4 relay or solid-state
outputs. Units are available with or without the display panel
and keyboard. Expansion modules are available to increase the
number of discrete inputs and outputs and to add analog inputs
or outputs. A communication module for connection to the AS-
Interface is also available.

Fastbus Busbar Adapter System

The Fastbus Multi-Motor Control system is a 3-phase, insulated

busbar system used to reduce wire connections and hole
drilling when building control panels. SIRIUS 3RV/3RT starter
combinations build from components, and Siemens circuit
breakers use Fastbus for convenient mounting.

Fastbus is not new to Siemens, but due to the narrower

same run of Fastbus. Components are available for busbar
centerline spacings of 40 mm or 60 mm.

All This and More In this course, you have learned about an extensive range
of products, and you might be tempted to think that we have
covered everything you need to know about Siemens control
components and systems. However, Siemens offers many more
components and systems than we can adequately describe in
this course.

For example, Siemens sensors, variable speed drives,

integrated safety products, and automation systems represent
additional categories for further exploration. In addition, many
of these products and systems are capable of communicating
using a comprehensive networking structure that forms the
backbone of Siemens Totally Integrated Automation capability.

supervisory level Industrial Ethernet host computer

production or programmable controllers
process control level e.g. SIMATIC S7


actuator/ sensors, actuators

sensor level AS-Interface e.g. BEROs contactors,
interface relays

Review 8
1. ___________ is the total number of different circuits
each pole controls.

2. ___________ describes the number of isolated circuits

that can pass through a relay at one time.

3. An SPDT relay has ___________ pole(s) and _______

_____ closed contact position(s).

4. A timing relay that receives a signal to turn on, and then

delays a predetermined amount of time before perform-
ing this action, is referred to as ____________ delay.

5. ____________ ____________ relays and contactors

eliminate the mechanical wear and noise characteristics
of conventional electromechanical switching devices.

6. ____________ ____________ can monitor electrical

and mechanical quantities and fault conditions, and
provide appropriate diagnostic indications.

7. Siemens terminal blocks are available with either

____________ connections or ____________
____________ terminals.

8. Siemens UL1077 ____________ ____________ are

designed to trip faster than standard UL489 circuit
breakers, providing additional protection for more
sensitive devices.

Review Answers

Review 1 (1) manually; (2) a; (3) b; (4) b; (5) c

Review 2 (1) left to right; (2) A - Node, B - Power Circuit, C - Power Load,
D- Control Circuit; E - Control Device; F - Control Load

Review 3 (1) a; (2) overcurrent; (3) overload; (4) a; (5) bimetal; (6) reset;
(7-1) heater elements; (7-2) phase loss; (7-3) insensitive

Review 4 (1) two; (2) low voltage protection (LVP); (3) 15; (4) 20;
(5) motor starter; (6) combination starter

Review 5 (1) NEMA, IEC; (2) 5; (3) AC3; (4) 4, 3½; (5) three; (6) S00, S6;
(7) 140ºF (60ºC)

Review 6 (1) consequent-pole motor; (2) progressive control; (3) reduced-

voltage starting; (4-1) inrush current; (4-2) starting torque;
(4-3) stress on mechanical linkage; (4) Autotransformer

Review 7 (1) power supply cycle; (2-1) current limit; (2-2) starting voltage;
(2-3) starting and stopping times of the voltage ramp;
(3) electrically held; (4) b; (5) magnetically held, mechanically
latched; (6) Pilot device; (7-top) Three-Wire Control;
(7-bottom) Two-Wire Control; (8) visual; (9) red, green

Review 8 (1) Throw; (2) Pole; (3) one, two; (4) ON; (5) Solid-State;
(6) Monitoring Relays; (7) screw, spring-loaded;
(8) Supplementary Protectors

Final Exam

be used during the exam. A tear-out answer sheet is provided.
After completing the test, mail in the answer sheet for grading. A
grade of 70% or better is passing. Upon successful completion

Questions 1. The standard method of showing a contact is by

indicating the circuit condition it produces when
the actuating device is in the ____________ state.

a. normally closed b. normally open

c. energized d. de-energized

2. A motor that is running would usually be indicated

by a ____________ indicator light.

a. green b. red
c. amber d. white

3. Which of the following symbols represents a

normally closed, timed open (NCTO) contact?

a. b.

c. d.

4. With an increase of current, temperature will

____________ .

a. decrease b. increase

5. The two circuits involved in the operation of a

contactor are the ____________ circuits.

a. power and control

b. power and armature
c. control and electromagnetic
d. control and starter

6. A motor starter is a combination of a/an _________.

a. electromagnet and armature

b. contactor and electromagnet
c. contactor and overload relay
d. overload relay and instantaneous contacts

7. Which of the following is not part of a contactor?

a. armature
b. electromagnetic coil
c. overcurrent sensing device
d. stationary contacts

8. One reason reduced-voltage starting may be used

to start a motor is to ____________ .

a. apply torque gradually

b. increase starting torque
c. get the motor to full speed faster
d. run the motor at a lower speed

9. A type of speed selection control that requires the

operator to manually increment through each
speed step to get to the desired speed is ________

a. selective b. compelling
c. progressive d. consequent pole

10. The organization primarily concerned with the

rating of contactors and starters used in many
countries, including the U.S., is ____________ .

a. NEMA b. UL
c. ICS d. IEC

management system that provides multifunctional,
solid-state protection for constant-speed motors.


12. A device used to provide visual information of the
circuit’s operating condition is a ____________ .

a. pushbutton b. selector switch

c. proximity switch d. pilot or indicator light

13. A relay that has two isolated circuits and one

closed contact position per pole is a ____________ .


14. Which type of lighting and heating contactor is likely

to produce a humming sound during normal operation,
and is not recommended for a quiet area?

a. electrically-held b. magnetically-held
c. mechanically-latched d. both b and c

15. A NEMA Size 6 starter has a continuous amp rating

of ____________ amps.

a. 200 b. 540
c. 810 d. 1600

16. Siemens 8WD42 and 8WD44 signaling columns can

be networked to other devices through an optional
____________ adapter.

a. PROFIBUS b. Ethernet
c. AS-Interface d. proprietary network

17. Siemens Class 14 ESP100 starters are available with

contactor ratings up to and including NEMA size ___ .

a. 4 b. 6
c. 8 d. 10

18. Another name for a solid-state reduced voltage starter

is a(an) ____________ starter.

a. soft b. primary resistance

c. Wye-Delta d. autotransformer

19. In the following diagram, the motor will stop when
____________ .

a. the “Stop” button is depressed

b. limit switch “LS1” opens
c. the motor overload contact opens
d. all of the above

20. __________ solid-state contactors are made up of a

solid-state relay and an optimized heat sink.



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