11th Experiment 1
11th Experiment 1
11th Experiment 1
To measure internal diameter and depth of a given beaker/calorimeter using Vernier
Callipers and hence find its volume.
Vernier callipers, a beaker or a calorimeter, magnifying glass.
(i) For measuring internal diameter and depth. Same as in Experiment 1A.
(ii) For volume:
Volume of beaker or calorimeter = internal area of cross section x depth
1. Determine the vernier constant (V.C.) i.e., least count of the vernier callipers and
record it stepwise.
2. Bring the movable jaw BD in close contact with the fixed jaw AC and find the zero
error. Do it three times and record it. If there is no zero error, then record, zero
error nil.
Measurement of internal diameter
3. Put the jaws C and D inside the beaker or calorimeter and open them till each of
them touches the inner wall of the beaker or calorimeter, , without any undue
pressure on the walls. Tight the screw attached to the vernier scale gently.
4. Note the-position of the zero mark of the vernier scale on the main scale. Record
the main scale reading just before the zero mark of the vernier scale. This reading
(IV) is called main scale reading (M.S.R.).
5. Note the number (n) of the vernier scale division which coincides with some
division of the main scale.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 after rotating the vernier callipers by 90° for measuring
internal diameter in a perpendicular direction.
7. Find total reading and apply zero correction.
Measurement of depth
8. Keep the edge of the main scale of vernier callipers on its peripheral edge. This
should be done in such a way that the tip of the strip is able to go freely inside the
beaker along its depth.
9. Keep sliding the moving jaw of the vernier callipers until the strip just touches the
bottom of the beaker. Take care that it is just perpendicular to the bottom surface.
Now tighten the screw of the vernier callipers.
10. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for four different positions along the circumference of the
upper edge of the beaker or calorimeter.
11. Find total reading and apply zero correction.
12. Take mean of two different values of internal diameter and four different values of
the depth.
13. Calculate the volume by using proper formula and show that in the result with
proper unit.
The volume of the beaker/calorimeter is …………cm3.
Same as given in Experiment 1A.
Sourcess of error
Same as given in Experiment 1A.
Viva Voce
Question.5. Give least counts of a metre scale, vernier callipers, screw gauge and
a spherometer.
Answer. Metre scale (1 mm), vernier callipers (0.1 mm),
Question.6. screw gauge and spherometer (0.01 mm). What is a zero error ?
Answer. It is the error in the vernier callipers, if the zeros of the main scale and vernier
scale do not coincide when the lower jaws are in contact.