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Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Social Sciences, Vol.

3, November 2018
Impact of Master in Business Administration Asia Pacific Journal of
Academic Research in
Program to its Graduates’ Job Performance Social Sciences
Vol. 3, 51-60
Hadge A. Encio, Rey Fernan G. Refozar, and Jake M. Laguador November 2018
College of Business Administration, Lyceum of the Philippines University, ISSN 2545-904X
Batangas City, Philippines

Date Received: August 10, 2018; Date Revised: November 11, 2018

Abstract - Taking graduate studies is a lifelong learning commitment that brings more opportunities
for personal growth and professional development. It is not just a status symbol but rather an obligation
that builds greater responsibility to improve performance. This study aims to identify the employment status
of the MBA graduates from one Philippine Higher Education Institution. It is also the focus of this study to
describe the impact of MBA program after graduation in terms of job performance. Descriptive type of
research method was utilized in the study with 61 MBA graduates. Result showed that all surveyed MBA
graduates or 100 percent are presently employed locally during the data gathering. The MBA degree
program gives them better opportunity to get new jobs, to be in a regular or permanent status and be
considered for a job promotion. Furthermore, salaries and benefits as well as career challenge are some
of the common reasons of MBA graduates for staying in their current jobs. They see themselves in five-
years time as productive employees with higher responsibility who contribute to the attainment of
company’s vision. They believed that the MBA program improves the way they perform their respective
work assignments in relation to personal and professional growth. It enhances their job performance and
interest to further commit their time and effort to better serve all the stakeholders. The finding of the study
is an evidence that improving one’s knowledge is one way of breaking mediocrity. Understanding how
people will benefit from graduate studies is an edge to see clearly the full potential in continuously
improving the performance.
Keywords: commitment, competence, credibility and collaboration

INTRODUCTION Therefore, interpersonal and behavioral skills are

Having an advanced degree is not always an issue necessary to be developed among the students in
among those employees who are about to be promoted. honing their capacity to become committed, competent,
But it is always an edge over those bachelor’s degree credible and collaborative future leaders.
holders to be considered in the selection because of the Some college graduate students would probably
commitment of these people who have goals of take post-baccalaureate or even higher and advanced
improving their craft and be different in terms of degree for them to be considered for higher
educational background. From the study of Fahy, responsibility and position. That is the common
Spencer and Halinski [1] found out that the major concept and view of students enrolled in graduate
impact of graduate program completion was on studies. But thinking on how they can enhance their
personal confidence, credibility as seen by others, and job performance based from the learning outcomes of
promotion potential. Meñez [2] stated that earning their courses is another thing they might consider as
Master’s degree is a self-fulfillment based on notable and laudable goal. This is a lifelong learning
interviews with some of the MBA graduates from her commitment that brings challenges on how to lead a
previous study. Since most of the employed MBA journey towards the fulfillment of the company’s vision
graduates were deployed in private educational into reality [4]. The issue of the direct impact of this
institution, they took the program as part of their advanced degree to the job performance of the
educational benefits, and consider their enrolment a graduates is the focus of this study. Only the
profitable personal venture. However, Knowles and perspective of the graduate students has been
Hensher [3] noted that there is little doubt that the considered in the study if the outcomes of the MBA
traditional business program fails to produce students degree program have possible direct utility value to
with many of the soft skills demanded by employers. their job performance but never consider in the present
ISSN 2545-904X
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Social Sciences, Vol. 3, November 2018
study the opinion of their respective immediate heads apply research skills as well as quantitative analysis or
or superiors. other problem solving techniques in their work
This study uses insights from human capital theory environment as employees, business partners or
[5] to explain how education helps the employees to entrepreneurs [16].
improve their job performance based from the learning Tracking the employment status of MBA graduates
outcomes of their completed Master’s degree program would provide baseline information on how they
in Business Administration. In human capital theory as obtained relevant job assignments and performed their
cited in Benson et al. [6], skills are viewed as enablers duties in the industry or academe. Employment means
of productivity that firms compensate individuals for any type of work performed or services rendered in
through wages. Olaniyan and Okemakinde [7] noted exchange for compensation under a contract of hire
that the focus on education as a capital good relates to which create the employer and employee relations.
the concept of human capital, which emphasizes that Bacong and Encio [17] emphasized that job
the development of skills is an important factor in performance can be enhanced through positive
production activities. It is widely accepted that employee relation in order to maintain healthy and
education creates improved citizens and helps to strong working environment.
upgrade the general standard living in a society. The concept of employability revolves around the
Meanwhile, Ng and Feldman [8] emphasized that skills and competences of the graduates towards their
educated employees, as a group, perform more motivation to find a job related to social, economic and
effectively at task, citizenship, and counterproductive cultural determining factors and its diverse effects on
performance, and that certainly augurs well for the work-related, personal, economic, health-related and
fulfillment of managers’ expectations of highly unemployment effects [18], [10]. One of the factors
educated workers. that determine the effectiveness of an academic
Learning is always a significant part of educational institution is through the employability of its graduates.
process that seeks to develop and strengthen the Assessing the effectiveness or impact is an important
knowledge, skills and values of every learner. part of the process in quality management system to
Academic institutions of higher learning are constantly determine the areas need for further improvement [19].
generating graduates who are capable of applying The quality of graduates is very much a function of
technology and knowledge-based information to the quality instruction and facilities because these will help
nature and demands of their work environment [9]- ensure that graduates are equipped with the knowledge,
[11]. The purpose of any educational institution is to skills and values that will enable them to work in their
provide quality human resources acceptable to respective field [20]-[23].
employers and society [12]. Academic institutions are also business enterprises
Graduate Schools provide an environment for that cater to the requirements of the clients and
professionals to take an advanced degree programs to stakeholders. A commitment of addressing the gap is
intensify their chosen career paths. The Master in an utmost concern of this study to make the curriculum
Business Administration (MBA) is among those relevant to the needs and demands of the industry and
professional degrees that prepare the student to enter the customers for sustainable graduate degree program
the world of business and employability or professional and economic development. Assessing the impact of
advancement may therefore be a desired outcome [13]. the MBA degree program to the job performance of the
Any Quality Assurance mechanisms either locally graduates is one way of measuring the success of the
or internationally recognized that is being utilized and program as well as its weaknesses on what areas it
adopted by the HEIs must reflect on the quality of their needs to be improved in order to deliver quality
graduates which is one way of measuring the programs to the stakeholders.
performance of an institution [14]-[15]. The graduate
of MBA program shall be competent and successful OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
business leaders, managers, industry and academe The study aims to identify the Employment Status
practitioners who possess the required professional of the MBA graduates from one Philippine Higher
skills in leadership and management of business Education Institution; to determine the impact of MBA
enterprises and organizations and who can apply the program after graduation in terms of job performance;
universal humanistic values and contribute to the and to test the significant difference on the impact when
growth and development of their community. MBA the MBA graduates are grouped according to selected
graduates shall be responsible professionals who can profile variable.
ISSN 2545-904X
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Social Sciences, Vol. 3, November 2018
METHODS Procedure
Names and email addresses of the MBA graduates
Research Design were obtained from the Strategic Communications and
The study used a descriptive type of research Alumni Affairs Office. The respondents were informed
method. In descriptive-survey method research, regarding the purpose of the study. The data gathered
participants answered the questions administered were treated with strict confidentiality and solely used
through questionnaires. After the participants for the purpose of this study. Questionnaires for the
answered the questions, researchers described the graduates and employers were sent to them through
responses given. Facebook and Electronic Mail from February 25 to
April 30, 2016. They were informed regarding the
Participants purpose of the study and assured of the confidentiality
This study focuses on the 71 MBA graduates of one of data provided in the study. The anonymity of each
higher education institution in the Philippines from respondent was observed since their names were not
2013 to 2015. Total population of graduates served as included in the encoding of data.
the actual respondents.
Data Analysis
Table 1. Frequency Distribution of MBA Graduates Weighted mean, frequency count and percentage
According to Year of Graduation with corresponding were used to describe the employment status of the
number of actual respondents graduates and t-test was used to test the difference on
Year Total Actual
the impact of MBA degree to job performance in terms
Population Respondents the degree of relevance of their current work to
2015 14 12 85.7 business administration and percentage of increase in
2014 32 27 84.4 salary.
2013 25 22 88.0 The given scale was used to interpret the result of
Total 71 61 85.9
the study: 3.51 – 4.00: Very High Impact (VHI); 2.51 –
3.50: High Impact (HI); 1.51 – 2.50: Moderate Impact
Out of 71 total populations of MBA graduates from (MI); 0.51 – 1.50: Low Impact (LI); 0.00 – 0.50: No
2013 to 2015, there are 61 or 85.9 percent of them Impact (NI)
responded to the questionnaire sent through email and
social media using Google Forms as online platform. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
Instrument Table 2. Distribution of Surveyed Graduate-
A survey questionnaire was used in the study to Respondents
gather pertinent data about the employment status, Year Employed Percentage
impact of MBA program to job performance. In order (f) (%)
for the survey to be both reliable and valid, it is 2013 22 100
important that the questions are constructed properly 2014 27 100
[24]. The instrument used to determine the employment 2015 12 100
status of the MBA graduates was adapted from the Total 61 100
Graduate Tracer Study prescribed by the University Location of Employment
while the impact of the MBA program to the job
Local 61 100
performance of the respondents was adapted in the
Abroad 0 0
Performance Appraisal for Non-Teaching Personnel of
University based on leadership brand of 4Cs with the It is very evident that 100 percent of the surveyed
permission from the Director of Human Resource MBA graduates from 2013 to 2015 were employed
Development and Management. This was content- locally during the data gathering which is higher than
validated by the Dean of Business Administration, the result of employment rating which is 96 percent
Vice-President for Academics and Research and one from 2008-2012 based on the study of Menez [2]
Language teacher. It was also tested the reliability with among MBA graduates from the same university. The
Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.877 which has good MBA graduates choose to stay in the country and fulfill
internal consistency. their profession while living with the family. Master’s
degree is one of the requirements for most companies
in order to promote the employees from their current
ISSN 2545-904X
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Social Sciences, Vol. 3, November 2018
position. It gives certain level of accomplishment for supervisory until they achieve the managerial position.
the employees to finish higher degree of education Knowledge and skills acquired from advanced studies
which means they can handle higher responsibilities are important aspects in job promotion as well as the
and assignments in the organization. Majority of these attitude towards work and behavior in certain condition
students enrolled in the program are already previously or situation in the organization. Mihail and Elefterie
employed and they finished the degree as part time [27] noted that MBA studies have a positive effect on
student while having a full time job. They just wanted skills, employability and compensation and a much
to see what will happen in their career when they moderate effect on career advancement.
completed the MBA program. Findings of the study of Number one requirement for teachers in the
Hay and Hodgkinson [25] revealed a diversity of institutions of higher learning is the completion of
meanings given to MBA career success, with success Master’s degree before they can be considered for
generally being expressed in much broader terms than regularization aside from other conditions and policies
conventional notions of fast track career advancement. of the company for this purpose. A growing number of
However, the finding of this study is contrary to the employees and newly graduates must be fully equipped
cited issue of Joshi [26] in India that nearly 10 – 20% with knowledge and skills to be competitive in their
of young boys and girls with fascinating MBA degrees respective field [28]-[30]. Attending advanced studies
- obviously a part of much publicized demographic in business administration provides wider perspective
dividend – are not able to get jobs they aspire for. The on leadership and management towards the attainment
most common complaint is that they do not possess of corporate vision and mission. It keeps on giving up-
basic skills necessary for jobs that they seek. to-date information on how to deal with problems and
issues on a certain level or degree of responsibility.
Table 3. Employment Status and Job Level Position Therefore, professionals are now seeking for
Before and After MBA Graduation advanced studies in the graduate school to enhance
Before After their knowledge and skills that can be of great help to
Employment Status f % f % effectively and efficiently perform their work
Regular/Permanent 44 72.1 55 90.2 assignments. They keep on believing that they need to
Casual/Contractual 11 18.0 3 4.9 wait the right time for them to be considered for the
Self-Employed 3 4.9 3 4.9 next promotion and one of their preparations is through
Unemployed 3 4.9 0 0.0 taking advanced studies wherein their experience in the
Job Level Position company will be supported by their educational
Rank or Clerical 27.0 44.3 10.0 16.4 background.
Professional, Technical or
25.0 41.0 33.0 54.1
Supervisory Table 4. Reason(s) for staying on the job
Managerial or Executive 9.0 14.8 18.0 29.5 Reason(s) for staying on the job f %
Salaries and benefits 45 73.8
There are 44 graduates or 72.1 percent having Career challenge 39 63.9
regular or permanent status and 11 or 18 percent with Related to special skill 24 39.3
casual or contractual status before MBA graduation and Related to MBA 21 34.4
the number of regular/permanent status increases to 55 Proximity to residence 19 31.2
or 90.2 percent and those graduates with Peer influence 3 4.9
Family influence 9 14.8
casual/contractual status decreases to 3 or 4.9 percent
*Multiple Responses
after MBA graduation. There are also 3 or 4.9 percent
having no employment before graduation and landed
Salaries and benefits (73.8 percent) served as the
the job after MBA graduation. Meanwhile, the three (3)
graduates who are self-employed before MBA number one (1) with the most number of graduates
answered as their reason for staying on the job followed
graduation were still self-employed after they finished
by career challenge (63.9 %) and related to special skill
the degree program.
(39.3%) while the least reasons are family (14.8 %) and
This signifies that MBA program might help those
peer (4.9%) influence. Celis et al. [21] also noted that
employees under contract to get better opportunity to
have regular status and be employed again. Most of salaries and benefits play a big role in staying or leaving
the first job.
them were given the greater chance to move in the
It is considered rewarding for a job with higher
corporate ladder from rank or clerical to technical or
salaries and numerous benefits being given by the
ISSN 2545-904X
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Social Sciences, Vol. 3, November 2018
company to its employees. It serves as extrinsic order to avoid job mismatch to the skills of the
motivating factor to stay the employees in the company employees. Expertise on the job assignment is an
especially if they have proper orientation and essential element of productivity that gives huge
awareness on how they will be given opportunity for contribution to the success of the business enterprise.
professional growth and on how they see themselves Almost half of them or 47.5 percent stayed in their
five (5) to ten (10) years as member of the organization. present job for more than 5 years and 26.2 percent of
The career path they are currently heading to gives the graduates have length of service with 3 years to less
them a sort of confidence that they are still on the right than 5 years. The least group of graduates has stayed
track with the skills related to business administration for less than 6 months (11.5%). It is not easy to
and the attitude they possessed towards work. establish respect and trust from other people in the
It is worthy to note in Table 5 that 31 or 50.8 company. It entails a lot of good work and requires
percent of the graduates answered that their present job great interpersonal skill to get along with all the people
is much related to business administration while 24 or in the organization with diverse cultural background.
39.3 percent have very much related job and only 6 or Staying on one job for several years and studying the
9.8 percent of them have slightly related jobs to culture of the organization and being with them in
business administration. Almost 90 percent of them solving current issues and challenges would give a
have much to very much related jobs to business clear picture on what role a person needs to portray in
administration. the company which is already beyond the weight of the
salaries and benefits.
Table 5. Relevance of present Job to Business There are more than 15% increase in salary was
administration, Length of stay in the present Job and received by the 26 or 42.6 percent of the MBA
Estimated Percentage of Increase in Gross Monthly graduates while between 6 to 10 percent increase was
Earning After MBA Graduation given to 17 or 27.9 percent. Nine (9) or 14.8 percent of
Relevance of Present Job to Business f % them received 1 to 5 percent increase and 6 or 9.8
Administration percent received a salary increase between 11 to 15
Very Much Related 24 39.3 percent. However, 3 or 4.9 percent of them still haven’t
Much Related 31 50.8 received any increase yet. The given percentage of
Related - - increased is based on the size and capability of the
Slightly Related 6 9.8 company to provide with the employees. It does not
Not Related - - necessarily mean by this result that those who received
Length of stay in the present Job low percentage of increase are also those employees
6 months and below 7 11.5 with low salary. There might be some cases even they
7 to less than 1 year - - received low percentage of increase they still get higher
1 year to less than 3 years 16 26.2 than those with high percentage of salary increase. Eide
3 years to less than 5 years 9 14.8 and Showalter [31] described Human capital theory
5 years and above 29 47.5 which suggests that individuals invest in education in
Estimated Percentage of Increase in Gross anticipation of a wide range of benefits, most empirical
Monthly work has focused on the monetary rewards of increased
Earning After MBA Graduation earnings.
No increase yet 3 4.9 Table 6 presents the impact of MBA Program to the
1% to 5% 9 14.8 present job performance of the graduates. MBA
6% to 10% 17 27.9 program provides a high impact on the present job of
11% to 15% 6 9.8 the graduates that improves their performance in
more than 15% 26 42.6 keeping orderly and up-to-date records and submits
ahead of time accurate, reliable, complete and
This signifies that they can really apply what they presentable reports (3.05) and in applying sound
have learned from the graduate program as they go reasoning and good judgment (3.00). Meñez [2]
along with the business operations of their respective mentioned that “graduates of Master’s degree believed
companies. The relevance of the job to educational that their skill acquired is counted as contributory to
qualification is always necessary to consider in the their efficiency and effectiveness in performing their
hiring process of the human resource management in new task” (p.17).

ISSN 2545-904X
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Social Sciences, Vol. 3, November 2018
Table 6. Impact of MBA Program to Present Job Performance
Competence WM VI Rank
MBA Program improves my job performance in…
1. providing accomplished volume of work that exceeds the expected output within the
desired time frame 2.95 HI 3.5
2. performing tasks using appropriate application of technology with very little
supervision 2.79 HI 5
3. applying sound reasoning and good judgment 3.00 HI 2
4. recommending new ideas, methods or improvisation to make the work better 2.95 HI 3.5
5. keeping orderly and up-to-date records and submits ahead of time accurate, reliable,
complete and presentable reports 3.05 HI 1
Composite Mean 2.95 HI
1. accepting willingly and performing leadership roles in various activities with an
exceptional sense of duty and dependability 3.05 HI 1
2. providing necessary support, service and assistance for the welfare of the organization 2.84 HI 3
3. demonstrating passion for execution and sense of urgency in all tasks 2.68 HI 4
4. transcending personal needs when organizational concerns need to be attended to 2.63 HI 5
5. participating in making decisions and implementing the activities based on strategic
plans. 3.00 HI 2
Composite Mean 2.84 HI
1. Fostering the sense of family in the workplace by helping co-employees with difficulty
in completing some tasks 2.84 HI 5
2. Maintaining harmonious and friendly relations with superior, peers and subordinates
through respecting their individual differences 3.16 HI 1.5
3. Showing marked interest and pride in the present job by completing tasks on time 3.05 HI 3.5
4. Promoting positive image of the department through serving customers effectively 3.16 HI 1.5
5. Demonstrating the significant values of the organization in achieving its vision and
mission 3.05 HI 3.5
Composite Mean 3.05 HI
1. becoming a model of leadership who adheres to the policies, rules and regulations of
the organization 3.16 HI 4
2. practicing honesty, fairness and transparency in all my business transactions with the
stakeholders 3.26 HI 2
3. protecting and preserving company’s property through careful and wise use of the
resources 3.05 HI 5
4. demonstrating professionalism in dealing with colleagues 3.21 HI 3
5. setting oneself as an example of moral and ethical behavior to all stakeholders 3.32 HI 1
Composite Mean 3.20 HI

Buenviaje et al. [32] also noted that the application They also apply business leadership and
of acquired knowledge and skills from the MBA management concepts and principles that are suitable
program of the graduates to their respective work to their respective work environments. Knowing
assignments is equated to an enhanced experience for something about the issues and challenges of
continuous learning as well as work related skills that businesses in the Philippines and abroad provides
are essential drivers of productivity and efficiency. greater view on how to offer solutions based on sound
Putting learning into practice is the way graduates reasoning that would contribute in creating strategic
explore the possibilities of making improvement in the plans of the company.
old manner they do their tasks or assignments. Having It also improves their performance in providing
given greater responsibilities in the department or in the accomplished volume of work that exceeds the
organizations makes value to the knowledge and skills expected output within the desired time frame (2.95)
gained from the degree program in the graduate school. and recommending new ideas, methods or
improvisation to make the work better (2.95).
ISSN 2545-904X
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Social Sciences, Vol. 3, November 2018
However, performing tasks using appropriate the job performance of the graduates in terms of
application of technology with very little supervision commitment.
(2.79) obtained the least score with high impact verbal Maturity and professionalism are vital traits in the
interpretation. The computed mean score of 2.95 trade wherein very often, a systematic approach and a
implies that the MBA program provides high impact on broader perspective are the results of experience in the
the job performance of the graduates in terms of field through possessing strong work ethics which is
competence. Mastery of the job assignments makes essential in achieving the goals of the organization [34].
them work faster than the usual. In addition to that fact, Giving higher duties and responsibilities makes them
further background and information in terms of feel more valued as part of the organization. MBA
managing the operations and leading techniques in graduates are matured enough to recognize their
financial and resource management serves as their accountabilities and the consequences that will occur
guide to offer suggestions and some innovations on once failure happens in the team. It helps build a
how to increase business performance. Meanwhile, community of people with sense of urgency, unity and
technology-based approach to business is still work in commitment to the organization that every decision
progress among the organizations due to expensive they make based on their plans, they ensure that
acquisition of those devices, equipment and application everyone will support each other to correct the mistakes
software to improve productivity. Latest trends and and learn the lessons from their experiences.
updates in technology should not be the least priority of MBA program provides a high impact on the
the business enterprises in order for their people to keep present job of the graduates that improves their
abreast of the information technology that is in demand performance in maintaining harmonious and friendly
and be updated every now and them. relations with superior, peers and subordinates through
MBA program provides a high impact on the respecting their individual differences (3.16) and
present job of the graduates that improves their promoting positive image of the department through
performance in accepting willingly and performing serving customers effectively (3.16).
leadership roles in various activities with an Understanding human behavior in organization is
exceptional sense of duty and dependability (3.05) and one way of paying attention and respect to the strength
participating in making decisions and implementing the and weaknesses of every individual in a team while the
activities based on strategic plans (3.00). It also success of department’s goal is considered a team effort
provides high impact in providing necessary support, but nobody will be blamed if it fails. Graduate studies
service and assistance for the welfare of the trained the students how to become open minded with
organization (2.84) and demonstrating passion for growth mindset in complex situation. They can build
execution and sense of urgency in all tasks (2.68). bridges to bring ideas into reality while maintaining the
Developing or enhancing leadership perspective is part balance of the organizational atmosphere. Palmiano et
of the curriculum to prepare the students for higher al. [35] noted that teamwork in the workplace offers the
responsibilities. Eagerness to fulfill duties and organization and staff the ability to become more
obligations based on their commitment to participate in familiar with each other, learn how to work together,
decision making is a manifestation of their passion and and commit to the organizational goals.
dedication to be part of the growing demand of the Communicating with different people also requires
business companies in effecting change and a higher level of understanding of people’s nature and
innovations. Voegtlin et al. [33] emphasized that attitude [34]. MBA program also provides high impact
responsible leadership draws on the theory of discourse in showing marked interest and pride in the present job
ethics and deliberative democracy which by completing tasks on time (3.05) and demonstrating
conceptualizes leadership as leader-stakeholder the significant values of the organization in achieving
interaction that implies an ethical qualification, and its vision and mission (3.05). However, fostering the
proposes consensual solutions as an effectiveness sense of family in the workplace by helping co-
criterion. employees with difficulty in completing some tasks
However, transcending personal needs when (2.84) obtained the least score with high impact verbal
organizational concerns need to be attended to (2.63) interpretation. The computed mean score of 3.05
obtained the least score with high impact verbal implies that the MBA program provides high impact on
interpretation. The computed mean score of 2.84 the job performance of the graduates in terms of caring.
implies that the MBA program provides high impact on MBA program provides a high impact on the
present job of the graduates that improves their
ISSN 2545-904X
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Social Sciences, Vol. 3, November 2018
performance in setting oneself as an example of moral part of their personal and professional growth. It
and ethical behavior to all stakeholders (3.32) and enhances their job performance and interest to serve
practicing honesty, fairness and transparency in all better the customers and clients of the company. They
their business transactions with the stakeholders (3.26). keep in mind the attainment of vision and mission of
The value of ethical principles and practice in doing the organization is dependent on the consolidated
business transactions is being integrated in the performance and effort of every member of the
curriculum through having case studies where code of institution. Baruch and Peiperl [37] found out that the
ethics, existing policies and company culture are MBA degree does have an impact. MBA graduates are
important aspects in making relevant and sound better, at least in their self-perception, on a number of
decision as managers. The character of students is measures, and such high self-efficacy may well lead to
honed through integrating the core values of the better performance.
University in all courses that made them aware of what
is expected of them to deliver for their outputs and Table 7. Difference on the Impact of MBA program to
require them to behave based on the educational Job Performance when grouped according to Job
philosophy of the founder Dr. Jose P. Laurel to act with Relevance and Increase in Earning
fairness and justice. Job Relevance Increase in
It also provides high impact in demonstrating Earning
professionalism in dealing with colleagues (3.21) and Job Performance t- p- t- p-
becoming a model of leadership who adheres to the value value value value
policies, rules and regulations of the organization Competence 1.267 0.071 0.975 0.101
Commitment 0.189 0.419 0.489 0.687
(3.16). A captivating and impressive personality is
Caring 1.182 0.083 1.373 0.071
important for MBA graduates having a work profile Credibility 0.995 0.128 1.512 0.069
where they have to interact with clients from different *Significant at p-value<0.05
nations and head different kinds of projects. A strong Table 7 reveals that there is no significant difference
and impressive personality is a result of two important on the impact of MBA program to job performance of
traits that include confidence in one’s abilities and a graduates when grouped according to job relevance to
superior choice. MBA graduates have to possess these business administration and percentage of increase in
two qualities to make a lasting impression [34]. earning after obtaining the degree as denoted by the
However, protecting and preserving company’s computed p-values of less than 0.05 alpha level. This
property through careful and wise use of the resources signifies that those graduates with very relevant and
(3.05) obtained the least score with high impact verbal much or slightly relevant job to business administration
interpretation. The computed mean score of 3.20 has no difference when it comes to the impact of MBA
implies that the MBA program provides high impact on degree to their job performance. They both experienced
the job performance of the graduates in terms of almost the same level of improvement after obtaining
credibility. the degree. Likewise, those graduates who received
The study of Camuffo, Gerli, Borgo and Somià [36] with estimated less than 10% and greater than 10%
revealed that the degree of competency development changes in their salary have also no significant effect
during the MBA programme enhances career on the impact of MBA program to job performance. It
advancement, and that some competencies, like means that different companies have different
planning, result orientation, networking, organizational standards on giving additional salary based on the size
awareness, system thinking and use of technology, do and capacity of the company to offer wage increases.
so particularly, which is consistent with literature on
career competencies. CONCLUSION
The leadership brand of the University in terms of The study explores on the employment status of the
competence, commitment, credibility and collaboration MBA graduates. All surveyed MBA graduates or 100
makes the MBA graduates of the university under study percent are presently employed locally during the data
different from the graduates of other universities. The gathering. The MBA degree program gives them better
impact of MBA program to the graduates are measured opportunity to get new jobs, to be in a regular or
using 4Cs in order to demonstrate its relevance to the permanent status and be considered for a job
outcomes of instruction, research and extension service promotion. Furthermore, salaries and benefits as well
of the University. The general findings reveal that the as career challenge are some of the common reasons of
MBA program improves the way they perceive work as MBA graduates for staying in their current jobs. They
ISSN 2545-904X
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