Creating Network Automation Strategies: On Topic
Creating Network Automation Strategies: On Topic
Creating Network Automation Strategies: On Topic
Creating Network
Automation Strategies
2 Applying closed-
loop automation
in broadband
7 Advanced
Automation for
Optical Transport
Reprinted with revisions to format from LIGHTWAVE. Copyright 2021 by Endeavor Business Media.
Applying closed-loop
automation in
broadband networks
With a continual increase in service level automation strategies to reduce human error
expectations, network automation is a vital and boost productivity.
step in the digital transformation of an
Software-defined networking (SDN) helps
operator’s business. Multi-generational, multi-
to create more self-aware, self-governing
technology networks have led to complex
networks that can apply artificial intelligence
operational processes with increased data
and machine learning (AI/ML) to automate
sources and volumes, heightening the need
operations, improve service assurance, and
for comprehensive data management and
provide detailed analysis for anomaly detection,
CSPs make sure that all subscribers can access Applying online and offline
services, like video streaming, all at the same network optimization
time, and that significant extra bandwidth is Using CLA, we can implement dynamic
available on top to address best effort services bandwidth management that preserves peak
like web surfing. As user activities, at least rate availability even in the presence of heavy
for the best-effort applications, are totally users. It ensures all subscribers within a PON (or
uncorrelated, it is very unlikely that all of them a slice of a PON) have access to a “fair” portion
request a high throughput at the same time, of available bandwidth.
allowing significant overbooking with limited
SDN takes advantage of telemetry—network
impact on the service level.
data being streamed continuously rather than
One of the limitations of the PON, especially being requested periodically—to understand
when overbooking is introduced, is vulnerability traffic patterns in real-time and compare
against heavy users. Long-term subscriber them with historical bandwidth consumption
fairness is hard to obtain, as at any time, the measured at different levels in the network
bandwidth is fairly shared among the active (subscriber, PON, operator, etc.). This ability
users, irrespective of historical bandwidth enables bottlenecks to be identified and
utilization. This means PONs are vulnerable to autonomously remediated in near-real time,
people using their subscription to the max: the which is impossible to do in traditional systems.
Achieving this goal requires a modern and For example, an ML model can be trained to
efficient approach to network data capture determine the number of subscribers per PON
and telemetry streaming via protocols like that corresponds to a minimum speed test
IPFIX and Kafka. success probability and a given advertised
peak rate. Alternatively, an ML model can
If insufficient capacity is detected, CLA
also be trained to determine the peak rate
reduces the bandwidth for heavy users based
that corresponds to a certain speed test
on their historical consumption by dynamically
success probability and a given number of
adapting the traffic schedulers and shapers.
subscribers per PON.
When more capacity becomes available, CLA
restores the initial configuration. This practice The same overbooking/heavy user problem
guarantees long-term fairness for subscribers exists when a single network is shared by
while maximizing bandwidth utilization. To different virtual network operators. In the same
illustrate the performance in a realistic scenario, way, virtual operators or infrastructure providers
one heavy user can deny all other users to can use CLA and offline recommendation tools
complete a successful speed test; but when the to dynamically dimension both the physical
CLA is activated, we restore the probability of a PON and the virtual slices according to real-time
successful speed test to 80% for all users, while usage and historical trends.
the heavy user’s download times are increased
by less than 1%, which is hardly a performance
We expect SDN automation to make
While the bandwidth closed-loop optimization important decisions for broadband operators
operates online, telemetry can also be leveraged at an accelerating rate: unlocking new service
in offline AI/ML tools that are able to learn capabilities, bringing more agility to their
the traffic patterns from the network and operations, making for smarter decisions, and
recommend optimal advertised peak rates and improving network performance.
the number of subscribers per PON for a desired
SLA (Figure 3).
Filip De Greve is product marketing
director, Fixed Networks, at Nokia.
Advanced Network
Automation for
Next-Generation Optical
Transport Networks
an amalgamation of compute, storage, and and achieve very specific goals. The scope
networking infrastructure. This has also had of automation itself encompasses the overall
a transformational impact on traditional telco spectrum of FCAPS operations; automation
carriers/service providers (CSPs). For CSPs, the tasks could include performing custom
imminent arrival of 5G – which is expected monitoring beyond the capabilities offered by
to act as a force multiplier for other innovative the network element, or a slightly more advanced
technologies, including artificial intelligence task could involve the movement of bandwidth
(AI), IoT, and edge computing – is going to (wavelengths or circuits) based on time-of-day
result in a new cycle of network capacity considerations. Given the progressive evolution
growth and the associated capital investment of telecom systems over time, automation tasks
in infrastructure. Advanced automation is going that are initially defined and maintained by
to play an important role to improve operational operators gradually become first-class features
costs and network availability. that eventually are implemented natively by the
The changing operations paradigm from Autonomous networks are the eventual goal
classic telco networking towards a new IT beyond advanced automation (Figure 1). To
networking environment also affects the role contrast autonomous networks from automated/
Components of Automation
enable optical networks to be remotely
configured to changing traffic conditions.
The introduction of software-defined
For instance, automatic migration of a circuit
networking (SDN) has pushed the networking
to a low-latency/high-priority path based on
industry (optical included) towards open
and standardized interfaces, from routing to
photonic layers, allowing greater control and • Automated Network Equipment
visibility into the network. With well-defined Provisioning: Zero-touch provisioning
APIs from the NEs, the SDN controller can (ZTP) is the ability to commission optical
manage the data, control and management devices with very little human involvement.
planes of the NE. As the lines between legacy Field personnel install equipment within the
NMSs and an SDN controller blur, the “SDN NOC and only perform techanical and power
controller layer” is coalescing many other installation procedures.
network functions, hosting automation scripts
• SDN Control, Programmability,
& tasks, archiving of performance monitoring
and APIs: SDN transport has brought
(PM) data, real-time planning, and in the
in extensive API frameworks based on
near future, AI/ML frameworks for cognitive,
YANG data models known as model-driven
predictive/proactive analytics. A few key
networking (MDN). MDN normalizes network
components that are necessary for automation
functions across vendor implementations
in the near term:
through data abstractions, which are
• Programmable Optical Hardware and specified as YANG models. MDN results in
NEs: The ability to automate requires separation of intent (what) from actuation
fundamental capabilities in the optical data (how), which is critical to scale operations in
plane to be able to enact those intents. multi-vendor environments.
These capabilities span from colorless/
• Streaming Telemetry: Modern devices
directionless/contentionless (CDC) ROADMs
support streaming telemetry-based
and hybrid ODU/packet switches to highly
performance monitoring, which resolves
spectrally efficient coherent WDM interfaces
the limitations of legacy SNMP pull-based
(that enable fine-grained tradeoff between
monitoring. The devices can stream
capacity and reach). These characteristics
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