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English Course - Academy - 8

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CURSO Idioma extranjero-inglés PROF: Alex

USE OF “MAY” AND “MIGHT” (aff / neg /
TEMA: int)



1. They (can/might) be away for the weekend but I'm not sure.

2 You (may/might) leave now if you wish.

3 (Could/May) you open the window a bit, please?

4 He (can/could) be French, judging by his accent.

5 (May/Can) you play the piano?

6 Listen, please. You (may not/might not) speak during this exam.

7 They (can't/may not) still be out!

8 You (couldn't/might not) smoke on the bus.

9 With luck, tomorrow (can/could) be a sunny day.

10 You (can/might) be right but I'm going back to check anyway.

EXERCISES II: (make 5 sentences in affirmative, negative and interrogative

using “MAY” and “MIGHT”)

Imagine that you had to remove your appendix to live in your hometown, and your family
had to do the same. That is the only option for long-term residents ―even the children― of
Villa Las Estrellas, one of the few settlements in Antarctica where some people live for
years rather than weeks or months. Appendix removal is a necessary precaution for the
handful of people who stay longer-term because the nearest major hospital is more than
1,000km (625 miles) away, past the tip of King George Island, one of the Antarctic islands
in which Villa Las Estrellas is located. There are only a few doctors on base, and none are
specialist surgeons.
1. What is the central topic of the C) a few of them like to visit other
reading? villages more than 625 miles away.
D) the majority of them is composed of
A) The precautions that villagers of Villa scientist some researchers.
Las Estrellas have to take E) they can live in that place for years
B) Appendix removal as a requirement to rather than weeks or months.
live in an Antarctic village
C) Extreme living conditions of people 5. If the longest distance from one end of
who do not have any doctor the King George Island to the other
D) An isolated village who is far away were only 50 km, then
from its nearest major hospital
E) The relevance of removing your A) the mainly reason would be the global
appendix in King George Island warming and its big consequences.
. B) it would not be necessary for residents
2. What is the contextual antonym of to travel long distances to work.
HANDFUL? C) a major hospital built in the island
would make appendix removal
A) lot. optional.
B) some. D) it would only be space for one or two
C) group. settlements like Villa Las Estrellas.
D) piece. E) building a hospital past the tip of this
E) Few. island would be ideal for residents.

3. About the settlement Villa Las 6. Which is may / might?

Estrellas, it is true that
A) verbs
A) its temperature in a regular day is near B) subject
absolute zero. C) possibility
B) their villagers usually have some D) complement
appendix problems. E) modals
C) it is the only village in the whole King
George island. 7. Which is the synonym of “THAN”?
D) its living conditions are not the
appropriate for people. A) so
E) it is a place in which a few amount of B) which
doctors live there. C) that
D) why
4. It can be inferred from the residents of E) like
Villa Las Estrellas that
8. What is the structure about “might”?
A) only the older people of this
settlement had an appendix surgery. A) S + MIGHT + V(ING) + C.
B) those who stay short time can keep B) S + MIGHT + PAST V_BE + ?
their appendix if they want. C) MAY + S + VERB + C + ?
E) S + MIGHT + PAST VERB + C B) positive
C) complement
9. “NONE” is … D) adverb
E) negative
A) affirmative.


The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the world’s largest collection of floating trash— and the
most famous. It lies between Hawaii and California and is often described as “larger than
Texas,” even though it does not contain any surface to stand. It cannot be seen from space,
as is often claimed. The patch was discovered in 1997 by Charles Moore, a yachtsman who
had sailed through a mix of floating plastic bottles and other debris on his way home to Los
Angeles. It was named by Curtis Ebbesmeyer, a Seattle oceanographer known for his
expertise in tracking ocean currents and the movement of cargo lost overboard. The patch is
now the target of a $32 million cleanup campaign launched by a Dutch teenager, Boyan
Slat, now 23, and head of the Ocean Cleanup, the organization he founded to do the job..

1. What is the main idea of the reading? E) leisure

A) The oceanographer Curtis Ebbesmeyer 3. According to the information about

explains us how he found a trash Great Pacific Garbage Patch, it is
island. inconsistent to argue that
B) The Great Pacific Garbage Patch was
found by the yachtsman Charles A) it is larger than Texas, but its extension
Moore. is not big enough to be seen in space.
C) There is a patch composed of plastic B) it was discovered by a yachtsman who
bottles and debris that worries many was going back home to Los Angeles.
people. C) it is an island exclusively composed of
D) There are some organizations plastic bottles and some plastic debris.
interested in cleaning the ocean like D) it would probably cost a great amount
Boyan Slat. of money to try to clean the whole
E) The largest collection of floating trash patch.
is called the Great Pacific Garbage E) its name was given by Curtis
Patch. Ebbesmeyer, an expert oceanographer
. from Seattle.
2. In the 2nd line, the word LIES implies
4. We can infer from the Ocean Cleanup
A) rest organization that
B) place
C) fiction
D) dishonesty
A) it is taking the Great Pacific Garbage C) the size of this patch would probably
Patch as the target of a cleanup continue growing without stopping.
campaign. D) the people of Hawaii and California
B) it is supported by ecologists and would become aware of the patch.
individuals who want an ocean free of E) the patch would start to be seen in
plastic. space because its huge extension.
C) it launched an expensive campaign
related to the Great Pacific Garbage 6. What is the structure about “MAY”?
D) it was founded by Boyan Slat, a Dutch A) S + MAY + V(ING) + C.
teenager now head of the organization. B) S + MAY + PAST V_BE + ?
E) it is very interested in deal with the C) MAY + S + PRESENT VERB + C
huge amount of garbage that the patch D) S + MAY + PRESENT VERB + C
has. E) S + MAY + PAST VERB + C

5. If no organization were interested in 7. Which is the right sentence?

trying to deal with all the plastic and
debris that the Great Pacific Garbage A) She might go to the mall yesterday.
Patch has, then B) may he did his homework?
C) They may go the academy.
A) the scientists would need to replace D) might you have lunch last night?
plastic and create a new material. E) He might eat in that restaurant
B) the life on earth would probably be
impossible in a couple of decades.


1. Tell (Neg) =
2. Sing (Aff) =
3. Leave (Int) =
4. Win (Neg) =
5. Think (Aff) =
6. work (Neg) =
7. Dream (Aff) =

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