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2 Utilization of Leaves in Mine Reclamation Land as Organic Fertilizer with

3 Bioactivatory of Efecctive Microorganism 4 (EM4) and Molasses

6 Organic fertilizer as a potentialalternative to reduce the scarcity of chemical fertilizers, furthermore it can
7improve soil fertility. PT Semen Gresik - Semen Indonesia Persero (Tbk.) has a lot of plants in the treatment period in ex-
8mining land that needs fertilizer to help plant growth. In addition, in post-mining land, there is a lot of organic waste in the
9form of dry leaves under the stands of reclamation trees. The organic waste has the potential to be processed and used as
10organic fertilizer. The aims of this study was to determine the doses of molasses and EM4 as bioactivators in the
11manufacture of organic fertilizer made from leaf litter in mine reclamation land. This study used is a laboratory
12experimental method. The results showed the composition of solid material in the form of leaf litter, bran, cow dung and
13husk charcoal in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1 as well as looking material in the form of molasses and EM4 with a dose of 100ml per
14100kg of solid material dissolved in enough water (fertilizer can be clenched and expanded slowly and not broken).
15Conclusion composition dose molasses and EM4 as bioactivators in the manufacture of organic fertilizer made from leaf
16litter mine reclamation land 100 ml per 100 kg (ratio 1:1) with the characteristics of the microbial composition of
17Lactobacillus sp, Streptomyces sp, Yeast, Rhodopseudomonas sp, Actinomycetes sp with brown EM4 color indicator, sour
18smell, 3.5 pH and the most nutrient content is organic C.
19 Bagaimana dengan hasil penggunaan pupuk ini? Apakah ada perbedaan antara yg tidak diberi pupuk dan diberi pupuk?
20Mohon maaf penelitian ini hanya fokus pada pemaanfataan serasah daun untuk di jadikan pupuk organic dengan bioaktivator EM 4 dan molase
21belum sampai pada penggunaan pupuk.
22Key words: EM4, leaf litter, mine reclamation land, molasses, organic fertilizer
23Pupuk organik sebagai alternatif untuk mengurangi kelangkaan pupuk kimia, selain itu dapat memperbaiki kesuburan
24tanah. PT Semen Gresik - Semen Indonesia Persero (Tbk.) memiliki banyak tanaman dalam masa perawatan pada lahan bekas tambang
25yang membutuhkan pupuk untuk membantu pertumbuhan tanaman. Disamping itu, pada lahan pasca tambang banyak sampah organik berupa
26dedaunan kering dibawah tegakan pohon reklamasi. Sampah organik tersebut berpotensi untuk diolah dan dimanfaatkan sebagai pupuk organik..
27Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dosis EM4 dan molase sebagai bioaktivator dalam pembuatan pupuk organik berbahan dasar serasah
28daun di lahan reklamasi tambang. Metode penelitian yang di gunakan adalah metode eksperimen laboratoris. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
29komposisi bahan padat berupa serasah daun, dedak, kotoran sapi dan arang sekam dengan perbandingan 2:1:1:1 serta bahan berupa molase
30dan EM4 dengan takaran masing-masing 100ml per 100kg bahan padat yang dilarutkan dalam air secukupnya (pupuk dapat dikepal dan
31mengembang dengan pelan-pelan serta tidak pecah). Kesimpulan komposisi dosis EM4 dan molase sebagai bioaktivator dalam
32pembuatan pupuk organik dari serasah daun di lahan reklamasi tambang masing-masing 100 ml per 100 kg (1:1) dengan karakteristik
33komposisi mikrobanya Lactobacillus sp, Streptomyces sp, Yeast, Rhodopseudomonas sp, Actinomycetes sp dengan indikator
34warna EM4 coklat, baunya asam, Phnya 3,5 dan kandungan nutrient yang terbanyak C organik.
35 Bagaimana dengan hasil penggunaan pupuk ini? Apakah ada perbedaan antara yg tidak diberi pupuk dan diberi pupuk? Karena jika tidak info
36ini, maka tidak bisa dipublikasikan. Komponen pupuk tersebut tak ada artinya tanpa meyajikan data terkait efek menyuburkan dll.
37Mohon maaf penelitian ini baru awal sebatas pembuatan pupuk organic yang memanfaatkan serasah daun di lahan bekas tambang jadi hasilnya
38hanya komposisi pupuk antara bahan dan EM4 dan molase sebagai bioaktivator.

40Kata kunci: EM4, lahan reklamasi tambang, molase, pupuk organic, sersah daun


42Corresponding author : Phone +62081335278182, Email


44Mohon tambahkan sitasi. Karena hanya ada 1 sitasi!

45The use of organic fertilizers can reduce dependence on chemical fertilizers whose availability is increasingly
46rare and expensive, it can also reduce the occurrence of environmental pollution. Organic matter is known to
47improve the physical properties of the soil by improving soil structure, where the lumpy soil can become more
48loose so it is more easily penetrated by plant roots. In soils with high clay content, organic matter will be able
49to facilitate soil management, by improving groundwater passing and increasing water retention capacity from

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50the soil. This will cause the soil to provide more water, especially in the dry season. Organic matter can also
51improve soil chemical properties such as: increasing the capacity of cation exchange (exchange of nutrients or
52nutrients for plants) more easily and smoothly, providing plant nutrients in the form of P, K, Ca, Mg, S, and
53elements other micro elements that are needed by plants. Organic matter can improve the soil's biological
54condition so that the soil remains alive, durable and resistant to shocks that cause soil damage. Besides organic
55matter can increase the efficiency of the use of chemical fertilizers, so as to reduce the cost of purchasing
56chemical fertilizers. Thus, organic fertilizer can increase agricultural production both in quality and quantity,
57and improve the quality of land in a sustainable manner. The use of organic fertilizer in the long term can
58increase land productivity and can prevent land degradation (Simanungkalit 2006).
59 Organic fertilizers have some advantages even though they also have limitations. Some of the
60advantages of organic fertilizers are (a) organic fertilizers that contain complete nutrients, both macro nutrients
61and micro nutrients, (b) organic fertilizers contain organic acids, including humic acids, fulfill acids, hormones
62and enzymes that are not present in artificial fertilizers which are very useful both for plants and the
63environment and microorganisms, (c) organic fertilizers containing macro and soil microorganisms which have
64a very good influence on the improvement of soil physical properties and especially soil biological properties,
65(d) organic fertilizers can improve and maintain soil structure, (e) organic fertilizer can be a buffer of soil pH,
66(f) organic fertilizer can be a buffer of inorganic nutrients provided, (g) organic fertilizer can help maintain soil
67moisture, (h) organic fertilizer is safe to use in large quantities and even though, (i) organic fertilizer does not
68damage the environment. In addition to these advantages, organic fertilizer can also provide economic value to
69a variety of household and agricultural wastes (Wahyuni 2016).
70 Reclamation and revegetation of former mines is an obligation that must be carried out Minister of
71Regulation Energy and Mineral Resources Republic Indonesia 2014. Decree No. 7 of 2014 The success of a
72reclamation is very much determined by many things, including aspects of land management, fertility of the
73planting media, technical planting and care of plants. PT. Semen Gresik - Semen Indonesia Persero (Tbk.) has a
74lot of plants in the treatment period in ex-mining land that needs fertilizer to help plant growth. In addition, in
75post-mining land, there is a lot of organic waste in the form of dry leaves under the stands of reclamation trees.
76The organic waste has the potential to be processed and used as organic fertilizer. The purpose of this study is
77to utilize leaf litter in the reclaimed mine land as organic fertilizer with EM 4 and Molasses bioactivators. “To
78utilize” harus ada implementasinya. Jadi harus ada hasil terkait dengan utilisasi ini, apakah tanahnya
79bertambah subur, mudah ditanami, dll. Kalau tidak, tidak bisa disebut utilisasi.
80 Utilize yang dimaksud baru sampai pada pemanfaatan serasah daunnya sebagai pupuk organic.
81This research is a laboratory experimental study, which was carried out in the biology laboratory and in the
82Semen Indonesia Tuban plant. The equipment needed in this research is pock, shovel, ziplock plastic, pH
83meter, thermometer, GPS, camera, moisture meter, tarpaulin, and gloves. While the materials needed in this
84study are water used to dissolve molasses and EM4, soil or media used in the process of reclamation of ex-
85limestone quarrying land, leaf litter taken on reclaimed land of former limestone quarrying, charcoal, fine
86charcoal, dirt cattle or animal manure, molasses or molasses and EM4.
87Leaf Litter Sample Testing. Leaf litter samples were taken from the reclaimed land of the former limestone
88quarry in 2010, 2014 and 2016, where each sample was taken twice (duplo repetition). Furthermore, the quality
89of leaf litter was tested based on parameters namely P Total (P2O5) by method Olsen and Bray, K Total (K2O)
90by method Spektrofotometri, Organic C by method Walkey and Black, and Nitrogen (N) by method Destilasi in
91the laboratory.
92Organic Fertilizers. Making organic leaf litter fertilizer by the bokashi method (York, 2014) begins with
93taking leaf litter in the reclaimed land of the former limestone quarry. The leaf litter is then put into the leaf
94chopper machine. The leaf chopper used is a regular chopper (or compost chopper) that has a capacity of
95chopping 100kg / hour with a diesel engine powered by diesel. The resulting leaf counts are weighed according
96to the fertilizer manufacturing plan which is 40% of 100% of the total material so that the leaf counts needed
97are as much as 40 kg of the total 100 kg of fertilizer. The mixture of solids is watered evenly with a bioactivator
98solution. Bioactivators EM4 and molase play a role in accelerating the fermentation process and increasing the
99nutrient content contained in leaf litter (apa itu bioactivator, bagaimana komponennya) because with
100biocivators speeding up the fermentation process. The flat mixture is then put into a tarp and covered with tarps
101for ± 21 days. During the process the temperature is maintained less than 50ºC.
102Organic Fertilizer Testing. Testing the quality of organic fertilizers that have been produced is done by
103testing the substance content of several nutrient parameters in compost, namely Nitrogen (N) by method

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104Destilasi, Phosphorus (P2O5) by method Olsen and Bray, Potassium (K2O) by method Spektrofotometri and
105Carbon (C)by method Walkey and Black in the laboratory.
107Quality of Leaf Litter. Leaf decomposition can release a number of nutrients and materials that can support
108the productivity of trees and food webs in mangrove ecosystems (Ashton et al. 1999). Nutritional value can be
109defined as a C: N ratio (lower ratio means higher nitrogen concentration and higher nutritional quality) (Ashton
110et al. 1999). The results of the analysis of the highest C: N leaf litter ratio value were obtained from the 2016
111reclamation land of 19.02 and the lowest value of the 2014 reclamation land with a value of 13.11 (Table 1).
112This shows that the reclamation land in 2014 has the highest nutrient value of leaf litter than other lands,
113although the percentage of N content is lower than the leaf litter on the 2016 reclamation land. This is
114supported by planting media used for planting teak tree seedlings in the 2014 reclamation land which comes
115from topsoil. Planting media in the form of topsoil generally have a high nutrient content so that it allows a lot
116of nutrients to be absorbed by the teak tree and stored on its leaves. The results of the C: N ratio test on these
117leaves can be used as the basis that leaf litter found in the three reclamation lands can be utilized as a natural
118fertilizer for the growth of teak trees planted in the area. The low C: N ratio value of leaf litter in reclamation
119land in 2014 means that it has high nutritional quality and will result in a faster decomposition process.
120Decomposer microorganisms such as Bacillus and Flavobacterium (Alami et al. 2019, Kurniawan et al. 2011)
121will more quickly decompose litter with high nutrient content (Ashton et al. 1999, Hanif et al. 2015).
122Technical Utilization of Leaf Litter as Organic Fertilizer with EM4 and Molasses Bioactivators. The
123results of making organic fertilizer using the basic ingredients of leaf litter are obtained using the bokashi
124method (York 2014). The bokashi method is a method that utilizes EM4 (Effective Microorganisms 4)
125technology. The bokashi method was chosen in this leaf litter composting technique because organic fertilizer
126fermented using EM4 solution can be used to fertilize the soil and suppress the growth of pathogens in the soil,
127thereby increasing plant growth and production. In addition, the use of EM4 in the fermentation process will
128accelerate the decay that occurs compared to the decay process without using additional microorganisms (Khan
129et al. 2009, Winduasari 2012). The results of leaf chopped that have been found are mixed with stems and twigs
130which cannot be chopped perfectly by a chopper machine. Pieces of these stems will make the fermentation
131process run long and make the texture of the fertilizer coarser. Therefore it is advisable to sort the leaf litter
132from the twigs before chopping, so that the results of leaf chopping are pure leaf litter.
133 Another solid material used in making organic fertilizer is fine bran or bran. Bran or rice bran is waste
134from the rice milling process. Bran is a good food source for decomposing bacteria in this case is EM4. With
135high carbohydrate content and vegetable protein, bran is a complete food source for decomposing bacteria.
136Adding bran to the production of organic fertilizer indirectly has a positive effect on the quality of the compost
137produced. Thus it can be said that the function and benefits of bran in composting are as a food source for
138bacteria and as an additional ingredient for producing quality compost. Bran needed is 20 kg (20% of the total
139100 kg of fertilizer), temperature reaches more than 50ºC, it is feared that it will kill microorganisms in it so
140that microorganisms cannot live and carry out their functions.

141 A good organic fertilizer is fertilizer that prioritizes C-organic content so that it can produce a low C /
142N ratio value. To achieve the C / N ratio and the content of Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K)
143which are in accordance with the standards can be done by microbial fermentation called Effective
144Microorganism (EM4) (Kurniawan et al. 2011).
145Other mixtures in making organic fertilizer are animal dung, especially cattle or manure (cow dung that has
146dried or has been processed). Cow dung has great benefits in making organic fertilizer. The benefits of cow
147dung include nitrogen (N) content; phosphorus (P); potassium (K); high economic value because it can replace
148the use of chemical fertilizers so that production costs can be reduced; cow dung is easy to use and is applied as
149compost for plants; cow dung is able to provide balanced nutrients for the soil; make the soil structure more
150loose because cow dung will increase the number of microbes in the soil; cow dung can also improve soil pH
151conditions that are damaged; and by utilizing cow dung as fertilizer turned out to be able to increase crop
152production to 30%. With the many benefits of cow dung for soil and plants, it is highly recommended adding
153cow dung in making organic fertilizer. The amount of cow dung prepared is 20 kg (20% of the total 100 kg of
154fertilizer). Cow dung used should be old cow dung and not cow dung which is still warm (new), this is because
155the temperature of new cow dung is still high so that it will affect other microorganisms that are added in
156making organic fertilizer.

9 4
157 The last ingredient used in making organic fertilizer is husk charcoal. Husk charcoal is generally used
158as a mixed medium in agriculture. The benefit of using the husk charcoal in making organic fertilizer is that the
159soil becomes loose so that it improves soil fertility and improves soil structure. In addition, the benefits of using
160husk charcoal are increasing soil pH thereby increasing the availability of phosphorus (P) and carbon (C).
161Adding husk charcoal will increase the aeration system in the plant root zone. Husk charcoal can also increase
162groundwater reserves and increase levels of potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) exchange. It is generally
163known that charcoal or charcoal husk has a high silicate (Si) element but is low in Calcium (Ca) content. The
164silicate element itself has important benefits other than as a functional nutrient that is increasing plant immunity
165against pests or pathogens found in the soil, drought tolerant and against heavy metals that contaminate the soil.
166Therefore it is recommended to use husk charcoal as an additional material in making organic fertilizer. The
167amount of husk charcoal prepared is 20 kg (20% of the total 100 kg of fertilizer). Leaf litter, bran, cow dung
168and husk charcoal that have been measured according to the dose are mixed into one solid material mixture on
169a tarpaulin that has been opened on a flat surface. This mixing method is carried out in accordance with the
170bokashi mixing method by mixing all ingredients into one. Mixing is done by using a shovel.The nitrogen and
171phosphor contents of this liquid fertilizer (92,000 ppm and 143,000 ppm) were significantly higher (P<0.05)
172than the EM4 (0.07 and 3.22 ppm) ( al 2013)
173 After mixing the solid material, a liquid material consisting of EM4 and molasses or molasses is
174prepared. The EM4 used is EM4 which is sold freely in the market. EM4 is a chocolate solution with a pH of
1753.5 - 4.0. EM4 (Effective Microorganisms 4) contains various fermentation microorganisms which are very
176numerous, approximately 80 genera and these microorganisms can work effectively in the fermentation of
177organic matter. The four main microorganisms in EM 4 solution are photosynthetic bacteria, Lactobacillus sp.,
178Saccharomyces sp., and Actinomycetes sp. Photosynthetic bacteria (Rhodopseudomonas sp.) play a role in
179forming substances that have benefits for plant secretions, organic matter and harmful gases by using sunlight
180and earth as energy sources. These substances include amino acids, nucleic acids, bioactive substances and
181sugars. These substances function to accelerate the growth and development of plants. Besides this
182microorganisms can increase the growth of other microorganisms that are not pathogenic (Dibia et al. 2012,
183Fisher et al. 2000, Isroi et al. 2009).
184Lactic acid microorganisms (Lactobasillus sp.) can produce lactic acid from sugar, can suppress the growth of
185harmful microorganisms, increase the rate of overhaul of organic materials and can destroy organic materials
186such as cellulose and lignin, and ferment them without causing adverse effects caused by organic materials that
187are not biodegradable. Saccharomyces sp. or commonly called yeast / yeast functions to form anti-bacterial
188substances and have benefits for plant growth from amino acids and sugars released by photosynthetic bacteria.
189It also functions in increasing the number of active cells and root development. Actinomycetes sp., Aspergillus
190and Penicilium which are included in fermented mushrooms, function in decomposing organic matter quickly
191to produce alcohol, esters and anti-microbial substances, eliminate odors and can prevent from harmful insects
192and caterpillars (Aprianis et al. 2011, Wahyuni 2016).
193 EM4 is not harmful to the environment because EM4 culture does not contain microorganisms that are
194genetically modified. Before use, EM4 needs to be activated first because the microorganisms that are in the
195EM4 solution are dormant (sleeping). Activation of microorganisms in EM4 can be done by adding water and
196food which can be molasses or molasses. The amount of EM4 needed in making organic fertilizer with a total
197amount of fertilizer as much as 100 kg is 100 ml. Molasses known as cane molasses is the last drop of sugar
198obtained from the sugar crystal separation process which is done 4 times. Four times the separation process
199aims to find the parent leachate or the last drop of sugar. Molasses is an excellent source of energy for various
200life forms of microorganisms. Molasses is a source of carbohydrates that stimulate the growth of beneficial
201microorganisms. A good type of molasses for fertilizer is blackstrap molasses (unsulphered) because it has the
202highest concentration value of sulfur, potassium, iron and other micronutrients from original sugar cane, so it is
203not only the sugar content that makes molasses useful, but also the mineral content therein. Molasses is an
204excellent chelating agent, which means that it can help convert some chemical nutrients into forms that are
205easily available for microorganisms. The dosage of molasses used in making organic fertilizer with a total
206amount of 100 kg of fertilizer is 100 ml.
207 After EM4 and molasses are measured according to size, then mixed into one with the addition of
208enough water. This solution is a bioactivator solution. The bioactivator solution is then poured into a solid
209material that has been thoroughly mixed. Stirring is repeated until the water content of the fertilizer is suitable.
210Water content in suitable fertilizers can be checked by taking a handful of fertilizers and holding it firmly
211(balled up), if water comes out of fertilizer and fertilizer does not expand then too much water content, but if

12 5
212water does not come out of fertilizer and fertilizer expands slowly slowly and not breaking then the water
213content is enough on the fertilizer. After all the ingredients are mixed evenly, the tarpaulin on which the
214fertilizer ingredients are stirred are then tightly closed so that the fermentation can proceed normally. The
215planned fermentation process is ± 14 days and during the fermentation process the temperature of the fertilizer
216is maintained not to exceed the temperature of 50ºC. If at the beginning of the fermentation.
217 Fermentation occurs anaerobically so that a closed space (tarp or gunny sack) is required. At the
218beginning of fermentation, fertilizer has brownish characteristics with a sweet smell (sugar), but as time goes
219by fermentation, fertilizer smells acidic and then smells like soil with a blackish color. This character indicates
220that organic fertilizer with the bokashi method can already be harvested or used. At the beginning of making
221organic fertilizer, leaf litter is predicted to experience maturity (ready for harvest) at ± 14 days (2 weeks) to ±
22221 days (3 weeks) fermentation time. After the fermentation process is carried out for ± 21 days (3 weeks)
223fertilizer samples are taken to test the nutritional quality. The results of testing the elements on organic fertilizer
224produced are as follows:
225Table 1 Result Nutrient content of organic fertilizers according to Indonesian National Standard (SNI)

Permentan Amount Organic Organic

Chemical No. 70 Th according to fertilizer fertilizer Quality
properties 2011 SNI 19-7030- (I) with (II)with
(%) 2004 bioactivat bioactivato
or EM4 r EM4 and
and molase(1:1
molase ) 3 weeks
(1:1) 2
C – organik Min 15 9,8 - 32 37,80 34,89 good
N Total Min 4 0,40 1,64 1,80 good
Fosfor (P) Min 4 0,10 0,47 0,42 good
Kalium (K) Min 4 0,20 0,54 0,48 good
C/N rasio 15-25 10-20 23,05 19,33 good
pH 4-9 6,8 – 7,49 5,5 5 good
Water content 15-25 Max. 50 58,82 59,15 too wet

226Hasil penelitian ini di bandingkan dengan standar SNI kalau hasilnya lebih tinggi di katagorikan baik
227 Table 2 EM4 Data Formulated With Organic Ingredients

No. Composition EM4 The characteristics EM4 that are

1. Lactobacillus sp Indicator :
2. Streptomyces sp Color: Brown
3. Yeast Odor : Acid
4. Rhodopseudomonas sp Ph : 3.5
5. Actinomycetes sp

229But after observing when the fertilizer is aged ± 21 days (3 weeks), the fertilizer has not matured. It is possible
230for several things, among others: leaf litter that is used without going through the process of sorting with stems
231and twigs, so it is possible that the structure of stems and twigs that are classified as large will slow down the
232fermentation process. In addition, the condition of the leaf litter used is very dry.
233This is thought to be the cause of the slow fermentation process. Leaf litter has a high cellulose and lignin
234content, especially with very dry conditions, so microorganisms will need more time in the decomposition
235process. Therefore, to accelerate the process of fermentation and decomposition of leaf litter, leaf litter should
236be used in a wet or rather wet condition so that not all litter is in dry conditions. The size of leaf litter used as
237raw material for composting must be as small as possible to achieve aeration efficiency and to be more easily

15 6
238digested or broken down by microorganisms. The smaller the particles, the more the surface area of litter that is
239in contact with microorganisms, so that microorganisms can digest and decompose litter in a shorter time.
240Tidak dapat kesimpulan apa2 terkait utilisasi hasil formulasi daun, EM4, dan molase.
241Apakah tidak ada data misalnya bakteri yg berasal dari EM4 menjadi lebih beragam, atau lebih banyak
242populasinya, sehingga efektif sebagai biofertilizer, agar layak menjadi naskah yg terbit di MI? Mohon
243ditambahkan! As conclusion, the study of the use of leaf litter in the reclaimed land of former limestone
244mining in the area of PT. Semen Gresik - Semen Indonesia persero (Tbk) : Leaf litter found in the reclaimed
245land of the former limestone quarry located in PT. Semen Gresik - Semen Indonesia Persero (Tbk) can be
246utilized by processing it into organic fertilizer. The processing of organic waste into organic fertilizer was
247successfully carried out by the bokhasi method of composition of solid material in the form of leaf litter, bran,
248cow dung and husk charcoal with a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1 and the search material in the form of EM4 and molase
249with a dose of 100ml per each 100kg (1:1) in 3 weeks of solid material dissolved in enough water (fertilizer
250can be clenched and expand slowly and not break) with the characteristics of the microbial composition of
251Lactobacillus sp, Streptomyces sp, Yeast, Rhodopseudomonas sp, Actinomycetes sp with brown EM4 color
252indicator, sour smell, 3.5 pH and the most nutrient content is organic C.
254This study was suported PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk of research funding facilities, Biology Laboratory
255Staff of ITS Surabaya and Biology Laboratory Staff of PGRI Ronggolawe University Tuban for their
256cooperation in processing and analyzing samples.

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