The Meaning and Functions of Constitutio
The Meaning and Functions of Constitutio
The Meaning and Functions of Constitutio
It is a time honoured principle that every legal conversation ought to begin with
the Constitution. Constitution is the mother law of the land in which all other
laws are subject to it, in the idiom of the law, Constitution is the superlative law
of the land, the law over and above all other laws in a given legal jurisdiction. In
Even though, the context of the constitution as defined in this lecture extremely
focuses on the legal document governing States, it does not mean there exist
set of norms, conventions, rules and procedures that has the objective of
Assistant Lecturer, SAUT-School of Law-Mwanza-Tanzania-
Based on the series of Public Law Lectures to the LL.B Students 2015-2016
See, Article 4(1)-(4) of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, 1977 as amended time to time
See, D.R. Mukangara, Forms and Reforms of Constitutional Making (UTAFITI special issue Vol.4 1998-2001:131-150
which may also be used to preside over a given National, Regional and
State ought to be subordinate not only to the State constitution but also all
other laws of the land. In Tanzania context, the Constitution of the United
Republic of Tanzania, 1977 is the superlative document over and above all
other constitutions for any other small associations current existing in the
Published on April 1, 1919 and entered in force on June 28, 1919
Adopted in London on November 16, 1945
Adopted by the International Health Conference held in New York June 19-July 22, 1946
See, Article 64 (5) of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, 1977 as amended
Tanzania and other laws of the land. Thus, the Constitution of the United
Republic of Tanzania governs the whole territorial corners of the State and it is
superior to all other constitutions operating within the State while constitutions
to the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania and governs only the
document consented there to by the group of people for the purposes of Small
Association within the State and acknowledged by all the Citizens of the given
State for the purposes of the State, to govern all affairs of administration
including the powers and functions of various organs designed for fair and
equal inter relations of the rulers and the ruled. The inter relations between the
rulers and the ruled in a given democratic State is primarily defined in the
administration, it is the constitution which by and large, set the functions and
leadership, qualification for various executive and political posts, territory, the
Cabinet and all other necessary institutions depending on the need of the given
See, Article 4(1)-(4) of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, 1977 as amended
land in which all other laws are subject to it. It set the foundation for the
constructive operation of the major arms of the State. Wherever the format or
style this document has the superlative feature over and above all other laws of
the State, the President, Cabinet, Legislature, Judiciary and all other public and
Conversely, this expression may be far away from the African Context realism
where there are numerous violations of constitutions but yet, it is not only the
Statutory Definition
Tanzania, 1977 is silent on the meaning of the Constitution, the same, the
organs, and by prescribing the extent and manner of the exercise of its
sovereign powers.
See, Article 64(5) of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, 1977 as amended 2005
Literatures reveal that, the concept of constitution was developed in Europe and
United States. Even though the original ideas were developed in the United
Kingdom, it was the United States that enacted first document referred to as
France enacted its first Constitution, the 1791 constitution after the French
the people while at the same time restricting the power of governments. They
provided for structure of government and bill of rights. Many other countries
earlier juncture that, there is no first and hard rule in defining constitution;
constitute a frame of the government, the power to choose those to run the
It is by means of the first, the constituent power that the last are conferred.
powers of government, but also defines the extent of those powers, and
we the people agree that, you rule us principally to the extent that is provided
in the constitution while we shall enjoy the rights and privileges stated therein.
challenged and any changes of the rules can only proceed as we have agreed
See, Viscount Bolingbroke “Dissertation on Parties” (1733) in Henry Saint-John Works (1809)
See, Presidentialism in Commonwealth Africa L Hurts and Company at 392
See, Njoya and Others vs. Attorney-General and Others (2004) AHRLR 157 (KeHC 2004)
H. Philips argues that, constitution can be perceived into two different senses
namely ‘Abstract sense’ and Concrete sense’. Within the context of Abstract
the composition and power of the organs of government of the state and
regulate their relationship to one another and to private citizen.15 While, in the
concrete sense, constitution is the document in which the most important laws
sovereignty of the people. The reason is that political theory has long accepted
and affirmed the axiom that sovereignty belongs to the people. Conversely, it
more than at any time hitherto, that the people were repository of the
sovereignty which includes constituent power and the people are the only entity
which can exercise constituent powers. From 1787, the three opening words
under the preamble of the United States Constitution, WE THE PEOPLE have gain
See, W.E.F Ward (1976) Government in West Africa.
See, Hood Philips, ‘Constitutional and Administrative Law 7th edition, 1987 at p 5
The Anthony king’s working definition underline that, a constitution is the set
of the most important rules that regulate the relations among different parts of
the government of a given country and also the relations between parts of the
Professor C.M. Peter argues that, the Constitution of the Country is the most
important legal document. It is the supreme law on which all other laws are
based. At times it is referred to as a social contract between the rulers and the
ruled. It is also the consensus amongst the people themselves. The constitution
It embodies the wishes and aspirations of the country. All the laws, by-law,
See, Chief Bola Ige (SAN); Constitution and the Problem in Nigeria, 1995 at p 7
See, Anthony King “Does the United Kingdom still have a Constitution? in the Hamlyn Lectures, 2000
See, Chris. M. Peter,’ Constitutional Making in Tanzania: The Role of the People, 2000
constitutes state power and defines the relationship between major organs of
the state and between the state and the citizen.21 The modern philosophy of
Constitutions are not simply neutral legal documents containing basic rules;
they are also political documents reflecting the state and balance of political
both between different groups struggling for power and between those in
Malemi argues that, a constitution is the legal contract between the people and
the government containing legal rights which have force of law and are
See, Issa G. Shivji, Hamudi. M (et al), (2004), Constitutional and Legal System of Tanzania,
Ibidem at p 37
See, John Alder (2005), Constitutional and Administrative Law 5th edition at p 3-4
containing both terms which are enforceable and terms which are not
constitutional law should ideally be the same starting point of studying political
reciprocal network of rights and duties or is the individual merely a pawn in the
These fundamental questions are often not pursued explicitly in the study of
the individual and the state, seen from a particular view point, namely the
as a body of rules and procedures, that it shall apply logical criteria with
of the rules which govern relations between private individuals (for example
between employer and employee or landlord and tenant). Law also concerns the
See, E. Malemi (2006), The Nigerian Constitutional Law
See, AW. Bradley & KD Ewing, Constitutional and Administrative Law 15 th edition p 3
According to one wide definition constitutional law is that part of national law
which governs the system of public administration and the relationship between
individuals and the state.28 Constitutional law presupposes the existence of the
state and includes those laws which regulate the structure and functions of the
principal organs of government and their relationship to one another and to the
which it contains and the way in which they have been interpreted by the
The two scholars argues that, a constitution is not the act of a government, but
and Legislature) originate from constitutional legitimacy and so govern with the
See, A.W. Bradley & K D Ewing, Constitutional & Administrative Law 15th edition at p 9
See, M. Allen & B. Thomson, Cases and Materials on Constitutional & Administrative Law 9th edn
See, M. Ryan, Unlocking Constitutional and Administrative Law 2nd edition 2010 at p 11
between the what constitution does and how the constitution is defined. It is a
institutions, conferring powers upon them and setting the boundaries of their
The British have constitution but it does not generally entrenched. It lack a
absence of any formal distinction between such norms and ordinary law. 34
Judiciary Perspectives
The judiciary (Courts of law) being entrusted with the command to interpret the
See, E. A. Young, ‘The Constitutive and Entrenchment Function of the Constitutions: A Research
Agenda, Journal of Constitutional Law Vol 10.2, January 2008.
compact which establishes the state itself. It paints in broad strokes on a large
canvas the institutions of that state, allocating powers, defining the relationship
between such institutions and between the institutions and the people
A constitution often provide for the protection of the rights and freedoms of
the people, which rights and freedoms have thus to be respected in all further
state action. The existence and powers of the institution of state, therefore,
depend on it terms. The rights and freedoms where given by it, also depend on
it. No institution can claim to be above the Constitution, no person can make
between the government and the governed. It is a mirror reflecting the national
soul; the identification of ideals and the aspirations of a nation; the articulation
of the values bonding its people and disciplining its government. The spirit and
the tenor of the constitution must, therefore, preside and permeate the process
See, Kamanako and Another vs. Attorney –General and Another (2002) AHRLR 35 (BwHC 2001)
See, Gwebu and Another vs. Rex (2002) AHRLR 229 (SwCA 2002)
The Constitutional Court of the Republic of South Africa in this case underlines
state, including Parliament, the executive and the court, as well as the
following manner; the constitution has its letter of the law. Equally, the
constitution has its spirit. It is the fountain-head for the authority which each of
strength. It is a source of power. The executive, the legislature and the judiciary
are created by the constitution. Their authority is derived from the constitution.
Aguda J.A in the Court of Appeal of Botswana argues that, the constitution is
the supreme law of the land and it is meant to serve not only this generation
but also generations yet unborn. It can not be allowed to be a lifeless museum
piece; on the other hand the Courts must continue to breathe life into it from
time to time as the occasion may arise to ensure the health growth and
The working definition for the House of Lords Selected Committee on reviewing
the Constitution is to the effect that, constitution is the set of laws, rules and
practices that create the basic institutions of the state and its component and
related parts, and stipulate the powers of those institutions and relationship
approaches in defining constitution are not uniform, the definitions are highly
from unwritten constitution and yet there still an ongoing debate on the
materials that make up the British Constitution are written down somewhere in
Magna Carta, the Parliaments Act in Human Rights and Devolution Acts and et
See, M. Ryan, Unlocking Constitutional and Administrative Law 2nd edition 2010
See E.A Young, supra at note 19
document. Since the French Revolution 1789 almost every nation has adopted
practices are used to fill gaps in the written documents, to adjust to new
embodied in numerous structures of the laws which can not easily be tattered
up at once.42
See, John Alder (2005), Constitutional and Administrative Law 5th edition at p 5
Ibidem at p 6
Ibidem at p 7
Ibidem at p 6-7
judiciary are created by the constitution; their authority is derived from the
constitution. Constitution proceed from nothing but rather the will of the
the superlative law of the land, not the Government neither an individual can
necessarily a state. Constitution is the corner stone to define the powers and
composition of the organs of the state and inter connect the Government daily
Constitution is the social contract between the rulers and the ruled, the ruled
by professor Issa G. Shivji who argues that, the fact that constitution is a
contract between the rulers and the ruled is not correct either historically or
legally, for there is no evidence that the rulers and the ruled sit together and
social contract it does not follow the legal procedures and accurate
legal contract under the Law of Contract Act and social contract. The former is
regulated by the Act of the parliament and the latter constitutes social,
See, Issa G. Shivji, Hamudi. M (et al), (2004), Constitutional and Legal System of Tanzania, p 37
by the State and configured in the document called constitution. Without shred
of doubt, both the legal scholars statute the judiciary complement each other in
safeguarding the importance of the constitution and the main theme of both
scholars and the judiciary is based on the supremacy of the constitution and
the ruled to be implemented by the rulers on the wishes and the needs of the
ruled. It has to be known and be available in the hands of both rulers and the
orderly and peacefully society, protects the rights of individuals and the
authorities to act for the public good in the management of common concern
while protecting people against the arbitrary power of rulers whose powers
would otherwise be used for their own benefit and no for the public interest. 44
See, what is a constitution? principles and concepts; International IDEA, August, 2014
claims to any other territory or extra territorial rights) and personal including
who are inside and those who are outside the polity. 45
transfer of political power and the interrelations between the rulers and the
ruled. It is the constitution which enables the legislature to enact laws and
other institutions to make laws,46 at large the constitution ensures the ruling
government does not own the state but rather managing the state under the
authority of other laws and on behalf of the citizens. Sovereignty resides from
Furthermore, Constitution is the prime emblem of the State, it defines the state
beyond its own territory and the state can easily be documented in the
international sphere through its own constitution. In alternate, all other small
organizations within the state can easily be identified and registered by the
document for the existence of the State or any other legal association within
the State. Constitution establish and regulate the political institutions of the
their composition, powers and functions and regulate the inter relations
between them.
See, what is a constitution? principles and concepts; International IDEA, August, 2014
See, Articles 63(3), 64 and Article 97(5) of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, 1977 as amended
elections and mechanism of restraint and removal of those who abuse powers.
Within the stable democracy, constitutional law reflects the value that people
attach to orderly human relations, to individuals freedom under the law and to
press. Constitution describe the legal character of the State, secular or non
state (legislature, executive and judiciary), head of the State, local government
citizens. Most constitutions underline for basic rights and freedoms, including
but not limited to freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, rule of law, and
many other social economic and cultural rights. By and large, constitution is
the superlative source of law, in a given legal system; constitution is the highest
source of law not only in the United Republic of Tanzania but also in many
See, Article 4(1)-(4) of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, 1977 as amended 2005
See, Article 3(1)&(2) of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, 1977 as amended
See, what is a constitution? principles and concepts; International IDEA, August, 2014
for by either principal or subsidiary legislation within the State. All other
subsidiary legislation (rules, regulations, by-laws and court rules),50 are subject
Tutorial Question
Define Constitution by using the inspiration from at least ten vibrant Articles of
the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, 1977 as amended time to
This document is still under construction, the author is working on further Research to
accomplish an official publication. However, it can only be used as reference Training Material
for SAUT-LLB I, 2016/2017
See, Section 4 of the Interpretation of Laws Act [ CAP 1 R.E 2002 ]
See, Article 64(5) of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania
Peter C.M (1997), Human Rights in Tanzania, Selected Cases and Materials
M. Allen & B. Thomson, Cases and Materials on Constitutional & Administrative Law 9th
C.M. Peter, Constitutional Making in Tanzania; The Role of the People in Process,
Faculty of law University of Dar es Salaam, August 2000
This document is still under construction, the author is working on further Research to
accomplish an official publication. However, it can only be used as reference Training Material
for SAUT-LLB I, 2016/2017