This document contains questions from chapters 12 and 13 of a 10th grade biology textbook. Chapter 12 questions cover topics on coordination and control, including the nervous system, neurons, receptors, effectors, reflex actions, eye structure and function, ear structure and function, and the endocrine system. Chapter 13 questions cover topics on support and movement, including the skeletal system, cartilage, bone, joints, and musculoskeletal disorders like arthritis. There are short answer and long answer questions provided on these topics.
This document contains questions from chapters 12 and 13 of a 10th grade biology textbook. Chapter 12 questions cover topics on coordination and control, including the nervous system, neurons, receptors, effectors, reflex actions, eye structure and function, ear structure and function, and the endocrine system. Chapter 13 questions cover topics on support and movement, including the skeletal system, cartilage, bone, joints, and musculoskeletal disorders like arthritis. There are short answer and long answer questions provided on these topics.
This document contains questions from chapters 12 and 13 of a 10th grade biology textbook. Chapter 12 questions cover topics on coordination and control, including the nervous system, neurons, receptors, effectors, reflex actions, eye structure and function, ear structure and function, and the endocrine system. Chapter 13 questions cover topics on support and movement, including the skeletal system, cartilage, bone, joints, and musculoskeletal disorders like arthritis. There are short answer and long answer questions provided on these topics.
This document contains questions from chapters 12 and 13 of a 10th grade biology textbook. Chapter 12 questions cover topics on coordination and control, including the nervous system, neurons, receptors, effectors, reflex actions, eye structure and function, ear structure and function, and the endocrine system. Chapter 13 questions cover topics on support and movement, including the skeletal system, cartilage, bone, joints, and musculoskeletal disorders like arthritis. There are short answer and long answer questions provided on these topics.
P-369 Jinnah Colony (Behind National Hospital) Ph: 0301-2403333
Q: Short Questions 1. What is movement & locomotion? 2. Describe human skeleton. 3. Differentiate between endoskeleton and exoskeleton? 4. What is the role of the skeleton in support & movement? 5. Describe the structure of cartilage. 6. Differentiate between bone & cartilage? 7. What is elastic & fibrous cartilage? 8. What are spongy bone and compact bone and their role? 9. What do you know about Andreas Vesalius? 10. Describe the appendicular skeleton. 11. Describe the axial skeleton. 12. What are slightly moveable and immoveable joints and where it is present? 13. Differentiate between hinge & ball & socket joints? 14. Differentiate between tendons and ligaments? 15. What is antagonism? 16. Differentiate between origin & insertion. 17. What is meant by flexion and extension? 18. Describe osteoporosis and its causes. 19. Describe arthritis and its treatment. 20. Describe Osteoarthritis & Gout. Q: Long Questions 1. Write a note on cartilage and its types. 2. What are the main components of the axial & appendicular skeleton? 3. Describe different types of joints & give examples? 4. Describe important disorders of the skeletal system. 5. Explain antagonism in muscle action selecting biceps & triceps as an example. 6. What is meant by arthritis? Write down its types.
Q: Short Questions
1. Write the components of coordination action?
2. What is stimulus 3. Differentiation between receptors and effectors. 4. What are coordinators? Give examples. 5. What do you know about the nervous system? 6. State dendrites and their function. 7. Define Schwann cells and myelin sheath. 8. What is nerve impulse and solitary nerve impulse?
Zohaib Nisar (Biology 10th)
“ESF” Jinnah Academy of Science Question! You will be answered P-369 Jinnah Colony (Behind National Hospital) Ph: 0301-2403333
9. Describe the types of neurons.
10. Define nerve. Describe its types of nerves? 11. Explain meninges & CSF. 12. Describe the structure of the thalamus. 13. Describe the structure of the hypothalamus. 14. What is the cerebral cortex? Write the name of its lobe? 15. What is the hippocampus? 16. Write a short note on the hindbrain. 17. Differentiate between SNS & ANS. 18. What is a fight & flight response? 19. Differentiate between a reflex action and reflex arc? 20. What is aqueous and vitreous humour? 21. Write the pupil reflex in dim and bright light. 22. Describe the structure of the middle eye. 23. What are rods and cones? 24. Describe night blindness and its causes? 25. Describe colour blindness and its causes? 26. Differentiate between Myopia & Hypermetropia. 27. What are the contributions of Ibn al-Haytham? 28. Explain the process of hearing. 29. How do ears maintain the balance of the body? 30. What do you know about Soundless world? 31. What is the Endocrine system and write four names of glands? 32. Differentiate between endocrine and exocrine gland? 33. Define hormone. Give examples. 34. What are the causes of Dwarfism and gigantism? 35. Describe the diabetes insipidus. 36. What is the cause of diseases ‘Hypothyroidism’ and ‘Hyperthyroidism’? Write two symptoms for each. 37. Write down the function of the parathyroid gland? 38. What is the BGC test? 39. What are feedback mechanisms write its type explain with example? 40. What is tetany and its symptoms and causes?
Q: Long Questions
1. Explain the structure and function of the neuron.
2. Write a note on the forebrain. 3. Write a detailed note on the spinal cord. 4. Describe the peripheral nervous system and its types with their functions. 5. Describe the structure of the human eye. 6. Describe the structure of the human ear. 7. Write a note on the pituitary gland. 8. Write notes on the following: Adrenal gland & Pancreas. 9. What are feedback mechanisms write its type explain with example? 10. Write a detailed note on the disorders of the nervous system.