Part of the Stock Fairfield Product Line
throughout the life of the belt. Fairfield provides
accurate conveyor designs and corresponding me-
chanical equipment to promote long belt life.
All information is given without obligation. All specifications are subject to change.
the breakage at discharge. Belts using trippers
should operate at least 250 feet per minute, while
flat belts using plows should not exceed 150 feet
Stock Fairfield Belt Conveyors are used world- per minute. Proper angle of inclination, vertical lift,
wide throughout various industries to convey horse power, and loading and discharge require-
bulk materials. They are capable of carrying a ments are all taken into consideration to ensure
variety of products in large and small capaci- maximum efficiency. Type, ply and weight of belt
ties at required speeds for the application. must be carefully selected, as well as the type and
The most common materials handled include diameter of idlers to be used.
coal, stone, chemicals, and grain. Specific dis-
tance and site geography can normally be ac-
comodated. Belt Conveyors operate in a variety of positions.
Four of the most common paths of travel include
Selection of the proper Belt Conveyor for an horizontal, inclined, horizontal-inclined, and in-
installation will ensure the lowest possible clined-horizontal. The capacity of an inclined con-
cost per ton of material handled. Because the veyor is 5 to 10% less than a horizontal conveyor.
belt is the only part of the conveyor to come Various materials may be handled at different
in direct contact with the material being han- angles of the inclination because of the shape or
dled, it is of great importance to select the consistency of the material. Fine or mixed materi-
proper belt for each individual installation. als can be conveyed at greater inclines than those
This will ensure efficiency and dependability which are sized.
• Type 3 is a totally enclosed frame built of
solid steel plates properly stiffened and tied
together. Lubrication fittings are extended
to one side through the casing. Walk and
handrail furnished on one side only. Remov-
able panels are provided for inspection.
Stock Fairfield Design Details for
Belt Conveyor Types • Type 4 is a
single walk-
• Type 1 is a very simple frame commonly used
way gallery
where an economical installation is desired. Frame
frame. The
consists of channels securely tied and braced and
sides of the
having a steel deck plate between the top and bot-
gallery form
tom run of belt. Walkway may be provided if de-
a well braced
steel truss for
long spans
• Type 2 is used where the unsupported spans are and provide
greater than may be carried by channels. The frame complete en-
is well braced steel truss of various depths and closure for
weights ac- the conveyor
cording to and walkway.
the maxi- Enclosure may be of galvanized corrugated
mum spans iron, aluminum, or other desired materi-
required. als. Lubrication fittings are extended to one
A remov- side. The floor may be plank, steel grating,
able curved steel checkered plate, or concrete slab.
cover may
be provid-
• Type 5 is the double walkway gallery type
ed for the
frame providing maximum accessibility to
protect ion
the conveyor. The frame and enclosure are
of the belt
similar in construction to Type 4, except the
and to help
walkway is provided on both sides of the
keep wind from blowing material off the belt. Lu-
brication fittings are carried to one side. Walk and
handrail furnished on one side only.