The Structure of Globalization Hazel Anne PanganibaCW

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Unit Test:
A. Identification. Answer the following item by supplying the correct
answer on the blank.

Foreign Direct Investment Market integration

(FDI) Global corporation

General Agreement on Trade in Economic integration

Economic sovereignty social
Services (GATS) Transnational activism
Global governance
Neoliberalism Economic Financial Market Integration
Complete Economic Integration
Union Neo-functionalism
United Nation

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) 1. It is a major driver of extended global corporate


Economic Sovereignty 2.This is the power of national governments to make

decisions independently of those made by other governments
Global Governance 3. This is a product of neo-liberal paradigm shifts in
international political and economic relations. It is a movement
towards political integration of transnational actors aimed at
negotiating responses to problems that affect more than one state
or region.
Social Media 4. This is a computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing
of ideas and information and the building of virtual networks and
General Agreement on Trade in Services(GATS) 5. This provides a framework
of rules governing services trade, establishes a mechanism for
countries to make commitments to liberalize trade in services and
provides a mechanism for resolving disputes between countries.
Economic Integration 6. It is an arrangement between different regions that
often includes the reduction or elimination of trade barriers, and the
coordination of monetary and fiscal policies.
Financial Market Integration 7. It is an open market economy between countries
facilitated by a common currency and the elimination of technical, regulatory and tax
differences to encourage free flow of capital and investment across borders.
Transnational Activism 8. This can be defined as the mobilization of collective
claims by actors located in more than one country and/or
addressing more than one national government and/or
international governmental organization or another international
Global Corporation 9. This is a business that operates in two or more countries.

Market Integration 10. This exists when there are exerted effects that prompt
similar changes or shifts in other markets that focus on related
goods on events occurring within two or more markets.
Complete Economic Integration 11. This is the final stage of economic
integration in which member states completely forego
independence of both monetary and fiscal policies.
Neo-functionalism 12. This focuses on the supranational institutions of the
European Union of which the main driving forces of integration are
interest group activity at the European and national levels, political
party activity, and the role of governments and supranational
Neoliberalism 13. This is the intensification of the influence and dominance of
capital. It is the elevation of capitalism as a mode of production into
an ethic, a set of political imperatives, and a cultural logic.
United Nation 14. This is tasked to promote international co-operation and to
create and maintain international order. It is the largest, most
familiar, most internationally represented and most powerful
intergovernmental organization in the world.
Economic Union 15. It requires coordinated monetary and fiscal policies as well
as labor market, regional development, transportation and
industrial policies.

A. True or False. Identify whether the statement is correct or not. Write True if
it is correct, False if not. Underline the what makes the statement incorrect,
then provide the corrections. (2 points each)

False, politics 1. There are two things that will happen if a country is in Golden
Straitjacket: the politics grows and the economy shrinks.
True. 2. Foreign direct investment is made open to economies; frequently
involves more than just a capital investment and includes provision
of management or technology as well.
False, no alternative but to adopt 3. In a globalized world economy,
governments are independently deciding on case of adopting
neoliberal economic policies of privatization, deregulations, and
reductions in public expenditures.
True 4. When government implement certain strategy to control the
direction of economy then integration is intentional while shifting in
supply and demand that has a spillover effect on several markets
is another factor of market integration.
False, Domestic 5. Westphalian Sovereignty refers to the capacity of a state to
choose and implement policies within the territory.
False, Have undeniably restricted 6. The increase of the number of
international organizations and the expansion of their functions
helps enable an individual country's sovereignty to certain extent.
True 7. Combination of invention and social organization resulting to
increase in worldwide capital and wealth of nation is allowed by
modern nation state system that emerged in the period prior to the
end of World War II.
False, reducing; increasing 8. Augmenting costs for both consumers and
producers and reducing trade between the countries involved in
the agreement are the aims of economic integration.
False, reduce of eliminate 9. Free Trade Areas (FTAs) are created when two or
more countries in a region agree to strictly implement restriction
barriers to trade on all goods coming from other members.

False, Common; equal 10. Creating unique policy frame work that creates strict
individual state conditions for the functions of the integrated parts
of the economy is the aim of policy integration.

False, loose; negative 11. The global justice movement describes the
strengthened collection of individuals and groups often referred to
as a “movement of movements”, who advocate fair trade rules and
are positively in agreement to current institutions of global
economics such as the World Trade Organization.

True 12. Getting smarter on valuing investment opportunities Chief

Financial Officers can add value.
False, shaped and often fundamentally influenced by 13. Landscape of
organizational communication within social movements is secured
and independent to the influences of the social media.
False, most 14. To prevent stance on politics, peacekeeping is kept to be the
least important feature of UN activity in peace and security.
True 15. The belief that globalization imposes a forced choice upon states
either to conform to free market principles or run the risk of being left behind is
termed into a phrase called “Golden Straitjacket”.

B.Essay. Answer the following questions. (5 points each)

1. Explain the difference between Economic Globalization from

Internationalization, and does a country/state exercise and play the advantage of

2. How could a country like the Philippines benefit in the concept of globalization
specifically in the aspect of market integration?

3. How do social media function in a globalized state? Cite specific examples.

4. What are the challenges of Global Governance in the Twenty-first Century?

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