Learning Episode 16
Learning Episode 16
Learning Episode 16
(Note to Student Teacher: As you participate and assist your CT in doing formative assessment and in
helping students engage in self-assessment, please take note of what you are expected to give more
attention to as asked in the next step of this Learning Episode.
1. Assist your CT in the conduct of formative assessment.
2. Offer your assistance to students to engage in self-assessment through your CT.
Did the formative assessment tasks help students master what they were expected to learn?
Was the students’ response to formative assessment exercises favourable or unfavourable? Why?
Did the conduct of formative assessment and self-assessment affect students’ attainment of learning
outcomes? How?
What was the effect of students assessing their own progress on their motivation to learn?
2. One thing that did not go very well in the development/use/administration of formative
assessment tasks (assessment for learning) is ______________________________________
To ensure that formative and self-assessment processes serve their purpose, to help
students learn, I will learn from other’s best practices by researching on
To help improve formative and self-assessment practices, I plan to conduct an action
research on _________________________________________________________________
Work on my Artifacts
Add other activities/techniques that you have researched on e.g. TED Talks on assessment.