FS2 Participation and Teaching Assistantship
FS2 Participation and Teaching Assistantship
FS2 Participation and Teaching Assistantship
FS 2
Participation and
Teaching Assistantship
Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines
To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS Episode, be sure to read
through the whole episode before participating and assisting in you FS 2 Resource Teacher’s
class. Note all the information will need and tasks you will need to do before working on this
It is said that students should not study only for scores nor grades. Students should
study most of all for learning. It is possible for students to obtain high scores and good grades
but did not really learn that much. What is ideal is for students to get high scores and good
grades because they really learned a lot.
Our world of employment, scholarship grants, etc. still look at grades as criteria for
hiring and screening for scholarships. So, grades have pragmatic value. Therefore, it is be that
students work for good grades that genuinely reflect level of mastery.
In this Episode, you will interpret scores correctly, compute grades based on the DepEd
re ‘grading system and report grades to parents /guardians during Parents’-Teachers’
Norm-referenced assessment. In norm-referenced assessment we’ compare a student’s
performance with the performance of other students, the norm group, not against a
predetermined standard, The composition. of the norm group-depends on the assessment... An
example is comparing the performance of Grade 6 pupils in Reading in a particular school
system to the performance of nation-wide group of Grade six pupils in Reading
Parent-Teacher Conferences. Durham (2006) asserts that “parent-teacher
conferences are both a responsibility and an opportunity.” The education of the learner is the
primary responsibility of parents. In this task of educating children, parents are assisted by the
school. For the benefit of children then it is best for teachers and parents to come together to
discuss their children’s progress. Parent-Teacher Conferences are a perfect avenue for this
It has been a practice of schools to set aside a day for Report Card distribution which is
at the same time the opportunity for parents and teachers to confer regarding their child’s
Here are some reminders for schools/teachers to get the most from parent-teacher
1. Announce the date for card-giving in advance. Or better still the school calendar
which should be given at the beginning of the school year must already include the
dates for card-giving and parent-teacher conference/s. Parents are busy and can’t just
be there at the school’s beck and call.
2. Be positive in approach, Start the conference with something positive and maintain
the positive atmosphere. There is always something good in every student. Even if a
student has performed poorly, try to find at least some areas in which the student has
performed well.
3. Be objective. While you should be positive, be truthful and honest. Give an accurate
picture of a student's performances in order not to give false hopes to parents.
4. Have a listening ear. Act with empathy. Parents are parents. They will tend to favor
their children.
5. Don’t project an “omniscient “image. You don’t know all the answers to questions.
to the parents to the right person. Example; the Physics teacher if the problem is the
child’s performance in Physics.
6. Practice good communication skills. Communicate criteria for grading. Have a
dialogue not a monologue where the only one talking is you (or only the parent).
7. Don’t talk about other students. The focus of the parent-teacher conference should
only be the parent’s child. Never compare the child with other students.
8. End with an encouraging note in the same way that you began with a positive note. It
is not the end of the world.
Schools schedule Card Getting Day and Parents-Teachers’ Conference (PTC) which are
an opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss about students’ performance and grades to
make sense of scores and grades. Unfortunately, based on observation, not all parents can
attend PTC and most often it is the parents of students with problematic performance that
can't come for PTC.
(Note to Student Teacher: As you participate and assist your FS Resource Teacher in
scoring assessment tasks, computing grades and reporting grades to parents and
guardians, please take note of what you are expected to give more attention to as asked
in the next step of this Learning Episode (NOTICE).
1. Confer with your Resource Teacher about scoring students’ assessment tasks, grade
computation and reporting. This may also be done face-to-face or online.
2. Ask your Resource Teacher what you can do to assist him/her in the scoring of
students’ ' assessment tasks, grade computation and preparation for reporting in the Parents
Teachers Conference.
1. What are the teaching implications of the students’ test scores and grades?
2. In what subjects did students perform best? poorest?
3. How was the PTC attendance of parents and guardians? What does this imply?
4. What parents/guardians’/comments were most common during Card-Giving Day?
hb Reflect
What personal messages do I get from these student’ scores, grades and parents’ /
guardians’ PTC attendance and comments?
1. One good thing that I observe in scoring / grading / Parents- Teachers Conference was
1. One thing that did not go very well in scoring / grading / Parents- Teachers Conference was
To help improve scoring, grading practices and the conduct of PTC, I would like to conduct an
action research on
Compile samples of scoring and grade computation that you did. The tests and
products/ portfolios that you score and Students’ Report Card must belong to the same
students to see development. Include snapshots of PTCs and list of parents’/guardians’
comments during PTC and how these comments were addressed.
Directions: Read each of the following then choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Ina test, Teacher A set a score of at least 48 out of 50 as the criterion of mastery or success: In 2
sections of 100 students, 30 got a score of 48, 10 got a score of 49, 5 got a score of 50 but all the rest
scored from 10 to 47. Which conclusion can be derived?
A, 55% met the established criterion of mastery
B. 45% met the established criterion of mastery
C. 45%got a score of 45 and above
D. 55% got a score of 55 and above
2. Nachielle, A Grade 5 pupil, got the following scores in Filipino for the first grading period: 1) Written
work — 40/50; 2) Performance task - 60/80 and 3) Quarterly assessment . - 40/50. What is her non-
transmuted grade?
A. 85
B. 77
B. 77.5
D. 85.5
3. Johann, a Junior high school student, got the following scores in Math for the second grading period:
1) Written work — 30/50; 2) Performance task - 50/80 and 3) Quarterly | } assessment - 30/50. What
is his non-transmuted grade?
A. 65.5
B. 66
C. 66.5
D. 65
4 Kenn, a Senior high school student in STEM, got the following scores in Work Immersion, first grading
period: 1) Written work — 20/30; 2) Performance task - 60/80 and 3) Quarterly assessment - 15/30.
What is his transmuted grade?
A. 78
B. 79
C. 77
D. 76
5. Which should you avoid in a Parents’-Teachers’ Conference in a Card Giving Day?
l. Blame the student for failure.
ll. Compare a student’s grade with one who performed better and another who _ performed worse,
Ill. Show student’s performance and assure the parent of child’s passing,
A. I
B. ll
C. lll
D. I, II and Ill