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NPK fertilizer is a fertilizer that is very homogenous in their chemical analysis and

contain superior nutrient combinations both fast-acting and slow-acting nitrogen and phosphorus
sources (Behn Meyer, 2020). The properties of GCF which releases nutrients at slower rate as
compared to NPK and PMF could be the main factor contributes to high growth rate of pineapple
plant and heavier plant biomass. This statement was supported by Sakimin et al. (2017) where
the application of Kamila, a type of slow release fertilizer in form of nugget increased plant
height significantly. Small size particles of single fertilizer used for PMF increased surface area
for granule degradation for nutrients released. As result, the rate of nutrient release for PMF will
be faster compared to NPK fertilizer and GCF. The usage of combination of single fertilizers of
PMF to supply nitrogen and potassium as granular fertilizer proved to be not suitable on peat soil
due to nutrient leaching. Hence, combination factor of small size particle of PMF and nutrients’
leaching of tropical peat soil resulted with low plant vigor and lighter plant biomass of pineapple
plant. The usage of controlled release fertilizer such as GCF is more suitable in order to supply
nutrients optimally to pineapple plant throughout its life cycle on tropical peat soil. Long interval
between fertilizer applications could lead to temporary nutrients deficit during plant growth.
Stretching continuous supply of nutrients using slow release fertilizer should adequately supply
optimum amount of nutrients to pineapple plant. Instead of supplying large amount of nutrients
at one time in this case observed on PMF, gradual release of nutrients from GCF or NPK
fertilizer show vigorous plant growth.

Major responses have been observed to rates of nitrogen and potassium mainly for the 'Pérola'
variety (Reinhardt & Neiva, 1986; Paula et al., 1991; Veloso et al., 2001). Small or no response
to phosphorus fertilizer has been found, even in soil with low P availability (Reinhardt & Neiva,
1986; Buzetti et al., 1986; Botrel et al., 1991). An exception was observed by Giacomelli et al.
(1971), who reported a linear response of fruit size to P rates from 0 to 2.2 g of P per plant with
the 'Smooth Cayenne' variety in a sandy soil with very low P.

The influence of N and K fertilization on pineapple fruit size and quality is pronounced (Teisson
et al., 1979; Souza, 1999). Nitrogen fertilizer usually increases fruit size (Paula et al., 1991),
juice content (Reinhardt & Neiva, 1986; Veloso et al., 2001) while decreases total soluble solids
(TSS) and vitamin C (Teisson et al., 1979; Paula et al., 1991). Teixeira et al. (2002) observed
that late application of N had a positive effect on fruit yield but decreased TSS. Potassium has a
positive effect on fruit size, TSS and total acidity (Reinhardt & Neiva, 1986; Paula et al., 1991).
The effect of P rates on fruit quality is normally lower than that observed for N and K (Quaggio,
1995; Souza, 1999).

Potassium is the foremost nutrient required for pineapple crop and the lack of this nutrient
reduces plant growth, fruit yield and affects negatively fruit quality as pointed out by Lacoeuilhe
(1978, 1984) and Spironello et al. (2004).

Therefore, potassium fertilization plays an important role to pineapple yield, but high rates of
potassium chloride, the most common and cheapest source of this nutrient, can negatively affect
fruit size and some internal fruit characteristics, as compared with potassium sulphate

The choice of an appropriate source of potassium may be as important as determining the correct
rate of K fertilizer for some crops (ZEHLER et al., 1986). 

Potassium chloride is generally the cheapest source of K, but the more expensive sources as
sulphate and potassium nitrate provide other nutrients and have some advantages (HEPTON,

According to Kleinhenz (1999), K2SO4 has advantages over KCl because it carries two major
plant nutrients, has a lower salt index, is preferable for chloride-sensitive crops, and improves
quality of many crops. 

Kleinhenz (1999) also mentioned that in the soil, chloride is more vulnerable to be leached than
the sulphate, and in a similar manner, potassium KCl-fertilizer is more readily leached than in

Potassium deficient pineapple produced fruit with reduced fruit mass, less aromatic flesh
and lower number of planting materials (Hawkesford et al., 2012). High rate of K may reduce
absorption of other crucial micronutrients during vegetative growth. Large amount of potassium
applied before planting could bring advantages to the plant but it also could caused nutrients
imbalance that interfere with micronutrients absorption such as Mg, Ca, or Zn (Vásquez-Jiménez
& Bartholomew, 2018). While for the case of phosphorus, low phosphorus of PMF may not
causing lower growth rate. This factor could be rule out due to insignificant interaction of low
phosphorus to pineapple growth vigor as suggested by Mohammed Selamat and Ramlah (1993)
on deep peat soil and Spironello et al. (2004) on sandy and low fertility Alfisol. Valleser (2019)
finding on interaction of phosphorus certainly described there are positive correlation between
increasing amount of phosphorus to MD2 pineapple plant growth yet phosphorus starved plant
still produced good quality fruit without diminished physico-chemical properties. Thus, lower
ratio of P on PMF could not be the factor that causing low plant vigor on pineapple plant.
Potassium is important in water conservation as well as in enhancing flowering, fruit maturity
and yield when applied in adequate quantities. Experimental studies have shown that increasing
the amount of K increases the acidity of the pulp and/or sugar content and improves aroma.
Teisson et al. ascribed increase in ascorbic acid in the fruit pulp to increasing amounts of K, in
consequence contributing to a reduction of internal fruit darkening

The increasing demand of pineapple in the world requests an intensification of the cultivation
which rely on the availability of planting material. The traditional method of propagation by
suckers is laborious, with a very low multiplication rate and a slow regeneration cycle of new
suckers [2]. Furthermore, the prevalence of diseases and pests on pineapple planting materials
(suckers) has generated the need for clean planting materials in large quantities for both small-
and large- scale farmers. Pineapple being a monocotyledonous, self-incompatible highly
heterozygous plant with a 2-year time between successive fruit generations, conventional
breeding to improve fruit quality is difficult. Actually, this approach has been generally
unsuccessful to develop new varieties. The recommendation of fertilizer dosage to every crop or
even pineapple depends on the inherent fertility of the soil. Before doing such application of
fertilizer it is necessary to determine the nutrient requirement of every crop.

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