ICICI Bank Annual Report FY2021
ICICI Bank Annual Report FY2021
ICICI Bank Annual Report FY2021
Insta Products
Seamless Payments
Building Resilience
API Banking
Co-create Solutions
A c c e l e r at i n g
Annual Report 2020-21
Our approach to reporting
About this report
This is ICICI Bank’s Annual Report for the year ended March 31, 2021. It has been prepared in
accordance with Indian regulatory reporting requirements as well as the principles of the International
Integrated Reporting Framework as developed by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC).
Through this report, the Bank aims to provide its stakeholders a comprehensive view of its operations,
performance, its financial and non-financial resources and strategy to create long-term value. The
report provides insights into the Bank’s primary activities, its strategic priorities, risks and mitigants,
governance structure, and the manner in which it has leveraged the six capitals, namely Financial,
Human, Intellectual, Manufactured, Social and Relationship, and Natural.
Reporting boundary
The non-financial information in the integrated report largely covers data on the India operations of
ICICI Bank Limited and ICICI Foundation for Inclusive Growth.
Reporting period
The Annual Report provides material information relating to the Bank's strategy and business model,
operating context, performance and statutory disclosures covering the financial year April 1, 2020 to
March 31, 2021.
Safe Harbour
Certain statements in this Annual Report relating to a future period of time (including inter alia
concerning our future business plans or growth prospects) are forward-looking statements
intended to qualify for the 'safe harbour' under applicable securities laws including the US Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve a number of
risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in such
forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to statutory
and regulatory changes, international economic and business conditions; political or economic
instability in the jurisdictions where we have operations, increase in non-performing loans,
unanticipated changes in interest rates, foreign exchange rates, equity prices or other rates or
prices, our growth and expansion in business, the adequacy of our allowance for credit losses,
the actual growth in demand for banking products and services, investment income, cash flow
projections, our exposure to market risks, changes in India’s sovereign rating, and the impact
of the Covid-19 pandemic which could result in fewer business opportunities, lower revenues,
and an increase in the levels of non-performing assets and provisions, depending among other
factors upon the period of time for which the pandemic extends, the remedial measures adopted
by governments and central banks, and the time taken for economic activity to resume at normal
levels after the pandemic, as well as other risks detailed in the reports filed by us with the
United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Any forward-looking statements contained
herein are based on assumptions that we believe to be reasonable as of the date of this release.
ICICI Bank undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect events or
circumstances after the date thereof. Additional risks that could affect our future operating results
are more fully described in our filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
These filings are available at www.sec.gov.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Earlier known as ‘Best Companies to Work For'
Digital transactions include transactions on internet, iMobile, point-of-sale, touch-banking, phone
Annual Report 2020-21
Wholesale banking
We offer financial solutions to large and medium-sized
companies and their business and channel partners, and to
financial and government/public sector entities. The product
offerings include deposits, long-term finance, working
capital, trade, cash management, transaction banking
and treasury management. In addition to our network in
India, we leverage our international presence to meet the
cross-border requirements of our clients. We offer retail
banking solutions to employees of our corporate clients. We
thus aim to comprehensively serve the ecosystems of our
corporate clients.
Our treasury operations comprise management
of the Bank’s liquidity, government securities
portfolio and interest rate risk, proprietary
trading, and foreign exchange and derivative
solutions for clients.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Key Subsidiaries
Note: ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company is awaiting requisite approvals for a proposed all-stock merger of another non-life
insurance business with itself, which on consummation would result in the company ceasing to be a subsidiary.
Annual Report 2020-21
Financial Highlights
9,325.22 7,337.29
889.58 962.70 1,022.27
March March March March March March March March March March
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Current Account (` in billion) Term Deposit (` in billion) Retail Domestic corporate SME
Savings Account (` in billion) Total (` in billion) Overseas Total (` in billion)
1,475.09 17.39% 1.06%
16.89% 18.06%
2.50% 16.11%
15.92% 1.39%
1,165.04 15.09% 14.72%
1,083.68 14.36%
March March March March March March March March March March
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Networth (Equity share capital, reserves and surplus) Tier I Common Equity Tier 1
(` in billion) Tier II Total
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Financial Highlights
389.89 77.7%
3.73% 3.69%
230.26 47.7%
3.25% 3.23%
FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 March March March March March
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Net Interest Income (NII) (` in billion) Provision coverage ratio (specific provisions as a percentage
Net Interest Margin (NIM) of gross NPAs)
161.93 313.51
98.01 179.10
FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
Annual Report 2020-21
The year gone by saw the world faced with possibly its towards the successful navigation of these challenges
greatest challenge in living memory. The health crisis by our institution. On behalf of the Board, I would like
and economic challenges caused by the Covid-19 to thank all employees for their dedication and response
pandemic have demanded exceptional efforts on every during this difficult period, and for upholding the ethos
front. India navigated the complex and challenging of brand ICICI.
environment during fiscal 2021, driven by a determined
response by our medical professionals, frontline During fiscal 2021, significant provisions were made
workers, communities and the policy measures of the to cushion the balance sheet from the potential risks
government and regulatory authorities. Most parameters arising out of uncertainties around the trajectory of the
of economic activity returned to pre-Covid levels by the pandemic and level of economic activity. Throughout the
last quarter of the fiscal year. However, a second wave year, the Bank carried substantial excess liquidity, as it
of the pandemic emerged in late fiscal 2021 that saw a saw very healthy deposit inflows. Despite the challenging
significant increase in infections across the country, in environment, the Bank saw a healthy growth in core
urban and rural areas. The receding of this second wave operating profit and profit after tax in fiscal 2021. The
in recent weeks and the acceleration of the vaccination Bank raised additional equity capital with the objective of
programme raise hopes of a gradual return to a more further strengthening its capital adequacy and improving
normal environment as the year progresses. its competitive positioning. While regulatory guidelines
did not permit banks to declare dividend last year, the
In this uncertain environment, ICICI Bank has accorded Board of Directors has recommended payment of
the highest priority to the continuity of service to our dividend to the shareholders in the current year.
customers and the safety of our employees, and ensuring
that the Bank is resilient against potential risks and well- The performance of the Bank in terms of growth, portfolio
poised to benefit from the recovery. Our employees have quality and profitability is a result of the focussed
demonstrated immense professionalism and dedication execution of its strategy over the past few years. The
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Bank’s consistent focus on growing its deposit franchise governance. Our governance culture supported by sound
and its ability to raise deposits at low cost have enabled risk management is aimed at ensuring we remain resilient
it to compete effectively in lending opportunities. The during challenging periods and forge a sustainable future
Bank has adopted an ecosystem-based approach, seeking for the organisation.
to effectively and holistically serve the needs of
customers and their networks, backed by a strong We thank all our stakeholders and look forward to your
emphasis on internal collaboration and synergy. The risk continued support.
frameworks within which the Bank has conducted its
business have proved resilient in the face of the disruption
caused by the pandemic. With best wishes,
Annual Report 2020-21
Board of Directors
Board Members
Board Committees
Audit Committee Board Governance, Remuneration & Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
Uday Chitale, Chairman Nomination Committee Radhakrishnan Nair, Chairman
S. Madhavan Neelam Dhawan, Chairperson Rama Bijapurkar
Radhakrishnan Nair Girish Chandra Chaturvedi Uday Chitale
Rama Bijapurkar Anup Bagchi
B. Sriram
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
In fiscal 2021, ICICI Bank focussed on maintaining a strong balance sheet in the face of
challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic; ensuring the safety of our employees and care
for those impacted by the virus; ensuring uninterrupted service delivery for our customers;
and continuing to focus on our objective of risk-calibrated growth in the core operating
profit. We created substantial provisioning buffers and also raised additional capital to further
strengthen the balance sheet. Our digital solutions enabled us to meet all banking needs of
our customers, whether individuals or businesses, remotely. We were not only able to serve
our existing customers but also onboard new customers with ease. These strengths led to
strong deposit growth, a return of loan growth as economic activities began to normalise and
Sandeep Bakhshi healthy growth in core operating profit.
Managing Director
& CEO Our employees are our biggest assets, and we are immensely proud of the commitment and
dedication shown by them in these difficult circumstances. We are now engaged in a focussed
programme for vaccinating all our employees. We have also worked with the Government
authorities in their efforts to combat the pandemic and provide relief to those affected.
The Bank will continue to be guided by the twin principles of ‘One Bank, One ROE’ emphasising
the need to maximise the Bank’s share of profitable growth opportunities, and 'Fair to
Customer, Fair to Bank' emphasising the need to deliver fair value to customers while creating
value for shareholders.
Digital initiatives are at the core of all activities at ICICI Bank. In fiscal 2021, we came out with
a slew of innovative digital solutions to help our customers tide over the challenges posed by
the pandemic. Our mantra – Banking with Care – was aimed at empowering our customers
to undertake banking transactions from the comfort of their home/office, without visiting a
branch. ICICI STACK played an important role as the backbone of our digital offering for retail
customers. In addition, we offered a range of solutions for merchants and businesses to meet
their requirements digitally. Our mobile application, iMobile Pay, took the lead in offering
interoperability by allowing individuals, who are not our customers, to connect their bank
account with the app, make payments and undertake banking transactions. It also gave them
Anup Bagchi instant access to the entire range of services of ICICI Bank. During the year, we continued to
Executive Director focus on data analytics-led underwriting and digitising our mortgage and loan businesses.
Our employees showed extraordinary commitment and went beyond the call of their duties
to serve our customers and take care of each other in the wake of the pandemic. The welfare
and well-being of our employees and their families is of utmost importance to us. We have
supported Covid-19 affected colleagues and their families with medical e-consultation, and
assisted them in quarantine and hospitalisation. We have launched a focussed programme to
vaccinate all our employees and their immediate family members. In order to facilitate seamless
operations for non-branch colleagues, we rolled out a large work-from-home infrastructure
within a few weeks from the onset of the pandemic. We continue to invest in technology to
build a robust architecture for tomorrow. The four pillars of the architecture are a resilient and
Sandeep Batra flexible backbone, deep understanding of customers, delivering delightful experience and a
Executive Director digitally native engagement with them.
Fiscal 2021 was the most challenging year in many ways. Safety of our employees, customers
and all our stakeholders was of paramount importance. We deployed a robust business
continuity plan to minimise service disruptions. Our branches were operational throughout
the year and we offered digital services to our customers through our various platforms such
as Corporate Internet Banking, Trade Online, FX Online and InstaBIZ. These platforms offer
a wide range of banking services including payments, collections, trade finance and foreign
exchange. Our strategy of focussing on the Corporate Ecosystem helped our customers
to manage their businesses efficiently, and also created new opportunities for the Bank in
both Retail and Wholesale businesses. We stay committed to our goal of creating value for
Vishakha Mulye our customers.
Executive Director
Annual Report 2020-21
Responding to COVID-19
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Responding to COVID-19
We continued to deliver on
our objectives
Despite the challenging environment, the Bank’s
Customers financial position remained strong and we continued to
Innovative digital solutions were launched and make progress on our strategic objectives.
features enhanced in existing products, while
encouraging customers to use digital channels for • W
e continued to focus on risk-calibrated growth
their banking requirements. in core operating profit; which grew by 16.9%
year-on-year to `313.51 billion.
We launched ICICI STACK in March 2020 to
enable banking on a digital platform for all types • W
e continued to strengthen our deposit franchise;
of customers. average current account deposits increased by 25.5%
and average savings account deposits by 16.7% during
We ensured uninterrupted access to services and fiscal 2021. Total deposits grew by 21%.
kept our branches accessible at most locations.
• W
e grew our loan portfolio with a focus on
Our employees continued to guide customers diversification and granularity; the proportion of retail
through the pandemic. loans to total loans, including non-fund outstanding,
was 55% at March 31, 2021.
The ICICI Group committed `1.00 billion towards saw significant results. The ICICI STACK, our
Created by Ioannis Malikoutsakis
Created by Ioannis Malikoutsakis
Covid-19 relief efforts. The Bank contributed upgraded mobile banking app iMobile Pay and our
Created by Ioannis Malikoutsakis
`500.0 million to PM CARES Fund and undertook InstaBIZ platform for small business customers saw
direct spends of about `210.0 million. significant adoption and contributed to the growth in
our business.
• The Bank and ICICI Foundation supported efforts
on the ground to provide essential materials during • W
e focussed on protecting the balance sheet from
the lockdown period covering over 550 districts, potential risks. We were proactive in provisioning and
and also undertook initiatives to support migrant also made the provisioning policy more conservative
workers returning to their homes in rural areas. in fiscal 2021. Our provisioning coverage ratio on
NPAs was 77.7% at March 31, 2021. This excludes the
Covid-19 related provisions of about 1% of loans, held
by the Bank.
• W
e maintained a strong capital position and our
capital adequacy ratios were well above the minimum
regulatory requirements. We raised `150.00 billion
of capital through Qualified Institutions Placement
with the objective of further strengthening our capital
adequacy and improving our competitive position.
Annual Report 2020-21 Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Financial Capital • Ensure a resilient balance sheet • Core operating profit grew by 16.9% in fiscal 2021 on a year-on-year basis
Growth Drivers • Net NPA ratio decreased from 1.41% at March 31, 2020 to 1.14% at March 31, 2021
Our ability to maintain a strong and strong capital levels
• Maintain robust funding profile • Raised equity of `150.00 billion through Qualified Institutions Placement to further
balance sheet and enable business
• Continue to strengthen portfolio A strong franchise strengthen the balance sheet
continuity, sustained growth and
quality and brand • Additional Covid-19 related provision of `74.75 billion
shareholder returns.
• Create value for shareholders • Credit cost (excluding Covid-19 related provisions) as percentage of average advances
For further details, please refer to the
Management's Discussion and Analysis
at 1.75% in fiscal 2021 (target of 1.2%-1.3% in a normal operating environment)
Provide savings
section on page 108 • Consolidated ROE of 13% in fiscal 2021
Continuous enhancements
Human Capital • Guided by 'One Bank, One Team' to products and services
• Employee-centric culture • Care and support extended to employees during Covid-19 pandemic
Our competent workforce with diverse
• Continuous skill training and • Collaboration among cross-functional teams strengthened
skill sets and valuable experience. Provide credit to support
capability building • Building talent by providing opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills; special
For further details, please refer to the consumption and Strong risk management
• Employee engagement modules on emerging technologies created
write-up on Human Capital on page 40 economic activities and compliance culture • Continued the series ‘12x12 Ignite' to keep employees abreast on emerging domains
• Safe and healthy work environment
including digital transformation, data science and behavioural economics
• Total employee strength of 98,750 at March 31, 2021
Enhance business Emerging
capabilities through opportunities in the
Intellectual Capital • Early adoption of emerging strategic investments Indian economy
technologies enabling innovation and partnerships • Ensured seamless delivery of banking services digitally through the year; ICICI STACK
Our ability to stay innovative and
develop products and services that • Augmenting existing digital a major enabler of digital adoption by customers
products • Digital initiatives like 'iMobile Pay', 'WhatsApp Banking', 'CorpConnect' and 'DigitalLite'
provide superior experiences to our Outputs launched
customers. • Entering into mutually beneficial Facilitate
partnerships payments and • Significant growth in digital sourcing and transactions in fiscal 2021
For further details, please refer to the
• Decongesting processes and transactions Net Interest Income • Create an Enterprise Architecture framework across digital platforms, data and
write-up on Our Business Strategy on
improving customer experience analytics, micro services-based architecture, cloud computing, cognitive intelligence
page 16
`389.89 billion during fiscal 2021 and other emerging technologies
Enable wealth
creation and Fee Income
Manufactured Capital • A combination of physical and management
Our network of branches, ATMs
and digital channels that act as
digital channels enabling seamless
service delivery `126.59 billion during fiscal 2021 • Mobile ATMs deployed for the benefit of the public in containment zones
• Simplified processes to improve response time to customers
touchpoints for our customers. • Strengthening digital capabilities for • 24-hour processing introduced in areas like NRI and Trade services, 3-in-1 account
Strategic Focus Areas
cost efficiency, process efficiency opening and tax payments
For further details, please refer to the
and enhancing customer experience for Business Total Loans and Advances • 97% of our branches were functional during the lockdown months from
write-up on Our Business Strategy on
page 16 • Core and supporting IT systems that April-May 2020
are responsive and scalable
• A customer-centric
approach with a focus on `7,337.29 billion at March 31, 2021
value creation and deeper
Social and Relationship Capital • Participating in development efforts relationships
Our commitment towards social through the ICICI Foundation for Deposits • On-ground efforts to provide relief during Covid-19 pandemic undertaken by the Bank
• Risk-calibrated growth in
Inclusive Growth and ICICI Foundation covering over 550 districts in 36 states and UTs
empowerment and a financial
ecosystem accessible to all. • Increasing penetration of financial
core operating profit
Twin principles of 'One
`9,325.22 billion at March 31, 2021 • `2.00 billion spent towards corporate social responsibility initiatives during fiscal 2021
services in rural and unbanked areas • Social and environmental projects promoted through ICICI Foundation focussing on
For further details, please refer to the
• Empowering rural women Bank, One ROE' and 'Fair to water conservation, ecological balance and efficient farming techniques
write-up on Social and Relationship
Capital on page 46 entrepreneurs Customer, Fair to Bank' • Continuing support to self-help groups and promoting women entrepreneurship
• Continuous investments Operating within the
in technology, exploring Guardrails of Risk & Compliance
Natural Capital • Supporting environment-friendly innovative ideas and • Credit • Cyber
Impact on natural resources either projects, subject to appropriate leveraging partnerships to • Market • Legal • Lending to renewable energy sector continued in fiscal 2021; outstanding
through our operations or through risk‑return assessment maintain our leadership • Liquidity • Reputation portfolio of `31.50 billion at March 31, 2021
business focus. • Efficient energy management in • Maintain comfortable levels • Sustainable financing practices under the Social and Environmental Management
• Operational • Compliance
For further details, please refer to the
the Bank’s operations of capital at all times Framework
• Use of renewable energy • Information Technology
write-up on Natural Capital on page 54 • 97.5 KWp of new renewable energy capacity added at the Bank’s premises
• Environment-friendly initiatives
14 15
Annual Report 2020-21
Digital Ecosystem
First Banking
Insta Products STACK Partnerships
API Banking
Seamless Payments
Being Ubiquitous
(Present for all)
Co-create Solutions
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
customer needs; and improve customer onboarding and digital platforms and process simplification to provide
the continuing customer experience. The ICICI STACK, a seamless banking experience to our customers.
API Banking portal, iMobile, InstaBIZ and internet
banking platforms as well as bespoke solutions for Retail Banking
corporate and institutional customers provide seamless During fiscal 2021, with challenges posed by the Covid-19
banking services digitally and enhance customers' pandemic, we responded quickly to enable customers to
transacting experiences. Partnerships with technology meet their financial requirements safely. About 97% of the
companies and platforms with large customer bases Bank’s branches were functional with reduced working
and transaction volumes offer unique opportunities for hours during the months of lockdown in April-May
growth, and enhancing service delivery and customer 2020. We deployed mobile ATM vans for the benefit of
experience. The Bank also has a start-up investment the public residing in and around containment zones. A
and partnerships team to collaborate with and invest in video-based Know-Your-Customer process (Video KYC)
fintech startups and co-develop products aligned with was launched, which empowered retail customers to
our digital roadmap. complete their onboarding process for savings accounts,
personal loans and Amazon Pay credit cards through
The Bank launched a first-in-the-industry service through a contactless video interaction. We also launched
a comprehensive digital banking platform called ICICI WhatsApp banking to enable retail customers to
STACK, which offers nearly 500 services to ensure undertake a range of banking requirements from their
uninterrupted banking experiences. This is available on homes during the pandemic. Further, a cardless cash
the Bank’s digital platforms where digital account opening, withdrawal facility was enabled at our ATMs.
instant loans, investments and health and term insurance
are facilitated. The Bank has always been at the forefront of digital
transformation across the financial services industry in
India. The all-new ICICI Bank website launched during
Key business segments the year is equipped with new capabilities including
semantic and personalised search, and voice and hyper-
Retail and Rural Banking personalised communication. We are focussing on key
partnerships across ecosystems of liabilities, co-branded
The retail business continued to be a key driver of growth credit cards and e-commerce, to provide differentiated
in fiscal 2021, as we pursued a strategy of building a offerings to our customers and create opportunities
diversified and granular loan portfolio. The focus in for growth.
the retail business was on understanding and fulfilling
customer needs underpinned by personalised banking, A first-of-its-kind facility, iMobile Pay extended the ambit
simple banking, fair banking and strong risk management. of the Bank’s mobile banking app to customers of any
The Bank’s retail loan portfolio (including the rural and bank, providing instant access to the entire range of
business banking portfolios) grew by 19.9% year-on-year
to `4,892.20 billion at March 31, 2021, compared to a
growth of 17.7% in the overall domestic loan book to
`6,961.39 billion. Retail loans accounted for 66.7% of total
loans, and including non fund-based outstanding, the
share was 55% in the total portfolio.
Annual Report 2020-21
Open Savings
Link any Bank
Account Instantly
Recharge Mobile
Pay to
FASTag, etc.
iMobile Pay: ICICI Bank's mobile banking app, provides instant access to the entire range of payment
options and the Bank’s services to customers of any other bank.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
The Bank offers a host of APIs and SDKs (software Rural and Inclusive Banking
developer kits) which facilitate third-party apps offering Our rural banking operations aim to meet the financial
payment solutions for their retail customers. The Bank requirements of customers in rural and semi-urban
has launched an API Banking portal which consists of locations. Our products in this segment include working
250 APIs and enables partner companies to co-create capital loans for growing crops, financing post-harvest
innovative solutions in a frictionless manner and in a activities, loans against gold jewellery along with
fraction of the time usually taken for such integration. personal loans, financing against warehouse receipts,
Various digital solutions have been developed by the farm equipment loans, affordable housing finance
Bank for lending and payments, including democratising and auto and two-wheeler loans. We also provide
of APIs for a seamless experience. consumption loans for low-income customers. We
offer financial solutions to micro-finance institutions,
Digital initiatives have played a key role in driving self-help groups, co-operatives constituted by farmers,
growth and efficiency in the retail business. These corporations and medium enterprises engaged in
initiatives have improved the efficiency of branches. agriculture-linked businesses.
The Bank is now able to serve more customers at
its existing branches and has enabled employees Our operational structure and offerings put us in a unique
to perform more value-added activities. The Bank position to leverage opportunities in different ecosystems
periodically reviews branches based on customer within the rural markets. At the heart of this approach are
footfalls and economic activities to ensure optimal six main ecosystems identified in the rural market which
distribution of the branch network. We added 922 include Agriculture, Dealers, Self-Employed, Corporates,
cash acceptance machines and 148 insta-banking Institutions and Micro-Entrepreneurs.
kiosks 1 during fiscal 2021.
The farmer ecosystem includes participants like farmers,
seed producers, agri-input dealers, warehouses,
Customer touch points at agri-equipment dealers, commodity traders and
March 31, 2021 agri processors. The Bank has designed different
products for each player to meet their specific financial
requirements so that the entire agri-value chain is well-
5,266 financed. Products offered include working capital loans
through the Kisan Credit Card and gold loans, and term
loans for farm equipment, dairy livestock purchase and
farm development. The rural ecosystem of corporates
includes manufacturing and processing units, employees,
14,136 dealers and suppliers. The dealer ecosystem comprises
dealers/distributors of farm equipment, white goods,
and pharmaceutical manufacturers. Similarly, the self-
employed ecosystem comprises of rural entrepreneurs
who are engaged in trading and manufacturing activities
2,713 based out of commercial and industrial areas in the
rural market dealing with both agri and non-agri related
Cash acceptance machines
products. The institutional segment comprises various
institutes like schools, colleges, hospitals and government
offices. We closely engage with them to develop products
1,786 and processes, including technology solutions. The micro-
lending space includes women from the lower-income
Insta-banking kiosks1
strata of the population, non-government organisations
and other institutions working at the grass-root level in
Insta-banking kiosks are touch-screen self-service devices
that allow customers to pre-process or completely process the rural economy. The Bank has products and services
transactions, thus reducing wait-time. specifically to cater to this segment.
Annual Report 2020-21
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
business banking portfolio grew by 40.5% year-on-year Customers can seamlessly execute their trade finance and
to `373.27 billion at March 31, 2021. foreign exchange transactions through the Trade Online
and FX Online platforms and carry out trade transactions
Our focus in these businesses is on parameterised and online in a paperless environment. Customers can avail
programme-based lending, which is granular and well- bank guarantees on the go, which provides a superior
collateralised. We offer our SME and business banking transaction and service experience.
customers a wide spectrum of solutions addressing their
evolving business needs such as customised offerings, The Bank continued to enhance the data analytics-driven
faster turnaround time, transaction convenience, timely onboarding, credit assessment and monitoring of our
access to capital and cross-border trade and foreign retail and SME customers and creation of propositions
exchange products. Providing digital solutions is at the for their supply-chain financing needs. Supply chain
core of the engagement, with the range of solutions financing is an integral part of the SME business and
spanning customer onboarding, payments and a focus area towards deepening our coverage of the
collections, lending and cross-border transactions. corporate ecosystem. Our CorpConnect platform enables
corporates to integrate their Enterprise Resource Planning
Following the Covid-19 pandemic, we have provided (ERP) system using Application Programme Interfaces
financial assistance to clients based on various or host-to-host protocols. Our plug-n-play based digital
government schemes, which includes providing supply chain financing platform, DigitalLite, enables the
moratoria on loan repayment and Emergency Credit onboarding of customers seamlessly and quickly. These
lines to eligible SME customers. We have disbursed two platforms enable corporates to seamlessly manage
an aggregate amount of about `140 billion to SME and the supply chain financing, payments, collection and
other customers under the government's Emergency reconciliation requirements of their dealers and vendors
Credit Line Guarantee Scheme till March 31, 2021. in a convenient and paperless process. These platforms
We were able to leverage on our growing digital also automatically assess the eligibility of the corporate’s
capabilities during this period by providing contactless dealers and vendors for credit through business rule
solutions like digital current account opening, online engine and intelligent algorithm with automated bureau
electronic franking and digital signature-based document checks. With these capabilities, digital approval letter
execution (Eazysign). generation automation and e-sign features, we are able
to set up credit limits and offer credit sanction to the
A new digital platform, InstaBIZ, was launched specifically corporate’s dealers and vendors within a few hours, even
for the small and medium enterprises (SME) and the if they are not customers of the Bank. Over half of our
self-employed segment, which offers over 200 products supply chain linked business corporate clients have been
and services on mobile and internet banking platforms. onboarded on our digital platforms.
Annual Report 2020-21
Wholesale Banking value creation for our clients is the main focus. Instead
of being only capital providers, we aim to become
The Wholesale Banking Group has a wide and deep business partners to our clients. To achieve this, we
client franchise, which includes top business houses, realigned our structure in the past from product-centric
large private sector companies, financial institutions to a client-centric model. With the client at the centre, all
and banks, public sector undertakings and central and the groups across the Bank are well-aligned to offer the
state government entities. In the last few years, we entire Bank’s offerings to our clients and their ecosystems.
have developed a strong franchise across multi-national We continued our strategy of 360° banking across the
companies (MNCs) and new age services companies, corporate ecosystem by offering a comprehensive suite of
and also established a strong franchise in the financial banking products to the corporate and its entire network
sponsors space with special focus on private equity of employees, dealers, vendors and all other stakeholders.
funds and their investee companies. This has not only made client servicing more effective, but
also helped us to penetrate deeper in high-value retail
We have a comprehensive coverage model. Our Bank’s accounts of promoters, directors and employees through
established presence as a financial service provider and a suite of retail products like salary, private and wealth
extensive branch network across the country providing banking, home loans, personal loans, vehicle loans, etc.
last mile coverage has helped us to strengthen our client This approach also reduced client acquisition cost. The
franchise. By leveraging the Bank’s overseas branches, Group focussed on capturing the money in motion for
we have been able to focus on MNCs, financial sponsors the entire Corporate Ecosystem to strengthen the Bank’s
and India linked companies. Our approach has been to liability franchise further.
deepen our partnership and support our clients through
their life cycle. Our leading-edge product portfolio is Driven by data analytics to derive insights, combined
comprehensive and technologically advanced and with an approach to build future-ready banking solutions
includes lending products for working capital and capital and integrating client journeys through digitisation, we
expenditure requirements and other products that the have evolved our digital offerings for corporate clients.
client may need across trade, treasury, bonds, commercial One such innovative offering is the ICICI STACK for
papers, channel financing, supply chain solutions, and corporate clients that provides digital banking solutions
various other activities. for corporates on a single platform and also provides
sector-specific solutions.
With a focus on the Bank’s overall strategy of maximising
the risk-calibrated core operating profit, the Wholesale In a volatile business environment, with return of capital
Banking Group has reimagined its strategy of engaging being the overarching objective, we leveraged analytics
with corporate clients. While Portfolio Quality and Earning extensively to monitor transactions and portfolio quality.
Quality remain the key principles driving our strategy, While new credit is extended in a granular manner to well-
established and higher-rated business groups, analytics
is used for portfolio monitoring and identification of
early warning signals in the existing book. This has led
to enhancement of the overall quality of the existing
corporate portfolio. We also focussed on reducing
concentration risks to make the portfolio more granular.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
stakeholders for the issuance of commercial paper (CP). With a focus on capturing the entire 360° banking
By automating the document preparation and digitising opportunity, the Bank continues to create best-in-class
the process flow, CP Online reduces the client’s workload digital solutions to meet the varied requirements of
by more than 80% and turnaround time from four days to our customers. These solutions range from industry
less than a day. The strong product proposition helped the shaping initiatives such as the first 'e-bank guarantee
Bank to double its market share of CP flows within a year. with e-stamping' issuance in collaboration with the state
of Uttar Pradesh, thus creating a pathway for complete
paperless bank guarantee issuance and advising, and
Transaction Banking amendments to operational efficiency-enhancing solutions
for our customers such as a simplified digital payment
In fiscal 2021, the disruptions due to measures to solution for 'Multi-state GST'. Customisation at a scale is a
control the spread of Covid-19 impacted the day-to-day key factor in our approach.
functioning of our corporate and SME clients, whether
it was paying their suppliers and employees, collecting These solutions are being delivered to our customers
money from their customers or handling their daily through physical and digital channels. In addition to
import and export transactions. Our proactive response leveraging the existing physical branch network, we have
coupled with technology investments made in our expanded our capabilities to provide transaction banking
digital capabilities over the years, both in customer services to our customers from about 114 locations as
facing solutions and in internal workflow management, of March 31, 2020 to 183 locations as of March 31, 2021.
became compelling for our customers and enabled This has also involved co-location of skilled transaction
our employees to provide uninterrupted services to banking teams to branches. Many of these expanded
customers. In this context, one key positive outcome has branch capabilities are in the factory/township premises
been a multi-year acceleration in the digital adoption by of certain large conglomerates in the country.
our corporate customers leading to enhanced customer
satisfaction, amongst other business outcomes. The In addition to our scalable corporate internet banking
number of customers on our Trade Online platform more platform which has over 100 features that are being
than doubled during fiscal 2021. continuously upgraded, we also embarked on providing
embedded solutions at scale to our customers. These
In continuing with our thought leadership in the digital embedded banking solutions, which are offered through
space and customer-centric approach, we have also APIs or host-to-host connectivity, provide access to day-
brought to market certain ecosystem based solutions. to-day banking services to corporates within their own
We curated a number of industry and segment specific ERP environments. In fiscal 2021, the Bank delivered
solutions. An example of industry specific solutions that over 21% higher number of integrations compared to a
we launched in fiscal 2021 was an end-to-end digital year ago. In addition to enhancing customer satisfaction,
capability for the capital market industry, which in turn these embedded solutions ensure stable business for
helped us capture a greater share of the liability opportunity the Bank.
from this ecosystem. An example of a segment specific
solution that we launched during the year was a platform A critical aspect of capturing the ecosystem opportunity
to enhance the ease of doing business for MNCs in is vendor and dealer financing. A key priority for our
India through our Infinite India portal. The portal offers corporate customers is to ensure continued and
value-added services in collaboration with partners to competitive financing for their supply chain to ensure
ease the MNCs’ journey of setting up or scaling up their uninterrupted business. In this regard, the Bank
business in India. Similar initiatives have been taken to offers a complete product suite including all forms
capture the entire ecosystem opportunity across multiple of vendor and dealer financing solutions. Necessary
industries and segments. investments have been made in technology capabilities
to ensure scalability of business is achieved within
We have also launched 15 industry STACKs as a part the credit guardrails. The digital capabilities are also
of ICICI STACK for Corporates to provide the depth supplemented by distributed teams located out of our
and breadth of digital solutions required by the diverse branches capturing this important business for our
customer segments we serve. customer and the Bank.
Annual Report 2020-21
International Business
ICICI Bank’s international presence consists of branches in The Money2India platform was enhanced with a
the United States, Singapore, Hong Kong, Bahrain, Dubai completely revamped user interface across both web
and mobile app solutions.
International Finance Centre, South Africa, China, Offshore
Banking Unit (OBU) and IFSC Banking Unit (IBU), and
representative offices in Bangladesh, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, to meet the evolving banking needs of NRIs and their
Indonesia and Malaysia. We also have wholly-owned families in India, has been a core focus. The on-boarding
subsidiaries in the United Kingdom (UK) and Canada. of NRI customers has been made seamless by leveraging
ICICI Bank UK also has a branch in Germany. The Bank emerging technologies like OCR based account opening
opened a new representative office in Nepal and closed with facility to track applications. We also launched
its branch in Sri Lanka during the year. the opening of three-in-one accounts digitally, an
industry-first initiative, for seamless opening of savings
Our international franchise continues to focus on four account with linked demat account and broking account.
strategic pillars, namely the NRI ecosystem comprising Remote servicing accessibility was enhanced with the
deposits, remittances, investments and asset products; launch of WhatsApp banking and i-Pal chatbot. The new
the MNC ecosystem comprising both foreign MNCs and value-added digitised services for NRI customers
investing in India and Indian MNCs branching out for resulted in 85% of NRI customers being digitally active.
their foreign currency and other India related requirements
and also Global In-house Centres (GIC), which are Facilitating frictionless cross-border remittance solutions
back-offices of MNCs created to serve the world; Trade has been the core strategy in re-designing the solutions
ecosystem, comprising primarily India-linked trade for both inward and outward remittance needs of NRIs and
transactions which are self-liquidating in nature; and resident Indians. We implemented SWIFT gpi for inward
funds ecosystem, to capture fund flows into India through and outward remittances, enabling end-to-end digital
the Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) and Foreign tracking of remittances. Our proprietary inward remittance
Direct Investment (FDI) route. Apart from this, the Bank platform, Money2India, was enhanced with a completely
continued to progress in its objective of reducing the revamped user interface (UI) across both web and mobile
non-India linked exposures in a planned manner. The app solutions to deliver a superior user experience.
non-India linked corporate portfolio reduced by 56% Single sign-on facility to access Money2India and Internet
year-on-year or by USD 1.60 billion during fiscal 2021. banking was launched for NRI customers, facilitating
seamless unified login access to service remittance and
The Bank plays a pioneering role in promoting digital banking needs.
initiatives across businesses in the international banking
arena. We have been continuously introducing and Segment-specific solutions were redesigned, including
innovating products to enhance customer experiences. the student ecosystem, for enabling seamless fee
In the NRI segment, re-imagining the NRI ecosystem with payments to overseas universities through online
ICICI STACK, for a deeper understanding of customer integrated solutions in tie-ups with institutional/fintech
profiles and needs with 360° STACK solutions designed aggregators, both in India and overseas.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Government Banking
We are extensively engaged with government
departments/ bodies and support them with
technology-driven banking solutions. Government
banking has been a core focus area for the Bank and
we provide a range of banking services to Government
of India ministries, state government departments and
district and local bodies across the country. ICICI Bank
offers its government customers a wide spectrum of
solutions addressing the fast-evolving needs such as
customisable and integrated solutions, large transaction
processing capabilities and superior turnaround time.
The customised products and services offered are
aligned to act as enablers for enhancing e-governance
and financial management. ICICI Bank believes in re-imagining customer journeys
with hyper-personalised and omni-channel experiences.
We have partnered with a number of Central and Prioritising the customer in every business and service
State government departments to ensure quick goal, the concept of customer satisfaction has been
disbursement of funds/benefits to beneficiaries and replaced by ‘delight’ in banking experiences. The Bank
implementing agencies through the Public Financial has embraced and built upon this transition while being
Management System (PFMS) and non-PFMS platforms. committed to the core principle of 'Fair to Customer, Fair
These customisable and integrated solutions have to Bank'.
supported the government’s endeavour for efficiency in
expenditure management. During fiscal 2021, various customer service initiatives
were implemented, some of which were:
ICICI STACK, the comprehensive digital banking suite
is offered to government bodies, institutions, district •
The account opening process for savings account,
administrations, local bodies and associated stakeholders, current account and assets was decongested by
including their staff and employees to bring transparency rolling out Customer 360°, which ensures that when
and desired efficiencies in the implementation of the an existing customer opens another relationship
Government's objectives. with the Bank, the existing data and Know Your
Customer documents are reconsidered for
the purpose.
Customer centricity
24X7 processing was introduced in areas like NRI
The Bank is on a journey where differentiated customer & Trade services, 3-in-1 account opening and tax
experience along with operational excellence are at payments, which is an industry-first initiative.
the core of everything we do. As we walk this path, we
continuously seek to create value across the customer •
Insta personal loan disbursement was implemented
lifecycle through decongested delivery, zero or low-touch where the customer gets a link to initiate the
operations and enhanced customer engagement. disbursement.
Annual Report 2020-21
• Online Dispute Resolution was launched, which is an The accelerated shift to digital banking, and the need to
industry-first initiative. It enables real-time decisioning make banking simpler and safer, prompted us to launch
on reversal of charges using data science, and the several new digital products and platforms. At the same
credit is instantly posted to the customer’s account time, we are focussed on looking beyond at the long term
with zero human intervention. technology landscape.
• In phone banking, the AI powered conversational voice As a part of our #2025 technology strategy, the Bank is
bot was introduced, which caters to around 90,000 creating an enterprise architecture framework across
calls every day. digital platforms, data and analytics, micro services-based
architecture, cloud computing, cognitive intelligence
E-signing of documents such as pre-disbursement and other emerging technologies. This is based on
and post disbursement documents, online payment the pillars of scalability, modularity, flexibility and
of stamp duty and others were enabled through a agility, resilience and reliability, and creating delightful
single flow using the EazySign web platform for SME and digitally-native customer experiences to enable
customers. sustainable profitable growth.
Approximately, 1,500 robotic process automations
handling around 700 manpower worth of activities,
were implemented to enhance efficiency and improve
response time. Future-Ready Technology
During the year, there was a sustained improvement in the
Net Promoter Score (NPS) across products and services, a
Deep Understanding
key metric to measure customer advocacy for onboarding
of Customers
and channels. Profiles, Life Stage,
We also ensure continuous engagement with our
customers through multiple channels including through
branch employees, surveys, social media and channels
Delivering Delightful
to raise queries and grievances.
Customer Experiences
Customised, Digitised,
Our focus on customer service is driven to improve Simplified
process efficiency, enhance customer experience and
response time to queries and grievances.
Digitally Native
Customer Engagements
Leading Business to
Technology at the core the Digital Core
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Banking services are increasingly omnipresent and While the Bank is focussed on growing its own digital
completely embedded into the customer journeys which channels, we are also creating an ecosystem through
makes scalability, extensibility, security and agility the partnerships which cover all broad segments of customer
cornerstones of development. and merchant payments. The Bank is offering a host
of APIs and SDKs (software developer kits) which
At the same time, new forms of risks such as social frauds facilitate third party apps to offer payment solutions for
and cyber threats are also a reality. In this context, the Bank their retail customers.
has adopted an approach that enables us to respond to
the changing dynamics in an agile and responsive manner. The Bank has launched an API Banking portal which
consists of 250 APIs and enables partner companies
to co-create innovative solutions in a frictionless
Focus on Data, FinTech, APIs and manner and in a fraction of the time usually taken for
Ecosystems such integration.
Annual Report 2020-21
Information Information & Continuity
Technology (IT) Cyber Security Management
Steering Committee Committee (BCM) Steering
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Committee approves and monitors the implementation During this period, the Information Security Group also
of the BCM plan, which includes the business continuity issued detailed advisories on Do’s and Don’ts for staff
plan for processes, disaster recovery plan for IT systems to follow when they work from home. This was followed
and emergency response plan to mitigate the risk of up with regular snippets on information security best
injuries to customers and employees and damage to the practices. We continuously audit the work-from-home
Bank's assets. setup for our security controls from aspects such as
identity and access management, data protection, and
Additionally, we have devised multiple key risk indicators/ other parameters. Our 24x7 Security Operation Centre
dashboard to review system stability, continuity also configured specific rules to continually monitor logs
and availability and network uptime. The Bank’s from VPN services and generate alerts in case of any
Information Security Policy, Cyber Security Policy unusual events. Further, DLP rules have been enhanced to
and Information Security Standards and Procedures avoid sensitive data exposure by employees.
are based on various industry standards such as NIST,
regulatory requirements of various jurisdictions in which There were no material incidents of security breaches or
the Bank operates and other inputs like internal audits data loss during fiscal 2021.
and benchmarking exercises.
Annual Report 2020-21
We made amendments to the ICICI Group Code of We seek to treat our customers fairly and provide
Business Conduct & Ethics which articulates the transparency in our product and service offerings.
values, principles and standards guiding the conduct Continuous efforts are made to educate customers to
of employees of the Bank. Broad changes to the policy enable them to make informed choices regarding banking
included enhancing the definition of conflict of interest products and services. The Bank also seeks to ensure that
and recusal provisions and defining the periodicity the products offered are based on an assessment of the
of conflict of interest disclosure by employees to the customer’s financial needs.
Compliance Group. In addition, changes were made
to align with the Reserve Bank of India’s circular on Our grievance redressal mechanism is well-defined
Compliance Functions in Banks and role of the Chief and comprehensive, with clear turnaround times for
Compliance Officer, further enhancing the principles providing resolution to customers. All complaints
for managing conflict of interest. A new reporting tool received by the Bank are recorded in a Customer
was launched during the year for reporting/seeking Relationship Management (CRM) system and tracked for
clarifications on conflict of interest and for submitting the end-to-end resolution. The Bank also has an escalation
annual conflict of interest declaration by the leadership matrix built in the CRM system to ensure that customer
team. Apart from this, periodic training sessions and requirements are appropriately addressed within
information mailers are sent to employees on a frequent stipulated timelines. Further, as recommended by the
basis. We are committed to constantly reviewing our Reserve Bank of India, we have appointed senior retired
governance practices and frameworks, with a focus bankers as the Internal Ombudsmen of the Bank. The
on staying updated and responsive to the dynamic and Customer Service Committee of the Board, the Standing
evolving landscape, and acting in the best interest of Committee on Customer Service and the Branch Level
our stakeholders. Customer Service Committees monitor customer service
at different levels.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Data protection and privacy There are e-learning modules specifically on personal
data and its protection to build awareness among our
ICICI Bank is committed to protecting the privacy of employees.
individuals whose personal data it holds, and processing
such personal data in a way that is consistent with We have a dedicated Data Privacy team headed by a
applicable laws. It is important for employees and Data Protection Officer (DPO), which oversees all privacy
businesses to protect customer data and follow the related developments for the Bank as a data processor for
applicable privacy laws in India and overseas locations international banking business and as a data controller
to ensure safety and security of data. We believe that the for NRI and remittance businesses. Various data privacy
data privacy framework should be in line with the evolving awareness initiatives and periodic trainings are conducted
regulatory changes and digital transformation. by the Data Privacy team. A Privacy Steering Committee
meets every quarter, and oversees various privacy-related
The Bank has a presence in several overseas jurisdictions initiatives. Further, the Bank’s Code of Business Conduct
including Hong Kong, Singapore, the United States, the and Ethics covers guidelines on customer privacy and
United Kingdom, Canada, China, Dubai International confidentiality of data.
Financial Centre and Bahrain. We are committed to
ensuring compliance with applicable laws across these
jurisdictions. We have an integrated and centralised
strategy for achieving data privacy compliance across all
jurisdictions. A set of principles have been defined with
respect to handling customer data. There is a mechanism
in place for reporting any form of personal data incident
which is accessible to all employees in the Bank. The
Personal Data Incident Handling Forum (PDIHF) comprises
of the Data Protection Officer and senior members
from the Information Security Group, Operational Risk
Management Group, Fraud Management Group, Human
Resources, Compliance and the Legal team. Any kind
of personal data-related incidents reported through the
service request undergoes a detailed investigation and
report of same is presented to PDIHF on a monthly basis.
Annual Report 2020-21
The roles of specific committees of the Board constituted The Financial Crime Prevention Group (FCPG) is
to facilitate focussed oversight of various risks are: responsible for overseeing/handling the fraud
prevention, detection, investigation, monitoring, reporting
• redit Committee: Review of developments in
C and awareness creation functions.
key industrial sectors, major credit portfolios and
approval of credit proposals as per the authorisation The Bank has put in place an Enterprise Risk Management
approved by the Board. (ERM) and Risk Appetite Framework (RAF) that articulates
the risk appetite and drills down the same into a limit
Audit Committee: Provide direction to the audit framework for various risk categories under which various
function and monitor the quality of internal and business lines operate. In addition to the ERM and RAF,
statutory audits; responsibilities include examining portfolio reviews are carried out and presented to the
the financial statements and auditors' report and Credit and Risk Committees as per the approved calendar
overseeing the financial reporting process to ensure of reviews. As a part of the reviews, the prevalent trends
fairness, sufficiency and credibility of financial across various economic indicators and their impact on
statements. the Bank’s portfolio are presented to the Risk Committee.
Industry analysis and reviews are also carried out and
Information Technology Strategy Committee: presented to the Credit Committee.
Approve strategy for IT and policy documents,
ensure that the IT strategy is aligned with business The Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process
strategy, review IT risks, ensure proper balance of (ICAAP) encompasses capital planning for a four-
IT investments for sustaining the Bank's growth, year time horizon, assessment of material risks and
oversee the aggregate funding of IT at Bank-level, the relationship between risk and capital. The capital
ascertain if the management has resources to management framework is complemented by the risk
ensure the proper management of IT risks, review management framework, which covers the policies,
contribution of IT to business, oversee the activities processes, methodologies and frameworks established
of Digital Council, review technology from a future for the management of material risks. Stress testing,
readiness perspective, oversee key projects' which is a key aspect of the ICAAP and the risk
progress and critical IT systems' performance management framework, provides an insight on the
and the review of special IT initiatives. impact of extreme but plausible scenarios on the Bank’s
risk profile and capital position.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Financial Crime
Risk Management Compliance Corporate Legal Prevention and
Group Group Group Reputation Risk
Management Group
Independent reporting
No business targets Unbiased inputs
Annual Report 2020-21
The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted most economies standstill. The second wave of Covid-19 pandemic
and banking systems globally, including India. The since March 2021, where the number of new cases
nation-wide lockdown in April-May 2020 substantially has increased significantly in India, has resulted in
impacted economic activity. The easing of lockdown re-imposition of localised/regional lockdown measures
measures subsequently led to gradual improvement in various parts of the country.
in economic activity and progress towards normalcy.
For the banking sector, these developments resulted The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on us is uncertain
in lower demand for loans and fee-based services and and will depend on the spread of Covid-19, the
regulatory measures like moratorium on payment of effectiveness of current and future steps taken by the
dues and standstill in asset classification to mitigate the governments and central bank to mitigate the economic
economic consequences on borrowers. It also resulted impact, steps taken by the Bank and the time it takes for
in increase in provisioning reflecting higher actual and economic activities to return to pre-pandemic levels. Our
expected additions to non-performing loans following capital and liquidity position is strong and would continue
the cessation of moratorium and asset classification to be a focus area for the Bank during this period.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Macroeconomic uncertainties
RISKS Mitigants
Developments in the Indian economy could have a The Bank closely monitors developments in the
material impact on growth and value creation in the global and Indian economy. We have a dedicated
Bank’s business. Our presence in international markets team for monitoring and evaluating the impact of
also exposes us to risks from global developments. macroeconomic trends. We have an established
Uncertainties exist due to India’s high dependence Country Risk Management Policy which addresses
on global crude oil, capital requirements, evolving the identification, measurement, monitoring and
policies and sustainable job creation. These risks are reporting of country risk. The Risk Management
heightened in view of the coronavirus pandemic and Group continuously monitors all sectors as well as
the second wave where the number of new cases has corporates within the sectors and country risks.
increased significantly in India.
Credit RISK
RISKS Mitigants
Our core business is lending which exposes us to The credit-related aspects in the Bank are primarily
various types of credit risks, especially failure in governed by the Credit and Recovery Policy approved
repayments and increase in non-performing loans. by the Board of Directors. The Bank measures,
Our loan portfolio includes retail loans and corporate monitors and manages credit risks at an individual
loans which are vulnerable to economic risks. borrower level and at the portfolio level. In the last
These risks are heightened in view of the Covid-19 few years, we have refined and strengthened our
pandemic. Banks in India are subject to directed framework for managing concentration risk, including
lending requirements that may create additional limits/thresholds with respect to single borrower and
risks. Further, legal and regulatory changes and group exposure. Limits have been set up for borrower
increasingly stringent requirements regarding non- group based on turnover and track record and on lower
performing loans and provisioning for such loans rated borrowers. Further, we have pursued a strategy
could also be a risk. of building a granular and diversified portfolio and
lending to better-rated corporates. At March 31, 2021,
around 73% of our total loan book was to borrowers
internally rated A- and above, and there has been a
meaningful change in the profile of exposures to top
borrowers and groups. In view of the outbreak of the
Covid-19 pandemic, we made the provisioning policy
more conservative during fiscal 2021.
Annual Report 2020-21
RISKS Mitigants
There is a risk of loss resulting from inadequate The Bank has put in place a comprehensive system of
or failed internal processes, people or systems internal controls, systems and procedures to monitor
or from external events. This could include fraud transactions, key back-up procedures and undertaking
or other misconduct by employees or outsiders, regular contingency planning. The governance and
unauthorised transactions by employees and third framework for managing operational risks is defined in
parties, mis-reporting or non-reporting with respect to the Operational Risk Management Policy approved by
statutory, legal or regulatory reporting and disclosure the Board of Directors.
obligations, operational errors including clerical and
recordkeeping, and system failures. In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, various
measures have been taken by the Bank to continue
In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, operational and our service without interruption and to ensure safety
business continuity risks could arise related to, of employees. Our IT and digital infrastructure was
among other things, the impact on employee health, leveraged extensively.
maintaining the service levels for customers, work
place management, the remote work environment and
ensuring availability of critical functions and IT systems.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Technology RISK
RISKS Mitigants
Rapid technological developments and the The Bank’s Information Technology Strategy
increasing dependence on technology, combined Committee, which is a Board-level Committee,
with the continuous digitisation in banking activities ensures that the information technology strategy is
have exposed banks to a host of new risks like aligned with the business strategy. The Committee
obsolescence of IT systems, IT resiliency and meets periodically to review ongoing IT projects and
business continuity, technology vendor/third party their schedules, major IT incidents, technology risk
risk, incorrect/inadequate data backups, inadequate indicators and status of regulatory compliance. We
change management practices, ineffective identity have established policies and control frameworks on
and access management leading to unauthorised change management, logical access management,
access to IT systems, budget overruns in IT projects, IT outsourcing and Data Centre processes to
regulatory non-compliance and other relevant ensure that the risks are identified and appropriate
matters. The growing customer dependence on mitigating controls are put in place. In addition to
digital transactions and increasing volumes of such this, independent assessments of IT processes are
transactions requires banks, including us, to focus carried out by the Internal Audit Group periodically to
on the availability and scalability of our systems. provide assurance on the effectiveness and efficiency
Misalignment between business and IT strategies is of IT systems and processes. We have adopted an
also a formidable risk. approach under the #2025 technology strategy to be
able to respond to the changing dynamics in an agile
and responsive manner.
Cyber risk
RISKS Mitigants
Increasing reliance on technology and digitisation The Board-level Information Technology (IT) Strategy
increases the risks of cyberattacks including Committee oversees the cyber security-related threat
computer viruses, malicious or destructive code, landscape and the Bank’s preparedness to address
phishing attacks, denial of service or information, these from a prevention, detection and response
ransomware, unauthorised data access, attacks perspective. The Bank’s Chief Information Security
on personal emails of employees, application Officer (CISO) is responsible for tracking the risks.
vulnerability and other security breaches. This Confidentiality, integrity and Availability (CIA) form part
could negatively impact the confidentiality, integrity of a comprehensive information security framework
or availability of data pertaining to the Bank and that the Bank has put in place. The Bank also lays
its customers. Given the nature of the new digital emphasis on customer and has invested in the areas
economy, the Bank also has business and operational of phishing protection, adaptive authentication,
relationships with third parties and these could also awareness initiatives and has also taken industry
be sources of information security risk. leading initiative in providing customers easy and
immediate ability to configure their risks and limits.
Annual Report 2020-21
Compliance RISK
RISKS Mitigants
The environment for financial institutions is seeing The Bank has a dedicated compliance team that
unprecedented changes in laws, regulations continuously monitors new developments and updates
and regulatory policies. This could increase the the Bank’s senior management on their implications.
risks of compliance and regulatory action in the All relevant groups in the Bank build capabilities on
form of fines, restrictions or other sanctions for an ongoing basis to be able to respond to regulatory
instances of regulatory failures. The failure to changes in a time-bound manner. The Bank also
comply with applicable regulations by employees, actively participates in forums and advisory groups
representatives, agents, third-party service providers for the development of policies in the financial sector.
either in or outside the course of their services, may The Bank seeks to have a strong compliance culture
result in inquiries or investigations by regulatory driven by the organisation’s leadership. There are well-
and enforcement authorities either against the Bank, articulated policies with regard to code of conduct,
or such employees, its representatives, agents and whistleblower complaints, redressal mechanism for
third-party service providers. complaints and engagement with agents and third-
party vendors. The Bank also benchmarks and seeks
to adopt industry-best practices.
RISKS Mitigants
Any negative publicity arising from actual or alleged The Bank has a Reputation Risk Management Group
conduct including lending practices and credit which identifies, assesses and monitors the risk in
exposures, the level of non-performing loans, accordance with defined policies and procedures.
corporate governance, regulatory compliance, sharing Further, the Bank has well-articulated policies on
or inadequate protection of customer information and various aspects including business conduct, employee
actions taken by the government, regulatory bodies conduct, compliance, IT and other relevant identified
and investigative agencies could impact the Bank’s areas that could potentially create reputation risks for
reputation. It can also impact the Bank’s ability to the Bank.
attract or retain customers and expose it to litigation
and regulatory action.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
RISKS Mitigants
The ability to attract, motivate and retain talented Our human resource function is aligned to the
professionals and the availability of skilled strategic objectives of the Bank. We have made
management is critical to successfully implement the a strategic shift in our way of working. One
Bank’s strategy and compete effectively. The loss of such initiative was removing the organisation's
key senior executives or qualified young professionals grade-based hierarchy for the Bank's senior
and failure to replace them in a time-bound manner management. We have moved away from centrally
could impact the business. driven authority structures to empowering the
frontline business heads to consider suitable
structures, resourcing, product models and driving
market-specific service innovations. Training is an
integral part of building talent and ensuring that
relevant skills are available in the Bank. We have a
strong bench for all key positions and continuously
measure the depth of succession for all critical
leadership roles.
RISKS Mitigants
The Bank has a presence in multiple overseas The Bank’s strategy for international business is
jurisdictions, through its branches and subsidiaries, largely focussed on India-linked opportunities. There
which can expose it to a variety of regulatory, legal is a dedicated team overseeing the risks associated
and business challenges and increase the complexity with its branches within the Risk Management
of risks. Enhanced regulations in these countries could Group. Further, specific teams have been set
lead to additional scrutiny. There could also be risks up at local jurisdictions to get a ground-level
arising from political changes in these jurisdictions. understanding of country-specific regulatory and
business requirements. The Bank’s Compliance
Group oversees regulatory compliance at the
overseas branches, IFSC and overseas banking units.
Annual Report 2020-21
Human Capital
Fair to Customer
Fair to Bank
Partnering Business Strategy and a team structure that focusses on key account
management, thus enabling employees to cater to the
One of the shifts in our operating model in recent times 360° needs of the customers.
has been the adoption of ‘One Bank, One ROE’, leading
to ‘One Bank, One Team' as a guiding factor. With our Further, a strong technology team is imperative for the
focus on maximising risk-calibrated core operating profit, success of our digital initiatives and seamless delivery
based on the opportunities available in the market, this of services. The technology team was strengthened
pillar provides a guiding path towards capturing market during the year through reorganisation and introduction
share and growing profitably within the guardrails of risk of roles in line with the demands of #2025 Enterprise
and compliance. With a focus on creating enablers for Architecture Framework.
participating in opportunities and leveraging ecosystems,
we moved away from centrally-driven authority structures
to enabling the frontline business heads to consider Our response to COVID-19
suitable structures, resourcing, product models and
market-specific service innovations. To ensure success Banking being declared an essential service, the Covid–19
in the market and capture the 360° banking needs of pandemic presented us with a situation where we had
customers, every employee is encouraged to spot to ensure continuity in our services to customers while
opportunities and generate business for the Bank. ensuring the safety and well-being of all our employees
working in approximately 5,500 branches and offices at
A key shift in our functioning has been to remove the locations across the country. Ensuring Covid-19 related
grade-based hierarchy for the Bank's senior management. protocols of social distancing and sanitisation were
This has created process efficiencies and a work culture followed across every location was critical. Providing a
that enables quicker response in the market place and safe and healthy work environment, along with extending
bringing resolutions faster to the teams. Another step care and support to employees was of paramount
towards building a successful work culture has been the importance. We put mechanisms in place to ensure that
focus on collaboration and bringing together the expertise emotional, medical and physical support was provided to
of cross-functional teams to provide solutions that meet our employees on a real-time basis.
the complete banking requirements of our customers.
With the purpose of enhancing product synergies, As part of safety measures, thorough contact
diminishing department boundaries, and embedding tracing is done in case an employee tests positive.
the essence of ‘One Bank, One ROE’, we have identified All employees who have been in physical proximity
customer ecosystems across businesses and segments, to the Covid-positive employee are strictly advised to
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Human Capital
isolate themselves and self-quarantine for a period of have assistance of nurses in the facility to cater to health
at least 14 days. A digital contact tracing system has requirements and monitoring.
been developed to track and monitor the employees
who came in contact with any Covid-positive employee. Advisory and constant communication with employees
The system uses the data collected from the by means of defining 'Norms of New Normal' was
employees through Universe on the Move application, established and circulated to ensure that the advisory
on the given day. reaches every employee and gets reinforced in their
behaviour. Office protocols were put in place quickly
For employees and family members who are advised to ensure safety of employees. Masks, sanitisation,
home quarantine, we have tied up with a healthcare fumigation and social distancing were made mandatory
provider to offer specialised medical care to monitor and across premises. Signage and posters were displayed
provide virtual consultation services, thus facilitating in various places in the large offices. Maximum capacity
timely medical help as well as taking care of the mental for each of the offices and big branches were determined
health of the affected employees and their families. and zoning norms were established and implemented
Similarly, for employees and their family members across office locations so that employees do not mingle
needing closer monitoring by way of institutional with anyone outside their zones. In order to ensure a
quarantine, the Bank tied up with the healthcare smooth commute, employees were provided with system
provider for an institutional quarantine programme, verified and generated authorisation letters and vehicle
which is available in eight major cities. These isolation passes, made available to them on the Bank’s internal
centres are best-in-class facilities for employees in need app, UOTM - Universe on the Move. Further, the Bank
of institutional quarantine. The employees are under reimburses the cost of vaccination of employees and
the supervision of on–duty doctors on a daily basis and their dependents.
ICICI Bank UOTM app integrates several functions including engagement, learning and business applications.
Annual Report 2020-21
Human Capital
Hire for Attitude and Train through structured internships and on-the-job training at
for Skill various Bank branches, where students are assigned roles
and live projects to give a real-time experience of banking.
We believe in building talent by identifying individuals
with potential and attitude for growth, and providing them Considerable investments have been made in setting up
with opportunities to acquire necessary knowledge and the training infrastructure and designing programmes
skills. This focus is across levels, from those beginning that have a bias for vocational pedagogy rather than
their journey with ICICI Bank to different levels up to the the cognitive approach prevalent in educational
senior management. institutions. The focus and rigour of the design of these
academies has ensured that every student is acclimatised
To meet the demands for a skilled workforce, the Bank to ICICI Bank’s culture and way of banking. This has
has adopted a strategy to backward integrate at the helped ensure continuity of service across roles, and
ecosystem level to create a pool of industry-ready also the continued trust of our customers over the years
workforce. Our industry-academia partnership has of engagement and service. Today, the alumni of these
democratised the platform for hiring and pushed the academies have etched successes for themselves and
boundaries that defined employee profiles as urban have also made the institution proud of their achievements,
and English-speaking to encourage alignment with a and complimented our efforts of creating winners.
workforce based on social skills and attitude of individuals.
The industry-academia initiatives have thus cast their net Shaastraarth – a congregation of thought leaders aimed
wide to attract a diverse pool of applicants from various at bringing corporates to the campus and serving
fields, and ensuring diversity in terms of gender, culture as a partnership platform for industry and academia
and social backgrounds. Through our industry-academia where practitioners put forward their varied views, rich
partnerships, we have successfully created a continuous knowledge and experience – was held over two days on
pool of ready bankers, not just for the Bank but for the October 7 and 14, 2020. More than 50,000 students from
industry at large. 300+ top business schools were the audience. The event
had multiple panels with eminent leaders from various
One of the key aspects of these programmes is the industries coming together from different geographies
familiarity it builds with the banking and financial and time zones. In the eight panel discussions held over
services sector, and with ICICI Bank. The thrust is to two days, leaders put forth their perspectives on themes
orient students to the culture of ICICI Bank and to pertinent to the workforce of tomorrow. The two-day
impart functional knowledge in banking and related event was livestreamed on the ICICI Bank YouTube
subjects. Participants are put through rigorous training channel, with 150,000 views and 800,000 impressions
with emphasis on application of knowledge and overall over all sessions. Our LinkedIn page hosted an elaborate
personality development. The tutoring is supplemented campaign covering the whole event where we witnessed
650,000 impressions overall.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Human Capital
Average online learning per employee Data Science will be one of the key differentiating skills
in future, and in order to inculcate a culture of data in
the Bank, we have partnered with open online course
Learning delivered through digital providers to offer data science courses by top universities
to the leadership team. We are partnering with top
courses, curated video modules and organisations that are data leaders in the world to curate a
webinars among others series of videos and webinars on emerging technologies
and data science. We are conducting training specifically
for the employees working on data on a regular basis.
reinforcement of the ICICI Bank culture among the
employees. The ecosystem approach and ICICI STACK We believe that learning cannot be restricted to one’s
were incorporated to enable employees to take the Bank own sector or area of work. We draw leadership insights
to the customer and focus on the market opportunity. from people from different walks of life, which provides a
Engagements with the leadership team were scheduled learning opportunity in one’s own domain too. One such
to provide participants with perspectives on the Bank's initiative is our 12x12 Ignite Series, where leaders from
cultural anchors. different fields are invited to share their expertise,
experiences and lessons in leadership. Similarly, we also
launched 12x12 Dialogue series, where internal experts
Skilling on ICICI STACK of the Bank share their views and know-how with a larger
employee base.
The skilling sessions on ICICI STACK covered employees
across business groups, delivering 1.4 million learning For new employees, the full recruitment journey is
hours. The sessions are also incorporated in all the available on a new age bot, a unique offering based on
functional academies to acquaint employees on the ICICI Natural Language Processing (NLP) with which applicants
Bank way of selling and to handhold employees on the can engage to clarify their queries. It is available on four
Bank’s digital product suite. platforms: WhatsApp, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa
Tech School
A series of curated video modules are offered on
emerging technologies by leading technology The 12X12 Ignite Series facilitated leaders from
various fields to share leadership insights with
organisations. The video modules are made available
employees across ICICI Bank.
on the Bank’s Learning Matrix (LMS) to help participants
Annual Report 2020-21
Human Capital
Application Applicant
Checks Experience
CIBIL | AML Testimonials
Engagement In-House Virtual
Chatbot Interview
End-to-End Auto
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Human Capital
Annual Report 2020-21
We are committed
to act in the best
interests of our
stakeholders and with
a sense of purpose.
Social initiatives of ICICI Bank During fiscal 2021, the efforts of ICICI Foundation
were on multiple fronts from supporting the Covid-19
With a purpose-driven approach, we play a role in relief efforts on the ground, developing new models
creating meaningful social impact. The unprecedented of delivering training online, enabling livelihood for
challenges due to Covid-19 pandemic led to a difficult migrants and undertaking projects meeting social and
period where lockdown measures created significant environmental goals.
difficulties particularly for low income groups, and led
to migration of a large segment of the population to
ICICI Foundation for Trained since inception
the rural areas. Extraordinary efforts were demanded
Inclusive Growth till March 31, 2021*
from frontline staff like doctors, police, municipalities
and others. The ICICI Group committed a sum of
ICICI Academy for Skills 160,000
`1.00 billion towards meeting this challenge, as part of
which the Bank contributed `500.0 million to the PM
Rural Livelihood Programme 307,000
CARES Fund. Under our corporate social responsibility,
the Bank and ICICI Foundation actively responded in the Rural Self-Employment 114,000
efforts on the ground, by supplying critical materials like Training Institutes (RSETIs)
sanitisers, masks and personal protective equipment.
Ventilators and other critical equipment were supplied to Total 581,000
hospitals. The efforts covered over 550 districts across
the country and all 36 states and union territories. * Numbers are rounded off to the closest thousand.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Rural Livelihood Programme and synergies that can enhance value and make the
Sustainable and distributed growth is a key driver of the intervention sustainable. This has helped improve
Rural Livelihood programme, and ICICI Foundation has the income opportunity of trainees and effectively
structured its efforts around four key areas: benefit communities rather than just individuals.
This model has made significant impact on communities
• Addressing shortages in the village ecosystem which and the environment.
includes efforts to improve the yield and quality of
local products; Despite the challenges of Covid-19, ICICI Foundation’s
efforts benefitted over 30,000 people across
Addressing surplus in the local economy and 346 villages during fiscal 2021. Of these, 64% were
developing value chains to improve market linkages women. On a cumulative basis, the efforts in the rural areas
for better realisation; have impacted lives of close to 307,000 people in
2,534 villages, with women's participation at 61%.
Adopting an inclusive approach by providing low
investment entrepreneurial opportunities to landless ICICI Academy for Skills
and other excluded communities; and At March 31, 2021, ICICI Foundation was operating
28 skill training centres under the ICICI Academy for
Conserving and protecting the environment by Skills in 21 states/union territory. These Academies
addressing local environmental challenges and are providing industry-relevant, job-oriented training
promoting sustainable practices. on a pro-bono basis in 10 technical and three
non-technical skills. With a comprehensive approach
ICICI Foundation continued to implement its strategy which ensures employment opportunities for all
by identifying clusters of villages with such gaps for successful trainees, these academies are equipped with
driving interventions. The model is based on Value state-of-the-art practical labs to support and enhance
Chain & Entrepreneurship Development. In identified learning. Skill training also includes modules on financial
clusters, different groups of trainees work in various literacy, life skills and soft skills.
segments of the value chain of an identified commodity,
or as entrepreneurs in a for-profit arrangement or as In fiscal 2021, due to Covid-19, new models of delivering
its employees. The idea is to create supply chains training were implemented at the skill academies that
Trainees during a practical session of the 'Home Health Aide' course at ICICI Academy for Skills, Chennai.
Annual Report 2020-21
combine digital learning as well as hands-on experience seven consecutive years by the Ministry of
at the labs. These new models including the hub Rural Development and the National Centre for
and spoke model are agnostic to the location of the Excellence of RSETIs.
academy. This has enabled ICICI Foundation to take the
skilling initiative to new locations and offer technical The ICICI RSETIs were amongst the first to begin digital
programmes at academies that hitherto provided training training during fiscal 2021. A unique initiative during the
only on office skills. To ensure practical training under year was providing online training in mobile phone repairs
these new models, ICICI Foundation has tied up with and service. This online training covered 543 candidates
various service centres. Nine courses offered by skill from 271 villages across the two districts. The practical
academies have been converted to digital medium and training was conducted for these trainees at the nearest
the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) has block location. In fiscal 2021, the RSETIs also launched a
accredited these courses. new initiative of 'Suposhan Vatika' specially focussed on
serving the poor, landless and malnourished families of
In fiscal 2021, ICICI Academy for Skills trained over tribal communities.
14,238 youth across 21 states and union territories and
helped them find suitable jobs. On a cumulative basis, The cumulative number of people trained through
the efforts in the skill academies impacted the lives of these three initiatives crossed 580,000 individuals at
close to 159,652 people from 28 centres, with women's March 31, 2021. ICICI Foundation also provides a platform
participation at 43%. for trainees from rural areas to exhibit their products in
the marketplace.
Rural Self Employment Training
Institutes (RSETIs)
ICICI Foundation manages two RSETIs at Udaipur Social and Environmental Projects
and Jodhpur with 16 satellite centres in Rajasthan.
These centres provide skills based on the local market The majority of ICICI Foundation’s efforts in rural areas
requirements. This has significantly improved livelihood are largely themed around improving agricultural
opportunities for the trainees. The ICICI RSETIs have productivity, promoting sustainable practices and
been recognised as the top performing RSETIs in India for strengthening the supply chain. Through these efforts,
Beneficiary of the Integrated Farming programme conducted by ICICI Foundation in Silsuan village, Kendujhar
district in Odisha.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
it was realised that water is an important factor various forest/periphery areas across the country. In many
for sustainable development in the rural areas. cases, it is the local tribal population that is trapped
Accordingly, ICICI Foundation started undertaking a in such conflict situations. ICICI Foundation is taking
host of interventions for improving water conservation, a livelihood approach to address this conflict and is
creating awareness of sustainable use of water, crop identifying and developing alternate livelihood for these
substitution from water-guzzling crops, promoting sections of the society. Supplementing the livelihood
different varieties/practices that do not require flood initiatives are projects on afforestation and conservation
irrigation and similar other efforts. including creating awareness amongst all sections
of the society.
Another learning from working at the grassroot
level in the rural areas was the need for significant We believe that ICICI Foundation’s approach of undertaking
investment in education and healthcare infrastructure. targeted efforts along with the continued enhancements
This need has only been reinforced through the on livelihood projects for urban and rural segments
pandemic. While ICICI Foundation has always believed will lead to more inclusive growth in a distributed and
that ensuring sustainable livelihood creates a demand, sustainable way.
followed by which market forces bridge the supply
gap, it has been realised that there is a gestation
period during which public investments are required to Rural development
enable market forces to take over. Keeping this in mind,
ICICI Foundation has been participating in education and There are specific segments of the rural economy that
healthcare sectors to supplement the investments being require a more supportive and sensitive response to
made by the central and state governments. It is also their financial requirements. There are initiatives by us to
exploring extensive convergence with government specifically address the needs of such segments. The Self
schemes to identify opportunities that can provide Help Group (SHG) programme is an initiative that has
significant benefits to the local community. contributed to entrepreneurship among women in the
rural areas. We provide a comprehensive suite of banking
Human dependence on natural resources for livelihood products, including zero-balance savings account and
has created significant human-wildlife conflict in term loans, to meet the business requirements of the
SHG beneficiaries with sanitisers manufactured by them at Bambavade village in Kolhapur district, Maharashtra.
Annual Report 2020-21
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
efficiently service our customers and create value, we have ICICI Bank is one of the leading banks in developing
launched the InstaBIZ app for Government customers to Common City Payments Solution (CCPS), a citizen-centric
access their banking accounts and PFMS transactions solution to promote a cashless economy by facilitating
digitally, both on mobile and tablet devices. digital transit and retail payments. During fiscal 2021,
we partnered with the Greater Chennai Corporation and
Customised Payment Solutions, a white label digital Chennai Smart City Limited for the launch of 'Namma
platform has been developed for government Chennai Smart Card', a Ru-Pay powered co-branded,
departments. This platform provides a range of payment contactless pre-paid card which will facilitate tax,
activities and workflow management. It facilitates utility, retail and e-commerce payments. Our efforts in
hierarchical mode of disbursements, expenditure-head some of the Smart Cities Mission are helping scale up
wise payment and tracking up to the end beneficiaries digital transactions and fostering competitiveness and
depending on various models. Beside payments, the benchmarking across smart cities.
platform capabilities include project management,
budget management, limit assignment and control, We have additionally continued to build upon our
dashboard, reports/analytics and online reconciliation association with the Government eMarket (GeM) by
of transactions. way of introducing facilities for Caution Money Deposit
for ensuring only serious sellers continue being a
During fiscal 2021, we integrated our Customised Payment partner to the GeM portal. Government departments/
Solution with the PFMS system in a manner where Bank’s institutions are now also benefitting from our 'Bank
Customised Payment Solution becomes the front end and Guarantee Repository Solution' which has created
the PFMS system becomes the back end. This fulfills the an online repository of bank guarantees issued in
general guidance of the central government to use PFMS their favour, which can also be authenticated through
for payment processing and also gives an integrated the BGRS portal.
solution to the customer, thus providing complete
end-to-end solutions for their payment needs. Stakeholder engagement
The Smart Cities Mission was launched by the An important factor in the Bank’s value creation for
Government of India with a vision to drive economic its stakeholders is to have meaningful partnerships
growth and improve the quality of life of citizens. and be responsive to their perspectives. During the
We have been closely associated with this initiative, Covid-19 pandemic, the Bank recognised the opportunity
offering a suite of digital solutions known as ‘ICICI Bank to stay connected and respond to the needs of
Smart City Solutions Suite’ catering to the day-to-day our stakeholders. We strived to further prove our
requirements of a Smart City. These include solutions trustworthiness in these challenging times, and create
for tax collection, bill payment of utilities, assistance in a positive impact for our employees, customers,
municipal bonds issuance, a comprehensive project and shareholders and society. We ensured our products
payment management solution for live project updates and services were accessible and easier to use.
and just-in-time payments to vendors or contractors, Our contribution also involved ground-level efforts to
funds monitoring on the PFMS platform, e-challan help the government and people navigate the challenges
collections, smart toll collections on highways and smart created by Covid-19.
parking spaces, besides other offerings like e-governance
solutions, digital property tagging and many more smart The Bank holds regular interactions with investors,
solutions leveraging the Bank’s digital capabilities and employees, customers, regulators and engages with
expertise. We have been working with various Smart communities and banking associations to remain informed.
Cities in this regard.
Annual Report 2020-21
Customers • Interactions with employees • Convenience • Being 'Fair to Customer, Fair to Bank' is
• Structured surveys for • Responsive, skilled and a core element of the Bank’s approach
seeking feedback considerate staff • Ensure right-selling of products
• Meets organised • Availability of relevant • Dedicated customer service teams
at branches products and services focussed on improving process
• Communication • Quick response to efficiency, reducing customer
through print, digital issues raised and effort and leveraging technology to
and social media grievance redressal enhance customer experience and
improve response time
• Multiple channels
available for raising • Continuous upskilling and knowledge
queries and grievances building of staff
• Policy of zero tolerance to unethical
conduct by employees
Shareholders/ • Annual General Meeting • Shareholder value creation • Increased interaction with investors
Investors • Emails and • Medium and during the year and also held digital
periodic meetings long-term strategy interactive sessions
• Conference calls • Governance and • Communicating on strategic
ethical practices objectives during the quarterly
• Investor conferences results call with investors and
• Analyst Day • Compliance increased disclosures
• Transparency • Non-financial disclosures included in
• Disclosure of non-financial the Annual Report
metrics pertaining to • Board-approved Environment, Social
sustainability and Governance (ESG) Framework
and release of the first ESG
Report of the Bank
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Society • ICICI Foundation for • Contributing to • Met the CSR requirement under the
Inclusive Growth social development Companies Act, 2013
(ICICI Foundation) • Financial literacy and • Continuous focus on livelihoods,
• Rural development initiatives improving access social and environmental issues
• Supporting to financial services through the ICICI Foundation
government initiatives especially in rural areas • Industry-academia partnerships
for developing skills for
the banking sector
• Contributing to disaster relief through
on-ground efforts
Note: The listing of areas of importance may not necessarily follow the order of importance to the stakeholder category.
Annual Report 2020-21
Natural Capital
We focus on
sustainability in
our operations.
The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated action around Engineer (LIE) for large-ticket project loans identified as
protecting society and the environment, and adopting per the criteria defined in the framework.
the principles of Environmental, Social and Governance.
At ICICI Bank, we have a long-standing commitment of Our lending to environment-friendly sectors is based
contributing to socio-economic development in a way on appropriate assessment of risks and returns.
that is impactful and makes a difference to the lives of We have actively financed projects for capacity creation
people. We have a Board-approved Environment, Social in environment-friendly sectors. This includes renewable
and Governance (ESG) Framework that articulates key energy sectors like solar, wind and hydro power and other
principles and actions governing the Bank’s efforts in sustainable sectors like waste processing and mass rapid
adopting ESG. The Bank is committed to responsibly transport. Our outstanding portfolio to the renewable
conduct its business with prudent use of resources. energy sectors was about `31.50 billion at March 31, 2021.
We follow responsible financing practices by promoting
environment-friendly sectors and have laid emphasis on Further, the Bank availed lines of credit from select
environmental and social risk management objectives as multilateral agencies towards financing green/
a part of financing. sustainable assets. The assets financed under these
lines include financing for wind, solar, biomass plants
and energy efficiency projects. At March 31, 2021, the
Sustainable financing outstanding lending by us for such specific purposes was
USD 70.8 million.
Project and corporate financing are governed by prudent
risk management practices. All new project and corporate An internal team within the Bank is dedicated to providing
financing proposals are reviewed under a social and financial assistance to initiatives that promote biodiversity,
environmental management framework that integrates environmental sustainability and initiatives in education,
analysis of the environmental and social risk assessment health, sanitation and livelihoods. The team’s mandate
into the overall credit appraisal process. The key elements is to administer funding lines received from bilateral/
of the assessment include an exclusion list, seeking a multilateral agencies/Government of India, specifically
declaration from borrowers of compliance with applicable for such projects. Their efforts include identifying
national environmental guidelines/approvals for qualifying relevant projects, ensuring financial assistance through
proposals subject to threshold criteria defined in the collaboration or directly and knowledge sharing.
framework, and due-diligence by a Lender’s Independent Total financial assistance provided by the group in
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Natural Capital
Roof-top solar panels at ICICI Bank Towers in A lithium ion battery storage system at an
Ambattur, Chennai. ICICI Bank branch in Delhi.
Annual Report 2020-21
Natural Capital
of the energy requirement at the Bank's three tCO2e Fiscal 2019 Fiscal 2020 Fiscal 2021
large offices were met through renewable energy
in fiscal 2021.
Scope 1 16 17 19
(Figures in thousands)
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Natural Capital
Waste Management
The Bank focusses on waste reduction and its
management in every aspect of its operations.
The Bank undertakes recycling of organic waste using
composting techniques at the Bank’s large offices in
Mumbai at Bandra-Kurla Complex and Chandivli, and at
the Learning Centre in Khandala. E-waste is disposed *OHSAS 18001:2007 is an international standard for
by handing over to certified recyclers. The Bank also environmental management, applicable to all companies
in business. It is an international certification that shows an
supports reuse of electronic devices. The Bank uses organisation’s commitment to health and safety of employees.
remanufactured toners in printers which get recycled
**ISO 14001:2004 is an international standard that
at least 2-3 times. The Bank also recycles its IT assets specifies requirements for an effective environmental
which are then donated. management system (EMS).
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
Your Directors have pleasure in presenting the Twenty-Seventh Annual Report of ICICI Bank Limited (ICICI Bank/the Bank)
along with the audited financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2021.
The financial performance for fiscal 2021 is summarised in the following table:
The profit after tax of the Bank for fiscal 2021 is ` 161.93 billion after provisions and contingencies of ` 202.04 billion
(including provision for taxes of ` 39.90 billion). The accumulated profit is ` 375.20 billion, taking into account the balance
of ` 213.27 billion brought forward from the previous year. Your Bank has a consistent dividend payment history. Your
Bank’s dividend policy is based on the profitability and key financial metrics, capital position and requirements and the
regulations pertaining to the payment of dividend. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) through its circular on ‘Declaration of
dividends by banks (Revised)’ had directed that banks shall not make any dividend payouts on equity shares from the
profits pertaining to fiscal 2020. Accordingly, the Board of Directors did not recommend any dividend for fiscal 2020. The
Board of Directors has recommended a dividend of ` 2.00 per equity share for the year ended March 31, 2021 and has
appropriated the disposable profit as follows:
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
The Bank prepares its financial statements in accordance loan made, guarantee given or security provided by a
with the applicable accounting standards, RBI guidelines banking company in the ordinary course of business. The
and other applicable laws/regulations. RBI, under its risk- particulars of investments made by the Bank are disclosed
based supervision exercise, carries out the risk assessment in Schedule 8 of the financial statements as per the
of the Bank on an annual basis. This assessment is applicable provisions of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
initiated subsequent to the finalisation, completion of
audit and publication of audited financial statements for SUBSIDIARY, ASSOCIATE AND JOINT
a financial year and typically occurs a few months after VENTURE COMPANIES
the financial year-end. As a part of this assessment, RBI There is no change in the subsidiaries and associates of the
separately reviews asset classification and provisioning Bank during fiscal 2021. The Bank does not have any joint
of credit facilities given by the Bank to its borrowers. venture company. As at March 31, 2021, your Bank had
The divergences, if any, in classification or provisioning following subsidiaries (16) and associate (8) Companies:
arising out of the supervisory process are given effect to
in the financial statements in subsequent periods after Name of the Subsidiary Company % of shares
conclusion of the exercise. held
In terms of the RBI circular no. DBR.BP.BC.No.32/21.04.018/
2018-19 dated April 1, 2019, banks are required to disclose ICICI Bank Canada 100
the divergences in asset classification and provisioning ICICI Securities Limited 75.00
consequent to RBI’s annual supervisory process in their
ICICI Securities Holding Inc. 1
notes to accounts to the financial statements, wherever
either (a) the additional provisioning requirements ICICI Securities Inc.2
assessed by RBI exceed 10% of the reported net profits ICICI Securities Primary Dealership Limited 100
before provisions and contingencies or (b) the additional ICICI Venture Funds Management 100
gross NPAs identified by RBI exceed 15% of the published Company Limited
incremental gross NPAs for the reference period, or
ICICI Home Finance Company Limited 100
both. Based on the condition mentioned in RBI circular,
no disclosure on divergence in asset classification and ICICI Trusteeship Services Limited 100
provisioning for NPAs is required with respect to RBI’s ICICI Investment Management Company 100
supervisory process for fiscal 2020. Limited
ICICI International Limited 100
ICICI Prudential Pension Funds 100
During the year under review, the Bank allotted 24,232,771 Management Company Limited3
equity shares of ` 2.00 each pursuant to exercise of stock
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company 51.37
options under the Employee Stock Option Scheme.
On August 15, 2020, allotment of 418,994,413 equity
ICICI Lombard General Insurance 51.88
shares of face value ` 2.00 each was made to eligible Company Limited
qualified institutional buyers at the issue price of ` 358.00
per equity share, i.e., at a premium of ` 356.00 per ICICI Prudential Asset Management 51.00
Company Limited
equity share.
ICICI Prudential Trust Limited 50.80
For details refer to Schedule 1 of the financial statements.
1 ICICI Securities Holding Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of
2 ICICI Securities Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of ICICI
Securities Holding Inc.
Pursuant to Section 186(11) of the Companies Act, 3 ICICI Prudential Pension Funds Management Company Limited
2013, the provisions of Section 186 of the Companies is a wholly owned subsidiary of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance
Act, 2013, except sub-section (1), do not apply to a Company Limited.
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
and its customers. In March 2020, the Bank launched the financial statements relate and the date of this Report.
a comprehensive digital banking platform called ICICI For the impact of Covid-19 on the performance of the Bank
STACK which offers nearly 500 services to ensure and the Group, refer “note no. 59 of schedule 18 – Notes
uninterrupted banking experience to retail, business forming part of the accounts” of financial statements of
banking, SME and corporate customers. Other major digital the Bank and “note no. 19 of schedule 18 – Notes forming
initiatives include WhatsApp banking, Video KYC for digital part of the accounts“ of consolidated financial statements
onboarding of customers, cardless cash withdrawal at of the Bank.
ATMs and a mobile banking app, iMobile Pay, that extends
the mobile banking facility to non-ICICI Bank customers. DIRECTORS AND OTHER KEY MANAGERIAL
We have launched digital products like InstaBIZ and PERSONNEL
supply chain financing solutions for our small business Changes in the composition of the Board of
customers including APIs from the API Banking Portal to Directors and other Key Managerial Personnel
integrate various payment and product solutions. Our The Members at the last Annual General Meeting (AGM)
digital offerings for large corporates and their ecosystems held on August 14, 2020 approved the re-appointment
include digital platforms for domestic and international of Vishakha Mulye as a wholetime Director (designated
trade and industry specific solutions across the value as Executive Director) for a period of five years effective
chain. The Bank is seeing increased utilisation of its digital from January 19, 2021, subject to the approval of Reserve
channels and platforms by its customers and has ensured Bank of India (RBI). RBI through its letter dated January 8,
that the IT infrastructure is able to handle any unexpected 2021 approved the re-appointment of Vishakha Mulye as
surge in digital transactions. The Bank continues to monitor Executive Director of the Bank for a period of three years
the situation in the country and would take necessary effective from January 19, 2021.
steps to ensure safety of its people and continuity of its
Further, the Members at the last AGM approved the
business operations. In its effort to support the nation in
re-appointment of Girish Chandra Chaturvedi as an
its fight against the Covid-19 outbreak, the ICICI Group has
Independent Director of the Bank for a period of three years
committed a sum of ` 1.00 billion, including ` 800.0 million
effective from July 1, 2021. The Members also approved
to the PM Cares Fund. ICICI Bank and ICICI Foundation
the re-appointment of Girish Chandra Chaturvedi as
have worked actively to assist various agencies including
Non-Executive (part-time) Chairman of the Bank for a period
hospitals, the police, paramilitary forces, municipalities
of three years effective from July 1, 2021, subject to the
and government bodies in their tireless efforts to safeguard
approval of RBI. RBI through its letter dated June 8, 2021
the citizens of the country.
approved the re-appointment of Girish Chandra Chaturvedi
Going forward, economic activity will depend on the as Non-Executive (part-time) Chairman of the Bank for a
trajectory of the Covid-19 pandemic, the progress of the period of three years with effect from July 1, 2021.
vaccination programme and the restrictions on activity and RBI through its letter dated December 22, 2020
the period for which they continue. A prolonged period of communicated its approval for the appointment of
economic weakness caused by the second wave of the Sandeep Batra as Executive Director of the Bank for a
pandemic and uncertainty regarding normalisation could period of three years from the date of his taking charge
continue to impact banking sector loan growth, revenues, as Executive Director. The Board of Directors through a
margins, asset quality and credit costs in fiscal 2022. In circular resolution dated December 23, 2020 recorded
view of the continuing uncertainties and rising risks in the December 23, 2020 as the effective date of appointment
operating environment, the Bank would continue to focus and taking charge by Sandeep Batra as Executive Director
on ensuring a resilient balance sheet and maintaining of the Bank.
strong capital levels. The Bank’s capital and liquidity
The Board of Directors on April 24, 2021 based on the
position is strong and would continue to be a focus area
recommendation of the Board Governance, Remuneration
for the Bank during this period.
& Nomination Committee approved the re-appointment
of Anup Bagchi as a wholetime Director (designated
MATERIAL CHANGES AND COMMITMENT as Executive Director) for a period of five years or date
AFFECTING FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE BANK of retirement, whichever is earlier, effective from
There are no material changes and commitments affecting February 1, 2022, subject to the approval of Members and
the financial position of the Bank which have occurred RBI. The re-appointment is being proposed in the Notice
between the end of the financial year of the Bank to which of the forthcoming AGM through item no.10.
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
In terms of Section 203(1) of the Companies Act, proposed the appointment of M/s MSKA & Associates,
2013, Sandeep Bakhshi, Managing Director & CEO, Chartered Accountants and M/s Khimji Kunverji & Co
Anup Bagchi, Executive Director, Sandeep Batra, LLP, Chartered Accountants as Joint Statutory Auditors
Executive Director, Vishakha Mulye, Executive Director, for the year ending March 31, 2022 (fiscal 2022). Their
Rakesh Jha, Chief Financial Officer and Ranganath appointment has been approved by RBI on July 8, 2021.
Athreya, Company Secretary are the Key Managerial The appointment of the auditors is being proposed to the
Personnel of the Bank. Members in the Notice of the forthcoming AGM through
item nos. 4 and 5.
Declaration of Independence
There are no qualifications, reservation or adverse remarks
All Independent Directors have given declarations that
made by the current statutory auditors in the audit report.
they meet the criteria of independence as laid down
under Section 149 of the Companies Act, 2013 as Secretarial Auditors
amended (the Act) and Regulation 16 of the Securities The Board appointed M/s. Parikh Parekh & Associates, a
and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and firm of Company Secretaries in Practice to undertake the
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, (SEBI Listing Secretarial Audit of the Bank for fiscal 2021. The Secretarial
Regulations) which have been relied on by the Bank and Audit Report is annexed herewith as Annexure A. There
were placed at the Board Meeting held on April 24, 2021. are no qualifications, reservation or adverse remark or
In the opinion of the Board, the Independent Directors fulfil disclaimer made by the auditor in the report save and
the conditions specified in the Act and the SEBI Listing except disclaimer made by them in discharge of their
Regulations and are independent of the Management. professional obligation.
Retirement by rotation The Annual Secretarial Compliance Report for
In terms of Section 152 of the Companies Act, 2013, fiscal 2021 is available on the website of the Bank at
Sandeep Bakhshi would retire by rotation at the www.icicibank.com and on the websites of the stock
forthcoming AGM and is eligible for re-appointment. exchanges i.e. BSE Limited at www.bseindia.com
Sandeep Bakhshi has offered himself for re-appointment. and National Stock Exchange of India Limited at
Maintenance of Cost Records
Statutory Auditors
Being a Banking Company, the Bank is not required
M/s Walker Chandiok & Co LLP Chartered Accountants were to maintain cost records as specified by the Central
re-appointed as auditors by the Members at their Government under Section 148(1) of the Companies
Twenty-Sixth Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on Act, 2013.
August 14, 2020 to hold office till conclusion of the
Twenty-Seventh AGM. M/s Walker Chandiok & Co Reporting of Frauds by Auditors
LLP, Chartered Accountants, have been auditors of During the year under review, there were no instances of
the Company for three consecutive years, which is fraud reported by the statutory auditors, branch auditors and
the maximum term for statutory auditors of banking secretarial auditor under Section 143(12) of the Companies
companies as per the circular issued by Reserve Bank of Act, 2013 to the Audit Committee or the Board of Directors.
India (RBI) on ‘Guidelines for Appointment of Statutory
Central Auditors (SCAs)/Statutory Auditors (SAs) of PERSONNEL
Commercial Banks (excluding RRBs), UCBs and NBFCs
The statement containing particulars of employees as
(including HFCs)’, dated April 27, 2021. Hence they would
required under Section 197(12) of the Companies Act,
be retiring at the conclusion of the forthcoming AGM. The
2013 read with Rule 5(2) of the Companies (Appointment
Audit Committee and the Board of Directors have placed
and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014
on record their appreciation of the professional services
is given in an Annexure and forms part of this report. In
rendered by M/s Walker Chandiok & Co LLP during their
terms of Section 136(1) of the Companies Act, 2013, the
association with the Company as its auditors.
annual report and the financial statements are being sent
As per the above-mentioned RBI guideline, the statutory to the Members excluding the aforesaid Annexure. The
audit needs to be conducted under joint audit of a minimum Annexure is available for inspection and any Member
of two audit firms with effect from FY2022. Accordingly, interested in obtaining a copy of the Annexure may write
as recommended by the Audit Committee, the Board has to the Company Secretary of the Bank.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
Directors’ Report
developments in key industrial sectors (along with and suggest improvements. The Internal Audit Group
exposure to these sectors), the Bank’s exposure maintains appropriately qualified personnel to fulfill its
to large borrower accounts and borrower groups. responsibilities. The Internal Audit and Compliance groups
The Credit Committee also reviews major credit are responsible to the Audit Committee of the Board.
portfolios, non-performing loans, accounts under
watch, overdues, incremental sanctions etc. INFORMATION REQUIRED UNDER THE
• he Audit Committee of the Board provides direction
to and monitors the quality of the internal audit
function, oversees the financial reporting process
and also monitors compliance with inspection and The Bank has a policy against sexual harassment and a
audit reports of RBI, other regulators and statutory formal process for dealing with complaints of harassment
auditors. or discrimination. The said policy is in line with the
requirements of ‘The Sexual Harassment of Women
• he Asset Liability Management Committee provides
at the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal)
guidance for management of liquidity of the overall
Act, 2013’. The Bank has complied with provisions relating
Bank and management of interest rate risk in the
to the constitution of Internal Complaints Committee
banking book within the broad parameters laid down
under the said Act.
by the Board of Directors/Risk Committee.
Pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Board of India
Summaries of reviews conducted by these Committees
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
are reported to the Board on a regular basis.
Regulations, 2015, the details pertaining to number of
Policies approved from time to time by the Board of complaints during the year has been provided below:
Directors/Committees of the Board form the governing
number of complaints filed during the financial
framework for each type of risk. The business activities
year: 33
are undertaken within this policy framework. Independent
groups and subgroups have been constituted across the b. number of complaints disposed of during the financial
Bank to facilitate independent evaluation, monitoring year: 33
and reporting of various risks. These groups function
c. number of complaints pending1 at end of the financial
independently of the business groups/subgroups.
year: Nil
The Bank has dedicated groups, namely, the Risk 1 All complaints received during fiscal 2021 have been closed
Management Group, Compliance Group, Corporate Legal within the applicable turnaround time (90 days).
Group, Internal Audit Group and the Financial Crime
Prevention & Reputation Risk Management Group, with a CORPORATE GOVERNANCE
mandate to identify, assess and monitor all of the Bank’s The corporate governance framework at ICICI Bank is
principal risks in accordance with well-defined policies based on an effective independent Board, the separation
and procedures. The Risk Management Group is further of the Board’s supervisory role from the executive
organised into Credit Risk Management Group, Market management and the constitution of Board Committees
Risk Management Group, Operational Risk Management to oversee critical areas. At March 31, 2021, Independent
Group and Information Security Group. The Chief Risk
Directors constituted a majority on most of the
Officer (CRO) reports to the Risk Committee constituted
Committees and most of the Committees were chaired
by the Board which reviews risk management policies of
by Independent Directors.
the Bank. The CRO for administrative purposes reports to
an Executive Director in the Bank. The above mentioned I. Philosophy of Corporate Governance
groups are independent of all business operations and
At ICICI Bank, we are committed to maintain the
coordinate with representatives of the business units
highest standards of governance in the conduct
to implement the Bank’s risk management policies and
of our business and continuously strive to create
lasting value for all our stakeholders. We focus on
The Internal Audit Group acts as an independent entity maintaining comprehensive compliance with the
and is responsible to evaluate and provide objective laws, rules and regulations that govern our business
assurance on the effectiveness of internal controls, risk and promote a culture of accountability, transparency
management and governance processes within the Bank and ethical conduct across the Bank.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
applicable law and as approved by the Board of The details of the core skills/expertise/competence
Directors of the Bank or its duly constituted committee. possessed by the existing directors of the Bank is
detailed as under:
As required under the Securities and Exchange
Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Name of Areas of expertise
Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the Audit Director
Committee of the Bank at its meeting held on Girish Chandra Agriculture and rural economy,
October 31, 2020 has reviewed and confirmed that Chaturvedi Banking, Economics, Business
the Bank has utilised the said funds for the above Management and Risk
mentioned purposes and there is no deviation in
utilisation of the said funds. Hari L. Mundra Banking, Finance, Corporate Law,
Business Strategy, Economist,
During the year under review, the Bank has not General Management, Legal,
raised any funds through preferential allotment as Management and Taxation
specified under Regulation 32(7A) of the Securities Lalit Kumar Banking, Insurance, Capital
and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Chandel Markets, External Assistance,
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. Agriculture and Rural
Development, Power, Irrigation and
Fees to statutory auditor Health
The details of fees pertaining to services provided S. Madhavan Accountancy, Economics,
Finance, Law, Information
by the statutory auditor and entities in the network
Technology, Human Resources,
firm/network entity of which the statutory auditor is a Risk Management and Business
part, to ICICI Bank Limited and its subsidiaries during Management
the year ended March 31, 2021 are given in the
Neelam Dhawan Information Technology and
following table: Business Management
Nature of service Amount in `1 Radhakrishnan Accountancy, Agriculture and Rural
Nair Economy, Banking, Insurance,
Audit 89,773,417
Securities, Law, Co-operation,
Certification and other audit related Risk Management, Business
services2 23,110,000 Management Economics and
Total 112,883,417
Rama Bijapurkar Business Management and
1 Excludes taxes and out of pocket expenses. Marketing
Certification and other audit related services includes
B. Sriram Banking and Finance
fees related to QIP.
Uday Chitale Accounts, Finance and Alternate
Recommendations of mandatory committees Dispute Resolution (ADR)
All the recommendations made by the committees Sandeep Bakhshi Finance, Banking and Insurance
of the Board mandatorily required to be constituted Anup Bagchi Retail & Rural and Inclusive
by the Bank under the Companies Act, 2013 Banking, Finance & Accountancy,
and the Securities and Exchange Board of India Strategy and Corporate Planning,
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Securities, Economics, Business
Strategy, Retail Broking,
Regulations, 2015 were accepted by the Board.
Information Technology, Corporate
Banking, Investment Banking,
Skills/expertise/competence of the Board of Treasury control and services,
Directors Financial Services and Business
The Bank has identified the core skills/expertise/ Management
competence of the Board of Directors as required Sandeep Batra Accountancy, Banking, Finance,
under Section 10A(2)(a) of the Banking Regulation Risk Management, Business
Act, 1949 in the context of its business(s) and the Management, Insurance,
Securities, Law and Governance
sectors(s) for it to function effectively and has been in
compliance with the same. Vishakha Mulye Banking, Investments and Finance
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
Credit Rating as on March 31, 2021 Certificate from a Company Secretary in practice
Foreign currency denominated instruments issued by In terms of the Securities and Exchange Board of India
the Bank (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015, the Bank has obtained a Certificate
Instrument type Moody's S&P JCRA
from a Company Secretary in practice that none of the
Senior unsecured Baa3 BBB- - Directors on the Board of the Bank have been debarred
medium term notes or disqualified from being appointed or continuing as
Senior unsecured - - BBB+ directors of companies by the Securities and Exchange
medium term notes Board of India/Ministry of Corporate Affairs or any such
issued under Tokyo statutory authority. The Certificate of Company Secretary
pro-bond in practice is annexed herewith as Annexure B.
Certificate of P-3 - -
Deposits Board of Directors
ICICI Bank has a broad-based Board of Directors,
Rupee denominated instruments issued by the Bank constituted in compliance with the Banking Regulation
Instrument type CARE ICRA CRISIL Act, 1949, the Companies Act, 2013 and the Securities
Tier II bonds CARE AAA [ICRA]AAA - and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and
(Basel III) Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and in
Additional Tier 1 CARE AA+ [ICRA]AA+ CRISIL AA+ accordance with good corporate governance practices.
bonds (Basel III) The Board functions either as a full Board or through
various committees constituted to oversee specific
Unsecured CARE AAA [ICRA]AAA -
operational areas.
redeemable bonds
Long term bonds CARE AAA [ICRA]AAA CRISIL AAA The Board of the Bank at March 31, 2021 consisted of
issued by erstwhile thirteen Directors, out of which eight were Independent
ICICI Limited Directors, one was a Government Nominee Director and
Certificate of CARE A1+ [ICRA]A1+ - four were Executive Directors.
There were twelve meetings of the Board during the year
Fixed deposits CARE AAA MAAA -
– May 9, June 18, June 21, July 8, July 25, August 26,
Moody’s: Moody’s Investors Services September 16, October 31 and December 8 in 2020 and
S&P: S&P Global Ratings January 30, February 19 and March 25 in 2021.
JCRA: Japan Credit Rating Agency, Limited
CARE: CARE Ratings Limited, India There were no inter-se relationships between any of
ICRA: ICRA Limited, India the Directors.
CRISIL: CRISIL Ratings Limited, India
During the year under review, there were no revisions in
the credit ratings obtained by the Bank.
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
The names of the Directors, their attendance at Board Meetings during the year, attendance at the last AGM and details of
other directorships and board committee memberships held by them at March 31, 2021 are set out in the following table:
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
1 Includes only chairmanship/membership of Audit Committee and Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee of other Indian public
limited companies. Figures in parentheses indicate committee chairpersonships.
2 Pursuant to the orders of the National Company Law Tribunal dated October 1, 2018 and October 3, 2018, the respective Boards of
Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Limited and IL&FS Energy Development Company Limited appointed Girish Chandra
Chaturvedi as the Director and as Chairman of Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Limited and IL&FS Energy Development
Company Limited.
3 Nominee of Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Limited.
4 Pursuant to the order dated January 22, 2020 issued by the Government of India and order dated January 20, 2020 issued by the
Supreme Court of India, B. Sriram was appointed as Nominee Director of Government of India on the Board of Unitech Limited with
effect from January 22, 2020.
The profiles of the Directors can be viewed on the website of the Bank at (https://www.icicibank.com/aboutus/bod-1.
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
The Board has constituted various Committees, namely, reports and reports of statutory auditors, findings of
Audit Committee, Board Governance, Remuneration & internal investigations, management letters/letters
Nomination Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility on internal control weaknesses issued by statutory
Committee, Credit Committee, Customer Service auditors. The Audit Committee responsibilities
Committee, Fraud Monitoring Committee, Information also include reviewing with the management the
Technology Strategy Committee, Risk Committee, statement of uses/application of funds raised through
Stakeholders Relationship Committee and Review an issue (public issue, rights issue, preferential issue,
Committee for Identification of Wilful Defaulters/Non etc.), the statement of funds utilised for the purposes
Co-operative Borrowers. other than those stated in the offer document/
The quorum of the Board Committees was increased prospectus/notice and the report submitted by
from at least two members to at least three members the monitoring agency, monitoring the utilisation
with effect from June 30, 2019, to transact business at of proceeds of a public or rights issue and making
any Board Committee meeting and in case where the appropriate recommendations to the Board to take
Committee comprises of two members only or where two steps in this matter, discussion on the scope of audit
members are participating, then any Independent Director with external auditors, examination of reasons for
may attend the meeting to fulfil the requirement of substantial defaults, if any, in payment to stakeholders,
three members. valuation of undertakings or assets, evaluation of risk
management systems and scrutiny of inter-corporate
The terms of reference of the Board Committees as
loans and investments. The Audit Committee is
mentioned above, their composition and attendance of the
also empowered to appoint/oversee the work of
respective Members at the various Committee Meetings
held during fiscal 2021 are set out below: any registered public accounting firm, establish
procedures for receipt and treatment of complaints
II. Audit Committee received regarding accounting and auditing matters
and engage independent counsel as also provide for
Terms of Reference
appropriate funding for compensation to be paid to
The Audit Committee provides direction to the audit any firm/advisors. In addition, the Audit Committee
function and monitors the quality of internal and also exercises oversight on the regulatory compliance
statutory audit. The responsibilities of the Audit function of the Bank. The Audit Committee is also
Committee include examining the financial statements empowered to approve the appointment of the Chief
and auditors’ report and overseeing the financial Financial Officer (i.e., the wholetime Finance Director
reporting process to ensure fairness, sufficiency
or any other person heading the finance function
and credibility of financial statements, review of the
or discharging that function) after assessing the
quarterly and annual financial statements before
qualifications, experience and background, etc. of
submission to the Board, review of management’s
the candidate.
discussion & analysis, recommendation of
appointment, terms of appointment, remuneration Composition
and removal of central and branch statutory auditors
There were ten Meetings of the Committee during the
and chief internal auditor, approval of payment
year – April 23, May 8, July 23, July 24, October 29,
to statutory auditors for other permitted services
October 30 and December 11 in 2020 and January 28,
rendered by them, reviewing and monitoring with
January 29 and March 5 in 2021. The details of the
the management the auditor’s independence and the
composition of the Committee and attendance at
performance and effectiveness of the audit process,
its Meetings held during the year are set out in the
approval of transactions with related parties or any
subsequent modifications, review of statement of following table:
significant related party transactions and utilisation Number of
of loans and/or advances from/investment by the Name of Member
meetings attended
Bank in its subsidiaries. The Audit Committee also
Uday Chitale, Chairman 10/10
reviews the functioning of the Whistle-Blower Policy,
S. Madhavan 10/10
adequacy of internal control systems and the internal
audit function, compliance with inspection and audit Radhakrishnan Nair 10/10
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
III. Board Governance, Remuneration & has put in place a policy on Directors’ appointment
Nomination Committee and remuneration including criteria for determining
qualifications, positive attributes and independence
Terms of Reference
of a Director as well as a policy on Board diversity. The
The functions of the Committee include
policy has been framed based on the broad principles
recommending appointments of Directors to the
as outlined hereinafter. The Committee evaluates the
Board, identifying persons who are qualified to
composition of the Board and vacancies arising in
become Directors and who may be appointed in
the Board from time to time. The Committee while
senior management in accordance with the criteria
recommending candidature of a Director considers
laid down and recommending to the Board their
the special knowledge or expertise possessed by the
appointment and removal, formulate a criteria for
candidate as required under the Banking Regulation
the evaluation of the performance of the wholetime/
Act, 1949. The Committee assesses the fit and proper
independent Directors and the Board and to extend
credentials of the candidate and the companies/
or continue the term of appointment of independent
Directors on the basis of the report of performance entities with which the candidate is associated either
evaluation of independent Directors, recommending as a director or otherwise and as to whether such
to the Board a policy relating to the remuneration association is permissible under RBI guidelines and
for the Directors, key managerial personnel and the internal norms adopted by the Bank. For the
other employees, recommending to the Board the above assessment, the Committee is guided by the
remuneration (including performance bonus and guidelines issued by RBI in this regard.
perquisites) to wholetime Directors and senior The Committee also evaluates the prospective
management personnel. The functions also include candidate for the position of a Director from
approving the policy for and quantum of bonus the perspective of the criteria for independence
payable to the members of the staff including prescribed under the Companies Act, 2013 as well
senior management and key managerial personnel, as the SEBI Listing Regulations. For a Non-Executive
formulating the criteria for determining qualifications,
Director to be classified as Independent he/she must
positive attributes and independence of a Director,
satisfy the criteria of independence as prescribed and
framing policy on Board diversity, framing guidelines
sign a declaration of independence. The Committee
for the Employees Stock Option Scheme (ESOS) and
reviews the same and determine the independence
decide on the grant of stock options to employees
of a Director.
and wholetime Directors of the Bank and its
subsidiary companies. The Committee based on the above assessments
makes suitable recommendations on the appointment
Composition of Directors to the Board.
There were six Meetings of the Committee during
the year – April 10, May 9, July 25, September 16 Remuneration policy
and October 30 in 2020 and January 30 in 2021. The The Compensation Policy of the Bank is in line with the
details of the composition of the Committee and RBI circulars and in compliance with the requirements
attendance at its Meetings held during the year are for the Remuneration Policy as prescribed under
set out in the following table: the Companies Act, 2013. The Policy is divided into
the segments, Part A, Part B and Part C where Part
Number of
Name of Member A covers the requirements for wholetime Directors
meetings attended
& employees pursuant to RBI guidelines, Part B
Neelam Dhawan, Chairperson 6/6
relates to compensation to Non-Executive Directors
Girish Chandra Chaturvedi 6/6 (except part-time Non-Executive Chairman) and
Rama Bijapurkar 6/6 Part C relates to compensation to part-time Non-
B. Sriram 6/6 Executive Chairman. The Compensation Policy is
available at (https://www.icicibank.com/aboutus/other-
Policy/Criteria for Directors’ Appointment policies.page?#toptitle). Further details with respect
The Bank with the approval of its Board Governance, to the Compensation Policy are provided under the
Remuneration & Nomination Committee (Committee) section titled “Compensation Policy and Practices”.
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
The remuneration payable to non-executive/ The evaluations for the Directors, the Board, Chairman
Independent Directors is governed by the provisions of the Board and the Committees is carried out through
of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, RBI guidelines circulation of four different questionnaires, for the
issued from time to time and the provisions of the Directors, for the Board, for the Chairperson of the Board
Companies Act, 2013 and related rules to the extent and the Committees respectively. The performance of
these are not inconsistent with the provisions of the the Board is assessed on select parameters related to
Banking Regulation Act, 1949/RBI guidelines. The roles, responsibilities and obligations of the Board,
remuneration for the non-executive/Independent relevance of Board discussions, attention to strategic
Directors (other than Government Nominee Director) issues, performance on key areas, providing feedback
would be sitting fee for attending each Meeting of to executive management and assessing the quality,
the Committee/Board as approved by the Board. quantity and timeliness of flow of information between
The Members at their Meeting held on July 11, 2016 the Company management and the Board that is
approved the payment of profit related commission necessary for the Board to effectively and reasonably
upto ` 1,000,000 per annum to each non-executive perform their duties. The evaluation criteria for the
Director of the Bank (other than part-time Chairman Directors is based on their participation, contribution
and the Government Nominee Director). The Board at and offering guidance to and understanding of the
its Meeting held on July 15, 2021, approved payment areas which were relevant to them in their capacity as
of fixed remuneration of ` 2,000,000 per annum members of the Board. The evaluation criteria for the
with effect from April 1, 2021 to each non-executive Chairperson of the Board besides the general criteria
Director of the Bank (other than part-time Chairman adopted for assessment of all Directors, focuses
and the Government Nominee Director), subject to on leadership abilities, effective management of
the approval of Members. The said payment of fixed meetings and preservation of interest of stakeholders.
remuneration is being proposed in the Notice of the The evaluation of the Committees is based on
forthcoming AGM through item no. 11. assessment of the clarity with which the mandate of
the Committee is defined, effective discharge of terms
For the non-executive Chairman, the remuneration, in
and reference of the Committees and assessment
addition to sitting fee includes such fixed payments as
of effectiveness of contribution of the Committee’s
may be recommended by the Board and approved by
deliberation/recommendations to the functioning/
the Members and RBI, maintaining a Chairman’s office
decisions of the Board. The Bank has taken effective
at the Bank’s expense, bearing expenses for travel on
steps with regards to the action points arising out of
official visits and participation in various forums (both
performance evaluation process for fiscal 2020. The
in India and abroad) as Chairman of the Bank and
overall performance evaluation process for fiscal 2021
bearing travel/halting/other expenses and allowance was completed to the satisfaction of the Board. The
for attending to duties as Chairman of the Bank and Board of Directors also identified specific action points
any other modes of remuneration as may be permitted arising out of the overall evaluation which would be
by RBI from time to time. executed as directed by the Board.
All the non-executive/Independent Directors would be The evaluation process for wholetime Directors is
entitled to reimbursement of expenses for attending further detailed under the section titled “Compensation
Board/Committee Meetings, official visits and Policy and Practices”.
participation in various forums on behalf of the Bank.
Details of Remuneration paid to Executive
Performance evaluation of the Board, Directors
Committees and Directors The Board Governance, Remuneration & Nomination
The Bank with the approval of its Board Governance, Committee determines and recommends to the
Remuneration & Nomination Committee has put in Board the amount of remuneration, including
place an evaluation framework for evaluation of the performance bonus and perquisites, payable to the
Board, Directors, Chairperson and Committees. wholetime Directors.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
The following table sets out the details of remuneration (including perquisites and retiral benefits) paid to wholetime
Directors in fiscal 2021:
Details of Remuneration (`)
Sandeep Bakhshi Vishakha Mulye Anup Bagchi Sandeep Batra1
2020-21 2020-21 2020-21 2020-21
Basic 0 22,224,250 22,224,250 22,224,250
Performance bonus paid in fiscal 20212 0 7,323,366 7,323,366 7,323,366
Allowances and perquisites3 3,838,784 22,341,425 20,657,736 19,567,774
Contribution to provident fund 0 2,666,914 2,666,914 2,666,914
Contribution to superannuation fund 0 0 0 0
Contribution to gratuity fund 0 1,851,280 1,851,280 1,851,280
Stock options4 (Number)
Fiscal 2020 610,500 610,500 610,500 610,500
1 Sandeep Batra was appointed as Executive Director effective December 23, 2020. The above is his full year salary.
2 Represents amounts paid during the year as per RBI approvals. An amount of ` 720,331/- was paid to Vijay Chandok during the
year, for the period spent in the Bank in fiscal 2020.
3 Allowances and perquisites exclude perquisites of previous years stock options exercised during fiscal 2021.
4 Represents options granted during the year as per RBI approvals pertaining to Fiscal 2020.
5 Amongst various measures to deal with the unprecedented challenge posed by Covid-19:
(a) Managing Director & CEO voluntarily relinquished his fixed compensation of basic, supplementary allowances and retirals
for fiscal 2021 and was paid honorarium fee of ` 1/- for fiscal 2021.
(b) Material Risk Takers of the Bank including Executive Directors, Group Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary
voluntarily opted for a 10% salary reduction effective May 1, 2020 in the basic salary, retirals and supplementary allowances
for fiscal 2021.
Perquisites (evaluated as per Income-tax rules ` 4,100,976 respectively as performance bonus from
wherever applicable and otherwise at actual cost to ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited,
the Bank) such as the benefit of the Bank’s furnished subsidiary of the Bank being the deferred variable pay
accommodation, gas, electricity, water and furnishings, for fiscal 2017 and fiscal 2018.
club fees, group insurance, use of car and telephone
Details of Remuneration paid to Non-Executive
at residence or reimbursement of expenses in lieu
thereof, medical reimbursement, leave and leave
travel concession, education benefits, provident fund, The Board of Directors has approved the payment
superannuation fund and gratuity, are provided in of ` 100,000 as sitting fee for each Meeting of the
accordance with the scheme(s) and rule(s) applicable Board, Audit Committee, Credit Committee and Risk
from time to time. In line with the staff loan policy Committee and ` 50,000 as sitting fee for each Meeting
applicable to specified grades of employees who fulfill of the Committee attended other than the Audit
prescribed eligibility criteria to avail loans for purchase Committee, Credit Committee and Risk Committee.
of residential property, the wholetime Directors are Information on the total sitting fees and commission
also eligible for housing loans. The stock options vest paid to each Non-Executive Director during fiscal 2021
in a graded manner over a three-year period, with is set out in the following table:
30%, 30% and 40% of the grant vesting in each year, Amount (`)
commencing from the end of 12 months from the date
of the grant. The options so vested are to be exercised Name of Director Sitting Fees Commission1
within 5 years from the date of vesting. Girish Chandra Chaturvedi 2,400,000 -
The Bank does not pay any severance fees to its Uday Chitale 3,000,000 1,000,000
Managing Director & CEO or to its wholetime Directors. Neelam Dhawan 1,900,000 1,000,000
The tenure of the office of Managing Director & CEO Rama Bijapurkar 1,850,000 1,000,000
and the wholetime Directors of the Bank is five years,
B. Sriram 4,500,000 1,000,000
subject to approval of RBI and the Members. The
notice period for each of them, as specified in their S. Madhavan 2
3,300,000 964,481
respective terms of appointments is two months in Radhakrishnan Nair 2,700,000 1,000,000
addition to gardening leave. Hari L. Mundra 4,400,000 1,000,000
During fiscal 2021, Sandeep Bakhshi and Sandeep 1 Commission pertaining to fiscal 2020 paid in fiscal 2021
Batra received gross amount of ` 6,360,229 and 2 Director with effect from April 14, 2019
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
As per the RBI approval, a gross amount of ` 3,500,000 management, commission and fee payable to
was paid as remuneration for fiscal 2021 to Girish non-executive Directors subject to applicable
Chandra Chaturvedi. regulations, approving the policy for and quantum
of variable pay payable to members of the staff
Government Nominee Director is only entitled to
including senior management, key managerial
reimbursement of expenses for attending Board/
personnel, material risk takers formulating the
Committee Meetings.
criteria for determining qualifications, positive
Details of shares/convertible instruments held attributes and independence of a Director, framing
by Non-Executive Directors policy on Board diversity, framing guidelines for
the Employee Stock Option Scheme (ESOS) and
As on March 31, 2021, Rama Bijapurkar; Lalit Kumar
decide on the grant of the Bank’s stock options
Chandel and S. Madhavan held 2,600; 10 and 4,000
to employees and WTDs of the Bank and its
equity shares of ` 2.00 each respectively.
subsidiary companies.
Remuneration disclosures as required under
RBI guidelines • xternal consultants whose advice has
been sought, the body by which they were
The RBI circular on “Compensation of wholetime commissioned, and in what areas of the
Directors/Chief Executive Officers/Risk takers and remuneration process
Control function staff etc.” requires the Bank to make
During the year ended March 31, 2021, the
following disclosures on remuneration on an annual
Bank employed the services of a reputed
basis in their Annual Report:
consulting firm for market benchmarking in
COMPENSATION POLICY AND PRACTICES the area of compensation, including executive
(A) Qualitative Disclosures
• cope of the Bank’s remuneration policy
a) Bodies that oversee remuneration. (eg. by regions, business lines), including
• ame, composition and mandate of the main
N the extent to which it is applicable to foreign
body overseeing remuneration subsidiaries and branches
The Board Governance, Remuneration and The Compensation Policy of the Bank, as last
Nomination Committee (BGRNC/Committee) amended by the BGRNC and the Board at their
is the body which oversees the remuneration meetings held on April 10, 2020 and May 9, 2020
aspects. The functions of the Committee include respectively, covers all employees of the Bank,
recommending appointments of Directors to the including those in overseas branches of the Bank.
Board, identifying persons who are qualified to In addition to the Bank’s Compensation Policy
become Directors and who may be appointed in guidelines, the overseas branches also adhere to
senior management in accordance with the criteria relevant local regulations.
laid down and recommending to the Board their
• ype of employees covered and number of such
appointment and removal, formulate a criteria for
the evaluation of the performance of the whole
time/ independent Directors and the Board and All employees of the Bank are governed by
to extend or continue the term of appointment the Compensation Policy. The total number of
of independent Director on the basis of the permanent employees of the Bank at March 31,
2021 was 97,488.
report of performance evaluation of independent
Directors, recommending to the Board a policy b)
Design and structure of remuneration
relating to the remuneration for the Directors, Key processes
Managerial Personnel, Material Risk takers (MRTs)
and other employees, recommending to the • ey features and objectives of remuneration
Board the remuneration (including performance policy
bonus, share-linked instruments and perquisites) The Bank has under the guidance of the Board
to wholetime Directors (WTDs) and senior and the BGRNC, followed compensation
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
• ays in which
W these measures affect
The BGRNC takes into consideration
remuneration above mentioned aspects while assessing
Every year, the financial plan/targets are performance and making compensation-related
formulated in conjunction with a risk framework recommendations to the Board regarding the
with limit structures for various areas of risk/lines performance assessment of WTDs and equivalent
of business, within which the Bank operates. To positions. The performance assessment of
ensure effective alignment of compensation with individual employees is undertaken based on
prudent risk taking, the BGRNC takes into account their achievements, which incorporates various
aspects described earlier.
adherence to the risk framework in conjunction
with which the financial plan/targets have • he measures that the Bank will in general
been formulated. KPIs of WTDs and equivalent implement to adjust remuneration in the event
positions, as well as employees, incorporate that performance metrics are weak, including
relevant risk management related aspects. For the Bank’s criteria for determining ‘weak’
example, in addition to performance targets in performance metrics
areas such as risk calibrated core operating profit, The Bank’s Compensation Policy outlines the
performance indicators include aspects such as measures the Bank will implement in the event of
asset quality. The BGRNC takes into consideration a reasonable evidence of deterioration in financial
all the above aspects while assessing performance. Should such an event occur in the
organisational and individual performance and manner outlined in the policy, the BGRNC may
making compensation-related recommendations decide to apply malus/clawback on none, part or
to the Board. all of the relevant variable compensation
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
` in million, except numbers The following table sets forth, for the period indicated,
the details of quantitative disclosure for remuneration
Year ended of WTDs (including MD & CEO) and equivalent positions
March 31, 2021
` in million, except numbers
Total amount of reductions during
the year due to ex-post explicit Year ended
Particulars March 31, 2020
adjustments6 N.A.
Number of meetings held by the
Total amount of reductions during BGRNC 5
the year due to ex-post implicit Remuneration paid to BGRNC
adjustments N.A. members during the financial year
Number of MRTs identified 47 (sitting fees) 1
Number of employees who received
Number of cases where malus has a variable remuneration award1 5
been exercised - Number and total amount of sign-on
Number of cases where clawback awards made -
has been exercised6 - Number and total amount of
guaranteed bonuses awarded -
Number of cases where malus and
Details of severance pay, in addition
clawback have been exercised6 - to accrued benefits
The mean pay for the bank as a Breakdown of amount of remuneration
whole (excluding sub-staff) and the awards for the financial year
deviation of the pay of each of its Fixed2 214.8
Variable3 57.3
WTDs from the mean pay
- Deferred -
Mean pay of the bank7 704,035 - Non-deferred 57.3
Deviation - MD & CEO 3,455,855 Share-linked instruments3 (nos.) 5,475,500
Deviation - WTD1 50,085,768 Total amount of deferred
remuneration paid out during the year -
Deviation - WTD2 47,547,650
Total amount of outstanding deferred
Deviation - WTD3 46,536,300 remuneration
1 For the year ended March 31, 2021 includes MD & CEO/ Cash N.A.
WTDs/and other MRTs based on the revised criteria Shares (nos) -
given by RBI in its guideline dated November 4, 2019. Shares-linked instruments 4,690,430
Also includes WTDs transferred to group companies. For Other forms -
the year ended on March 31, 2021 variable remuneration Total amount of outstanding
includes cash bonus and stock options based on the deferred remuneration and retained
revised criteria given by RBI in its guideline dated remuneration exposed to ex-post
November 4, 2019 that are paid/ granted/ vested during explicit and/or implicit adjustments -
the year. Total amount of reductions during
2 Fixed pay includes basic salary, supplementary the year due to ex-post explicit
allowances, superannuation, contribution to provident adjustments4 -
fund, gratuity fund and value of perquisites. The value of Total amount of reductions during
perquisite is calculated as cost to the Bank. the year due to ex-post implicit
3 Variable and share-linked instruments represent adjustments -
amounts/ options awarded for the year ended March 31, 1 Includes WTDs transferred to group companies and who
2020 as per RBI approvals wherever applicable. were paid bonus during the year.
4 Includes options vested during the year including for 2 Fixed pay includes basic salary, supplementary
WTDs who were transferred to group companies. allowances, superannuation, contribution to provident
5 Includes outstanding options unvested including for fund and gratuity fund by the Bank. The amounts
WTDs who were transferred to group companies. mentioned in the above table correspond to the period of
6 Excludes ` 74.1 million variable pay to the former employment of WTDs in the Bank during fiscal 2020.
MD & CEO for past years which has been directed for 3 The variable (performance bonus) and share-linked
claw-back in respect of which the Bank has filed a instruments represent amounts paid/options awarded
recovery suit against the former MD & CEO. during the year, as per RBI approvals. Out of total options,
7 Mean pay is computed on annualised fixed pay that 2,584,000 options pertain to fiscal 2018 and 2,891,500
includes basic salary, supplementary allowances, options pertain to fiscal 2019.
superannuation, contribution to provident fund, gratuity 4 Excludes ` 74.1 million variable pay to the former MD
fund and value of perquisites. The value of perquisite is & CEO for past years which has been directed for claw-
calculated as cost to the Bank. back in respect of which the Bank has filed a recovery suit
against the former MD & CEO.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
Disclosures required with respect to Section (iii) The percentage increase in the median remuneration
197(12) of the Companies Act, 2013 of employees in the financial year;
The ratio of the remuneration of each director to the The percentage increase in the median remuneration
median employee’s remuneration and such other details of employees in the financial year was around 5%.
in terms of Section 197(12) of the Companies Act, 2013
read with Rule 5 of the Companies (Appointment and (iv) The number of permanent employees on the rolls of
Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 and Company;
as amended from time to time. The number of employees, as mentioned in the
section on ‘Management’s Discussion & Analysis’
(i) The ratio of the remuneration of each director to
is 98,750. Out of this, the employees on permanent
the median remuneration of the employees of the
rolls of the Company is 97,488 including employees
Company for the financial year;
in overseas locations.
Sandeep Bakhshi, NA
Managing Director & CEO [Refer Note 1(a)] (v)
Average percentile increase already made in the
salaries of employees other than the managerial
Vishakha Mulye,
personnel in the last financial year and its comparison
Executive Director
with the percentile increase in the managerial
Anup Bagchi, remuneration and justification thereof and point
Executive Director 96:1 out if there are any exceptional circumstances for
Sandeep Batra, [Refer Note 1(b)]
increase in the managerial remuneration;
Executive Director
The average percentage increase made in the
(Appointed as Executive Director
salaries of employees in junior management for
w.e.f. December 23, 2020)
fiscal 2021 was around 5%. The average increase in
(ii) The percentage increase in remuneration of each the remuneration of middle and senior management
director, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Executive including Key Managerial Personnel was 0%.
Officer, Company Secretary or Manager, if any, in
Affirmation that the remuneration is as per the
the financial year;
remuneration policy of the Company.
There was nil percentage increase in the remuneration
of each Director, Chief Executive Officer, Chief
Financial Officer and Company Secretary in the Notes:
financial year 2021. 1 Amongst various measures to deal with the unprecedented
challenge posed by Covid-19:
Sandeep Bakhshi, (a) Managing Director & CEO voluntarily relinquished his fixed
[Refer Note 1(a)]
Managing Director & CEO compensation of basic, supplementary allowances and
Vishakha Mulye, retirals for fiscal 2021 and was paid honorarium fee of `1/-
Executive Director for fiscal 2021.
Anup Bagchi, (b)
Material Risk Takers of the Bank including Executive
Executive Director Directors, Group Chief Financial Officer and Company
Secretary voluntarily opted for a 10% salary reduction
Sandeep Batra,
[Refer Note 1(b)] effective May 1, 2020 in the basic salary, retirals and
Executive Director
supplementary allowances for fiscal 2021.
Rakesh Jha,
Group Chief Financial Officer 2 The Independent Directors of the Bank, other than Chairman
receive remuneration in the form of sitting fees and profit
Ranganath Athreya, related commission. The Chairman receives sitting fees and
Company Secretary remuneration as approved by the Members and RBI.
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
IV. Corporate Social Responsibility Committee related activities including financial inclusion and
financial literacy, and other activities as may be
Terms of Reference
required towards fulfilling the CSR objectives. The
The functions of the Committee include review activities are largely implemented either directly or
of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives through the ICICI Foundation for Inclusive Growth.
undertaken by the ICICI Group and the ICICI
Foundation for Inclusive Growth, formulation and The CSR policy was revised in April 2021 and the
recommendation to the Board of a CSR Policy revisions in the CSR Policy were largely to reflect the
indicating the activities to be undertaken by the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy)
Company and recommendation of the amount Amendment Rules, 2021, and included changes to
of expenditure to be incurred on such activities, the operating framework, disclosure requirements
reviewing and recommending the annual CSR plan and principles for selection of CSR projects.
to the Board, making recommendations to the The web-link to the Bank’s CSR policy: https://www.
Board with respect to the CSR initiatives, policies icicibank.com/managed-assets/docs/about-us/ICICI-
and practices of the ICICI Group, monitoring the Bank-CSR-Policy.pdf
CSR activities, implementation and compliance with
the CSR Policy and reviewing and implementing, if The Annual Report on the Bank’s CSR activities is
required, any other matter related to CSR initiatives annexed herewith as Annexure C.
as recommended/suggested by RBI or any other
V. Credit Committee
body. At the Board Meeting held on April 24, 2021,
the terms of reference of the CSR Committee were Terms of Reference
revised to reflect the Companies (Corporate Social The functions of the Committee include review of
Responsibility Policy) Amendment Rules, 2021. developments in key industrial sectors, major credit
portfolios and approval of credit proposals as per the
authorisation approved by the Board.
There were three Meetings of the Committee during
the year – April 15, 2020, August 19, 2020 and Composition
January 13, 2021. The details of the composition of There were twenty-eight Meetings of the Committee
the Committee and attendance at its Meetings held during the year – April 6, April 16, May 13, June 10,
during the year are set out in the following table: June 18, June 30, July 14, July 16, July 27, August 12,
August 25, September 5, September 11, September 21,
Number of
Name of Member September 24, September 28, October 16,
meetings attended
Radhakrishnan Nair, Chairman 3/3 November 20, November 27, December 11 and
Anup Bagchi 3/3 December 22 in 2020 and January 12, January 22,
February 18, March 8, March 12, March 26 and
Rama Bijapurkar 3/3
March 31 in 2021. The details of the composition of
Uday Chitale 3/3
the Committee and attendance at its Meetings held
Details about the policy developed and during the year are set out in the following table:
implemented by the Company on corporate
Number of
social responsibility (CSR) initiatives taken Name of Member
meetings attended
during the year
Sandeep Bakhshi, Chairman 28/28
ICICI Bank has a long-standing commitment towards
Hari L. Mundra 28/28
socio-economic development. The Bank’s CSR
Vishakha Mulye 28/28
activities are focused in the areas of skill development
for sustainable livelihoods, rural development and B. Sriram 28/28
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
There were four Meetings of the Committee strategy for Information Technology (IT) and policy
during the year – May 13, 2020, August 18, 2020, documents, ensure that IT strategy is aligned with
November 20, 2020 and February 17, 2021. The business strategy, review IT risks, ensure proper
details of the composition of the Committee and balance of IT investments for sustaining the Bank’s
attendance at its Meetings held during the year are growth, oversee the aggregate funding of IT at Bank-
set out in the following table: level, ascertain if the management has resources to
ensure the proper management of IT risks, review
Number of
Name of Member contribution of IT to business, oversee the activities
meetings attended
of Digital Council, review technology from a future
Rama Bijapurkar, Chairperson 4/4
readiness perspective, overseeing key projects
Hari L Mundra 4/4
progress & critical IT systems performance and the
Sandeep Bakhshi 4/4
review of special IT initiatives.
Anup Bagchi 4/4
VII. Fraud Monitoring Committee
There were four Meetings of the Committee
Terms of Reference during the year – May 19, 2020, August 13, 2020,
The Committee monitors and reviews all the frauds November 6, 2020 and January 20, 2021. The details
involving an amount of ` 10.0 million and above with of the composition of the Committee and attendance
the objective of identifying the systemic lacunae, if at its Meetings held during the year are set out in the
any, that facilitated perpetration of the fraud and put following table:
in place measures to rectify the same. The functions
Number of
of this Committee include identifying the reasons Name of Member
meetings attended
for delay in detection, if any, and reporting to top B. Sriram, Chairman 4/4
management of the Bank and RBI on the same. The Neelam Dhawan 4/4
progress of investigation and recovery position is also
Sandeep Bakhshi 4/4
monitored by the Committee. The Committee also
(upto January 30, 2021)
ensures that staff accountability is examined at all
Anup Bagchi 4/4
levels in all the cases of frauds and action, if required,
Sandeep Batra -
is completed quickly without loss of time. The role
(w.e.f. January 31, 2021)
of the Committee is also to review the efficacy of the
remedial action taken to prevent recurrence of frauds, IX. Risk Committee
such as strengthening of internal controls.
Terms of Reference
Composition The functions of the Committee are to review ICICI
There were four Meetings of the Committee during the Bank’s risk management policies pertaining to credit,
year – April 24, 2020, July 15, 2020, October 29, 2020 market, liquidity, operational, outsourcing, reputation
and January 15, 2021. The details of the composition risks, business continuity plan and disaster recovery
of the Committee and attendance at its Meetings held plan and approve Broker Empanelment Policy and
during the year are set out in the following table: any amendments thereto. The functions of the
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
Committee also include setting limits on any industry delegation of authority for opening and operation of
or country, review of the Enterprise Risk Management bank accounts for payment of interest/dividend.
(ERM) framework, Risk Appetite Framework (RAF),
stress testing framework, Internal Capital Adequacy Composition
Assessment Process (ICAAP) and framework for There were four Meetings of the Committee during the
capital allocation; review of the status of Basel II and year – April 14, 2020, July 21, 2020, October 29, 2020
Basel Ill implementation, risk dashboard covering and January 21, 2021. The details of the composition
various risks, outsourcing activities and the activities of the Committee and attendance at its Meetings held
of the Asset Liability Management Committee. The during the year are set out in the following table:
Committee has oversight on risks of subsidiaries Number of
covered under the Group Risk Management Name of Member
meetings attended
Framework. The Committee also carries out Cyber Hari L. Mundra, Chairman 4/4
Security risk assessment. Uday Chitale 4/4
Anup Bagchi 4/4
There were nine Meetings of the Committee during Ranganath Athreya, Company Secretary of the Bank
the year – May 8, 2020, July 9, 2020, July 24, 2020, acts as the Compliance Officer in accordance with
the requirements of the Securities and Exchange
September 23, 2020, October 30, 2020, December 23,
Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
2020, January 29, 2021, February 17, 2021 and
Requirements) Regulations, 2015. 45 investor
March 24, 2021. The details of the composition of
complaints were received in fiscal 2021. As at
the Committee and attendance at its Meetings held
March 31, 2021, one complaint was pending which
during the year are set out in the following table:
has been subsequently addressed.
Number of
Name of Member XI. R
eview Committee for Identification of Wilful
meetings attended
Girish Chandra Chaturvedi, 9/9 Defaulters/Non Co-operative Borrowers
Chairman Terms of Reference
S. Madhavan 9/9 The function of the Committee is to review the order
Sandeep Batra 4/4 of the Committee for identification of wilful defaulters/
(w.e.f. December 23, 2020)
non co-operative borrowers (a Committee comprising
The quorum of the Board Committees was increased wholetime Directors and senior executives of the
from at least two members to at least three members Bank to examine the facts and record the fact of the
with effect from June 30, 2019, to transact business borrower being a wilful defaulter/non co-operative
at any Board Committee meeting and in case where borrower) and confirm the same for the order to be
the Committee comprises of two members only or considered final.
where two members are participating, then any
Independent Director may attend the meeting to Composition
fulfil the requirement of three members. Accordingly, The Managing Director & CEO is the Chairman of
Uday Chitale attended the Committee meetings on this Committee and any two independent Directors
May 8, 2020, July 9, 2020, September 23, 2020, and comprise the remaining members. One meeting
October 30, 2020 and Radhakrishnan Nair attended of the Committee was held during the year. The
the Committee meeting on July 24, 2020 to fulfil the Committee Meeting held on February 16, 2021 was
requirement of quorum. attended by Sandeep Bakhshi, Uday Chitale and
Radhakrishnan Nair.
X. Stakeholders Relationship Committee
XII. Separate Meeting of Independent Directors
Terms of Reference uring the year, the Independent Directors met
The functions of the Committee include approval on May 9, 2020 inter alia to review the matters
and rejection of transfer or transmission of shares, statutorily prescribed under the Companies Act,
bonds, debentures, issue of duplicate certificates, 2013 and the Securities and Exchange Board of India
allotment of securities from time to time, redressal (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
and resolution of grievances of security holders, Regulations, 2015.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
The details of the Special Resolutions passed in the Annual General Meetings held in the previous three years are
given below:
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
Postal Ballot
Special Resolution for authorizing capital raising through issuance of equity shares and/or equity linked securities
was passed through postal ballot during fiscal 2021 vide Postal Ballot Notice dated July 8, 2020 pursuant to the
provisions of Section 110 and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.
In accordance with the General Circulars issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India in relation
to “Clarification on passing of ordinary and special resolutions by companies under the Companies Act, 2013 and
the rules made thereunder on account of the threat posed by Covid-19”, the approval of the Members of the Bank
was obtained through Postal Ballot only through the remote e-voting process.
The Board of Directors of the Company, appointed Mr. Alwyn D’souza of Alwyn D’souza & Co., Practicing Company
Secretaries, as the Scrutinizer for conducting the Postal Ballot e-voting process in a fair and transparent manner.
The scrutinizer submitted his report dated August 9, 2020. The results were declared on August 9, 2020 and
communicated to the stock exchanges and displayed on the Bank’s website at www.icicibank.com. The details of
the voting pattern are given below:
XV. Disclosures
(SAT) on October 24, 2019. SAT vide its
1. There are no materially significant transactions
order dated July 08, 2020 converted the
with related parties i.e., directors, management,
monetary penalty imposed on the Bank
subsidiaries, or relatives conflicting with the
to warning. SEBI had filed an appeal with
Bank’s interests. The Bank has no promoter.
the Supreme Court of India (“Supreme
Penalties or strictures imposed on the Bank Court”) against the aforementioned SAT
by any of the stock exchanges, the Securities order on September 24, 2020 pertaining
& Exchange Board of India (SEBI) or any other to the Bank. The matter was heard with
statutory authority, for any non-compliance on Supreme Court on January 6, 2021 wherein
any matter relating to capital markets, during the the Supreme Court directed an interim
last three years, detailed as hereunder: stay on the operation of the SAT orders
until further orders from them. The Bank
SEBI issued an Adjudication Order on
filed counter affidavit before the Supreme
September 12, 2019, imposing a penalty
Court on February 2, 2021. To bring closure
of ` 500,000 each (totalling to ` 1.0 million)
to the matter, the Bank filed the settlement
under Section 15HB of the Securities and
application on January 6, 2021, under SEBI
Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 and
(Settlement Proceedings) Regulations, 2018
Section 23E of the Securities Contracts
pursuant to which the Bank has paid the
(Regulation) Act, 1956 on the Bank for
settlement amount to SEBI and the Order
delayed disclosure of an agreement made
is awaited.
on May 18, 2010 relating to merger of
erstwhile Bank of Rajasthan with the Bank. ii. The RBI, in exercise of powers conferred
The Bank has filed an appeal against SEBI’s under section 47(A)(1)(c) read with Section
Order with the Securities Appellate Tribunal 46(4)(i) of the Banking Regulation Act,
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
1949, levied an aggregate penalty of ` 10.0 System (NEAPS) and through BSE Listing Centre
million vide its order dated February 25, and are also available on their respective websites in
2019. The penalty was levied for delay in addition to the Bank’s website.
compliance to RBI’s directives on “Time-
ICICI Bank’s quarterly financial results are published in
bound implementation & strengthening of
Business Standard or Financial Express and Vadodara
SWIFT related controls”.
Samachar or The Indian Express (Vadodara edition).
In terms of the Whistle-Blower Policy of the The financial results, official news releases, analyst
Bank, no employee of the Bank has been denied call transcripts and presentations are also available
access to the Audit Committee. on the Bank’s website.
4. There is no application or proceeding pending The Management’s Discussion & Analysis forms part
against the Bank under the Insolvency and of the Annual Report.
Bankruptcy Code, 2016 during the year
under review. General Shareholder Information
5. There was no instance of one-time settlement Annual General Day, Date Time
with any other Bank or financial institution during Meeting
the year under review. Twenty-Seventh Friday, 3:00 p.m.
Annual General August 20, 2021
XVI. Means of Communication Meeting through Video
Conferencing/ Other
It is ICICI Bank’s belief that all stakeholders should Audio Visual Means
have access to information regarding its position to
enable them to accurately assess its future potential. Financial Year : April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021
ICICI Bank disseminates information on its operations
Record Date: July 30, 2021
and initiatives on a regular basis. ICICI Bank‘s website
(www.icicibank.com) serves as a key awareness
Dividend Payment Date: Will be paid/despatched
facility for all its stakeholders, allowing them to on or after August 21, 2021
access information at their convenience. It provides
comprehensive information on ICICI Bank’s strategy,
Listing of equity shares/ADSs/Bonds on Stock
financial performance, operational performance and Exchanges
the latest press releases.
Code for
Stock Exchange
ICICI Bank’s investor relations personnel respond ICICI Bank
to specific queries and play a proactive role in BSE Limited (BSE) (Equity) 532174
disseminating information to both analysts and Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers &
investors. In accordance with SEBI and Securities Dalal Street, Mumbai 400 001 6321741
Exchange Commission (SEC) guidelines, all National Stock Exchange of India ICICIBANK
information which could have a material bearing on Limited (NSE) (Equity)
Exchange Plaza, Bandra-Kurla Complex
ICICI Bank’s share price is released through leading
Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051
domestic and global wire agencies. The information
New York Stock Exchange (ADSs)2 IBN
is also disseminated to the National Stock Exchange
11, Wall Street, New York, NY 10005
of India Limited (NSE), the BSE Limited (BSE), New United States of America
York Stock Exchange (NYSE), Securities Exchange
1 FII segment of BSE.
Commission (SEC), Singapore Stock Exchange,
2 Each ADS of ICICI Bank represents two underlying equity
Japan Securities Dealers Association and SIX Swiss
Exchange Ltd. from time to time.
The bonds issued in domestic market comprised
The financial and other information and the
privately placed bonds as well bonds issued via
various compliances as required/prescribed
public issues which are listed on BSE/NSE.
under the Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) ICICI Bank has paid annual listing fees for the relevant
Regulations, 2015 are filed electronically with NSE/ periods to BSE and NSE where its equity shares/
BSE through NSE’s Electronic Application Processing bonds are listed and NYSE where its ADSs are listed.
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
The reported high and low closing prices and volume of ADRs of ICICI Bank traded during fiscal 2021 on the NYSE are
given below:
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
The performance of ICICI Bank equity shares relative to the S&P BSE Sensitive Index (Sensex), S&P BSE Bank Index
(Bankex) and NYSE Financial Index during the period April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021 is given in the following chart:
S&P BSE Sensex S&P BSE Bankex NYSE Financial Index ICICI Bank
As per the SEBI mandate, securities of listed As required under Regulation 40(9) of the Securities
companies can be transferred/traded only in and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations
dematerialised form. In view of this and to eliminate and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015,
all risks associated with physical shares and for ease a certificate is obtained every six months from a
of portfolio management, Members holding shares in practising Company Secretary. Certificates issued in
physical form are requested to consider converting this regard are filed with BSE and NSE, where the
their holdings to dematerialised form. equity shares of ICICI Bank are listed.
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
In terms of Regulation 76 of the Securities and requests/grievances may be directed to Ms. R. C.
Exchange Board of India (Depositories and D’souza/Mr. S. R. Ramesh at the address as under:
Participants) Regulations, 2018 and SEBI Circular 3i Infotech Limited
D&CC/FITTC/CIR-16/2002 dated December 31, 2002, International Infotech Park, Tower # 5, 3rd Floor
as amended vide Circular no. CIR/MRD/DP/30/2010 Vashi Railway Station Complex, Vashi
dated September 6, 2010 an audit is conducted on Navi Mumbai 400 703, Maharashtra, India
a quarterly basis by a firm of Chartered Accountants, Tel. No.: +91-22-7123 8000
for the purpose of, inter alia, reconciliation of Fax No.: +91-22-7123 8099
the total admitted equity share capital with the E-mail: investor@icicibank.com
depositories and in the physical form with the total
Queries relating to the operational and
issued/paid up equity share capital of ICICI Bank.
financial performance of ICICI Bank may be
Certificates issued in this regard are placed before
addressed to:
the Stakeholders Relationship Committee and filed
with BSE and NSE, where the equity shares of Rakesh Jha/Anindya Banerjee
ICICI Bank Limited
ICICI Bank are listed.
ICICI Bank Towers
Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai 400 051
Registrar and Transfer Agents Tel. No.: +91-22-2653 7131
The Registrar and Transfer Agent of ICICI Bank is 3i Fax No.: +91-22-2653 1175
Infotech Limited. Investor services related queries/ E-mail: ir@icicibank.com
Debenture Trustees
Pursuant to Regulation 53 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the names and contact details of the debenture trustees for the public issue bonds
and privately placed bonds of the Bank are given below:
Bank of Maharashtra Axis Trustee Services Limited IDBI Trusteeship Services Limited
Head Office, Legal Dept. The Ruby, 2nd Floor, SW 29 Asian Building, Ground Floor
Lokmangal, “1501” Shivaji Nagar Senapati Bapat Marg 17, R Kamani Marg, Ballard Estate
Pune 411 005 Dadar West, Mumbai 400 028 Mumbai 400 001
Tel. No.: +91-020-2553 6256 Tel. No.: +91-22-2425 5202 Tel. No.: +91-22-4080 7001
bomcolaw@mahabank.com debenturetrustee@axistrustee.com itsupport@idbitrustee.com
The details are available on the website of the Bank at (https://www.icicibank.com/Personal-Banking/investments/
Information on Shareholding
Shareholding pattern of ICICI Bank at March 31, 2021
Shareholder Category No. of Shares % holding
Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas (Depositary for ADS holders) 1,476,534,595 21.35
FIIs/FPIs 2,598,752,468 37.58
Insurance Companies 698,750,812 10.10
Bodies Corporate (includes Government Companies and Clearing Members) 100,063,999 1.45
Banks & Financial Institutions 2,766,286 0.04
Mutual Funds/UTI 1,418,269,966 20.51
Individuals, HUF and Trusts 425,879,217 6.15
NBFCs Registered with RBI 14,631,901 0.21
Provident Fund/Pension Fund 115,450,061 1.67
Alternative Investment Fund 33,619,265 0.49
IEPF 6,934,176 0.10
Others (includes NRIs, Foreign Banks, Foreign Companies, Foreign Nationals etc.) 24,339,641 0.35
Total 6,915,992,387 100.00
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
Shareholders of ICICI Bank with more than one percent holding at March 31, 2021
Name of the Shareholder No. of Shares % holding
Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas* 1,476,534,595 21.35
Life Insurance Corporation of India 447,577,924 6.47
SBI Mutual Fund 243,824,865 3.53
ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund 183,811,991 2.66
Dodge & Cox International Stock Fund 176,867,176 2.56
HDFC Mutual Fund 162,257,655 2.35
Government of Singapore 145,378,451 2.10
NPS Trust 115,450,061 1.67
Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund 106,606,489 1.54
Nippon India Mutual Fund 103,972,201 1.50
Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund 95,925,796 1.39
UTI Mutual Fund 86,775,354 1.25
Europacific Growth Fund 78,749,478 1.14
Mirae Asset Mutual Fund 75,065,238 1.09
* Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas holds equity shares of ICICI Bank as depositary for ADS holders.
Disclosure with respect to shares lying in suspense amount of ` 44.3 million remaining unclaimed for a
account period of seven years from the date of its transfer to
The Bank had 94,647 equity shares held by 470 the Unpaid Dividend Accounts of the Company has
shareholders lying in suspense account at the been transferred to the IEPF.
beginning of the fiscal 2021. The Bank has been Pursuant to Section 124(6) of the Companies Act,
transferring the shares lying unclaimed to the eligible 2013 read with the Investor Education & Protection
shareholders as and when the request for the same Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer &
has been received after proper verification. During the Refund) Rules, 2016, during fiscal 2021, 486,711
year, the Bank had processed request received from equity shares in respect of which the dividend has
a shareholder holding 269 shares and accordingly not been claimed for seven consecutive years have
the said shares were transferred from the suspense been transferred to the designated demat account of
account. As on March 31, 2021, 94,378 shares held the IEPF Authority.
by 469 shareholders remained unclaimed in the
suspense account.
The unclaimed dividend and the equity shares
transferred to IEPF can be claimed by making an
The voting rights on the shares lying in suspense
application in the prescribed form available on the
account are frozen till the rightful owner of such
website of IEPF at (www.iepf.gov.in).
shares claims the shares.
Members who have not yet encashed their dividend
Transfer of unclaimed dividend and shares to warrant(s) for the financial year ended March 31, 2015
Investor Education & Protection Fund (IEPF) and/or subsequent years are requested to submit
Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 124 and 125 of their claims to the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the
the Companies Act, 2013, during fiscal 2021, dividend Company without any delay.
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
The details of Nodal Officer and Deputy NodaI Officers Plant Locations – Not applicable
appointed under the provisions of IEPF are available
Address for Correspondence
on the website of the Bank at (https://nli.icicibank.
com/NewRetailWeb/showUnclaimedForm.htm). Ranganath Athreya
Company Secretary
Outstanding GDRs/ADSs/Warrants or any ICICI Bank Limited
Convertible instruments, conversion date and likely ICICI Bank Towers
impact on equity Bandra-Kurla Complex
ICICI Bank has 738.27 million ADS (equivalent to Mumbai 400 051
1,476.53 million equity shares) outstanding, which Tel. No.: +91-22-2653 8900
constituted 21.35% of ICICI Bank’s total equity capital Fax No.: +91-22-2653 1230
at March 31, 2021. There are no other convertible E-mail: companysecretary@icicibank.com
instruments outstanding as on March 31, 2021. The Bank is in compliance with requirements specified
in Regulations 17 to 27 and clauses (b) to (i) of sub-
Commodity price risk or foreign exchange risk and
regulation (2) of Regulation 46 of the Securities and
hedging activities
Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and
The foreign exchange risk position including bullion Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
is managed within the net overnight open position
(NOOP) limit approved by the Board of Directors. The Bank has also complied with the discretionary
The foreign currency assets of the Bank are primarily requirements such as maintaining a separate office
floating rate linked assets. Wholesale liability raising for the Chairman at the Bank’s expense, ensuring
for foreign currencies takes place in USD or other financial statements with unmodified audit opinion,
currencies through bond issuances, bilateral loans separation of posts of Chairman and Chief Executive
and syndicated/ club loans as well as refinance Officer and reporting of internal auditor directly to the
from Export Credit Agencies (ECA) which may be Audit Committee.
at a fixed rate or floating rate linked. In case of fixed
Analysis of Customer Complaints
rate long-term wholesale fund raising in USD, the
interest rate risk is generally hedged through interest
The required details as per the RBI circular
rate swaps wherein the Bank effectively moves the no. CEPD.CO.PRD.Cir.No.01/13.01.013/2020-21 dated
interest payments to a floating rate index in order to January 27, 2021 are disclosed in Schedule 18 of the
match the asset profile. In case of fund raising in non- financial statements.
USD currencies, the foreign exchange risk is hedged
through foreign exchange swaps or currency interest
rate swaps.
ICICI Bank has annexed to this Report, a certificate
The extant RBI guidelines do not allow AD Category obtained from the statutory auditors, M/s Walker Chandiok
I Banks to take any market positions in commodity & Co LLP, Chartered Accountants, regarding compliance of
related activities. However, the extant guidelines conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in the
allows Bank to import gold and silver in line with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations
RBI license and selling of imported gold/silver on and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
outright basis to domestic clients or providing gold
metal loan to jewellery manufacturers and take gold EMPLOYEE STOCK OPTION SCHEME
deposits under the Gold Monetisation scheme. ICICI
The Bank has an Employee Stock Option Scheme (ESOS/
Bank provides pricing and hedging of Gold Metal
Scheme) which was instituted in fiscal 2000 to enable
Loan to jewellery customers and such exposures are
the employees and wholetime Directors of ICICI Bank
covered on a back-to-back basis with gold suppliers.
and its subsidiaries to participate in future growth and
In view of the above, the disclosure pursuant financial success of the Bank. The ESOS aims at achieving
to the SEBI Circular no. SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD1/ the twin objectives of (i) aligning employee interest
CIR/P/2018/0000000141 dated November 15, 2018 is to that of the shareholders; and (ii) retention of talent.
not required to be given. Through employee stock option grants, the Bank seeks
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
to foster a culture of long-term sustainable value creation. Based on intrinsic value of options, no compensation
The Scheme is in compliance with the Securities and cost was recognised during the year ended March 31,
Exchange Board of India (Share Based Employee Benefits) 2021 (year ended March 31, 2020: Nil). If the Bank had
Regulations, 2014 (the SEBI Regulations). Pursuant to used the fair value of options based on binomial tree
the SEBI Regulations, options are granted by the Board model, compensation cost in the year ended March 31,
Governance, Remuneration & Nomination Committee 2021 would have been higher by ` 3,949.7 million (year
(BGRNC) and noted by the Board. ended March 31, 2020: ` 3,826.2 million) and proforma
profit after tax would have been ` 157,977.1 million (year
The Scheme was initially approved by the Members at
ended March 31, 2020: ` 75,481.9 million). On a proforma
their meeting held on February 21, 2000 and amended
basis, the Bank’s basic and diluted earnings per share
from time to time. would have been ` 23.43 (year ended March 31, 2020:
The Bank has upto March 31, 2021 granted 566.66 million ` 11.68) and ` 23.09 (year ended March 31, 2020: ` 11.49)
stock options from time to time aggregating to 8.19% of respectively for the year ended March 31, 2021.
the issued equity capital of the Bank at March 31, 2021. The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated,
As per the ESOS, as amended from time to time, the the key assumptions used to estimate the fair value of
maximum number of options granted to any employee/ options granted.
Director in a year is limited to 0.05% of ICICI Bank’s issued
equity shares at the time of the grant, and the aggregate Year ended Year ended
of all such options is limited to 10% of ICICI Bank’s issued March 31, 2020 March 31, 2021
equity shares on the date of the grant (equivalent to 691.60 Risk-free
million shares of face value ` 2.00 each at March 31, 2021). interest rate 6.18% to 7.62% 4.83% to 5.74%
Expected life 3.46 to 5.46 years 3.45 to 5.45 years
Particulars of options granted by ICICI Bank as on March 31,
2021 are given below: Expected volatility 29.06% to 31.17% 35.19% to 37.31%
Number of options outstanding at the 237,906,7731 dividend yield 0.19% to 0.37% 0.26% to 0.30%
beginning of the year
Number of options granted during the 33,417,700 The weighted average fair value of options granted during
year the year ended March 31, 2021 was ` 125.44 (year ended
Number of options forfeited/lapsed during 880,530 March 31, 2020: ` 149.62) and the weighted average
the year exercise price of options granted during the year ended
March 31, 2021 was ` 337.73 (year ended March 31, 2020:
Number of options vested during the year 31,430,750
` 402.16).
Number of options exercised during the 24,232,771
year Risk free interest rates over the expected term of the
Number of shares arising as a result of 24,232,771 option are based on the government securities yield in
exercise of options effect at the time of the grant. The expected term of an
option is estimated based on the vesting term as well as
Money realised by exercise of options 5,302,452,541
expected exercise behavior of the employees who receive
during the year (`)
the option. Expected exercise behavior is estimated based
Number of options outstanding at the end 246,211,1721
on the historical stock option exercise pattern of the Bank.
of the year Expected volatility during the estimated expected term
Number of options exercisable at the end 177,023,002 of the option is based on historical volatility determined
of the year based on observed market prices of the Bank’s publicly
Excludes options pertaining to wholetime Directors of traded equity shares. Expected dividends during the
subsidiary company pending for regulatory approval. estimated expected term of the option are based on recent
dividend activity.
The Bank follows the intrinsic value method to account
for its stock-based employee compensation plans. The The detailed disclosures as stipulated under Regulation
diluted earnings per share (EPS) pursuant to issue of 14 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Share
shares on exercise of options calculated in accordance Based Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014 will be hosted
with Accounting Standard 20 (AS-20) was ` 23.67 in fiscal on the website of the Bank at (https://www.icicibank.com/
2021 compared to basic EPS of ` 24.01. aboutus/other-policies.page).
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
CONSERVATION OF ENERGY, TECHNOLOGY 5. that they have laid down internal financial controls
ABSORPTION, FOREIGN EXCHANGE to be followed by the Bank and that such internal
EARNINGS AND OUTGO financial controls are adequate and were operating
The Bank has undertaken various initiatives for energy effectively; and
conservation at its premises. A detailed write up is given 6.
that they have devised proper systems to ensure
in the Environmental, Social and Governance Report of compliance with the provisions of all applicable
fiscal 2021 which will be available on the website of the laws and that such systems were adequate and
Bank at (https://www.icicibank.com/aboutus/annual.html) operating effectively.
and in the Natural Capital chapter in the Integrated Report
section of the Annual Report for fiscal 2021. The Bank has ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
used information technology extensively in its operations; ICICI Bank is grateful to the Government of India,
for details refer to the chapter Our Business Strategy in Reserve Bank of India, Securities and Exchange Board of
the Integrated Report section of the Annual Report for India, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
fiscal 2021. of India and overseas regulators for their continued
co-operation, support and guidance. ICICI Bank wishes
SECRETARIAL STANDARDS to thank its investors, the domestic and international
Your Bank is in compliance with the Secretarial Standard on banking community, rating agencies and stock exchanges
Meetings of the Board of Directors (SS-1) and Secretarial for their support.
Standard on General Meetings (SS-2) for the financial year
ICICI Bank would like to take this opportunity to express
ended March 31, 2021.
sincere thanks to its valued clients and customers for
DIRECTORS’ RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT their continued patronage. The Directors express their
deep sense of appreciation to all the employees, whose
The Directors confirm:
outstanding professionalism, commitment and initiative
1. that in the preparation of the annual accounts, the have made the organisation’s growth and success possible
applicable accounting standards had been followed, and continues to drive its progress. Finally, the Directors
along with proper explanation relating to material wish to express their gratitude to the Members for their
departures; trust and support.
2. that they have selected such accounting policies and For and on behalf of the Board
applied them consistently and made judgements and
estimates that are reasonable and prudent, so as to Girish Chandra Chaturvedi
give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Chairman
Bank at the end of the financial year and of the profit July 15, 2021 DIN: 00110996
of the Bank for that period;
3. that they have taken proper and sufficient care for Compliance with the Group Code of Business
the maintenance of adequate accounting records, Conduct and Ethics
in accordance with the provisions of the Banking I confirm that all Directors and members of the senior
Regulation Act, 1949 and the Companies Act, 2013 for management have affirmed compliance with Group
safeguarding the assets of the Bank and for preventing Code of Business Conduct and Ethics for the year ended
and detecting fraud and other irregularities; March 31, 2021.
Sandeep Bakhshi
4. that they have prepared the annual accounts on a
Managing Director & CEO
going concern basis;
July 15, 2021 DIN: 00109206
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
[Pursuant to Section 204 (1) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule No. 9 of the Companies
(Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014]
To, (iii) The Depositories Act, 1996 and the Regulations and
The Members, Bye-laws framed thereunder;
ICICI Bank Limited
Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and
We have conducted the secretarial audit of the compliance the rules and regulations made thereunder to the
of applicable statutory provisions and the adherence to extent of Foreign Direct Investment, Overseas Direct
good corporate practices by ICICI Bank Limited (hereinafter Investment and External Commercial Borrowings;
called the Company/the Bank). Secretarial Audit was
(v) The following Regulations and Guidelines prescribed
conducted in a manner that provided us a reasonable
under the Securities and Exchange Board of India
basis for evaluating the corporate conducts/statutory
Act, 1992 (‘SEBI Act’)
compliances and expressing our opinion thereon.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India
Based on our verification of the Company’s books, (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers)
papers, minute books, forms and returns filed and other Regulations, 2011;
records maintained by the Company, to the extent the
information provided by the Company, its officers, agents (b)
The Securities and Exchange Board of India
and authorised representatives during the conduct of (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations,
secretarial audit, the explanations and clarifications given 2015;
to us and the representations made by the Management (c)
The Securities and Exchange Board of India
and considering the relaxations granted by the Ministry (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements)
of Corporate Affairs and Securities and Exchange Board Regulations, 2018 and amendments from time
of India warranted due to the spread of the COVID-19 to time;
pandemic, we hereby report that in our opinion, the
The Securities and Exchange Board of India
Company has, during the audit period covering the
(Share Based Employees Benefits) Regulations,
financial year ended on March 31, 2021, generally
complied with the statutory provisions listed hereunder
and also that the Company has proper Board processes (e)
The Securities and Exchange Board of India
and compliance mechanism in place to the extent, in the (Issue and Listing of Debt Securities) Regulations,
manner and subject to the reporting made hereinafter: 2008;
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (ii) The Listing Agreements entered into by the Company
(Buyback of Securities) Regulations, 2018; with BSE Limited and National Stock Exchange of
(Not applicable to the Company during the India Limited read with the Securities and Exchange
audit period); Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Merchant Bankers) Regulations, 1992; uring the period under review, the Company has
generally complied with the provisions of the Act, Rules,
The Securities and Exchange Board of India Regulations, Guidelines, standards etc. mentioned above.
(Bankers to an Issue) Regulations, 1994;
We report that
The Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Debenture Trustee) Regulations, 1993; 1. The Bank in its capacity as Designated Depository
Participant (“DDP”) has received a show-cause notice
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SCN) dated December 28, 2020 from SEBI, for
(Custodian of Securities) Regulations, 1996; alleged violation of SEBI (Foreign Portfolio Investors)
Regulations, 2019/2014 and other related Guidelines
The Securities and Exchange Board of India
stating that the Bank (as DDP) did not report to
(Investment Advisers) Regulations, 2013;
SEBI the delay in intimation of change in grouping
The Securities and Exchange Board of India information of two FPIs. The SCN was also addressed
(Foreign Portfolio Investors) Regulations, 2019; to both FPIs. The Bank has submitted an interim
response to SEBI.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Stock Brokers and Sub-Brokers) Regulations, 2. SEBI issued an Adjudication order on September 12,
1992 and 2019 imposing a penalty of ` 5 lakh each under Section
15 HB of SEBI Act and Section 23E of SCRA on the
The Securities and Exchange Board of India
Bank and ` 2 lakh under Section 15HB of SEBI act on
(Depositories and Participant) Regulations, 2018;
the ex-compliance officer (eCO) on alleged delayed
Other laws applicable specifically to the Company disclosure of an agreement relating to merger of ICICI
namely: Bank Limited with erstwhile Bank of Rajasthan. The
eCO and the Bank has filed an appeal against SEBI’s
(a) Banking Regulation Act, 1949, Master Circulars, Order with Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) and
Notifications and Guidelines issued by the RBI SAT has converted the monetary penalty to warning.
from time to time SEBI had filed an appeal with the Supreme Court of
The Securitisation and Reconstruction of India (“Supreme Court”) against the SAT orders and
Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security separately, the Bank had also filed an appeal with
Interest Act, 2002 Supreme Court against the SAT order. These matters
were heard with Supreme Court wherein the Supreme
(c) Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Court directed an interim stay on the operation of the
Institutions Act, 1993 SAT orders. The Bank and eCO have subsequently
filed counter affidavits before the Supreme Court. To
(d) The Shops and Establishments Act, 1953
bring closure to the matter, the eCO and the Bank has
e have also examined compliance with the applicable
W filed the settlement application with SEBI.
clauses of the following:
3. SEBI issued a SCN dated January 30, 2020 wherein
Secretarial Standards issued by The Institute of they have alleged that the Bank has violated the
Company Secretaries of India with respect to board provisions of Regulation 22(2) of the SEBI (Listing
and general meetings. Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
2015 with respect to one whistle blower complaint. In respect of meetings held at short notice or meetings
The Bank submitted its reply to the SCN. To bring for which the agenda notes (other than those relating to
closure to the matter, the Bank submitted a settlement Unpublished Price Sensitive Information (UPSI)) were sent
application with SEBI and currently the said matter is at a notice of less than 7 days, the unanimous consent
disposed of and an amount of ` 28,40,625/- was paid of the Board/Committee was taken for discussion of the
as settlement charges. said agenda items and the same has been recorded in
ICICI Bank Limited & it’s former, MD & CEO had the minutes.
received a SCN from SEBI on May 24, 2018 requiring Decisions at the Meetings of the Board of Directors and of
responses on matters relating to alleged non- the Committees thereof were taken with requisite majority.
compliance with certain provisions of the erstwhile
We further report that there are adequate systems and
Listing Agreement and the SEBI (Listing Obligation
processes in the Company commensurate with the size
and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
The Bank has submitted its reply to SEBI. On and operations of the Company to monitor and ensure
November 19, 2020, SEBI issued a modified show compliance with applicable laws, rules, regulations
cause notice (MSCN) to the Bank in relation to the and guidelines.
above wherein it included Clause 2 of Uniform Listing We further report that the following events occurred
Agreement and Section 21 of SCRA in addition to the during the audit period which have a major bearing on
existing cited provisions. The Bank has submitted its the Company’s affairs in pursuance of the laws, rules,
final response on the MSCN to SEBI. regulations, guidelines, standards etc. referred to above.
The Bank received a show cause notice dated 1. Pursuant to the approval of the Board of Directors
December 16, 2020 from RBI under Sections 35, 35A, of the Bank on June 18, 2020, the Bank divested
46 and 47A of Banking Regulation Act, 1949 relating to 18,000,000 equity shares of face value of ` 10 each of
violations of RBI directions - Inter-category shifting of ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited
investments from HTM to AFS during FY 2017-18 and
(Company), representing 3.96% of the equity share
continued operations in InstaSave salary accounts
capital of the Company at March 31, 2020.
opened using OTP based e-KYC in non face-to-face
mode. The Bank submitted its response to the show 2. Pursuant to the approval of the Board of Directors
cause notice on January 11, 2021. Subsequently, a of the Bank on June 21, 2020, the Bank divested
personal hearing was held on February 3, 2021, post 21,500,000 equity shares of face value of ` 10 each
which the Bank provided necessary submissions. The of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited
final order is awaited from RBI. (Company), representing 1.50% of the equity share
capital of the Company at March 31, 2020.
We further report that:
The Board of Directors of the Company is duly constituted 3. The Issuance Committee of the Board of Directors of the
with proper balance of Executive Directors, Non-Executive Bank at its meeting held on August 15, 2020, approved
Directors and Independent Directors. The changes in the allotment of 418,994,413 Equity Shares of face value
composition of the Board of Directors that took place ` 2 each to eligible qualified institutional buyers at
during the period under review were carried out in the issue price of ` 358.00 per Equity Share, i.e., at a
compliance with the provisions of the Act. premium of ` 356.00 per Equity Share, aggregating to
` 149,999,999,854, pursuant to the Issue.
Adequate notice was given to all directors to schedule the
Board Meetings, agenda and detailed notes on agenda 4. Pursuant to the approval of the Board of Directors
were sent at least seven days in advance, and a system of the Bank on August 26, 2020, the Bank divested
exists for seeking and obtaining further information and 6,442,000 equity shares of face value of ` 5 each of
clarifications on the agenda items before the meeting and ICICI Securities Limited (Company), representing
for meaningful participation at the meeting. 2.00% of the equity share capital of the Company at
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
June 30, 2020 through an open market sale towards 6. During the financial year ended March 31, 2021, the
compliance with the requirement of minimum public Bank has redeemed various series of debentures
float of the Company. in the nature of Public issue bonds, Private
5. Pursuant to the approval of the Board of Directors placement bonds and Pension bonds aggregating
of the Bank on December 8, 2020, the Bank divested to ` 46,992,599,276 and has complied with the
7,121,403 equity shares of face value ` 5 each of ICICI applicable laws.
Securities Limited (Company), representing 2.21%
of the issued and paid-up equity share capital of the 7.
During the financial year ended March 31, 2021,
Company through an offer for sale through stock the Bank has allotted 24,232,771 equity share of
exchange mechanism towards compliance with the face value of ` 2 each under the Employee Stock
requirement of minimum public float of the Company. Option Scheme.
P. N. Parikh
Place: Mumbai FCS No: 327 CP No: 1228
Date : 24.04.2021 UDIN: F000327C000170772
This Report is to be read with our letter of even date which is annexed as Annexure A and forms an integral part of this report.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
Annexure A’
The Members
ICICI Bank Limited
Our report of even date is to be read along with this letter.
1. Maintenance of secretarial record is the responsibility of the management of the Company. Our responsibility is to
express an opinion on these secretarial records based on our audit.
2. We have followed the audit practices and process as were appropriate to obtain reasonable assurance about the
correctness of the contents of the secretarial records. The verification was done on test basis to ensure that correct
facts are reflected in secretarial records. We believe that the process and practices, we followed provide a reasonable
basis for our opinion.
We have not verified the correctness and appropriateness of financial records and Books of Accounts of
the Company.
4. Where ever required, we have obtained the Management representation about the Compliance of laws, rules and
regulations and happening of events etc.
5. The Compliance of the provisions of Corporate and other applicable laws, rules, regulations, standards is the
responsibility of management. Our examination was limited to the verification of procedure on test basis.
6. The Secretarial Audit report is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor of the efficacy or
effectiveness with which the management has conducted the affairs of the Company.
P. N. Parikh
Place: Mumbai FCS No: 327 CP No: 1228
Date : 24.04.2021 UDIN: F000327C000170772
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
[Pursuant to Regulation 34(3) and Para C (10)(i) of Schedule V to the SEBI (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015]
The Members of
ICICI Bank Limited
ICICI Bank Tower,
Near Chakli Circle,
Old Padra Road,
Vadodara - 390007
We have examined the relevant registers, records, forms, returns and disclosures received from the Directors of ICICI
Bank Limited having CIN L65190GJ1994PLC021012 and having registered office at ICICI Bank Tower, Near Chakli Circle,
Old Padra Road, Vadodara - 390007 (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Company’), produced before us by the Company for
the purpose of issuing this Certificate, in accordance with Regulation 34(3) read with clause 10(i) of Para C of Schedule V
to the Securities Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the verifications (including Directors Identification
Number (DIN) status at the portal www.mca.gov.in) as considered necessary and explanations furnished to us by the
Company & its officers, we hereby certify that none of the Directors on the Board of the Company as stated below for
the Financial Year ended March 31, 2021 have been debarred or disqualified from being appointed or continuing as
Directors of companies by the Securities and Exchange Board of India or the Ministry of Corporate Affairs or any such
other statutory authority.
* Pursuant to the order of the Hon’ble National Company Law Tribunal (‘NCLT’), Mumbai Bench dated October 1, 2018 Mr. G. C. Chaturvedi
(DIN: 00110996) was appointed as nominee director of the Central Government in Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Limited
and IL&FS Energy Development Company Limited on October 1, 2018 and November 01, 2018 respectively. Further, NCLT vide its
Order dated October 5, 2018, provided immunity against disability or disqualification as per Section 164 and 167 of the Companies
Act, 2013 to such newly appointed Directors. As per the information available in public domain, we could find no further order to the
contrary till the date of furnishing this certificate.
# Mr. B. Sriram (DIN: 02993708) was appointed as a Director on the Board of Unitech Limited on January 22, 2020, pursuant to Order of
the Hon’ble Supreme Court (‘SC’) dated January 20, 2020 vide Ministry of Corporate Affairs (‘MCA’) Order No. Legal-10/01/2020. There
had been a default in repayment of deposits in Unitech Limited as on March 31, 2017 and the failure continues till date. Given the nature
of appointment pursuant to SC order and MCA order, the director is a nominee director of the Central Government and accordingly, we
assume that the immunity from disqualification is available to the said director on the date of furnishing this certificate.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
Ensuring the eligibility for the appointment / continuity of every Director on the Board is the responsibility of the
management of the Company. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these based on our verification. This
certificate is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor of the efficiency or effectiveness with
which the management has conducted the affairs of the Company.
Vinita Nair
Senior Partner
Membership No.: F10559
Place: Mumbai C P No.: 11902
Date: April 23, 2021 UDIN: F010559C000162469
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
1. Brief outline on CSR Policy of the Company in and benefit from India’s economic progress. This
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been a is based on the belief that growth and development
long-standing commitment at ICICI Bank and the ICICI are effective only when they result in wider access
Group and forms an integral part of our activities. The to opportunities and benefit a broader section of
Bank’s contribution to social sector development society. ICICI Bank aims to identify critical areas
includes several pioneering interventions, and of development that require investments and
is implemented through the involvement of intervention, and which can help to realize India’s
stakeholders within the Bank, the Group and the potential for growth and prosperity.
broader community. The Bank established the ICICI The CSR Policy of the Bank sets the framework guiding
Foundation for Inclusive Growth (ICICI Foundation)
the Bank’s CSR activities. It outlines the governance
in 2008 with a view to significantly expand the ICICI
structure, operating framework, monitoring mechanism
Group’s activities in the area of CSR. Over the last
and guiding principles for selecting CSR projects/
few years ICICI Foundation has developed significant
activities to be undertaken. The Bank’s CSR activities
projects in specific areas, and has built capabilities
are largely focused in the areas of education, health,
for direct project implementation as opposed to
skill development and sustainable livelihoods,
extending financial support to other organisations.
environment, rural development and other activities
ICICI Bank’s objective is to proactively support like disaster relief or other activities under Schedule
meaningful socio-economic development in India VII of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”).
and enable a larger number of people to participate
3. Provide the web-link where Composition of CSR Committee, CSR Policy and CSR projects approved
by the Board are disclosed on the website of the Company.
Link to the Bank’s corporate social responsibility page is:
4. Provide the details of impact assessment of CSR projects carried out in pursuance of sub-rule (3) of
rule 8 of the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014, if applicable (attach
the report).
The Bank conducted impact assessment for three major CSR activities. These are the skill development initiative
under the ICICI Academy for Skills conducted through the ICICI Foundation, and the rural development activities
and social awareness programme, implemented directly by the Bank. A summary of the findings of the impact
assessment studies is provided in Annexure 1 of the Annual Report on CSR, along with a link to the impact
assessment reports on the Bank’s website.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
Details of the amount available for set off (b) Surplus arising out of the CSR projects or
in pursuance of sub-rule (3) of rule 7 of the programmes or activities of the previous
Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility financial years
Policy) Rules, 2014 and amount required for set
This is not applicable since the amended
off for the financial year, if any
position relating to surplus has come into effect
This is not applicable since the amended position on January 22, 2021 and is not retrospectively
allowing set-off has come into effect on January 22, applicable for previous financial years.
2021 and is not retrospectively applicable for previous
financial years. (c)
Amount required to be set off for the
financial year, if any
Average net profit of the Company as per Nil (Refer 5 above)
section 135(5)
` 92.26 billion (d) Total CSR obligation for the financial year
[7(a) + 7(b) - 7(c)]
7. (a) Two percent of average net profit of the
` 1,845.3 million
company as per section 135(5)
` 1,845.3 million
(b) Details of CSR amount spent against ongoing projects for the financial year.
Not applicable
(c) Details of CSR amount spent against other than ongoing projects for the financial year
Sr. Name of the project Item from the list of Local Location of the Amount Mode of Mode of implementation –
no. activities in Schedule area Project spent for impleme- through implementing agency
VII to the Act (Yes/ State1 Districts the project ntation Name CSR
No) (in ` million) Direct Registration
(Yes/No) Number2
1. Covid-19 relief Contribution to Prime No Pan India - 500.0 Yes PM CARES -
activities Minister’s Citizen Fund
Assistance and Relief in
Emergency Situations
2. Covid-19 relief Disaster management No Pan India 551 184.3 No ICICI Foundation CSR
(No. of projects: 38) for Inclusive 00001979
3. Covid-19 relief Preventive healthcare; No Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, - 26.0 Yes - -
efforts Disaster management J&K, Kerala, Ladakh,
(No. of projects: 16) Maharashtra, MP, Punjab,
4. Skill development Promoting education, No AP, Assam, Bihar, 28 267.0 No ICICI CSR
through ICICI employment, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Foundation 00001979
Academy for Skills enhancing vocational Gujarat, Haryana, J&K, for Inclusive
skills Jharkhand, Karnataka, Growth
Kerala, MP, Maharashtra,
Odisha, Punjab,
Rajasthan, TN, Telangana,
UP, Uttarakhand, WB
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
Sr. Name of the project Item from the list of Local Location of the Amount Mode of Mode of implementation –
no. activities in Schedule area Project spent for impleme- through implementing agency
VII to the Act (Yes/ State1 Districts the project ntation Name CSR
No) (in ` million) Direct Registration
(Yes/No) Number2
5. Rural Livelihood Livelihood No AP, Assam, Bihar, 162 175.0 No ICICI CSR
projects enhancement projects Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Goa, Foundation 00001979
(No. of projects: 34) Gujarat, Haryana, HP, J&K, for Inclusive
Jharkhand, Karnataka, Growth
Kerala, Ladakh, MP,
Maharashtra, Manipur,
Meghalaya, Mizoram,
Nagaland, Odisha,
Punjab, Rajasthan, TN,
Telangana, Tripura, UP,
Uttarakhand, WB
6. Social & Promoting education No AP, Assam, Bihar, ~100 172.0 No ICICI CSR
environmental healthcare, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Foundation 00001979
projects empowering women, HP, J&K, Jharkhand, for Inclusive
(No. of projects: 30) ensuring environmental Karnataka, Ladakh, MP, Growth
sustainability, ecological Maharashtra, Manipur,
balance, protection of Meghalaya, Mizoram,
flora and fauna, animal Nagaland, Odisha,
welfare, agroforestry, Punjab, Rajasthan,
disaster relief, Sikkim, TN, Telangana,
maintaining quality UP, Uttarakhand, WB
of soil, air and water,
making available safe
drinking water
7. Rural development Rural development No Pan India 450 482.1 Yes -
and related activities
8. Education Promoting education No TN 1 50.0 No Institute for -
and Research
9. Social Awareness Promoting education No AP, Maharashtra, Punjab 5 49.4 Yes - -
10. Relief in areas Disaster management No WB - 30.0 No West Bengal -
impacted by State Disaster
Amphan cyclone Management
11. Relief in areas Disaster management No WB 5 9.5 Yes - -
impacted by
Amphan cyclone
12. Waste management Hygiene No HP, Karnataka, Punjab, 14 13.6 Yes
projects TN, Telangana
(No. of projects: 15)
13. Education Promoting education No Bihar, Gujarat, HP, 10 15.6 Yes - -
Rajasthan, UP
14. Facility for providing Reducing inequalities No Assam 1 15.0 Yes - -
skill training in tribal
15. Environment Ensuring environmental No TN, Telangana 2 2.8 Yes - -
16. Heritage Protection of national No Gujarat 1 1.7 Yes - -
heritage, art and culture
17. Drinking water Making available safe No Gujarat, Haryana, HP, 10 1.6 Yes - -
facilities drinking water Maharashtra, Punjab, UP
18. Sanitation Hygiene No HP, Karnataka, UP 3 1.6 Yes
19. Financial Literacy Promoting education No Pan India - 1.7 No Disha Trust -
and Counselling
20. Livelihoods Livelihood enhancement No HP 1 0.1 Yes - -
21. Healthcare Promoting healthcare No Maharashtra 1 2.5 No Vidhi Legal -
Centre for Policy
22. Covid-19 relief Promoting healthcare No Maharashtra 1 2.0 No GiveIndia -
23. Covid-19 relief Promoting healthcare No Maharashtra 1 1.5 No Pune Municipal -
Total 2,005.0
Includes Union Territories
CSR registration number is mandatory from fiscal 2022
AP: Andhra Pradesh, HP: Himachal Pradesh, J&K: Jammu and Kashmir, MP: Madhya Pradesh, TN: Tamil Nadu, UP: Uttar Pradesh, WB: West Bengal
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
(f) Total amount spent for the financial year: [8(b) + 8(c) + 8(d) + 8(e)]
` 2,005.0 million
9. (a) Details of Unspent CSR amount for the preceding three financial years
This is not applicable since the amended requirement to transfer unspent CSR amounts has come into effect
on January 22, 2021 and is not retrospectively applicable for previous financial years
(b) Details of CSR amount spent in the financial year for ongoing projects of the preceding financial
This is not applicable since the concept of “Ongoing Project” has come into effect on January 22, 2021 and is
not retrospectively applicable for previous financial years
10. In case of creation or acquisition of capital assets, furnish the details relating to the asset so created
or acquired through CSR spent in the financial year
Sr. Details of capital asset Date of creation Amount spent Details of entity or public authority or
no. or acquisition (` mn) beneficiary under whose name the capital
asset is registered
1. Ventilators April-May 2020 19.5 Various hospitals including municipal and
state government hospitals in the states of
Maharashtra, Haryana, Delhi, Jharkhand,
Bihar, Telangana, Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir
2. Equipment for facilitating March 31, 2021 10.1 Municipal hospitals at Hyderabad, Warangal
organ donations and Nizamabad in Telangana
3. Equipment for March 30, 2021 8.0 Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra
subsidized cancer care
4. Oxygen generation plant March 31, 2021 7.6 Sasoon Hospital, Pune Maharashtra
5. Dialysis machines March 31, 2021 42.0 Various hospitals in the states of Rajasthan,
Maharashtra, Uttarakhand, Gujarat, Madhya
Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland,
Meghalaya, Jammu & Kashmir, Assam,
Sikkim, Odisha, Chhattisgarh,
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
Sr. Details of capital asset Date of creation Amount spent Details of entity or public authority or
no. or acquisition (` mn) beneficiary under whose name the capital
asset is registered
6. Sanitiser basins May 19, 2020 3.4 Multiple locations of Punjab State Agricultural
Marketing Board
7. Hospital beds March 31, 2021 3.2 Municipal Hospital at BYTCO Point, Nasik,
8. Structures for accessing March 24, 2021 3.0 Divisional Forest Office, Central Forest
potable water Division, Manipur Government
9. Battery operated October 25, 2020 3.0 Commissioner, Salem Corporation, Main
garbage vans Office, Fort Main Road, Salem, Tamil Nadu
10. Battery operated October 26, 2020 3.0 Commissioner, Tirrupur City Municipal
garbage vans Corporation, Mangalam Road, Tirrupur
11. Sanitising machines Multiple timelines 2.7 Various locations in Rajasthan, Odisha,
Chhattisgarh and Bihar
12. Battery operated March 9, 2021 2.3 City Engineer, Tirunelveli Corporation,
garbage vans Tirunelveli City Municipal Corporation, S.N.
High Road, Tirunelveli
13. Covid-19 war room April 21, 2020 1.8 Madhya Pradesh Government
14. Ambulance March 12, 2021 1.4 Trivandrum Government Medical College
Hospital, Tiruvananthapuram, Kerala
15. Tricycle garbage vans March 31, 2021 1.0 City Engineer, Madurai Corporation, Aringar
Anna Maligai, Outpost, Thallakulam, Madurai,
Tamil Nadu
16. Food processing unit February 16, 2021 0.9 Collective of tribal women beneficiaries,
February 25, 2021 Udaipur, Rajasthan
17. Chillers for Women Dairy March 20, 2021 0.5 Sundarban Cooperative Milk & Livestock
Cooperatives Producers' Union Ltd, West Bengal
18. Trommelling machine June 12, 2020 0.5 Additional Deputy Commissioner, Bhiwani,
ADC Office, Mini Secretariat, Bhiwani, Haryana
11. Specify the reason(s), if the company has failed to spend 2.0% of the average net profit as per
section 135(5).
Not applicable
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
ICICI Foundation’s skill development project • he project was considered to be a step higher
under ICICI Academy for Skills than other domain peers and industry trends.
The impact assessment was undertaken for the skill The study found that the scale and intensity of the
development project carried out by ICICI Foundation project had led to higher impact for beneficiaries.
under the ICICI Academy for Skills in fiscal 2020. The The project had a higher placement success rate
objective of the project was to provide an opportunity and higher average monthly salary being offered
to lesser privileged youth to improve employability to candidates. than similar level projects in
the industry.
and enable them to earn a sustainable livelihood. The
impact of the project has been analysed in four key
Financial inclusion project as part of rural
areas: inclusiveness, relevance, impact created and development
service delivery. Key findings were:
The objective of the project is to leverage technology
• he project has a high social return on investment
T to ensure rural people have access to formal banking
(SROI). Every rupee spent generated a social system in order to avail various direct benefit
value of ` 8.69 (in a Covid-19 impacted scenario) transfers (DBT) from flagship government schemes.
and ` 10.67 (in a business as usual scenario) The assessment involved undertaking stakeholder
interactions across various states to understand the
• The overall profile of the respondents reflected
benefits of financial inclusion interventions and the
inclusiveness of the project. The gender ratio in outcomes realized such as access to formal banking,
the FY2020 batches were 1:1. Two-thirds of the access to direct benefit transfers into the bank
trainees in non-technical courses were females accounts and increased saving. Key findings were:
and two-thirds of the candidates came from
tier 2 and tier 3 cities/towns. The Academy gets • 00% of the respondents were found to have
trainees from diverse educational backgrounds improved access to formal banking at the
village level.
and is able to cater to varying levels of
educational qualifications. • More than 95% respondents have improved
access to direct benefit transfers linked to
• The training provided at the centres was
various government schemes.
found to be highly relevant by trainees as well
as employers. As per the assessment, 85% • ore than 90% respondents have increased
employers found the skill training and technical savings due to access to formal banking.
know-how sound and industry-relevant; 84% of The study showed that the program benefited the
employers found the candidates to have the right target audience in a number of direct and indirect
attitude and adapt to the workplace culture; 70% ways. Availability of banking services at the doorstep
of the candidates had clarity on career prospects improved access to banking and reduced turnaround
and 98% students mentioned that they would time for providing benefits from government
refer their friends/relatives to join the Academy. schemes. The study observed that the beneficiaries
• In terms of impact created, the project had a preferred direct benefit transfers for government
schemes through bank accounts. Improved financial
high placement ratio with 97% of the candidates
literacy and easy steps to banking led to increased
receiving placement offer letters; 74% of the
confidence among the previously unbanked people.
candidates believe the Academy has substantially
Respondents also stated that the formal banking
contributed to improving their livelihood; 84%
process enabled them to plan their expenditures due
of the candidates are part of the active workforce
to an increase in savings.
and 16% are pursuing advanced courses.
Annual Report 2020-21
Directors’ Report
signages that can provide important information • The project has an even geographic spread
and create awareness. This effort was in tie-up that has touched more than 23 states and
with local government bodies to ensure local 183 cities across India by installing more
contextualization and relevance of the messages. than 8,200 signages which include signage
The objective of this project was to create public boards, barricades, road safety boards, and
awareness around themes of environmental tree guards.
sustainability, health, education, gender equality,
and traffic safety across various cities in India. Key • The hybrid model of beautification along
findings were: with social awareness helped to establish a
connection with the community in addition to
• number of these project sites with awareness
A instilling a sense of responsibility.
messages were still active, catalyzing a
behavioural change in the general public. • he themes covered through the awareness
project were aligned to 14 UN Sustainable
• The project created a strong visual engagement
Development Goals (SDGs).
and created a nudge for awareness within
the community. Broad estimates indicated Overall, the Social Awareness Project has been
that the project created visibility for 5.5 crore aligned to achieve the objective of bringing about
commuters and 653 crore visibility impressions a positive transformation in the cultural and social
per year. fabric of our society at large.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
3. The compliance of conditions of corporate governance We state that such compliance is neither an assurance
is the responsibility of the management. This as to the future viability of the Bank nor the efficiency
responsibility includes the designing, implementing or effectiveness with which the management has
and maintaining operating effectiveness of internal conducted the affairs of the Bank.
control to ensure compliance with the conditions Restriction on use
of corporate governance as stipulated in the
This certificate is issued solely for the purpose of
Listing Regulations.
complying with the aforesaid Listing Regulations and
Auditor’s Responsibility should not be used, referred to or distributed for any
Pursuant to the requirements of the Listing other purpose or to any other party, without our prior
Regulations, our responsibility is to express a written consent. Accordingly, we do not accept or
reasonable assurance in the form of an opinion as to assume any liability or any duty of care for any other
whether the Bank has complied with the conditions purpose for which or to any other person to whom
of corporate governance as stated in paragraph 2 this certificate is shown or into whose hands it may
above. Our responsibility is limited to examining the come, without our prior consent in writing. We have
procedures and implementation thereof, adopted no responsibility to update this Certificate for any
by the Bank for ensuring the compliance with the events or circumstances occurring after the date of
conditions of corporate governance. It is neither an this Certificate.
audit nor an expression of opinion on the financial
statements of the Bank. For Walker Chandiok & Co LLP
Chartered Accountants
5. We have examined the relevant records of the Bank in Firm Registration No: 001076N/N500013
accordance with the applicable Generally Accepted
Auditing Standards in India, the Guidance Note on Sudhir N. Pillai
Certification of Corporate Governance issued by the Partner
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (‘ICAI’), Membership No: 105782
and Guidance Note on Reports or Certificates for
UDIN: 21105782AAAADX2538
Special Purposes issued by the ICAI which requires
that we comply with the ethical requirements of the Place: Mumbai
Code of Ethics issued by the ICAI. Date: 01 June 2021
Annual Report 2020-21
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
at March 26, 2021. As per data on sector-wise deployment • he cash reserve ratio (CRR) requirement of banks
of credit as of February 26, 2021 released by RBI, retail was reduced by 100 basis points from 4.00% of net
loans grew by 9.6%, credit to the services sector by demand and time liabilities (NDTL) to 3.0% of NDTL.
9.3% and credit to the agriculture sector by 10.2% while This was effective from March 28, 2020 for a period
credit to industry declined by 0.2%. Deposit growth of one year up to March 26, 2021. This would be
was higher compared to credit growth during fiscal gradually restored to the earlier 4.0% in a phased
2021. Growth in total deposits remained above 10.0% manner with banks required to maintain the CRR
throughout fiscal 2021, with year-on-year growth of 11.4% at 3.50% of their NDTL effective from the fortnight
at March 26, 2021. beginning March 27, 2021 and at 4.00% of their NDTL
effective from fortnight beginning May 22, 2021.
According to RBI’s Financial Stability Report of
December 2020, non-performing assets (NPA) of scheduled • he minimum daily CRR balance requirement was
commercial banks declined during the first six months reduced from 90.0% to 80.0% effective from the
of fiscal 2021, with gross NPA ratio at 7.5% and net NPA fortnight beginning March 28, 2020. This was allowed
ratio at 2.1% at September 30, 2020 compared to a gross up to September 25, 2020.
NPA ratio of 8.5% and net NPA ratio of 3.0% at March 31,
• he limit for borrowing overnight under the marginal
2020. However, the level of NPAs at September 2020 did
standing facility (MSF) by dipping into the Statutory
not reflect the actual stress in the banking sector due
Liquidity Ratio (SLR) was raised to 3.0% of NDTL from
to the moratorium and standstill in asset classification
the earlier 2.0%, up to June 30, 2020. This dispensation
permitted by RBI as part of measures related to the
was subsequently extended till March 31, 2021.
Covid-19 pandemic. Lending institutions were allowed
Following the onset of the second wave of Covid-19,
to extend a moratorium on term loan instalments and
RBI extended it further till September 30, 2021.
interest on working capital facilities for six months from
March 1, 2020 to August 31, 2020 in case of qualifying Regulatory measures
borrowers, along with a standstill in asset classification
• Banks and other lending institutions were allowed
as standard. According to RBI, as on August 31, 2020,
to provide a moratorium on all term loans (including
customers accounting for 40.0% of outstanding bank
agriculture term loans, retail and crop loans).
loans had availed the benefit of the moratorium. Further,
Initially the moratorium was permitted for three
the Supreme Court through an interim order had directed
months on payment of instalments falling due
that accounts which were not classified as non-performing
between March 1, 2020 to May 31, 2020, which was
till August 31, 2020 should not be declared non-performing
subsequently extended by another three months to
after August 31, 2020 till further orders. This interim order
August 31, 2020. Interest would continue to accrue
was in force till the pronouncement of the final judgement
on the outstanding portion of the term loan during
by the Supreme Court in March 2021, following which
the moratorium period. Instalments include principal
accounts were classified as per applicable RBI guidelines.
and/or interest component, bullet repayments,
Several private sector banks, including us, strengthened equated monthly instalments and credit card dues.
their capital position by raising equity capital during
• A stand-still in asset classification for accounts where
the year. Banks also generally maintained additional
the borrower availed of the moratorium on payments
liquidity buffers and made additional provisions to address
for term loans was available from March 1, 2020
actual and expected increases in non-performing loans
to August 31, 2020. For all accounts classified as
as a result of the pandemic and consequent economic
standard as of February 29, 2020, even if overdue,
the moratorium period, if applicable, was required
Measures announced by RBI during the year in response to be excluded by the lending institutions from the
to the Covid-19 pandemic were: number of days past-due for the purpose of asset
classification. Similarly, in respect of working capital
Monetary measures loans, if deferment was granted, all facilities classified
• he repo rate was reduced by 115 basis points
T as standard, including special mention accounts, as
with the last reduction of 40 basis points to 4.0% in of February 29, 2020, were required to be excluded
May 2020; policy rate kept unchanged for the rest of for the determination of out of order status. Banks
the year. were required to make general provisions of not less
Annual Report 2020-21
than 10.0% of the total outstanding amount of such invocation in case of personal loans and 180 days for
accounts. This provision could be made over the corporate loans.
two quarters ending at March 31, 2020 and June 30,
• anks were restricted from making dividend payouts
2020, at a minimum 5.0% per quarter. This provision
from the profits pertaining to fiscal 2020.
was not permitted to be deducted from gross non-
performing assets while calculating the net non- • Implementation of the last tranche of 0.625% of
performing assets. the Capital Conservation Buffer was deferred from
March 31, 2020 to October 1, 2020 and then to
• Banks and other lending institutions were allowed
April 1, 2021, and has been further deferred to
to defer the recovery of interest on working
October 1, 2021.
capital facilities during the period March 1, 2020 to
August 31, 2020. • he implementation of the net stable funding ratio
has been deferred to October 1, 2021.
• anks were permitted to convert the accumulated
interest for the deferment period, from March 1, 2020 • The liquidity coverage ratio to be maintained by banks
to August 31, 2020, on working capital facilities into a was lowered from 100% to 80.0% until September 30,
funded interest term loan, which would be repayable 2020, thereafter increasing to 90.0% from October 1,
by March 31, 2021. 2020, and further to 100.0% from April 21, 2021.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
credited to borrowers from the central government. The NOFHC structure at their discretion, on attaining
scheme was applicable for borrowers having aggregate a tax-neutral status but within five years from
sanctioned limit and outstanding amount not exceeding announcement of tax-neutrality.
` 20.0 million from lending institutions as on February 29,
• he RBI announced rules for opening of current
2020. In March 2021, the Supreme Court in its judgement
accounts by banks. Banks are not permitted to open
ordered a waiver of the interest on interest charged to
current account for customers availing only cash
borrowers during the moratorium period from March 1,
credit or overdraft facilities from the banking system.
2020 to August 31, 2020. The methodology for calculation
For borrowers who have credit facilities from the
of the amount to be refunded/adjusted for different
banking system and have not availed cash credit
facilities was finalised by the Indian Banks’ Association
or overdraft facilities, non-lending banks are not
(IBA) in consultation with industry participants/bodies.
permitted to open a current account. Further, rules
The banks have made provision for the estimated refund
have been given for lenders eligible for opening a
amounts in their financial statements for fiscal 2021 and
current account subject to the exposure of the banking
are in the process of refunding the applicable amounts
system to the borrower. Banks will have to monitor all
to borrowers.
current accounts and cash credit/overdraft facilities at
The Government of India announced certain measures least on a quarterly basis.
to ease the impact of the pandemic. At the beginning
• To improve credit flow to certain sectors, RBI
of the year, the Government announced the Emergency
announced two measures in October 2020. The limit
Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS) for collateral-
on aggregate retail exposure to a single counterparty
free loans with an aggregate value of up to ` 3.0 trillion
was enhanced from ` 50.0 million to ` 75.0 million.
to small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Subsequently,
Further, the risk weights on individual housing loans
the coverage of the ECLGS scheme was expanded
were rationalised. All new housing loans sanctioned
from MSMEs to include entities in 26 stressed sectors
on or after October 16, 2020 and up to March 31,
identified by the Expert Committee set up by RBI for
2022, a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio of less than or equal
resolution of stressed assets, and the healthcare sector.
to 80% would attract a risk weight of 35% and for LTV
The ECLGS was extended till March 31, 2021. Other
between 80%-90%, the risk weight would be 50%.
measures included an employment scheme to incentivise
This is irrespective of the loan amount. A standard
job creation, a production-linked incentive scheme for
asset provision of 0.25% on these loans would
promoting the domestic manufacturing sector, income tax
relief for developers and home buyers and support to the
agriculture sector. During the year, the merger of 10 public sector banks
into four big banks, announced by the government
Other major announcements by RBI pertaining to the
in fiscal 2020, became effective from April 1, 2020. In
banking sector were:
November 2020, RBI announced the amalgamation of a
• In November 2020, RBI released the report of private sector bank, that was under prompt corrective
the Internal Working Group to review the extant action, with a foreign bank. Further, in the Union Budget
ownership and corporate structure guidelines for for fiscal 2022, the Finance Minister indicated that the
Indian private sector banks and sought feedback government would divest its stake in two public sector
on the recommendations by January 15, 2021. The banks.
recommendations for licensing of private banks
include allowing large corporate houses as promoters Outlook
of banks subject to necessary amendments to the Estimates of India’s GDP for fiscal 2022, by various
Banking Regulations Act, 1949 to deal with connected agencies and analysts, indicate a strong growth in GDP.
lending and strengthening of the supervisory However, in March-April 2021, the second wave of the
mechanism. Other recommendations include an Covid-19 pandemic, where the number of new cases
increase in minimum initial capital requirement for has increased significantly in India, has resulted in re-
licensing new banks from ` 5.00 billion to ` 10.00 imposition of localised/regional lock-down measures in
billion, requirement of Non-Operative Holding various parts of the country. Going forward, economic
Company Structure (NOFHC) for of all new licenses activity will depend on the trajectory of the second wave
and banks licensed before 2013 could move to an of Covid-19, the progress of the vaccination programme
Annual Report 2020-21
and the restrictions on activity and the period for which services that create value. The twin principles of “One Bank,
they continue. One RoE” emphasising the need to maximize the Bank’s
share of the target opportunity across all products and
A prolonged period of economic weakness caused by the
services, and “Fair to Bank, Fair to Customer” emphasising
second wave of the pandemic and uncertainty regarding
the need to deliver fair value to customers while creating
normalisation could continue to impact banking sector
value for shareholders, guide the Bank’s operations. The
loan growth, revenues, margins, asset quality and credit
Bank seeks to sell products and offer services which meet
costs in fiscal 2022.
societal needs and are in the interest of our customers.
Strategy In view of the continuing uncertainties and risks in the
During fiscal 2021, the Bank continued to focused on its operating environment, the Bank continues to focus on
strategic objective of risk calibrated profitable growth. The ensuring a resilient balance sheet and maintaining strong
core operating profit of the Bank grew by 16.9% during capital levels. The Bank will focus on maintaining and
fiscal 2021. The profit after tax increased from ` 79.31 further enhancing its deposit franchise, closely monitoring
billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 161.93 billion in fiscal 2021. The credit trends and growing its business in identified areas
profit after tax in fiscal 2021 includes the impact of net in a risk-calibrated manner. The Bank’s long-term strategic
Covid-19 related provision amounting to ` 47.50 billion. approach of maximizing its core operating profit within
The Bank maintained a healthy provisioning coverage the guardrails of compliance and risks will continue. The
ratio on NPAs, Covid-19 related provision of ` 74.75 Bank will focus on creating sustainable value for all its
billion at March 31, 2021 and a strong capital position stakeholders.
with capital adequacy ratios significantly above regulatory
The Bank focuses on creating holistic value propositions
for its customers by having a 360-degree customer- Summary
centric approach and capturing opportunities across Core operating profit increased by 16.9% from ` 268.08
customer ecosystems, leveraging internal synergies, billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 313.51 billion in fiscal 2021
building partnerships and decongesting processes. primarily due to an increase in net interest income by
Cross-functional teams have been created to tap into key ` 57.22 billion, offset, in part, by a decrease in fee income
customer and market segments, enabling 360-degree by ` 10.52 billion. Income from treasury-related activities
coverage of customers and increasing wallet share. The increased from ` 12.93 billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 50.46
Bank has also delayered its organisation structure and billion in fiscal 2021. Operating expenses decreased
empowered teams at the local level to create flexibility and from ` 216.15 billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 215.61 billion in
agility in capturing business opportunities. This improves fiscal 2021 and provisions and contingencies (excluding
the ability of the Bank to connect with customers and provision for tax) increased by 15.4% from ` 140.53 billion
respond to their needs. in fiscal 2020 to ` 162.14 billion in fiscal 2021. Profit after
tax increased from ` 79.31 billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 161.93
Technology is core to the Bank’s business strategy. Using
billion in fiscal 2021.
ICICI STACK, the Bank creates digital journeys and aims to
offer personalised and customised solutions to customers Net interest income increased by 17.2% from ` 332.67
to suit their life-stage and business needs. The Bank billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 389.89 billion in fiscal 2021
partners with technology companies and platforms to reflecting an increase of 18.3% in the average volume of
leverage opportunities for growth and enhancing service interest-earning assets, offset, in part, by a decrease in the
delivery and customer experience. The Bank leverages net interest margin by 4 basis points from 3.73% in fiscal
technology and analytics for deeper insights into customer 2020 to 3.69% in fiscal 2021.
needs and behaviour. The Bank continues to invest in
Fee income decreased by 7.7% from ` 137.11 billion in
technology to enhance its offerings to customers as well
fiscal 2020 to ` 126.59 billion in fiscal 2021. Fee income
as the scalability, flexibility and resilience of its technology
for fiscal 2021 was impacted due to lower borrowing and
investment activity by customers and lower consumer
The Bank aims to be the trusted financial services provider spends caused by the nation-wide lockdown for the
of choice for its customers and deliver products and first two months of fiscal 2021. The easing of lockdown
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
measures subsequently led to gradual improvement Total assets increased by 12.0% from ` 10,983.65 billion
in economic activity and progress towards normalcy. at March 31, 2020 to ` 12,304.33 billion at March 31, 2021.
Dividend from subsidiaries decreased by 3.1% from Cash and cash equivalents increased by 11.7% from
` 12.73 billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 12.34 billion in fiscal 2021. ` 1,191.56 billion at March 31, 2020 to ` 1,331.28 billion
at March 31, 2021. Total investments increased by 12.7%
Income from treasury-related activities increased from
from ` 2,495.31 billion at March 31, 2020 to ` 2,812.87
` 12.93 billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 50.62 billion in fiscal
billion at March 31, 2021. Total advances increased
2021. During fiscal 2021, the Bank had sold 3.96% equity
by 13.7% from ` 6,452.90 billion at March 31, 2020 to
shareholding in ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company
` 7,337.29 billion at March 31, 2021 primarily due to an
Limited (ICICI General), 1.50% equity shareholding in ICICI
increase in domestic advances by 17.7%, offset, in part,
Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited (ICICI Life)
by a decrease in overseas advances by 30.3%.
and 4.21% equity shareholding in ICICI Securities Limited
(ICICI Securities) and made a net gain of ` 36.70 billion. The average high-quality liquid assets, after haircut,
maintained during the three months ended March 31,
Provisions and contingencies (excluding provision for tax)
2021 was ` 2,767.44 billion (three months ended March 31,
increased by 15.4% from ` 140.53 billion in fiscal 2020 to
2020: ` 1,827.38 billion). The average liquidity coverage
` 162.14 billion in fiscal 2021 primarily due to an increase
ratio was 138.13% for the three months ended March 31,
in provision on non-performing and other assets and
2021 as against the requirement of 90.0%.
Covid-19 related provision, offset, in part, by decrease in
provision on investments. Provision on non-performing Total deposits increased by 21.0% from ` 7,709.69 billion
and other assets increased from ` 88.15 billion in fiscal at March 31, 2020 to ` 9,325.22 billion at March 31, 2021.
2020 to ` 107.49 billion in fiscal 2021 primarily due to Term deposits increased by 18.4% from ` 4,231.51 billion
change in provisioning policy on non-performing assets at March 31, 2020 to ` 5,008.99 billion at March 31, 2021.
to make it more conservative and higher additions to NPAs Current and savings account (CASA) deposits increased
in retail loans, offset, in part, by lower ageing provision on by 24.1% from ` 3,478.19 billion at March 31, 2020 to
loans classified as NPAs in earlier years. ` 4,316.23 billion at March 31, 2021. Average CASA
The provision coverage ratio increased on NPAs from deposits increased by 18.9% from ` 2,814.37 billion at
75.7% at March 31, 2020 to 77.7% at March 31, 2021. fiscal 2020 to ` 3,346.32 billion at fiscal 2021. Borrowings
decreased by 43.7% from ` 1,628.97 billion at March 31,
In addition to Covid-19 related provision of ` 27.25 billion 2020 to ` 916.31 billion at March 31, 2021.
made in fiscal 2020, during the first quarter of fiscal 2021,
the Bank made Covid-19 related provision of ` 55.50 The Bank had a branch network of 5,266 branches and an
billion. In the third quarter of fiscal 2021, the Bank utilised ATM network of 14,136 ATMs at March 31, 2021.
` 18.00 billion of Covid-19 related provisions made in the The Bank is subject to Basel III capital adequacy guidelines
earlier periods. stipulated by RBI. The total capital adequacy ratio of
Further, in fourth quarter of fiscal 2021, in view of the second the Bank at March 31, 2021 (after deducting proposed
wave of the Covid-19 pandemic across India, the Bank dividend for fiscal 2021 from capital funds) in accordance
made additional Covid-19 related provision amounting to with RBI guidelines on Basel III was 19.12% with a Tier-1
` 10.00 billion on a prudent basis. Accordingly, at March 31, capital adequacy ratio of 18.06% as compared to 16.11%
2021, the Bank held aggregate Covid-19 related provision with a Tier-1 capital adequacy ratio of 14.72% at March 31,
of ` 74.75 billion. 2020. The CET-1 ratio was 16.80% at March 31, 2021 as
compared to 13.39% at March 31, 2020.
The income tax expense decreased from ` 61.17 billion
in fiscal 2020 to ` 39.90 billion in fiscal 2021. The effective Impact of Covid-19 on the performance of the Bank
tax rate decreased from 43.5% in fiscal 2020 to 19.8% in
The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted most economies
fiscal 2021. In fiscal 2020, there was a one-time additional
and banking systems globally, including India. The nation-
charge due to re-measurement of accumulated deferred
wide lockdown in April-May 2020 substantially impacted
tax asset due to change in income-tax rate.
economic activity. The easing of lockdown measures
Net worth increased from ` 1,165.04 billion at March 31, subsequently led to gradual improvement in economic
2020 to ` 1,475.02 billion at March 31, 2021 primarily due activity and progress towards normalcy. For the banking
to capital of ` 150.00 billion raised in August 2020 through sector, these developments resulted in lower demand for
Qualified Institutions Placement (QIP) and retained earnings. loans and fee-based services and regulatory measures
Annual Report 2020-21
like moratorium on payment of dues and standstill in asset The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, on the Bank and the
classification to mitigate the economic consequences Group, including credit quality and provision, is uncertain
on borrowers. It also resulted in increase in provisioning and will depend on the trajectory of Covid-19, the progress
reflecting higher actual and expected additions to non- of the vaccination programme, the extent of lock-down
performing loans following the cessation of moratorium measures, the effectiveness of current and future steps
and asset classification standstill. The current second taken by the government and central bank to mitigate the
wave of Covid-19 pandemic, where the number of new economic impact, steps taken by the Bank and the Group
cases has increased significantly in India, has resulted in and the time it takes for economic activities to return to
re-imposition of localised/regional lock-down measures in pre-pandemic levels. The Bank’s capital and liquidity
various parts of the country. position is strong and would continue to be a focus area
for the Bank during this period.
Key ratios
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the key financial ratios.
The return on average equity, return on average assets and earnings per share increased primarily due to an increase in
profit after tax.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Net interest income increased by 17.2% from ` 332.67 fiscal 2021 primarily due to a decrease in yield on interest-
billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 389.89 billion in fiscal 2021 earning assets, offset, in part, by a decrease in cost of
reflecting an increase of 18.3% in the average volume of funds. The yield on domestic interest-earning assets
interest-earning assets, offset, in part, by a decrease in net decreased by 107 basis points from 8.76% in fiscal 2020
interest margin by 4 basis points. to 7.69% in fiscal 2021 primarily reflecting the impact
of significant monetary easing by RBI post the Covid-19
Net interest margin decreased by 4 basis points from outbreak. The monetary easing resulted in a decrease in
3.73% in fiscal 2020 to 3.69% in fiscal 2021. The yield on yield on advances and investments and an increase in
average interest-earning assets decreased by 89 basis average investments portfolio and LAF and other short-
points from 8.38% in fiscal 2020 to 7.49% in fiscal 2021. term lending due to surplus liquidity. The cost of domestic
The cost of funds decreased by 84 basis points from funds decreased by 91 basis points from 5.25% in fiscal
5.09% in fiscal 2020 to 4.25% in fiscal 2021. The interest 2020 to 4.34% in fiscal 2021 primarily due to the decline in
spread decreased by 5 basis points from 3.29% in fiscal interest rates over the last one year.
2020 to 3.24% in fiscal 2021.
The net interest margin of overseas branches decreased
The net interest margin for domestic operations decreased marginally from 0.35% in fiscal 2020 to 0.34% in
by 17 basis points from 4.01% in fiscal 2020 to 3.84% in fiscal 2021.
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the trend in yield, cost, spread and margin.
Annual Report 2020-21
The yield on average interest-earning assets decreased by • The yield on average interest-earning investments
89 basis points from 8.38% in fiscal 2020 to 7.49% in fiscal decreased by 87 basis points from 7.12% in fiscal
2021 primarily due to the following factors: 2020 to 6.25% in fiscal 2021. The yield on Statutory
Liquidity Ratio (SLR) investments decreased by 78
• The yield on domestic advances decreased by 82 basis points from 7.10% in fiscal 2020 to 6.32% in
basis points from 10.04% in fiscal 2020 to 9.22% fiscal 2021. This was primarily due to significant
in fiscal 2021. The yield on advances decreased
easing of monetary conditions by RBI post the
primarily due to reduction in repo rate and Marginal
Covid-19 outbreak, leading to new investment in
Cost of funds based Lending Rate (MCLR) leading to
government securities at lower yield and reset of
re-pricing of existing floating rate loans to a lower rate
floating rate bonds at lower levels. The average yield
and incremental lending at lower rates. At March 31,
for the benchmark 10-year government securities
2021, the floating rate loan book was 69.5% of total
decreased from 6.69% in fiscal 2020 to 5.99% in
domestic loans, of which 40.7% was linked to MCLR,
fiscal 2021.
45.3% was linked to repo rate and 6.7% was linked
to T-bills. The yield on non-SLR investments decreased by 122
basis points from 7.19% in fiscal 2020 to 5.97% in
The Bank’s 1-year MCLR decreased by 65 basis fiscal 2021 primarily due to a decrease in average
points in phases during fiscal 2020. Further, the Bank investment in pass through certificates, a decrease
reduced the 1-year MCLR by 85 basis points during in yield on bonds and debentures and commercial
fiscal 2021. papers and an increase in average investment in
foreign government securities which are relatively
In accordance with the RBI guidelines, effective from
October 1, 2019, for certain loans the Bank shifted lower yielding, offset, in part, by an increase in
from the internal benchmark (MCLR) based lending the average investment portfolio of bonds and
rate to external benchmark, the repo rate/T-bills. All debentures which are relatively high yielding.
new floating rate personal loans (such as housing • The yield on other interest-earning assets increased
loans, business banking) and loans to small and from 3.31% in fiscal 2020 to 3.86% in fiscal 2021.
micro and medium enterprise has been linked to The increase was primarily due to higher swap
repo rate in a phased manner. The RBI significantly premium income on account of surplus Rupee
reduced the repo rate by 75 basis points from 5.15% liquidity deployed in foreign currency due to
in February 2020 to 4.40% in March 2020 and further prevailing high forward premia. The increase in
reduced the repo rate by 40 basis points to 4.00% in yield on other interest-earning assets was, offset,
May 2020. in part, by an increase in average LAF lending with
RBI due to surplus liquidity which are relatively
In accordance with RBI’s notification dated April 7,
lower yielding and a decrease in yield on RIDF and
2021, the Bank is required to refund/adjust ‘interest
related deposits.
on interest’ to borrowers. At March 31, 2021, the Bank
created a liability towards estimated interest relief Interest on income tax refund decreased from ` 2.70
amounting to ` 1.75 billion and reduced the same billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 2.57 billion in fiscal 2021. The
from the interest income, pending implementation of receipt, amount and timing of such income depends
the methodology for calculation of such interest on on the nature and timing of determinations by tax
interest circulated by the Indian Banks’ Association. authorities and are hence neither consistent nor
The yield on overseas advances decreased by 154
basis points from 4.03% in fiscal 2020 to 2.49% in The cost of funds decreased by 84 basis points from
fiscal 2021 primarily due to a decrease in LIBOR. 5.09% in fiscal 2020 to 4.25% in fiscal 2021 primarily due
to the following factors:
The overall yield on average advances decreased by
69 basis points from 9.45% in fiscal 2020 to 8.76% • he cost of average deposits decreased from 4.96%
in fiscal 2021 primarily due to a decrease in yield on in fiscal 2020 to 4.12% in fiscal 2021 primarily due
domestic advances, offset, in part, by an increase in to a decrease in cost of domestic term deposits and
proportion of domestic advances in total advances. cost of savings account deposits, offset, in part, by a
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
decrease in the proportion of average CASA deposits, • he cost of borrowings decreased by 64 basis points
which are relatively lower cost, in total deposits. The from 5.68% in fiscal 2020 to 5.04% in fiscal 2021
cost of domestic term deposits decreased by 125 primarily due to decrease in proportion of bond
basis points from 6.67% in fiscal 2020 to 5.42% in borrowings which are relatively at higher cost, a
fiscal 2021. The Bank reduced retail term deposits decrease in cost of call and term money borrowings
rates for select maturities in phases during fiscal 2020 and refinance borrowings.
and fiscal 2021.
The Bank’s interest income, yield on advances, net interest
The cost of savings account deposits decreased by income and net interest margin are likely to be impacted
47 basis points from 3.63% in fiscal 2020 to 3.16% by systemic liquidity, the competitive environment,
in fiscal 2021 primarily due to a reduction in interest level of additions to non-performing loans, regulatory
rate on savings account deposits by 50 basis points developments and uncertainties and economic slowdown
in two tranches during fiscal 2021. The average CASA due to Covid-19 pandemic. The timing and quantum of
deposits decreased from 42.7% of total average recoveries and interest on income tax refund is uncertain.
deposits in fiscal 2020 to 41.4% of total average Interest rates on about 37.6% of Bank’s domestic loans
deposits in fiscal 2021. Average CASA deposits are linked to external market benchmarks. Any movement
were 35.5% of the total funding (i.e., deposits and in the external benchmark rates vis-à-vis cost of funds of
borrowings) for fiscal 2021 as compared to 34.5% for the Bank may impact the Bank’s net interest income and
fiscal 2020. net interest margin.
The following table sets forth, for the period indicated, the trend in average interest-earning assets and average
interest-bearing liabilities:
` in billion, except percentages
Particulars Fiscal 2020 Fiscal 2021 % change
Advances ` 6,087.32 ` 6,543.26 7.5%
Interest-earning investments1 2,062.09 2,646.70 28.4
Other interest-earning assets 778.33 1,368.83 75.9
Total interest-earning assets 8,927.74 10,558.79 18.3
Deposits 6,594.13 8,074.41 22.4
Borrowings1 1,557.63 1,364.09 (12.4)
Total interest-bearing liabilities ` 8,151.76 ` 9,438.50 15.8%
1. Average investments and average borrowings include average short-term repurchase transactions.
2. All amounts have been rounded off to the nearest ` 10.0 million.
The average volume of interest-earning assets increased Average other interest-earning assets increased by 75.9%
by 18.3% from ` 8,927.74 billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 10,558.79 from ` 778.33 billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 1,368.83 billion in
billion in fiscal 2021 primarily on account of an increase in fiscal 2021 primarily due to an increase in LAF lending
average other interest-earning assets by ` 590.50 billion with RBI, balance with other banks and term money lent
due to surplus liquidity, average investments by ` 584.61 due to surplus liquidity, offset, in part, by a decrease in
billion and average advances by ` 455.94 billion. balance with RBI.
Average advances increased by 7.5% from ` 6,087.32
Average interest-bearing liabilities increased by 15.8%
billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 6,543.26 billion in fiscal 2021 due
from ` 8,151.76 billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 9,438.50 billion
to an increase in average domestic advances, offset, in
in fiscal 2021 primarily due to an increase in average
part, by a decrease in overseas advances.
deposits by ` 1,480.28 billion, offset, in part, by a decrease
Average interest-earning investments increased by in average borrowings by ` 193.54 billion.
28.4% from ` 2,062.09 billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 2,646.70
billion in fiscal 2021 primarily due to an increase in Average deposits increased by 22.4% from ` 6,594.13
average investment in government securities, bonds and billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 8,074.41 billion in fiscal 2021
debentures, foreign government securities, offset, in part, due to an increase in average term deposits and
by a decrease in pass through certificates. CASA deposits.
Annual Report 2020-21
Average borrowings decreased by 12.4% from ` 1,557.63 outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, significantly impacting the
billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 1,364.09 billion in fiscal 2021 economic activities.
primarily due to a decrease in bond borrowings, term
Fee income decreased by 7.7% from ` 137.11 billion
money borrowing and refinance borrowing, offset,
in fiscal 2020 to ` 126.59 billion in fiscal 2021 primarily
in part, by an increase in RBI borrowings and call
due to a decrease in fees from credit card business,
money borrowings.
transaction banking fees and fee income from third party
product distribution.
Fee income
Fee income primarily includes fees from retail customers Dividend from subsidiaries
such as loan processing fees, fees from cards business,
Dividend from subsidiaries decreased by 3.1% from
account servicing charges, third party referral fees and fees
` 12.73 billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 12.34 billion in fiscal 2021.
from corporate clients such as loan processing fees and
In line with the Insurance Regulatory and Development
transaction banking fees.
Authority guideline asking insurers to conserve capital,
Fee income for fiscal 2021 was impacted due to lower ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited and
borrowing and investment activity by customers and lower ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited did not
consumer spends caused by the nation-wide lockdown pay any final dividend for fiscal 2020. As a result, there was
announced during April-May 2020 followed by gradual a decrease in dividend income from insurance subsidiaries
easing of lockdown by the Government of India, after the in fiscal 2021.
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the details of dividend received from subsidiaries:
` in billion
Name of the entity Fiscal 2020 Fiscal 2021
ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company Limited 3.76 4.24
ICICI Securities Limited 2.54 3.71
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited 1.78 -
ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited 1.78 0.94
ICICI Bank Canada 1.63 0.23
ICICI Securities Primary Dealership Limited 1.20 3.19
ICICI Home Finance Company Limited 0.04 -
ICICI Venture Funds Management Company Limited 0.00 0.03
ICICI Prudential Trust 0.00 0.00
Total 12.73 12.34
1. 0.00 represents insignificant amount.
2. All amounts have been rounded off to the nearest ` 10.0 million.
Other income
Other income decreased from ` 1.72 billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 0.30 billion in fiscal 2021.
Operating expenses
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the principal components of operating expenses.
` in billion, except percentages
Particulars Fiscal 2020 Fiscal 2021 % change
Payments to and provisions for employees ` 82.71 ` 80.92 (2.2%)
Depreciation on owned property
(including non-banking assets and leased assets) 9.47 10.72 13.2
Other administrative expenses 123.97 123.98 0.0
Total operating expenses ` 216.15 ` 215.61 (0.2%)
1. All amounts have been rounded off to the nearest ` 10.0 million.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Operating expenses primarily include employee expenses, primarily due to higher capitalisation of IT systems and
depreciation on assets and other administrative expenses. software which attracts higher depreciation rates.
Operating expenses decreased by 0.2% from ` 216.15
billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 215.61 billion in fiscal 2021. Other administrative expenses
Other administrative expenses primarily include rent,
Payments to and provisions for employees taxes and lighting, advertisements, sales promotion,
Employee expenses decreased by 2.2% from ` 82.71 billion repairs and maintenance, direct marketing expenses
in fiscal 2020 to ` 80.92 billion in fiscal 2021 primarily due to and other expenditure. Other administrative expenses
a decrease in provision requirement for retirement benefit remained at similar level of ` 123.98 billion in
obligations and salary cost, offset, in part, by an increase in fiscal 2021 as compared to ` 123.97 billion in fiscal 2020
provision for performance bonus and performance-linked primarily due to a decrease in expenses due to lower
retention pay. Salary cost decreased primarily due to a business volumes during the lockdown period and
decrease in average staff strength by 3.3% from 97,682 in lower administrative and infrastructure related expenses,
fiscal 2020 to 94,480 in fiscal 2021 (number of employees offset, in part, by an increase in technology related
at March 31, 2020: 99,319 and at March 31, 2021: 98,750), expenses.
offset, in part, by an increase in annual increments in fiscal
2021 for employees in certain grades. Profit/(loss) on treasury-related activities (net)
Provision for retirement benefit obligations decreased Income from treasury-related activities includes income
from ` 10.38 billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 5.62 billion in fiscal from sale of investments and unrealised profit/(loss) on
2021 primarily due to an increase in the discount rate, account of revaluation of investments in the fixed income
which is linked to yields on government securities, used portfolio, equity and preference share portfolio, units
for determining the required provision; and lower increase of venture funds and security receipts issued by asset
in dearness allowance, resulting in lower provision for reconstruction companies.
pension obligations. The employee base includes sales Profit from treasury-related activities was ` 50.46 billion
executives, employees on fixed term contracts and interns. in fiscal 2021 as compared to ` 12.93 billion in fiscal
2020. During fiscal 2021, the Bank sold 3.96% equity
Depreciation shareholding in ICICI General, 1.50% equity shareholding
Depreciation on owned property increased by 13.0% from in ICICI Life, 4.21% equity shareholding in ICICI Securities
` 9.49 billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 10.72 billion in fiscal 2021 and made a net gain of ` 36.70 billion.
In the case of corporate loans and advances, provisions performing as per RBI guidelines, provisions are made as
are made for sub-standard and doubtful assets at rates per the host country regulations. For loans and advances
prescribed by RBI. Loss assets and the unsecured portion held in overseas branches, which are NPAs both as per
of doubtful assets are fully provided. For impaired loans the RBI guidelines and host country guidelines, provisions
and advances held in overseas branches, which are are made at the higher of the provisions required under
Annual Report 2020-21
RBI guidelines and host country regulations. Provisions on Provision for non-performing and other assets increased
homogeneous non-performing retail loans and advances, from ` 88.15 billion in fiscal 2020 at ` 107.49 billion in fiscal
subject to minimum provisioning requirements of RBI, are 2021 primarily due to change in provisioning policy on
made on the basis of the ageing of the loan. The specific non-performing assets to make it more conservative and
provisions on non-performing retail loans and advances higher additions to NPAs in retail loans reflecting Covid-19
held by the Bank are higher than the minimum regulatory related stress offset, in part, by lower ageing provision on
requirements. loans classified as NPAs in earlier years.
In respect of non-retail loans reported as fraud to RBI the The provision coverage ratio (excluding cumulative
entire amount, is provided for over a period not exceeding technical/prudential write-offs) increased from 75.7% at
four quarters starting from the quarter in which fraud March 31, 2020 to 77.7% at March 31, 2021.
has been detected. In respect of non-retail loans where Provision for investments decreased from ` 13.11 billion
there has been delay in reporting the fraud to the RBI or in fiscal 2020 to a write-back ` 1.58 billion in fiscal 2021.
which are classified as loss accounts, the entire amount is Provision on investments in fiscal 2020 included provision
provided immediately. In case of fraud in retail accounts, on preference shares, equity shares and debentures.
the entire amount is provided immediately. In respect of During fiscal 2020, the Bank made provision of ` 8.45
borrowers classified as non-cooperative borrowers or billion towards preference shares on conversion of non-
willful defaulters, the Bank makes accelerated provisions performing loans of a borrower as part of restructuring.
as per RBI guidelines. The Bank was already holding this provision on the loan
before conversion to preference shares. During fiscal 2021,
The Bank holds specific provisions against non-performing
there was a write-back of provision on equity shares, offset,
loans and advances and against certain performing
in part, by provision on debentures and preference shares.
loans and advances in accordance with RBI directions,
including RBI direction for provision on accounts referred Provision for standard assets decreased from ` 4.62 billion
to the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) under the in fiscal 2020 to ` 2.79 billion in fiscal 2021. The cumulative
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. general provision (excluding Covid-19 related provision)
held at March 31, 2021 was ` 36.34 billion (March 31,
Provision due to diminution in the fair value of restructured/
2020: ` 33.75 billion).
rescheduled loans and advances is made in accordance
with the applicable RBI guidelines. In addition to Covid-19 related provision of ` 27.25 billion
made in fiscal 2020, during the first quarter of fiscal 2021,
The Bank makes additional provisions as per RBI guidelines the Bank made Covid-19 related provision of ` 55.50
for the cases where viable resolution plan has not been billion. In the third quarter of fiscal 2021, the Bank utilised
implemented within the timelines prescribed by the RBI, ` 18.00 billion of Covid-19 related provisions made in the
from the date of default. These additional provisions are earlier periods.
written-back on satisfying the conditions for reversal as
per RBI guidelines. Further, in fourth quarter of fiscal 2021, in view of the
second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in India, the Bank
The Bank granted moratorium towards the payment of made additional Covid-19 related provision amounting to
principal and/or interest in case of certain borrowers in ` 10.00 billion on a prudent basis. Accordingly, at March 31,
accordance with RBI guidelines. Further, the RBI guidelines 2021, the Bank held aggregate Covid-19 related provision
on ‘Resolution Framework for COVID-19-related Stress’ of ` 74.75 billion.
provide a prudential framework for resolution plan of
Other provisions and contingencies (other than Covid-19
certain loans. The Bank made general provision on such
related provision) decreased from ` 7.40 billion in fiscal
loans at rates equal or higher than requirements stipulated
2020 to ` 5.94 billion in fiscal 2021.
in RBI circular. The Bank also made additional Covid-19
related provision. Tax expense
Provisions and contingencies (excluding provisions The income tax expense decreased from ` 61.17 billion in
for tax) increased from ` 140.53 billion in fiscal 2020 to fiscal 2020 to ` 39.90 billion in fiscal 2021. The effective tax
` 162.14 billion in fiscal 2021 primarily due to an increase rate decreased from 43.5% in fiscal 2020 to 19.8% in fiscal
in provision for non-performing and other assets and 2021. During fiscal 2020, there was a one-time additional
Covid-19 related provision, offset, in part, by decrease in charge due to re-measurement of accumulated deferred
provision on investments. tax asset due to change in income-tax rate.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Financial condition
The following table sets forth, at the dates indicated, the principal components of assets.
` in billion, except percentages
At At
Assets % change
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2021
Cash and bank balances ` 1,191.56 ` 1,331.28 11.7%
Investments 2,495.31 2,812.87 12.7
- Government and other approved investments1 1,883.32 2,136.21 13.4
- Equity investment in subsidiaries 98.03 97.57 (0.5)
- Other investments 513.96 579.09 12.7
Advances 6,452.90 7,337.29 13.7
- Domestic 5,913.23 6,961.39 17.7
- Overseas branches 539.67 375.90 (30.3)
Fixed assets (including leased assets) 84.10 88.78 5.6
Other assets 759.78 734.11 (3.4)
- RIDF and other related deposits2 287.57 311.78 8.4
Total assets ` 10,983.65 ` 12,304.33 12.0%
1. Banks in India are required to maintain a specified percentage, currently 18.00% (at March 31, 2021), of their net demand and time
liabilities by way of investments in instruments referred as SLR securities by RBI or liquid assets like cash and gold.
2. Deposits made in Rural Infrastructure Development Fund and other related deposits pursuant to shortfall in the amount required to
be lent to certain specified sectors called priority sector as per RBI guidelines.
3. All amounts have been rounded off to the nearest ` 10.0 million.
Total assets of the Bank increased by 12.0% from other approved investments increased from ` 1,883.32
` 10,983.65 billion at March 31, 2020 to ` 12,304.33 billion billion at March 31, 2020 to ` 2,136.21 billion at March 31,
at March 31, 2021, primarily due to a 13.7% increase in 2021. Investment in Indian government securities and
advances and a 12.7% increase in investments and 11.7% other approved investments increased significantly
increase in cash and cash equivalents. primarily due to robust deposit growth post Covid-19 and
consequent lockdowns. Other investments increased from
Cash and cash equivalents ` 612.11 billion at March 31, 2020 to ` 676.77 billion at
Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand and March 31, 2021 primarily due to an increase in investment
balances with RBI and other banks, including money at in foreign government securities by ` 122.71 billion and
call and short notice. Cash and cash equivalents increased bonds and debentures by ` 98.20 billion, offset, in part, by
by 11.7% from ` 1,191.56 billion at March 31, 2020 to a decrease in investment in commercial papers by ` 86.97
` 1,331.28 billion at March 31, 2021 primarily due to an billion and pass through certificate by ` 40.04 billion.
increase in foreign currency term money placement,
balances with banks outside India and balance with RBI, At March 31, 2021, the Bank had an outstanding net
offset, in part, by a decrease in liquidity adjustment facility investment of ` 17.29 billion in security receipts issued
(LAF) lending with RBI. The liquidity maintained by the by asset reconstruction companies compared to ` 19.25
Bank continued to be high through the year reflecting the billion at March 31, 2020.
easy monetary conditions and healthy growth in deposits.
Investments Net advances increased by 13.7% from ` 6,452.90 billion
Total investments increased by 12.7% from ` 2,495.31 at March 31, 2020 to ` 7,337.29 billion at March 31, 2021
billion at March 31, 2020 to ` 2,812.87 billion at March 31, primarily due to an increase in domestic advances.
2021. Investments in Indian government securities and Domestic advances increased by 17.7% from ` 5,913.23
Annual Report 2020-21
billion at March 31, 2020 to ` 6,961.39 billion at March 31, Fixed and other assets
2021. Net retail advances increased by 19.9% from Fixed assets (net block) increased by 5.6% from ` 84.10
` 4,080.03 billion at March 31, 2020 to ` 4,892.20 billion at billion at March 31, 2020 to ` 88.78 billion at March 31, 2021.
March 31, 2021. SME advances increased by 32.5% from
` 228.51 billion at March 31, 2020 to ` 302.84 billion at Other assets decreased by 3.4% from ` 759.78 billion
March 31, 2021. The performing domestic corporate at March 31, 2020 to ` 734.11 billion at March 31, 2021
portfolio increased by 13.2% year-on-year. Net advances primarily due to a decrease in receivable on account of
of overseas branches decreased by 30.3% from forex and derivative transactions, offset, in part, by an
` 539.67 billion at March 31, 2020 to ` 375.90 billion at increase in Rural Infrastructure Development Fund and
March 31, 2021. related deposits.
The following table sets forth, at the dates indicated, the principal components of liabilities (including capital and reserves).
` in billion, except percentages
At At
Liabilities % change
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2021
Equity share capital ` 12.98 ` 13.86 6.8%
Reserves 1,152.06 1,461.23 26.8
Deposits 7,709.69 9,325.22 21.0
- Savings deposits 2,455.91 2,954.53 20.3
- Current deposits 1,022.28 1,361.70 33.2
- Term deposits 4,231.51 5,008.99 18.4
Borrowings (excluding subordinated debt) 1,410.80 743.85 (47.3)
- Domestic 811.27 444.42 -
- Overseas branches 599.53 299.43 (50.1)
Subordinated debt (included in Tier-1 and Tier-2 capital) 218.17 172.46 (21.0)
- Domestic 218.17 172.46 (21.0)
Other liabilities 479.95 587.71 22.5
Total liabilities ` 10,983.65 ` 12,304.33 12.0%
1. All amounts have been rounded off to the nearest ` 10.0 million.
Total liabilities (including capital and reserves) increased Term deposits increased by 18.4% from ` 4,231.51 billion
by 12.0% from ` 10,983.65 billion at March 31, 2020 to at March 31, 2020 to ` 5,008.99 billion at March 31, 2021.
` 12,304.33 billion at March 31, 2021 due to a 21.0% Savings account deposits increased by 20.3% from
increase in deposits, 26.6% increase in net worth and ` 2,455.91 billion at March 31, 2020 to ` 2,954.53 billion at
22.5% increase in other liabilities, offset, in part, by 43.7% March 31, 2021 and current account deposits increased
decrease in borrowings. by 33.2% from ` 1,022.28 billion at March 31, 2020 to
` 1,361.70 billion at March 31, 2021. CASA deposits
Deposits increased by 24.1% from ` 3,478.19 billion at March 31,
Deposits increased by 21.0% from ` 7,709.69 billion at 2020 to ` 4,316.23 billion at March 31, 2021. Average
March 31, 2020 to ` 9,325.22 billion at March 31, 2021 CASA deposits increased by 18.9% from ` 2,814.37
reflecting Bank’s strong deposit franchise, benefits of billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 3,345.96 billion in fiscal 2021.
offering convenient digital platforms to customers and The average current account deposits increased by
easy monetary conditions in the banking system. 25.5% from ` 710.16 billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 891.21
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
billion in fiscal 2021. The average savings account significantly primarily due to decline in overseas loan
deposits increased by 16.7% from ` 2,104.21 billion in book and change in funding mix for domestic book.
fiscal 2020 to ` 2,454.75 billion in fiscal 2021. Average Net borrowings of overseas branches decreased from
CASA deposits were 35.5% of the total funding ` 599.53 billion at March 31, 2020 to ` 299.43 billion at
(i.e., deposits and borrowings) for fiscal 2021 as March 31, 2021.
compared to 34.5% for fiscal 2020.
Other liabilities
Deposits of overseas branches increased by 5.6% from
Other liabilities increased by 22.5% from ` 479.95 billion
` 72.27 billion at March 31, 2020 to ` 76.34 billion at
at March 31, 2020 to ` 587.71 billion at March 31, 2021
March 31, 2021.
primarily due to an increase in general provision on
Total deposits at March 31, 2021 formed 91.1% of the standard assets (including Covid-19 related provision)
funding (i.e., deposits and borrowings) as compared to and bills payable, offset, in part, by a decrease in mark-to-
82.6% March 31, 2020. market amount on forex and derivative transactions.
Annual Report 2020-21
The Bank enters into foreign exchange contracts in its these products, as well as the operating risks, are similar
normal course of business, to exchange currencies at a to those relating to other types of financial instruments.
prefixed price at a future date. This item represents the Cash margins available to reimburse losses realised under
notional principal amount of such contracts, which are guarantees amounted to ` 171.60 billion at March 31, 2021
derivative instruments. With respect to the transactions as compared to ` 163.75 billion at March 31, 2020. Other
entered into with its customers, the Bank generally enters property or security may also be available to the Bank to
into off-setting transactions in the inter-bank market. This cover potential losses under guarantees.
results in generation of a higher number of outstanding
Guarantees given on behalf of constituents decreased by
transactions, and hence a large value of gross notional
8.6% from ` 1,088.13 billion at March 31, 2020 to ` 995.02
principal of the portfolio, while the net market risk is lower.
billion at March 31, 2021. Acceptances, endorsements and
The notional principal amount of outstanding forward
other obligations decreased by 6.6% from ` 347.12 billion
exchange contracts increased from ` 7,441.46 billion at
at March 31, 2020 to ` 324.24 billion at March 31, 2021.
March 31, 2020 to ` 8,152.79 billion at March 31, 2021
primarily due to increase in trading and market making The Bank is obligated under a number of capital contracts.
activities in forwards to facilitate client flow and capture Capital contracts are job orders of a capital nature, which
opportunities in the forward market. have been committed. Estimated amounts of contracts
remaining to be executed on capital account aggregated
The Bank is an active market participant in the interest rate
to ` 8.60 billion at March 31, 2021 as compared to ` 7.57
and foreign exchange derivative market for trading and
billion at March 31, 2020.
market making purposes, which are carried out primarily
for customer transactions and managing the proprietary Capital resources
position on interest rate and foreign exchange risk. The
The Bank actively manages its capital to meet regulatory
notional amount of interest rate swaps and currency
norms, current and future business needs and the risks in
options increased from ` 15,698.50 billion at March 31,
its businesses. The capital management framework of the
2020 to ` 16,428.13 billion at March 31, 2021 primarily
Bank is administered by the Finance Group and the Risk
due to an increase in outstanding position of overnight
Management Group under the supervision of the Board
index swaps. These transactions are done for trading
and the Risk Committee. The capital adequacy position
and market-making purposes with a view to manage the
and assessment is reported to the Board and the Risk
interest rate risk.
Committee periodically.
Claims against the Bank, not acknowledged as debts,
represent demands made in certain tax and legal matters Regulatory capital
against the Bank in the normal course of business and The Bank is subject to the Basel III guidelines issued by
customer claims arising in fraud cases. In accordance RBI, effective from April 1, 2013, to be implemented in a
with the Bank’s accounting policy and Accounting phased manner by March 31, 2019 as per the transitional
Standard 29, the Bank has reviewed and classified these arrangement provided by RBI for Basel III implementation.
items as possible obligations based on legal opinion/ On January 10, 2019, RBI had extended the transition
judicial precedents/assessment by the Bank. No provision period for implementing the last tranche of 0.625% under
in excess of provisions already made in the financial Capital Conservation Buffer (CCB) to March 31, 2020. Since
statements is considered necessary. then, it has been further extended to October 1, 2021.
The Bank has issued guarantees to support regular business At March 31, 2021, the Bank was required to maintain
activities of clients. These generally represent irrevocable a minimum Common Equity Tier-1 (CET1) capital ratio
assurances that the Bank will make payments in the event of 7.575%, minimum Tier-1 capital ratio of 9.075% and
that the customer fails to fulfill its financial or performance minimum total capital ratio of 11.075%. The minimum total
obligations. Financial guarantees are obligations to pay capital requirement includes a capital conservation buffer
a third party beneficiary where a customer fails to make of 1.875% and capital surcharge of 0.20% on account of
payment towards a specified financial obligation, including the Bank being designated as a Domestic Systemically
advance payment guarantee. Performance guarantees Important Bank (D-SIB). Under Pillar 1 of the RBI guidelines
are obligations to pay a third party beneficiary where a on Basel III, the Bank follows the standardised approach
customer fails to perform a non-financial contractual for measurement of credit risk, standardised duration
obligation. The guarantees are generally issued for a period method for measurement of market risk and basic indicator
not exceeding ten years. The credit risks associated with approach for measurement of operational risk.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the capital adequacy ratios computed in accordance with Basel
III guidelines of RBI:
` in billion, except percentages
At At
Basel III
March 31, 20201,2 March 31, 20211,2
CET1 capital 1,016.65 1,319.40
Tier-1 capital 1,117.85 1,418.72
Tier-2 capital 106.00 82.75
Total capital 1,223.85 1,501.47
Credit Risk - Risk Weighted Assets (RWA) 6,299.20 6,467.36
On balance sheet 5,380.55 5,650.84
Off balance sheet 918.65 816.52
Market Risk - RWA 593.66 589.68
Operational Risk - RWA 702.04 797.00
Total RWA 7,594.90 7,854.03
Total capital adequacy ratio 16.11% 19.12%
CET1 capital adequacy ratio 13.39% 16.80%
Tier-1 capital adequacy ratio 14.72% 18.06%
Tier-2 capital adequacy ratio 1.39% 1.06%
1. Including retained earnings, post proposed mandatory appropriations and proposed dividend.
2. All amounts have been rounded off to the nearest ` 10.0 million.
At March 31, 2021, the Bank’s Tier-1 capital adequacy Market risk RWA decreased by ` 3.98 billion from
ratio was 18.06% as against the requirement of 9.08% ` 593.66 billion at March 31, 2020 to ` 589.68 billion at
and total capital adequacy ratio was 19.12% as against the March 31, 2021 primarily due to decrease in fixed income
requirement of 11.08%. position.
Operational risk RWA increased by ` 94.96 billion from
Movement in the capital funds and risk weighted
assets from March 31, 2020 to March 31, 2021 as ` 702.04 billion at March 31, 2020 to ` 797.00 billion at
per Basel III norms March 31, 2021. The operational risk capital charge is
computed based on 15% of the average of the previous
Capital funds (net of deductions) increased by ` 277.61
three financial years’ gross income and is revised on an
billion from ` 1,123.86 billion at March 31, 2020 to
annual basis at June 30. RWA is arrived at by multiplying
` 1,501.47 billion at March 31, 2021 primarily due to
the capital charge by 12.5.
inclusion of retained earnings for fiscal 2021, raising
of equity capital of ` 150.00 billion, offset, in part, by Internal assessment of capital
progressive discounting of Tier 2 capital instruments as
The capital management framework of the Bank includes
per the RBI extant guidelines.
a comprehensive internal capital adequacy assessment
Credit risk RWA increased by ` 168.16 billion from process conducted annually, which determines the
` 6,229.20 billion at March 31, 2020 to ` 6,467.36 billion at adequate level of capitalisation necessary to meet
March 31, 2021 primarily due to an increase of ` 270.35 regulatory norms and current and future business needs.
billion in RWA for on-balance sheet assets, offset, in part, Adequate stress testing, as determined by several stress
by a decrease of ` 102.13 billion in RWA for off-balance scenarios is also done. The internal capital adequacy
sheet assets. On-balance sheet RWA increased primarily assessment process is undertaken at both the standalone
due to growth in advances during the year and off-balance bank level and the consolidated group level. The internal
sheet RWA decreased primarily due to decrease in notional capital adequacy assessment process encompasses
value of guarantees and acceptances. capital planning for a four-year time horizon, assessment of
material risks and the relationship between risk and capital.
Annual Report 2020-21
The capital management framework is complemented • f uture strategy with regard to investments or
by the risk management framework, which covers the divestments in subsidiaries; and
policies, processes, methodologies and frameworks • valuation of options to raise capital from domestic
established for the management of material risks. Stress and overseas markets, as permitted by RBI from time
testing, which is a key aspect of the internal capital to time.
adequacy assessment process and the risk management
framework, provides an insight into the impact of extreme The Bank continues to monitor relevant developments and
but plausible scenarios on the Bank’s risk profile and believes that its current robust capital adequacy position
capital position. Based on the stress testing framework and demonstrated track record of access to domestic
approved by the Board, the Bank conducts stress tests on and overseas markets for capital raising will enable it to
various portfolios and assesses the impact on the capital maintain the necessary levels of capital as required by
ratios and the adequacy of capital buffers for current and regulations while continuing to grow its business.
future periods. The Bank periodically assesses and refines
its stress testing framework in an effort to ensure that the Loan concentration
stress scenarios capture material risks as well as reflect The Bank follows a policy of portfolio diversification and
possible extreme market moves that could arise as a result evaluates its total financing exposure to a particular industry
of market conditions and the operating environment. The in the light of its forecasts of growth and profitability for
business and capital plans and the stress testing results of that industry. The Bank’s Credit Risk Management Group
certain key group entities are integrated into the internal monitors all major sectors of the economy and specifically
capital adequacy assessment process. tracks industries in which the Bank has credit exposures.
Based on the internal capital adequacy assessment The Bank monitors developments in various sectors to
process, the Bank determines the level of capital that assess potential risks in its portfolio and new business
needs to be maintained by considering the following in an opportunities. The Bank’s policy is to limit its portfolio
integrated manner: to any particular industry (other than retail loans) to
15.0% of its total exposure. In addition, the Bank has a
• strategic focus, business plan and growth objectives;
framework for managing concentration risk with respect
• regulatory capital requirements as per RBI guidelines; to single borrower and group exposures, based on the
• assessment of material risks and impact of stress internal rating and track record of the borrowers. The
testing; exposure limits for lower rated borrowers and groups are
• perception of shareholders and investors; substantially lower than the regulatory limits.
The following tables set forth, at the dates indicated, the composition of the Bank’s exposure.
` in billion, except percentages
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2021
Industry Total % of total Total % of total
exposure exposure exposure exposure
Retail Finance1 ` 5,038.82 40.5% ` 6,227.36 43.8%
Services – finance 1,042.33 8.4 1,407.26 9.9
Banks 792.11 6.4 1,122.22 7.9
Crude petroleum/refining and petrochemicals 732.51 5.9 697.65 4.9
Electronics and engineering 740.57 6.0 617.25 4.3
Road, ports, telecom, urban development and other
infrastructure 529.31 4.3 489.81 3.5
Wholesale/retail trade 412.62 3.3 361.36 2.6
Power 380.28 3.1 358.59 2.5
Services – non-finance 340.15 2.7 354.83 2.5
Construction 312.64 2.5 309.21 2.2
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
The exposure to services-finance increased from ` 1,042.33 billion at March 31, 2020 to ` 1,407.26 billion at March 31,
2021 primarily due to increase in lending to government owned entities.
The exposure to top 20 non-bank borrowers as a percentage of total exposure increased from 11.0% at March 31, 2020
to 12.1% at March 31, 2021. All top 20 borrowers as of March 31, 2021 are rated A- and above internally. The exposure
to top 10 borrower groups decreased from 12.1% at March 31, 2020 to 11.6% at March 31, 2021.
` in billion
Particulars March 31, 2020 March 31, 2021
Advances 6,452.90 7,337.29
- Domestic book 5,913.23 6,961.39
- Retail 4,080.03 4,892.20
- SME 228.51 302.84
- Corporate 1,604.70 1,766.35
- Overseas book 539.67 375.90
The Bank’s capital allocation framework is focused on fund and non-fund outstanding at March 31, 2021, net
growth in granular retail and rural lending and selective of cash/financial institutions/insurance backed lending)
lending to corporate sector with focus on an increase in reduced by 44.6% year-on-year to USD 4.14 billion at
lending to higher rated corporates. Net retail advances March 31, 2021. Out of USD 4.14 billion, 70.1% of the
increased by 19.9% in fiscal 2021 compared to an increase outstanding was to Indian corporates and their subsidiaries
of 13.7% in total advances. As a result, the share of net and joint ventures and 15.8% of the outstanding was to
retail advances increased from 63.2% of net advances at non-India companies with Indian or India-linked operations
March 31, 2020 to 66.7% of net advances at March 31, 2021. and activities. The portfolio in this segment is well-
Including the non-fund based outstanding, the proportion rated and the Indian operations of these companies are
of retail in the portfolio was 55.0% at March 31, 2021. target customers for the Bank’s deposit and transaction
banking franchise. The Bank would continue to pursue
The overseas loan portfolio declined by 27.9% year-on- risk-calibrated opportunities in this segment. Out of USD
year at March 31, 2021. The overseas loan portfolio was 4.14 billion, about 6.3% was to companies owned by NRIs/
5.1% of the overall loan book at March 31, 2021. The non- PIOs and 7.8% of the outstanding was to other non-India
India linked corporate portfolio (excluding exposures to companies which is less than 1.0% of the total portfolio of
banks and retail lending against deposits, the corporate the Bank.
Annual Report 2020-21
The following table sets forth, at the dates indicated, the composition of the Bank’s gross (net of write-offs) outstanding
retail finance portfolio.
` in billion, except percentages
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2021
% of total % of total
Particulars Total retail Total retail
retail retail
advances advances
advances advances
Home loans ` 2,011.34 48.3% ` 2,460.43 48.7%
Rural loans 582.84 14.0 738.98 14.6
Personal loans 458.53 11.0 507.43 10.1
Business banking 1
301.83 7.3 413.51 8.2
Automobile loans 326.25 7.8 371.14 7.4
Commercial business 252.01 6.1 278.11 5.5
Credit cards 163.42 3.9 182.94 3.6
Others2,3 65.95 1.6 96.13 1.9
Total retail finance portfolio 3
` 4,162.17 100.0% ` 5,048.67 100.0%
1. Includes dealer financing and small ticket loans to small businesses.
2. Includes loans against securities
3. Includes loans against FCNR deposits of ` 67.77 billion at March 31, 2021 (March 31, 2020: ` 36.23 billion).
4. All amounts have been rounded off to the nearest ` 10.0 million.
The following table sets forth, at the dates indicated, the rating wise categorisation of the Bank’s outstanding net advances:
` in billion, except percentages
Ratings category 1,2
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2021
AA- and above 44.4% 50.2%
A+, A, A- 25.8 23.0
A- and above 70.2 73.2
BBB+,BBB, BBB- 26.6 23.8
BB and below 3
2.9 2.7
Unrated 0.3 0.3
Total 100.0% 100%
Total net advances 6,452.90 7,337.29
1. Based on internal ratings.
2. For retail loans, ratings have been undertaken at the product level.
3. Includes net non-performing loans
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Directed Lending the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development,
the Small Industries Development Bank of India, the
RBI requires banks to lend to certain sectors of the
National Housing Bank, Micro Units Development and
economy. Such directed lending comprises priority sector
Refinance Agency Limited (MUDRA) and other financial
lending and export credit.
institutions as decided by the RBI from time to time. These
Priority Sector Lending and Investment deposits have a maturity of up to seven years and carry
interest rates lower than market rates. At March 31, 2021,
The RBI guidelines on priority sector lending require banks
the Bank’s total investment in such funds was ` 311.78
to lend 40.0% of their adjusted net bank credit (ANBC),
billion, which was fully eligible for consideration in overall
to fund certain types of activities carried out by specified
priority sector lending achievement.
borrowers. The definition of ANBC includes bank credit
in India adjusted by bills rediscounted with RBI and other As prescribed in the RBI guideline, the Bank’s priority
approved financial institutions and certain investments sector lending achievement is computed on a quarterly
including Priority Sector Lending Certificates (PSLCs) and average basis. Total average priority sector lending for
investments in Rural Infrastructure Development Fund fiscal 2021 was ` 2,448.37 billion (fiscal 2020: ` 2,153.37
and other specified funds on account of priority sector billion) constituting 40.9% (fiscal 2020: 40.3%) of ANBC,
shortfall and is computed with reference to the outstanding against the requirement of 40.0% of ANBC. The average
amount at corresponding date of the preceding year as lending to the agriculture sector was ` 1,019.54 billion
prescribed by the RBI guidelines titled ‘Master Direction (fiscal 2020: ` 834.63 billion) constituting 17.0% (fiscal
– Priority Sector Lending – Targets and Classification’. 2020: 15.6%) of ANBC against the requirement of 18.0%
Further, the RBI allows exclusion from ANBC for funds of ANBC. The average advances to weaker sections were
raised by the Bank through issue of long-term bonds for ` 641.59 billion (fiscal 2020: ` 443.88 billion) constituting
financing infrastructure and low-cost housing, subject to 10.7% (fiscal 2020: 8.3%) of ANBC against the requirement
certain limits. of 10.0% of ANBC. Average lending to small and marginal
farmers was ` 514.25 billion (fiscal 2020: ` 321.50 billion)
As prescribed by RBI’s Master Direction on ‘Priority constituting 8.6% (fiscal 2020: 6.0%) of ANBC against
Sector Lending - Targets and Classification’ dated the requirement of 8.0% of ANBC. The average lending
September 4, 2020, the priority sectors include categories to micro enterprises was ` 448.46 billion (fiscal 2020:
such as agriculture, micro, small and medium enterprises, ` 408.72 billion) constituting 7.5% (fiscal 2020: 7.7%) of
education, housing, social infrastructure, renewable ANBC against the requirement of 7.5% of ANBC. The
energy, export credit and others. Out of the overall target average lending to non-corporate farmers was ` 731.61
of 40.0%, banks are required to lend a minimum of 18.0% billion (fiscal 2020: ` 531.01 billion) constituting 12.2%
of their ANBC to the agriculture sector. Sub-targets (fiscal 2020: 9.9%) of ANBC against the requirement
of 8.0% for lending to small & marginal farmers (out of of 12.14% of ANBC (12.11% for fiscal 2020). The above
agriculture) and 7.5% lending target to micro-enterprises includes the impact of PSLCs purchased/sold during fiscal
are applicable from fiscal 2016. RBI has directed banks to 2021 by the Bank.
maintain direct lending to non-corporate farmers at the
banking system’s average level for the last three years, Classification of loans
failing which banks will attract penalties for shortfall. RBI
The Bank classify its assets as performing and non-
would notify the banks of the banking system’s average
performing in accordance with the RBI guidelines. Under
level at the beginning of each year. RBI notified a target
the RBI guidelines, an asset is generally classified as non-
level of 12.14% of ANBC for this purpose for fiscal 2021.
performing if any amount of interest or principal remains
The banks are also required to lend 10.0% of their ANBC
overdue for more than 90 days, in respect of term loans.
to certain borrowers under the “weaker section” category.
In respect of overdraft or cash credit, an asset is classified
Priority sector lending achievement is evaluated on a
as non-performing if the account remains out of order for
quarterly average basis from fiscal 2017.
a period of 90 days; and in respect of bills, if the account
The Bank is required to comply with the priority sector remains overdue for more than 90 days. The RBI guidelines
lending requirements prescribed by RBI. The shortfall in also require an asset to be classified as non-performing
the amount required to be lent to the priority sectors and based on certain other criteria like restructuring of a loan,
weaker sections may be required to be deposited in funds inability of a borrower to complete a project funded by
with government sponsored Indian development banks like us within stipulated timelines and certain other non-
Annual Report 2020-21
financial parameters. In respect of borrowers where loans infrastructure sector and non-infrastructure sector
and advances made by overseas branches are identified and which are delayed up to a specified period) by
as impaired as per host country regulations for reasons re-scheduling of principal repayments and/or the interest
other than record of recovery, but which are standard as element are classified as non-performing. For such loans,
per the RBI guidelines, the amount outstanding in the host the diminution in the fair value of the loan, if any, measured
country is classified as non-performing. in present value terms, has to be provided for in addition
to the provisions applicable to non-performing loans. RBI
The RBI has separate guidelines for classification of loans has issued guidelines for restructuring of loans to micro
for projects under implementation which are based on the and small enterprises borrowers while continuing asset
date of commencement of commercial production and classification as standard, subject to specified conditions.
date of completion of the project as originally envisaged Further, RBI through its guideline on ‘Resolution
at the time of financial closure. For infrastructure Framework for COVID-19-related Stress’ dated August 6,
projects, a loan is classified as non-performing if it fails 2020, has provided a prudential framework to implement a
to commence commercial operations within two years resolution plan in respect of eligible corporate borrowers
from the documented date of commencement and and personal loans, while classifying such exposures as
for non-infrastructure projects, the loan is classified standard, subject to specified conditions.
as non-performing if it fails to commence operations
In accordance with the RBI circular dated April 17, 2020,
within 12 months from the documented date of such
the moratorium granted to certain borrowers is excluded
from the determination of number of days past-due/out-
The RBI also has separate guidelines for restructured of-order status for the purpose of asset classification. The
loans. Loans restructured after April 1, 2015 (excluding moratorium granted to the borrowers is not accounted as
loans given for implementation of projects in the restructuring of loan.
The following table sets forth, at the dates indicated, information regarding asset classification of the Bank’s gross non-
performing assets (net of write-offs, interest suspense and derivative income reversals).
` in billion
At At
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2021
Non-performing assets
Sub-standard assets ` 64.09 ` 128.09
Doubtful assets 307.24 237.92
Loss assets 42.76 47.72
Total non-performing assets1 ` 414.09 ` 413.73
1. Include advances, lease receivables and credit substitutes like debentures and bonds. Excludes preference shares.
2. All amounts have been rounded off to the nearest ` 10.0 million.
The following table sets forth, at the dates indicated, information regarding the Bank’s non-performing assets (NPAs).
` in billion, except percentages
% of net
NPA to net
Year ended Gross NPA 1
Net NPA customer
March 31, 2018 ` 540.63 ` 278.86 ` 5,848.78 4.77%
March 31, 2019 ` 462.92 ` 135.77 ` 6,580.34 2.06%
March 31, 2020 ` 414.09 ` 101.14 ` 7,166.74 1.41%
March 31, 2021 ` 413.73 ` 91.80 ` 8,025.90 1.14%
1. Net of write-offs, interest suspense and derivatives income reversal.
2. Include advances, lease receivables and credit substitutes like debentures and bonds. Excludes preference shares.
3. All amounts have been rounded off to the nearest ` 10.0 million.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the composition of gross non-performing assets (net of
write-offs) by industry sector.
` in billion, except percentages
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2021
Amount % Amount %
Retail finance1 ` 83.32 20.1% ` 151.30 36.6%
Construction 54.33 13.1 55.98 13.5
Power 51.98 12.6 46.07 11.1
Crude petroleum/refining and petrochemicals 28.37 6.9 27.58 6.7
Road, ports, telecom, urban development and other
infrastructure 33.05 8.0 21.76 5.3
Electronics and engineering 19.64 4.7 17.48 4.2
Services – non-finance 26.13 6.3 16.85 4.1
Mining 16.08 3.9 8.07 2.0
Iron/steel and products 14.24 3.4 8.04 1.9
Services – finance 9.67 2.3 7.39 1.8
Wholesale/retail trade 17.44 4.2 6.48 1.6
Shipping 8.77 2.1 5.79 1.4
Food and beverages 12.54 3.0 4.67 1.1
Manufacturing products (excluding metal) 6.22 1.5 4.38 1.1
Metal & products (excluding iron & steel) 0.19 - 0.20 -
Other industries2 32.12 7.9 31.69 7.6
Total ` 414.09 100.0% ` 413.73 100.0%
1. Includes home loans, automobile loans, commercial business loans, dealer financing and small ticket loans to small businesses,
personal loans, credit cards, rural loans and loans against securities.
2. Other industries primarily include textile, chemical and fertilizers, gems and jewellery, drugs and pharmaceuticals, FMCG, automobiles
and developer financing.
3. All amounts have been rounded off to the nearest ` 10.0 million.
In fiscal 2021, the Indian economy was impacted by The gross additions to NPAs were ` 287.30 billion in
Covid-19 pandemic with contraction in industrial and fiscal 2018 and declined sharply to ` 110.39 billion in
services output across small and large businesses. The fiscal 2019. The gross additions to NPAs were ` 142.95
nation-wide lock down in April-May 2020 substantially billion in fiscal 2020 and increased ` 161.23 billion in fiscal
impacted economic activity. The easing of lock-down 2021. In fiscal 2021, the Bank recovered/upgraded non-
measures subsequently led to a gradual improvement performing assets amounting to ` 64.63 billion, wrote-off
in economic activity and progress towards normalcy. non-performing assets amounting to ` 96.08 billion and
For the banking sector, these developments resulted sold non-performing assets amounting to ` 0.88 billion.
in regulatory measures like moratorium on payment of As a result, gross NPAs (net of write-offs) of the Bank
dues and standstill in asset classification to mitigate the marginally decreased from ` 414.09 billion at March 31,
economic consequences on borrowers. There was an 2020 to ` 413.73 billion at March 31, 2021.
increase in additions to NPAs in fiscal 2021. The impact
Net NPAs decreased from ` 101.14 billion at March 31,
of Covid-19 pandemic continues as a second wave since
2020 to ` 91.80 billion at March 31, 2021. The ratio of net
the latter part of March 2021, has resulted in re-imposition
NPAs to net customer assets decreased from 1.41% at
of localised/regional lock-down measures in various
March 31, 2020 to 1.14% at March 31, 2021.
parts of the country. A prolonged period of economic
weakness caused by the second wave of the pandemic At March 31, 2021, gross non-performing loans in the retail
and uncertainty regarding normalization could continue portfolio were 3.04% of gross retail loans compared to
to impact banking sector and result in higher addition 2.02% at March 31, 2020 and net non-performing loans in
to NPAs. the retail portfolio were 1.28% of net retail loans compared
Annual Report 2020-21
to 0.90% at March 31, 2020. The provision coverage ratio The standalone segmental report for fiscal 2021, based
at March 31, 2021 was 77.7% as compared to 75.7% at on the segments identified and defined by RBI, has been
March 31, 2020. presented as follows:
The total non-fund based outstanding to borrowers • etail Banking includes exposures of the Bank, which
classified as non-performing was ` 44.05 billion at satisfy the four qualifying criteria of ‘regulatory retail
March 31, 2021 (March 31, 2020: ` 50.63 billion). The portfolio’ as stipulated by RBI guidelines on the Basel
Bank held a provision of ` 14.92 billion at March 31, 2021 III framework.
(March 31, 2020: ` 11.82 billion) against these non-fund
• Wholesale Banking includes all advances to trusts,
based outstanding.
partnership firms, companies and statutory bodies,
The gross outstanding loans to borrowers whose facilities by the Bank which are not included in the Retail
have been restructured increased from ` 3.09 billion at Banking segment, as per RBI guidelines for the Bank.
March 31, 2020 to ` 32.69 billion at March 31, 2021. The net • reasury includes the entire investment portfolio of
outstanding loans to borrowers whose facilities have been the Bank.
restructured increased from ` 2.86 billion at March 31,
2020 to ` 31.79 billion at March 31, 2021. The aggregate • Other Banking includes leasing operations and other
non-fund based outstanding to borrowers whose loans items not attributable to any particular business
were restructured was ` 4.38 billion at March 31, 2021 segment of the Bank.
(March 31, 2020: ` 0.80 billion). • Unallocated includes items such as income tax paid
In addition to the above, at March 31, 2021, the outstanding in advance net of provision for tax, deferred tax and
loans and non-fund facilities to borrowers in the corporate provisions to the extent reckoned at entity level.
and small and medium enterprises portfolio rated BB and
below were ` 131.39 billion.
Framework for transfer pricing
All liabilities are transfer priced to a central treasury unit,
The Bank, in its Annual Report for 2018, had reported on the which pools all funds and lends to the business units
various steps and measures taken pursuant to its becoming at appropriate rates based on the relevant maturity of
aware in March 2018 of an anonymous whistleblower assets being funded after adjusting for regulatory reserve
complaint alleging incorrect asset classifications requirement and directed lending requirements.
stemming from claimed irregular transactions in borrower
accounts, incorrect accounting of interest income and NPA Retail banking segment
recoveries as fees, and overvaluation of collateral securing
The profit before tax of the segment decreased by 13.9%
corporate loans. As previously reported, the Bank, at the
from ` 89.93 billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 77.40 billion in
direction of the Audit Committee and with the assistance
fiscal 2021 primarily due to an increase in provisions
of external counsel investigated all of the allegations made
and a decrease in non-interest income, offset, in part,
in the complaint, considered all of the various processes by an increase in net interest income and a decrease in
and measures that are operative, and all necessary non-interest expenses.
and appropriate actions have been concluded, with no
impact on financial statements. The Bank had also been Net interest income increased by 15.2% from ` 193.90
responding to requests for information from United States billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 223.46 billion in fiscal 2021
Securities and Exchange Commission (‘SEC’) investigatory primarily due to growth in average loan portfolio,
staff, regarding inter alia the above allegations. During an increase in net interest margin and an increase in
the year ended March 31, 2021, the SEC has notified the average deposits.
Bank of the conclusion of its investigations without any Non-interest income decreased by 5.9% from ` 89.70
enforcement action against the Bank. billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 84.44 billion in fiscal 2021 primarily
due to a decrease in fee income from credit card portfolio,
Segment information lending linked fees and income from third party products
RBI in its guidelines on “segmental reporting” has stipulated distribution. Fee income for fiscal 2021 was impacted due
specified business segments and their definitions, for the to lower borrowing and investment activity by customers
purposes of public disclosures on business information and lower consumer spends caused by the nation-wide
for banks in India. lockdown during April-May 2020 followed by gradual
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
easing of lockdown by the Government of India, after the Non-interest expenses increased from ` 8.95 billion in
outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, significantly impacting fiscal 2020 to ` 9.86 billion in fiscal 2021.
the economic activities.
Provisions decreased from ` 4.48 billion in fiscal 2020 to a
Non-interest expenses decreased by 3.4% from ` 166.47 write-back of ` 1.48 billion in fiscal 2021.
billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 160.85 billion in fiscal 2021.
Other banking segment
The provisions (net of write-back) increased from ` 27.20
billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 69.65 billion in fiscal 2021. The Profit before tax of other banking segment decreased
provision was impacted due to higher additions to NPAs from ` 5.83 billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 2.93 billion in fiscal
in fiscal 2021. Further, during fiscal 2021, the Bank has 2021 primarily due to an increase in provisions and a
changed its provisioning policy on non-performing assets decrease in net interest income.
for certain loan categories to make it more conservative
In fiscal 2021, Covid-19 related provision amounting to
resulting in higher provisions.
` 47.50 billion (fiscal 2020: ` 15.10 billion), was not
Wholesale banking segment allocated to any segment and included in unallocated.
Annual Report 2020-21
Net premium earned increased from ` 328.79 billion in fiscal As per Indian GAAP, net NPAs increased from ` 2.33 billion
2020 to ` 349.73 billion in fiscal 2021. The profit after tax at March 31, 2020 to ` 5.59 billion at March 31, 2021
decreased from ` 10.69 billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 9.60 billion primarily due to increase in retail NPAs pursuant to the
in fiscal 2021 primarily due to additional reserves made for impact of Covid-19 pandemic
potential Covid-19 claims and increase in tax expenses.
ICICI Venture Funds Management
ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company (ICICI Venture)
Company (ICICI General) The profit after tax of ICICI Venture decreased from ` 0.13
The Gross Domestic Premium Income of ICICI General billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 0.04 billion in fiscal 2021 primarily
increased by 5.2% year-on-year to ` 140.03 billion in fiscal due to lower income from venture capital funds and
2021. The profit after tax increased from ` 11.94 billion in increase in other administrative expenses.
fiscal 2020 to ` 14.73 billion in fiscal 2021 primarily due
to an increase in investment income and premium ICICI Bank Canada
income, offset, in part, by increase in commission expense The core operating income of ICICI Bank Canada decreased
and operating expense. The company’s combined ratio from CAD 69.8 million in fiscal 2020 to CAD 21.3 million
improved to 99.8% in fiscal 2021 as compared to 100.4% in fiscal 2021 primarily due to reduction in net interest
in fiscal 2020. income and fee income. The profit after tax of ICICI Bank
Canada decreased from CAD 40.6 million (` 2.17 billion) in
ICICI Prudential Asset Management fiscal 2020 to CAD 20.0 million (` 1.13 billion) in fiscal 2021
Company (ICICI Prudential AMC) primarily due to decrease core operating income, offset, in
As per Indian GAAP, the profit after tax of ICICI Prudential part, by write-back of provision.
AMC increased from ` 10.49 billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 11.79
billion in fiscal 2021 primarily due to increase in other income The total assets decreased from CAD 6.56 billion at
and decrease in brokerage and fund related expenses. March 31, 2020 to CAD 5.96 billion at March 31, 2021.
Loans and advances decreased from CAD 5.73 billion at
ICICI Securities Limited (ICICI Securities) March 31, 2020 to CAD 5.08 billion at March 31, 2021.
The net impairment ratio decreased from 0.08% at
As per Indian GAAP, the consolidated profit after tax of
March 31,2020 to 0.02% at March 31, 2021. ICICI Bank
ICICI Securities increased from ` 5.53 billion in fiscal
Canada had a total capital adequacy ratio of 24.1% at
2020 to ` 10.94 billion in fiscal 2021 primarily due to an
March 31, 2021 as against 19.1% at March 31, 2020.
increase in brokerage income, offset, in part, by increase
in administrative expenses.
ICICI Securities Primary Dealership The core operating income of ICICI Bank UK decreased
(I-Sec PD) from USD 40.2 million in fiscal 2020 to USD 21.8 million
in fiscal 2021 primarily due to a decrease in net interest
As per Indian GAAP, the profit after tax of I-Sec PD
income, fees income and other income, offset, in part, by
increased from ` 2.66 billion in fiscal 2020 to ` 6.47 billion
decrease in operating expenses. Profit after tax of ICICI
in fiscal 2021 primarily due to higher trading gains.
Bank UK decreased from USD 23.2 million (` 1.64 billion)
ICICI Home Finance Company Limited in fiscal 2020 to USD 14.8 million (` 1.10 billion) in fiscal
(ICICI HFC) 2021 primarily due to lower core operating profits, offset,
in part, by lower impairment provision.
Under Indian GAAP, ICICI HFC made a profit after tax of
` 0.81 billion in fiscal 2021 compared to a loss after tax of Total assets decreased from USD 3.54 billion at March 31,
` 1.17 billion in fiscal 2020 primarily due to an increase in net 2020 to USD 2.96 billion at March 31, 2021. Net advances
interest income and a decrease in operating expenditure decreased from USD 2.09 billion at March 31, 2020 to
and provisions. Provisions were higher in fiscal 2020 USD 1.57 billion at March 31, 2021. The net impairment
primarily due to provision on NPAs under construction realty ratio decreased from 3.8% at March 31, 2020 to 2.2% at
finance portfolio, additional general provision on overdue March 31, 2021. ICICI Bank UK had a capital adequacy
loans where moratorium benefit was given and provision ratio of 28.3% at March 31, 2021 compared to 18.6% at
on investment in security receipts. March 31, 2020.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
The following table sets forth, for the periods and at the dates indicated, the profit/(loss) and total assets of our principal
subsidiaries as per Indian GAAP.
` in billion
Profit after tax Total assets1
Company At At
Fiscal 2020 Fiscal 2021 March 31, March 31,
2020 2021
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited ` 10.69 ` 9.60 ` 1,558.62 ` 2,170.35
ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited 11.94 14.73 370.42 392.59
ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company Limited2 10.49 11.79 14.79 18.52
ICICI Securities Limited (consolidated) 2
5.53 10.94 42.83 80.58
ICICI Bank Canada 2.17 1.13 350.18 346.59
ICICI Venture Funds Management Company Limited 0.13 0.04 2.89 2.91
ICICI Securities Primary Dealership Limited 2
2.66 6.47 171.55 193.32
ICICI Home Finance Company Limited2 (1.17) 0.81 151.19 153.99
ICICI Bank UK PLC ` 1.64 ` 1.10 ` 269.32 ` 217.51
1. Total assets are as per classification used in the consolidated financial statements and hence the total assets as per subsidiary’s
financial statements may differ.
2. These companies prepare their financial statements based on accounting guidelines issued under Ind AS. However, for preparation
of consolidated financial statement of the Bank, financial statements as per Indian GAAP of these entities have been considered.
3. See also “Financials- Statement pursuant to Section 129 of the Companies Act, 2013”.
4. All amounts have been rounded off to the nearest ` 10.0 million.
(` in billion, except per share data and percentages)
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Total deposits 2,555.00 2,926.14 3,319.14 3,615.63 4,214.26 4,900.39 5,609.75 6,529.20 7,709.69 9,325.22
Total advances 2,537.28 2,902.49 3,387.03 3,875.22 4,352.64 4,642.32 5,123.95 5,866.47 6,452.90 7,337.29
Equity capital & reserves 604.05 667.06 732.13 804.29 897.36 999.51 1,051.59 1,083.68 1,165.04 1,475.09
Total assets 4,890.69 5,367.95 5,946.42 6,461.29 7,206.95 7,717.91 8,791.89 9,644.59 10,983.65 12,304.33
Total capital adequacy ratio 18.5%1 18.7%1 17.7%2 17.0%2 16.6%2 17.4%2 18.4%2 16.9%2 16.1%2 19.1%2
Core operating profit 103.99 127.04 155.77 180.27 198.03 179.10 189.39 220.72 268.08 313.51
Net interest income 107.34 138.66 164.75 190.40 212.24 217.37 230.26 270.15 332.67 389.89
Net interest margin 2.73% 3.11% 3.33% 3.48% 3.49% 3.25% 3.23% 3.42% 3.73% 3.69%
Profit after tax 64.65 83.25 98.10 111.75 97.26 98.01 67.77 33.63 79.31 161.93
Earnings per share (Basic)3,4 10.20 13.13 15.45 17.56 15.23 15.31 10.56 5.23 12.28 24.01
Earnings per share (Diluted) 10.17 13.08 15.39 17.39 15.14 15.25 10.46 5.17 12.08 23.67
Return on average equity 11.1% 12.9% 13.7% 14.3% 11.3% 10.3% 6.6% 3.2% 7.1% 12.2%
Dividend per share3,5 3.30 4.00 4.60 5.00 5.00 2.50 1.50 1.00 - 2.00
1. Total capital adequacy ratio has been calculated as per Basel II framework.
2. Total capital adequacy ratio has been calculated as per Basel III framework.
3. During the year ended March 31, 2015, the shareholders of the Bank approved the sub-division of one equity share of ` 10 into five equity shares having a face
value of ` 2 each. Per share information of prior periods also reflects the effect of sub-division.
4. During the year ended March 31, 2018, the Bank issued bonus shares in the proportion of 1:10, i.e. 1 (One) bonus equity share of ` 2 each for every 10 (Ten) fully
paid-up equity shares held (including shares underlying ADS). Per share information of prior periods also reflects the effect of bonus issue.
5. RBI through its circular ‘Declaration of dividends by banks (Revised)’ dated April 17, 2020, had directed that banks shall not make any dividend payment on equity
shares from the profits pertaining to the financial year ended March 31, 2020. Accordingly, the Bank did not pay any dividend for FY2020.
Key Financial Indicators: Last 10 Years
Annual Report 2020-21
Financial Statements
Annual Report 2020-21
To the Members of
ICICI Bank Limited
Emphasis of Matter
We draw attention to note 18.59 of the accompanying standalone financial statements, which describes the
uncertainties due to the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19). The impact of these uncertainties on the Bank’s
results is significantly dependent on future developments.
Our opinion is not modified in respect of this matter.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
6. We have determined the matters described below to be the key audit matters to be communicated in our report
Key Audit Matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter
The IT environment of the Bank is complex and In assessing the integrity of the IT systems relevant for
involves a large number of, independent and inter- financial reporting, we involved our IT experts to obtain
dependent IT systems used in the operations of the an understanding of the IT infrastructure and IT systems
Bank for processing and recording a large volume of relevant to the Bank’s financial reporting process for
transactions at numerous locations. As a result, there evaluation and testing of relevant IT general controls
is a high degree of reliance and dependency on such IT and IT application controls.
systems for the financial reporting process of the Bank.
Access rights were tested over applications, operating
Appropriate IT general controls and application controls
systems, networks, and databases, which are relied
are required to ensure that such IT systems are able to
upon for financial reporting. We also assessed the
process the data, as required, completely, accurately
operating effectiveness of controls over granting,
and consistently for reliable financial reporting.
removal and periodical review of access rights.
The accuracy and reliability of the financial reporting We further tested segregation of duties, including
process depends on the IT systems and the related preventive controls to ensure that access to change
control environment, including: applications, the operating system or databases in
the production environment were granted only to
IT general controls over user access
authorized personnel.
management and change management across
applications, networks, database, and operating Other areas that were assessed under the IT control
systems; environment, included password policies, security
configurations, business continuity and controls
IT application controls.
around change management.
Due to the importance of the impact of the IT systems
We also evaluated the design and tested the operating
and related control environment on the Bank’s financial
effectiveness of key automated controls within various
reporting process, we have identified testing of such IT
business processes. This included testing the integrity
systems and related control environment as a key audit
of system interfaces, the completeness and accuracy
matter for the current year audit.
of data feeds, system reconciliation controls and
automated calculations.
Where deficiencies were identified, we tested
compensating controls or performed alternate
Annual Report 2020-21
b. Identification and provisioning for non-performing assets (‘NPAs’) including implementation of COVID-19
related measures
s at 31 March 2021, the Bank reported total loans and advances (net of provisions) of ` 7,337,291 million
(2020: 6,452,900 million), gross NPAs of ` 408,414 million (2020: ` 408,291 million), and provision for
non-performing assets of ` 317,238 million (2020: 309,058 million). The provision coverage ratio as at
31 March 2021 is 77.7% (2020: 75.7%).
(Refer schedules 9, 17.3, 18.16, 18.19, and 18.27)
Key Audit Matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter
The identification of NPAs and provisioning for We understood the process and controls and tested
advances is made in accordance with the extant RBI the design and operating effectiveness of key controls,
regulations or host country regulations, in the case of including IT based controls, focusing on the following:
international branches. Based on our risk assessment,
Identification and classification of NPAs in line
the following are significant in assessment of the NPA
with RBI IRAC norms and certain qualitative
Recognition of defaults, in accordance with the Periodic internal reviews of asset quality;
criteria set out in the RBI Prudential norms on Assessment of adequacy of NPA provisions;
Income Recognition, Asset Classification and and
Provisioning pertaining to Advances (IRAC Periodic valuation of collateral for NPAs.
norms) or in accordance with the host country
Implementation of the RBI circulars
regulations, as applicable. Further, the Bank
is also required to identify NPAs by applying To test the identification of loans with default events
certain qualitative aspects; and other triggers, we selected a sample of performing
loans and independently assessed as to whether there
Implementation of the “COVID 19 Regulatory
was a need to classify such loans as NPAs.
Package- Asset Classification and Provisioning”
announced by the RBI on 17 April 2020 and RBI With respect to provisions recognised towards NPAs,
circular on “Asset Classification and Income we selected samples based on high risk industry
Recognition following the expiry of Covid-19 sectors identified by the Bank, such as shipping, rigs,
regulatory package” dated 07 April 2021 power, mining, and oil and gas exploration. For the
(collectively referred to as ‘the RBI circulars’), samples selected, we re-performed the provision
and “Resolution Framework for COVID-19 calculations including valuation of collaterals and
related Stress” (the ‘Resolution Framework’) compared our outcome to that prepared by the
issued by the RBI on 6 August 2020, which were management and challenged various assumptions and
collectively considered by the management judgements which were used by the management. We
in identification and provisioning of non- also held discussions with the management of the Bank
performing assets. On the basis of an estimate on high risk industry sectors and measures taken by
made by the management, a provision of the management monitor to such assets.
` 74,750 million was held by the Bank as at
We read the RBI Annual Financial Inspection report for
31 March 2021 on account of likely increase
the financial year ended 2020 and other communication
in defaults due to the impact of COVID-19
with regulators.
on recoverability of loans and assets of the
Bank. The Bank has also revised its internal With respect to those borrowers to whom a moratorium
provisioning policy of retail loans to address was granted in accordance with the RBI circulars, on
aforesaid risk. The basis of estimation of the a sample basis, we tested that such moratorium was
additional provisions and the assumptions used granted and implemented in the systems in accordance
for aforesaid additional provision are subject to with the board approved policy. On a test check basis,
periodic review by the Bank as these depend we tested the loans to ensure that identification of NPAs,
on future developments including the rate of provisions created, and asset classification were in
spread of COVID-19, the effectiveness of current accordance with the requirements of the RBI circulars.
and future steps taken by the government and Further, with respect to the additional provisions made
central banks to mitigate the economic impact by the Bank on account of the impact of the COVID-19
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Key Audit Matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter
and the time it takes for the economic activities to pandemic, we understood and challenged the
return to pre-pandemic levels. underpinning assumptions used by the Bank for such
estimate by considering our understanding of the risk
The measurement of provision under RBI
profiles of the customers of the Bank and other relevant
guidelines is also dependent on the ageing of
publicly available macro-economic factors pertaining
overdue balances, secured / unsecured status
to impact of COVID-19.
of advances, stress and liquidity concerns in
certain sectors and valuation of collateral. The With respect to the Resolution Framework, ensured
provision on NPAs at certain overseas branches that the Bank’s board approved policy was in
requires estimation of amounts and timing of accordance with the RBI requirements. On a test check
expected future cash flows and exit values. basis, we ensured that the restructuring was approved
and implemented, and provisions made on such
Implementation of the RBI circulars also required the
restructured loans in accordance with the Bank’s board
Bank to implement changes in its base Information
approved policy and the Resolution Framework.
Technology applications to extend the relief packages
and moratorium period to the customers as announced We assessed the appropriateness and adequacy of
by the Government. disclosures against the relevant accounting standards
and RBI requirements relating to NPAs including
Considering the significance of the above matters to
the additional disclosures required to be made in
the financial statements, the heightened regulatory
accordance with the relevant RBI requirements.
inspections, additional complexities in the current
year on account of impact of COVID-19 and significant
auditor attention required, we have identified this as a
key audit matter for the current year audit.
Key Audit Matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter
As at 31 March 2021, the Bank has ongoing legal and Our audit procedures included, but were not limited to,
tax cases with varied degrees of complexities. This the following:
indicates that a significant degree of management
We tested the design and operating effectiveness of
judgement is involved in determining the
the Bank’s key controls over the estimation, monitoring
appropriateness of provisions and related disclosures.
and disclosure of provisions and contingent liabilities.
Significant management judgement is needed in
For significant legal matters, we sought external
determining whether an obligation exists and whether
confirmations and also reviewed the confirmations
a provision should be recognised as at the reporting
obtained by the management from external legal
date, in accordance with the accounting criteria set
counsels and corroborated with management’s
under Accounting Standard 29 - Provisions, Contingent
documented conclusions on the assessment of
Liabilities and Contingent Assets (‘AS 29’), or whether it
outstanding litigations against the Bank.
needs to be disclosed as a contingent liability. Further,
Annual Report 2020-21
Key Audit Matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter
significant judgements are also involved in measuring In respect of taxation matters, we involved our tax
such obligations, the most significant of which are: specialists to gain an understanding of the current
status of the outstanding tax litigations, including
Assessment of liability: Judgement is involved
understanding of various orders / notices received by
in the determination of whether an outflow
the Bank and the management’s grounds of appeals
in respect of identified material matters are
before the relevant appellate authorities, and critically
probable and can be estimated reliably;
evaluated the management’s assessment of the
Adequacy of provisions: The appropriateness
likelihood of the liability devolving upon the Bank, in
of assumptions and judgements used in the accordance with the principles of AS 29.
estimation of significant provisions; and
For the significant provisions made, we understood,
Adequacy of disclosures of provision for
assessed and challenged the adequacy of provisions
liabilities and charges, and contingent liabilities. recognised by the management. We also reviewed
the historical accuracy of the provisions recognised to
Considering the significance of the above matter to the
determine the efficacy of the process of estimation by
financial statements, and significant auditor attention
the management.
required to test such estimates, we have identified this
as a key audit matter for current year audit. Further, we assessed whether the disclosures related
to significant litigation and taxation matters were
appropriate and adequate in terms of whether the
potential liabilities and the significant uncertainties
were fairly presented.
Key Audit Matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter
Derivatives are valued through models with external Our audit procedures included, but were not limited to,
inputs. The derivatives portfolio of the Bank primarily the following:
includes transactions which are carried out on behalf
We included our valuation experts as a part of our audit
of its clients (and are covered on a back-to-back basis)
team to obtain an understanding, evaluate the design,
and transactions to hedge the Bank’s interest and
and test the operating effectiveness of the key controls
foreign currency risk.
over the valuation processes, including:
A significant degree of management judgement is
independent price verification performed by a
involved in the application of valuation techniques
management expert; and
through which the value of the Bank’s derivatives
is determined. The financial statement risk arises model governance and validation.
particularly with respect to complex valuation models,
On a sample basis, our valuation experts performed
valuation parameters, and inputs that are used in
an independent reassessment of the valuation of
determining fair values.
derivatives, to ensure compliance with the relevant
Considering the significance of the above matter to the RBI regulations, reasonableness of the valuation
financial statements, significant management estimates methodology and the inputs used.
and judgements, and auditor attention required to test
Further our valuation experts assisted us in challenging
such estimates and judgements, we have identified this
the appropriateness of significant models and
as a key audit matter for current year audit.
methodologies used in valuation.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Information other than the Standalone Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report thereon
7. The Bank’s Board of Directors are responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the
information included in the Management’s Discussion and Analysis, and Directors’ Report, including annexures to
the Directors’ Report, but does not include the standalone financial statements and our auditor’s report thereon.
Our opinion on the standalone financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any
form of assurance conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the standalone financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information
and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the standalone financial
statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on
the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are
required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.
Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Standalone Financial
8. The accompanying financial statements have been approved by the Bank’s Board of Directors. The Bank’s Board
of Directors is responsible for the matters stated in section 134(5) of the Act with respect to the preparation of
these standalone financial statements that give a true and fair view of the financial position, financial performance
and cash flows of the Bank in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in India, including the
Accounting Standards prescribed under section 133 of the Act read with rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules,
2014 (as amended) and provisions of section 29 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and circulars and guidelines
issued by RBI from time to time. This responsibility also includes maintenance of adequate accounting records, in
accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding of the assets of the Bank and for preventing and detecting
frauds and other irregularities; selection and application of appropriate accounting policies; making judgments
and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and design, implementation and maintenance of adequate internal
financial controls, that were operating effectively for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the accounting
records, relevant to the preparation and presentation of the standalone financial statements that give a true and fair
view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
9. In preparing the standalone financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Bank’s ability to
continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going
concern basis of accounting, unless management either intends to liquidate the Bank or to cease operations, or has
no realistic alternative but to do so.
10. The Board of Directors is also responsible for overseeing the Banks’s financial reporting process.
• onclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on
the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast
significant doubt on the Bank’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty
exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the standalone
financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based
on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may
cause the Bank to cease to continue as a going concern.
• Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the standalone financial statements, including the
disclosures, and whether the standalone financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events
in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
13. We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and
timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we
identify during our audit.
14. We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical
requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may
reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.
15. From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of
most significance in the audit of the standalone financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key
audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure
about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated
in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public
interest benefits of such communication.
Other Matters
16. We did not audit the financial statements of 3 international branches included in the standalone financial statements
of the Bank, whose financial statements reflects total assets of ` 596,868.52 million as at 31 March 2021, and total
revenue, total net loss after tax, and net cash inflows of ` 9,716.89 million, ` 6,068.91 million, and ` 108,879.26 million,
respectively, for the year ended on that date, as considered in the standalone financial statements. The financial
statements of these branches have been audited by the branch auditors, whose reports have been furnished to us
by the management, and our opinion on the standalone financial statements, in so far as it relates to the amounts
and disclosures included in respect of branches, is based solely on the reports of such branch auditors.
Our opinion on the standalone financial statements is not modified in respect of the above matter.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
20. Further, as required by section 143 (3) of the Act, based on our audit, and on the consideration of the reports of the
branch auditors as referred to in paragraph 16 above, we report, to the extent applicable, that:
a) we have sought and obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and
belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit;
b) in our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Bank, so far as it appears from
our examination of those books and proper returns, adequate for the purposes of our audit, have been received
from the international branches not audited by us;
c) the reports on the accounts of the international branches of the Bank audited under section 143(8) of the Act
by the branch auditors of the Bank have been sent to us and have been properly dealt with by us in preparing
this report;
d) the standalone financial statements dealt with by this report are in agreement with the books of account and
with the returns received from the international branches not audited by us;
e) in our opinion, the aforesaid standalone financial statements comply with Accounting Standards prescribed
under section 133 of the Act, read with rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 (as amended), to the
extent they are not inconsistent with the accounting policies prescribed by RBI;
f) on the basis of the written representations received from the directors as on 31 March 2021 and taken on record
by the Board of Directors, none of the directors is disqualified as on 31 March 2021 from being appointed as a
director in terms of section 164(2) of the Act;
we have also audited the internal financial controls over financial reporting (IFCoFR) of the Bank as on
31 March 2021, in conjunction with our audit of the standalone financial statements of the Bank for the year
ended on that date and our report dated 24 April 2021 as per Annexure A expressed an unmodified opinion;
h) with respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditor’s Report in accordance with rule 11 of the
Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014 (as amended), in our opinion and to the best of our information
and according to the explanations given to us:
i. the Bank, as detailed in schedules 12 and 18.45 to the standalone financial statements, has disclosed the
impact of pending litigations on its financial position as at 31 March 2021;
ii. the Bank, as detailed in schedule 18.45 to the standalone financial statements, has made provisions as at
31 March 2021, as required under the applicable law or Accounting Standards, for material foreseeable
losses, if any, on long-term contracts, including derivative contracts;
iii. there has been no delay in transferring amounts, required to be transferred to the Investor Education and
Protection Fund by the Bank during the year ended 31 March 2021;
iv. the disclosure requirements relating to holdings as well as dealings in specified bank notes were applicable
for the period from 8 November 2016 to 30 December 2016, which are not relevant to these standalone
financial statements. Hence, reporting under this clause is not applicable.
Sudhir N. Pillai
Membership No.: 105782
UDIN: 21105782AAAACO8365
Place: Mumbai
Date: 24 April 2021
Annual Report 2020-21
Annexure A to the Independent Auditor’s Report of even date to the members of ICICI Bank
Limited on the standalone financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2021
Independent Auditor’s Report on the internal financial controls with reference to the standalone
financial statements under Clause (i) of Sub-section 3 of Section 143 of the Companies Act, 2013
(‘the Act’)
1. In conjunction with our audit of the standalone financial statements of ICICI Bank Limited (‘the Bank’) as at and for
the year ended 31 March 2021, we have audited the internal financial controls with reference to financial statements
of the Bank as at that date.
Auditor’s Responsibility for the Audit of the Internal Financial Controls with Reference to Financial
3. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Bank’s internal financial controls with reference to financial
statements, based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing issued by
the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (‘ICAI’) and deemed to be prescribed under Section 143(10) of the
Act, to the extent applicable to an audit of internal financial controls with reference to financial statements, and
the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls Over Financial Reporting (‘the Guidance Note’) issued
by the ICAI. Those Standards and the Guidance Note require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether adequate internal financial controls with
reference to financial statements were established and maintained and if such controls operated effectively in all
material respects.
4. Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the adequacy of the internal financial
controls with reference to financial statements and their operating effectiveness. Our audit of internal financial
controls with reference to financial statements includes obtaining an understanding of internal financial controls
with reference to financial statements, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating
the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk. The procedures selected
depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial
statements, whether due to fraud or error.
5. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit
opinion on the Bank’s internal financial controls with reference to financial statements.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Annexure A (Contd.)
8. In our opinion, the Bank has, in all material respects, adequate internal financial controls with reference to financial
statements and such controls were operating effectively as at 31 March 2021, based on the internal financial controls
with reference to financial statements criteria established by the Bank considering the essential components of
internal control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls Over Financial Reporting issued
by the ICAI.
Sudhir N. Pillai
Membership No:105782
Place: Mumbai
Date: 24 April 2021
Annual Report 2020-21
Balance Sheet
at March 31, 2021
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
Capital 1 13,834,104 12,947,649
Employees stock options outstanding 31,010 34,858
Reserves and surplus 2 1,461,226,736 1,152,061,563
Deposits 3 9,325,221,605 7,709,689,946
Borrowings 4 916,309,564 1,628,967,599
Other liabilities and provisions 5 587,703,739 479,949,877
TOTAL CAPITAL AND LIABILITIES 12,304,326,758 10,983,651,492
Cash and balances with Reserve Bank of India 6 460,311,902 352,839,592
Balances with banks and money at call and short notice 7 870,970,599 838,717,797
Investments 8 2,812,865,399 2,495,314,805
Advances 9 7,337,290,904 6,452,899,697
Fixed assets 10 88,775,806 84,102,853
Other assets 11 734,112,148 759,776,748
TOTAL ASSETS 12,304,326,758 10,983,651,492
As per our Report of even date. For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
For Walker Chandiok & Co LLP Girish Chandra Chaturvedi Uday M. Chitale Sandeep Bakhshi
Chartered Accountants Chairman Director Managing Director & CEO
ICAI Firm Registration no.: DIN-00110996 DIN-00043268 DIN-00109206
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
` in ‘000s
Year ended Year ended
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
Interest earned 13 791,182,710 747,983,166
Other income 14 189,685,274 164,486,220
TOTAL INCOME 980,867,984 912,469,386
Interest expended 15 401,288,374 415,312,517
Operating expenses 16 215,608,340 216,144,109
Provisions and contingencies (refer note 18.45) 202,044,429 201,704,636
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 818,941,143 833,161,262
Net profit/(loss) for the year 161,926,841 79,308,124
Profit brought forward 213,274,679 178,795,703
TOTAL PROFIT/(LOSS) 375,201,520 258,103,827
Transfer to Statutory Reserve 40,482,000 19,828,000
Transfer to/(from) Reserve Fund (77,638) 3,670
Transfer to Capital Reserve 1,302,300 3,954,400
Transfer to Capital Redemption Reserve - -
Transfer to/(from) Investment Reserve Account - -
Transfer to/(from) Investment Fluctuation Reserve (2,495,799) 6,690,000
Transfer to Revenue and other reserves 15,000,000 -
Transfer to Special Reserve 10,900,000 7,900,000
Dividend paid during the year - 6,453,078
Corporate dividend tax paid during the year - -
Balance carried over to balance sheet 310,090,657 213,274,679
TOTAL 375,201,520 258,103,827
Significant accounting policies and notes to accounts 17 & 18
Earnings per share (refer note 18.1)
Basic (`) 24.01 12.28
Diluted (`) 23.67 12.08
Face value per share (`) 2.00 2.00
The Schedules referred to above form an integral part of the Standalone Profit and Loss Account.
As per our Report of even date. For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
For Walker Chandiok & Co LLP Girish Chandra Chaturvedi Uday M. Chitale Sandeep Bakhshi
Chartered Accountants Chairman Director Managing Director & CEO
ICAI Firm Registration no.: DIN-00110996 DIN-00043268 DIN-00109206
Annual Report 2020-21
` in ‘000s
Year ended Year ended
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
Cash flow from/(used in) operating activities
Profit/(loss) before taxes 201,827,176 140,480,406
Adjustments for:
Depreciation and amortisation 12,013,384 10,738,916
Net (appreciation)/depreciation on investments1 (22,143,504) 17,977,289
Provision in respect of non-performing and other assets 107,491,259 88,144,145
General provision for standard assets 50,288,318 31,871,122
Provision for contingencies & others 5,942,673 7,402,359
Income from subsidiaries, joint ventures and consolidated entities (12,339,950) (12,730,298)
(Profit)/loss on sale of fixed assets 27,974 (14,216)
(i) 343,107,330 283,869,723
Adjustments for:
(Increase)/decrease in investments 240,666,909 (55,702,939)
(Increase)/decrease in advances (994,947,362) (684,540,454)
Increase/(decrease) in deposits 1,615,531,659 1,180,493,234
(Increase)/decrease in other assets 10,773,799 8,898,408
Increase/(decrease) in other liabilities and provisions 50,820,785 61,686,755
(ii) 922,845,790 510,835,004
Refund/(payment) of direct taxes (iii) (25,019,557) (10,210,349)
Net cash flow from/(used in) operating activities (i)+(ii)+(iii) (A) 1,240,933,563 784,494,378
Cash flow from/(used in) investing activities
Redemption/sale from/(investments in) subsidiaries and/or joint
ventures (including application money) 37,369,338 -
Income from subsidiaries, joint ventures and consolidated entities 12,339,950 12,730,298
Purchase of fixed assets (14,301,487) (13,674,681)
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets 56,622 148,126
(Purchase)/sale of held-to-maturity securities (570,378,440) (370,277,765)
Net cash flow from/(used in) investing activities (B) (534,914,017) (371,074,022)
Cash flow from/(used in) financing activities
Proceeds from issue of share capital (including ESOPs) 154,600,321 5,493,214
Proceeds from long-term borrowings 152,089,846 244,134,272
Repayment of long-term borrowings (377,290,832) (412,397,914)
Net proceeds/(repayment) of short-term borrowings (488,752,518) 142,777,984
Dividend and dividend tax paid - (6,453,078)
Net cash flow from/(used in) financing activities (C) (559,353,183) (26,445,522)
Effect of exchange fluctuation on translation reserve (D) (6,941,251) 1,619,695
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
(A) + (B) + (C) + (D) 139,725,112 388,594,529
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 1,191,557,389 802,962,860
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period/year 1,331,282,501 1,191,557,389
1. For the year ended March 31, 2021, includes gain on sale of a part of equity investment in the subsidiaries, ICICI Lombard General
Insurance Company Limited, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited and ICICI Securities Limited.
2. Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand, balances with RBI, balances with other banks and money at call and short notice.
As per our Report of even date. For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
For Walker Chandiok & Co LLP Girish Chandra Chaturvedi Uday M. Chitale Sandeep Bakhshi
Chartered Accountants Chairman Director Managing Director & CEO
ICAI Firm Registration no.: DIN-00110996 DIN-00043268 DIN-00109206
Sudhir N. Pillai Vishakha Mulye Anup Bagchi Sandeep Batra
Partner Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director
Membership no.: 105782 DIN-00203578 DIN-00105962 DIN-03620913
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Balance Sheet
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
Authorised capital
12,500,000,000 equity shares of ` 2 each (March 31, 2020: 12,500,000,000
equity shares of ` 2 each) 25,000,000 25,000,000
Equity share capital
Issued, subscribed and paid-up capital
6,472,765,203 equity shares of ` 2 each (March 31, 2020: 6,446,239,653 equity
shares) 12,945,530 12,892,479
Add: 443,227,1841 equity shares of ` 2 each (March 31, 2020: 26,525,550
equity shares) issued during the period 886,455 53,051
13,831,985 12,945,530
Add: Forfeited equity shares2 2,119 2,119
TOTAL CAPITAL 13,834,104 12,947,649
1. Represents 418,994,413 equity shares issued under Qualified Institutions Placement (QIP) and 24,232,771 equity shares issued (year
ended March 31, 2020: 26,525,550 equity shares) pursuant to exercise of employee stock options year ended March 31, 2021.
2. On account of forfeiture of 266,089 equity shares of ` 10 each.
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Statutory reserve
Opening balance 257,205,519 237,377,519
Additions during the year 40,482,000 19,828,000
Deductions during the year - -
Closing balance 297,687,519 257,205,519
II. Special reserve
Opening balance 102,940,000 95,040,000
Additions during the year 10,900,000 7,900,000
Deductions during the year - -
Closing balance 113,840,000 102,940,000
III. Securities premium
Opening balance 334,612,918 329,160,858
Additions during the year1 154,419,403 5,452,060
Deductions during the year2 (701,689) -
Closing balance 488,330,632 334,612,918
IV. Investment reserve account
Opening balance - -
Additions during the year - -
Deductions during the year - -
Closing balance - -
V. Investment fluctuation reserve
Opening balance 19,382,000 12,692,000
Additions during the year3 - 6,690,000
Deductions during the year (2,495,799) -
Closing balance 16,886,201 19,382,000
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Standalone Balance Sheet (Contd.)
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
VI. Capital reserve
Opening balance 132,496,125 128,541,725
Additions during the year4 1,302,300 3,954,400
Deductions during the year - -
Closing balance 133,798,425 132,496,125
VII. Capital redemption reserve
Opening balance 3,500,000 3,500,000
Additions during the year - -
Deductions during the year - -
Closing balance 3,500,000 3,500,000
VIII. Foreign currency translation reserve
Opening balance 16,528,210 14,908,515
Additions during the year - 1,619,695
Deductions during the year (6,941,251) -
Closing balance 9,586,959 16,528,210
IX. Revaluation reserve (refer note 18.37)
Opening balance 31,148,705 30,445,093
Additions during the year5 461,869 1,395,700
Deductions during the year6 (674,666) (692,088)
Closing balance 30,935,908 31,148,705
X. Reserve fund
Opening balance 77,638 73,968
Additions during the year7 - 3,670
Deductions during the year7 (77,638) -
Closing balance - 77,638
XI. Revenue and other reserves
Opening balance 40,895,769 40,203,682
Additions during the year 15,674,666 692,087
Deductions during the year - -
Closing balance 56,570,435 40,895,769
XII. Balance in profit and loss account 310,090,657 213,274,679
TOTAL RESERVES AND SURPLUS 1,461,226,736 1,152,061,563
1. At March 31, 2021, includes amount on account of exercise of employee stock options and equity shares issued under QIP.
2. Represents amount utilised towards direct expenses relating to the issuance of equity shares under QIP.
3. Represents amount transferred to Investment Fluctuation Reserve (IFR) on net profit on sale of AFS and HFT investments during
the period. As per the RBI circular, from the year ended March 31, 2019, an amount not less than the lower of net profit on sale of
AFS and HFT category investments during the period or net profit for the period less mandatory appropriations is required to be
transferred to IFR, until the amount of IFR is at least 2% of the HFT and AFS portfolio.
4. Represents appropriations made for profit on sale of investments in held-to-maturity category, net of taxes and transfer to Statutory
Reserve and profit on sale of land and buildings, net of taxes and transfer to Statutory Reserve.
5. Represents gain on revaluation of premises carried out by the Bank.
6. Represents amount transferred from Revaluation Reserve to General Reserve on account of incremental depreciation charge on
revaluation, revaluation surplus on premises sold or loss on revaluation on account of certain assets which were held for sale.
7. Represents appropriations made to Reserve Fund in accordance with regulations applicable to Sri Lanka branch. Balance in reserve
fund transferred to balance in profit and loss account due to closure of Sri Lanka branch during the year ended March 31, 2021.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Standalone Balance Sheet (Contd.)
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
A. I. Demand deposits
i) From banks 114,792,811 65,212,698
ii) From others 1,246,908,460 957,063,014
II. Savings bank deposits 2,954,533,008 2,455,908,874
III. Term deposits
i) From banks 96,198,935 202,585,695
ii) From others 4,912,788,391 4,028,919,665
TOTAL DEPOSITS 9,325,221,605 7,709,689,946
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Borrowings in India
i) Reserve Bank of India1 1,000,000 86,810,000
ii) Other banks 6,999 -
iii) Other institutions and agencies
a) Government of India - -
b) Financial institutions2 216,069,065 493,020,910
iv) Borrowings in the form of bonds and debentures
(excluding subordinated debt) 197,867,850 197,869,634
v) Application money-bonds - -
vi) Capital instruments
a) Innovative Perpetual Debt Instruments (IPDI)
(qualifying as additional Tier 1 capital) 101,200,000 101,200,000
b) Hybrid debt capital instruments issued as bonds/debentures
(qualifying as Tier 2 capital) - -
c) Unsecured redeemable debentures/bonds
(subordinated debt included in Tier 2 capital) 71,258,998 116,974,946
TOTAL BORROWINGS IN INDIA 587,402,912 995,875,490
II. Borrowings outside India
i) Capital instruments - -
ii) Bonds and notes 171,698,692 294,811,272
iii) Other borrowings 157,207,960 338,280,837
TOTAL BORROWINGS OUTSIDE INDIA 328,906,652 633,092,109
TOTAL BORROWINGS 916,309,564 1,628,967,599
1. Represents borrowings made under Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF).
2. Includes borrowings made under repo and refinance.
3. Secured borrowings in I and II above amount to Nil (March 31, 2020: Nil) except borrowings of ` 4,999.1 million (March 31, 2020:
` 340,756.8 million) under market repurchase transactions (including tri-party repo) with banks and financial institutions and
transactions under liquidity adjustment facility and marginal standing facility.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Standalone Balance Sheet (Contd.)
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Bills payable 123,870,614 53,443,331
II. Inter-office adjustments (net) 3,262,618 7,439,584
III. Interest accrued 21,389,174 26,959,112
IV. Sundry creditors 121,848,376 93,832,003
V. General provision for standard assets (refer note 18.18) 1
111,092,824 60,995,182
VI. Others (including provisions)2 206,240,133 237,280,665
1. Includes Covid-19 related provision amounting to ` 74,750.0 million (March 31, 2020: ` 27,250.0 million).
2. Includes specific provision for standard loans amounting to ` 7,791.5 million (March 31, 2020: ` 3,196.1 million).
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Cash in hand (including foreign currency notes) 70,309,617 99,437,514
II. Balances with Reserve Bank of India in current accounts 390,002,285 253,402,078
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. In India
i) Balances with banks
a) In current accounts 526,416 1,620,749
b) In other deposit accounts 15,224 66,791
ii) Money at call and short notice
a) With banks1 352,190,000 594,212,800
b) With other institutions2 145,670 69,211,816
TOTAL 352,877,310 665,112,156
II. Outside India
i) In current accounts 263,159,331 116,434,071
ii) In other deposit accounts 198,990,362 25,335,217
iii) Money at call and short notice 55,943,596 31,836,353
TOTAL 518,093,289 173,605,641
1. Includes lending under Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF).
2. Includes lending under reverse repo.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Standalone Balance Sheet (Contd.)
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Investments in India [net of provisions]
i) Government securities 2,136,207,918 1,883,318,796
ii) Other approved securities - -
iii) Shares (includes equity and preference shares) 28,220,174 24,622,430
iv) Debentures and bonds 214,445,380 119,852,513
v) Subsidiaries and/or joint ventures 1
60,738,869 61,201,686
vi) Others (commercial paper, mutual fund units, pass through
certificates, security receipts, certificate of deposits and other related
investments) 167,395,240 326,595,257
TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN INDIA 2,607,007,581 2,415,590,682
II. Investments outside India [net of provisions]
i) Government securities 151,622,342 28,909,637
ii) Subsidiaries and/or joint ventures abroad
(includes equity and preference shares) 36,826,862 36,826,862
iii) Others (equity shares, bonds and certificate of deposits) 17,408,614 13,987,624
TOTAL INVESTMENTS 2,812,865,399 2,495,314,805
A. Investments in India
Gross value of investments 2,655,692,360 2,472,213,814
Less: Aggregate of provision/depreciation/(appreciation) 48,684,779 56,623,132
Net investments 2,607,007,581 2,415,590,682
B. Investments outside India
Gross value of investments 206,964,172 81,130,342
Less: Aggregate of provision/depreciation/(appreciation) 1,106,354 1,406,219
Net investments 205,857,818 79,724,123
TOTAL INVESTMENTS 2,812,865,399 2,495,314,805
1. During the year ended March 31, 2021, the Bank sold a part of its equity investment in subsidiaries, ICICI Lombard General Insurance
Company Limited, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited and ICICI Securities Limited.
2. Refer note 18.10 - Investments and note 18.11 - Non-SLR Investments.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Standalone Balance Sheet (Contd.)
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
SCHEDULE 9 - ADVANCES [net of provisions]
A. i) Bills purchased and discounted1 335,109,843 444,802,983
ii) Cash credits, overdrafts and loans repayable on demand 1,846,093,909 1,557,314,567
iii) Term loans 5,156,087,152 4,450,782,147
TOTAL ADVANCES 7,337,290,904 6,452,899,697
B. i) Secured by tangible assets (includes advances against book debts) 5,302,794,936 4,663,199,942
ii) Covered by bank/government guarantees 106,820,866 98,100,926
iii) Unsecured 1,927,675,102 1,691,598,829
TOTAL ADVANCES 7,337,290,904 6,452,899,697
C. I. Advances in India
i) Priority sector 2,031,797,475 1,909,002,118
ii) Public sector 451,897,529 159,541,485
iii) Banks 264,743 4,468,311
iv) Others 4,477,427,682 3,840,221,670
TOTAL ADVANCES IN INDIA 6,961,387,429 5,913,233,584
II. Advances outside India
i) Due from banks 2,773,789 4,732,195
ii) Due from others
a) Bills purchased and discounted 78,351,968 163,653,671
b) Syndicated and term loans 168,266,427 326,238,831
c) Others 126,511,291 45,041,416
TOTAL ADVANCES OUTSIDE INDIA 375,903,475 539,666,113
TOTAL ADVANCES 7,337,290,904 6,452,899,697
1. Net of bills re-discounted amounting to Nil (March 31, 2020: Nill).
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Standalone Balance Sheet (Contd.)
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Premises
Gross block
At cost at March 31 of preceding year 77,468,304 75,541,590
Additions during the year1 1,656,933 2,542,536
Deductions during the year (234,494) (615,822)
Closing balance 78,890,743 77,468,304
At March 31 of preceding year 16,668,165 15,309,915
Charge during the year2 1,974,520 1,887,797
Deductions during the year (221,378) (529,547)
Total depreciation 18,421,307 16,668,165
Net block 60,469,436 60,800,139
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Standalone Balance Sheet (Contd.)
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Inter-office adjustments (net) - -
II. Interest accrued 86,278,179 86,517,207
III. Tax paid in advance/tax deducted at source (net) 46,381,798 68,018,795
IV. Stationery and stamps 4,665 2,252
V. Non-banking assets acquired in satisfaction of claims1,2 - -
VI. Advances for capital assets 2,907,943 2,917,965
VII. Deposits 24,025,670 24,315,002
VIII. Deferred tax assets (net) (refer note 18.47) 87,444,731 80,681,176
IX. Deposits in Rural Infrastructure and Development Fund 311,777,207 287,570,782
X. Others 175,291,955 209,753,569
TOTAL OTHER ASSETS 734,112,148 759,776,748
1. During the year ended March 31, 2021, the Bank has not acquired any assets (year ended March 31, 2020: Nil) in satisfaction of
claims under debt-asset swap transactions. Assets amounting to ` 942.4 million were sold during the year ended March 31, 2021
(year ended March 31, 2020: ` 1,317.4 million).
2. Net of provision amounting to ` 29,575.4 million (March 31, 2020: ` 30,517.8 million).
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Claims against the Bank not acknowledged as debts 73,768,089 63,240,222
II. Liability for partly paid investments 12,455 12,455
III. Liability on account of outstanding forward exchange contracts1 8,152,789,862 7,441,459,466
IV. Guarantees given on behalf of constituents
a) In India 816,769,649 878,239,296
b) Outside India 178,245,678 209,893,394
V. Acceptances, endorsements and other obligations 324,236,366 347,118,775
VI. Currency swaps1 481,715,704 509,589,938
VII. Interest rate swaps, currency options and interest rate futures1 16,428,132,474 15,698,503,091
VIII. Other items for which the Bank is contingently liable 30,736,413 90,201,338
TOTAL CONTINGENT LIABILITIES 26,486,406,690 25,238,257,975
1. Represents notional amount.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Profit and Loss Account
` in ‘000s
Year ended Year ended
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Interest/discount on advances/bills 572,888,123 575,511,126
II. Income on investments 165,397,817 146,732,068
III. Interest on balances with Reserve Bank of India and other inter-bank funds 16,319,050 6,821,500
IV. Others 1,2
36,577,720 18,918,472
TOTAL INTEREST EARNED 791,182,710 747,983,166
1. Includes interest on income tax refunds amounting to ` 2,569.3 million (March 31, 2020: ` 2,699.8 million).
2. Includes interest and amortisation of premium on non-trading interest rate swaps and foreign currency swaps.
` in ‘000s
Year ended Year ended
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Commission, exchange and brokerage 106,707,283 116,450,747
II. Profit/(loss) on sale of investments (net) 1
53,302,497 19,010,897
III. Profit/(loss) on revaluation of investments (net) (1,564,373) (2,619,008)
IV. Profit/(loss) on sale of land, buildings and other assets (net)2 (27,974) 14,216
V. Profit/(loss) on exchange/derivative transactions (net) 19,170,981 18,065,638
VI. Income earned by way of dividends, etc. from subsidiary companies
and/or joint ventures abroad/in India 12,339,950 12,730,298
VII. Miscellaneous income (including lease income) (243,090) 833,432
TOTAL OTHER INCOME 189,685,274 164,486,220
1. For the year ended March 31, 2021, includes gain on sale of a part of equity investment in the subsidiaries, ICICI Lombard General
Insurance Company Limited, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited and ICICI Securities Limited. Refer note 18.10 -
2. Includes profit/(loss) on sale of assets given on lease.
` in ‘000s
Year ended Year ended
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Interest on deposits 332,563,139 326,877,706
II. Interest on Reserve Bank of India/inter-bank borrowings 6,762,168 10,809,220
III. Others (including interest on borrowings of erstwhile ICICI Limited) 61,963,067 77,625,591
TOTAL INTEREST EXPENDED 401,288,374 415,312,517
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Profit and Loss Account (Contd.)
` in ‘000s
Year ended Year ended
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Payments to and provisions for employees 80,917,790 82,712,407
II. Rent, taxes and lighting 1
11,598,363 12,714,278
III. Printing and stationery 1,813,495 2,300,408
IV. Advertisement and publicity 6,172,743 8,886,382
V. Depreciation on Bank's property 10,584,038 9,471,163
VI. Depreciation (including lease equalisation) on leased assets 133,877 14,238
VII. Directors' fees, allowances and expenses 38,157 37,188
VIII. Auditors' fees and expenses 94,195 87,884
IX. Law charges 974,632 1,103,906
X. Postages, courier, telephones, etc. 4,253,640 4,229,716
XI. Repairs and maintenance 19,507,374 17,682,686
XII. Insurance 11,030,824 7,823,295
XIII. Direct marketing agency expenses 16,820,872 17,875,865
XIV. Other expenditure2 51,668,340 51,204,693
TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 215,608,340 216,144,109
1. Includes lease expense amounting to ` 9,044.8 million (March 31, 2020: ` 10,010.9 million).
2. Net of recoveries from group companies towards shared services.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts
ICICI Bank Limited (ICICI Bank or the Bank), incorporated in Vadodara, India is a publicly held banking company engaged in
providing a wide range of banking and financial services including commercial banking and treasury operations. ICICI Bank
is a banking company governed by the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. The Bank also has overseas branches in Bahrain,
China, Dubai, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Africa, United States of America and Offshore Banking units.
Basis of preparation
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with requirements prescribed under the Third Schedule of
the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. The accounting and reporting policies of ICICI Bank used in the preparation of these
financial statements conform to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in India (Indian GAAP), the guidelines issued by
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) from time to time and the Accounting Standards notified under Section 133 of the Companies
Act, 2013 read together with paragraph 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 to the extent applicable and practices
generally prevalent in the banking industry in India. The Bank follows the historical cost convention and the accrual method
of accounting, except in the case of interest and other income on non-performing assets (NPAs) where it is recognised
upon realisation.
Use of estimates
The preparation of financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that are considered
in the reported amounts of assets and liabilities (including contingent liabilities) as of the date of the financial statements
and the reported income and expenses during the reporting period. Management believes that the estimates used in the
preparation of the financial statements are prudent and reasonable. Actual results could differ from these estimates. The
impact of any revision in these estimates is recognised prospectively from the period of change.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
2. Investments
Investments are accounted for in accordance with the extant RBI guidelines on investment classification and valuation.
The Bank follows trade date method of accounting for purchase and sale of investments, except for government of
India and state government securities where settlement date method of accounting is followed in accordance with RBI
All investments are classified into ‘Held to Maturity’ (HTM), ‘Available for Sale’ (AFS) and ‘Held for Trading’ (HFT) on
the date of purchase as per the extant RBI guidelines on investment classification and valuation. Reclassifications, if
any, in any category are accounted for as per RBI guidelines. Under each classification, the investments are further
categorised as (a) government securities, (b) other approved securities, (c) shares, (d) bonds and debentures, (e)
subsidiaries and joint ventures and (f) others.
Investments that are held principally for resale within 90 days from the date of purchase are classified as HFT securities.
Investments which the Bank intends to hold till maturity are classified as HTM securities. Investments which are not
classified in either of the above categories are classified under AFS securities. Investments in the equity of subsidiaries/
joint ventures are classified under HTM or AFS categories.
Cost of acquisition:
Costs, including brokerage and commission pertaining to investments paid at the time of acquisition and broken period
interest (the amount of interest from the previous interest payment date till the date of purchase of instruments) on
debt instruments, are charged to the profit and loss account.
Securities are valued scrip-wise. Depreciation/appreciation on securities, other than those acquired by way of
conversion of outstanding loans, is aggregated for each category. Net appreciation in each category under each
investment classification, if any, being unrealised, is ignored, while net depreciation is provided for. The depreciation
on securities acquired by way of conversion of outstanding loans is fully provided for. Non-performing investments are
identified based on the RBI guidelines.
HTM securities are carried at their acquisition cost or at amortised cost, if acquired at a premium over the face value.
Any premium over the face value of fixed rate and floating rate securities acquired is amortised over the remaining
period to maturity on a constant yield basis and straight line basis respectively.
AFS and HFT securities are valued periodically as per RBI guidelines. Any premium over the face value of fixed rate
and floating rate investments in government securities, classified as AFS, is amortised over the remaining period to
maturity on constant yield basis and straight line basis respectively. Quoted investments are valued based on the
closing quotes on the recognised stock exchanges or prices declared by Primary Dealers Association of India (PDAI)
jointly with Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association (FIMMDA)/Financial Benchmark India Private
Limited (FBIL), periodically.
The market/fair value of unquoted government securities which are in nature of Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
securities included in the ‘Available for Sale’ and ‘Held for Trading’ categories is as per the rates published by FIMMDA/
FBIL. The valuation of other unquoted fixed income securities, including Pass Through Certificates, wherever linked
to the Yield-to-Maturity (YTM) rates, is computed with a mark-up (reflecting associated credit risk) over the YTM rates
for government securities published by FIMMDA. The sovereign foreign securities and non-INR India linked bonds are
valued on the basis of prices published by the sovereign regulator or counterparty quotes.
Treasury bills, commercial papers and certificate of deposits being discounted instruments, are valued at carrying cost.
The units of mutual funds are valued at the latest repurchase price/net asset value declared by the mutual fund.
Unquoted equity shares are valued at the break-up value, if the latest balance sheet is available, or at `1, as per
RBI guidelines.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
At the end of each reporting period, security receipts issued by the asset reconstruction companies are valued in
accordance with the guidelines applicable to such instruments, prescribed by RBI from time to time. Accordingly, in
cases where the cash flows from security receipts issued by the asset reconstruction companies are limited to the
actual realisation of the financial assets assigned to the instruments in the concerned scheme, the Bank reckons the
net asset value obtained from the asset reconstruction company from time to time, for valuation of such investments
at each reporting period end. The security receipts which are outstanding and not redeemed as at the end of the
resolution period are treated as loss assets and are fully provided for.
The Bank assesses investments in subsidiaries for any permanent diminution in value and appropriate provisions
are made.
Gain/loss on sale of investments is recognised in the Profit and Loss Account. Cost of investments is computed based
on the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) method. The profit from sale of investment under HTM category, net of taxes and
transfer to statutory reserve is transferred to “Capital Reserve” in accordance with the RBI Guidelines.
Short sale:
The Bank undertakes short sale transactions in dated central government securities in accordance with RBI guidelines.
The short positions are categorised under HFT category and are marked to market. The mark-to-market loss is charged
to profit and loss account and gain, if any, is ignored as per RBI guidelines.
Repurchase transactions:
Market repurchase, reverse repurchase and transactions with RBI under Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) are
accounted for as borrowing and lending transactions in accordance with the extant RBI guidelines.
In the case of corporate loans and advances, provisions are made for sub-standard and doubtful assets at rates
prescribed by RBI. Loss assets and the unsecured portion of doubtful assets are fully provided. For impaired loans and
advances held in overseas branches, which are performing as per RBI guidelines, provisions are made as per the host
country regulations. For loans and advances held in overseas branches, which are NPAs both as per the RBI guidelines
and host country regulations, provisions are made at the higher of the provisions required under RBI guidelines
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
and host country regulations. Provisions on homogeneous non-performing retail loans and advances, subject to
minimum provisioning requirements of RBI, are made on the basis of the ageing of the loan. The specific provisions on
non-performing retail loans and advances held by the Bank are higher than the minimum regulatory requirements.
In respect of non-retail loans reported as fraud to RBI the entire amount, is provided for over a period not exceeding
four quarters starting from the quarter in which fraud has been detected. In respect of non-retail loans where
there has been delay in reporting the fraud to the RBI or which are classified as loss accounts, the entire amount is
provided immediately. In case of fraud in retail accounts, the entire amount is provided immediately. In respect of
borrowers classified as non-cooperative borrowers or willful defaulters, the Bank makes accelerated provisions as per
RBI guidelines.
The Bank holds specific provisions against non-performing loans and advances and against certain performing loans
and advances in accordance with RBI directions, including RBI direction for provision on accounts referred to the
National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016.
Provision due to diminution in the fair value of restructured/rescheduled loans and advances is made in accordance
with the applicable RBI guidelines.
In terms of RBI guidelines, the NPAs are written-off in accordance with the Bank’s policy. Amounts recovered against
bad debts written-off are recognised in the profit and loss account.
The Bank maintains general provision on performing loans and advances in accordance with the RBI guidelines,
including provisions on loans to borrowers having unhedged foreign currency exposure, provisions on loans to
specific borrowers in specific stressed sectors, provision on exposures to step-down subsidiaries of Indian companies
and provision on incremental exposure to borrowers identified as per RBI’s large exposure framework. For performing
loans and advances in overseas branches, the general provision is made at higher of aggregate provision required as
per host country regulations and RBI requirement.
In addition to the provisions required to be held according to the asset classification status, provisions are held for
individual country exposures including indirect country risk (other than for home country exposure). The countries
are categorised into seven risk categories namely insignificant, low, moderately low, moderate, moderately high, high
and very high, and provisioning is made on exposures exceeding 180 days on a graded scale ranging from 0.25%
to 25%. For exposures with contractual maturity of less than 180 days, provision is required to be held at 25% of the
rates applicable to exposures exceeding 180 days. The indirect exposure is reckoned at 50% of the exposure. If the
Bank’s net funded exposure in respect of a country is less than 1% of its total assets, no provision is required on such
country exposure.
The Bank makes additional provisions as per RBI guidelines for the cases where viable resolution plan has not been
implemented within the timelines prescribed by the RBI, from the date of default. These additional provisions are
written-back on satisfying the conditions for reversal as per RBI guidelines.
The Bank has granted moratorium towards the payment of principal and/or interest in case of certain borrowers in
accordance with RBI guidelines. Further, the RBI guidelines on ‘Resolution Framework for COVID-19-related Stress’
provide a prudential framework for resolution plan of certain loans. The Bank makes general provision on such loans at
rates equal or higher than requirements stipulated in RBI circular. The Bank has also made additional Covid-19 related
The Bank makes floating provision as per the Board approved policy, which is in addition to the specific and general
provisions made by the Bank. The floating provision is utilised, with the approval of Board and RBI, in case of
contingencies which do not arise in the normal course of business and are exceptional and non-recurring in nature
and for making specific provision for impaired loans as per the requirement if extant RBI guidelines or any regulatory
guidance/instructions. The floating provision is netted-off from advances.
Depreciation/provision on non-performing investments is made based on the RBI guidelines.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
5. Fixed assets
Fixed assets, other than premises, are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment, if any. Premises
are carried at revalued amount, being fair value at the date of revaluation less accumulated depreciation. Cost includes
freight, duties, taxes and incidental expenses related to the acquisition and installation of the asset.
Depreciation is charged over the estimated useful life of fixed assets on a straight-line basis. Assets purchased/sold
during the year are depreciated on a pro-rata basis for the actual number of days the asset has been capitalised. Assets
individually costing upto ` 5,000/- are depreciated fully in the year of acquisition.
In case of revalued/impaired assets, depreciation is provided over the remaining useful life of the assets with reference
to revised asset values. In case of premises, which are carried at revalued amounts, the depreciation on the excess of
revalued amount over historical cost is transferred from Revaluation Reserve to General Reserve annually. The profit
on sale of premises is appropriated to Capital Reserve, net of transfer to Statutory Reserve and taxes, in accordance
with RBI guidelines.
The useful lives of the groups of fixed assets are given below.
1. The useful life of fixed assets is based on historical experience of the Bank, which is different from the useful life as prescribed
in Schedule II to the Companies Act, 2013.
2. Assets at residences of Bank’s employees are depreciated over the estimated useful life of 5 years.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
Non-banking assets
Non-banking assets (NBAs) acquired in satisfaction of claims are valued at the market value on a distress sale basis or
value of loan, whichever is lower. Further, the Bank creates provision on these assets as per the extant RBI guidelines
or specific RBI directions.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
employee compensation plans. Compensation cost is measured as the excess, if any, of the fair market price of the
underlying stock over the exercise price on the grant date and amortised over the vesting period. The fair market price
is the closing price on the stock exchange with highest trading volume of the underlying shares, immediately prior to
the grant date.
9. Employee Benefits
The Bank pays gratuity, a defined benefit plan, to employees who retire or resign after a minimum prescribed period of
continuous service and in case of employees at overseas locations as per the rules in force in the respective countries.
The Bank makes contribution to recognised trust which administers the funds on its own account or through insurance
Actuarial valuation of the gratuity liability is determined by an actuary appointed by the Bank. Actuarial valuation
of gratuity liability is determined based on certain assumptions regarding rate of interest, salary growth, mortality
and staff attrition as per the projected unit credit method. The actuarial gains or losses arising during the year are
recognised in the profit and loss account.
The Bank provides for pension, a defined benefit plan, covering eligible employees of erstwhile Bank of Madura,
erstwhile Sangli Bank and erstwhile Bank of Rajasthan. The Bank makes contribution to a trust which administers the
funds on its own account or through insurance companies. The plan provides for pension payment including dearness
relief on a monthly basis to these employees on their retirement based on the respective employee’s years of service
with the Bank and applicable salary.
Actuarial valuation of the pension liability is determined by an actuary appointed by the Bank. Actuarial valuation of
pension liability is calculated based on certain assumptions regarding rate of interest, salary growth, mortality and staff
attrition as per the projected unit credit method. The actuarial gains or losses arising during the year are recognised in
the profit and loss account.
Employees covered by the pension plan are not eligible for employer’s contribution under the provident fund plan.
Provident Fund
The Bank is statutorily required to maintain a provident fund, a defined benefit plan, as a part of retirement benefits to
its employees. Each employee contributes a certain percentage of his or her basic salary and the Bank contributes an
equal amount for eligible employees. The Bank makes contribution as required by The Employees’ Provident Funds
and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 to Employees’ Pension Scheme administered by the Regional Provident Fund
Commissioner. The Bank makes balance contributions to a fund administered by trustees. The funds are invested
according to the rules prescribed by the Government of India. The Bank recognises such contribution as an expense
in the year in which it is incurred.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
Interest payable on provident fund should not be lower than the statutory rate of interest declared by the Central
Government under the Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952. Actuarial valuation for the
interest obligation on the provident fund balances is determined by an actuary appointed by the Bank.
The actuarial gains or losses arising during the year are recognised in the profit and loss account.
The overseas branches of the Bank and its eligible employees contribute a certain percentage of their salary towards
respective government schemes as per local regulatory guidelines. The contribution made by the overseas branches
is recognised in profit and loss account at the time of contribution.
Compensated absences
The Bank provides for compensated absence based on actuarial valuation conducted by an independent actuary.
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forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
The following disclosures have been made taking into account the requirements of Accounting Standards (ASs) and
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) guidelines.
2. Business/information ratios
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the business/information ratios.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
The following tables set forth, for the periods indicated, the quarterly average of unweighted and weighted values of the LCR of the Bank. The simple
average has been computed based on daily values.
` in million
Three months ended Three months ended Three months ended Three months ended Three months ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 December 31, 2020 September 30, 2020 June 30, 2020
Sr. Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total
No. unweighted weighted unweighted weighted unweighted weighted unweighted weighted unweighted weighted
value value value value value value value value value value
(average) (average) (average) (average) (average) (average) (average) (average) (average) (average)
High quality liquid assets
1. Total high quality liquid assets N.A. 2,767,443.6 N.A. 1,827,380.8 N.A. 2,729,886.5 N.A. 2,685,953.6 N.A. 2,481,876.6
Cash outflows
2. Retail deposits and deposits from small
business customers, of which: 5,392,909.3 447,802.9 4,287,871.7 369,466.7 5,169,064.6 427,295.7 4,918,171.7 405,457.5 4,680,378.8 385,088.5
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
(i) Stable deposits 1,829,760.4 91,488.0 1,186,409.5 59,320.5 1,792,214.2 89,610.7 1,727,192.8 86,359.6 1,658,989.0 82,949.5
(ii) Less stable deposits 3,563,148.9 356,314.9 3,101,462.2 310,146.2 3,376,850.4 337,685.0 3,190,978.9 319,097.9 3,021,389.8 302,139.0
3. Unsecured wholesale funding, of which: 2,817,200.6 1,515,039.4 2,144,027.5 1,033,801.0 2,603,960.9 1,388,694.8 2,519,572.4 1,319,525.7 2,439,156.6 1,276,789.0
(i) Operational deposits
(all counterparties) - - 544,448.7 136,112.2 - - - - - -
(ii) Non-operational deposits (all
counterparties) 2,801,735.1 1,499,573.9 1,505,459.5 803,569.5 2,565,602.6 1,350,336.5 2,477,194.9 1,277,148.2 2,395,472.8 1,233,105.2
(iii) Unsecured debt 15,465.5 15,465.5 94,119.3 94,119.3 38,358.3 38,358.3 42,377.5 42,377.5 43,683.8 43,683.8
4. Secured wholesale funding N.A. - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. 35.4
5. Additional requirements, of which: 343,754.5 134,921.8 304,367.8 105,629.7 325,368.7 127,991.5 307,437.3 123,675.0 304,561.3 124,367.4
(i) Outflows related to derivative exposures
and other collateral requirements 104,742.9 104,742.9 77,021.2 77,021.2 99,351.5 99,351.5 97,048.9 97,048.9 96,160.1 96,160.1
(ii) Outflows related to loss of funding on
debt products 155.2 155.2 188.0 188.0 144.3 144.3 137.4 137.4 94.5 94.5
(iii) Credit and liquidity
Facilities 238,856.4 30,023.7 227,158.6 28,420.5 225,872.9 28,495.7 210,251.0 26,488.7 208,306.7 28,112.8
6. Other contractual funding obligations 219,033.2 219,033.2 158,059.6 158,059.6 194,947.8 194,947.8 161,545.4 161,545.4 134,691.8 134,691.8
7. Other contingent funding obligations 3,255,895.0 138,972.9 2,766,693.1 111,727.6 3,023,087.4 127,603.7 2,908,001.5 121,267.5 2,902,565.4 120,422.1
8. Total cash outflows N.A. 2,455,770.2 N.A. 1,778,684.6 N.A. 2,266,533.5 N.A. 2,131,471.1 N.A. 2,041,394.2
9. Secured lending (e.g. reverse repos) 360,134.0 9.0 132,524.0 3.5 512,760.6 7.2 464,875.4 10.1 468,472.0 5.6
10. Inflows from fully performing exposures 520,370.5 397,448.1 381,803.1 282,842.3 459,362.5 354,307.5 397,034.9 297,212.1 397,792.6 296,587.8
11. Other cash inflows 80,450.7 54,760.8 63,038.4 38,416.1 70,774.2 46,530.3 70,344.7 47,062.1 68,105.8 44,511.5
12. Total cash inflows 960,955.2 452,217.9 577,365.5 321,261.9 1,042,897.3 400,845.0 932,255.0 344,284.3 934,370.4 341,104.9
13. Total HQLA N.A. 2,767,443.6 N.A. 1,827,380.8 N.A. 2,729,886.5 N.A. 2,685,953.6 N.A. 2,481,876.6
14. Total net cash outflows (8)-(12) N.A. 2,003,552.3 N.A. 1,457,422.7 N.A. 1,865,688.5 N.A. 1,787,186.8 N.A. 1,700,289.3
15. Liquidity coverage ratio (%) N.A. 138.13% N.A. 125.38% N.A. 146.32% N.A. 150.29% N.A. 145.97%
Annual Report 2020-21
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forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
Liquidity of the Bank is managed by the Asset Liability Management Group (ALMG) under the central oversight of the
Asset Liability Management Committee (ALCO). For the domestic operations of the Bank, ALMG-India is responsible
for the overall management of liquidity. For the overseas branches of the Bank, a decentralised approach is followed
for day-to-day liquidity management, while a centralised approach is followed for long-term funding in co-ordination
with Head-Office. Liquidity in the overseas branches is maintained taking into consideration both host country and
the RBI regulations.
The Bank during the three months ended March 31, 2021 maintained average HQLA (after haircut) of ` 2,767,443.6
million (March 31, 2020: ` 1,827,380.8 million) against the average HQLA requirement of ` 1,803,197.1 million
(March 31, 2020: ` 1,457,422.7 million) at minimum LCR requirement of 90.0% (March 31, 2020: 100.0%). HQLA
primarily includes government securities in excess of minimum statutory liquidity ratio (SLR) and to the extent
allowed under marginal standing facility (MSF) and facility to avail liquidity for LCR (FALLCR) of ` 2,320,760.1 million
(March 31, 2020: ` 1,600,071.6 million).
RBI permitted banks to reckon an additional 0.5% of their Net Demand and Time Liabilities (NDTL) with effect from
April 1, 2020 under FALLCR within the mandatory Statutory Liquidity Requirement (SLR), as level 1 high quality
liquid assets (HQLA) for the purpose of computing their LCR. Hence, the carve-out from SLR under FALLCR is
15.0% compared to 14.5% as of March 31, 2020. RBI allowed banks to continue with the increased limits of 3.0%
for Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) under which banks can borrow overnight at their discretion by dipping into
their SLR till September 30, 2021. This takes the total carve out from SLR available to banks at 18.0% of their NDTL
including 3.0% of MSF. Additionally, cash, balance in excess of cash reserve requirement with RBI and balances with
central banks of countries where the Bank’s branches are located amounted to ` 241,664.2 million (March 31, 2020:
` 135,769.6 million). Further, average level 2 assets primarily consisting of AA- and above rated corporate bonds and
commercial papers, amounted to ` 83,472.8 million (March 31, 2020: ` 59,552.0 million).
At March 31, 2021, top liability products/instruments and their percentage contribution to the total liabilities of the
Bank were term deposits 40.71% (March 31, 2020: 38.53%), savings account deposits 24.01% (March 31, 2020:
22.36%), current account deposits 11.07% (March 31, 2020: 9.31%) and bond borrowings 4.41% (March 31, 2020:
6.47%). Top 20 depositors constituted 5.38% (March 31, 2020: 4.88%) of total deposits of the Bank at March 31,
2021. Further, the total borrowings mobilised from significant counterparties (from whom the funds borrowed were
more than 1.00% of the Bank’s total liabilities) were 1.43% (March 31, 2020: 6.67%) of the total liabilities of the Bank
at March 31, 2021.
The weighted cash outflows are primarily driven by unsecured wholesale funding which includes operational deposits,
non-operational deposits and unsecured debt. During the three months ended March 31, 2021, unsecured wholesale
funding contributed 61.69% (March 31, 2020: 58.12%) of the total weighted cash outflows. The non-operational
deposits include term deposits with premature withdrawal facility. Based on discussions with the RBI, the Bank has
re-classified ‘Operational Deposits’ as ‘Non-operational Deposits’ with effect from March 31, 2020. Retail deposits
including deposits from small business customers and other contingent funding obligations contributed 18.23%
(March 31, 2020: 20.77%) and 5.66% (March 31, 2020: 6.28%) of the total weighted cash outflows, respectively. The
other contingent funding obligations primarily include bank guarantees (BGs) and letters of credit (LCs) issued on
behalf of the Bank’s clients.
RBI through its circular dated March 27, 2020 permitted banks to grant a moratorium to their customers on the
payment of instalments and/or interest, falling due between March 1, 2020 and May 31, 2020. This period was
extended by RBI till August 31, 2020 through its circular dated May 23, 2020. The Bank extended the moratorium
to borrowers in accordance with its Board approved policies. The LCR computation includes the impact of the
moratorium as implemented in the Bank’s systems.
In view of the margin rules for non-centrally cleared derivative transactions issued by the Basel Committee on Banking
Supervision and discussion paper issued by the RBI, certain derivative transactions would be subject to margining
and consequent collateral exchange would be as governed by Credit Support Annex (CSA). The Bank has entered
into CSAs which would require maintenance of collateral. The Bank considers the increased liquidity requirement
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
on account of valuation changes in the transactions settled through Qualified Central Counterparties (QCCP) in India
including the Clearing Corporation of India (CCIL) and other exchange houses as well as for transactions covered
under CSAs. The potential outflows on account of such transactions have been considered based on the look-back
approach prescribed in the RBI guidelines.
The average LCR of the Bank for the three months ended March 31, 2021 was 138.13% (March 31, 2020: 125.38%).
During the three months ended March 31, 2021, other than Indian Rupee, USD was the only significant foreign
currency which constituted more than 5.00% of the balance sheet size of the Bank. The average LCR of the Bank
for USD currency, computed based on daily LCR values, was 333.26% for the three months ended March 31, 2021
(March 31, 2020: 52.44%).
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
The following tables set forth, for the periods indicated, the business segment results on this basis.
` in million
For the year ended March 31, 2021
Sr. Other
Particulars Retail Wholesale
No. Treasury Banking Total
Banking Banking
1. Revenue 756,692.9 371,945.2 668,735.9 14,890.3 1,812,264.3
2. Less: Inter-segment revenue 831,396.3
3. Total revenue (1)-(2) 980,868.0
4. Segment results 77,399.7 58,199.5 110,803.7 2,924.3 249,327.2
5. Unallocated expenses 47,500.0
6. Operating profit (4)-(5) 201,827.2
7. Income tax expenses
(including deferred tax credit) 39,900.4
8. Net profit/(loss) (6)-(7) 161,926.8
9. Segment assets 4,124,986.5 3,259,375.0 4,597,998.9 188,139.9 12,170,500.3
10. Unallocated assets 133,826.5
11. Total assets (9)+(10) 12,304,326.8
12. Segment liabilities 6,869,207.9 2,821,639.2 2,475,854.01 75,021.1 12,241,722.2
13. Unallocated liabilities 62,604.6
14. Total liabilities (12)+(13) 12,304,326.8
15. Capital expenditure 9,228.1 4,745.0 866.6 222.3 15,062.0
16. Depreciation 7,249.4 2,859.8 481.0 127.7 10,717.9
1. Includes share capital and reserves and surplus.
` in million
For the year ended March 31, 2020
Sr. Other
Particulars Retail Wholesale
No. Treasury Banking Total
Banking Banking
1. Revenue 725,542.4 399,423.4 619,292.6 16,710.1 1,760,968.5
2. Less: Inter-segment revenue 848,499.1
3. Total revenue (1)-(2) 912,469.4
4. Segment results 89,930.2 9,272.3 50,550.9 5,831.9 155,585.3
5. Unallocated expenses 15,104.9
6. Operating profit (4)-(5) 140,480.4
7. Income tax expenses
(including deferred tax credit) 61,172.3
8. Net profit/(loss) (6)-(7) 79,308.1
9. Segment assets 3,513,412.1 3,073,070.6 4,131,058.3 117,410.5 10,834,951.5
10. Unallocated assets 148,700.0
11. Total assets (9)+(10) 10,983,651.5
12. Segment liabilities 5,732,467.7 2,307,128.6 2,877,977.61 50,972.7 10,968,546.6
13. Unallocated liabilities 15,104.9
14. Total liabilities (12)+(13) 10,983,651.5
15. Capital expenditure 9,947.7 3,008.0 - 121.7 13,077.4
16. Depreciation 6,865.4 2,515.8 0.4 103.8 9,485.4
1. Includes share capital and reserves and surplus.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
Geographical segments
The Bank reports its operations under the following geographical segments.
• Domestic operations comprise branches in India.
• Foreign operations comprise branches outside India and offshore banking units in India.
The following tables set forth, for the periods indicated, geographical segment results.
` in million
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Domestic operations 963,482.4 879,210.2
Foreign operations 17,385.6 33,259.2
Total 980,868.0 912,469.4
` in million
At At
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Domestic operations 11,312,467.2 10,075,025.4
Foreign operations 858,033.1 759,926.1
Total 12,170,500.3 10,834,951.5
1. Segment assets do not include tax paid in advance/tax deducted at source (net) and deferred tax assets (net).
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, capital expenditure and depreciation thereon for the
geographical segments.
` in million
Capital expenditure incurred during Depreciation provided during
Particulars Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Domestic operations 14,948.5 12,929.2 10,633.0 9,390.5
Foreign operations 113.5 148.2 84.9 94.9
Total 15,062.0 13,077.4 10,717.9 9,485.4
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forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
6. Maturity pattern
The following table sets forth, the maturity pattern of assets and liabilities of the Bank at March 31, 2021.
` in million
Total foreign Total foreign
Loans & Investment
Maturity buckets Deposits1 Borrowings1 currency currency
Advances1 securities1
assets2 liabilities2
Day 1 11,625.4 923,302.8 155,016.2 1,176.4 416,573.0 5,209.2
2 to 7 days 64,049.3 79,752.3 662,866.8 6,429.9 179,976.7 9,616.6
8 to 14 days 95,261.8 53,445.9 243,908.6 11,627.5 52,342.0 48,587.3
15 to 30 days 138,736.2 62,359.9 182,399.2 8,334.7 63,326.9 17,081.5
31 days to 2 months 295,311.6 50,560.3 227,386.8 8,173.9 93,017.8 13,975.1
2 to 3 months 332,684.1 52,067.9 205,901.2 13,527.3 63,173.6 25,236.4
3 to 6 months 634,526.1 106,729.7 397,960.0 43,023.9 142,099.4 76,162.7
6 months to 1 year 820,003.2 146,590.9 554,556.5 91,673.0 54,733.3 77,807.0
1 to 3 years 2,128,346.6 309,172.9 943,199.5 382,981.3 84,860.6 205,856.5
3 to 5 years 1,343,088.9 444,417.0 2,873,145.6 222,109.0 46,764.3 115,081.9
Above 5 years 1,473,657.7 584,465.8 2,878,881.2 127,252.7 72,127.3 44,573.8
Total 7,337,290.9 2,812,865.4 9,325,221.6 916,309.6 1,268,994.9 639,188.0
1. Includes foreign currency balances.
2. Excludes off-balance sheet assets and liabilities.
The following table sets forth, the maturity pattern of assets and liabilities of the Bank at March 31, 2020.
` in million
Total foreign Total foreign
Loans & Investment
Maturity buckets Deposits1 Borrowings1 currency currency
Advances1 securities1
assets2 liabilities2
Day 1 11,545.6 424,201.1 104,112.9 23.3 148,734.4 2,869.5
2 to 7 days 62,304.8 364,822.8 495,047.4 293,297.2 71,886.0 11,566.8
8 to 14 days 55,447.1 68,372.1 171,058.4 6,109.9 27,543.7 14,014.4
15 to 30 days 164,151.7 119,448.9 181,814.1 23,223.8 62,847.9 30,543.9
31 days to 2 months 256,526.1 40,812.4 222,943.8 56,570.3 78,131.6 50,437.0
2 to 3 months 279,769.8 44,824.0 208,082.0 52,598.0 70,967.2 53,050.5
3 to 6 months 541,868.9 100,318.4 443,819.8 174,114.4 120,048.4 155,079.8
6 months to 1 year 759,712.7 206,105.1 650,135.3 183,247.6 108,463.0 160,314.7
1 to 3 years 1,774,409.2 309,197.7 852,551.4 400,043.9 160,364.5 251,961.6
3 to 5 years 1,065,080.9 330,213.0 2,192,221.7 237,212.0 64,548.6 68,037.8
Above 5 years 1,482,082.9 486,999.3 2,187,903.1 202,527.2 122,635.5 124,329.8
Total 6,452,899.7 2,495,314.8 7,709,689.9 1,628,967.6 1,036,170.8 922,205.8
1. Includes foreign currency balances.
2. Excludes off-balance sheet assets and liabilities.
The estimates and assumptions used by the Bank for classification of assets and liabilities under the different maturity
buckets are based on the returns submitted to RBI for the relevant periods.
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forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
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forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
Risk free interest rates over the expected term of the option are based on the government securities yield in effect
at the time of the grant. The expected term of an option is estimated based on the vesting term as well as expected
exercise behavior of the employees who receive the option. Expected exercise behavior is estimated based on the
historical stock option exercise pattern of the Bank. Expected volatility during the estimated expected term of the
option is based on historical volatility determined based on observed market prices of the Bank’s publicly traded equity
shares. Expected dividends during the estimated expected term of the option are based on recent dividend activity.
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the summary of the status of the Bank’s stock option plan.
` except number of options
The following table sets forth, the summary of stock options outstanding at March 31, 2021.
The options were exercised regularly throughout the period and weighted average share price as per National Stock
Exchange price volume data during the year ended March 31, 2021 was ` 437.92 (year ended March 31, 2020:
` 451.25).
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forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
8. Subordinated debt
During the year ended March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020, the Bank did not raise subordinated debt bonds qualifying
for Additional Tier-1 capital.
During the year ended March 31, 2021, the Bank did not raise subordinated debt bonds qualifying for Tier-2 capital.
The following table sets forth, the details of subordinated debt bonds qualifying for Tier-2 capital raised during the
year ended March 31, 2020.
` in million
Particulars Date of Issue Coupon Rate (%) Tenure Amount
Subordinated Tier-2 February 17, 2020 7.70% (annually) 10 years 1
1. Call option exercisable on February 17, 2025 and on every interest payment date thereafter (exercisable with RBI approval).
9. Repurchase transactions
The following tables set forth for the periods indicated, the details of securities sold and purchased under repo and
reverse repo transactions respectively including transactions under Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) and Marginal
Standing Facility (MSF).
` in million
Minimum Maximum Daily average Outstanding
outstanding outstanding outstanding balance at
Particulars balance balance balance March 31,
during the during the during the 2021
Year ended March 31, 2021
Securities sold under Repo, LAF and MSF
i) Government Securities - 535,934.0 336,865.4 4,831.6
ii) Corporate Debt Securities - 1,756.2 380.2 -
iii) Any other securities - - - -
Securities purchased under Reverse Repo and LAF
i) Government Securities 41,890.0 750,500.0 457,958.6 352,340.0
ii) Corporate Debt Securities - 2,000.0 52.1 -
iii) Any other securities - - - -
1. Amounts reported are based on face value of securities under Repo and Reverse repo.
2. Amounts reported are based on lending/borrowing amount under LAF and MSF.
3. Includes tri-party repo transactions.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
` in million
Minimum Maximum Daily average Outstanding
outstanding outstanding outstanding balance at
Particulars balance balance balance March 31,
during the during the during the 2020
Year ended March 31, 2020
Securities sold under Repo, LAF and MSF
i) Government Securities - 390,007.7 93,978.5 340,756.8
ii) Corporate Debt Securities - - - -
iii) Any other securities - - - -
Securities purchased under Reverse Repo and LAF
i) Government Securities - 797,051.8 71,637.8 638,951.8
ii) Corporate Debt Securities - 1,000.0 27.3 -
iii) Any other securities - - - -
1. Amounts reported are based on face value of securities under Repo and Reverse repo.
2. Amounts reported are based on lending/borrowing amount under LAF and MSF.
3. Includes tri-party repo transactions.
10. Investments
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the details of investments and the movement of provision
held towards depreciation on investments of the Bank.
` in million
Sr. At At
No. March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
1. Value of Investments
i) Gross value of investments
a) In India 2,655,692.4 2,472,213.9
b) Outside India 206,964.2 81,130.3
ii) Provision for depreciation
c) In India (48,684.8) (56,623.2)
d) Outside India (1,106.4) (1,406.2)
iii) Net value of investments
e) In India 2,607,007.6 2,415,590.7
f) Outside India 205,857.8 79,724.1
2. Movement of provisions held towards depreciation on investments
i) Opening balance 58,029.4 49,936.6
ii) Add: Provisions made during the year 5,630.4 13,244.4
iii) Less: Write-off/write-back of excess provisions during the year (13,868.6) (5,151.6)
iv) Closing balance 49,791.2 58,029.4
During the year ended March 31, 2021 the Bank sold approximately 1.50% equity shares in ICICI Prudential Life
Insurance Company Limited, 3.96% equity shares in ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited and 4.21%
equity shares in ICICI Securities Limited and made aggregate net gain of ` 36,699.4 million on these sales (year
ended March 31, 2020: Nil).
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forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, break-up of other investments in Schedule 8.
` in million
At At
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
I. In India
Pass through certificates 90,726.1 130,774.8
Commercial paper 52,592.4 139,563.6
Certificate of deposits 2,980.3 23,431.1
Security receipts 17,294.1 19,253.3
Venture funds 3,419.6 3,229.7
Others 382.7 10,342.8
Total 167,395.2 326,595.3
II. Outside India
Certificate of deposits 4,751.9 4,918.2
Shares 1,595.3 1,616.3
Bonds 8,916.6 5,311.0
Venture funds 2,144.8 2,142.1
Total 17,408.6 13,987.6
Grand total 184,803.8 340,582.9
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forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
11. Investment in securities, other than government and other approved securities (Non-SLR investments)
i) Issuer composition of investments in securities, other than government and other approved securities
The following table sets forth, the issuer composition of investments of the Bank in securities, other than government
and other approved securities at March 31, 2021.
` in million
Extent of Extent of ‘below Extent of Extent of
Issuer Amount private investment ‘unrated’ ‘unlisted’
placement grade’ securities securities2,3 securities2,3
(a) (b) (c) (d)
1. PSUs 20,866.4 19,277.5 - - 16,710.0
2. FIs 130,279.4 75,684.4 817.9 181.8 -
3. Banks 35,261.4 14,752.2 4,744.8 - 2,171.4
4. Private corporates 170,179.6 74,283.9 4,361.0 1,644.8 10,475.8
5. Subsidiaries/Joint ventures 97,565.8 . . . -
6. Others3,4 120,623.0 120,474.1 30,551.35 - 6,642.3
7. Provision held towards
depreciation (49,740.5) N.A. N.A. N.A N.A.
Total 525,035.1 304,472.1 40,475.0 1,826.6 35,999.5
1. Amounts reported under columns (a), (b), (c) and (d) above are not mutually exclusive.
2. Excludes equity shares, units of equity-oriented mutual fund, units of venture capital fund, pass through certificates, security
receipts, commercial papers, certificates of deposit, non-convertible debentures (NCDs) with original or initial maturity up to one
year issued by corporate (including NBFC), unlisted convertible debentures and securities acquired by way of conversion of debt.
3. Excludes investments in non-Indian government securities by overseas branches amounting to ` 151,622.3 million.
4. Excludes investments in non-SLR government of India securities amounting to ` 108.0 million.
5. Includes security receipts of ` 23,902.0 million and PTCs of ` 6,642.3 million.
The following table sets forth, the issuer composition of investments of the Bank in securities, other than government
and other approved securities at March 31, 2020.
` in million
Extent of Extent of ‘below Extent of Extent of
Issuer Amount private investment grade’ ‘unrated’ ‘unlisted’
placement securities securities2,3 securities2,3
(a) (b) (c) (d)
1. PSUs 114,845.8 93,987.6 - - 36,150.0
2. FIs 93,478.8 36,287.0 797.0 187.2 -
3. Banks 34,411.7 29,214.6 - - -
4. Private corporates 128,894.2 117,726.5 350.0 4,060.6 8,024.9
5. Subsidiaries/Joint ventures 98,028.5 - - - -
6. Others 3,4
171,377.4 171,288.4 26,128.3 5
20.0 2,001.4
7. Provision held towards
depreciation (57,950.0) N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Total 583,086.4 448,504.1 27,275.3 4,267.8 46,176.3
1. Amounts reported under columns (a), (b), (c) and (d) above are not mutually exclusive.
2. Excludes equity shares, units of equity-oriented mutual fund, units of venture capital fund, pass through certificates, security
receipts, commercial papers, certificates of deposit, non-convertible debentures (NCDs) with original or initial maturity up to one
year issued by corporate (including NBFC), unlisted convertible debentures and securities acquired by way of conversion of debt.
3. Excludes investments in non-Indian government securities by overseas branches amounting to ` 28,909.6 million.
4. Excludes investments in non-SLR government of India securities amounting to ` 121.5 million.
5. Includes security receipts of ` 24,146.9 million and PTCs of ` 1,981.4 million.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
ii) Non-performing investments in securities, other than government and other approved securities
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the movement in gross non-performing investments in
securities, other than government and other approved securities.
` in million
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Opening balance 51,069.4 44,287.2
Additions during the year 7,393.6 15,838.1
Reduction during the year (14,226.1) (9,055.9)
Closing balance 44,236.9 51,069.4
Total provision held 40,399.0 46,722.8
12. Sales and transfers of securities to/from Held to Maturity (HTM) category
During the year ended March 31, 2021 and year ended March 31, 2020, the value of sales/transfers of securities
to/from HTM category (excluding one-time transfer of securities, sales to RBI under pre-announced open market
operation auctions, repurchase of government securities by Government of India and repurchase of the state
development loans by concerned state government, as permitted by RBI guidelines) did not exceed 5.0% of the
book value of investments held in HTM category at the beginning of the year.
13. Derivatives
The Bank is a major participant in the financial derivatives market. The Bank deals in derivatives for balance sheet
management, proprietary trading and market making purposes whereby the Bank offers derivative products to its
customers, enabling them to hedge their risks.
Dealing in derivatives is carried out by identified groups in the treasury of the Bank based on the purpose of the
transaction. Derivative transactions are entered into by the treasury front office. Treasury Control and Services Group
(TCSG) carries out an independent check of the transactions entered into by the front office and also undertakes
activities such as confirmation, settlement, accounting, reporting and ensures compliance with various internal and
regulatory guidelines.
The overall market risk limits are approved by the Board as a part of the Enterprise Risk Management – Risk Appetite
Framework (ERM-RAF). The market making and the proprietary trading activities in derivatives are governed by
the Investment Policy (which includes the Derivative Policy) of the Bank, which sets out the Value at Risk/stop loss,
Net Overnight Open position limits as well as other risk limits. The Risk Management Group (RMG) is involved
in formulation of the policies and methodology for computation and monitoring of risk. The Risk Committee of
the Board (RCB) reviews the Bank’s risk management policies in relation to various risks including credit and
recovery policy, investment policy, derivative policy, asset liability management (ALM) policy and operational risk
management policy. A review of treasury positions and the risk dashboard is presented periodically to the ALCO and
RCB respectively.
The use of derivatives for hedging purposes is governed by the hedge policy approved by ALCO. Subject to prevailing
RBI guidelines, the Bank deals in derivatives for hedging fixed rate, floating rate or foreign currency assets/liabilities.
Transactions for hedging and market making purposes are recorded separately. For hedge transactions, the Bank
identifies the hedged item (asset or liability) at the inception of the hedge itself. The effectiveness is assessed at the
time of inception of the hedge and periodically thereafter. Hedge derivative transactions are accounted for pursuant
to the principles of hedge accounting based on guidelines issued by RBI. At March 31, 2021, the Bank was primarily
exposed to USD LIBOR and JPY LIBOR benchmarks in its hedging transactions. Derivatives for market making
purpose are marked to market and the resulting gain/loss is recorded in the profit and loss account. The premium
on option contracts is accounted for as per Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India (FEDAI) guidelines.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
The Financial Stability Board recommended the reform of specified major interest rate benchmarks such as interbank
offered rates (IBORs). Since then National Supervisors in many jurisdictions have taken steps to implement interest
rate benchmark reform and have increasingly encouraged market participants to ensure timely progress towards
the reform of interest rate benchmarks, including the replacement of interest rate benchmarks with alternative
benchmark rates. The progress towards interest rate benchmark reform follows the expectation that some major
interest rate benchmarks will cease to be published by the end of 2021. The Board of Directors has authorised the
ALCO to review and approve matters, as applicable, pertaining to the LIBOR transition to alternate risk free rates.
The Bank has constituted an internal working group which reviews the Bank’s efforts towards this transition and
also monitors the developments internationally, as well as work carried out in domestic market, including through
Indian Banking Association (IBA). Further, The Bank had adhered to the ISDA 2020 IBOR Fallbacks Protocol on
January 15, 2021 and has been encouraging its counterparties to adhere as well. Alternatively, for the existing
derivative transactions with non-adhering counterparties, the Bank has been entering into bilateral agreements to
ensure suitable fallbacks are agreed mutually in accordance with ISDA’s recommendations. The Bank has been
actively participating in the Working Group constituted by Indian Banks Association on formulating the alternate rate
to the INR MIFOR rate.
Over the counter (OTC) derivative transactions are generally covered under International Swaps and Derivatives
Association (ISDA) master agreements with the respective counter parties. The exposure on account of derivative
transactions is computed as per RBI guidelines.
The following tables set forth, for the periods indicated, the details of derivative positions.
` in million
At March 31, 2021 At March 31, 2020
Particulars Currency Interest rate Currency Interest rate
derivative1 derivative2 derivative1 derivative2
1. Derivatives (Notional principal amount)
a) For hedging - 163,798.0 - 286,628.5
b) For trading 1,102,082.5 15,643,967.7 1,153,447.5 14,768,017.0
2. Marked to market positions3
a) Asset (+) 21,967.6 47,823.8 35,072.2 77,348.6
b) Liability (-) (14,965.3) (58,021.6) (29,087.5) (88,278.3)
3. Credit exposure4 83,923.2 187,715.7 99,270.5 219,115.7
4. Likely impact of one percentage change in interest rate (100*PV01) 5
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
The following tables set forth, for the periods indicated, the details of forex contracts.
` in million
Sr. At March 31, 2021 At March 31, 2020
No. Trading Non-trading Trading Non-trading
1. Forex contracts (Notional principal amount) 7,080,505.5 1,072,284.3 7,017,268.9 424,190.6
2. Marked to market positions
a) Asset (+) 26,752.1 7,854.7 30,575.3 1,776.5
b) Liability (-) (22,730.1) (805.7) (18,728.9) (9,695.9)
3. Credit exposure1 205,195.1 35,598.4 202,270.7 11,408.5
4. Likely impact of one percentage change in
interest rate (100*PV01)2 66.1 94.1 243.9 43.2
1. Computed based on current exposure method.
2. Amounts given are absolute values on a net basis.
As per the Master circular on Basel III Capital Regulations issued by RBI on July 1, 2015 on capital adequacy
computation, ‘banks in India are required to adopt a comprehensive approach, which allows fuller offset of collateral
against exposures, by effectively reducing the exposure amount by the value ascribed to the collateral’. Therefore,
counterparty exposure has been fully off-set against the collateral received from the counterparty and the excess
collateral posted over the net MTM payable is reckoned as exposure. Since, the collateral received is counterparty-
wise and not product-wise, the derivative exposure reported above has not been adjusted for the collateral received/
posted. At March 31, 2021, collateral utilised against the exposure was ` 7,385.2 million (March 31, 2020: ` 15,185.9
million), excess collateral posted over the exposure was ` 743.7 million (March 31, 2020: ` 348.6 million) and the net
credit exposure on forex and derivatives, subsequent to collateral netting, was ` 505,790.8 million (March 31, 2020:
` 517,228.1 million).
The net overnight open position (NOOP) at March 31, 2021 (as per last NOOP value reported to RBI for the year
ended March 31, 2021) was ` 4,200.2 million (March 31, 2020: ` 4,620.9 million).
The Bank has no exposure in credit derivative instruments (funded and non-funded) including credit default swaps
(CDS) and principal protected structures at March 31, 2021 (March 31, 2020: Nil).
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
15. Forward rate agreement (FRA)/Interest rate swaps (IRS)/Cross currency swaps (CCS)
The Bank enters into FRA, IRS and CCS contracts for balance sheet management and market making purposes
whereby the Bank offers derivative products to its customers to enable them to hedge their interest rate risk and
currency risk within the prevalent regulatory guidelines.
A FRA is a financial contract between two parties to exchange interest payments for ‘notional principal’ amount on
settlement date, for a specified period from start date to maturity date. Accordingly, on the settlement date cash
payments based on contract rate and the settlement rate, which is the agreed bench-mark/reference rate prevailing
on the settlement date, are made by the parties to one another. The benchmark used in the FRA contracts of the Bank
is London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (LIBOR) of various currencies.
An IRS is a financial contract between two parties exchanging or swapping a stream of interest payments for a
‘notional principal’ amount on multiple occasions during a specified period. The Bank deals in interest rate
benchmarks like Mumbai Inter-Bank Offered Rate (MIBOR), Indian Government Securities Benchmark Rate (INBMK),
Mumbai Inter-Bank Forward Offer Rate (MIFOR) and LIBOR of various currencies.
A CCS is a financial contract between two parties exchanging interest payments and principal, wherein interest
payments and principal in one currency would be exchanged for interest payments and principal in another currency.
These contracts are subject to the risks of changes in market interest rates and currency rates as well as the settlement
risk with the counterparties.
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the details of the FRA/IRS.
` in million
Sr. At At
No. March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
1. Notional principal of FRA/IRS 15,749,369.2 14,991,626.2
2. Losses which would be incurred if all counter parties failed to fulfil
their obligations under the agreement1 48,230.0 78,846.5
3. Collateral required by the Bank upon entering into FRA/IRS - -
4. Concentration of credit risk2 2,066.6 6,197.7
5. Fair value of FRA/IRS3 (2,917.5) 4,321.4
1. For trading portfolio both mark-to-market and accrued interest have been considered and for hedging portfolio only accrued
interest has been considered.
2. Credit risk concentration is measured as the highest net receivable under these contracts from a particular counter party.
3. Fair value represents mark-to-market including accrued interest.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the details of the CCS.
` in million
Sr. At At
No. March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
1. Notional principal of CCS1 481,715.7 510,277.6
2. Losses which would be incurred if all counter parties failed to fulfil
their obligations under the agreement2 19,157.0 31,241.5
3. Collateral required by the Bank upon entering into CCS - -
4. Concentration of credit risk 3
8,033.9 12,003.5
5. Fair value of CCS4 9,126.1 11,127.6
1. CCS includes cross currency interest rate swaps and currency swaps.
2. For trading portfolio both mark-to-market and accrued interest have been considered and for hedging portfolio only accrued
interest has been considered.
3. Credit risk concentration is measured as the highest net receivable under these contracts from a particular counter party.
4. Fair value represents mark-to-market including accrued interest.
The following tables set forth, for the periods indicated, the nature and terms of FRA and IRS.
` in million
At March 31, 2021 At March 31, 2020
Benchmark Type Notional No. of Notional No. of
principal deals principal deals
JPY LIBOR Fixed receivable v/s floating payable 6,611.5 1 10,451.2 2
USD LIBOR Fixed receivable v/s floating payable 157,186.5 19 276,177.3 40
Total 163,798.0 20 286,628.5 42
` in million
At March 31, 2021 At March 31, 2020
Benchmark Type Notional No. of Notional No. of
principal deals principal deals
AUD LIBOR Floating receivable v/s fixed payable 501.3 1 414.7 1
AUD LIBOR Fixed receivable v/s floating payable 532.5 17 440.5 17
CAD CDOR Fixed receivable v/s floating payable 874.4 1 903.1 1
CAD CDOR Floating receivable v/s fixed payable 887.8 2 927.0 3
EURIBOR Fixed receivable v/s floating payable 14,570.4 39 17,175.4 48
EURIBOR Floating receivable v/s fixed payable 15,034.6 24 17,156.8 30
EURIBOR Floating receivable v/s floating payable 429.4 1 415.2 1
GBP LIBOR Fixed receivable v/s floating payable 8,422.9 17 12,974.3 23
GBP LIBOR Floating receivable v/s fixed payable 9,208.8 20 13,161.8 28
INBMK Floating receivable v/s fixed payable 1,000.0 1 12,310.3 17
INBMK Fixed receivable v/s floating payable 1,000.0 1 4,000.0 7
JPY LIBOR Fixed receivable v/s floating payable 6,046.4 9 6,432.3 9
JPY LIBOR Floating receivable v/s fixed payable 5,990.0 7 6,671.9 8
MIBOR Floating receivable v/s fixed payable 5,967,573.3 7,629 5,425,960.0 6,862
MIBOR Fixed receivable v/s floating payable 6,036,070.1 9,441 5,287,644.4 7,891
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
` in million
At March 31, 2021 At March 31, 2020
Benchmark Type Notional No. of Notional No. of
principal deals principal deals
MIFOR Floating receivable v/s fixed payable 860,800.0 1,061 788,350.0 1,113
MIFOR Fixed receivable v/s floating payable 917,855.0 1,506 854,735.0 1,435
USD LIBOR Fixed receivable v/s floating payable 704,400.4 672 990,125.4 876
USD LIBOR Floating receivable v/s fixed payable 852,030.1 753 1,152,420.8 854
USD LIBOR Floating receivable v/s floating payable 174,735.5 52 108,722.9 61
USD SOFR Fixed receivable v/s floating payable 3,655.5 1 - -
USD SOFR Floating receivable v/s fixed payable 731.1 1 - -
Other Fixed receivable v/s fixed payable 3,221.6 4 4,055.9 48
Total 15,585,571.1 21,260 14,704,997.7 19,333
The following tables set forth, for the periods indicated, the nature and terms of CCS.
` in million
At March 31, 2021 At March 31, 2020
Benchmark Type Notional No. of Notional No. of
principal deals principal deals
CAD CDOR Floating receivable v/s fixed payable - - 5,319.6 1
EURIBOR Fixed receivable v/s floating payable 5,025.7 23 2,235.1 16
EURIBOR V/s Floating receivable v/s floating payable 6,998.7 6 8,308.1 10
EURIBOR V/s Floating payable v/s floating receivable 11,712.1 12 12,945.1 13
GBP LIBOR V/s Floating receivable v/s floating payable 2,952.3 5 4,376.6 7
GBP LIBOR V/s Floating payable v/s floating receivable 3,321.3 6 3,907.3 8
JPY LIBOR Floating receivable v/s fixed payable 343.0 1 331.1 1
JPY LIBOR Fixed receivable v/s floating payable 134.9 1 361.9 4
JPY LIBOR V/s Floating receivable v/s floating payable 7,976.6 8 11,205.1 8
JPY LIBOR V/s Floating payable v/s floating receivable 317.8 2 1,293.6 3
MIFOR v/s USD Floating receivable v/s floating payable 4,626.3 3 4,626.3 3
SGD SOR V/s Floating receivable v/s floating payable 438.7 1 454.0 1
SGD SOR V/s Floating payable v/s floating receivable 365.6 2 378.3 2
USD LIBOR Fixed receivable v/s floating payable 159,880.7 195 162,255.6 174
USD LIBOR Floating receivable v/s fixed payable 95,861.9 86 91,440.3 99
Others Fixed receivable v/s fixed payable 181,760.1 189 200,839.7 205
Total 481,715.7 540 510,277.7 555
1. Benchmark indicates floating leg of the fixed v/s floating CCS.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the details of movement in technical/prudential write-off.
` in million
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Opening balance 341,378.5 238,659.6
Add: Technical/prudential write-offs during the year1 82,688.5 115,925.6
Sub-total (1) 424,067.0 354,585.2
Less: Recoveries made from previously technical/ prudential written-off
accounts during the year (1,682.3) (3,395.6)
Less: Sacrifice made from previously technical/ prudential written-off
accounts during the year (5,962.2) (9,811.1)
Sub-total (2) (7,644.5) (13,206.7)
Closing balance (1)-(2) 416,422.5 341,378.5
1. Includes effect of exchange rate fluctuation on loans in foreign currency.
Further, in accordance with RBI guidelines, the loans and advances held at the overseas branches that are identified
as impaired as per host country regulations for reasons other than record of recovery, but which are standard as
per the extant RBI guidelines, are classified as NPAs to the extent of amount outstanding in the host country. At
March 31, 2021, there was no loan and advance held at overseas branches that was identified as impaired as per
host country regulations for reasons other than record of recovery, but which was standard as per the extant RBI
guidelines (at March 31, 2020: ` 19,795.3 million with a provision of ` 10,305.8 million).
Divergence in asset classification and provisioning for NPAs
In terms of the RBI circular no. //DBR.BP.BC.No.32/21.04.018/2018-19 dated April 1, 2019, banks are required to
disclose the divergences in asset classification and provisioning consequent to RBI’s annual supervisory process
in their notes to accounts to the financial statements, wherever either (a) the additional provisioning requirements
assessed by RBI exceed 10% of the reported net profits before provisions and contingencies or (b) the additional
gross NPAs identified by RBI exceed 15% of the published incremental gross NPAs for the reference period, or
both. Based on the condition mentioned in RBI circular, no disclosure on divergence in asset classification and
provisioning for NPAs is required with respect to RBI’s supervisory process for the year ended March 31, 2020 and
for the year ended March 31, 2019.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
21. Securitisation
A. The Bank sells loans through securitisation and direct assignment. The following tables set forth, for
the periods indicated, the information on securitisation and direct assignment activity of the Bank as an
originator till May 7, 2012.
` in million, except number of loans securitised
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Total number of loan assets securitised - -
Total book value of loan assets securitised - -
Sale consideration received for the securitised assets - -
Net gain/(loss) on account of securitisation 1
(56.1) 8.3
Includes gain/(loss) on deal closures, gain amortised during the year and expenses relating to utilisation of credit
` in million
At At
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Outstanding credit enhancement (funded) 1,425.8 3,464.6
Outstanding liquidity facility 0.1 2.6
Net outstanding servicing asset/(liability) (7.6) (9.3)
Outstanding subordinate contributions - 1,459.1
Outstanding liquidity facility in the form of guarantees amounted to ` 209.6 million at March 31, 2021 (March 31,
2020: ` 263.2 million).
The outstanding credit enhancement in the form of guarantees for third party originated securitisation
transactions amounted to ` 3,524.2 million at March 31, 2021 (March 31, 2020: ` 5,065.1 million).
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the details of provision for securitisation and direct
assignment transactions.
` in million
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Opening balance 845.6 831.9
Additions during the year 6.8 16.7
Deductions during the year (831.9) (3.0)
Closing balance 20.5 845.6
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
B. The information on securitisation and direct assignment activity of the Bank as an originator as per RBI guidelines
‘Revisions to the Guidelines on Securitisation Transactions’ dated May 7, 2012 is given below.
a. The Bank, as an originator, has not sold any loan through securitisation during the year ended March 31,
2021 (March 31, 2020: Nil).
b. The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the information on the loans sold through direct
` in million
Sr. At At
No. March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
1. Number of SPVs sponsored by the bank for securitisation
transactions - -
2. Total amount of assets sold through direct assignment
during the year - -
3. Total amount of exposures retained by the Bank to
comply with Minimum Retention Requirement (MRR)
a) Off-balance sheet exposures
• First loss - -
• Others - -
b) On-balance sheet exposures
• First loss - -
• Others 19.8 19.8
4. Amount of exposure to securitisation transactions other
than MRR
a) Off-balance sheet exposures
i) Exposure to own securitisation
• First loss - -
• Others - -
ii) Exposure to third party securitisation
• First loss - -
• Others - -
b) On-balance sheet exposures
i) Exposure to own securitisation
• First loss - -
• Others - -
ii) Exposure to third party securitisation
• First loss - -
• Others - -
The overseas branches of the Bank, as originators, sold eight loans through direct assignment amounting to
` 12,745.2 million during the year ended March 31, 2021 (year ended March 31, 2020: six loans amounting
to ` 6,886.3 million).
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
22. Financial assets transferred during the year to securitisation company (SC)/reconstruction company (RC)
The Bank has transferred certain assets to Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs) in terms of the guidelines issued
by RBI circular no. DBR.No.BP.BC.2/21.04.048/2015-16 dated July 1, 2015 during the year ended March 31, 2021. For
the purpose of the valuation of the underlying security receipts issued by the underlying trusts managed by ARCs,
the SRs are valued at their respective net asset values as advised by the ARCs.
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the details of the assets transferred.
` in million, except number of accounts
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Number of accounts 2 5
Aggregate value (net of provisions) of accounts sold to SC/RC 11.3 7.8
Aggregate consideration 81.0 310.9
Additional consideration realised in respect of accounts transferred in
earlier years - -
Aggregate gain/(loss) over net book value1,2 69.7 303.1
Excess provision reversed to profit and loss account on account of sale
of NPAs 69.7 303.1
1. During the year ended March 31, 2021, the Bank made a gain of ` 69.7 million on sale of financial assets to ARCs (year ended
March 31, 2020: gain of ` 303.1 million).
The following tables set forth, for the periods indicated, the details of investments in security receipts (SRs).
` in million
At At
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Net book value of investments in SRs which are -
- Backed by NPAs sold by the Bank as underlying1 10,447.9 10,547.6
-B acked by NPAs sold by other banks/financial institutions(FIs)/
non–banking financial companies (NBFCs) as underlying 2.4 10.5
Total 10,450.3 10,558.1
1. During the year ended March 31, 2021, security receipts were partly redeemed by ARCs (year ended March 31, 2020: two trusts
were fully redeemed amounting to ` 1,138.7 million) and there was no gain/loss to the Bank (year ended March 31, 2020: Nil).
` in million
At March 31, 2021
SRs issued
Sr. SRs issued
Particulars SRs issued more than five
No. more than
within past years ago but Total
eight years
five years within past
eight years
1. Book value of SRs backed by NPAs sold by
the Bank as underlying 12,371.0 560.2 - 12,931.2
Provision held against above 2,385.8 97.5 - 2,483.3
2. Book value of SRs backed by NPAs sold
by other banks/financial institutions/non-
banking financial companies as underlying - 2.4 - 2.4
Provision held against above - - - -
Gross book value 12,371.0 562.6 - 12,933.6
Total provision held against above 2,385.8 97.5 - 2,483.3
Net book value 9,985.2 465.1 - 10,450.3
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
` in million
At March 31, 2020
SRs issued
Sr. SRs issued
Particulars SRs issued more than five
No. more than
within past years ago but Total
eight years
five years within past
eight years
1. Book value of SRs backed by NPAs sold by
the Bank as underlying 12,819.1 211.7 - 13,030.8
Provision held against above 2,483.2 - - 2,483.2
2. Book value of SRs backed by NPAs sold
by other banks/financial institutions/non-
banking financial companies as underlying - 10.5 - 10.5
Provision held against above - - - -
Gross book value 12,819.1 222.2 - 13,041.3
Total provision held against above 2,483.2 - - 2,483.2
Net book value 10,335.9 222.2 - 10,558.1
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, details of non-performing assets sold to entities other than
banks, NBFCs and other financial institutions.
` in million, except number of accounts
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Number of accounts 1 -
Aggregate value (net of provisions) of accounts sold, excluding those
sold to SC/RC - -
Aggregate consideration 75.3 -
Aggregate gain/(loss) over net book value 75.3 -
24. Information in respect of restructured assets
The following table sets forth, for the year ended March 31, 2021, details of restructured loan assets under CDR AND SME Debt Restructuring mechanism.
` in million, except number of accounts
Type of Restructuring Under CDR Mechanism Under SME Debt Restructuring Mechanism
Sr. Asset Classification Standard Sub- Doubtful Loss Total Standard Sub- Doubtful Loss Total
No. Standard Standard
Details (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
1. Restructured accounts at April 1, 2020
No. of borrowers 4 - 10 18 32 - - - - -
Amount outstanding 556.6 - 6,642.7 15,138.7 22,338.0 - - - - -
Provision thereon 54.1 - 6,642.7 15,138.7 21,835.5 - - - - -
2. Fresh restructuring during the year ended March 31,
accrued interest, fresh disbursement, non-fund based devolvement, conversion of loans into equity (including application money pending allotment) as part of
restructuring scheme, etc.
The following table sets forth, for the year ended March 31, 2021, details of other and total restructured loan assets.
` in million, except number of accounts
Type of Restructuring Others Total
Sr. Asset Classification Standard Sub- Doubtful Loss Total Standard Sub- Doubtful Loss Total
No. Standard Standard
Details (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
1. Restructured accounts at April 1, 2020
No. of borrowers 5,296 1,390 2,043 103 8,832 5,300 1,390 2,053 121 8,864
Amount outstanding 2,537.3 264.7 58,900.6 305.0 62,007.6 3,093.9 264.7 65,543.3 15,443.7 84,345.6
Provision thereon 177.5 150.0 51,088.5 305.0 51,721.0 231.6 150.0 57,731.2 15,443.7 73,556.5
2. Fresh restructuring during the year ended March 31,
No. of borrowers 2,408 3,655 616 36 6,715 3,153 3,655 616 36 7,460
Amount outstanding 20,071.3 611.6 10,950.6 39.1 31,672.6 30,378.1 611.6 10,950.6 39.1 41,979.4
Provision thereon 573.4 441.3 10,880.3 39.1 11,934.1 703.3 441.3 10,880.3 39.1 12,064.0
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
3. The Bank additionally holds provision amounting to ` 3,924.2 million on these accounts.
The following table sets forth, for the year ended March 31, 2020, details of restructured loan assets under CDR and SME Debt Restructuring mechanism.
` in million, except number of accounts
Type of Restructuring Under CDR Mechanism Under SME Debt Restructuring Mechanism
Sr. Asset Classification Standard Sub- Doubtful Loss Total Standard Sub- Doubtful Loss Total
No. Standard Standard
Details (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
1. Restructured accounts at April 1, 2019
No. of borrowers 5 - 23 8 36 1 - - - 1
Amount outstanding 2,245.9 - 27,153.5 3,647.7 33,047.1 279.6 - - - 279.6
Provision thereon 225.5 - 26,562.6 3,647.7 30,435.8 - - - - -
2. Fresh restructuring during the year ended March 31,
No. of borrowers - - - - - - - - - -
Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - -
Provision thereon - - - - - - - - - -
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
The following table sets forth, for the year ended March 31, 2020, details of other and total restructured loan assets.
` in million, except number of accounts
Type of Restructuring Others Total
Sr. Asset Classification Standard Sub- Doubtful Loss Total Standard Sub- Doubtful Loss Total
No. Standard Standard
Details (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
1. Restructured accounts at April 1, 2019
No. of borrowers 235 1,005 2,023 92 3,355 241 1,005 2,046 100 3,392
Amount outstanding 965.4 2,852.7 57,611.6 344.9 61,774.6 3,490.9 2,852.7 84,765.1 3,992.6 95,101.3
Provision thereon 53.4 562.5 46,739.9 344.9 47,700.7 278.9 562.5 73,302.5 3,992.6 78,136.5
2. Fresh restructuring during the year ended March 31,
No. of borrowers 5,259 1,381 859 14 7,513 5,259 1,381 859 14 7,513
Amount outstanding 2,040.5 250.8 20,305.2 39.3 22,635.8 2,040.5 250.8 20,305.2 39.3 22,635.8
Provision thereon 159.6 142.7 12,810.5 39.3 13,152.1 159.6 142.7 12,810.5 39.3 13,152.1
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
3. The Bank additionally holds provision amounting to ` 187.2 million on these accounts.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, details of cases where scheme for Sustainable Structuring
of Stressed Assets (S4A) is implemented.
` in million, except number of borrowers
At At
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Number of borrowers where S4A has been applied 6 6
Total gross amount outstanding1
- Standard - 1,977.12
- NPA 7,881.7 5,992.2
Gross amount outstanding in Part A
- Standard - 1,225.32
- NPA 4,521.8 3,384.1
Gross amount outstanding in Part B
- Standard - 751.82
- NPA 3,359.8 2,608.1
Provision held
- Standard - 455.6
- NPA 6,531.3 4,267.9
1. Represents loans, credit substitutes and shares under S4A scheme.
2. Includes outstanding amounting to ` 1,225.3 million which was upgraded to standard from NPA on implementation of S4A and
` 751.8 million which was upgraded to standard from NPA on satisfactory performance during specified period.
The Bank does not recognise any amount towards interest on the cases under S4A.
25. Accounts restructured under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the details of accounts restructured under MSME sector
under RBI guidelines issued in January 2019.
` in million, except number of accounts
At March 31, 2021 At March 31, 2020
Number of accounts Amount Number of accounts Amount
restructured outstanding restructured outstanding
746 10,325.1 - -
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
The disclosure as required by RBI circular dated April 17, 2020 on Covid-19 regulatory package - asset classification
and provisioning is given below:
At At
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Respective amounts in SMA/overdue categories, where the moratorium/ 145,641.5 121,453.6
deferment was extended in terms of paragraph 2 and 3 of the circular
(At March 31, 2020)1
Of the above, respective amounts where asset classification benefits is 3,908.6 13,092.6
extended at period-end
Provision made during the period2 - 27,250.0
Provisions adjusted against slippages during the period ended - -
Residual provision held at period-end2 27,250.0 27,250.0
1. Represents borrowers which were overdue but standard at February 29, 2020 and continued to be overdue till March 31, 2020.
2. Total Covid-19 related provision held at March 31, 2021: ` 74,750.0 million (March 31, 2020: ` 27,250.0 million).
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
` in million
At At
Concentration of advances1
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Total advances to 20 largest borrowers (including banks) 1,870,624.9 1,300,672.3
Advances to 20 largest borrowers as a percentage of total advances of
the Bank 13.77% 10.96%
1. Represents credit exposure (funded and non-funded) including derivatives exposures as per RBI guidelines on exposure norms.
` in million
At At
Concentration of exposures1
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Total exposure to 20 largest borrowers/customers (including banks) 2,058,661.7 1,435,623.3
Exposures to 20 largest borrowers/customers as a percentage of total
exposure of the Bank 14.47% 11.53%
1. Represents credit and investment exposures as per RBI guidelines on exposure norms.
` in million
At At
Concentration of NPAs
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Total exposure1 to top four NPA accounts 91,770.3 96,544.6
1. Represents gross exposure (funded and non-funded).
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
(IV) Off-balance sheet special purpose vehicles (SPVs) sponsored (which are required to be consolidated
as per accounting norms) for the year ended March 31, 2021
1. The following table sets forth, the names of SPVs/trusts sponsored by the Bank/subsidiaries which are consolidated.
2. The following table sets forth, the names of SPVs/trusts which are not sponsored by the Bank/subsidiaries and
are consolidated.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the summary of exposure to real estate sector.
` in million
Sr. At At
No. March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
I. Direct exposure 2,976,380.4 2,502,742.5
1. Residential mortgages 2,355,904.4 1,922,051.9
of which: individual housing loans eligible for priority sector
advances 350,236.7 292,905.8
2. Commercial real estate1 587,702.3 541,521.0
3. Investments in Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) and other
securitised exposure 32,773.7 39,169.6
a. Residential 28,270.4 34,195.7
b. Commercial real estate 4,503.3 4,973.9
II. Indirect exposure 246,635.7 207,157.4
Fund based and non-fund based exposures on National Housing
Bank (NHB) and Housing Finance Companies (HFCs) 246,635.7 207,157.4
Total exposure to real estate sector 3,223,016.1 2,709,899.9
1. Commercial real estate exposure includes loans to individuals against non-residential premises, loans given to land and building
developers for construction, corporate loans for development of special economic zone, loans to borrowers where servicing of
loans is from a real estate activity and exposures to mutual funds/venture capital funds/private equity funds investing primarily
in the real estate companies.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
35. Details of Single Counterparty Limit and Group of Connected Counterparties Limit exceeded by the Bank
During the year ended March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020, the Bank has complied with the relevant RBI guidelines
on exposure limits to single counterparty and group of connected counterparties.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
40. Lease
I. Assets taken under operating lease
Operating leases primarily comprise office premises which are renewable at the option of the Bank.
(i) The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the details of liability for premises taken on non-
cancellable operating leases.
` in million
At At
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Not later than one year 141.6 244.2
Later than one year and not later than five years 52.1 126.4
Later than five years 9.9 -
Total 203.6 370.6
(ii) Total of non-cancellable lease payments recognised in the profit and loss account for the year ended March 31,
2021 is ` 301.9 million (Year ended March 31, 2020 ` 428.2 million).
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
Contingent liability Brief Description
1. Claims against This item represents demands made in certain tax and legal matters against the
the Bank, not Bank in the normal course of business and customer claims arising in fraud cases.
acknowledged as In accordance with the Bank’s accounting policy and AS 29, the Bank has reviewed
debts and classified these items as possible obligations based on legal opinion/judicial
precedents/assessment by the Bank.
2. Liability for partly This item represents amounts remaining unpaid towards liability for partly paid
paid investments investments. These payment obligations of the Bank do not have any profit/loss
3. Liability on account The Bank enters into foreign exchange contracts in the normal course of its business,
of outstanding to exchange currencies at a pre-fixed price at a future date. This item represents the
forward exchange notional principal amount of such contracts, which are derivative instruments. With
contracts respect to the transactions entered into with its customers, the Bank generally enters
into off-setting transactions in the inter-bank market. This results in generation of a
higher number of outstanding transactions, and hence a large value of gross notional
principal of the portfolio, while the net market risk is lower.
4. Guarantees This item represents the guarantees and documentary credits issued by the Bank in
given on behalf favour of third parties on behalf of its customers, as part of its trade finance banking
of constituents, activities with a view to augment the customers’ credit standing. Through these
acceptances, instruments, the Bank undertakes to make payments for its customers’ obligations,
endorsements and either directly or in case the customers fail to fulfill their financial or performance
other obligations obligations.
5. Currency swaps, This item represents the notional principal amount of various derivative instruments
interest rate swaps, which the Bank undertakes in its normal course of business. The Bank offers these
currency options and products to its customers to enable them to transfer, modify or reduce their foreign
interest rate futures exchange and interest rate risks. The Bank also undertakes these contracts to manage
its own interest rate and foreign exchange positions. With respect to the transactions
entered into with its customers, the Bank generally enters into off-setting transactions
in the inter-bank market. This results in generation of a higher number of outstanding
transactions, and hence a large value of gross notional principal of the portfolio,
while the net market risk is lower.
6. Other items for Other items for which the Bank is contingently liable primarily include the amount
which the Bank is of government securities bought/sold and remaining to be settled on the date of
contingently liable financial statements. This also includes amount transferred to RBI under the Depositor
Education and Awareness Fund (DEAF), commitment towards contribution to venture
fund, the amount that the Bank is obligated to pay under capital contracts and letter
of undertaking and indemnity letters. Capital contracts are job orders of a capital
nature which have been committed.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
Estimated rate of return on plan assets is based on the expected average long-term rate of return on investments of
the Fund during the estimated term of the obligations.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
Experience adjustment
` in million
Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Plan assets 21,162.2 16,972.1 15,438.8 16,303.7 16,888.1
Defined benefit obligations (20,265.6) (19,914.3) (16,540.3) (15,391.1) (16,686.9)
Amount not recognised as an
asset (limit in para 59(b) of AS
15 on ‘employee benefits’) (304.8) - - (310.1) (68.4)
Surplus/(deficit) 591.8 (2,942.2) (1,101.5) 602.5 132.8
Experience adjustment on
plan assets 521.9 741.1 (125.9) (449.6) 589.5
Experience adjustment on
plan liabilities 613.4 2,186.1 1,038.6 290.1 (80.0)
The following tables set forth, for the periods indicated, movement of the present value of the defined benefit
obligation, fair value of plan assets and other details for gratuity benefits.
` in million
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Opening obligations 11,938.7 10,114.4
Add: Adjustment for exchange fluctuation on opening obligations (6.5) 14.3
Adjusted opening obligations 11,932.2 10,128.7
Service cost 1,265.4 1,051.4
Interest cost 818.3 772.8
Actuarial (gain)/loss (414.4) 865.6
Past service cost (6.8) -
Liability transferred from/to other companies 4.9 (9.4)
Benefits paid (756.8) (870.4)
Obligations at the end of the year 12,842.8 11,938.7
Opening plan assets, at fair value 10,877.1 9,821.2
Expected return on plan assets 842.4 762.2
Actuarial gain/(loss) 720.2 (125.0)
Contributions 1,247.0 1,298.5
Asset transferred from/to other companies 4.9 (9.4)
Benefits paid (756.8) (870.4)
Closing plan assets, at fair value 12,934.8 10,877.1
Fair value of plan assets at the end of the year 12,934.8 10,877.1
Present value of the defined benefit obligations at the end of the year (12,842.8) (11,938.7)
Amount not recognised as an asset (limit in Para 59(b) of AS 15 on
‘employee benefits’) - -
Asset/(liability) 92.0 (1,061.6)
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
` in million
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Service cost 1,265.4 1,051.4
Interest cost 818.3 772.8
Expected return on plan assets (842.4) (762.2)
Actuarial (gain)/loss (1,134.6) 990.6
Past service cost (6.8) -
Exchange fluctuation loss/(gain) (6.5) 14.3
Effect of the limit in para 59(b) of AS 15 on ‘employee benefits’ - -
Net cost 93.4 2,066.9
Actual return on plan assets 1,562.6 637.2
Expected employer’s contribution next year 800.0 800.0
Investment details of plan assets
Government of India securities 36.52% 27.64%
Corporate bonds 45.49% 54.49%
Special deposit schemes 2.24% 2.67%
Equity 14.22% 14.30%
Others 1.54% 0.89%
Discount rate 6.55% 6.60%
Salary escalation rate 7.00% 7.00%
Estimated rate of return on plan assets 7.50% 8.00%
1. Included in line item ‘Payments to and provision for employees’ of Schedule-16 Operating expenses.
Estimated rate of return on plan assets is based on the expected average long-term rate of return on investments of
the Fund during the estimated term of the obligations.
Experience adjustment
` in million
Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Plan assets 12,934.8 10,877.1 9,821.2 8,979.9 8,559.0
Defined benefit obligations (12,842.8) (11,938.7) (10,114.4) (9,087.7) (8,701.8)
Amount not recognised as an
asset (limit in para 59(b) of AS
15 on ‘employee benefits’) - - - - -
Surplus/(deficit) 92.0 (1,061.6) (293.2) (107.8) (142.8)
Experience adjustment on
plan assets 720.2 (125.0) (60.3) (115.9) 454.5
Experience adjustment on
plan liabilities (484.5) 181.3 118.4 162.0 125.2
The estimates of future salary increases, considered in actuarial valuation, take into consideration inflation, seniority,
promotion and other relevant factors.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
` in million
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Opening obligations 33,424.3 28,757.5
Service cost 1,656.3 1,780.6
Interest cost 2,210.2 2,152.1
Actuarial (gain)/loss 1,467.8 (171.5)
Employees contribution 3,379.4 3,325.7
Liability transferred from/to other companies 397.9 490.7
Benefits paid (3,186.7) (2,910.8)
Obligations at end of the year 39,349.2 33,424.3
Opening plan assets 33,424.3 28,757.5
Expected return on plan assets 3,147.4 2,607.4
Actuarial gain/(loss) 530.5 (626.7)
Employer contributions 1,656.4 1,780.5
Employees contributions 3,379.4 3,325.7
Asset transferred from/to other companies 397.9 490.7
Benefits paid (3,186.7) (2,910.8)
Closing plan assets 39,349.2 33,424.3
Plan assets at the end of the year 39,349.2 33,424.3
Present value of the defined benefit obligations at the end of the year (39,349.2) (33,424.3)
Asset/(liability) - -
Service cost 1,656.3 1,780.6
Interest cost 2,210.2 2,152.1
Expected return on plan assets (3,147.4) (2,607.4)
Actuarial (gain)/loss 937.3 455.2
Net cost 1,656.4 1,780.5
Actual return on plan assets 3,677.9 1,980.7
Expected employer’s contribution next year 1,772.3 1,905.3
Investment details of plan assets
Government of India securities 49.41% 48.48%
Corporate bonds 41.98% 45.22%
Special deposit scheme 1.37% 1.62%
Others 7.23% 4.68%
Discount rate 6.55% 6.60%
Expected rate of return on assets 8.59% 9.16%
Discount rate for the remaining term to maturity of investments 6.50% 6.11%
Average historic yield on the investment 8.54% 8.68%
Guaranteed rate of return 8.50% 8.50%
1. Included in line item ‘Payments to and provision for employees’ of Schedule-16 Operating expenses.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
Experience adjustment
` in million
Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Plan assets 39,349.2 33,424.3 28,757.5 25,524.4 22,596.8
Defined benefit obligations (39,349.2) (33,424.3) (28,757.5) (25,524.4) (22,596.8)
Amount not recognised as an
asset (limit in para 59(b) of AS
15 on ‘employee benefits’) - - - - -
Surplus/(deficit) - - - - -
Experience adjustment on
plan assets 530.5 (626.7) 11.8 (35.6) (26.8)
Experience adjustment on
plan liabilities 1,467.8 (171.5) 402.6 412.4 252.8
The Bank has contributed ` 2,882.6 million to provident fund for the year ended March 31, 2021 (year ended March 31,
2020: ` 2,855.8 million), which includes compulsory contribution made towards employee pension scheme under
Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952.
Superannuation Fund
The Bank has contributed ` 233.9 million for the year ended March 31, 2021 (year ended March 31, 2020:
` 230.8 million) to Superannuation Fund for employees who had opted for the scheme.
Compensated absence
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, movement in provision for compensated absence.
` in million
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Total actuarial liability 3,052.7 2,671.0
Cost1 993.1 891.5
Discount rate 6.55% 6.60%
Salary escalation rate 7.00% 7.00%
1. Included in line item ‘Payments to and provision for employees’ of Schedule-16 Operating expenses.
44. Movement in provision for credit cards/debit cards/savings accounts and direct marketing agents
reward points
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, movement in provision for credit cards/debit cards/savings
accounts reward points.
` in million
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Opening provision for reward points 2,435.1 2,085.9
Provision for reward points made during the year 4,035.5 1,667.1
Utilisation/write-back of provision for reward points (3,858.0) (1,317.9)
Closing provision for reward points1 2,612.6 2,435.1
1. The closing provision is based on the actuarial valuation of accumulated credit cards/debit cards/savings accounts reward points.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, movement in provision for reward points to direct marketing
` in million
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Opening provision for reward points 134.5 196.9
Provision for reward points made during the year 152.4 142.0
Utilisation/write-back of provision for reward points (114.7) (204.4)
Closing provision for reward points 172.2 134.5
The Bank has assessed its obligations arising in the normal course of business, including pending litigations,
proceedings pending with tax authorities and other contracts including derivative and long term contracts. In
accordance with the provisions of AS 29 on ‘Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets’, the Bank
recognises a provision for material foreseeable losses when it has a present obligation as a result of a past event
and it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation, in respect of which a reliable
estimate can be made. In cases where the available information indicates that the loss on the contingency is
reasonably possible or the amount of loss cannot be reasonably estimated, a disclosure to this effect is made as
contingent liabilities in the financial statements. The Bank does not expect the outcome of these proceedings to have
a materially adverse effect on its financial results.
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the movement in provision for legal and fraud cases,
operational risk and other contingencies.
` in million
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Opening provision 19,350.4 20,618.7
Movement during the year (net) 8,177.5 (1,268.3)
Closing provision 27,527.9 19,350.4
1. Excludes provision towards sundry expenses.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
` in million
Items Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Income from custodial services 18.3 41.4
Subsidiaries 17.2 36.4
Associates/joint ventures/others 1.1 5.0
Gain/(loss) on forex and derivative transactions (net)2 1,472.1 1,164.3
Subsidiaries 1,472.1 1,164.3
Dividend income 12,446.4 12,844.4
Subsidiaries 12,339.9 12,730.3
Associates/joint ventures/others 106.5 114.1
Insurance claims received 315.8 197.7
Subsidiaries 315.8 197.7
Recovery of lease of premises, common corporate and facilities
expenses 1,683.3 1,815.4
Subsidiaries 1,631.8 1,764.6
Associates/joint ventures/others 51.5 50.8
Payment of lease of premises, common corporate and facilities
expenses 156.4 148.5
Subsidiaries 156.4 148.5
Recovery for secondment of employees (net) 17.8 30.5
Subsidiaries 7.1 19.1
Associates/joint ventures/others 10.7 11.4
Reimbursement of expenses from related parties 1.7 1.0
Subsidiaries 1.7 1.0
Interest expense 143.5 176.0
Subsidiaries 99.0 123.1
Associates/joint ventures/others 38.4 50.8
Key management personnel 5.6 1.7
Relatives of key management personnel 0.5 0.4
Remuneration to wholetime directors 3
126.0 203.0
Key management personnel 126.0 203.0
Reimbursement of expenses to related parties 989.7 280.6
Subsidiaries 191.4 67.0
Associates/joint ventures/others 798.3 213.6
Insurance premium paid 8,899.9 9,038.6
Subsidiaries 8,899.9 9,038.6
Brokerage, fee and other expenses 11,503.3 13,165.4
Subsidiaries 906.2 302.7
Associates/joint ventures/others 10,597.1 12,862.7
Donation given - 50.0
Associates/joint ventures/others - 50.0
Dividend paid - 1.4
Key management personnel - 1.4
Relatives of key management personnel - 0.01
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
` in million
Items Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Purchase of investments 32,742.4 16,013.8
Subsidiaries 32,742.4 16,013.8
Sale of investments 16,692.8 53,007.6
Subsidiaries 16,692.8 53,007.6
Redemption/buyback of investments 213.2 200.7
Associates/joint ventures/others 213.2 200.7
Sale of loans - 968.0
Associates/joint ventures/others - 968.0
Purchase of loans 8,071.2 21,455.9
Subsidiaries 8,071.2 21,455.9
Purchase of fixed assets 6.9 2.5
Subsidiaries 0.3 2.5
Associates/joint ventures/others 6.6 -
Sale of fixed assets 0.4 4.6
Subsidiaries 0.4 4.6
Purchase of consumer finance business 4
- 1,190.2
Subsidiaries - 1,190.2
1. Insignificant amount.
2. The Bank undertakes derivative transactions with its subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and other related entities. The
Bank manages its foreign exchange and interest rate risks arising from these transactions by covering them in the market.
While the Bank, within its overall position limits covers these transactions in the market, the above amounts represent
only the transactions with its subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and other related entities and not the offsetting/
covering transactions.
3. Excludes the perquisite value on employee stock options exercised, contribution to gratuity fund and includes performance
bonus paid during the period.
4. During the year ended March 31, 2020, the Bank purchased consumer finance business from ICICI Home Finance,
including loan portfolio and IT assets, at a purchases consideration of ` 1,190.2 million.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
` in million
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Gain/(loss) on forex and derivative transactions (net)2
1. ICICI Home Finance Company Limited 1,059.4 (245.0)
2. ICICI Securities Primary Dealership Limited 377.0 1,456.0
3. ICICI Bank UK PLC (16.6) (155.6)
Dividend income
1. ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company Limited 4,240.2 3,758.6
2. ICICI Securities Limited 3,712.9 2,539.4
3. ICICI Securities Primary Dealership Limited 3,189.0 1,200.5
4. ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited 943.4 1,776.9
5. ICICI Bank Canada 224.1 1,626.3
6. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited - 1,783.9
Insurance claims received
1. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited 264.5 102.1
2. ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited 51.3 95.6
Recovery of lease of premises, common corporate and facilities
1. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited 351.4 320.5
2. ICICI Bank UK PLC 315.7 287.0
3. ICICI Securities Limited 299.6 294.2
4. ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited 265.4 278.1
5. ICICI Bank Canada 217.3 190.0
6. ICICI Home Finance Company Limited 91.1 305.3
Payment of lease of premises, common corporate and facilities
1. ICICI Venture Funds Management Company Limited 76.9 78.2
2. ICICI Home Finance Company Limited 53.9 66.7
3. ICICI Investment Management Company Limited 17.8 -
Recovery for secondment of employees (net)
1. I-Process Services (India) Private Limited 10.6 11.4
2. ICICI Securities Limited 6.7 10.7
3. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited (0.3) 6.5
Reimbursement of expenses from related parties
1. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited 1.7 -
2. ICICI Investment Management Company Limited 0.1 1.0
Interest expense
1. ICICI Securities Limited 84.9 95.0
2. ICICI Merchant Services Private Limited 14.5 40.4
3. ICICI Bank UK PLC 0.01 21.2
Remuneration to wholetime directors3
1. Mr. Sandeep Bakhshi 3.8 60.8
2. Ms. Vishakha Mulye 54.6 70.3
3. Mr. Anup Bagchi 52.9 63.9
4. Mr. Sandeep Batra 14.7 -
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
` in million
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Reimbursement of expenses to related parties
1. ICICI Foundation for Inclusive Growth 798.3 213.2
2. ICICI Home Finance Company Limited 145.6 -
3. ICICI Bank UK PLC 29.1 33.0
4. ICICI Bank Canada 13.0 34.1
Insurance premium paid
1. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited 6,476.2 6,925.2
2. ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited 2,423.7 2,113.4
Brokerage, fee and other expenses
1. I-Process Services (India) Private Limited 6,402.6 6,844.0
2. ICICI Merchant Services Private Limited 4,169.1 5,978.7
Donation given
1. ICICI Foundation for Inclusive Growth - 50.0
Dividend paid
1. Mr. Sandeep Bakhshi - 0.4
2. Ms. Vishakha Mulye - 1.0
Purchase of investments
1. ICICI Securities Primary Dealership Limited 28,230.9 14,750.5
Sale of investments
1. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited 10,988.6 19,324.6
2. ICICI Securities Primary Dealership Limited 3,803.6 26,407.1
3. ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited 1,547.0 6,595.8
Redemption/buyback of investments
1. ICICI Strategic Investments Fund 133.0 100.0
2. India Advantage Fund - III 48.1 57.1
3. India Advantage Fund - IV 32.1 43.5
Sale of loans
1. India Infradebt Limited - 968.0
Purchase of loans
1. ICICI Home Finance Company Limited 8,071.2 21,455.9
Purchase of fixed assets
1. Arteria Technologies Private Limited 6.6 -
2. ICICI Securities Limited 0.3 0.7
3. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited - 1.8
Sale of fixed assets
1. ICICI Home Finance Company Limited 0.4 -
2. ICICI Securities Limited - 4.6
Purchase of consumer finance business4
1. ICICI Home Finance Company Limited - 1,190.2
1. Insignificant amount.
2. The Bank undertakes derivative transactions with its subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and other related entities. The
Bank manages its foreign exchange and interest rate risks arising from these transactions by covering them in the market.
While the Bank, within its overall position limits covers these transactions in the market, the above amounts represent
only the transactions with its subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and other related entities and not the offsetting/
covering transactions.
3. Excludes the perquisite value on employee stock options exercised, contribution to gratuity fund and includes performance
bonus paid during the period.
4. During the year ended March 31, 2020, the Bank purchased consumer finance business from ICICI Home Finance,
including loan portfolio and IT assets, at a purchases consideration of ` 1,190.2 million.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
51. Details of amount transferred to The Depositor Education and Awareness Fund (the Fund) of RBI
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the movement in amount transferred to the Fund.
` in million
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Opening balance 10,352.8 8,330.7
Add: Amounts transferred during the year 1,940.5 2,169.0
Less: Amounts reimbursed by the Fund towards claims during the year (109.3) (146.9)
Closing balance 12,184.0 10,352.8
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
• xternal consultants whose advice has been sought, the body by which they were commissioned,
and in what areas of the remuneration process
During the year ended March 31, 2021, the Bank employed the services of a reputed consulting firm
for market benchmarking in the area of compensation, including executive compensation.
• cope of the Bank’s remuneration policy (eg. by regions, business lines), including the extent to
which it is applicable to foreign subsidiaries and branches
The Compensation Policy of the Bank, as last amended by the BGRNC and the Board at their meetings
held on April 10, 2020 and May 9, 2020 respectively, covers all employees of the Bank, including
those in overseas branches of the Bank. In addition to the Bank’s Compensation Policy guidelines, the
overseas branches also adhere to relevant local regulations.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
o Effective governance of compensation: The BGRNC has oversight over compensation. The
Committee defines Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for WTDs and equivalent positions and
the organisational performance norms for variable pay based on the financial and strategic plan
approved by the Board. The KPIs include both quantitative and qualitative aspects defined with
sub parameters. The BGRNC assesses organisational performance and based on its assessment,
it makes recommendations to the Board regarding compensation for WTDs, senior management
and equivalent positions and variable pay for employees, including senior management, key
management personnel.
o Alignment of compensation philosophy with prudent risk taking: The Bank seeks to achieve
a prudent mix of fixed and variable pay, with a higher proportion of variable pay at senior
levels and no guaranteed bonuses. Compensation is sought to be aligned to both financial and
non- financial indicators of performance including aspects like risk management and customer
service. The Bank’s employee stock option scheme aims at aligning compensation to long term
performance through stock option grants that vest over a period of time. Compensation of staff
in audit, compliance and risk control functions is independent of the business areas they oversee
and depends on their performance assessment.
• Whether the remuneration committee reviewed the firm’s remuneration policy during the past
year, and if so, an overview of any changes that were made
During the year ended March 31, 2021, the Bank’s Compensation Policy was amended by the BGRNC
and the Board at their meetings held on April 10, 2020 and May 9, 2020 respectively with the objective
to align the policy to the RBI circular on ‘Guidelines on Compensation of Whole Time Directors/ Chief
Executive Officers/ Material Risk Takers and Control Function staff’ dated November 4, 2019.
• iscussion of how the Bank ensures that risk and compliance employees are remunerated
independently of the businesses they oversee
The compensation of staff engaged in control functions like Audit, Risk and Compliance depends on
their performance, which is based on achievement of the key goals of their respective functions. Their
goal sheets do not include any business targets.
c) Description of the ways in which current and future risks are taken into account in the remuneration
• Overview of the key risks that the Bank takes into account when implementing remuneration
The Board approves the Enterprise Risk Management framework for the Bank. The business activities
of the Bank are undertaken within this framework to achieve the financial plan. The risk framework
includes the Bank’s risk appetite, thresholds/limits framework and policies and procedures governing
various types of risk. KPIs of WTDs & equivalent positions, as well as employees, incorporate relevant
risk management related aspects. For example, in addition to performance indicator in areas such
as risk calibrated core operating profit (profit before provisions and tax excluding treasury income),
performance indicators include aspects such as asset quality. The BGRNC takes into consideration
all the above aspects while assessing organisational and individual performance and making
compensation-related recommendations to the Board.
• verview of the nature and type of key measures used to take account of these risks, including risk
difficult to measure
The annual performance targets and performance evaluation incorporate both qualitative and
quantitative aspects including asset quality and provisioning, risk management framework, stakeholder
relationships and leadership development.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
• Discussion of how the nature and type of these measures have changed over the past year and
reasons for the changes, as well as the impact of changes on remuneration.
The nature and type of these measures have not changed over the past year and hence, there is no
impact on remuneration.
d) Description of the ways in which the Bank seeks to link performance during a performance
measurement period with levels of remuneration
• Overview of main performance metrics for Bank, top level business lines and individuals
The main performance metrics includes risk calibrated core operating profit (profit before provisions
and tax, excluding treasury income) asset quality metrics (such as additions to non-performing loans
and recoveries and upgrades), regulatory compliance, risk management processes and stakeholder
relationships. The specific metrics and weightages for various metrics vary with the role and level of
the individual.
• iscussion of how amounts of individual remuneration are linked to the Bank-wide and individual
The BGRNC takes into consideration above mentioned aspects while assessing performance and
making compensation-related recommendations to the Board regarding the performance assessment
of WTDs and equivalent positions. The performance assessment of individual employees is undertaken
based on their achievements, which incorporates various aspects described earlier.
• iscussion of the measures the Bank will in general implement to adjust remuneration in the
event that performance metrics are weak, including the Bank’s criteria for determining ‘weak’
performance metrics
The Bank’s Compensation Policy outlines the measures the Bank will implement in the event of a
reasonable evidence of deterioration in financial performance. Should such an event occur in the
manner outlined in the policy, the BGRNC may decide to apply malus/clawback on none, part or all of
the relevant variable compensation
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
e) Description of the ways in which the Bank seeks to adjust remuneration to take account of the longer
term performance
• Discussion of the Bank’s policy on deferral and vesting of variable remuneration and, if the fraction
of variable remuneration that is deferred differs across employees or groups of employees, a
description of the factors that determine the fraction and their relative importance
The variable compensation is in the form of share-linked instruments (including stock options) or
cash or a mix of cash and share-linked instruments (including stock options). The quantum of variable
pay for an employee does not exceed a certain percentage (as stipulated in the compensation policy)
of the total fixed pay in a year. The proportion of variable pay to total compensation is higher at senior
levels and lower at junior levels. Atleast 50% of the compensation is variable for WTDs, CEO and
MRTs as a design. However, they can earn lesser variable pay based on various performance criteria.
For WTDs, CEO and MRTs, a minimum of 60% of the total variable pay is under deferral arrangement
(deferment). Additionally, atleast 50% of the cash component of the variable pay is under deferment.
If the cash component is under ` 2.5 million, the deferment is not applicable.
• iscussion of the Bank’s policy and criteria for adjusting deferred remuneration before vesting and
(if permitted by national law) after vesting through claw back arrangements
The deferred portion of variable pay pertaining to the assessment year or previous year/s (as defined
in the policy) is subject to malus, under which the Bank prevents vesting of all or part or none of the
unvested variable pay in the event of the assessed divergence in the Bank’s provisioning for NPAs
or in the event of a reasonable evidence of deterioration in financial performance or in the event of
gross misconduct and/or other acts as mentioned in the policy. In such cases (other than assessed
divergence), variable pay already paid out may also be subjected to clawback arrangements, as
f) Description of the different forms of variable remuneration that the Bank utilises and the rationale for
using these different forms
• verview of the forms of variable remuneration offered. A discussion of the use of different forms
of variable remuneration and, if the mix of different forms of variable remuneration differs across
employees or group of employees, a description of the factors that determine the mix and their
relative importance
The variable compensation is in the form of employee stock options or cash or a mix of cash and
stock options. The Bank pays performance linked retention pay (PLRP) to its front-line staff and junior
management. PLRP aims to reward front line and junior managers, mainly on the basis of skill maturity
attained through experience and continuity in role which is a key differentiator for customer service.
The Bank pays performance bonus and stock options to relevant employees in its middle and senior
management. The variable pay payout schedules is sensitive to the time horizon of risks as defined in
the policy.
The Bank ensures higher proportion of variable pay at senior levels and lower variable pay for front-
line staff and junior management levels.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
Year ended
March 31, 2021
1. Number of meetings held by the BGRNC during the financial year 6
Remuneration paid to its members during the financial year (sitting fees) 1.2
3. Number and total amount of sign-on/joining bonus made during the financial year -
9. Total amount of reductions during the year due to ex-post explicit adjustments6 N.A.
10. Total amount of reductions during the year due to ex-post implicit adjustments N.A.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
Year ended
March 31, 2021
13. The mean pay for the bank as a whole (excluding sub-staff) and the deviation of the
pay of each of its WTDs from the mean pay
Mean pay of the bank7 704,035
Deviation - MD&CEO 3,455,855
Deviation - WTD1 50,085,768
Deviation - WTD2 47,547,650
Deviation - WTD3 46,536,300
1. For the year ended March 31, 2021 includes MDCEO/WTDs/and other MRTs based on the revised criteria given by RBI
in its guideline dated November 4, 2019. Also includes WTDs transferred to group companies. For the year ended on
March 31, 2021 variable remuneration includes cash bonus and stock options based on the revised criteria given by RBI in
its guideline dated November 4, 2019 that are paid/ granted/ vested during the year.
2. Fixed pay includes basic salary, supplementary allowances, superannuation, contribution to provident fund, gratuity fund
and value of perquisites. The value of perquisite is calculated as cost to the Bank.
3. Variable and share-linked instruments represent amounts/ options awarded for the year ended March 31, 2020 as per RBI
approvals wherever applicable.
4. Includes options vested during the year including for WTDs who were transferred to group companies.
5. Includes outstanding options unvested including for WTDs who were transferred to group companies .
6. Excludes ` 74.1 million variable pay to the former MD & CEO for past years which has been directed for claw-back in respect
of which the Bank has filed a recovery suit against the former MD & CEO.
7. Mean pay is computed on annualised fixed pay that includes basic salary, supplementary allowances, superannuation,
contribution to provident fund, gratuity fund and value of perquisites. The value of perquisite is calculated as cost to
the Bank.
The following table sets forth, for the period indicated, the details of quantitative disclosure for remuneration of
WTDs (including MD & CEO) and equivalent positions.
` in million, except numbers
Year ended
March 31, 2020
Number of meetings held by the BGRNC 5
Remuneration paid to its members during the financial year (sitting fees) 1
Number of employees who received a variable remuneration award1 5
Number and total amount of sign-on awards made -
Number and total amount of guaranteed bonuses awarded -
Details of severance pay, in addition to accrued benefits -
Breakdown of amount of remuneration awards for the financial year
Fixed2 214.8
Variable1,3 57.3
- Deferred -
- Non-deferred 57.3
Share-linked instruments3 5,475,500
Total amount of deferred remuneration paid out during the year -
Total amount of outstanding deferred remuneration
Cash N.A.
Shares (nos.) -
Shares-linked instruments 4,690,430
Other forms -
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
Payment of compensation in the form of profit related commission to the non-executive directors
The Board at its meeting held on September 16, 2015 and the shareholders at their meeting held on July 11, 2016
approved the payment of profit related commission of ` 1.0 million per annum to be paid to each non-executive
Director of the Bank (excluding government nominee and part-time Chairman) subject to the availability of net
profits at the end of each financial year.
The Bank accordingly recognised an amount of ` 7.0 million as profit related commission payable to the
non-executive Directors during the year ended March 31, 2021, subject to requisite approvals. During the year
ended March 31, 2021, the Bank paid ` 7.0 million as profit related commission payable to the non-executive
Directors for the year ended March 31, 2020.
As required under the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Amendment Rules, 2021, surplus of
` 138.6 million, arising out of CSR activities during the year ended March 31, 2021 has been transferred to unspent
CSR Account.
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the details of related party transactions pertaining to CSR
related activities.
` in million
Sr. Year ended Year ended
Related Party
No. March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
1. ICICI Foundation 798.3 263.2
Total 798.3 263.2
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the details of maintainable complaints received.
The following table sets forth top five grounds of complaints received by the Bank from customers for the year
ended March 31, 2021.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
The following table sets forth top five grounds of complaints received by the Bank from customers for the year
ended March 31, 2020
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Accounts (Contd.)
The impact, including credit quality and provision, of the Covid-19 pandemic, on the Bank, is uncertain and will
depend on the spread of Covid-19, the effectiveness of current and future steps taken by the governments and
central bank to mitigate the economic impact, steps taken by the Bank and the time it takes for economic activities
to return to pre-pandemic levels. The Bank’s capital and liquidity position is strong and would continue to be a focus
area for the Bank during this period.
In addition to Covid-19 related provision of ` 27,250.0 million made during the year ended March 31, 2020, during
the year ended March 31, 2021, the Bank made additional Covid-19 related provision of ` 65,500.0 million (excluding
contingency provision on borrower accounts not classified as non-performing pursuant to the Supreme Court
interim order) and utilised ` 18,000.0 million of Covid-19 related provisions. Accordingly, at March 31, 2021, the
Bank held aggregate Covid-19 related provision of ` 74,750.0 million.
Signatures to Schedules 1 to 18
As per our Report of even date. For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
For Walker Chandiok & Co LLP Girish Chandra Chaturvedi Uday M. Chitale Sandeep Bakhshi
Chartered Accountants Chairman Director Managing Director & CEO
ICAI Firm Registration no.: DIN-00110996 DIN-00043268 DIN-00109206
Annual Report 2020-21
To the Members of
ICICI Bank Limited
Emphasis of Matter
4. We draw attention to Schedule 18.19 of the accompanying consolidated financial statements, which describes the
uncertainties due to the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19). The impact of these uncertainties on the Group’s
results is significantly dependent on future developments.
Our opinion is not modified in respect of this matter.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
6. We have determined the matters described below to be the key audit matters to be communicated in our report.
a. Information Technology (‘IT’) systems and controls impacting financial reporting in relation to the Bank
Key Audit Matter How the key audit matter was addressed
The IT environment of the Bank is complex and In assessing the integrity of the IT systems relevant for
involves a large number of, independent and inter- financial reporting, we involved our IT experts to obtain
dependent IT systems used in the operations of the an understanding of the IT infrastructure and IT systems
Bank for processing and recording a large volume of relevant to the Bank’s financial reporting process for
transactions at numerous locations. As a result, there evaluation and testing of relevant IT general controls
is a high degree of reliance and dependency on such IT and IT application controls.
systems for the financial reporting process of the Bank.
Access rights were tested over applications, operating
Appropriate IT general controls and application controls
systems, networks, and databases, which are relied
are required to ensure that such IT systems are able to
upon for financial reporting. We also assessed the
process the data, as required, completely, accurately
operating effectiveness of controls over granting,
and consistently for reliable financial reporting.
removal and periodical review of access rights.
The accuracy and reliability of the financial reporting We further tested segregation of duties, including
process depends on the IT systems and the related preventive controls to ensure that access to change
control environment, including: applications, the operating system or databases in
the production environment were granted only to
IT general controls over user access
authorized personnel.
management and change management across
applications, networks, database, and operating Other areas that were assessed under the IT control
systems; environment, included password policies, security
configurations, business continuity and controls
IT application controls.
around change management.
Due to the importance of the impact of the IT systems
We also evaluated the design and tested the operating
and related control environment on the Bank’s financial
effectiveness of key automated controls within various
reporting process, we have identified testing of such IT
business processes. This included testing the integrity
systems and related control environment as a key audit
of system interfaces, the completeness and accuracy
matter for the current year audit.
of data feeds, system reconciliation controls and
automated calculations.
Where deficiencies were identified, we tested
compensating controls or performed alternate
Annual Report 2020-21
b. Identification and provisioning for non-performing assets (‘NPAs’) in relation to the Bank
s at 31 March 2021, the Group has reported total loans and advances (net of provisions) of ` 7,918,014 million
(2020: ` 7,062,461 million) of which ` 7,337,291 million* (2020: ` 6,452,900 million*) relates to the Bank.
(Refer schedule 9)
* the amounts relating to the Bank are before consolidation adjustments including intercompany eliminations, if any.
Key Audit Matter How the key audit matter was addressed
The identification of NPAs and provisioning for We understood the process and controls and tested
advances is made in accordance with the extant RBI the design and operating effectiveness of key controls,
regulations or host country regulations, in the case of including IT based controls, focusing on the following:
international branches. Based on our risk assessment,
Identification and classification of NPAs in line with
the following are significant in assessment of the
RBI IRAC norms and certain qualitative aspects;
NPA provisions:
Periodic internal reviews of asset quality;
Recognition of defaults, in accordance with
the criteria set out in the RBI Prudential norms Assessment of adequacy of NPA provisions;
on Income Recognition, Asset Classification Periodic valuation of collateral for NPAs; and
and Provisioning pertaining to Advances Implementation of the RBI circulars.
(IRAC norms) or in accordance with the host
country regulations, as applicable. Further, To test the identification of loans with default events and
the Bank is also required to identify NPAs by other triggers, we selected a sample of performing loans
applying certain qualitative aspects; and independently assessed as to whether there was a
need to classify such loans as NPAs.
Implementation of the “COVID 19 Regulatory
Package-Asset Classification and Provisioning” With respect to provisions recognised towards NPAs,
announced by the RBI on 17 April 2020 and RBI we selected samples based on high risk industry sectors
circular on “Asset Classification and Income identified by the Bank, such as shipping, rigs, power,
Recognition following the expiry of Covid-19 mining, and oil and gas exploration. For the samples
regulatory package” dated 07 April 2021 selected, we re-performed the provision calculations
(collectively referred to as ‘the RBI circulars’), including valuation of collaterals and compared our
and “Resolution Framework for COVID-19 outcome to that prepared by the management and
related Stress” (the ‘Resolution Framework’) challenged various assumptions and judgements which
issued by the RBI on 06 August 2020, were used by the management. We also held discussions
which were collectively considered by the with the management of the Bank on high risk industry
management in identification and provisioning sectors and measures taken by the management monitor
of non-performing assets. On the basis of to such assets.
an estimate made by the management, a We read the RBI Annual Financial Inspection report for
provision of ` 74,750 million was held by the financial year ended 2020 and other communication
the Bank as at 31 March 2021 on account of with regulators.
likely increase in defaults due to the impact
of COVID-19 on recoverability of loans and With respect to those borrowers to whom a moratorium
assets of the Bank. The Bank has also revised was granted in accordance with the RBI circulars, on
its internal provisioning policy of retail a sample basis, we tested that such moratorium was
loans to address aforesaid risk. The basis of granted and implemented in the systems in accordance
estimation of the additional provisions and with the board approved policy. On a test check basis,
the assumptions used for aforesaid additional we tested the loans to ensure that identification of NPAs,
provision are subject to periodic review by the provisions created, and asset classification were in
Bank as these depend on future developments accordance with the requirements of the RBI circulars.
including the rate of spread of COVID-19, Further, with respect to the additional provisions
the effectiveness of current and future steps made by the Bank on account of the impact of the
taken by the government and central banks COVID-19 pandemic, we understood and challenged the
to mitigate the economic impact and the time underpinning assumptions used by the Bank for such
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
it takes for the economic activities to return to estimate by considering our understanding of the risk
pre-pandemic levels. profiles of the customers of the Bank and other relevant
publicly available macro-economic factors pertaining to
The measurement of provision under RBI
impact of COVID-19.
guidelines is also dependent on the ageing of
overdue balances, secured / unsecured status With respect to the Resolution Framework, ensured that
of advances, stress and liquidity concerns the Bank’s board approved policy was in accordance with
in certain sectors and valuation of collateral. the RBI requirements. On a test check basis, we ensured
The provision on NPAs at certain overseas that the restructuring was approved and implemented,
branches requires estimation of amounts and provisions made on such restructured loans in
and timing of expected future cash flows and accordance with the Bank’s board approved policy and
exit values. the Resolution Framework.
Implementation of the RBI circulars also required the We assessed the appropriateness and adequacy of
Bank to implement changes in its base Information disclosures against the relevant accounting standards
Technology applications to extend the relief and RBI requirements relating to NPAs including the
packages and moratorium period to the customers additional disclosures required to be made in accordance
as announced by the Government. with the RBI circulars.
c. Provisions for litigation and taxation and contingent liabilities in relation to the Bank
As at 31 March 2021, the Group has reported ‘Claims against the Group not acknowledged as debts’ of
` 88,167 million (2020: ` 73,591 million), of which the following relate to the Bank:
(` in million)
Included under contingent liabilities
At 31.03.2021 At 31.03.2020
Legal cases 3,303 3,300
Taxes 70,465 59,940
Total claims against the Bank not acknowledged as debts 73,768 63,240
(Refer schedule 12)
Key Audit Matter How the key audit matter was addressed
As at 31 March 2021, the Bank has ongoing legal Our audit procedures included, but were not limited to,
and tax cases with varied degrees of complexities. the following:
This indicates that a significant degree of
We tested the design and operating effectiveness of the
management judgement is involved in determining
Bank’s key controls over the estimation, monitoring and
the appropriateness of provisions and related
disclosure of provisions and contingent liabilities.
For significant legal matters, we sought external
Significant management judgement is needed in
confirmations and also reviewed the confirmations
determining whether an obligation exists and whether
obtained by the management from external legal counsels
a provision should be recognised as at the reporting
and corroborated with management’s documented
date, in accordance with the accounting criteria
conclusions on the assessment of outstanding litigations
set under Accounting Standard 29 - Provisions,
against the Bank.
Contingent Liabilities and Contingent
Annual Report 2020-21
Assets (‘AS 29’), or whether it needs to be disclosed as In respect of taxation matters, we involved our tax
a contingent liability. Further, significant judgements specialists to gain an understanding of the current
are also involved in measuring such obligations, the status of the outstanding tax litigations, including
most significant of which are: understanding of various orders / notices received by the
Bank and the management’s grounds of appeals before
Assessment of liability: Judgement is involved
the relevant appellate authorities, and critically evaluated
in the determination of whether an outflow
the management’s assessment of the likelihood of the
in respect of identified material matters are
liability devolving upon the Bank, in accordance with the
probable and can be estimated reliably;
principles of AS 29.
Adequacy of provisions: The appropriateness
For the significant provisions made, we understood,
of assumptions and judgements used in the
assessed and challenged the adequacy of provisions
estimation of significant provisions; and
recognised by the management. We also reviewed
Adequacy of disclosures of provision for
the historical accuracy of the provisions recognised to
liabilities and charges, and contingent determine the efficacy of the process of estimation by
liabilities. the management.
Considering the significance of the above matter Further, we assessed whether the disclosures related to
to the financial statements, and significant auditor significant litigation and taxation matters were appropriate
attention required to test such estimates, we have and adequate in terms of whether the potential liabilities
identified this as a key audit matter for current and the significant uncertainties were fairly presented.
year audit.
d. Valuation of derivatives in relation to the Bank
As at 31 March 2021, the Group has reported notional value of derivatives of ` 28,765,529 million (2020:
` 28,417,030 million), of which the following relate to the Bank:
(` in million)
Particulars Included under At 31.03.2021 At 31.03.2020
Notional value of derivatives Contingent liabilities 25,062,638* 23,649,552*
(Refer schedule 12)
* the amounts relating to the Bank are before consolidation adjustments including intercompany eliminations, if any.
Key Audit Matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter
Derivatives are valued through models with external Our audit procedures included, but were not limited to,
inputs. The derivatives portfolio of the Bank primarily the following:
includes transactions which are carried out on behalf
We included our valuation experts as a part of our audit
of its clients (and are covered on a back-to-back
team to obtain an understanding, evaluate the design,
basis) and transactions to hedge the Bank’s interest
and test the operating effectiveness of the key controls
and foreign currency risk.
over the valuation processes, including:
A significant degree of management judgement is
independent price verification performed by a
involved in the application of valuation techniques
management expert; and
through which the value of the Bank’s derivatives
is determined. The financial statement risk arises model governance and validation.
particularly with respect to complex valuation
On a sample basis, our valuation experts performed an
models, valuation parameters, and inputs that are
independent reassessment of the valuation of derivatives,
used in determining fair values.
to ensure compliance with the relevant RBI regulations,
Considering the significance of the above matter to reasonableness of the valuation methodology and the
the financial statements, significant management inputs used.
estimates and judgements, and auditor attention
Further our valuation experts assisted us in challenging
required to test such estimates and judgements, we
the appropriateness of significant models and
have identified this as a key audit matter for current
methodologies used in valuation.
year audit.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
7. The joint auditors, Walker Chandiok & Co. LLP, Chartered Accountants, and B S R & Co LLP, Chartered Accountants,
of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited, vide their audit report dated 19 April 2021, have expressed an
unmodified opinion on the financial statements. Based on consideration of their report, we have determined the
matters described below to be the key audit matters to be communicated in our report:
a. Information technology systems relating to ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited
Key Audit Matter How the key audit matter was addressed
Annual Report 2020-21
Key Audit Matter How the key audit matter was addressed
The Company’s investment portfolio consists of The following key audit procedures were carried out:
Policyholders investments (unit linked and non-linked)
Understood the Company’s process and tested
and Shareholders investments. The Company’s
investment portfolio represents 99 percent of the the controls on the valuation of investments;
Company’s total assets as at 31 March 2021. The Tested the design, implementation and operating
investments are valued in accordance with the effectiveness of key controls over the valuation
accounting policy framed as per Insurance Regulatory process, including the Company’s assessment
and Development Authority of India (Investment) and approval of estimates and assumption used
Regulations, 2016 (the “Investment Regulations”) for valuation including key authorization and
issued by IRDAI and / or policies approved by the data input controls thereof;
Board of Directors of the Company (collectively ‘the
accounting policy’). Assessed
valuation methodologies with
reference to Investment Regulations issued by
Investments in unit linked portfolio of ` 1,385,492 IRDAI and the Company’s own Board approved
million are valued based on observable inputs as per valuation policy;
their accounting policy and gains/losses are recognized
in Revenue account. These unit linked portfolio For selected samples of listed investments,
investments do not represent an area of higher risk performed independent price checks using
of material misstatement, however, are considered external quoted prices and by agreeing the
as a key audit matter due to their materiality to the inputs which were used in the Company’s
standalone financial statements. valuation techniques to external data;
Investments in non-linked and shareholders portfolio For selected samples of cost measured
of ` 736,627 million are valued as per their accounting investments, tested the Company’s assessment
policy, basis which: of impairment and evaluated whether the
the unrealized gains/ losses arising due to
same was in accordance with the Company’s
changes in fair value of listed equity shares and impairment policy; and
mutual fund units are taken to the “Fair Value Evaluated how the Company has factored
Change Account” in Balance Sheet; and in the impact of COVID-19 disruptions in
debt securities and unlisted equity shares are the investment valuation process (including
valued at historical cost. impairment assessment).
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
8. The joint auditors of ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited, vide their audit report dated 17 April 2021,
have expressed an unmodified opinion on the financial statements. Based on consideration of their report, we have
determined the matter described below to be a key audit matter to be communicated in our report:
Key Audit Matter How the key audit matter was addressed
The company is highly dependent on its complex IT Key audit procedures included, but were not limited to
architecture comprising hardware, software, multiple the following:
applications, automated interfaces and controls in
Obtained an understanding of the entity’s IT related
systems for recording, storing and reporting financial
control environment. Furthermore, conducted a risk
assessment and identified IT applications, databases
Large volume of transactions that are processed on and operating systems that are relevant for the
daily basis as part of its operations, which impacts Company’s financial reporting.
key financial accounting and reporting items such as
For the key IT systems relevant to reporting of financial
premium income, claims, commission expenses and
information, areas of audit focus included access,
investments among others.
program change management, automated transaction
There exists a risk that, gaps in the IT control and interface controls:
environment could result in the financial accounting
In particular:
and reporting records being materially misstated.
Obtained an understanding of the entity’s IT
The controls implemented by the entity in its IT
environment and key changes if any during the
environment determine the integrity, accuracy,
audit period that may be relevant to the audit.
completeness, and the validity of the data that is
processed by the applications and is ultimately used Sample tested the design, implementation
for financial reporting. These controls contribute to and operating effectiveness of the General IT
mitigating risk of potential misstatements caused by controls over the key IT systems that are critical
fraud or errors. to financial reporting. This included evaluation
of entity’s controls to ensure segregation of
The Audit approach relies on automated controls and
duties and appropriate access rights.
therefore procedures are designed to test control over
IT systems, segregation of duties, interface and system Controls over changes to software applications
application controls over key financial accounting and were evaluated to verify whether the changes
reporting systems. were approved, tested in an environment that
was segregated from operation and moved to
production by appropriate users.
Evaluated the design and tested the operating
effectiveness of critical & key automated
controls within various business processes.
This included testing the integrity of system
interfaces, the completeness and accuracy of
data feeds, system reconciliation controls and
automated calculations.
Also reviewed the Information System Audit
Reports to assess the impact of observations
and management’s response if any on financial
Results of the tests has provided audit evidence
which have been used to draw conclusions including
Annual Report 2020-21
Key Audit Matter How the key audit matter was addressed
The Company’s investments represent 71.1% of the Audit procedures on Investments included the
assets as at March 31, 2021 which are to be valued in following:
accordance with accounting policy framed as per the
Understood Management’s process and
extant regulatory guidelines.
controls to ensure proper classification and
The valuation of all investments should be as per the valuation of Investment.
investment policy framed by the Company which in turn
Verified and obtained appropriate external
should be in line with IRDAI Investment Regulations
confirmation for availability and ownership
and Preparation of Financial Statement Regulations.
rights related to these investments.
The valuation methodology specified in the regulation
is to be used for each class of investment. Tested the design, implementation, management
oversight and operating effectiveness of key
The Company has a policy framework for Valuation and
controls over the classification and valuation
impairment of Investments. The Company performs an
process of investments.
impairment review of its investments periodically and
recognizes impairment charge when the investments Test-checked valuation of different class of
meet the trigger/s for impairment provision as per investments to assess appropriateness of the
the criteria set out in the investment policy of the valuation methodologies with reference to IRDAI
Company. Further, the assessment of impairment Investment Regulations along with Company’s
involves significant management judgment. own investment policy.
The classification and valuation of these investments Examining the rating downgrades by credit
was considered one of the matters of material rating agencies and assessing the risk of
significance in the financial statements due to the impairments to various investments.
materiality of the total value of investments to the
Reviewed the Company’s impairment policy
financial statements and further due to the market
and assessed the adequacy of its impairment
volatility impact caused due to global pandemic
charge on investments outstanding at the year
COVID-19 on the value of investments.
Based on procedures above, found the company’s
impairment, valuation and classification of investments
in its financial statements in all material respects to be
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Scheme of demerger of Bharti Axa General Insurance Limited’s insurance business (“Insurance
Undertaking”) to ICICI Lombard General Insurance Limited
(Refer Schedule 18.17)
Key Audit Matter How the key audit matter was addressed
During the year, the Company has reported a Scheme Obtained an understanding of the regulatory framework
of Demerger approved by Board of Directors of the involved in such large acquisition, the process adopted
Company between the company and Bharati Axa including the strength and reputation team of advisors,
General Insurance Limited (Bharti Axa), whereby, the
Audit procedures include following;
Insurance undertaking of Bharti Axa is demerged and
merged with the Company from the Appointed Date i.e. Reviewed due diligence report, valuation reports
April 1, 2020, subject to various regulatory approvals, and other expert advisory reports and manner
which is under process at the year end. in which these have been dealt with in decision
This transaction involving issue of 35,756,194 additional
equity shares (7.9% of paid-up capital) of the company, Read the transaction documents, including
is significant for suitable financial reporting. approved Scheme of Demerger and identified
pertinent terms relevant to the accounting and
disclosure requirement for the transaction.
Assessed and confirmed the Company’s
conclusion on proposed accounting and
disclosure treatment of the Scheme and its
compliance with Accounting Standard 14:
Accounting for Amalgamations (AS-14).
Read the minutes of meeting of Board of
Directors, its Committees, and Members of the
Enquired about the progress of the transaction
as at the year-end to confirm the appropriateness
of treatment in the financial statement.
Obtained and reviewed details of commitments
and expenditure incurred related to the
transaction for validating the accounting
treatment thereof.
Results of tests has provided audit evidence which have
been used to draw conclusions including the reporting.
Annual Report 2020-21
Information other than the Consolidated Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report thereon
The Holding Company’s Board of Directors are responsible for the other information. The other information comprises
the information included in the Management’s Discussion and Analysis, Directors’ Report, including annexures to the
Directors’ Report, but does not include the consolidated financial statements and our auditor’s report thereon.
Our opinion on the consolidated financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any
form of assurance conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the consolidated financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information
and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the consolidated financial
statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the
work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required
to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.
Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Consolidated Financial
9. The Holding Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for the matters stated in section 134(5) of the Act with
respect to the preparation of these consolidated financial statements that give a true and fair view of the consolidated
financial position, consolidated financial performance and consolidated cash flows of the Bank, in accordance with
the accounting principles generally accepted in India, including the Accounting Standards prescribed under section
133 of the Act read with rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 (as amended) and provisions of section 29
of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and circulars and guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India (‘RBI’) from time to
time. Further, in terms of the Act, the respective Board of Directors of the companies and the trustees of the trusts
included in the Group and of its associates covered under the Act, are responsible for maintenance of adequate
accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Act, for safeguarding of the assets of the Group and of its
associates and for preventing and detecting frauds and other irregularities; selection and application of appropriate
accounting policies; making judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and design, implementation
and maintenance of adequate internal financial controls, that were operating effectively for ensuring the accuracy and
completeness of the accounting records, relevant to the preparation and presentation of the consolidated financial
statements that give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. These
financial statements have been used for the purpose of preparation of the consolidated financial statements by the
Directors of the Holding Company, as aforesaid.
10. In preparing the consolidated financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Group’s ability to
continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern
basis of accounting, unless management either intends to liquidate the Group or to cease operations, or has no
realistic alternative but to do so.
11. The respective Board of Directors of the companies and the trustees of trusts included in the Group are also responsible
for overseeing the Group’s financial reporting process.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
13. As part of an audit in accordance with Standards on Auditing, we exercise professional judgment and maintain
professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:
• Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to
fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is
sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement
resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional
omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
• Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are
appropriate in the circumstances. Under section 143(3)(i) of the Act, we are also responsible for explaining
our opinion on whether the Holding Company has adequate internal financial controls system in place and the
operating effectiveness of such controls.
• valuate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and
related disclosures made by management.
• Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on
the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast
significant doubt on the ability of the Group and its associates to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that
a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures
in the consolidated financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our
conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future
events or conditions may cause the Group or its associates to cease to continue as a going concern.
• valuate the overall presentation, structure and content of the consolidated financial statements, including the
disclosures, and whether the consolidated financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events
in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
• Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial results/ financial information/ financial
statements of the entities within the Group and its associates, to express an opinion on the financial statements.
We are responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the audit of financial information of such
entities included in the financial statements, of which we are the independent auditors. For the other entities
included in the consolidated financial statements, which have been audited by the other auditors, such other
auditors remain responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the audits carried out by them. We
remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.
14. We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and
timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we
identify during our audit.
15. We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical
requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may
reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.
16. From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of most
significance in the audit of the consolidated financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit
matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s report, unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about
the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated in our
report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest
benefits of such communication.
Annual Report 2020-21
Other Matters
17. We did not audit the financial statements of 3 international branches of the Bank included in the consolidated financial
statements, whose financial statements reflects total assets of ` 596,868.5 million as at 31 March 2021, and total
revenue, total net loss after tax, and net cash inflows of ` 9,716.9 million , ` 6,068.9 million and ` 108,879.3 million
respectively for the year ended on that date, as considered in the consolidated financial statements. The financial
statements of these branches have been audited by the branch auditors whose reports have been furnished to us by
the management, and our opinion on the consolidated financial statements, in so far as it relates to the amounts and
disclosures included in respect of such branches, is based solely on the reports of their branch auditors.
18. We did not audit the financial statements of 13 subsidiaries, whose financial statements reflect total assets of
` 1,385,458.7 million as at 31 March 2021 and total revenues, total net profit after taxes, and net cash inflows of
` 202,972.6 million, ` 35,194.9 million, and ` 49,180.8 million, respectively, for the year ended on that date. The
consolidated financial statements also include the Group’s share of net profit of ` 1,231.9 million for the year ended
31 March 2021, in respect of 3 associates, whose financial statements have not been audited by us. These financial
statements have been audited by other auditors, whose reports have been furnished to us by the management and
our opinion on the consolidated financial statements, in so far as it relates to the amounts and disclosures included in
respect of these subsidiaries and associate, is based solely on the reports of the other auditors.
19. We have jointly audited with another auditor, the financial statements of one subsidiary, whose financial statements
reflect total assets of ` 2,170,346.2 million as at 31 March 2021 and total revenue, total net profit after tax, and net cash
inflows of ` 436,218.0 million, ` 9,601.5 million, and ` 12,930.5 million, respectively, for the year ended on that date.
For the purpose of our opinion on the consolidated financial statements, we have relied upon the work of such other
auditors, to the extent of work performed by them.
20. The consolidated financial statements also include the Group’s share of net profit of ` 211.0 million for the year ended
31 March 2021, in respect of 4 associates, whose financial statements/information have not been audited. These
financial statements/information have been furnished to us by the management and our report on the consolidated
financial statements, in so far as it relates to the amounts and disclosures included in respect of these associates,
is based solely on such management certified financial statements/information. In our opinion and according to the
information and explanation given to us by the management, these financial statements/information are not material
to the Group.
21. The joint auditors, Walker Chandiok & Co LLP, Chartered Accountants, and B S R & Co. LLP, Chartered Accountants,
of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited, vide their audit report dated 19 April 2021, have expressed an
unmodified opinion and have reported in the ‘Other Matter’ section that, ‘The actuarial valuation of liabilities for life
policies in force and policies in respect of which premium has been discontinued but liability exists as at 31 March 2021
is the responsibility of the Company’s Appointed Actuary (the “Appointed Actuary”). The actuarial valuation of these
liabilities for life policies in force and for policies in respect of which premium has been discontinued but liability exists
as at 31 March 2021 has been duly certified by the Appointed Actuary and in her opinion, the assumptions for such
valuation are in accordance with the guidelines and norms issued by the Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority of India (‘IRDAI’) and the Institute of Actuaries of India in concurrence with the Authority’. The joint auditors
have relied upon the Appointed Actuary’s certificate in this regard for forming their opinion on the valuation of
liabilities for life policies in force and for policies in respect of which premium has been discontinued but liability exists
in the standalone financial statements of the Company.
22. The joint auditors of ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited, vide their audit report dated 17 April 2021,
have expressed an unmodified opinion and have reported in the ‘Other Matter’ section that, ‘The actuarial valuation
of liabilities in respect of Incurred But Not Reported (the “IBNR”), Incurred But Not Enough Reported (the “IBNER”) and
Premium Deficiency Reserve (the “PDR”) is the responsibility of the Company’s Appointed Actuary (the “Appointed
Actuary”). The actuarial valuation of these liabilities, that are estimated using statistical methods as at 31 March 2021
has been duly certified by the Appointed Actuary and in his opinion, the assumptions considered by him for such
valuation are in accordance with the guidelines and norms issued by the IRDAI and the Institute of Actuaries of India
in concurrence with IRDAI’. The joint auditors have relied upon the Appointed Actuary’s certificate in this regard
for forming their opinion on the valuation of liabilities for outstanding claims reserves and the PDR contained in the
financial statements of the Company.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Our opinion above on the consolidated financial statements, and our report on Other Legal and Regulatory
requirements below, is not modified in respect of the above matters with respect to our reliance on the work done
and the reports of the other auditors and the financial statements / financial information certified by the management.
Annual Report 2020-21
g) with respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditor’s Report, in accordance with rule 11 of the
Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014 (as amended), in our opinion and to the best of our information and
according to the explanations given to us:
i. the consolidated financial statements disclose the impact of pending litigations on the consolidated
financial position of the Group and its associates, as detailed in schedule 18.6 to the consolidated financial
ii. provisions have been made in these consolidated financial statements, as required under the applicable law
or accounting standards, for material foreseeable losses, and on long-term contracts, including derivative
contracts, as detailed in schedule 18.6 to the consolidated financial statements;
iii. there has been no delay in transferring amounts, required to be transferred, to the Investor Education and
Protection Fund by the Holding Company, its subsidiary companies, and associate companies during the
year ended 31 March 2021;
iv. the disclosure requirements relating to holdings as well as dealings in specified bank notes were applicable
for the period from 8 November 2016 to 30 December 2016, which are not relevant to these consolidated
financial statements. Hence, reporting under this clause is not applicable.
Sudhir N. Pillai
Membership No.: 105782
UDIN: 21105782AAAACP5030
Place: Mumbai
Date: 24 April 2021
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Annexure A to the Independent Auditor’s Report of even date to the members of ICICI Bank
Limited on the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2021
Independent Auditor’s Report on the Internal Financial Controls with reference to financial statements
under Clause (i) of Sub-section 3 of Section 143 of the Companies Act, 2013 (‘the Act’)
1. In conjunction with our audit of the consolidated financial statements of ICICI Bank Limited (‘the Holding Company’
or ‘the Bank’) and its subsidiaries (the Holding Company and its subsidiaries, together referred to as ‘the Group’),
and its associates as at and for the year ended 31 March 2021, we have audited the internal financial controls with
reference to financial statements of the Holding Company, its subsidiary companies, and its associate companies,
which are companies covered under the Act, as at that date.
Auditor’s Responsibility for the Audit of the Internal Financial Controls with Reference to Financial Statements
3. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the internal financial controls with reference to financial statements of
the Holding Company, its subsidiary companies, and its associate companies, as aforesaid, based on our audit. We
conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants
of India (‘ICAI’) and deemed to be prescribed under Section 143(10) of the Act, to the extent applicable to an audit of
internal financial controls with reference to financial statements, and the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial
Controls Over Financial Reporting (‘the Guidance Note’) issued by the ICAI. Those Standards and the Guidance Note
require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance
about whether adequate internal financial controls with reference to financial statements were established and
maintained and if such controls operated effectively in all material respects.
4. Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the adequacy of the internal financial
controls with reference to financial statements and their operating effectiveness. Our audit of internal financial
controls with reference to financial statements includes obtaining an understanding of internal financial controls
with reference to financial statements, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating
the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk. The procedures selected
depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial
statements, whether due to fraud or error.
5. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained and the audit evidence obtained by the other auditors in terms
of their reports referred to in the Other Matters paragraphs, below are sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis
for our audit opinion on the internal financial controls with reference to financial statements of the Holding Company,
its subsidiary companies, and its associate companies as aforesaid.
Annual Report 2020-21
Annexure A (Contd.)
entity; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial
statements, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of
the entity are being made only in accordance with authorisations of management and directors of the entity; and
(3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorised acquisition, use, or
disposition of the entity’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.
8. In our opinion and based on the consideration of the reports of the other auditors on internal financial controls with
reference to financial statements of the subsidiary companies and associate companies, the Holding Company, its
subsidiary companies, and its associate companies, which are companies covered under the Act, have in all material
respects, adequate internal financial controls with reference to financial statements and such controls were operating
effectively as at 31 March 2021, based on the internal financial controls with reference to financial statements criteria
established by the Group, considering the essential components of internal control stated in the Guidance Note
issued by the ICAI.
Other matters
9. The auditors of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited have reported, ‘The actuarial valuation of liabilities
for life policies in force and policies in respect of which premium has been discontinued but liability exists as at
31 March 2021 has been certified by the Appointed Actuary as per the IRDA Financial Statements Regulations,
and has been relied upon by us, as mentioned in “Other Matters” of our audit report on the standalone financial
statements for the year ended 31 March 2021. Accordingly, our opinion on the internal financial controls with
reference to standalone financial statements does not include reporting on the design and operating effectiveness
of the management’s internal controls over the valuation and accuracy of the aforesaid actuarial valuation’.
10. The auditors of ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited have reported, ‘The actuarial valuation of
liabilities in respect of Incurred But Not Reported (the “IBNR”), Incurred But Not Enough Reported (the “IBNER”) and
Premium Deficiency Reserve (the “PDR”) is the responsibility of the Company’s Appointed Actuary (the “Appointed
Actuary”). The actuarial valuation of these liabilities, that are estimated using statistical methods as at 31 March 2021
has been duly certified by the Appointed Actuary and in his opinion, the assumptions considered by him for such
valuation are in accordance with the guidelines and norms issued by the IRDAI and the Institute of Actuaries of India
in concurrence with the IRDAI.
The said actuarial valuations of liabilities for outstanding claims reserves and the PDR have been relied upon by
us as mentioned in “Other Matters” paragraph in our Audit Report on the financial statements for the year ended
31 March 2021. Accordingly, our opinion on the internal financial controls with reference to financial reporting
does not include reporting on the adequacy and operating effectiveness of the internal financial controls over the
valuation and accuracy of the aforesaid actuarial liabilities’.
11. We did not audit the internal financial controls with reference to financial statements in so far as it relates to
9 subsidiaries, which are companies covered under the Act, whose financials reflect total assets of ` 820,829.1 million
as at 31 March 2021 and total revenue, total net profit after tax, and net cash inflows of ` 185,956.9 million,
` 32,907.6 million, and ` 30,778.0 million, respectively, for the year ended on that date.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Annexure A (Contd.)
12. We have jointly audited with another auditor, the internal financial controls with reference to financial statements of
a subsidiary, whose financial statements reflect total assets of ` 2,170,346.2 million as at 31 March 2021 and total
revenue, total net profit after tax, and net cash inflows of ` 436,218.0 million, ` 9,601.5 million, and ` 12,930.5 million,
respectively, for the year ended on that date.
13. The consolidated financial statements also include the Group’s share of net profit of ` 1,198.9 million for the year
ended 31 March 2021, in respect of 1 associate, which is a company covered under the Act, whose internal financial
controls with reference to financial statements has not been audited by us.
14. Our report on the adequacy and operating effectiveness of the internal financial controls with reference to financial
statements for the Holding Company, its subsidiary companies, and its associate companies, as aforesaid, under
Section 143(3)(i) of the Act in so far as it relates to such subsidiary companies, and associate company, is based
solely on the reports of the auditors of such companies. Our opinion is not modified in respect of the matters with
respect to our reliance on the work done by and on the reports of the other auditors.
Sudhir N. Pillai
Membership No.: 105782
UDIN: 21105782AAAACP5030
Place: Mumbai
Date: 24 April 2021
Annual Report 2020-21
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
Capital 1 13,834,104 12,947,649
Employees stock options outstanding 31,010 34,858
Reserves and surplus 2 1,562,009,891 1,216,618,065
Minority interest 2A 95,883,393 67,947,696
Deposits 3 9,599,400,180 8,007,844,610
Borrowings 4 1,438,999,393 2,138,517,821
Liabilities on policies in force 2,031,800,413 1,454,862,509
Other liabilities and provisions 5 996,164,062 874,149,115
TOTAL CAPITAL AND LIABILITIES 15,738,122,446 13,772,922,323
Cash and balances with Reserve Bank of India 6 463,022,049 353,119,341
Balances with banks and money at call and short notice 7 1,012,683,253 925,409,876
Investments 8 5,365,786,165 4,434,726,298
Advances 9 7,918,013,918 7,062,461,122
Fixed assets 10 108,092,581 104,086,576
Other assets 11 870,524,480 893,119,110
TOTAL ASSETS 15,738,122,446 13,772,922,323
For Walker Chandiok & Co LLP Girish Chandra Chaturvedi Uday M. Chitale Sandeep Bakhshi
Chartered Accountants Chairman Director Managing Director & CEO
ICAI Firm Registration no.: DIN-00110996 DIN-00043268 DIN-00109206
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
` in ‘000s
Year ended Year ended
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
Interest earned 13 891,626,638 848,357,730
Other income 14 721,738,138 649,503,301
TOTAL INCOME 1,613,364,776 1,497,861,031
Interest expended 15 426,590,874 446,655,222
Operating expenses 16 762,716,696 715,178,988
Provisions and contingencies (refer note 18.6) 220,417,554 223,772,141
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 1,409,725,124 1,385,606,351
Net profit for the year 203,639,652 112,254,680
Less: Minority interest 19,796,467 16,591,602
Net profit after minority interest 183,843,185 95,663,078
Profit brought forward 267,999,958 220,201,086
TOTAL PROFIT/(LOSS) 451,843,143 315,864,164
Transfer to Statutory Reserve 40,482,000 19,828,000
Transfer to/(from) Reserve Fund (77,638) 3,670
Transfer to Capital Reserve 1,302,300 3,954,400
Transfer to Capital Redemption Reserve - -
Transfer to/(from) Investment Reserve Account - -
Transfer to/(from) Investment Fluctuation Reserve (2,495,799) 6,690,000
Transfer to Special Reserve 10,943,500 7,966,300
Transfer to/(from) Revenue and other reserves 16,532,790 686,312
Dividend paid during the year - 6,453,078
Corporate dividend tax paid during the year - 2,282,446
Balance carried over to balance sheet 385,155,990 267,999,958
TOTAL 451,843,143 315,864,164
Significant accounting policies and notes to accounts 17 & 18
Earnings per share (refer note 18.1)
Basic (`) 27.26 14.81
Diluted (`) 26.83 14.55
Face value per share (`) 2.00 2.00
The Schedules referred to above form an integral part of the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account.
As per our Report of even date. For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
For Walker Chandiok & Co LLP Girish Chandra Chaturvedi Uday M. Chitale Sandeep Bakhshi
Chartered Accountants Chairman Director Managing Director & CEO
ICAI Firm Registration no.: DIN-00110996 DIN-00043268 DIN-00109206
` in ‘000s
Year ended Year ended
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
Cash flow from/(used in) operating activities
Profit/(loss) before taxes 240,486,799 169,294,471
Adjustments for:
Depreciation and amortisation 14,713,701 13,696,381
Net (appreciation)/depreciation on investments1 (22,476,697) 21,809,159
Provision in respect of non-performing and other assets 110,315,149 89,627,398
General provision for standard assets 49,069,050 34,439,929
Provision for contingencies & others 6,339,684 7,936,906
(Profit)/loss on sale of fixed assets 63,424 (1,450)
Employees stock options grants 77,611 114,130
(i) 398,588,721 336,916,924
Adjustments for:
(Increase)/decrease in investments 90,478,662 (315,313,149)
(Increase)/decrease in advances (968,932,842) (692,434,146)
Increase/(decrease) in deposits 1,591,555,570 1,194,675,249
(Increase)/decrease in other assets 4,276,368 24,560,834
Increase/(decrease) in other liabilities and provisions 302,522,352 271,160,685
(ii) 1,019,900,110 482,649,473
Refund/(payment) of direct taxes (iii) (38,335,863) (23,918,931)
Net cash flow from/(used in) operating activities (i)+(ii)+(iii) (A) 1,380,152,968 795,647,466
Cash flow from/(used in) investing activities
Purchase of fixed assets (16,882,058) (18,734,522)
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets 121,649 255,374
(Purchase)/sale of held to maturity securities (613,108,700) (404,605,131)
Net cash flow from/(used in) investing activities (B) (629,869,109) (423,084,279)
Cash flow from/(used in) financing activities
Proceeds from issue of share capital (including ESOPs) 154,600,321 5,493,213
Proceeds from long-term borrowings 294,215,131 366,114,451
Repayment of long-term borrowings (527,734,115) (520,006,249)
Net proceeds/(repayment) of short-term borrowings (467,749,038) 187,184,210
Dividend and dividend tax paid - (8,863,792)
Net cash flow from/(used in) financing activities (C) (546,667,701) 29,921,833
Effect of exchange fluctuation on translation reserve (D) (6,440,073) 2,135,244
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
(A) + (B) + (C) + (D) 197,176,085 404,620,264
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 1,278,529,217 873,908,953
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 1,475,705,302 1,278,529,217
1. For the year ended March 31, 2021, includes gain on sale of a part of equity investment in the subsidiaries, ICICI Lombard General
Insurance Company Limited, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited and ICICI Securities Limited.
2. Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand, balances with RBI, balances with other banks and money at call and short notice.
As per our Report of even date. For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
For Walker Chandiok & Co LLP Girish Chandra Chaturvedi Uday M. Chitale Sandeep Bakhshi
Chartered Accountants Chairman Director Managing Director & CEO
ICAI Firm Registration no.: DIN-00110996 DIN-00043268 DIN-00109206
Sudhir N. Pillai Vishakha Mulye Anup Bagchi Sandeep Batra
Partner Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director
Membership no.: 105782 DIN-00203578 DIN-00105962 DIN-03620913
Rakesh Jha Ranganath Athreya Rajendra Khandelwal
Mumbai Group Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary Chief Accountant
April 24, 2021
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Balance Sheet
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
Authorised capital
12,500,000,000 equity shares of ` 2 each
(March 31, 2020: 12,500,000,000 equity shares of ` 2 each) 25,000,000 25,000,000
Equity share capital
Issued, subscribed and paid-up capital
6,472,765,203 equity shares of ` 2 each
(March 31, 2020: 6,446,239,653 equity shares) 12,945,530 12,892,479
Add: 443,227,1841 equity shares of ` 2 each
(March 31, 2020: 26,525,550 equity shares) issued during the period 886,455 53,051
13,831,985 12,945,530
Add: Forfeited equity shares2 2,119 2,119
TOTAL CAPITAL 13,834,104 12,947,649
1. Represents 418,994,413 equity shares issued under Qualified Institutions Placement (QIP) and 24,232,771 equity shares issued (year
ended March 31, 2020: 26,525,550 equity shares) pursuant to exercise of employee stock options during the year ended March 31, 2021.
2. On account of forfeiture of 266,089 equity shares of ` 10 each.
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Statutory reserve
Opening balance 257,205,519 237,377,519
Additions during the year 40,482,000 19,828,000
Deductions during the year - -
Closing balance 297,687,519 257,205,519
II. Special reserve
Opening balance 107,706,000 99,739,700
Additions during the year 10,943,500 7,966,300
Deductions during the year - -
Closing balance 118,649,500 107,706,000
III. Securities premium
Opening balance 335,899,406 330,333,217
Additions during the year1 154,497,014 5,566,189
Deductions during the year2 (701,689) -
Closing balance 489,694,731 335,899,406
IV. Investment reserve account
Opening balance - -
Additions during the year - -
Deductions during the year - -
Closing balance - -
V. Investment fluctuation reserve
Opening balance 19,382,000 12,692,000
Additions during the year3 - 6,690,000
Deductions during the year (2,495,799) -
Closing balance 16,886,201 19,382,000
VI. Unrealised investment reserve4
Opening balance (270,042) 114,773
Additions during the year 243,797 8,352
Deductions during the year (30,413) (393,167)
Closing balance (56,658) (270,042)
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Balance Sheet (Contd.)
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
VII. Capital reserve
Opening balance 132,740,016 128,785,616
Additions during the year5 1,302,300 3,954,400
Deductions during the year - -
Closing balance6 134,042,316 132,740,016
VIII. Capital redemption reserve
Opening balance 3,500,000 3,500,000
Additions during the year - -
Deductions during the year - -
Closing balance 3,500,000 3,500,000
IX. Foreign currency translation reserve
Opening balance 20,139,947 18,004,703
Additions during the year 607,130 2,135,244
Deductions during the year (7,047,203) -
Closing balance 13,699,874 20,139,947
X. Revaluation reserve (refer note 18.14)
Opening balance 31,433,597 30,699,986
Additions during the year7 499,560 1,430,661
Deductions during the year8 (680,333) (697,050)
Closing balance 31,252,824 31,433,597
XI. Reserve fund
Opening balance 77,638 73,968
Additions during the year9 - 3,670
Deductions during the year9 (77,638) -
Closing balance - 77,638
XII. Revenue and other reserves
Opening balance 40,804,026 48,070,147
Additions during the year10 30,834,944 1,526,651
Deductions during the year10 (141,376) (8,792,772)
Closing balance11,12 71,497,594 40,804,026
XIII. Balance in profit and loss account 385,155,990 267,999,958
TOTAL RESERVES AND SURPLUS 1,562,009,891 1,216,618,065
1. Includes ` 5,257.4 million (year ended March 31, 2020: ` 5,452.1 million) on exercise of employee stock options and ` 149,162.0
million on account of equity shares issued under QIP.
2. Represents amount utilised towards direct expenses relating to the issuance of equity shares under QIP.
3. Represents amount transferred by the Bank to Investment Fluctuation Reserve (IFR) on net profit on sale of AFS and HFT investments
during the period. As per the RBI circular, from the year ended March 31, 2019, an amount not less than the lower of net profit on
sale of AFS and HFT category investments during the period or net profit for the period less mandatory appropriations is required to
be transferred to IFR, until the amount of IFR is at least 2% of the HFT and AFS portfolio.
4. Represents unrealised profit/(loss) pertaining to the investments of venture capital funds.
5. Includes appropriations made by the Bank for profit on sale of investments in held-to-maturity category, net of taxes and transfer to
Statutory Reserve and profit on sale of land and buildings, net of taxes and transfer to Statutory Reserve.
6. Includes capital reserve on consolidation amounting to ` 79.1 million (March 31, 2020: ` 79.1 million).
7. Represents gain on revaluation of premises carried out by the Bank and ICICI Home Finance Company Limited.
8. Represents amount transferred from Revaluation Reserve to General Reserve on account of incremental depreciation charge on
revaluation, revaluation surplus on premises sold or loss on revaluation on account of certain assets which were held for sale.
9. Represents appropriations made to Reserve Fund in accordance with regulations applicable to Sri Lanka branch. Balance in reserve
fund transferred to balance in profit and loss account due to closure of Sri Lanka branch during the year ended March 31, 2021.
10. Includes ` 10,725.6 million towards addition in fair value change account of insurance subsidiaries (March 31, 2020: reduction of
` 6,896.7 million).
11. Includes unrealised profit/(loss), net of tax, of ` 347.1 million (March 31, 2020: ` (2,441.5) million) pertaining to the investments in the
available-for-sale category of ICICI Bank UK PLC.
12. Includes debenture redemption reserve amounting to ` 143.8 million (March 31, 2020: ` 154.8 million) of ICICI Lombard General
Insurance Company Limited.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Balance Sheet (Contd.)
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
Opening minority interest 67,947,696 65,805,358
Subsequent increase/(decrease) during the year 27,935,697 2,142,338
CLOSING MINORITY INTEREST 95,883,393 67,947,696
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
A. I. Demand deposits
i) From banks 114,515,967 64,802,599
ii) From others 1,278,323,752 985,082,977
II. Savings bank deposits 3,039,179,239 2,540,649,723
III. Term deposits
i) From banks 96,198,935 202,585,695
ii) From others 5,071,182,287 4,214,723,616
TOTAL DEPOSITS 9,599,400,180 8,007,844,610
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Borrowings in India
i) Reserve Bank of India1 1,000,000 118,328,500
ii) Other banks 48,045,578 77,196,158
iii) Other institutions and agencies
a) Government of India - -
b) Financial institutions2 378,775,309 583,971,583
iv) Borrowings in the form of
a) Deposits 35,194,448 25,240,937
b) Commercial paper 42,187,893 32,372,198
c) Bonds and debentures (excluding subordinated debt) 229,521,286 223,537,229
v) Application money-bonds - -
vi) Capital instruments
a) Innovative Perpetual Debt Instruments (IPDI) 101,200,000 101,200,000
(qualifying as additional Tier 1 capital)
b) Hybrid debt capital instruments issued as bonds/debentures - -
(qualifying as Tier 2 capital)
c) Unsecured redeemable debentures/bonds 92,707,554 122,224,946
(subordinated debt included in Tier 2 capital)
TOTAL BORROWINGS IN INDIA 928,632,068 1,284,071,551
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Balance Sheet (Contd.)
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
II. Borrowings outside India
i) Capital instruments
Unsecured redeemable debentures/bonds 5,564,832 16,635,263
(subordinated debt included in Tier 2 capital)
ii) Bonds and notes 186,163,655 317,155,245
iii) Other borrowings 318,638,838 520,655,762
TOTAL BORROWINGS OUTSIDE INDIA 510,367,325 854,446,270
TOTAL BORROWINGS 1,438,999,393 2,138,517,821
1. Includes borrowings made by the Bank amounting to ` 1,000.0 million (March 31, 2020: ` 86,810.0 million) under Liquidity Adjustment
Facility (LAF).
2. Includes borrowings made by the Bank under repo and refinance.
3. Secured borrowings in I and II above amount to ` 231,664.8 million (March 31, 2020: ` 149,584.2 million) other than the borrowings
under collateralised borrowing and lending obligation, market repurchase transactions (including tri-party repo) with banks and
financial institutions and transactions under liquidity adjustment facility and marginal standing facility.
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Bills payable 128,480,835 57,142,223
II. Inter-office adjustments (net) 3,262,618 7,439,584
III. Interest accrued 24,830,180 30,710,476
IV. Sundry creditors 368,178,007 350,493,422
V. General provision for standard assets (refer note 18.6)1 114,792,593 66,235,813
VI. Others (including provisions)2 356,619,829 362,127,597
1. Includes Covid-19 related provision of the Bank amounting to ` 74,750.0 million (March 31, 2020: ` 27,250.0 million).
2. Includes specific provision for standard loans made by the Bank.
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Cash in hand (including foreign currency notes) 71,416,989 99,698,231
II. Balances with Reserve Bank of India in current accounts 391,605,060 253,421,110
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Balance Sheet (Contd.)
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. In India
i) Balances with banks
a) In current accounts 2,921,504 3,641,937
b) In other deposit accounts 41,875,163 33,350,096
ii) Money at call and short notice
a) With banks1 352,190,000 594,212,800
b) With other institutions2 38,968,857 81,925,266
TOTAL 435,955,524 713,130,099
II. Outside India
i) In current accounts 318,835,630 139,090,607
ii) In other deposit accounts 199,063,472 25,420,683
iii) Money at call and short notice 58,828,627 47,768,487
TOTAL 576,727,729 212,279,777
1. Includes lending by the Bank under Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF).
2. Includes lending by the Bank under reverse repo.
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Investments in India [net of provisions]
i) Government securities 2,847,433,181 2,426,824,439
ii) Other approved securities - -
iii) Shares (includes equity and preference shares)1 181,089,061 140,980,322
iv) Debentures and bonds 503,180,423 390,872,056
v) Assets held to cover linked liabilities of life insurance business 1,385,491,431 970,849,767
vi) Others (commercial paper, mutual fund units, pass through
certificates, security receipts, certificate of deposits and other related
investments) 200,044,189 363,865,046
TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN INDIA 5,117,238,285 4,293,391,630
II. Investments outside India [net of provisions]
i) Government securities 193,166,090 76,815,873
ii) Others (equity shares, bonds and certificate of deposits) 55,381,790 64,518,795
TOTAL INVESTMENTS 5,365,786,165 4,434,726,298
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Balance Sheet (Contd.)
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
A. Investments in India
Gross value of investments2 5,126,563,887 4,364,490,309
Less: Aggregate of provision/depreciation/(appreciation) 9,325,602 71,098,679
Net investments 5,117,238,285 4,293,391,630
B. Investments outside India
Gross value of investments 249,941,929 145,190,661
Less: Aggregate of provision/depreciation/(appreciation) 1,394,049 3,855,993
Net investments 248,547,880 141,334,668
TOTAL INVESTMENTS 5,365,786,165 4,434,726,298
1. Includes cost of investment in associates amounting to ` 6,725.9 million (March 31, 2020: ` 6,975.4 million) and goodwill on
consolidation of associates amounting to ` 163.1 million (March 31, 2020: ` 163.1 million).
2. Includes net appreciation amounting to ` 219,153.1 million (March 31, 2020: net depreciation amounting to ` 109,396.5 million) on
investments held to cover linked liabilities of life insurance business.
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
SCHEDULE 9 - ADVANCES [net of provisions]
A. i) Bills purchased and discounted1 342,046,090 452,367,010
ii) Cash credits, overdrafts and loans repayable on demand 1,877,224,405 1,569,192,857
iii) Term loans 5,698,743,423 5,040,901,255
TOTAL ADVANCES 7,918,013,918 7,062,461,122
B. i) Secured by tangible assets (includes advances against book debts) 5,823,869,908 5,191,797,182
ii) Covered by bank/government guarantees 112,777,379 102,027,895
iii) Unsecured 1,981,366,631 1,768,636,045
TOTAL ADVANCES 7,918,013,918 7,062,461,122
C. I. Advances in India
i) Priority sector 2,031,797,475 1,909,009,874
ii) Public sector 451,897,529 159,541,485
iii) Banks 264,743 4,468,311
iv) Others 4,646,071,474 3,983,772,642
TOTAL ADVANCES IN INDIA 7,130,031,221 6,056,792,312
II. Advances outside India
i) Due from banks 9,923,766 7,567,003
ii) Due from others
a) Bills purchased and discounted 78,351,968 169,229,147
b) Syndicated and term loans 347,539,208 572,197,077
c) Others 352,167,755 256,675,583
TOTAL ADVANCES OUTSIDE INDIA 787,982,697 1,005,668,810
TOTAL ADVANCES 7,918,013,918 7,062,461,122
1. Net of bills re-discounted amounting to Nil (March 31, 2020: Nil).
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Balance Sheet (Contd.)
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Premises
Gross block
At cost at March 31 of preceding year 94,289,893 91,641,299
Additions during the year1 1,891,104 3,406,276
Deductions during the year (398,916) (757,682)
Closing balance 95,782,081 94,289,893
At March 31 of preceding year 19,790,481 18,131,632
Charge during the year2 2,347,909 2,267,498
Deductions during the year (283,419) (608,649)
Total depreciation 21,854,971 19,790,481
Net block 73,927,110 74,499,412
Lease assets
Gross block
At cost at March 31 of preceding year 17,054,049 16,714,629
Additions during the year 681,172 339,420
Deductions during the year - -
Closing balance3 17,735,221 17,054,049
At March 31 of preceding year 14,314,282 14,300,031
Charge during the year 133,890 14,238
Deductions during the year - -
Total depreciation, accumulated lease adjustment and provisions 14,448,172 14,314,282
Net block 3,287,049 2,739,767
TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 108,092,581 104,086,576
1. Includes revaluation gain amounting to ` 499.6 million (March 31, 2020: ` 1,430.7 million) on account of revaluation carried out by
the Bank and its housing finance subsidiary.
2. Includes depreciation charge on account of revaluation of ` 680.3 million for the year ended March 31, 2021 (year ended March 31,
2020: ` 654.9 million)
3. Includes assets taken on lease by the Bank amounting to ` 1,020.6 million (March 31, 2020: ` 339.4 million).
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Balance Sheet (Contd.)
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Inter-office adjustments (net) - -
II. Interest accrued 110,626,009 111,769,955
III. Tax paid in advance/tax deducted at source (net) 50,249,503 73,879,871
IV. Stationery and stamps 178,896 40,686
V. Non-banking assets acquired in satisfaction of claims 1,2
- -
VI. Advance for capital assets 3,426,107 3,393,922
VII. Deposits 28,023,381 31,384,252
VIII. Deferred tax asset (net) (refer note 18.9) 93,350,216 88,070,295
IX. Deposits in Rural Infrastructure and Development Fund 311,777,207 287,570,782
X. Others3 272,893,161 297,009,347
TOTAL OTHER ASSETS 870,524,480 893,119,110
1. During the year ended March 31, 2021 the Bank has not acquired any assets (year ended March 31, 2020: Nil) in satisfaction of
claims under debt-asset swap transactions. Assets amounting to ` 942.4 million were sold by the Bank during the year ended
March 31, 2021 (year ended March 31, 2020: ` 1,317.4 million).
2. Net of provision held by the Bank amounting to ` 29,575.4 million (March 31, 2020: ` 30,517.8 million).
3. Includes goodwill on consolidation amounting to ` 1,076.7 million (March 31, 2020: ` 1,097.0 million).
` in ‘000s
At At
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Claims against the Group not acknowledged as debts 88,166,723 73,590,691
II. Liability for partly paid investments 10,625,388 4,519,980
III. Liability on account of outstanding forward exchange contracts 1
8,303,455,988 7,598,623,656
IV. Guarantees given on behalf of constituents
a) In India 811,429,157 872,909,267
b) Outside India 182,653,703 223,256,667
V. Acceptances, endorsements and other obligations 321,874,588 346,874,154
VI. Currency swaps 1
485,717,363 513,321,692
VII. Interest rate swaps, currency options and interest rate futures1 19,976,356,000 20,305,084,769
VIII. Other items for which the Group is contingently liable 33,163,378 92,354,448
TOTAL CONTINGENT LIABILITIES 30,213,442,288 30,030,535,324
1. Represents notional amount.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
` in ‘000s
Year ended Year ended
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Interest/discount on advances/bills 602,616,872 609,283,070
II. Income on investments 232,642,538 209,712,041
III. Interest on balances with Reserve Bank of India and other inter-bank 18,817,238 9,074,114
IV. Others1,2 37,549,990 20,288,505
TOTAL INTEREST EARNED 891,626,638 848,357,730
1. Includes interest on income tax refunds amounting to ` 2,569.7 million (March 31, 2020: ` 2,998.6 million).
2. Includes interest and amortisation of premium on non-trading interest rate swaps and foreign currency swaps.
` in ‘000s
Year ended Year ended
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Commission, exchange and brokerage 142,070,287 141,948,800
II. Profit/(loss) on sale of investments (net) 1
81,257,186 36,883,852
III. Profit/(loss) on revaluation of investments (net) (1,433,237) (4,507,654)
IV. Profit/(loss) on sale of land, buildings and other assets (net)2 (63,424) 1,450
V. Profit/(loss) on exchange/derivative transactions (net) 19,721,169 16,898,500
VI. Premium and other operating income from insurance business 479,230,586 455,011,126
VII. Miscellaneous income (including lease income) 3
955,571 3,267,227
TOTAL OTHER INCOME 721,738,138 649,503,301
1. For the year ended March 31, 2021 includes gain on sale of a part of equity investment in the subsidiaries, ICICI Lombard General
Insurance Company Limited, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited and ICICI Securities Limited.
2. Includes profit/(loss) on sale of assets given on lease.
3. Includes share of profit/(loss) from associates of ` 1,442.9 million (March 31, 2020: ` 1,752.2 million).
` in ‘000s
Year ended Year ended
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Interest on deposits 337,196,585 332,242,790
II. Interest on Reserve Bank of India/inter-bank borrowings 12,001,131 21,664,948
III. Others (including interest on borrowings of erstwhile ICICI Limited) 77,393,158 92,747,484
TOTAL INTEREST EXPENDED 426,590,874 446,655,222
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account (Contd.)
` in ‘000s
Year ended Year ended
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
I. Payments to and provisions for employees 110,509,051 111,567,453
II. Rent, taxes and lighting1 13,829,516 15,505,773
III. Printing and stationery 2,067,614 2,659,297
IV. Advertisement and publicity 29,981,392 27,773,081
V. Depreciation on property 13,266,867 11,697,938
VI. Depreciation (including lease equalisation) on leased assets 133,877 14,238
VII. Directors' fees, allowances and expenses 125,453 128,167
VIII. Auditors' fees and expenses 295,992 286,115
IX. Law charges 2,076,875 1,881,787
X. Postages, courier, telephones, etc. 5,884,269 6,079,798
XI. Repairs and maintenance 21,785,244 20,160,035
XII. Insurance 9,893,192 7,172,033
XIII. Direct marketing agency expenses 18,938,669 19,656,229
XIV. Claims and benefits paid pertaining to insurance business 98,926,518 88,931,563
XV. Other expenses pertaining to insurance business 2
371,586,730 336,654,949
XVI. Other expenditure 63,415,437 65,010,532
TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 762,716,696 715,178,988
1. Includes lease expense amounting to ` 11,087.3 million (March 31, 2020: ` 12,286.1 million).
2. Includes commission expenses and reserves for actuarial liabilities (including the investible portion of the premium on the unit-linked
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts
ICICI Bank Limited, together with its subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates (collectively, the Group), is a diversified
financial services group providing a wide range of banking and financial services including commercial banking, retail
banking, project and corporate finance, working capital finance, insurance, venture capital and private equity, investment
banking, broking and treasury products and services.
ICICI Bank Limited (the Bank), incorporated in Vadodara, India is a publicly held banking company governed by the Banking
Regulation Act, 1949.
Principles of consolidation
The consolidated financial statements include the financials of ICICI Bank, its subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures.
Entities, in which the Bank holds, directly or indirectly, through subsidiaries and other consolidating entities, more than
50.00% of the voting rights or where it exercises control, over the composition of board of directors/governing body,
are fully consolidated on a line-by-line basis in accordance with the provisions of AS 21 on ‘Consolidated Financial
Statements’. Investments in entities where the Bank has the ability to exercise significant influence are accounted for under
the equity method of accounting and the pro-rata share of their profit/(loss) is included in the consolidated profit and loss
account. Assets, liabilities, income and expenditure of jointly controlled entities are consolidated using the proportionate
consolidation method. Under this method, the Bank’s share of each of the assets, liabilities, income and expenses of
the jointly controlled entity is reported in separate line items in the consolidated financial statements. The Bank does
not consolidate entities where the significant influence/control is intended to be temporary or entities which operate
under severe long-term restrictions that impair their ability to transfer funds to parent/investing entity. All significant inter-
company accounts and transactions are eliminated on consolidation.
Basis of preparation
The accounting and reporting policies of the Group used in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements
conform to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in India (Indian GAAP), the guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank
of India (RBI), Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
(IRDAI), National Housing Bank (NHB) from time to time and the Accounting Standards notified under Section 133 of
the Companies Act, 2013 read together with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, as applicable to relevant
companies and practices generally prevalent in the banking industry in India. In the case of the foreign subsidiaries,
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles as applicable to the respective foreign subsidiaries are followed. The Group
follows the accrual method of accounting except where otherwise stated, and the historical cost convention. In case the
accounting policies followed by a subsidiary or joint venture are different from those followed by the Bank, the same have
been disclosed in the respective accounting policy.
The preparation of consolidated financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
are considered in the reported amounts of assets and liabilities (including contingent liabilities) as of the date of the
consolidated financial statements and the reported income and expenses during the reporting period. Management
believes that the estimates used in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements are prudent and reasonable.
Actual results could differ from these estimates. The impact of any revision in these estimates is recognised prospectively
from the period of change.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
The consolidated financial statements include the results of the following entities in addition to the Bank.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
Comm Trade Services Limited has not been consolidated under AS 21, since the investment is temporary in nature.
Falcon Tyres Limited, in which the Bank holds 26.39% equity shares has not been accounted as per equity method under
AS 23, since the investment is temporary in nature.
2. Revenue recognition
a) Interest income is recognised in the profit and loss account as it accrues, including for cases where moratorium
has been extended for payments of principal and/or interest as per RBI guideline dated March 27, 2020, except in
the case of non-performing assets (NPAs) where it is recognised upon realisation, as per the income recognition
and asset classification norms of RBI/NHB/other applicable guidelines.
b) Income on discounted instruments is recognised over the tenure of the instrument.
c) Dividend income is accounted on an accrual basis when the right to receive the dividend is established.
d) Loan processing fee is accounted for upfront when it becomes due except in the case of foreign banking
subsidiaries, where it is amortised over the period of the loan.
e) Project appraisal/structuring fee is accounted for on the completion of the agreed service.
f) Arranger fee is accounted for as income when a significant portion of the arrangement is completed and right
to receive is established.
g) Commission received on guarantees and letters of credit issued is amortised on a straight-line basis over the
period of the guarantee/letters of credit.
h) Fund management and portfolio management fees are recognised on an accrual basis.
i) The annual/renewal fee on credit cards and debit cards are amortised on a straight line basis over one year.
j) All other fees are accounted for as and when they become due where the Group is reasonably certain of
ultimate collection.
k) Fees paid/received for priority sector lending certificates (PSLC) is amortised on straight- line basis over the
period of the certificate.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
l) Income from securities brokerage activities is recognised as income on the trade date of the transaction.
Brokerage income in relation to public or other issuances of securities is recognised based on mobilisation and
terms of agreement with the client.
m) Life insurance premium for non-linked policies is recognised as income when due from policyholders. For unit
linked business, premium is recognised when the associated units are created. Premium on lapsed policies is
recognised as income when such policies are reinstated. Top-up premiums paid by unit linked policyholders’
are considered as single premium and recognised as income when the associated units are created. Income
from unit linked policies, which includes fund management charges, policy administration charges, mortality
charges and other charges, if any, are recovered from the linked funds in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the policy and are recognised when due.
n) In case of general insurance business, premium including reinsurance accepted (net of Goods & Services Tax)
other than for long-term (with term more than one year) motor insurance policies for new cars and new two
wheelers sold on or after September 1, 2018 is recorded on receipt of complete information, for the policy
period at the commencement of risk. For crop insurance, the premium is accounted based on management
estimates that are progressively actualised on receipt of information. For installment cases, premium is recorded
on installment due dates. Reinstatement premium is recorded as and when such premiums are recovered.
Premium earned including reinstatement premium and re-insurance accepted is recognised as income over the
period of risk or the contract period based on 1/365 method, whichever is appropriate on a gross basis other
than instalment premiums received for group health policies, wherein the instalment premiums are recognised
over the balance policy period. Any subsequent revisions to premium as and when they occur are recognised
over the remaining period of risk or contract period, as applicable.
In case of long-term motor insurance policies for new cars and new two wheelers sold on or after September 1,
2018, premium received (net of Goods & Services Tax) for third party liability coverage is recognised equally
over the policy period at the commencement of risk on 1/n basis where ‘n’ denotes the term of the policy in
years and premium received for own damage coverage is recognised in accordance with movement of Insured
Declared Value (IDV) over the period of risk, on receipt of complete information. Reinstatement premium is
recorded as and when such premiums are recovered. Premium allocated for the year is recognised as income
earned based on 1/365 method, on a gross basis. Reinstatement premium is allocated on the same basis as
the original premium over the balance term of the policy. Any subsequent revisions to premium as and when
they occur are recognised on the same basis as the original premium over the balance term of the policy.
Adjustments to premium income arising on cancellation of policies are recognised in the period in which the
policies are cancelled. Adjustments to premium income for corrections to area covered under crop insurance
are recognised in the period in which the information is confirmed by the concerned government/nodal agency.
Commission on reinsurance ceded is recognised as income in the period of ceding the risk. Profit commission
under reinsurance treaties, wherever applicable, is recognised as income in the year of final determination
of profits as confirmed by reinsurers and combined with commission on reinsurance ceded. Sliding scale
commission under reinsurance treaties, wherever applicable, is determined at every balance sheet date as per
terms of the respective treaties. Any reduction in the previously accrued commission is recognized immediately
and any additional accrual is recognised on confirmation from reinsurers. Such commission is combined with
commission on reinsurance ceded.
o) In case of life insurance business, reinsurance premium ceded/accepted is accounted in accordance with the
terms of the relevant treaties/arrangements with the reinsurer/insurer. Profit commission on reinsurance ceded
is netted off against premium ceded on reinsurance.
p) In case of general insurance business, insurance premium on ceding of the risk other than for long-term
motor insurance policies for new cars and new two wheelers sold on or after September 1, 2018 is recognised
simultaneously along with the insurance premium in accordance with reinsurance arrangements with
the reinsurers. In case of long-term motor insurance policies for new cars and new two wheelers sold on
or after September 1, 2018, reinsurance premium is recognised on the insurance premium allocated for the
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
year simultaneously along with the recognition of the insurance premium in accordance with the reinsurance
arrangements with the reinsurers. Any subsequent revision to premium ceded is recognised in the period of
such revision. Adjustment to reinsurance premium arising on cancellation of policies is recognised in the period
in which the policies are cancelled. Adjustments to reinsurance premium for corrections to area covered under
crop insurance are recognised simultaneously along with related premium income.
q) In the case of general insurance business, premium deficiency is recognised when the sum of expected
claim costs and related expenses and maintenance costs exceed the reserve for unexpired risks and is
computed at a segmental revenue account level. The premium deficiency is calculated and duly certified by the
Appointed Actuary.
4. Income taxes
Income tax expense is the aggregate amount of current tax and deferred tax expense incurred by the Group. The
current tax expense and deferred tax expense is determined in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act,
1961 and as per Accounting Standard 22 - Accounting for Taxes on Income respectively. Deferred tax adjustments
comprise changes in the deferred tax assets or liabilities during the year and change in tax rate.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognised by considering the impact of timing differences between taxable
income and accounting income for the current year, and carry forward losses. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are
measured using tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date.
The impact of changes in the deferred tax assets and liabilities is recognised in the profit and loss account.
Deferred tax assets are recognised and re-assessed at each reporting date, based upon the management’s judgement
as to whether their realisation is considered as reasonably certain. However, in case of domestic companies, where
there is unabsorbed depreciation or carried forward loss under taxation laws, deferred tax assets are recognised
only if there is virtual certainty of realisation of such assets.
In the consolidated financial statements, deferred tax assets and liabilities are computed at an individual entity level
and aggregated for consolidated reporting.
Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) credit is recognised as an asset to the extent there is convincing evidence that the
Group will pay normal income tax during specified period, i.e., the period for which MAT credit is allowed to be
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
carried forward as per prevailing provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961. In accordance with the recommendation
contained in the guidance note issued by ICAI, MAT credit is to be recognised as an asset in the year in which it
becomes eligible for set off against normal income tax. The Group reviews MAT credit entitlements at each balance
sheet date and writes down the carrying amount to the extent there is no longer convincing evidence to the effect
that the Group will pay normal income tax during the specified period.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
The liability for the unexpired portion of the risk for the non-unit liabilities of linked business and attached riders is
the higher of liability calculated using discounted cash flows and unearned premium reserves.
The unit liability in respect of linked business has been taken as the value of the units standing to the credit of
policyholders, using the Net Asset Value (NAV) prevailing at the valuation date.
An unexpired risk reserve and a reserve in respect of claims incurred but not reported are created, for one year
renewable group term insurance.
The interest rates used for valuing the liabilities are in the range of 3.13% to 5.56% per annum (previous
year – 4.25% to 6.59% per annum).
Mortality rates used are based on the published “Indian Assured Lives Mortality (2012-2014) Ult.” mortality table for
assurances and LIC 96-98 table for annuities, adjusted to reflect expected experience while morbidity rates used are
based on CIBT 93 table, adjusted for expected experience, or on risk rates supplied by reinsurers.
Expenses are provided for at current levels, in respect of renewal expenses, with no allowance for future
improvements but with an allowance for any expected worsening. Per policy renewal expenses for regular premium
policies are assumed to inflate at 4.22% per annum (previous year – 4.05%).
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
The Bank provides for pension, a defined benefit plan covering eligible employees of erstwhile Bank of Madura,
erstwhile Sangli Bank and erstwhile Bank of Rajasthan. The Bank makes contribution to a trust which administers
the funds on its own account or through insurance companies. The plan provides for pension payment including
dearness relief on a monthly basis to these employees on their retirement based on the respective employee’s years
of service with the Bank and applicable salary.
Actuarial valuation of the pension liability is determined by an actuary appointed by the Bank. Actuarial valuation of
pension liability is calculated based on certain assumptions regarding rate of interest, salary growth, mortality and
staff attrition as per the projected unit credit method.
The actuarial gains or losses arising during the year are recognised in the profit and loss account.
Employees covered by the pension plan are not eligible for employer’s contribution under the provident fund plan.
Provident fund
The Group is statutorily required to maintain a provident fund, a defined benefit plan, as a part of retirement benefits
to its employees. Each employee contributes a certain percentage of his or her basic salary and the Group contributes
an equal amount for eligible employees. The Group makes contribution as required by The Employees’ Provident
Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 to Employees’ Pension Scheme administered by the Regional
Provident Fund Commissioner and the balance contributions are transferred to funds administered by trustees.
The funds are invested according to the rules prescribed by the Government of India. The Group recognises such
contribution as an expense in the year in which it is incurred.
Interest payable on provident fund should not be lower than the statutory rate of interest declared by the Central
Government under the Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952. Actuarial valuation for
the interest obligation on the provident fund balances is determined by an actuary appointed by the Group.
The actuarial gains or losses arising during the year are recognised in the profit and loss account.
The overseas branches of the Bank and its eligible employees contribute a certain percentage of their salary towards
respective government schemes as per local regulatory guidelines. The contribution made by the overseas branches
is recognised in profit and loss account at the time of contribution.
Compensated absences
The Group provides for compensated absences based on actuarial valuation conducted by an independent actuary.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
13. Investments
i) Investments of the Bank are accounted for in accordance with the extant RBI guidelines on investment
classification and valuation.
a. The Bank follows trade date method of accounting for purchase and sale of investments, except for
government of India and state government securities where settlement date method of accounting is
followed in accordance with RBI guidelines.
All investments are classified into ‘Held to Maturity’ (HTM), ‘Available for Sale’ (AFS) and ‘Held for
Trading’ (HFT) on the date of purchase as per the extant RBI guidelines on investment classification and
valuation. Reclassifications, if any, in any category are accounted for as per the RBI guidelines. Under each
classification, the investments are further categorised as (a) government securities, (b) other approved
securities, (c) shares, (d) bonds and debentures and (e) others.
c. Investments that are held principally for resale within 90 days from the date of purchase are classified as
HFT securities. Investments which the Bank intends to hold till maturity are classified as HTM securities.
Investments which are not classified in either of the above categories are classified under AFS securities.
d. Costs including brokerage and commission pertaining to investments paid at the time of acquisition and
broken period interest (the amount of interest from the previous interest payment date till the date of
purchase of instruments) on debt instruments are charged to the profit and loss account.
e. Securities are valued scrip-wise. Depreciation/appreciation on securities, other than those acquired by
way of conversion of outstanding loans, is aggregated for each category. Net appreciation in each category
under each investment classification, if any, being unrealised, is ignored, while net depreciation is provided
for. The depreciation on securities acquired by way of conversion of outstanding loans is fully provided for.
Non-performing investments are identified based on the RBI guidelines.
f. HTM securities are carried at their acquisition cost or at amortised cost, if acquired at a premium over the
face value. Any premium over the face value of fixed rate and floating rate securities acquired is amortised
over the remaining period to maturity on a constant yield basis and straight line basis respectively.
g. AFS and HFT securities are valued periodically as per RBI guidelines. Any premium over the face value
of fixed rate and floating rate investments in government securities, classified as AFS, is amortised over
the remaining period to maturity on constant yield basis and straight line basis respectively. Quoted
investments are valued based on the closing quotes on the recognised stock exchanges or prices declared
by Primary Dealers Association of India (PDAI) jointly with Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives
Association (FIMMDA)/Financial Benchmark India Private Limited (FBIL), periodically.
h. The market/fair value of unquoted government securities which are in the nature of Statutory Liquidity Ratio
(SLR) securities included in the ‘AFS’ and ‘HFT’ categories is as per the rates published by FIMMDA/FBIL.
The valuation of other unquoted fixed income securities, including Pass Through Certificates, wherever
linked to the Yield-to-Maturity (YTM) rates, is computed with a mark-up (reflecting associated credit risk)
over the YTM rates for government securities published by FIMMDA. The sovereign foreign securities
and non-INR India linked bonds are valued on the basis of prices published by the sovereign regulator or
counterparty quotes.
i. Treasury bills, commercial papers and certificate of deposits being discounted instruments, are valued at
carrying cost.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
j. The units of mutual funds are valued at the latest repurchase price/net asset value declared by the mutual
fund. Unquoted equity shares are valued at the break-up value, if the latest balance sheet is available, or at
`1, as per RBI guidelines.
k. At the end of each reporting period, security receipts issued by the asset reconstruction companies are
valued in accordance with the guidelines applicable to such instruments, prescribed by RBI from time to
time. Accordingly, in cases where the cash flows from security receipts issued by the asset reconstruction
companies are limited to the actual realisation of the financial assets assigned to the instruments in the
concerned scheme, the Bank reckons the net asset value obtained from the asset reconstruction company
from time to time, for valuation of such investments at each reporting period end. The security receipts
which are outstanding and not redeemed as at the end of the resolution period are treated as loss assets
and are fully provided for.
l. Gain/loss on sale of investments is recognised in the Profit and Loss Account. Cost of investments is
computed based on the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) method. The profit from sale of investment under HTM
category, net of taxes and transfer to statutory reserve is transferred to “Capital Reserve” in accordance
with the RBI Guidelines.
m. The Bank undertakes short sale transactions in dated central government securities in accordance with RBI
guidelines. The short positions are categorised under HFT category and are marked-to-market. The mark-
to-market loss is charged to profit and loss account and gain, if any, is ignored as per RBI guidelines.
n. Market repurchase, reverse repurchase and transactions with RBI under Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF)
are accounted for as borrowing and lending transactions in accordance with the extant RBI guidelines.
ii) The Bank’s consolidating venture capital fund carries investments at fair values, with unrealised gains and
temporary losses on investments recognised as components of investors’ equity and accounted for in the
unrealised investment reserve account. The realised gains and losses on investments and units in mutual
funds and unrealised gains or losses on revaluation of units in mutual funds are accounted for in the profit and
loss account. Provisions are made in respect of accrued income considered doubtful. Such provisions as well
as any subsequent recoveries are recorded through the profit and loss account. Subscription to/purchase of
investments are accounted at the cost of acquisition inclusive of brokerage, commission and stamp duty.
iii) The Bank’s primary dealership and securities broking subsidiaries classify the securities held with the intention
of holding for short-term and trading as stock-in-trade which are valued at lower of cost or market value. The
securities classified by primary dealership subsidiary as held-to-maturity, as permitted by RBI, are carried at
amortised cost. Appropriate provision is made for other than temporary diminution in the value of investments.
Commission earned in respect of securities acquired upon devolvement is reduced from the cost of acquisition.
The Bank’s housing finance subsidiary classifies its investments as current investments and long-term
investments. Investments that are readily realisable and intended to be held for not more than a year are
classified as current investments, which are carried at the lower of cost and net realisable value. All other
investments are classified as long-term investments, which are carried at their acquisition cost or at amortised
cost, if acquired at a premium over the face value. Any premium over the face value of the securities acquired is
amortised over the remaining period to maturity on a constant yield basis. However, a provision for diminution
in value is made to recognise any other than temporary decline in the value of such long-term investments.
v) The Bank’s overseas banking subsidiaries account for unrealised gain/loss, net of tax, on investment in ‘AFS’/
’Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Income’ (FVOCI) category directly in their reserves. Further unrealised
gain/loss on investment in ‘HFT’/’Fair Value Through Profit and Loss’ (FVTPL) category is accounted directly in
the profit and loss account. Investments in ‘HTM’/’amortised cost’ category are carried at amortised cost.
vi) In the case of life and general insurance businesses, investments are made in accordance with the Insurance
Act, 1938 (amended by the Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015), the IRDA (Investment) Regulations, 2016,
and various other circulars/notifications issued by the IRDAI in this context from time to time.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
In the case of life insurance business, valuation of investments (other than linked business) is done on the
following basis:
a. All debt securities and redeemable preference shares are considered as ‘held to maturity’ and accordingly
stated at historical cost, subject to amortisation of premium or accretion of discount over the period of
maturity/holding on a constant yield basis.
b. Listed equity shares are stated at fair value being the last quoted closing price on the National Stock
Exchange (NSE) (or BSE, in case the investments are not listed on NSE).
c. Mutual fund units are valued based on the previous day’s net asset value.
Unrealised gains/losses arising due to changes in the fair value of listed equity shares and mutual fund units are
taken to ’Revenue and other reserves’ and ‘Liabilities on policies in force’ in the balance sheet for Shareholders’
fund and Policyholders’ fund respectively for life insurance business.
In the case of general insurance business, valuation of investments is done on the following basis:
a. All debt securities including government securities and non-convertible preference shares are considered
as ‘held to maturity’ and accordingly stated at amortised cost determined after amortisation of premium or
accretion of discount on a constant yield basis over the holding/maturity period.
b. Listed equities and convertible preference shares at the balance sheet date are stated at fair value, being
the last quoted closing price on the NSE and in case these are not listed on NSE, then based on the last
quoted closing price on the BSE.
c. Mutual fund investments (other than venture capital fund) are stated at fair value, being the closing net
asset value at balance sheet date.
d. Investments other than mentioned above are valued at cost.
Unrealised gains/losses arising due to changes in the fair value of listed equity shares, convertible
preference shares and mutual fund units are taken to ’Revenue and other reserves’ in the balance sheet for
general insurance business.
Insurance subsidiaries assess at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication that any investment
may be impaired. If any such indication exists, the carrying value of such investment is reduced to its
recoverable amount and the impairment loss is recognised in the revenue(s)/profit and loss account.
The previously impaired loss is also reversed on disposal/realisation of securities and results thereon are
The total proportion of investments for which subsidiaries have applied accounting policies different from the
Bank as mentioned above, is approximately 23.59% of the total investments at March 31, 2021.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
The Bank considers an account as restructured, where for economic or legal reasons relating to the
borrower’s financial difficulty, the Bank grants concessions to the borrower, that the Bank would not
otherwise consider. The moratorium granted to the borrowers based on RBI guidelines is not accounted as
restructuring of loan. The RBI guidelines on ‘Resolution Framework for COVID-19-related Stress’ provide
a prudential framework for resolution plan of certain loans. The borrowers where resolution plan was
implemented under these guidelines are classified as standard restructured.
In the case of corporate loans and advances, provisions are made for sub-standard and doubtful assets
at rates prescribed by RBI. Loss assets and the unsecured portion of doubtful assets are fully provided.
For impaired loans and advances held in overseas branches, which are performing as per RBI guidelines,
provisions are made as per the host country regulations. For loans and advances held in overseas
branches, which are NPAs both as per RBI guidelines and host country guidelines, provisions are made
at the higher of the provisions required under RBI regulations and host country regulations. Provisions on
homogeneous non-performing retail loans and advances, subject to minimum provisioning requirements
of RBI, are made on the basis of the ageing of the loan. The specific provisions on non-performing retail
loans and advances held by the Bank are higher than the minimum regulatory requirements.
In respect of non-retail loans reported as fraud to RBI, the entire amount is provided for over a period
not exceeding four quarters starting from the quarter in which fraud has been detected. In respect of
non-retail loans where there has been delay in reporting the fraud to the RBI or which are classified as
loss accounts, the entire amount is provided immediately. In case of fraud in retail accounts, the entire
amount is provided immediately. In respect of borrowers classified as non-cooperative borrowers or willful
defaulters, the Bank makes accelerated provisions as per RBI guidelines.
The Bank holds specific provisions against non-performing loans and advances, and against certain
performing loans and advances in accordance with RBI directions, including RBI direction for provision
on accounts referred to the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Code, 2016.
b) Provision due to diminution in the fair value of restructured/rescheduled loans and advances is made in
accordance with the applicable RBI guidelines.
Non-performing and restructured loans are upgraded to standard as per the extant RBI guidelines or host
country regulations, as applicable.
c) In terms of RBI guideline, the NPAs are written-off in accordance with the Bank’s policy. Amounts recovered
against bad debts written-off are recognised in the profit and loss account.
d) The Bank maintains general provision on performing loans and advances in accordance with the RBI
guidelines, including provisions on loans to borrowers having unhedged foreign currency exposure,
provisions on loans to specific borrowers in specific stressed sector, provision on exposures to step-
down subsidiaries of Indian companies and provision on incremental exposure to borrowers identified
as per RBI’s large exposure framework. For performing loans and advances in overseas branches, the
general provision is made at higher of aggregate provision required as per host country regulations and
RBI requirement.
e) In addition to the provisions required to be held according to the asset classification status, provisions
are held for individual country exposures including indirect country risk (other than for home country
exposure). The countries are categorised into seven risk categories namely insignificant, low, moderately
low, moderate, moderately high, high and very high, and provisioning is made on exposures exceeding
180 days on a graded scale ranging from 0.25% to 25%. For exposures with contractual maturity of less
than 180 days, provision is required to be held at 25% of the rates applicable to exposures exceeding 180
days. The indirect exposure is reckoned at 50% of the exposure. If the country exposure (net) of the Bank
in respect of each country does not exceed 1% of the total funded assets, no provision is required on such
country exposure.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
f) The Bank makes additional provisions as per RBI guidelines for the cases where viable resolution plan has
not been implemented within the timelines prescribed by the RBI from the date of default. These additional
provisions are written-back on satisfying the conditions for reversal as per RBI guidelines.
g) The Bank has granted moratorium towards the payment of principal and/or interest in case of certain
borrowers in accordance with RBI guidelines. Further, the RBI guidelines on Resolution Framework for
COVID-19-related Stress provide a prudential framework for resolution plan of certain loans. The Bank
makes general provision on such loans at rates equal or higher than requirements stipulated in RBI circular.
The Bank also makes additional Covid-19 related provision.
h) The Bank makes floating provision as per the Board approved policy, which is in addition to the specific
and general provisions made by the Bank. The floating provision is utilised, with the approval of Board and
RBI, in case of contingencies which do not arise in the normal course of business and are exceptional and
non-recurring in nature and for making specific provision for impaired loans as per the requirement of extant
RBI guidelines or any regulatory guidance/instructions. The floating provision is netted-off from advances.
i) Depreciation/provision on non-performing investments is made based on the RBI guidelines.
ii) In the case of the Bank’s housing finance subsidiary, loans and other credit facilities are classified as per the NHB
guidelines into performing and non-performing assets. Further, NPAs are classified into sub-standard, doubtful
and loss assets based on criteria stipulated by NHB. Additional provisions are made against specific non-
performing assets over and above what is stated above, if in the opinion of management, increased provisions
are necessary.
iii) In the case of the Bank’s UK subsidiary, loans are stated net of allowance for credit losses. Loans are classified
as impaired and impairment losses are incurred only if there is objective evidence of impairment as a result
of one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition on the loan (a loss event) and that loss event
(or events) has an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the loans that can be reliably estimated. An
allowance for impairment losses is maintained at a level that management considers adequate to absorb
identified credit related losses as well as losses that have occurred but have not yet been identified.
iv) The Bank’s Canadian subsidiary measures impairment loss on all financial assets using expected credit loss
(ECL) model based on a three-stage approach. The ECL for financial assets that are not credit-impaired and for
which there is no significant increase in credit risk since origination, is computed using 12-month probability
of default (PD), and represents the lifetime cash shortfalls that will result if a default occurs in next 12 months.
The ECL for financial assets, that are not credit-impaired but have experienced a significant increase in credit
risk since origination, is computed using a life time PD, and represents lifetime cash shortfalls that will result if a
default occurs during the expected life of financial assets. A financial asset is considered credit-impaired when
one or more events that have a detrimental impact on the estimated future cash flows of that financial asset
have occurred. The allowance for credit losses for impaired financial assets is computed based on individual
assessment of expected cash flows from such assets.
The total proportion of loans for which subsidiaries have applied accounting policies different from the Bank as
mentioned above, is approximately 7.36% of the total loans at March 31, 2021.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
Net income arising from sale of loan assets through direct assignment with recourse obligation is amortised over
the life of underlying assets sold and net income from sale of loan assets through direct assignment, without any
recourse obligation, is recognised at the time of sale. Net loss arising on account of direct assignment of loan assets
is recognised at the time of sale.
In accordance with RBI guidelines, in case of non-performing/special mention account-2 loans sold to securitisation
company (SC)/reconstruction company (RC), the Bank reverses the excess provision in profit and loss account in
the year in which amounts are received. Any shortfall of sale value over the net book value on sale of such assets is
recognised by the Bank in the year in which the loan is sold.
The Canadian subsidiary has entered into securitisation arrangements in respect of its originated and purchased
mortgages. ICICI Bank Canada either retains substantially all the risk and rewards or retains control over these
mortgages, hence these arrangements do not qualify for de-recognition accounting under their local accounting
standards. It continues to recognise the mortgages securitised as “Loans and Advances” and the amounts received
through securitisation are recognised as “Other borrowings”.
Non-banking assets
Non-banking assets (NBAs) acquired in satisfaction of claims are valued at the market value on a distress sale
basis or value of loan, whichever is lower. Further, the Bank creates provision on these assets as per the extant RBI
guidelines or specific RBI directions.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
hedge accounting. The Group identifies the hedged item (asset or liability) at the inception of the transaction itself.
Hedge effectiveness is ascertained at the time of the inception of the hedge and periodically thereafter. Hedge swaps
are accounted for on an accrual basis and are not marked to market unless their underlying transaction is marked
to market, except in the case of the Bank’s overseas banking subsidiaries. Gains or losses arising from hedge
ineffectiveness, if any, are recognised in the Profit and Loss Account. Based on RBI circular issued on June 26, 2019,
the accounting of hedge relationships established after June 26, 2019 is in accordance with the Guidance note on
Accounting for Derivative Contracts issued by ICAI. In overseas subsidiaries, in case of fair value hedge, the hedging
transactions and the hedged items (for the risks being hedged) are measured at fair value with changes recognised
in the profit and loss account and in case of cash flow hedges, changes in the fair value of effective portion of the
cash flow hedge are taken to ‘Revenue and other reserves’ and ineffective portion, if any, are recognised in the profit
and loss account.
The derivative contracts entered into for trading purposes are marked to market and the resulting gain or loss is
accounted for in the profit and loss account. Pursuant to RBI guidelines, any receivables under derivative contracts
which remain overdue for more than 90 days and mark-to-market gains on other derivative contracts with the same
counter-parties are reversed through the profit and loss account.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
The following additional disclosures have been made taking into account the requirements of Accounting Standards
(ASs) and Reserve Bank of India (RBI) guidelines in this regard.
I. Related parties
Associates/other related entities
Sr. Nature of
Name of the entity
No. relationship
1. Arteria Technologies Private Limited Associate
2. India Advantage Fund-III Associate
3. India Advantage Fund-IV Associate
4. India Infradebt Limited Associate
5. ICICI Merchant Services Private Limited Associate
6. I-Process Services (India) Private Limited Associate
7. NIIT Institute of Finance, Banking and Insurance Training Limited Associate
8. Comm Trade Services Limited Other related entity
9. ICICI Foundation for Inclusive Growth Other related entity
10. Cheryl Advisory Private Limited (w.e.f. Q3-2021) Other related entity
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
` in million
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Commission income on guarantees issued 0.2 0.1
Associates/others 0.2 0.1
Income from custodial services 0.1 3.7
Associates/others 0.1 3.7
Insurance premium received 54.1 24.2
Associates/others 16.1 15.0
Key management personnel 32.6 3.9
Relatives of key management personnel 5.4 5.3
Dividend income 106.5 114.1
Associates/others 106.5 114.1
Recovery of lease of premises, common corporate and facilities
expenses 51.4 50.8
Associates/others 51.4 50.8
Recovery of secondment of employees 10.6 11.4
Associates/others 10.6 11.4
Interest expense 45.5 53.3
Associates/others 38.4 50.8
Key management personnel 5.6 1.7
Relatives of key management personnel 1.5 0.8
Remuneration to wholetime directors2 132.3 211.6
Key management personnel 132.3 211.6
Reimbursement of expenses to related parties 798.3 213.6
Associates/others 798.3 213.6
Insurance claims paid 4.9 8.0
Associates/others 3.9 2.3
Key management personnel 0.4 0.01
Relatives of key management personnel 0.6 5.7
Brokerage, fee and other expenses 10,652.5 12,970.6
Associates/others 10,652.5 12,970.6
Donation given 304.0 682.8
Associates/others 304.0 682.8
Dividend paid 4.4 5.9
Key management personnel 1.4 2.6
Relatives of key management personnel 3.0 3.3
Investments in the securities issued by related parties 4,250.0 2,000.0
Associates/others 4,250.0 2,000.0
Sale of investments - 250.0
Associates/others - 250.0
Redemption/buyback of investments 858.2 331.1
Associates/others 858.2 331.1
Sale of loan - 968.0
Associates/others - 968.0
Purchase of fixed assets 6.6 -
Associates/others 6.6 -
1. Insignificant amount.
2. Excludes the perquisite value on employee stock options exercised, contribution to gratuity fund and includes performance
bonus paid during the period.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
` in million
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Brokerage, fee and other expenses
1 I-Process Services (India) Private Limited 6,402.6 6,886.9
2 ICICI Merchant Services Private Limited 4,224.5 6,043.5
Donation given
1 ICICI Foundation for Inclusive Growth 304.0 682.8
Dividend paid
1 Mr. Sandeep Bakhshi 0.2 0.6
2 Ms. Vishakha Mulye 1.1 2.0
3 Mr. Anup Bagchi 0.01 0.01
4 Mr. Vijay Chandok N.A. 0.01
5 Mr. Shivam Bakhshi 1.7 1.9
6 Ms. Esha Bakhshi 0.7 0.7
7 Ms. Minal Bakhshi 0.7 0.7
Investments in the securities issued by related parties
1 India Infradebt Limited 4,250.0 2,000.0
Sale of Investments
1 India Infradebt Limited - 250.0
Redemption/buyback of investments
1 India Infradebt Limited 600.0 -
2 India Advantage Fund - IV 147.9 202.5
3 India Advantage Fund - III 110.2 128.6
Sale of loan
1 India Infradebt Limited - 968.0
Purchase of fixed assets
1 Arteria Technologies Private Limited 6.6 -
1. Insignificant amount.
2. Excludes the perquisite value on employee stock options exercised, contribution to gratuity fund and includes performance
bonus paid during the period.
3. Includes remuneration received from ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited relating to the period of his service
with that company.
4. Represents policy surrender value received from ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
` in million
At At
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Investments of the Group 12,472.1 13,679.4
Associates/others 12,472.1 13,679.4
Investments of related parties in the Group 13.8 14.7
Key management personnel 6.8 5.9
Relatives of key management personnel 7.0 8.8
Advances by the Group 289.2 245.5
Associates/others 42.8 48.7
Key management personnel 246.2 196.7
Relatives of key management personnel 0.2 0.1
Receivables 334.6 115.5
Associates/others 334.6 115.5
Guarantees issued by the Group 50.7 11.8
Associates/others 50.7 11.8
1. Insignificant amount.
2. At March 31, 2021, 20,047,800 (March 31, 2020: 16,184,250) employee stock options of the Bank for key management
personnel were outstanding. Excludes stock options granted to key management personnel, which are pending regulatory
3. During the year ended March 31, 2021, 1,188,000 (year ended March 31, 2020: 1,173,000), employee stock options with
total exercise price of ` 228.8 million (year ended March 31, 2020: ` 240.1 million) were exercised by the key management
4. At March 31, 2021, 536,600 (March 31, 2020: 420,500) employee stock options of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company
Limited to key management personnel were outstanding.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
Risk free interest rates over the expected term of the option are based on the government securities yield in effect
at the time of the grant. The expected term of an option is estimated based on the vesting term as well as expected
exercise behavior of the employees who receive the option. Expected exercise behavior is estimated based on the
historical stock option exercise pattern of the Bank. Expected volatility during the estimated expected term of the
option is based on historical volatility determined based on observed market prices of the Bank’s publicly traded equity
shares. Expected dividends during the estimated expected term of the option are based on recent dividend activity.
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the summary of the status of the Bank’s stock option plan.
` except number of options
Stock options outstanding
Year ended March 31, 2021 Year ended March 31, 2020
Particulars Weighted Weighted
Number of Number of
average average
options options
exercise price exercise price
Outstanding at the beginning of the year 238,286,5731 261.89 232,427,774 235.40
Add: Granted during the year 33,417,700 337.73 34,288,4001 402.16
Less: Lapsed during the year, net of re-issuance 880,530 336.57 1,904,051 2
Less: Exercised during the year 24,232,771 218.81 26,525,550 207.09
Outstanding at the end of the year 246,590,9721 276.14 238,286,5731 261.89
Options exercisable 177,136,942 247.45 169,975,899 231.93
1. Includes options pertaining to Whole-time Directors of ICICI Bank and its subsidiaries, which are pending for regulatory approval.
2. Includes options pertaining to Whole-time Directors adjusted after the subsequent RBI approval for a revised number of options.
The following table sets forth, the summary of stock options outstanding at March 31, 2021.
Weighted average Weighted average
Range of exercise price Number of shares
exercise price remaining contractual life
(` per share) arising out of options
(` per share) (Number of years)
60-99 976,475 78.93 2.16
100-199 16,411,432 166.35 3.18
200-299 162,464,016 250.16 6.21
300-399 33,977,600 337.53 6.23
400-499 32,705,449 401.96 5.22
500-599 56,000 527.70 5.92
The following table sets forth, the summary of stock options outstanding at March 31, 2020.
The options were exercised regularly throughout the period and weighted average share price as per National Stock
Exchange price volume data during the year ended March 31, 2021 was ` 437.92 (year ended March 31, 2020: ` 451.25).
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company has formulated ESOS for their employees. There is no compensation cost
for the year ended March 31, 2021 based on the intrinsic value of options. If the entity had used the fair value
approach for accounting of options, there would have been an incremental compensation cost of ` 331.5 million for
the year ended March 31, 2021 (for the year ended March 31, 2020: ` 502.5 million).
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, a summary of the status of the stock option plan of
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company
` except number of options
Stock options outstanding
Year ended March 31, 2021 Year ended March 31, 2020
Particulars Weighted Weighted
Number Number
average average
of shares of shares
exercise price exercise price
Outstanding at the beginning of the year 12,361,107 383.64 7,723,317 390.92
Add: Granted during the year 5,147,200 401.07 5,073,600 369.71
Less: Forfeited/lapsed during the year 205,967 366.17 357,700 386.87
Less: Exercised during the year 126,640 359.19 78,110 183.63
Outstanding at the end of the year 17,175,700 389.25 12,361,107 383.64
Options exercisable 3,298,600 393.85 1,031,617 407.76
The following table sets forth, summary of stock options outstanding of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company at
March 31, 2021.
Weighted average Weighted average
Range of exercise price Number of shares
exercise price remaining contractual life
(` per share) arising out of options
(` per share) (Number of years)
300-399 11,498,800 379.84 5.1
400-499 5,626,900 407.49 6.4
500-599 50,000 501.90 6.9
The following table sets forth, summary of stock options outstanding of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company at
March 31, 2020.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
ICICI General:
ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company has formulated ESOS for their employees. There is no compensation
cost for the year ended March 31, 2021 based on the intrinsic value of options. If the entity had used the fair value
approach for accounting of options, there would have been an incremental compensation cost of ` 760.2 million for
the year ended March 31, 2021 (for the year ended March 31, 2020: ` 597.3 million).
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, a summary of the status of the stock option plan of
ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company.
` except number of options
Stock options outstanding
Year ended March 31, 2021 Year ended March 31, 2020
Particulars Weighted Weighted
Number Number
average average
of shares of shares
exercise price exercise price
Outstanding at the beginning of the year 4,624,040 895.58 2,645,500 684.37
Add: Granted during the year 2,526,300 1,235.15 2,345,900 1,086.85
Less: Forfeited/lapsed during the year 17,370 1,056.89 208,040 883.45
Less: Exercised during the year 128,240 780.10 159,320 220.72
Outstanding at the end of the year 7,004,730 1,019.76 4,624,040 895.58
Options exercisable 1,060,000 932.19 217,726 703.02
The following table sets forth, summary of stock options outstanding of ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company
at March 31, 2021.
Weighted average Weighted average
Range of exercise price Number of shares
exercise price remaining contractual life
(` per share) arising out of options
(` per share) (Number of years)
700 - 799 2,272,220 715.15 2.3
800 - 1100 2,206,210 1,086.50 3.1
1100 - 1300 2,526,300 1,235.15 4.1
The following table sets forth, summary of stock options outstanding of ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company
at March 31, 2020.
Weighted average Weighted average
Range of exercise price Number of shares
exercise price remaining contractual life
(` per share) arising out of options
(` per share) (Number of years)
100 - 200 4,400 114.00 0.1
700 - 799 2,367,940 715.15 3.3
1000 – 1090 2,251,700 1,086.85 4.1
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
ICICI Securities:
ICICI Securities Limited has formulated ESOS for their employees. There is no compensation cost for the year
ended March 31, 2021 based on the intrinsic value of options. If the entity had used the fair value approach for
accounting of options, there would have been an incremental compensation cost of ` 110.3 million for the year ended
March 31, 2021 (for the year ended March 31, 2020: ` 39.0 million).
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, a summary of the status of the stock option plan of
ICICI Securities Limited.
` except number of options
Stock options outstanding
Year ended March 31, 2021 Year ended March 31, 2020
Particulars Weighted Weighted
Number Number
average average
of shares of shares
exercise price exercise price
Outstanding at the beginning of the year 1,329,300 226.12 176,700 256.55
Add: Granted during the year 1,337,200 361.34 1,152,600 221.45
Less: Forfeited/lapsed during the year 47,350 314.58 - -
Less: Exercised during the year 90,800 227.70 - -
Outstanding at the end of the year 2,528,350 295.92 1,329,300 226.12
Options exercisable 345,250 230.58 53,010 256.55
The following table sets forth, summary of stock options outstanding of ICICI Securities Limited at March 31, 2021.
Weighted average Weighted average
Range of exercise price Number of shares
exercise price remaining contractual life
(` per share) arising out of options
(` per share) (Number of years)
200-249 1,062,220 221.45 6.07
250-299 160,530 256.55 5.56
349-399 1,301,400 361.00 7.11
449-499 4,200 468.10 7.58
The following table sets forth, summary of stock options outstanding of ICICI Securities Limited at March 31, 2020.
Weighted average Weighted average
Range of exercise price Number of shares
exercise price remaining contractual life
(` per share) arising out of options
(` per share) (Number of years)
200-249 1,152,600 221.45 7.07
250-299 176,700 256.55 6.56
If the Group had used the fair value approach for accounting of options, the compensation cost for the year ended
March 31, 2021 would have been higher by ` 4,519.5 million (March 31, 2020: ` 4,342.3 million) and proforma
consolidated profit after tax would have been ` 179,323.7 million (March 31, 2020: ` 91,320.8 million). On a proforma
basis, the Group’s basic earnings per share would have been ` 26.59 (March 31, 2020: ` 14.14) and diluted earnings
per share would have been ` 26.17 (March 31, 2020: ` 13.88).
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
4. Fixed assets
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the movement in software acquired by the Group, as
included in fixed assets.
` in million
At At
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
At cost at March 31 of preceding year 28,942.5 23,606.4
Additions during the year 7,015.9 5,576.8
Deductions during the year (762.2) (240.7)
Depreciation to date (25,231.8) (21,551.6)
Net block 9,964.4 7,390.9
5. Assets on lease
5.1 Assets taken under operating lease
Operating leases primarily comprise office premises which are renewable at the option of the Group.
(i) The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the details of liability for premises taken on non-
cancellable operating leases.
` in million
At At
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Not later than one year 696.8 839.1
Later than one year and not later than five years 1,274.3 1,491.9
Later than five years 440.9 408.9
Total 2,412.0 2,739.9
The terms of renewal are those normally prevalent in similar agreements and there are no undue restrictions in the agreements.
(ii) Total of non-cancellable lease payments recognised in the profit and loss account for the year is ` 1,198.2
million (year ended March 31, 2020: ` 1,419.8 million).
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
The Group has assessed its obligations arising in the normal course of business, including pending litigations,
proceedings pending with tax authorities and other contracts including derivative and long term contracts. In
accordance with the provisions of Accounting Standard - 29 on ‘Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent
Assets’, the Group recognises a provision for material foreseeable losses when it has a present obligation as a
result of a past event and it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation, in
respect of which a reliable estimate can be made. In cases where the available information indicates that the loss
on the contingency is reasonably possible or the amount of loss cannot be reasonably estimated, a disclosure to
this effect is made as contingent liabilities in the financial statements. The Group does not expect the outcome of
these proceedings to have a materially adverse effect on its financial results. For insurance contracts booked in its
life insurance subsidiary, reliance has been placed on the Appointed Actuary for actuarial valuation of ‘liabilities
for policies in force’. The Appointed Actuary has confirmed that the assumptions used in valuation of liabilities for
policies in force are in accordance with the guidelines and norms issued by the IRDAI and the Institute of Actuaries
of India in concurrence with the IRDAI.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
` in million
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Actual return on plan assets 1,872.7 1,976.9
Expected employer’s contribution next year 2,000.0 1,000.0
Investment details of plan assets
Insurer managed funds - 1.01%
Government of India securities 50.15% 50.33%
Corporate bonds 44.81% 44.85%
Equity securities in listed companies 5.04% 2.59%
Others - 1.22%
Discount rate 5.75% 6.00%
Salary escalation rate:
On Basic pay 1.50% 1.50%
On Dearness relief 7.00% 7.00%
Estimated rate of return on plan assets 7.50% 8.00%
1. Included in line item ‘Payments to and provision for employees’ of Schedule 16- Operating expenses.
Estimated rate of return on plan assets is based on the expected average long-term rate of return on investments of
the Fund during the estimated term of the obligations.
Experience adjustment
` in million
Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Plan assets 21,162.2 16,972.1 15,438.8 16,303.7 16,888.1
Defined benefit obligations (20,265.6) (19,914.3) (16,540.3) (15,391.1) (16,686.9)
Amount not recognised as
an asset (limit in para 59(b)
of AS 15 on ‘employee
benefits’) (304.8) - - (310.1) (68.4)
Surplus/(deficit) 591.8 (2,942.2) (1,101.5) 602.5 132.8
Experience adjustment on
plan assets 521.9 741.1 (125.9) (449.6) 589.5
Experience adjustment on
plan liabilities 613.4 2,186.1 1,038.6 290.1 (80.0)
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, movement of the present value of the defined benefit
obligation, fair value of plan assets and other details for gratuity benefits of the Group.
` in million
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Opening obligations 15,743.6 13,317.1
Add: Adjustment for exchange fluctuation on opening obligation (6.5) 14.3
Adjusted opening obligations 15,737.1 13,331.4
Service cost 1,669.2 1,394.9
Interest cost 1,052.8 1,004.5
Actuarial (gain)/loss (532.3) 1,106.2
Past service cost (3.5) -
Exchange Difference on foreign plans (756.8) -
Obligations transferred from/to other companies 33.4 41.5
Benefits paid (245.4) (1,134.9)
Obligations at the end of the year 16,954.5 15,743.6
Opening plan assets, at fair value 13,636.8 12,112.4
Expected return on plan assets 1,045.5 931.7
Actuarial gain/(loss) 886.4 (167.4)
Asset distributed on settlement 4.9 -
Contributions 1,942.2 1,863.6
Assets transferred from/to other companies 28.0 31.4
Benefits paid (1,002.2) (1,134.9)
Closing plan assets, at fair value 16,541.6 13,636.8
Fair value of plan assets at the end of the year 16,541.6 13,636.8
Present value of the defined benefit obligations at the end of the year (16,954.5) (15,743.6)
Unrecognised past service cost - -
Amount not recognised as an asset (limit in para 59(b) of AS 15 on
‘employee benefits’) - -
Asset/(liability) (412.9) (2,106.8)
Cost for the year1
Service cost 1,669.2 1,394.9
Interest cost 1,052.8 1,004.5
Expected return on plan assets (1,045.5) (931.7)
Actuarial (gain)/loss (1,418.7) 1,273.6
Past service cost (3.5) -
Losses/(gains) on "Acquisition/Divestiture" - -
Exchange fluctuation loss/(gain) (6.5) 14.3
Effect of the limit in para 59(b) of AS 15 on ‘employee benefits’ - -
Net cost 247.8 2,755.6
Actual return on plan assets 1,931.9 764.2
Expected employer’s contribution next year 1,130.1 1,178.8
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
` in million
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Investment details of plan assets
Insurer managed funds 21.79% 20.23%
Government of India securities 28.55% 22.05%
Corporate bonds 35.57% 43.46%
Special Deposit schemes 1.75% 2.13%
Equity 11.12% 11.42%
Others 1.22% 0.71%
Discount rate 5.20%-6.90% 5.60%-6.85%
Salary escalation rate 7.00%-10.00% 7.00%-10.00%
Estimated rate of return on plan assets 7.00%-8.00% 0.00%-8.00%
1. Included in line item ‘Payments to and provision for employees’ of Schedule 16- Operating expenses.
Estimated rate of return on plan assets is based on the expected average long-term rate of return on investments of
the Fund during the estimated term of the obligations.
Experience adjustment
` in million
Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Plan assets 16,541.6 13,636.8 12,112.4 10,972.1 10,443.4
Defined benefit obligations (16,954.5) (15,743.6) (13,317.1) (11,846.6) (11,172.6)
Amount not recognised as
an asset (limit in para 59(b)
of AS 15 on ‘employee
benefits’) - - - - -
Surplus/(deficit) (412.9) (2,106.8) (1,204.7) (874.5) (729.2)
Experience adjustment on
plan assets 892.1 (167.4) (62.0) (124.7) 542.2
Experience adjustment on
plan liabilities (548.2) 253.6 243.7 261.8 269.8
The estimates of future salary increases, considered in actuarial valuation, take into consideration inflation, seniority,
promotion and other relevant factors.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
Experience adjustment
` in million
Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Plan assets 45,615.2 38,682.6 33,282.4 29,587.9 26,198.8
Defined benefit obligations (45,617.9) (38,703.4) (33,282.4) (29,587.9) (26,198.8)
Amount not recognised
as an asset (limit in para
59(b) AS 15 on ‘employee
benefits’) - - - - -
Surplus/(deficit) (2.7) (20.8) - - -
Experience adjustment on
plan assets 663.8 (662.0) 13.0 (15.1) (8.3)
Experience adjustment on
plan liabilities 1,703.3 (129.9) 447.4 501.6 310.5
The Group has contributed ` 3,918.8 million to provident fund including Government of India managed employees
provident fund for the year ended March 31, 2021 (year ended March 31, 2020: ` 3,893.5 million), which includes
compulsory contribution made towards employee pension scheme under Employees Provident Fund and
Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952.
Superannuation Fund
The Group has contributed ` 248.7 million for the year ended March 31, 2021 (year ended March 31, 2020:
` 247.7 million) to Superannuation Fund for employees who had opted for the scheme.
Compensated absence
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, cost for compensated absence
` in million
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Total actuarial liability 4,131.3 3,290.4
Cost1 1,586.6 1,067.0
Discount rate 5.20%-6.90% 5.60%-6.85%
Salary escalation rate 7.00%-10.00% 7.00%-10.00%
1. Included in line item ‘Payments to and provision for employees’ of schedule- 16 Operating expenses.
9. Deferred tax
At March 31, 2021, the Group has recorded net deferred tax asset of ` 93,350.2 million (March 31, 2020:
` 88,070.3 million), which has been included in other assets.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the break-up of deferred tax assets and liabilities into
major items.
` in million
At At
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Deferred tax assets
Provision for bad and doubtful debts 111,990.0 100,243.8
Foreign currency translation reserve1 0.02 611.4
Others 13,938.4 16,223.8
Total deferred tax assets 125,928.4 117,079.0
Deferred tax liabilities
Special reserve deduction 27,449.2 24,706.5
Foreign currency translation reserve1 1,048.3 -
Mark-to-market gains1 - -
Depreciation on fixed assets 3,717.6 3,462.6
Interest on refund of taxes1 115.3 512.4
Others 247.8 327.2
Total deferred tax liabilities 32,578.2 29,008.7
Total net deferred tax assets/(liabilities) 93,350.2 88,070.3
1. These items are considered in accordance with the requirements of Income Computation and Disclosure Standards (ICDS).
2. Insignificant amount.
The following table sets forth, the business segment results for the year ended March 31, 2021.
` in million
Other Inter-
Sr. Retail Wholesale Life General
Particulars Treasury banking Others segment Total
no. banking banking insurance insurance
business adjustments
1 Revenue 756,692.9 371,945.3 666,253.8 31,800.6 436,215.9 129,648.3 78,270.3 (857,462.3) 1,613,364.8
2 Segment results1 77,399.7 58,199.5 107,598.8 5,735.7 10,811.8 19,539.5 40,077.1 (11,578.8) 307,783.3
3 Unallocated expenses 47,500.0
4 Operating profit 260,283.3
(2) – (3)1
5 Income tax expenses 56,643.7
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
B. Geographical segments
The Group has reported its operations under the following geographical segments.
• Domestic operations comprise branches and subsidiaries/joint ventures in India.
• Foreign operations comprise branches and subsidiaries/joint ventures outside India and offshore banking
units in India.
The Group conducts transactions with its customers on a global basis in accordance with their business
requirements, which may span across various geographies.
The following tables set forth, for the periods indicated, the geographical segment results.
` in million
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Domestic operations 1,579,203.4 1,442,222.4
Foreign operations 34,161.4 55,638.6
Total 1,613,364.8 1,497,861.0
` in million
At At
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Domestic operations 14,216,048.7 12,275,555.0
Foreign operations 1,378,474.0 1,335,417.1
Total 15,594,522.7 13,610,972.1
Note: Segment assets do not include tax paid in advance/tax deducted at source (net) and deferred tax assets (net).
The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, capital expenditure and depreciation thereon for the
geographical segments.
` in million
Capital expenditure incurred during the Depreciation provided during the
Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Domestic operations 16,866.4 17,207.3 13,120.0 11,440.3
Foreign operations 292.8 907.5 280.7 271.9
Total 17,159.2 18,114.8 13,400.7 11,712.2
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
Additional information to consolidated accounts at March 31, 2020 (Pursuant to Schedule III of the Companies
Act, 2013)
Integrated Report Statutory Reports Financial Statements
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
17. Demerger of Bharti AXA General Insurance Company Limited into ICICI Lombard General Insurance
Company Limited
In August 2020, the Board of Directors of ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited and Bharti AXA General
Insurance Company Limited at their respective meetings approved entering into definitive agreements for demerger
of Bharti AXA’s general insurance business and transferring the same into ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company
through a Scheme of Arrangement. Based on the share exchange ratio recommended by independent valuers and
accepted by the respective boards of ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company and Bharti AXA General Insurance
Company, the shareholders of Bharti AXA General Insurance Company shall receive two shares of ICICI Lombard
General Insurance Company for every 115 shares of Bharti AXA General Insurance Company held by them as on
the date on which the Scheme of Arrangement was approved by the Board of Directors of ICICI Lombard General
Insurance Company and Bharti AXA General Insurance Company. The conclusion of the proposed transaction is
subject to compliance with various conditions, including approvals from various regulators. On the conclusion of
the proposed transaction, the equity shareholding of the Bank in ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company will
come down to below 50.0%. In September 2020, the Central Government, on the recommendation of RBI, has
issued a notification exempting ICICI Bank from the provisions of Section 19(2) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949
with respect to shareholding above 30.0% in ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited, for a period of
three years.
Annual Report 2020-21
forming part of the Consolidated Accounts (Contd.)
Signatures to Schedules 1 to 18
As per our Report of even date. For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
For Walker Chandiok & Co LLP Girish Chandra Chaturvedi Uday M. Chitale Sandeep Bakhshi
Chartered Accountants Chairman Director Managing Director & CEO
ICAI Firm Registration no.: DIN-00110996 DIN-00043268 DIN-00109206
Profit/(loss) before
taxation 7,606.6 14,307.7 (2.5) 2.7 326.4 0.9 (11.8) 33.1 10,814.0 19,539.5 (11.7) 1,281.2 621.3 2.1 16,577.8 (39.9)
Provision for
taxation 1,925.4 3,632.2 1.2 (0.4) 109.7 0.2 Nil (7.0) 1,212.5 4,809.0 Nil 199.8 176.7 0.4 4,124.1 #
Integrated Report
Profit/(loss) after
taxation 5,681.2 10,675.5 (1.3) 3.1 216.7 0.7 (11.8) 40.1 9,601.5 14,730.5 (11.7) 1,081.4 444.6 1.7 12,453.7 (39.9)
(including corporate
dividend tax)8 3,189.0 4,752.1 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 30.0 Nil 1,818.3 Nil Nil 1,728.0 0.8 8,314.1 Nil
% of shareholding 100.00% 75.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 51.37% 51.88% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 50.80% 51.00% 100.00%
# amount less than 0.1 million
1. ICICI Securities Holdings Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of ICICI Securities Limited. ICICI Securities Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of ICICI Securities Holdings Inc.
ICICI Prudential Pension Funds Management Company Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited.
Statutory Reports
2. Financial information as per respective entity Ind AS financial statements pursuant to migration to Ind AS by these entities.
3. The financial information of ICICI Bank UK PLC and ICICI International Limited has been translated into Indian Rupees at the closing rate at March 31, 2021 of 1 USD = ` 73.1100.
4. The financial information of ICICI Bank Canada is for the period January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020, being their financial year.
5. The financial information of ICICI Bank Canada has been translated into Indian Rupees at the closing rate at December 31, 2020 of 1 CAD = ` 57.3125.
6. Paid-up share capital does not include share application money.
7. Investments include securities held as stock in trade.
8. Represents dividend on equity shares paid during the year.
9. Names of subsidiaries which are yet to commence operations: None
10. Names of subsidiaries which have been liquidated or sold during the year: None
Financial Statements
Part “B”: Associate companies and joint ventures
` in million
NIIT Institute of
I-Process Services ICICI Merchant Arteria
Finance Banking India Infradebt Falcon Tyres
Name of associate companies/joint ventures (India) Private Services Private Technologies
and Insurance Limited Limited
Limited Limited Private Limited
Training Limited
1 Latest audited balance sheet date March 31, 2020 March 31, 2020 March 31, 2020 March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 March 31, 2016
2 Date on which the Associate or Joint Venture was associated or acquired October 4, 2005 August 7, 2006 December 31, 2009 November 27, 2012 May 29, 2018 December 4, 2014
3 Shares of associate companies/joint ventures held by ICICI Group at March 31, 2021
Number of equity shares 9,880 1,900,000 75,582,000 367,361,007 999,000 20,445,177
Amount of investment in associate companies/joint ventures2 17.5 31.3 787.0 9,118.5 109.0 Nil
Extent of holding (%) 19.00% 18.79% 19.01% 42.33% 19.98% 26.39%
4 Description of significant influence Note 3 Note 3 Note 3 Note 4 Note 3 Note 4
5 Reason of non-consolidation of the associate/ joint venture N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Note 5
6 Networth attributable to shareholding as per latest audited balance sheet 4.2 24.3 862.4 9,086.8 25.7 N.A.
7 Profit/(loss) for the year ended March 31, 2021
i Considered in consolidation 11.8 0.5 185.8 1,198.8 13.0 N.A.
ii Not considered in consolidation 58.0 2.2 791.4 1,633.4 52.2 N.A.
1 The above statement has been prepared based on the principles of Accounting Standard (AS) 23 - Accounting for Investments in Associates in Consolidated Financial Statements, issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants
of India (ICAI), and therefore does not include the companies where ICICI Group does not have any significant influence as defined under AS 23, although the group holds more than 20.00% of total share capital in those
2 Represents carrying value.
3 In terms of AS 23, issued by ICAI, ICICI Group is deemed to have significant influence through its voting power and representation on the Board of directors of the investee company.
4 In terms of AS 23, issued by ICAI, ICICI Group is deemed to have significant influence due to its holding being more than 20.00% of the voting power in the investee company.
5 The investment in Falcon Tyres Limited is temporary in nature.
6 Names of associates or joint ventures which are yet to commence operations: None
7 Names of associates or joint ventures which have been liquidated or sold during the year: None
Pillar 3 disclosures at March 31, 2021 as per Basel III guidelines of RBI have been disclosed separately on the Bank’s
website under ‘Regulatory Disclosures Section’ on the home page.
• Scope of application
• Capital adequacy
• Credit risk
• Securitisation exposures
• Market risk
• Operational risk
• Liquidity risk
• Leverage ratio
• Composition of capital
Annual Report 2020-21
Average assets For the purpose of performance analysis, represents averages of daily balances
Book value per share Share capital plus reserves divided by outstanding number of equity shares
Capital (for CRAR) Capital includes share capital, reserves and surplus (revaluation reserve and
foreign currency translation reserve are considered at discounted amount), capital
instruments and general provisions as per the RBI Basel III guidelines
Capital to risk weighted assets ratio Capital (for CRAR) divided by Risk Weighted Assets (RWAs)
Core operating profit Profit before provisions and contingencies, excluding treasury income
Cost to income Operating expenses divided by net interest income and non-interest income
Earnings per share Net profit after tax divided by weighted average number of equity shares outstanding
during the year
High quality liquid assets Stock of liquid assets which can be readily sold at little or no loss of value or used
as collateral to obtain funds
Liquidity coverage ratio Ratio of unencumbered high quality liquid assets to total net cash outflows estimated
for the next 30 calendar days
Net interest income Total interest earned less total interest expended
Net interest margin Total interest earned less total interest expended divided by average interest
earning assets
Provision coverage ratio Provision for non-performing advances divided by gross non-performing advances
Provisions to core operating profit Provisions and contingencies (excluding taxation) divided by core operating profit
Return on average assets Net profit after tax divided by average assets
Return on average equity Net profit after tax divided by average equity
Risk weighted assets (RWAs) RWAs are computed by assigning risk weights as per the RBI Basel III guidelines
to various on-balance sheet exposure, off-balance sheet exposures and undrawn
ICICI Bank Tower, Walker Chandiok & Co LLP
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