A Review On Coronary Artery Disease, Its Risk Factors, and Therapeutics
A Review On Coronary Artery Disease, Its Risk Factors, and Therapeutics
A Review On Coronary Artery Disease, Its Risk Factors, and Therapeutics
DOI: 10.1002/jcp.28350
Department of Biotechnology, Assam
University, Silchar, Assam, India Abstract
Department of Zoology, Moinul Hoque Coronary artery disease (CAD) is one of the major cardiovascular diseases affecting
Choudhury Memorial Science College,
the global human population. This disease has been proved to be the major cause of
Hailakandi, Assam, India
death in both the developed and developing countries. Lifestyle, environmental
factors, and genetic factors pose as risk factors for the development of cardiovascular
Supriyo Chakraborty, Department of
Biotechnology Assam University, Silchar disease. The prevalence of risk factors among healthy individuals elucidates the
788011, Assam, India.
probable occurrence of CAD in near future. Genome‐wide association studies have
Email: supriyoch_2008@rediffmail.com
suggested the association of chromosome 9p21.3 in the premature onset of CAD. The
risk factors of CAD include diabetes mellitus, hypertension, smoking, hyperlipidemia,
obesity, homocystinuria, and psychosocial stress. The eradication and management of
CAD has been established through extensive studies and trials. Antiplatelet agents,
nitrates, β‐blockers, calcium antagonists, and ranolazine are some of the few
therapeutic agents used for the relief of symptomatic angina associated with CAD.
cardiovascular disease, coronary artery disease, low‐density lipoproteins
1 | INTRODUCTION lifestyle has been found to play an important role in the development
of such cardiovascular diseases (Yusuf et al., 2004).
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a cardiovascular disease which has Approximately 6 million deaths occurred in the American
been found to be the leading cause of death in both developed and populations in the year 2005 due to CAD (Lloyd‐Jones et al.,
developing countries (Naghavi et al., 2015). CAD is an atherosclerotic 2009). In the year 2007, it has been reported that approximately one
disease which is inflammatory in nature (Ross, 1999), manifested by in 30 patients with CAD experiences death each year (Steg et al.,
stable angina, unstable angina, myocardial infarction (MI), or sudden 2007). According to the World Health Organization report, sub-
cardiac death (Álvarez‐Álvarez, Zanetti, Carreras‐Torres, Moral, & mitted in the year 2009, 17.3 million deaths occurred due to
Athanasiadis, 2017). From genome‐wide association studies (GWAS), cardiovascular diseases (Álvarez‐Álvarez et al., 2017). CAD was
several genetic variants have been found to be robustly associated found to be one of the major causes of disability and death in the
with CAD (Lieb & Vasan, 2013). A recent study on the genetic Indian population (Gupta, Guptha, Sharma, Gupta, & Deedwania,
differences in CAD risk among populations worldwide was reported 2012) and its contribution to mortality has been found to increase as
to be due to demographic processes (Corona, Dudley, & Butte, 2010). the number of deaths due to CAD increased from the year 1985 and
Genetic and environmental factors have been found to interact with was expected to be doubled by the year 2015 (Misra et al., 2012).
one another to determine the clinical phenotype of cardiovascular Preventive and therapeutic measures have substantially
diseases (Girelli, Martinelli, Peyvandi, & Olivieri, 2009). Moreover, improved the prognosis of patients suffering from CAD or other
cardiovascular diseases over the past few decades (Antiplatelet
Trialists’ Collaboration, 1994; Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival
*Malakar, Choudhury, Halder, and Paul have contributed equally. Study Group, 1994). However, the risk of such diseases seems to
J Cell Physiol. 2019;1–12. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/jcp © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. | 1
remain high and their progression could be halted only in a few In understanding the epidemiology of CAD, a “natural
patients by using treatments involving aspirin, statins, and β‐blockers experiment” named as the Nippon–Honolulu–San Francisco
(Lloyd‐Jones et al., 2009). (Ni‐Hon‐San) was conducted in the1960s, which included cross‐
The information on the first emergence of CAD cannot be dated sectional evaluation of CAD among different migrant Japanese men
precisely (Lichtlen, 2002). However, in the 17th century, the clinical aged 45–69 years, living in Hawaii and California and native Japanese
description of angina was described by Heberden (Silverman, 1987). men in the same age group, living in Japan (Worth, Kato, Rhoads,
Friedrich Hoffmann, a chief professor of a cardiologist in the Kagan, & Syme, 1975). The findings of this study proved that changes
University of Halle, for the first time, described the origins of in the lifestyle were associated with acculturation that could
coronary heart diseases by stating that the origin of such disease lies potentially explain the changes in cardiovascular disease risks (Worth
in the passage of reduced blood within the coronary arteries et al., 1975). Higher cholesterol levels and higher CAD mortality
(Lichtlen, 2002). Almost a century later, pathologists focused on rates were evident in Japanese migrants residing in America than the
coronary arteries and thrombotic occlusions (Nabel & Braunwald, native Japanese men residing in Japan (Sekikawa et al., 2003; Worth
2012). By the end of the 19th century, physiologists observed that et al., 1975). In 2010, the prevalence of CAD in the United States was
occlusions of a coronary artery in a dog resulted in slight vibrations observed to be the greatest among the people in the age group of
of the ventricles and it became rapidly fatal (McWilliam, 1889). By more than 65 years (19.8%), which was followed by people in the
1879, pathologists concluded that coronary thrombosis was the age group of 45–64 years (7.1%), and then in the age group of
cause of MI (Hektoen, 1892). In 1919, electrocardiography was used 18–44 years (1.2%; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
for the diagnosis of CAD (Herrick, 1919). [CDC], 2011). In 2012, CAD caused 46% of deaths attributed
to cardiovascular diseases in the United Kingdom (Bhatnagar,
Wickramasinghe, Williams, Rayner, & Townsend, 2015).
1.1 | Prevalence of CAD
In 2016, American Heart Association released an updated report
The prevalence of CAD, also known as coronary heart disease of Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics, which reported that in the
(CHD), has been observed to vary greatly according to the United States, 15.5 million people above 20 years of age suffer from
geographical locations, ethnicity, and gender (Go et al., 2014). CHD (Mozaffarian et al., 2016). This prevalence was found to be
Epidemiological studies on such cardiovascular diseases have increasing with age in both men and women (Mozaffarian et al.,
provided information which could guide the strategies of preven- 2016). In India, CAD has, of late, gained importance as a major
tion and eradication of these diseases both at the individual and disease (Krishnan et al., 2016). During the period from 1984 to 1987,
population levels (Wong, 2014). Even before the field of a study conducted in Delhi reported 9.7% prevalence of CAD in
cardiovascular epidemiology existed, in Minnesota (United States) urban and 2.7% prevalence in rural populations and the sample
the first prospective studies of CAD prevalence in population was comprised of men and women in the age group of 24–64 years
conducted in 1946 (Keys et al., 1963). In the seven countries study, (Chadha, Radhakrishnan, Ramachandran, Kaul, & Gopinath, 1990).
the relationships between lifestyle, diet, CAD, and stroke were
elucidated (Keys, 1980). This study also indicated that the rates of
heart attack and stroke were directly related to the levels of total 2 | ETIOLOGY
cholesterol and this remained constant across different countries
and cultures (Epstein, 1996). The CAD is a cardiovascular disorder occurring due to athero-
The Monitoring Trends and Determinants in Cardiovascular sclerosis or atherosclerotic occlusions of the coronary arteries
Diseases (MONICA) project was one of the largest and important (Mendis, Puska, Norrving, & Organization, 2011; Ross, 1999).
studies involved in determining the international incidence of CHD When the endothelial function of the arterial wall disrupts,
and cardiovascular diseases in various populations over a period of atherosclerosis starts due to the accumulation of lipoprotein
10 years (World Health Organization, 1988). This study began in droplets in the intima of the coronary vessels (Badimon, Padró, &
1979 and focused on the evaluation of CAD trends in a total Vilahur, 2012). In the bloodstream, water‐insoluble lipids circulate
population of approximately 15 million men and women in the age by attaching themselves to water‐soluble lipoproteins called
group of 25–64 years. This study reported the survival and coronary apolipoproteins. Low‐density lipoproteins (LDL) in high concentra-
event rates (Tunstall‐Pedoe et al., 1999). tion possess the ability to permeate the disrupted endothelium
Another important contribution in the field of epidemiology of and undergo oxidation (Ibanez, Vilahur, & Badimon, 2007). This
CAD was the INTERHEART study that helped in understanding the oxidized or modified LDL then attract leukocytes into the intima of
prevalence of CAD in different populations. This study was intended the coronary vessels, which can be scavenged by macrophages,
to explore the wide array of risk factors associated with acute MI leading to the formation of foamy cells. These foamy‐texture cells
prevailing in different ethnic groups across different geographical replicate and form lesions, which are named as a fatty streak. This
locations, which included 52 countries throughout Africa, Asia, is the earliest form of lesions visualized in atherosclerosis. The
Australia, Europe, the Middle East, and North and South America formation of such lesions triggers signals which attract smooth
(Yusuf et al., 2004). muscle cells (SMCs) to the site of the fatty streak. The SMCs then
F I G U R E 1 Pathophysiology of coronary
artery disease depicting the formation of
atherosclerotic plaque in the arteries that
leads to obstructed blood flow through the
arteries [Color figure can be viewed at
start proliferation and production of extracellular matrix, mainly Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are secreted by the endothe-
collagen and proteoglycans. The atherosclerotic plaque starts lial cells in response to oxidation, hemodynamic, inflammatory, and
developing and accumulates a large volume of extracellular matrix autoimmune signals (Libby & Lee, 2000). These MMPs, along with a
produced by the SMCs, leading to the progression of the lesion to balance of their endogenous tissue inhibitors, modulate various
fibrous plaque (Figure 1). The fibrous plaque encroaches on the functions of the vascular cells, such as activation, migration,
lumen of the coronary vessel and small blood vessels are formed proliferation, cell death, geometric remodeling, new vessel formation,
which can subsequently calcify the plaques. The final lesion formed destruction of the extracellular matrix of arteries, and myocardium
is an advanced and complicated lesion comprising of a fibrous cap and healing (Libby & Lee, 2000). Cell death or apoptosis occurs
with an overlying lipid‐rich core containing necrotic material, that commonly in the atherosclerotic lesions, which eventually leads to
may be highly thrombogenic (Ross, 1999). the deposition of tissue factor in particulate form (Bogdanov
The proteoglycans produced by the SMCs can bind to lipopro- et al., 2003).
teins and prolong their existence in the intima, thereby rendering As a result of the formation of the atherosclerotic plaque in the
them susceptible to oxidative modifications and nonenzymatic coronary artery, obstruction of blood flow occurs which leads to a
conjugation with sugars, also called glycation (Williams & Tabas, mismatch between myocardial oxygen demand and supply (Cassar,
1998). The modified lipoproteins, namely, oxidized phospholipids and Holmes, Rihal, & Gersh, 2009). This obstruction manifests the
advanced glycation end products can propagate inflammatory symptoms of CAD such as substernal discomfort, heaviness, a
responses (Berliner, Subbanagounder, Leitinger, Watson, & Vora, pressure‐like feeling, which may radiate to the jaw, shoulder, back,
2001; Tabas, 1999). or arm. These symptoms typically last for several minutes and are
usually brought on by a heavy meal, emotional stress, exertion, or et al., 2011). A dense assembly of gene expression enhancers and
cold. Within minutes, these symptoms could be relieved by rest or CAD risk SNPs were observed in the risk region, many of which showed
nitroglycerin (Cassar et al., 2009). their effect in disrupting the binding site for the transcription factors
(Harismendy et al., 2011; Pilbrow et al., 2012). The ultimate effect of
many of these activated regulators of the cell‐cycle progression
3 | GEN ETIC B ASIS OF C AD pathway on the advancement of CAD is still unknown.
CAD is a complex disease caused by genetic and environmental
Family clustering of CAD was reported in the 1950s and 1960s (Rose, factors and the interactions between these factors (Wang, 2005b).
1964; Thomas & Cohen, 1955). The heritability of CAD risk has been Family history is one of the significant risk factors for the
reported to increase with the increase in the number of affected development of this disease (Schildkraut, Myers, Cupples, Kiely, &
relatives and onset in a young age (Nora, Lortscher, Spangler, Nora, & Kannel, 1989). Case–control association studies have been carried
Kimberling, 1980). Mendelian disorders have been found to be out to identify the susceptible genes responsible for CAD (Shen,
associated with CAD, which includes familial hypercholesterolemia Archacki, & Wang, 2004; Wang, 2005a, 2005b; Wang & Chen, 2000).
(Antonarakis & Beckmann, 2006). Hypercholesterolemia is a single The genes associated with this disease can be classified into three
gene disorder caused by mutations in the LDL receptor genes (LDLR), categories: disease‐causing genes, susceptibility genes, and disease‐
in the lipid‐binding domain of apolipoprotein B100 (APOB) and linked genes.
proprotein convertase substilisin/kexin type 9 gene proprotein Disease‐causing genes are the genes directly responsible for the
convertase substilisin/kexin type 9 gene (PCSK9) (Antonarakis & development of CAD and have high predictive values (Wang, 2005b).
Beckmann, 2006). Understanding the molecular basis of such disorders Mutations in these genes lead to the pathogenesis of CAD and can be
led to the discovery of pathways of LDL cholesterol metabolism which used for genetic testing. Disease‐causing genes have been identified
is associated with pathogenesis of CAD (Kullo & Ding, 2007). for Tangier disease and familial hypercholesterolemia, which pose as
Variations in the genes associated with such disorders could be risk factors for premature onset of CAD. Familial hypercholester-
helpful in determining the disease susceptibility of the general olemia is caused by mutations in the LDLR gene (Hobbs, Russell,
population (Kullo & Ding, 2007). Brown, & Goldstein, 1990), ApoB100 gene (Lund‐Katz, Laplaud,
Genome‐wide association analysis of CAD suggested that Phillips, & Chapman, 1998), PCSK9 (Abifadel et al., 2003; Ouguerram
chromosome 9p21.3 was associated with CAD (Samani et al., et al., 2004), cholesterol 7‐α‐hydroxylase gene (CYP7A1; Pullinger
2007). In such studies, it was reported that 396 single‐nucleotide et al., 2002), and ARH gene (Garcia et al., 2001). The genes mutated
polymorphisms (SNPs) were associated with CAD, of which 30 SNPs in Tangier disease have been identified as ABCA1 gene encoding the
were clustered in nine chromosomal regions (Samani et al., 2007). ATP‐binding cassette transporter family, which is involved in the
The 9p21.3 locus was reported to contain coding sequences of two efflux of lipids from the peripheral cells to Apo A1 forming nascent
cyclin‐dependent kinases, namely, CDKN2A and CDKN2B, which high‐density lipoprotein (HDL) particles (Bodzioch et al., 1999;
were associated in the regulation of the cell cycle and might have a Brooks‐Wilson et al., 1999).
role in transforming growth factor β (TGF‐β)‐induced growth Through numerous case–control studies, SNPs or genetic variants
inhibition, which is involved in the pathogenesis of CAD (Kalinina of many candidate genes have been identified and found to be
et al., 2004; Lowe & Sherr, 2003). pRb pathway is inhibited by associated with increased or decreased risk for CAD (Shen et al.,
p16INK4a and p15INK4b which are coded by CDKN2A and 2004; Wang & Chen, 2000). Some of the susceptibility genes
CDKN2B, respectively, whereas p14ARF coded by CDKN2A inhibits identified by positional cloning and GWAS are USF1 and lymphotoxin
both the p53 and pRb pathways, thereby regulates cell division. α (Wang, 2005b). USF1 is a gene encoding a transcription factor that
p16INK4a and p15INK4b specifically bind to CDK inhibitors 6 and 4, regulates the genes involved in glucose and lipid metabolism.
causes cell‐cycle arrest in G1 phase. The knock‐out of CDKN2A or Mutations in USF1 cause familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCHL),
CDKN2B in mice is kenned to cause tumors within months (Bellary, which poses as a risk factor for the premature onset of CAD and MI
Murthy, Vala, Hanumanth, & Quraishi, 2016; Krimpenfort et al., (Pajukanta et al., 2004). Lymphotoxin α is another susceptibility gene
2007). Another gene named methylthioadenosine phosphorylase mediating immune responses and inflammation and has been
(MTAP) is also found in 9p21.3 locus, which is observed in many suspected to be associated with MI (Koch et al., 2001; Ozaki et al.,
different human tumors (Kadariya et al., 2009; Kim et al., 2012). 2002; Yamada et al., 2004).
Tissues that are affected by atherosclerosis contains a noncoding, Disease‐linked genes are those whose expression is linked to
antisense RNA of unknown function, named antisense noncoding RNA CAD and MI and have been identified by genomic and proteomic
in the INK4 locus (ANRIL), also known as CDKN2B‐AS (Pasmant et al., approaches. These genes serve as biomarkers for this disease (Wang,
2007). ANRIL plays a critical part in the regulation of gene expression 2005b). Expression of 49 genes has been linked to CAD by
(Broadbent et al., 2007). Many research reports denuded the variants microarray analysis and includes intercellular adhesion molecule‐2,
associated with CAD arbitrate CAD risk by altering expression of PIM2, ECGF1, fusin, B‐cell activator (BL34, GOS8), Rho GTPase
ANRIL, CDKN2A, CDKN2B via multiple cis‐regulatory elements activating protein‐4, retinoic acid receptor, and β2 arrestin (Archacki
(Cunnington, Koref, Mayosi, Burn, & Keavney, 2010; Harismendy et al., 2003). Proteomic study of CAD included the separation of
proteins from CAD and non‐CAD coronary arteries by two‐ known to be involved in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular
dimensional gel electrophoresis where protein spots with different diseases. In individuals with premature onset of CAD, missense
expression levels, obtained from two tissues, were excised and mutation in this gene led to loss‐of‐function of MEF2A (Liu et al.,
analyzed by mass spectrometry (You et al., 2003). The results of this 2005; Zhu, Fejerman, Luke, Adeyemo, & Cooper, 2005). CYP27A1 is
study reported an association between excessive iron storage and a a cytochrome (CY) P450 oxidase encoding gene that has been
high risk of CAD where expression of the ferritin light chain was identified as a causal gene of CAD. Mutation in this gene was
found to be significantly elevated in the diseased arteries by about reported to be associated with CAD phenotype (Dai et al., 2016).
twofold, thus linking the ferritin light chain gene to CAD (You However, the disease‐causing variants appear rarely in populations.
et al., 2003). ST6GALNAC5 gene encodes a Golgi type II transmembrane
In countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, glycosyltransferase protein which catalyzes the transfer of sialic
and Europe, GWAS and consortia‐based studies have reported acid to cell surface proteins to modulate cell–cell interactions. It is
the involvement of 45 genes in the pathogenesis of CAD (Reilly the newest addition to the causal genes responsible for CAD (Dai
et al., 2011). Some of these genes are SORT1, MIA3, WDR12, et al., 2016). Mutational studies of this gene have revealed that it is
PCSK9, CDKN2A, CDKN2B, MRAS, ANRIL, PHACTRI1, PTPN11, involved atherosclerosis (Pritchard & Rosenberg, 1999).
(Reilly et al., 2011). In South Asians, certain novel genes for CAD
3.1 | Risk factors associated with CAD
have been identified by C4D Genetics Consortium, which
includes LIPA at chromosome 10q23, PDGFD on chromosome The risk factors associated with the development of CAD have been
11q22, ADAMTS7‐MORF4L1 on chromosome 15q25, a gene‐rich established by extensive epidemiological research and these are
locus on chromosome 7q22 and KIAA1462 on chromosome smoking (US Department of Health and Human Services, 1990),
10p11 (Consortium CADG, 2011). diabetes (Stamler, Vaccaro, Neaton, Wentworth, & Group MRFITR.,
Linkage analysis and gene discovery studies were carried out to 1993), hyperlipidemia (Verschuren et al., 1995), and hypertension
understand the phenomenon of familial clustering of CAD with (MacMahon et al., 1990; Figure 2).
collections of large pedigrees consisting of multiple members in About 30–40% of annual deaths have been estimated to be
multiple generations (Dai, Wiernek, Evans, & Runge, 2016). From related to CAD, which are attributable to smoking (US Department of
such studies and analyses, three potential causal genes have been Health and Human Services, 1990). Case–control studies and cohort
found to be associated with Mendelian autosomal dominant (AD) studies involving 20 million people clearly made it clear that a higher
CAD and MI (Dai et al., 2016). MEF2A acts as a transcription factor incidence of death due to CAD has been revealed in smokers than
which belongs to the monocyte enhancer factor (MEF) family. in nonsmokers. Smokers have been reported to have 70% more
During embryogenesis, this factor is expressed in blood vessels and CAD mortality than nonsmokers. The adverse effects of cigarette
acts as an early marker of vasculogenesis (Dai et al., 2016). This smoking demonstrated dose–response relationship with cardiovas-
factor shows interactions with a number of molecules which are cular diseases which suggest that the risk of developing CAD
increases with increased duration of smoking, number of cigarettes homocysteine and the endothelium was reported to be resistant to
smoked and increased indepth of smoke inhalation. Smoking has thrombosis (Malinow, 1994).
been reported to contribute to CAD morbidity and mortality either Hyperuricemia is generally defined as the excess of serum urate
directly or indirectly have an influence on the atherosclerotic lesion. concentration present in the body (Becker, 1993). Serum uric acid is
Smoking also promotes coronary occlusion as it produces endothelial the product of purine metabolism (Becker, 1993; Sinha, Singh, & Ray,
denudation and platelet adhesion to subintimal layers, thereby 2009), which when present at a concentration more than 6.8 mg/dl,
increasing lipid infiltration and platelet‐derived growth factor causes hyperuricemia (Becker, 1993). Studies have indicated a
(PDGF)‐mediated proliferation of SMCs (US Department of Health relationship between hyperuricemia and risk of CAD (Chuang, Chen,
and Human Services, 1990). Yeh, Wu, & Pan, 2012; Kavousi et al., 2012; Storhaug et al., 2013;
Diabetes, particularly diabetes mellitus or type 2 diabetes poses Zalawadiya et al., 2015). Extensive research is still underway to
as a risk factor of CAD (Haffner, 1999; Kannel & McGee, 1979). This determine the association of hyperuricemia with CAD risk and stroke
risk of suffering from CAD has been observed to be higher in patients (Dutta, Henley, Pilling, Wallace, & Melzer, 2013; Li, Hou, Zhang, Hu, &
with diabetes than in non‐diabetes (Wagenknecht, D'agostino, Tang, 2014; Savarese et al., 2013; Skak‐Nielsen et al., 2013; Zhao,
Haffner, Savage, & Rewers, 1998). Diabetes has been observed to Huang, Song, & Song, 2013). Many plausible mechanisms related to this
be often associated with hyperlipidemia, which is characterized by association have been proposed that state the involvement of uric acid
increased levels of triglycerides and decreased levels of HDL in the stimulation of vascular smooth cell proliferation, reduction in
cholesterol (Haffner, 1999; Wilson, Kannel, & Anderson, 1984). vascular nitric oxide production and activity and also may be linked to
Low levels of HDL cholesterol, high levels of very low‐density insulin resistance (Waring, McKnight, Webb, & Maxwell, 2007).
lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol and high levels of total VLDL However, such proposed mechanisms remain controversial to prove
triglycerides have been reported as risk factors for CAD in patients the role of serum uric acid to CAD risk. Despite this, serum uric acid
with type 2 diabetes (Laakso, Lehto, Penttilä, & Pyörälä, 1993). Many has been found to be positively associated with arterial intima‐media
studies were conducted to demonstrate the use of drugs to decrease thickness, which is a precursor of atherosclerosis (Dawson, Quinn, &
the incidence of CAD in diabetic patients (Haffner, 1999). Walters, 2007; Montalcini et al., 2007; Waring et al., 2007). Stress has
A strong association between hypertension and CAD has been been recognized as an important and potentially modifiable risk factor
reported in the PROCAM study, indicating the prevalence of for cardiovascular diseases (Steptoe & Kivimäki, 2012). Various
hypertension in patients of MI in a follow‐up of 4 years (Assmann & physiological changes produced by stress may be relevant to
Schulte, 1988). There exists pathophysiologic association between cardiovascular diseases (Steptoe & Kivimäki, 2012). Such responses
hypertension and CAD as atherosclerosis could be exacerbated by include elevated blood pressure, reduced insulin sensitivity, elevated
arterial hypertension (Chobanian & Alexander, 1996). Due to the hemostasis, and endothelial dysfunction (Brotman, Golden, &
deposition of lipids and formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the Wittstein, 2007).
arteries, transmural pressure in the arteries increases. It exerts an Psychosocial stress involving job strain has been found to be a
increasing mechanical stress and endothelial permeability, thereby risk factor of CAD (Steptoe & Kivimäki, 2012). Job strain has been
contributing to a decrease of coronary response (Strauer, 1992). defined as the combination of high job demands and low control at
Hypertension has also been frequently associated with metabolic work (Kivimäki, Theorell, Westerlund, Vahtera, & Alfredsson, 2008).
disorders like insulin resistance or hyperinsulinemia and dyslipide- In a case–control study of INTERHEART, job strain was reported to
mia, which are also known to be the risk factors of CAD (DeFronzo & be associated with a higher risk of MI in men than in women
Ferrannini, 1991). (Rosengren et al., 2004). It has also been suggested by some studies
Obesity, also defined as the excess accumulation of fat in the that the effect of job strain in younger employees was higher than in
adipose tissues, has been reported to be a common cause of older employees (Kivimäki et al., 2008).
cardiovascular deaths in the developed countries (Matsuzawa,
Nakamura, Shimomura, & Kotani, 1995). Excess body fat in the
abdominal visceral can lead to atherosclerotic disease (Matsuzawa 4 | THERAPEUTICS
et al., 1995). Dysregulation of the adipocyte‐derived endocrine
factors occurring in overnutrition has been assumed to participate in Recent advances in the field of therapeutics have suggested the
the development of atherosclerosis (Kumada et al., 2003). possibilities of novel therapeutic approaches in the management and
Homocystinuria is an inherited recessive disorder or error of treatment of CAD (Carmeliet, 2000b).
methionine metabolism (McKusick, 1972). In such a disorder, high
levels of circulating homocysteine and urinary homocysteine have
4.1 | Treatment using angioplasty and stent
been reported (Mudd et al., 1985). Individuals with such disorders
have been found to be prone to premature onset of cardiovascular
diseases (Mudd et al., 1985). Homocysteine has been implicated to be Coronary angioplasty also is known as percutaneous coronary
involved in the development of atherosclerosis (McCully, 1969). intervention, is a procedure used during a heart attack to quickly
Evidence suggests that the coagulation system might be affected by open a blocked artery and reduce the amount of damage to the heart
(Parisi, Folland, & Hartigan, 1992). It involves temporarily inserting (Clappers et al., 2007). It has already been established that aspirin
and inflating a tiny balloon where artery is clogged to enlarge the inhibits platelets in the portal circulation, before its entry in the
artery. The angioplasty reduces the symptoms of blocked arteries, systemic circulation. The standard dosage of aspirin ranges from 75
such as chest pain and breath shortness. to 150 mg per day for long‐term use, however, in the acute phase, a
To decrease the chance of artery contraction over again, a small loading dose of 150–325 mg has been recommended (Antiplatelet
wire mesh tube (stent) is placed permanently to keep the artery Trialists’ Collaboration, 2002). A trial was carried out to compare the
open. Two different types of stents are used at large: drug‐eluting antiplatelet treatment in patients with stable angina pectoris
stents and bare metal stents to keep the artery open (Serruys, (Juul‐Moller et al., 1992). The trial indicated a clear reduction in
Kutryk, & Ong, 2006). the primary end point of fatal and nonfatal MI or sudden cardiac
death. This proves that patients with stable coronary disease could
be treated with aspirin (Juul‐Moller et al., 1992).
4.2 | Treatment using recombinant fibroblast
Another antiplatelet drug, namely thienopyridines are biologically
growth factor 2 (FGF2)
inactive prodrugs which are metabolized to the active form by
FGF2, being a pluripotent growth factor, has the capability of CYP450 system in the liver (Clappers et al., 2007). These drugs could
stimulating growth and migration of cell types (Szebenyi & Fallon, irreversibly block the P2Y12 receptor present on the platelet
1998). This factor has been found to promote vascular tree branching surface. When ADP binds to this P2Y12 receptor, a cascade of
(Carmeliet, 2000a). Through tyrosine kinase receptors (Klint & events is initiated which leads to activation of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
Claesson‐Welsh, 1999) and syndecan 4 heparin sulfate core protein receptor. The glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptors are involved in strong
(Simons et al., 2002), the fibroblast growth factor triggers signals and and irreversible platelet aggregation (Clappers et al., 2007). In clinical
increases the expression of such receptors in the ischemic practice, the first thienopyridine used was ticlopidine, which was
myocardium, thereby promoting responsiveness to FGF2 stimulation later replaced by clopidogrel due to hematological and dermatolo-
(Simons et al., 2002). Preclinical studies have demonstrated the gical side effects. Prasugrel, another type of thienopyridine, is
therapeutic efficacy of FGF2 in chronic ischemia model by currently under investigation in a Phase III trial in patients who
augmentation of coronary flow (Lazarous et al., 1996; Unger et al., have undergone percutaneous coronary intervention (Clappers
1994) and ventricular function (Lopez et al., 1997). Clinical efficacy of et al., 2007).
FGF2 was demonstrated by a small randomized trial of sustained‐ Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptors are the actual receptors for
release of FGF2 implanted in the myocardium during surgery (Laham fibrinogen, which are activated on platelet activation (Clappers
et al., 1999). Thus, research supports the efficacy of FGF2 as an et al., 2007). Whenever the platelets are activated despite the action
angiogenic agent used in the treatment of atherosclerosis (Simons of other antiplatelet drugs, because of insensitivity to such drugs,
et al., 2002). It has been reported that a single intracoronary infusion glycoprotein IIb/IIIa blocks may be used (Clappers et al., 2007). These
of recombinant FGF2 (rFGF2) in advanced CAD patients proved to blockers were developed to irreversibly bind and inactivate these
be well tolerated and safe (Simons et al., 2002). receptors. Examples of such blockers include abciximab, tirofiban,
and eptifibatide (Clappers et al., 2007).
Carmeliet, P. (2000b). Mechanisms of angiogenesis and arteriogenesis. coronary artery disease impair interferon‐γ signalling response.
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