Monitoring Coherence Between The Macro and Microcirculation in Septic Shock
Monitoring Coherence Between The Macro and Microcirculation in Septic Shock
Monitoring Coherence Between The Macro and Microcirculation in Septic Shock
OPINION Monitoring coherence between the macro and
microcirculation in septic shock
Jan Bakker a,b,c,d and Can Ince a
Purpose of review
Currently, the treatment of patients with shock is focused on the clinical symptoms of shock. In the early
phase, this is usually limited to heart rate, blood pressure, lactate levels and urine output. However, as the
ultimate goal of resuscitation is the improvement in microcirculatory perfusion the question is whether these
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currently used signs of shock and the improvement in these signs actually correspond to the changes in the
Recent findings
Recent studies have shown that during the development of shock the deterioration in the macrocirculatory
parameters are followed by the deterioration of microcirculatory perfusion. However, in many cases the
restoration of adequate macrocirculatory parameters is frequently not associated with improvement in
microcirculatory perfusion. This relates not only to the cause of shock, where there are some differences
between different forms of shock, but also to the type of treatment.
The improvement in macrohemodynamics during the resuscitation is not consistently followed by subsequent
changes in the microcirculation. This may result in both over-resuscitation and under-resuscitation leading to
increased morbidity and mortality. In this article the principles of coherence and the monitoring of the
microcirculation are reviewed.
endpoints, hemodynamics, lactate, perfusion, peripheral perfusion, resuscitation, shock
1070-5295 Copyright ß 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
FIGURE 1. Microcirculatory changes in lost hemodynamic coherence. Different microcirculatory changes characterize the
mechanisms associated with the loss of hemodynamic coherence resulting in a decreased delivery of oxygen to the cells. Type
1: Heterogenous perfusion of the microcirculation as seen in sepsis. Some capillaries have no flow where others have normal
or increased flow resulting in scanted oxygen delivery to some cells. Type 2: Loss of hematocrit in the microcirculation as seen
in hemodilution. The result in not only reduced delivery of oxygen but also increased diffusion distance between the red blood
cells and the tissue cells. Type 3: Stasis in the microcirculation induced by altered systemic variables. Increased arterial
resistance (R), increased venous pressure (P) resulting in a tamponade of the microcirculation. Type 4: Development of tissue
edema (e.g. due to capillary leak) resulting in increased diffusion distance between the normally perfusion capillaries and the
tissue cells. Red: well oxygenated red blood cells and tissue cells. Dark red/black: red blood cells with decreased oxygen
saturation. Blue: tissue cells with reduced oxygenation. From [10].
healthy volunteers, hemodynamic coherence is also volunteers resulted in a decrease in mean arterial
present during the progression of circulatory abnor- pressure and an increase in heart rate (HR) charac-
malities. In a model of simulated hypovolemia Bar- teristic of clinical sepsis. The bolus of endotoxin was
tels et al. [35] showed that lower body negative also associated with a decrease in vascular reactivity
pressure resulted in decreased CO (while BP was and a decrease in microcirculatory perfusion, both
maintained) coinciding with abnormal sublingual being restored 4 h after the bolus [38].
microcirculatory perfusion. In human models of With the exception of the brain microcircula-
sepsis, the (macrohemodynamic) characteristics tion, we can thus assume that in the early phase
mimic the ones seen in patients presenting with of severe macrocirculatory dysfunction the micro-
sepsis [36–39]. In a volunteer study, Draisma et al. circulation is compromised. It is conceivable that
[38] showed that a bolus of endotoxin in healthy microcirculatory perfusion abnormalities may
1070-5295 Copyright ß 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 269
develop before macrocirculatory hemodynamic there were no control animals in their study, the
changes are prominent. This could especially be the effect of time could not be ruled out [20]. Although
case during a tamponade of the microcirculation by some (experimental) treatments have shown to be
increased central venous pressure (CVP). A clue to this more effective in restoring microcirculatory perfu-
was the finding by Vellinga et al. [40] that patients with sion and oxygen exchange than the use of fluids only
increased CVP showed an impaired sublingual micro- [46,49,50] the type of fluids may not be an unimpor-
circulation. In patients with sepsis [41] and cardiac tant aspect of restoring microcirculatory perfusion as
failure [42], CVP has been shown to be an independent well [51,52]. However, a detailed discussion about
risk factor for acute kidney injury despite adequate this is beyond the scope of this publication.
macrocirculatory parameters. However, all of these
findings were postresuscitation and thus, other than
keeping CVP as low as possible during resuscitation of CLINICAL DATA
shock, general recommendations cannot be made Several studies in patients with sepsis and septic
from this [43]. It is clinically not feasible to monitor shock have shown a lack of coherence between the
sublingual microcirculatory perfusion in all patients at macrocirculation and microcirculation when treat-
risk while having normal macrocirculatory parameters ing the patient or following optimization of macro-
although monitoring by ICU nurses of the sublingual hemodynamics [53–59]. Similar findings have been
microcirculation using a simplified scoring system has shown in patients with cardiac failure, cardiogenic
been shown to be feasible [44]. In addition, the benefit shock and hemorrhagic shock [56,60–62]. When
of intervening to restore microcirculatory abnormali- there is a lack of coherence following initial resusci-
ties in patients with adequate macrocirculatory tation, some of these studies have shown that recov-
parameters has not been shown, this clearly has a ery of the microcirculation may take a much longer
sound rationale and represents a research challenge. time. In many of these studies, the lack of coherence
Overall, the assumption that the microcirculation is and prolonged recovery time of the microcirculation
compromised in patients with developing abnormal has been associated with mortality. Persistent macro-
macrocirculatory parameters in a relevant context hemodynamic abnormalities in combination with
seems valid. microcirculatory abnormalities may impose an even
more increased risk of mortality [63].
The relevance of different microcirculations,
COHERENCE IN THE TREATMENT PHASE: limited by the scarce availability of these in patients,
EXPERIMENTAL DATA is unknown. In a study in patient with sepsis two
The main clinically relevant phase of the presence or studies reported on the coherence of the intestinal
absence of hemodynamic coherence is the resusci- microcirculation [64,65]. Both studies showed the
tation phase. As argued earlier, the absence of coher- absence of coherence between intestinal microcir-
ence in this phase may have significant effects on culation the sublingual microcirculation and the
the adequacy of resuscitation as it may result in both macrohemodynamics. In the study by Boerma
over-resuscitation and under-resuscitation. It is et al. [64], it was shown that recovery of coherence
clear from experimental models in many different between the sublingual and intestinal sites was
pathophysiologic conditions, including sepsis, that restored after several days.
resuscitation on global hemodynamic parameters The use of vasoactive agents to resuscitate the
frequently fails to restore microcirculatory perfusion microcirculation has been reviewed earlier [66] and is
and oxygenation [25,28,45–47]. The effects in dif- outside of the scope of this article. The use of beta
ferent microcirculatory systems or even within one blocker therapy has gained new interest as both
microcirculatory system may however not be similar experimental and clinical studies have shown posi-
[30,48]. There may be few exceptions possibly tive effects on microcirculatory perfusion [50,67,68].
related to the specific hemodynamic compromise As in these studies beta blockers were titrated to HR,
or that may reflect differences in individual the recent finding of the additional effect on mortality
responses. In a model of tamponade, van Genderen of increased HR in patients with abnormal microcir-
et al. [20] showed that removing the pericardial fluid culatory perfusion [63] should encourage additional
resulted in a rapid restoration of both macrocircu- research in this context.
latory and microcirculatory perfusion parameters.
This was very different in the model of septic shock
these researchers studied, where restoration of base- CONCLUSION
line macrohemodynamics did not restore the micro- From the previous the following clinical consequences
circulation, only resuscitation to a hyperdynamic could be drawn. In patients with abnormal macro-
state restored the microcirculation. However, as hemodynamics it is very likely that microcirculatory
1070-5295 Copyright ß 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 271
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