Arguments and Validity Problems
Arguments and Validity Problems
Arguments and Validity Problems
2.For statements 𝑝,𝑞 and 𝑟, use a truth table to verify that each of
the following pairs of statements is logically equivalent.
e) [(r⋁ Ꞁq)⋀(Ꞁp⇔q)]⇒(Ꞁr⇒p).
e. (p⟹(q∧r))∨(ךp∧q).
f. (𝑝∧𝑞)⟹((𝑞∧))𝑞∧𝑟(⟹)𝑞ך.
f) ((((p ⇒q) ⇒(r ⇒q)) ⋀(ךp)) ⋁r) g) (Ꞁ(((Ꞁ(q V r)))⇔ (q ⋁p)))
4) Identify for the following compound statements as
tautology,contradiction or neither.
a) [(Ꞁp⋀(q⋁Ꞁr)]⇒(Ꞁq⇔p) b)
c) (𝑝∧ )𝑞∧𝑝(∧)𝑞ךd) ((A ⇔ ( ( ךp) V r))⇒ ( (┐q) ⇔p))
e) ((pV (Ꞁ(r ⋀ C)))⇒ ((p⇔q) ⋁r))
5. Suppose the value of 𝑝⟹𝑞 is 𝑇; what can be said about the value
of ?𝑞∨𝑝⟺𝑞∧𝑝ך
b. Suppose the value of 𝑝⟺𝑞 is 𝐹; what can be said about the values
of 𝑞⟺𝑝ךand 𝑝⟺?𝑞ך
6.For each of the following determine decide the truth valu for the
given information.
Mathematics Work Sheet On Propositional Logic And Set Theory
Prepared By Somali Student Academic Committee
a) (𝑝∧𝑞)⟹(𝑝∨𝑠), where 𝑝=𝑇 and 𝑠=T b) )𝑞ך∧𝑝ך(⟺)𝑞∨𝑝(ך, where
Decide wether the following arguments are valid or not using any appropriate
rule of checking validity.
a) (r⋀ךs),(ךs⇒p)⇒r├ ךp b) 𝑝⟹𝑞,𝑟⟹𝑝ך,𝑟⟹𝑠├ 𝑠⟹𝑞ך.
c) 𝑠ך∧𝑟ך,(𝑠⟹𝑝)⟹ 𝑝ך ├ 𝑟ך.
d). 𝑝⟹,⟹𝑟,𝑟⟹𝑠 ├ 𝑠⟹𝑞ך. e). 𝑞∨𝑝ך,𝑟⟹𝑝,𝑟 ├ 𝑞. f) 𝑞ך∧𝑝ך,(𝑞∨𝑟)⟹ 𝑝 ├ 𝑟ך.
g) 𝑝⟹(𝑞∨𝑟),𝑟ך,𝑝 ├ 𝑞. h) 𝑞⟹𝑝,⟹𝑝,𝑟 ├ 𝑞ך. i) (p⇒r),ךr,ךq├p
2.Prove the following are valid arguments by formalizing and giving formal
i) You will meet a tall, handsome stranger or you will stay home and pick fleas
off of your cat. You didn’t meet and tall, handsome stranger. Therefore, you
stayed home and picked fleas off of your cat.
Mathematics Work Sheet On Propositional Logic And Set Theory
Prepared By Somali Student Academic Committee
J) If you aren’t polite, you won’t be treated with respect. You aren’t treated
with respect. Therefore, you aren’t polite.
l) If I lose my keys, then I can’t start my car. If I lose my keys, then I can’t get
in my house. Therefore, if I can’t start my car, then I can’t get in my house.
m) “Robbery was the motive for the crime only if the victim had money in his
pockets. But robbery or vengeance was the motive for the crime. Therefore,
vengeance must have been the motive for the crime.”
𝐵={1,3,5,6,10} and
𝐶 = { 𝑥:3𝑥+6=0 or 2𝑥+6=0}. Find
a. 𝐴∪𝐵.
b. Is (𝐴∪𝐵)∪𝐶=𝐴∪(𝐵∪𝐶)?
c. 𝐴∪𝐴′.
d. (𝐴′)′
e. 𝜙−𝑈.
f. 𝜙′
g. 𝑈′
5. Suppose that we take the universal set U to be the integers. Let S be the
even integers, let T be the integers that can be obtained by tripling any one
integer and adding one to it, and let V be the set of numbers that are whole
multiples of both two and three.
(ii) Compute S∩T, S∩V and T ∩V and give symbolic representations that do
not use the symbols S, T, or V on the right hand side of the equals sign.
6. in a group of 60 people, 27 like cold drinks and 42 like hot drinks and each
of person likes at least one of two drinks. How many like both hot and cold
7.there are 35 students in natural class and 57 students in social class. Finfd
the number of students who are either in natural classs or in social class. a)
when two classe meet at different hours and 12 students enrolled in both. b)
when to classes meet at the same classes.
8. there are group of 100 persons,72 persons can speak Somali and 43 can
speak English. How many can speak English only? How many can speak
Somali and how many can speak both.
11.Let the universal set be E = {whole numbers less than 20 }, and let
A = { squares less than 20 }
B = { even numbers less than 20 }
C = { odd squares less than 20 }
a Draw A and C on a Venn diagram, and place the numbers in the correct
b Draw B and C on a Venn diagram, and place the numbers in the correct
c Shade A U B on a Venn diagram, and place the numbers in the correct
d Shade A ⋂B on a Venn diagram, and place the numbers in the correct regions.
12. A travel agent surveyed 100 people to find out how many of them had
visited the cities of JIGJIGA and HARGEYSA. Thirty-one people had visited
JIGJIGA, 26 people had been to HARGEYSA, and 12 people had visited both
cities. Draw a Venn diagram to find the number of people who had visited:
c only one of the two cities
d neither city.