Hayami (1988) Agricultural Processing

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Agricultural Economics, 1 (1988) 327-339 327

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands

Income and Employment Generation from

Agricultural Processing and Marketing: The
Case of Soybean in Indonesia

Yujiro Hayami’, Toshihiko Kawagoe2, Yoshinori Morooka3 and

Musdjidin Siregar4
’ Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo (Japan)
2Nationa/ Research lnstirute of Agricultural Economics, Tokyo (Japan)
3ESCA P-CGPRT Centre, Jalan Merdeka 99, Bogor 16 111 (Indonesia)
“Centre for Agro Economics Research, Bogor (Indonesia)

(Accepted 17 September 1987)


Hayami, Y., Kawagoe, T., Morooka, Y. and Siregar, M., 1988. Income and em-
ployment generation from agricultural processing and marketing: the case of
soybean in Indonesia. Agric. Econ., 1: 327-339.

This study aims to illustrate the potential of agricultural processing and mar-
keting activities in generating local income and employment in developing econ-
omies, using soybean in Indonesia as a case. The results show that those activities
add to rural income and employment at a scale equal or even larger than those
generated from farm production itself, indicating their role in alleviating poverty
and inequality in the rural sector.


The high labor-absorptive capacity of the informal sector, including cottage

industries and petty trades, is well known, and its potential contribution to the
alleviation of poverty and unemployment/underemployment in developing
countries has been emphasized (ILO, 1972,1974; Oshima, 1984). The poten-

This paper contains part of the results of a research project commissioned by the UN/ESCAP
Regional Coordination Centre for Research and Development of Coarse Grains, Pulses, Roots and
Tuber Crops in the Humid Tropics of Asia and the Pacific (CGPRT Centre) . The complete study
is entitled Soybean Processing Industry and Marketing in Indonesia. The CGPRT Centre is not
responsible for the opinions expressed in this paper.

0169-5150/88/$03.50 0 1988 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.


tial seems to exist for developing the informal-sector activities of farm-product

processing and marketing as a major means to increase employment and in-
come in rural economies.
This study aims to estimate how much income and employment are really
generated from agricultural marketing and processing activities in addition to
those from farm production itself, using soybean in Indonesia as a case. In
Indonesia, soybean is consumed mainly after it is processed into a variety of
food products such as ‘tempe’ (fermented soybean cake) and ‘tofu’ (soybean
protein curd) that altogether supplies about 10% of the population’s total pro-
tein intake (CGPRT Centre, 1986). Much of the processing activity is carried
out on a small scale in villages and towns in local communities, contributing
significantly to rural employment and income. This case study is, therefore,
considered relevant to the illustration of the potential contribution of agricul-
tural processing and marketing activities to rural development. ’

1. Approach

1.1 Study site and data collection

Organizations of the informal sector within which local soybean marketing

and processing are carried out are highly elusive and characterized by almost
infinite variations. Moreover, middlemen are usually suspicious and hostile
against investigations by outsiders. For this consideration, we limited our anal-
ysis to one small location while sacrificing national or regional representative-
ness of the results. Our strategy was to conduct a sample survey of farmers in
one location in order to identify how much of and to whom their soybean was
sold in the last crop season. Then we traced middlemen and processors at var-
ious links of the marketing chain in checking out prices, transportation costs,
trade practices and contracts. A major advantage of this approach is that it
enables consistent checking of data obtained from the two parties who are
involved in each transaction.
Chosen as the study site for the initial farmer survey was one upland village
in the Garut District in West Java (Fig. 1) . As is typical in upland areas of
tropical Asia, soybean is intercropped in this village with various other crops
such as cassava, corn, and tobacco, with the share of soybean in total farm
output value being estimated at about 25%. This village was chosen because
one member in our study team has been conducting there a research project

As a journal article this paper is necessarily focused rather narrowly on the single issue of
income and employment generation from agricultural processing and marketing of one crop. For
a more comprehensive treatment of the problem including such aspects as competitiveness of local
soybean market, influences of government policies and interactions between soybean and other
crops, see Hayami et al. (1986).
‘ig. 1. Location of the Garut District in West Java.

on an integrated analysis of farm production and household economy from

January 1985 through December 1986. Starting from the village, our investi-
gation was extended to neighboring villages and towns including the city of
Garut. An initial survey covering 25 sample farmers was conducted in August
1986, and a succeeding survey covering 37 middlemen and 23 processors in
August through September 1986. In the analysis that follows, ‘village’ refers
generally to this study village and its vicinity, while ‘town’ refers to the city of

1.2 Method and scope

An analysis is made to estimate first the income and employment generated

from the production of soybean per hectare, and then to estimate how much
additional income and employment comes from processing the farm-produced
soybean, marketing the soybean from farms to factories, and marketing the
soybean products from factories to consumers. In this calculation, transpor-
tation is included in marketing. Income is measured in terms of value added
(gross output value minus current input cost). In addition to the total value
added, an estimation is made of labor income or value added accruing to labor.
Calculations are made with respect to soybeans produced of the first crop
(September-January) and the second crop (February-June) in 1985/86.
Although there are several other products of soybean, the analysis in this

study is limited to tempe and tofu because these are the products into which
soybean produced in the study village is processed. Tempe is made through
fermentation of soybean with Rhizopus fungus. The beans are soaked in water
for 12 h, then hulled and boiled for 2 h. The cooked beans are spread out to dry
and are drained and cooled. They are then inoculated with Rhizopus, wrapped
in plastic or banana leaves and allowed to ferment at room temperature for 2
days. During the fermentation process, the beans become covered and bound
together by white mycelium. Tofu is a protein curd obtained from the water
extraction of ground soybean. It is usually made from yellow or green soybean.
The process begins with soaking the beans, followed by grinding while adding
small quantities of water. The resulting slurry is heated to nearly boiling and
is then filtered to produce a milk. Calcium sulphate is added to this milk to
coagulate it into curd. This is then cut into small pieces which can be wrapped
individually. Tempe and tofu are cooked in a variety of ways, such as fried,
boiled, or added to soup.
Both tempe and tofu are perishable and not internationally traded, while
soybean itself is highly tradeable. Given the income elasticity of demand for
soybean being estimated to be as high as about 1 (CGPRT Centre, 1986, p.
76)) soybean consumption in Indonesia increased very rapidly, corresponding
to national income growth relative to the growth in domestic production. As a
result, soybean imports to Indonesia increased dramatically from only 18 000
t in 1975 to 401000 t in grain plus 206 000 t in cake in 1984, together roughly
equivalent to domestic production. Although separate estimates of demand
elasticities for tempe and tofu are not available, they are thought to be quite
high given that of soybean. ‘. Therefore, it is expected that demands for soy-
bean processing and marketing activities will continue to grow in the future
parallel with national economic growth.
There is a wide variety of production methods of tempe and tofu (Winarno
et al., 1985). In general, tempe processing is simpler and requires less capital
than tofu. Large numbers of small tempe manufacturers of the cottage-indus-
try type, based mainly on family labor, are located in both rural and urban
areas. On the other hand, tofu producers are mostly located in urban areas or
relatively urbanized parts of rural areas. Their operation is based mainly on
hired labor, with the number of workers typically less than a dozen, although
family labor is also used extensively.
Also, there are various marketing channels for soybean and soybean prod-
ucts (Hayami et al., 1986). Soybeans produced in the study village are mostly

t, metric tonne = 1000 kg.

’ The demand elasticity for soybean is considered to be a proxy for protein foods produced from
soybean such as tempe and tofu, because soybean consumption for oil extraction is negligible in
Indonesia unlike some other countries like India in which soybean is mainly processed into edible

collected by ‘village collectors’, small middlemen living in the same village and
delivered to processors either directly by the village collectors themselves or
via larger middlemen such as ‘intervillage collectors’ and ‘bazaar traders’ in
For both tempe and tofu, small grocery stores (‘warung’) represent a major
retail channel. The product of village-based tempe manufacturers is sold to
neighbouring storekeepers and consumers. Town-based tempe and tofu man-
ufacturers sell their products mainly at bazaar stalls, while a part is retailed at
factory. Early every morning small grocery-store keepers (who are mostly
women) not only in town but also from village come to the bazaar to look
around vending stalls, to bargain and buy a bundle of goods for sale in their
stores for the day. Village storekeepers usually bring back in their basket a few
pieces of tofu that is not produced in the village. For the purpose of illustration,
calculations in this study are made for the following two cases:
Case 1: assumes that soybeans produced at the farm are delivered to tempe
producers within the same village through village collectors and the tempe
produced there is sold to consumers through village grocery stores.
Case 2: assumes that soybeans produced at the farm are delivered to tofu
producers in town through village collectors and the tofu produced there is sold
to consumers through grocery stores either in town or village.
The income and the employment to be generated from marketing in the
above two cases are lower than in the cases in which soybeans collected by
village collectors are transshipped by intervillage collectors or bazaar traders
to other districts (e.g., Bandung) and processed there. Therefore, the calcu-
lations in this study are considered to represent the lower-bound estimates of
contributions of soybean marketing to income and employment generation.3

2. Production structures of soybean-related activities

As the first step to estimate total income and employment generated from
all soybean-related activities, estimation is made separately for farm produc-
tion, processing, and marketing activities. Meanwhile, the major characteris-
tics of each activity are identified.

2.1 Farm production

Input and output data in the farm production of soybean are presented in
Table 1. These data are obtained from the preceding farm-record-keepingproj-

” Also, our calculations are considered to represent the lower-boundestimates for the reason that
only the direct contributions of soybean marketing and processing are accounted for and the
indirect multiplier effects through forward and backward linkages with other sectors of the econ-
omy are not counted.


Output and inputs in the farm production of soybean, per ha of harvested area, average of sample
farms for the 1st and 2nd crops, 1984/85

1st season 2nd season Total

Quantity Value Quantity Value Value

(kg/ha ) (Rp.lOOO/ha) @g/ha) (Rp.lOOO/ha) (Rp.lOOO/ha)

output 536 306 357 203 509

Current input
Seed 42 26 36 22 48
urea 70 7 104 10 17
TSP 1 2 3
Labor input (Gha) (2hO/ha)
male 219 44 70 14 58
female 183 18 127 13 31
male 192 38 363 73 111
female 151 15 162 16 31
Total 745 115 722 116 231

TSP, Tri super phosphate.

ect. In the original farm records, labor inputs for soybean were not separated
from those for corn as they were planted together in the soybean-based farming
system. For this study, they are separated proportionally according to their
shares in output value. A problem is that soybean yields per hectare in 1985/86
were abnormally low due to drought and pests. The use of those yield data
result in a serious underestimation of income from farm production relative to
those from marketing and processing. For this study, therefore, the yields in a
previous year that are considered fairly normal are used in order to illustrate
relationships in a normal condition.4
Farm production costs and returns of soybean calculated from the in-
put-output data in Table 1 are presented in Table 2. It is estimated that total
value added from soybean production per ha per year was Rp.441000 ($390
based on the exchange rate of Rp.1126 per US$l at the time of our survey) of
which about half is the return to labor: this is a fairly reasonable result consid-
ering the fact that a share-cropping tenancy with 50: 50 sharing of output and

4 The cost data for 1985/86 are used with no adjustment because the effects of crop damage on
input levels are considered negligible, except for a possible minor effect on harvesting labor.


Farm production costs and returns of soybean, per ha of harvested area, average of samples farm
for the 1st and 2nd crops, 1984/65 (Rp.lOOO/ha)

1st season 2nd season Total

(1) output 360 203 509

Current input
Seed 26 22 47
Fertilizer 6 12 20
(2 ) Total 34 34 68
(3) Value added: (1) - (2) 441
(4) (Valueaddedratio, W): (3)/(l) (67)
(5 ) Labor income 231
(6) (Labor income share, %): (5)/(3) (52)
(7) Labor employment (days/ha) 245”

aAssume 6-h work per day.

current input cost (maro) is commonly practiced in this area.5 It should be

noted that the income from soybean production as estimated in Table 2 is only
a part of total income from the land in the year because other crops are inter-
cropped with soybean at the same time.
Total labor employment, including both family and hired labor, is estimated
as 245 days per ha per year, assuming 6 h work per day on average.

2.2 Processing

Production structures of tempe and tofu manufacturing are summarized in

Table 3. The upper section presents the data on output, input, and prices. The
lower section estimates income and profit from the processing activities ex-
pressed per kg of raw material processed.
The tempe data pertain to a case in which farmer’s wife alone mainly engages
in the business, while receiving occasional aid from other family members. On
average, she processes 10 kg of soybean to produce 17 kg of tempe. The tofu
data pertain to the case in which four hired workers (two males and two fe-
males ) are employed. Its scale of operation as measured by the daily processing
of soybean is 10 times larger than in the case of tempe (row 2 in Table 3 ) .
Although the conversion factors from soybean to tempe and tofu are similar
(row 4)) the labor requirement for processing 1 kg of soybean into tempe is

5 It is reasonable to assume that returns to sharecroppers in this area consist mainly of returns
to their labor because cultivation is done by hand hoe and spade without resorting to draft power
for the farming purpose, even though it is possible that their income is higher than the labor
income by a premium for risk they share.


Production structure of soybean processing industries

Tempe Tofu

Output, input and price

(1) Output (kg/day) 17 150
(2) Raw material input (kg/day) 10 100
(3) Labor input (h/day) 8 40
(4) Conversion factor: (l)/(2) 1.7 1.5
(5) Labor coefficient: (3) /( 2) 0.8 0.4
(6) Product price (Rp./kg) 440 500
(7) Wage rate (Rp./h) 100” 150b
Income and profit
(Rp./kg of soybean processed)
(8) Soybean input 590” 585
(9) Other current input 60 60
(10) Product: (4) x (6) 748 750
(11) Valueadded: (10)-(8)-(g) 105
(Value-addedratio, %): (ll)/(lO) (y38) (14)
(12) Labor income: (5) x (7)
(Labor’s share, %): (12)/(11) (E) (6507)

“Female wage rate.

bAverage of male and female wage rates.
‘High-quality soybean for tempe, which costs about Rp. lo/kg more than ordinary soybean at the
village level.

twice as high as for tofu, reflecting the labor-intensive production process of

the former relative to the latter (row 5). Those parameters used are not spe-
cific to the cases under analysis but are synthesized from the data of all pro-
cessors sampled in our survey.6
Since the raw material input of soybean is the dominant current input in
both tempe and tofu production, the similar conversion factors correspond to
more or less the same levels of value added per kg of soybean processed between
tempe and tofu (row 11) . In both cases, the value-added ratios are slightly less
than 15%, reflecting a relatively low degree of processing. While the value-
added ratio is lower, labor’s share of income from the tempe manufacturing is
as high as 80%, while that of tofu is about 60% which is not so very different
from the case of farm production of soybean.

A major limitation of this study is that we were unable to collect sufficient data to make a more
complete assessment of alternative processing possibilities. This limitation stemmed, to a large
part, from the difficulty of collecting reliable data from large-scale factories as their administrators
(mostly Chinese) were very repulsive to outside investigation. Whether scale economies exist in
soybean processing industries at the local level remains as one of major unsolved research agenda.


Typical prices of soybean and soybean products at various points of marketing”

Product Seller Buyer Sale at Price


Soybean Farmer Village Farm-gate 570

Village Village Factory 580b
collector processor
Village Town Factory 585
collector processor
Tempe Village Village Factory 40’
processor grocery
Village Village Store 50’
grocery consumer
Town Town Bazaar stall 40d
processor grocery
Town Town Store 50d
grocery consumer
Tofu Town Grocery/ Bazaar stall 25’
processor consumer
Village Village Store 30’
grocery consumer
Town Town Store 30’
grocery consumer

Soybean prices refer to averages for the second crop in 1985186, and soybean product prices refer
to those prevailing at the time of survey (August 1986).
“Adjusted for quality difference. See note c in Table 3.
‘Price per piece of 85-90 g.
dPrice per piece of 900 g divided by 10 so as to be comparable with village-made tempe.
‘Price per piece of 50 g.

2.3 Marketing

Table 4 summarizes the prices of local soybean products at various points in

the marketing chain. Village collectors purchase soybean from farmers at the
price of Rp.570 per kg and sellit to tempe producers in the village at the price
of Rp.580, implying the unit marketing margin of Rp.10. If they bring their
collection to tempe or tofu producers in the City of Garut, their margin in-
creases by Rp.15. By doing so, they have to incur nearly the same amount of
cost by chartering a mini truck. The fact that the price spread between differ-
ent locations corresponds almost exactly to the cost of transportation suggests
a competitive market encompassing villages and towns in this area.
It is remarkable to note that tempe prices are the same whether it is produced

in villages or in town; i.e., the producer price per piece is Rp.40 and the retail
price at grocery store is Rp.50. The uniform prices over the different locations
suggest that the local tempe market is competitive and not segmented between
village and town even though there is usually no tempe trade between village
and town.
Tofu produced in a factory in town is usually sold to town consumers at a
stall in bazaar owned by the producer, as well as to grocery-store keepers both
from town and village. The retail price of tofu at village grocery stores is not
different from that of town stores, presumably because the town groceries that
sell tofu are those located far from the bazaar so that the cost of transportation
is not so very different from the village. In any case, a single competitive mar-
ket appears to encompass both village and town with respect to tofu, too.7
Total value added from soybean marketing can be estimated by use of the
marketing margins in Table 4 after deducting fuel and oil for truck transpor-
tation, which are assumed to cost Rp.1 per kg of soybean delivery to tofu pro-
cessors in Garut City. Local marketing of soybean and soybean products is a
highly labor-intensive activity. Typically, village-based middlemen such as
collectors and grocery-store keepers are farmers themselves or their wives en-
gaging in trade in part-time. Transportation within the village is carried out
mainly over the shoulder, using a carrying pole. Thereore, that whole value
added minus the cost of truck charter (minus driver’s wage) may be considered
an income accruing to local labor. This assumption may overestimate labor’s
income share to the extent that the interest of working capital is neglected.
However, the turnaround of their working capital is usually very short in the
trade of village collectors. In fact, even large traders in town do not engage so
much in hoarding because seasonal price variations are very small, due to year-
round availability of soybean imported from other regions in Indonesia with
different harvesting seasons as well as from abroad (Hayami et al., 1986).
A major problem in our present analysis is the lack of data on labor input in
marketing. Because the number of working hours of middlemen is difficult to
measure directly, it is estimated indirectly by dividing the labor income of mid-
dlemen by the standard wage rates of hired farm work (Rp.1200 per day for
male and Rp.600 for female). This calculation assumes that village collectors
and village grocery-store keepers are earning an average income per hour used
for marketing activities. This is not an unrealistic assumption in consideration
of the fact that those petty traders are themselves farmers or farm laborers (or
family members).

The retail price of tofu at village grocery stores are not different from that of town stores,
presumably because the town groceries that sell tofu are those located far from bazaar so that the
cost of transportation is not so different from village. Housewives living in town not too far away
from bazaar usually buy tofu directly at vending stall in bazaar as a part of daily shopping of foods
and other necessities.

3. Total income and employment generations

The data explained in previous sections are put together to estimate total
income and employment generated from all economic activities associated with
soybean, including farm production, procesing and marketing. Income and em-
ployment added by processing and marketing to soybean produced per ha of
harvested area can be readily calculated by multiplying those per kg of soybean
processed and marketed (Tables 3 and 4) with soybean yield per ha (Table
The estimation is made for the cases of tempe manufacturing in village (Case
1) and tofu manufacturing in town (Case 2). In addition, their simple averages
are calculated in the absence of exact information on the allocation of locally
produced soybean between the uses for tempe and tofu (Case 3).


Income and employment generation from soybean production, processing and marketing, per hec-
tare of harvested area for the 1st and 2nd crops, 1985/86

Tempe Tofu Average

Rp.lOOO/ha (%)

Value added
Farm production 441 (62) 441 (65) 441 (64)
Processing 89 (13) 94 (14) 92 (13)
Marketing” 178 (25) 146 (21) 162 (23)
Total 708 (100) 681 (100) 695 (100)

Labor income
Farm production 231 (48) 231 (54) 231 (51)
Processing 71 (15) 54 (13) 63 (14)
Marketing” 178 (37) 143 (33) 160 (35)
Total 480 (100) 428 (100) 454 (100)
(Labor’s share % ) b (68) (63) (65)

days/ha (% )

Labor employment’
Farm production 245 (38) 245 (46) 245 (41)
Processing 119 (18) 60 (11) 90 (15)
Marketing” 289 (44) 227 (43) 258 (44)
Total 653 (100) 532 (100) 593 (100)

*Include transportation.
bTotal labor income divided by total value added.
“Assume 6-h work per day.

In both the tempe and the tofu cases, total value added per ha per year was
about Rp.700,000 ($620)) of which about two-thirds was produced at farm and
the rest added in processing and marketing (Table 5). The results imply that
income from soybean to local people in the villages and town in the Garut
district would have been smaller by about one-third if marketing and process-
ing activities were not developed. It is remarkable to see that the contribution
of marketing to local income was almost twice as large as that of processing,
despite the fact that the method of calculation used has a bias to underestimate
the former contribution.
The relative contributions of marketing and processing to labor income and
employment were even greater than those to total value added. Their contri-
butions were higher than 50% to labor income and 60% to employment in the
case of tempe manufacturing. Such results reflect the highly labor-intensive
nature of marketing and processing activities at the village level. The contri-
butions of processing were somewhat smaller, in the case of tofu manufactur-
ing, reflecting a higher capital intensity in tofu than in tempe production. The
fact that the relative contribution of marketing and processing to employment
was higher than their contribution to labor income reflects the more-intensive
use of female labor in those activities than in farm production, with its lower
opportunity cost.


Those findings with respect to soybean suggest a critically important role of

farm-product processing and marketing activities in generating income in local
communities, as well as their role of equalizing income distribution by increas-
ing employment and the share of income accruing to labor. The possibility is
clearly indicated that the development of processing and marketing activities
may be used as a means to alleviate poverty and inequality in the local sector
of developing economies.
However, it is dangerous for governments to intervene in the market and
attempt to substitute the present system by a ‘modern’ system requiring a more-
intensive use of capital. Such a policy would not only reduce efficiency but may
significantly impair equity, as it would reduce labor income and employment.
Policy efforts for such a direction should wait until overall economic develop-
ment reaches a stage at which the real wage rate begins to rise sharply and
labor-saving devices become socially profitable.
Instead, government efforts should be concentrated in the provision of pub-
lic goods, such as roads and highways to reduce the cost of transportation,
industrial research and extension to provide better technical information to
processors, and agricultural research and extension to increase the marketable
agricultural surpluses of small peasant producers.


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