Endless War Hidden Functions of The War On Terror (Keen)
Endless War Hidden Functions of The War On Terror (Keen)
Endless War Hidden Functions of The War On Terror (Keen)
Endless War?
Hidden Functions of the ‘War on
David Keen
Pluto Press
London • Ann Arbor, MI
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The right of David Keen to be identified as the author of this work has been
asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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Acknowledgements vii
1. Introduction 1
Aims and argument of the book 1
Notes 220
Bibliography 270
Index 279
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1 Introduction
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terror’ is a system conferring important benefits, where the aim is not neces-
sarily to win. If the ‘war on terror’ is an endless war in the sense of a
perpetual war, it does not appear to be an endless war in the sense that
it lacks any goal or purpose. The suspicion that the ‘war on terror’ may
have hidden functions is heightened by the succession of ‘wars’ of one
kind or another in which the United States has declared its involvement
since the Second World War. Whilst taking off from the analysis of Chom-
sky and others, the discussion here draws on my previous analysis of
civil war as a system: where militarily and politically counterproductive
tactics have been commonplace and where (contrary to common belief)
the aim has not necessarily been military victory. A variety of civil wars
have shown the militarily counterproductive nature (and the hidden
political, economic and psychological functions) of indiscriminate
Chapters 4–9 explore the psychological functions of predictably
counterproductive actions in the ‘war on terror’, and the psychological
factors that have shaped the changing – and often arbitrary – definition
of the ‘enemy’. The book suggests that the search for magical and
psychologically satisfying solutions has interacted with old-fashioned
militaristic paradigms in profoundly damaging ways. Again, the inten-
tion is to examine not only why such counterproductive behaviours
and unhelpful definitions of the enemy were originally adopted but
also why they have been maintained. The book looks at the appeal of
doomed tactics not only for leaders but also for large sections of the
electorate. It emphasises the mismatch between psychologically satis-
fying solutions (eliminating ‘the evil ones’) and solutions that might
actually work.
Part of the aim is to go beyond condemnation of the United States and
its allies and to throw light on the thought-patterns that underpin the
war on terror. Since these embody dangerous fallacies, it is important to
examine their origins and assumptions, their appeal, and how they are
made to appear plausible. Here, the analysis draws on Michel Foucault’s
insights, especially his discussion of how practices that may seem (to
many) unobjectionable and obvious nevertheless embody assumptions
that at a later point in history (or if we highlight a previously excluded
set of voices or step outside the ‘charmed circle’ of policy-makers) may
appear highly irrational.8 The analysis also draws on a number of other
authors who are not usually discussed in the context of the ‘war on
terror’, including the psychiatrist James Gilligan, the philosopher
Hannah Arendt, the sociologist Susan Faludi and historians Keith
Thomas and Omer Bartov.
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Chapters 4–7 suggest that the ‘war on terror’ has provided a sense of
safety and certainty that has repeatedly ‘trumped’ a more rational and
realistic sense of what is likely to promote lasting physical security.
There has been a re-birth of what I will call magical thinking, some-
thing that produces plausible (but spurious) answers to the problem of
explaining suffering and plausible (but spurious) answers to the proj-
ect of minimising future suffering. Magical thinking boils down to the
hope that we can order the world to our liking by mere force of will or
by actions that have no logical connection to the problem we seek to
solve. Part of this has been a repeated resort to scapegoating – to a
witch-hunt that finds someone, anyone, on whom blame can be heaped.
Scapegoating can be a way to deal with trauma and bewilderment;9 but
it provides only a temporary solution to the problem of identifying
(and destroying) the enemy, and there is always a danger that the
process will be repeated. The attack on Iraq followed that on
Afghanistan, and even after the Iraq debacle there is still an appetite in
some quarters of the US government for attacking Iran and North
Korea in particular. Scapegoating is replicated not only within Western
countries but also within countries targeted in ‘counter-terror’ opera-
tions: most notably, whilst targeting Iraq had provided an identifiable
and accessible victim, the occupation of Iraq meant that ‘the enemy’
became once more elusive; this seems to have encouraged the targeting
of more accessible enemies, including prisoners.
Bizarre systems (including witch-hunts) can be made to appear
reasonable, logical, unavoidable and incontrovertible – at least for a
period. In other words, magic can be made to look reasonable and
rational, helping to explain how populations could be so readily
mobilised into a project that is so counterproductive in terms of the
expressed aim of defeating terrorism. This is partly because dissenters
risk being labelled as ‘enemies’, partly because we often take punish-
ment as evidence of guilt (‘just world thinking’), and partly because
enemies can be made to resemble one’s pre-existing (and distorted)
image of them. Hannah Arendt’s idea of ‘action-as-propaganda’ is used
(in Chapter 7) to explain how abusive actions have come to acquire –
particularly for many Bush supporters in the United States – an air of
legitimacy and inevitability.
Part of the psychological function of counterproductive tactics is that
they have helped to ward off feelings of shame and powerlessness. This
is analysed in Chapters 8–9. Warding off shame involves finding others
who will confirm you in your illusions and reassure you that your behav-
iour (however irrational and immoral it may appear to most people in
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the world) is really rational and moral after all. If and when these others
refuse to confirm your illusions and to sanction your definition of
enemies, they too are likely to become part of an ever-expanding cate-
gory of ‘enemies’. The USA’s dangerous project of serial persecution has
been consistently backed by the UK as well as getting sporadic support
from whoever else can be flattered, bribed, cajoled or coerced into
compliance. It is precisely the irrationality of this potentially endless
endeavour – somewhere between Bush magic and the Blair witch proj-
ect – that creates the necessity of orchestrating and bullying approval.
Warding off shame and powerlessness has also involved an attempt to
combat elements of apparent weakness and impurity – both in US
foreign policy and in policies aimed at ‘moral regeneration’ at home.
This response has important historical precedents.
Chapter 10 discusses a number of discourses that seem to have fed
into predictably counterproductive tactics. Foucault suggests in I, Pierre
Riviere that a crime cannot usefully be considered in isolation from the
texts, including religious texts, in which the perpetrator and his society
are immersed. Writers like Noam Chomsky and John Pilger tend to
portray discourse as merely a smokescreen for power. They see
distorted media coverage of the ‘war on terror’ as a pretty direct
expression of US war-mongers’ interests and as strongly reflecting US
government propaganda in particular. Sheldon Rampton and John
Stauber have also produced important analysis along these lines. But
this is only part of the story. David Miller – in the introduction to his
edited collection, Tell Me Lies – touches on an important qualification to
the emphasis on ‘lies’ in the book’s title: ‘members of the elite come to
believe their own lies,’ he writes, ‘and seem unable to break free of the
operating assumptions of the system … they come to believe that the
world seen through the distorting lens of their own self interest is how
the world really is’.10 The point is not elaborated in much detail, but it
is important to try to examine the nature of these ‘operating assump-
tions’ and where they come from. As Foucault noted, officials may in
some sense be trapped by dominant rhetoric, including their own.
Whilst often self-serving, misconceptions also spring from a particular
culture and a particular tradition, which help to sustain them in the face
of mounting evidence that they are not working. Paradoxically, belief in
these ‘operating assumptions’ seems to be strengthened by evidence of
their falsity, and an interesting question is this: what kind of evidence
would it take to convince Bush and Blair that they are wrong?
The question of intentions is a difficult one.11 Were the counter-
productive effects of the ‘war on terror’ foreseen or even desired? It is
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Chapter 10 also suggests that the ‘war on terror’ appeals for many of
the same reasons that consumerism appeals. The ‘war on terror’ has
been sold with tried-and-trusted advertising techniques. And like
consumerism, it feeds on its own failure; crucially, failure sustains the
demand that is necessary for constant renewal, whether of consumerist
fantasies or of the fantasies behind the ‘war on terror’. In the case of the
‘war on terror’, the key demand sustained by failure is the demand for
safety. All that is needed to sustain this dishonest and counterproduc-
tive system, as with the false promises of advertising, is that we quickly
forget that the solution we were recently offered and readily ‘bought
into’ (attacking Afghanistan, attacking Iraq) has not magically met our
need for security. Here, much of the media has been complicit in
helping us to forget. This book is intended as an aid in not forgetting.
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While Solzhenitsyn was lauded by the West when Communism was the
enemy, his wisdom is now in danger of being forgotten. Although the
Bush administration’s model of combating terrorism has gained ascen-
dance, there is an alternative (and more accurate) model that places terror-
ist thinking at the extreme end of a continuum. According to this
alternative model, terrorists are not an entirely discrete, isolated or finite
group but rather a group whose numbers can always be swelled (or
diminished) – depending crucially on the way the threat of terrorism is
handled. In this approach, the key is to undermine support for terrorists
and to tackle the process by which some of those sympathising with
terrorist aims or grievances may themselves embrace or facilitate violence.
Paradoxically, certain kinds of liberal and ‘politically correct’ think-
ing may feed into the (superficial) plausibility of the model portraying
terrorists as a distinct group. Not least because of the need to try to
protect the increasingly precarious human rights of Muslims in the
West, many liberals find it necessary to repeat that terrorists are a small
minority whose views are emphatically rejected by the majority of
Muslims. This way of speaking, while perhaps accurate in relation to
9/11 and in many ways constructive, tends nevertheless to distract
attention from widespread feelings of indignation among Muslims at
the ‘war on terror’. Polls suggest that large numbers of British Muslims,
for example, now view the ‘war on terror’ as a war on Islam.10 A poll of
British Muslims in March 2004 found that 13 per cent believe that
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We were sold the war in Iraq as part of the ‘war on terror’. This was
a war that would supposedly make the world safer in the wake of
9/11. Iraq was supporting terrorism and Saddam’s ‘weapons of mass
destruction’ were an immediate threat: they might either be deployed
directly or passed to terrorists. Spreading democracy would itself
promote security – if only on the logic that democratic countries are
less likely to go to war. Yet the reasoning in all this was profoundly
flawed, and a detailed investigation in 2004 by James Fallows found
that nearly all US national security professionals saw the Bush
administration’s response to 9/11 as a catastrophe.20 Eight flaws
stand out.
First, there is no evidence of any significant connection between
Saddam and al-Qaida (let alone 9/11). Indeed, al-Qaida seems to
have been strongly opposed to Saddam’s regime, and Osama bin
Laden denounced Saddam as an ‘infidel’. The administration of
George W. Bush tried hard to prove a connection between al-Qaida
and Saddam Hussein, but failed.21 Questioned by British parliamen-
tarians on 21 January 2003, Prime Minister Tony Blair admitted that
no evidence had been found of any links between al-Qaida and
Saddam Hussein – something his intelligence agencies had told him
repeatedly.22 Bush also eventually admitted, ‘We’ve had no evidence
that Saddam Hussein was involved with September 11th’.23
A second major flaw with the project of making the world safer by
attacking Iraq was that, despite the best investigations of American and
British personnel inside occupied Iraq, no weapons of mass destruction
were found. Removing the alleged threat posed by these weapons was
the main justification given for the war. However, it now seems clear
that the existing system of weapons inspection was working well. As
the UN’s chief weapons inspector Hans Blix observed in 2004, ‘The
much maligned, relatively low-cost policy of containment had worked,
and the high-cost policy of counter-proliferation [in other words, war]
had not been needed’.24
A July 2003 report from the UK’s Foreign Affairs Committee
noted that documents claiming Iraq was seeking uranium
from Niger turned out to be crude forgeries. The urgency of disarm-
ing Saddam was underlined in the British government’s September
2002 report on Iraq, now discredited and known unaffectionately
as the ‘dodgy dossier’. The Foreign Affairs Committee report
went on:
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The dossier also claimed that the Iraq military would be able to
deploy warheads containing biological and chemical weapons
within 45 minutes of receiving an order to do so. It is known
that the claim rested on a single source and that there was no
corroborating evidence.25
As a former Labour government adviser put it, ‘no attempt was ever
made to explain that the notorious 45-minute claim referred to battle-
field munitions only, and came from single, uncorroborated sources. If
the attempt had been made, the Sun would not have declared [in
September 2003] ”Brits 45 minutes from doom.”’26
The third problem with the attack on Iraq – perhaps the most funda-
mental, and discussed in more detail later in this chapter – is that the
attack itself has already proven profoundly counterproductive in
combating terrorism. In looting that was prompted by the invasion,
nearly 380 tonnes of nuclear-related high explosives went missing from
a factory south of Baghdad, and the UN’s Atomic Energy Agency
warned that terrorists could be helping themselves ‘to the greatest
explosives bonanza in history’.27 More fundamentally, the attack has
deepened the anger that is fuelling terrorism among Islamist militants
in particular. It has led to major resistance inside Iraq, and whilst the
majority of resisters have been Iraqi, Iraq has also become something of
a magnet and a cause célèbre for these militants from elsewhere: much in
the same way that Afghanistan did during the struggle against the
occupying Soviet forces. Anger and fear have also been stoked by more
general US proclamations of a right to unilateral military action and
‘preventive self-defence’. Time magazine noted that its interviews with
religious leaders, Islamic scholars, government analysts and ordinary
citizens in dozens of countries around the world ‘reveal that the fervor
of those who adhere to radical forms of Islam has intensified since
9/11’.28 Even the UK’s Foreign Affairs Committee noted in July 2003
that the war with Iraq may have impeded efforts to combat bin Laden
and al-Qaida, and that the war may have enhanced the organisation’s
appeal to Muslims.29 The Iraq war has been helping the al-Qaida
network with its propaganda, recruitment and fundraising, as well as
serving as a training ground;30 it provides a particularly useful training
in urban tactics.31 Meanwhile, when the United States uses heavy fire-
power during counter-insurgency operations in Iraq, many of the
effects are videoed and later used as propaganda for insurgency.32 Toby
Dodge, a specialist on Iraq, commented that the Iraq war had had a
bigger impact on British Muslims than Chechnya or Israel–Palestine,
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where British and American soldiers had not been directly involved in
killing Muslims.33 It is true that the 9/11 attack predated the 2003 Iraq
attack, but this of course was targeted at the US, not the UK.
Hugh Roberts, an authority on Algeria and Egypt, stresses that there
is often nothing ‘natural’ or even long-standing about anti-American
sentiments (notwithstanding Chomsky’s emphasis on the longevity
and continuity of American abuses). Yet anger with one’s own govern-
ment has increasingly interacted with anger at the United States to
make a potent and dangerous combination.34 In Pakistan, Saudi Arabia,
Palestine, Algeria and elsewhere, the 2003 attack on Iraq has greatly
intensified anti-American sentiments – just as the earlier Gulf War did
in 1991. Following the 2003 attack on Iraq – in a world that was
supposed to be safer for the deposition of Saddam – we have seen
bombings linked to Islamic militants in Spain, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan,
Morocco, Russia, Chechnya, Turkey, Indonesia, the UK and else-
where.35 Blair was anxious to dismiss any connection between the July
2005 London bombings and the Iraq war, but most British people
disagreed. It had been David Blunkett, Blair’s Home Secretary at the
time, who defended anti-terrorism legislation in December 2001 with
the view that ‘a heightened level of risk comes with our military
alliance with the US’.36 Intelligence officials in the USA and UK
reported in early 2005 that a key threat came from ‘bottom up’ groups
of young, radicalised Muslims who might have little or no connection
to al-Qaida. In Britain, intelligence chiefs and senior police officers said
in early 2005 that planned terrorist attacks had been thwarted there.37
On 7 July 2005 there were four deadly explosions on London’s tube
trains and a bus, with a further four bombs failing to go off two weeks
later. In October 2005, Bush said that at least ten al-Qaida attacks had
been thwarted since 9/11, including three in the US.38
A fourth flaw in the promise to make the world safer – at once obvi-
ous and virtually unnoticed – is that the attack on Iraq and the subse-
quent occupation have themselves been a source of terror.39 Terror to
end terror makes no sense. One study compiled from media reports
concluded that up to 7,350 civilians were killed in the ‘major combat’
phase prior to 1 May 2003.40 Many more were killed in looting, subse-
quent crossfire and coalition retaliation, as well as from poor health
infrastructure. A detailed study in the Lancet, published in October
2004, found that ‘Making conservative assumptions, we think that
about 100,000 excess deaths or more have happened since the 2003
invasion of Iraq. Violence accounted for most of the excess deaths and
air strikes from coalition forces accounted for most violent deaths.’41 As
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one Iraqi internet ‘blogger’ put it in April 2004, ‘I hope someone feels
safer, because we certainly don’t’.42 Part of that danger has come from
the most sustained suicide bombing campaign in history. In all,
between August 2004 and May 2005, Iraqi civilians and police officers
were dying at a rate of more than 800 a month, with an increase in
death rates since the election of January 2005.43
A fifth flaw in the idea that attacking Iraq would make the world
safer is that it has exposed many foreigners in the country to violence
and death. This, of course, includes coalition soldiers. As of 25 October
2005, there had been 2,198 coalition troops deaths in Iraq, with at least
15,200 US troops wounded in action.44 On 19 August 2003, the bombing
of the Canal hotel used by the UN in Baghdad killed at least 23. Aid
agencies left Baghdad in large numbers.
A sixth problem is that the attack, so far from limiting the spread of
nuclear weapons, appears likely to encourage nuclear proliferation.
The fact that the United States has been talking, in effect, about a
nuclear ‘first strike’ against terrorist targets adds to a climate of fear. It
seems to be only those who do not pose an immediate threat that the
US/UK Atlantic coalition has been prepared to attack, and this policy
creates a perverse incentive to arm yourself rapidly (and covertly) so
that you can climb out of this vulnerable category. As in civil wars, an
emphasis on attacking the unarmed serves, in practice, as a major
incentive to acquire arms.45 US officials and international atomic
experts say Iran could have a nuclear bomb by 2006. It already seems
to have mastered the technology for uranium enrichment.46 John Kerry
noted in a pre-election debate with Bush that at the moment when Iraq
was invaded, some 35 to 40 countries had greater capability of making
weapons than Iraq. Comparing the capabilities of Iraq and North Korea
suggests that it is the lack of WMD that may create conditions for inva-
sion. As North Korea’s foreign ministry put it, ‘The Iraqi war shows
that to allow disarmament through inspections does not help avert a
war, but rather sparks it,’ concluding that ‘only a tremendous military
deterrent force’ could prevent attacks on countries the United States
dislikes.47 As Isabel Hilton commented in February 2003:
Since the Korean war, [the North Korean regime] has under-
stood that the disappearance of the Kim [Jong Il] regime, and
even of North Korea itself, is a long-term goal of US foreign
policy. Deterring the US, therefore, has been its fundamental
long-term objective. … China, Russia, Japan and South Korea
all want a nuclear-free North Korea. But they know that such
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Russian military spending has been rocketing during the Bush era; in
February 2004, Russia carried out its largest military exercises for two
decades, and Russian generals and defence minister Sergei Ivanov
announced that they were responding to Washington’s plans ‘to make
nuclear weapons an instrument of solving military tasks’. Some reac-
tion from China can also be predicted.49 We seem to have forgotten that
US atomic attacks on non-nuclear Japan in 1945 helped to spur the
Soviet atomic programme in the first place.
A seventh problem with the attack on Iraq is that it has helped under-
mine the whole idea of collective security and has severely damaged the
institutions – notably the United Nations – charged with achieving it.
One could say that the attack on Iraq was effectively a vigilante opera-
tion: except that this would be too kind. Vigilantes typically respond to
crimes, but this attack was essentially pre-emptive. In this it differed
from the coalition attack in 1991 when Bush senior responded to Iraq’s
invasion of Kuwait. Levels of international consent were also very differ-
ent: to put the matter in a catch-phrase, while the Iraq war of 1991 was
UN-endorsed (with Security Council approval), that of 2003 was simply
un-endorsed.50 The 2003 attack was opposed by a majority of the UN
Security Council members, and many prominent international lawyers
deemed it illegal.51 UN chief weapons inspector Hans Blix commented,
‘It was not reasonable to maintain that individual members of the Secu-
rity Council had the right to take armed action to uphold decisions of the
Council when a majority of the Council was not yet ready to authorize
that action’.52 The UK Attorney General told Blair that it was for the UN
Security Council, not him, to decide whether Iraq was complying with
the earlier UN Resolution (1441) of November 2002 that called on Iraq to
allow free access for weapons inspectors.53 As international lawyer
Chaloka Beyani makes clear, it was also for the Security Council to decide
what would be the ‘serious consequences’ referred to in resolution 1441.54
In any case, the usual code for war is ‘to use all necessary means’, not
‘serious consequences’. Significantly, Resolution 1441 was introduced
with an assurance from British UN Ambassador Jeremy Greenstock that
the resolution would not have any ‘automaticity’ that would trigger a
war without further discussion by the Security Council.55
A final problem with the attack on Iraq is that the enterprise of
spreading democracy by force is deeply flawed. The humiliation of an
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(with most al-Qaida volunteers used as shock troops in local civil war or
as a Taliban security force). Al-Qaida doesn’t really need states or massive
open-air training facilities, as Conetta notes; warehouses and small ad
hoc sites (like Florida flying schools) have served its purposes well.63
A second flaw with the Afghanistan attack was that other more
peaceful options were neglected. Previous US efforts to get the Taliban
to hand over bin Laden had not yielded him, but a deadline could
easily have been set.64 Taliban leader Mullah Omar had asked the US
government for evidence of bin Laden’s involvement in 9/11, and indi-
cated that if this was done he would be ready to hand bin Laden to an
Islamic court in another Muslim country. (Later, in an even more concil-
iatory offer, the Taliban said bin Laden could be handed over to a court
with at least one Muslim judge.)65 Pakistan had a lot of leverage on the
Taliban and a patient approach might have borne fruit over six months
or so.66 In fact, the leaders of two Pakistani Islamic parties are reported
to have negotiated the extradition of bin Laden to Pakistan, but extra-
dition was blocked by Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, quite
conceivably on US advice.67 US demands for turning over bin Laden
and the al-Qaida cadre, and the closing of al-Qaida camps and sites,
were framed as non-negotiable, and Conetta comments that this
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For all but five (or arguably three) years of his life, bin Laden
was a peripheral figure in modern Islamic militancy. … Over
the past 15 years, tens of thousands of young Muslim men
made their way to training camps in Afghanistan. Many, as late
as 1998, had never even heard of Osama bin Laden.81
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Note that this is not just advocating pre-emptive strikes against those
with weapons of mass destruction; it is advocating pre-emptive strikes
against those attempting to acquire them, and indeed attempting to
acquire ‘their precursors’. It is not clear who is being excluded from this
wide-ranging project. Furthermore, Bush has declared, ‘We will make
no distinction between those who planned these [9/11] acts and those
who harbor them’.86 In fact, the doctrine seems almost infinitely extend-
able. All this represents a major shift from a policy of nuclear non-
proliferation to a policy of actively removing nuclear (and other WMD)
threats. The Pentagon has stated that the United States should prepare
to use nuclear weapons to prevent, or retaliate against, use of WMD.87
Deputy Defence Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, who pushed for Iraq to
be made a principle target in the ‘war on terror’ after 9/11, observed:
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There were also vague threats towards China: ‘the North Korean
nuclear program is a Chinese responsibility, for which China will be
held accountable.’96 The authors referred to the possibility that China
may become ‘menacing’ over the long term.97 This worry found an echo
in a Pentagon review of America’s military needs – leaked in 2005 –
which mentioned China in the context of the need for huge military
spending to deter would-be superpowers.98
Nor is this kind of hunger for war restricted to the United States.
Tony Blair has said that if Bush had held back from intervention in Iraq,
he would have been pushing him in that direction. The British Prime
Minister is also on record as saying that after Saddam was toppled, it
would be necessary to ‘deal with’ North Korea. While there seem in
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long been hailed and legitimised as ‘preventive’, and has been facilitated
precisely by such dubious predictions; in this sense, as in many others,
the Bush doctrine follows a long and dangerous tradition.
Fuelling anger
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anger both inside and outside the chosen target countries. Consider the
‘insiders’ first.
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poverty’, adding, ‘already about half of the 3 billion pounds from the
UN [pledged towards reconstruction] is said to have been spent,
though the Afghan government claims to have seen only a fraction of
the money’. Very large numbers of aid agencies were working in the
country but ‘with notable exceptions, their achievements are difficult to
discern’. Tens of thousands of refugees were living in the bombed-out
ruins. Meanwhile, the Afghan Army stood at only 4,000 – roughly one-
twentieth of its proposed level. ‘As fast as new soldiers sign up for
training at 20 pounds a month – if, indeed, they are paid at all – others
are homesick for their remote villages and are quitting’.129 In May 2003,
mines or unexploded shells were killing 100–150 people a month in
A second problem was that the proclaimed international project of
separating the good from the evil, already unrealistic, was made more
so by the corresponding incentive in the ‘enemy’ countries to ‘muddy
the waters’, notably by mixing themselves with civilians. Taliban
artillery was sometimes adjacent to mosques and schools131 – at least in
part a legacy of the old Soviet-backed government, which put military
facilities in urban areas to protect them from the mujahadeen.132 In Iraq,
soldiers reported that some guerrillas dressed as civilians,133 and Sean
Huze, a US infantryman attached to the 1st Marine Division in 2003,
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our combat team’.168 Journalist Peter Stothard, who spent 30 days with
Blair from 10 March 2003 during the Iraq crisis, commented, ‘Labour
MPs like “a Kofi plan”. “We’d better Kofi this” means we had better
obscure this bit of military planning with a good coat of humanitarian
waffle.’169 UN and NGO staff quickly became a target in occupied Iraq.
Atrocities included the capture and killing of Margaret Hassan, director
of CARE International in Iraq. There was a widespread perception that
all assistance to Iraq was part of the US political agenda.170
Outside Afghanistan and Iraq, the ‘war on terror’ has also been stoking
up anger, especially among Muslims. The US and UK governments
have repeatedly stressed that they have nothing against Muslims as a
whole. Yet a State Department list of 26 countries whose nationals pres-
ent an elevated security risk within the United States had 25 Muslim
countries (and North Korea).171 How does that look if you are Muslim?
The violent side-effects of violence can be wide-ranging. For example,
the attack of Afghanistan seems to have stirred up conflicts in
Israel/Palestine and Kashmir, with India moving troops to the Line of
Control in the latter.172
Anger has been directed both at the main Western protagonists of
the ‘war on terror’ and at regimes collaborating in this ‘war’. Indeed,
the ‘war on terror’ has often meant that hostility towards the West and
the USA in particular has been ‘added on’ to what was previously
hostility towards one’s own government.
The strength of those using terror against their own regimes should not
be taken for granted, and neither should the vehemence of their anti-
American ideology. Michael Mann has suggested that ‘al-Qaeda
consists of Arab exiles too weak to take on their own states.’173 Further,
many of those lumped in by the United States as ‘al-Qaida’ are essen-
tially national terrorists (Chechen, Kashmiri, Pakistani, Indonesian etc.)
Mann asks an important question, ‘Why should any of these national
terrorists consider themselves enemies of the US?’174 He concludes,
‘Jihadis … alienate most people through extreme violence, as they did
in the early 1990s in Algeria and Egypt. Islamism and jihadis were
declining from the mid-1990s. But then US actions began to revive
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The sense of humiliation born out of June 1967 was perhaps the
most shattering of all in proportion to the immense hopes of
emancipation and restored national dignity that the wave of
pan-Arab nationalism, led and symbolised by Nasser’s leader-
ship, had come to trigger.190
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for the Arabs, as galling and bitter as the sense of injured dignity
has been and continues to be, it has also been disabling, creating
a situation and mindset in which their choices seemed to be
limited to either suicidal vengeance or abject and bitter hopeless-
ness. It remains to be seen whether the war in Iraq will put the
Arab masses on a new trajectory, one in which they fight to win,
rather than just to die while maintaining some sense of their basic
human dignity. But whatever the course of the war in the coming
days or weeks, for the moment the Arab masses have two things
going for them: They are not mice, and they are not alone.193
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Preaching rights that you do not uphold has long been a source of
anger and violence. Hannah Arendt understood that rage comes more
from hypocrisy than from simple injustice.215 Somewhat similarly,
Evelin Lindner – who worked as a psychological counsellor in
Germany and the Middle East and who did research on humiliation
and violence in Somalia, Rwanda and Burundi – concluded that:
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demonisation of bin Laden over the years has encouraged many people
in the Arab world to regard him as an icon.222
In his brief but insightful history of banditry, British historian Eric
Hobsbawm described the thin line between outright criminals and
‘social rebels’ (on the lines of Robin Hood) whose crimes are taken as
blows against the system. Hobsbawm referred to a category of bandits
he called ‘the avengers’. These were bandits who carried out spectacu-
lar acts of terror, often but not always against the powerful, and who
proved, Hobsbawm observed, that ‘even the poor and weak can be
terrible’.223 Of course, bin Laden was never poor, but many have still
come to see him as symbolising the political strength of the weak.
Saddam Hussein was another figure who attracted followers in the
Middle East by conspicuously standing up to the United States from a
position of weakness: for some at least, his status as ‘hero’ was strong
enough even to outweigh abuses against hundreds of thousands of
people – nearly all of them Muslims – within Iraq.
In the manner of colonial and other repressive governments in the
past, the US government sought to pin rebellion in Iraq on ‘external
elements’. Whilst this seriously underplayed the preponderance of
Iraqis in the resistance, Iraq has indeed become something of a magnet
for militants elsewhere in the Middle East. It has offered a chance to
escape surveillance in the militants’ own countries and a chance to fight
jihad against identifiable and accessible targets. American forces in Iraq
have arrested Egyptians, Palestinians, Tunisians, Yemenis and
Lebanese. Sunni Muslims of bin Laden’s Salafi persuasion were seen in
Fallujah. Shia Muslims from the Lebanese Hizbollah were reported by
the British Army to be active in Basra. London-based Saudi dissident
Saad al-Fagih said efforts to crack down on terrorism in Saudi Arabia
could be driving jihadis across the border into Iraq, ‘If a young man is
confronted with no choice but to end up in a small cell being tortured
and the other option is to flee to Iraq, Iraq is a good option. It’s an ideal
place and there’s an ideal enemy.’224
The process by which people have been radicalised to the point of
becoming terrorists is one that has played out differently in different
countries; but it seems to have some common elements. Very often, anger
at injustice in one’s own society has interacted with anger at interna-
tional events. Among those feeling angry at injustices at home have been
first and second generation immigrants in Western societies. The ‘war on
terror’ has tended to deepen this double-anger: not only by increasing
grievances at Western foreign policy but also by reinforcing domestic
oppression in many countries around the world and by boosting
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The boys did not feel accepted in the West either – they were between
two worlds, ‘We didn’t feel French, and we realised as much every time
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Once in the camp, it is easy, as in any sect, to make him lose his
bearings. He is made to go hungry, belittled and set tasks he
can’t complete, but told that others before him have succeeded
and gone on to ‘great things’.
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People react to these processes in very different ways. But for a very
small minority, a violent rejection of all things Western seems to be an
attractive option.239
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Concluding remarks
The ‘war on terror’ has not only been actively counterproductive; it has
also taken attention and resources away from a range of issues that
have to be tackled if terrorism is to be minimised. Part of this has been
a neglect of US homeland security. In this sense, it is part of an atten-
tion deficit disorder. (George W. Bush said in his first pre-election
debate with Kerry, ‘The best way to protect our homeland is to stay on
the offence.’) Another part of the attention deficit was allowing the
escape of bin Laden and neglecting the reconstruction of Afghanistan
while concentrating on the planned attack on Iraq (see Chapter 3).264
Alongside the focus on Iraq there has been a significant neglect of
nuclear proliferation. The bizarre incentive that the Iraq attack creates
for covert nuclear arms programmes has been mentioned. If anything,
this is made worse by new US enthusiasm for so-called ‘mini-nukes’
(designed to attack buried nuclear, chemical or biological threats) as
well as by the expressed willingness of the United States and the UK to
engage in ‘first use’.265 Unlike in the Cold War, the Pentagon now
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Yet the Bush administration first tried to eliminate this programme for
the former Soviet Union, and then severely under-funded it.268 Russia
has perhaps 1,000 metric tonnes of weapons-grade uranium or pluto-
nium.269 More than three-quarters of its supplies are not properly
secured.270 Richard Norton-Taylor observed that in Russia:
One final point is worth mentioning. Anger resulting from the ‘war on
terror’ may yet feed into terrorism by individual Americans (especially
soldiers). A key role in the second worst terrorist attack on the US, the
1995 Oklahoma bombing, was played by a 1991 Gulf War veteran horri-
fied by the killing of civilians in that war. Gore Vidal comments, ‘At the
close of the [1991] war, a very popular war, McVeigh had learned that
he did not like the taste of killing innocent people. He spat into the sand
at the thought of being forced to hurt others who did not hate him any
more than he them.’272 At first glance, this is pretty hard to square with
the fact that McVeigh later killed a large number of innocent people.
But the Gulf War experience does seem to have helped propel McVeigh
down a bizarre and violent path. It encouraged a belief that the US
government was waging war on civilians (a view subsequently rein-
forced by the deaths of cult-members at Waco, Texas, in 1993, after US
federal agents attacked – a tragedy that McVeigh journeyed to witness).
The anger of many American soldiers at the way they were misled into
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Foucault also stressed that power shapes knowledge, and vice versa;
when it came to any set of social practices, he wanted to know who had
been given the right to speak what counted as the truth. His approach to the
Gulag and to power/knowledge are both useful in relation to civil
wars. First, the problem of the causes of these wars should indeed not
be dissociated from that of function. Second, in analysing civil war, we
can also usefully ask who has been given the right to speak what counts
as the truth; whose interpretations, conversely, have been marginalised
and disqualified; and what practical purposes have been served by the
language and definitions adopted? In civil wars, while both ‘sides’
have often portrayed the conflict as a battle between ‘us’ and ‘them’,
civilians (if they are consulted at all) have frequently pointed to
systems of collusion and to motivations that have very little to do with
military victory.3
Part of the key to understanding these systems is rejecting the temp-
tation to take the fault-lines of conflict at face value. What are the
systems of collusion obscured by ‘war’? What are the hidden conflicts
(for example, class conflict, conflict between armed and unarmed
groups, conflict between men and women, between young and old)
that are obscured when officials and journalists portray civil war as a
battle between two or more armed groups? Which groups effectively
rise above the law in the context of a conflict and which fall below the
law? While conflict is an undeniable reality, we need to keep a very
open mind about the nature – and the functions – of any particular
Experience with civil wars and local wars should impress on us the
dangers of simplistically dividing the world into good and evil, those
who are ‘with us’ and those who are ‘against us’. It is not just that a
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from combating ‘terror’ in the context of a civil conflict. The main focus
in this chapter will be on experience with counter-insurgency and some
of the implications for global counter-terror operations. But first it is
important to examine some similarities between insurgency and terror
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Those living in a democracy (like those who carried out the July 2005
London bombings) may be in a better position than many, but their anger
(whatever the cause) would seem self-evident, and the expectation that
rights will be observed is perhaps heightened by living in the West with
its pervasive talk of rights and freedoms.
A fourth important similarity between rebel and terror networks is
that, in an age when media visibility is crucial in projecting your power,
these networks have frequently shown an interest in taking responsi-
bility for atrocities, whether or not they have actually carried them out.
This can help to create an exaggerated image of coherence and power.
Atrocities may ‘advertise’ the ability of terror groups to stand up to a
greater power.16 In Sierra Leone the rebel RUF – often rather uninter-
ested in holding territory – boosted its image of power and brutality by
claiming ‘credit’ for a wide range of atrocities against civilians when
many of these were actually carried out by government soldiers. Some-
what similarly, an analysis of al-Qaida in Time magazine noted in
December 2003:
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Counterproductive tactics
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arms sales to the Saudis) has stood in the way of effective diplomatic
pressure on the Saudis to stop the kind of inculcation of violent ideolo-
gies that helped produce the perpetrators of 9/11. The links are
personal too.69 Dick Cheney’s former company Halliburton did more
than US$174 million of business developing oil fields and other projects
for the Saudis. Condoleezza Rice was formerly on the board of direc-
tors of Chevron, which does a lot of business with the Saudis. George
Bush the elder has worked as a senior adviser for the Carlyle Group,
which has a stake in US defence firms hired to equip and train the
Saudi military.70
We know that members of bin Laden’s family were speedily hustled
out of the United States after 9/11.71 Saudi funds have supported
jihadists in Bosnia and Chechnya,72 and the Saudis did not seriously
start to root out al-Qaida until the truck bomb attacks in Riyadh in
November 2003.73 Despite the so-called ‘financial war on terror’, the
Saudis were slow to co-operate with US officials in hunting for the
intermediaries helping to finance terrorists,74 and they also balked at
freezing the assets of organisations linked to bin Laden (though collab-
oration in private may have been more than either side will admit).75 Of
course, the targeting of the ‘state backers’ of 9/11 conspicuously
excluded Saudi Arabia.
Some of those who have been vilified in the ‘war on terror’ – notably
Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden – are characters that the West
helped to arm and make powerful in the first place,76 though of course
providing arms to someone who becomes your enemy is not as strange
as the phenomenon (observed in civil wars) where parties may provide
arms to someone who is already their enemy.
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a particular war effort but not necessarily sharing the aim of eliminating
the named terror. Part of this is because both counter-insurgency and
global counter-terror operate through a kind of licensing or harnessing
of violence by diverse groups. (As noted, this also applies to insur-
gency/terror to some extent.) The licensing and harnessing of diverse
violence within the counter-terror means that the aims of the ‘counter-
insurgency’ or ‘counter-terror’ are very diverse (although certain parties,
for example the United States in the case of the ‘war on terror’, have
clearly had a disproportionate influence in shaping these aims). As
Foucault observed, power is not simply located ‘at the top’ of any given
system but is dispersed (albeit very unevenly) through societies and
through systems of intervention. Significantly, the limits to US power on
a global stage tend to create strategies that mimic the strategies of
governments pursuing counter-insurgency within weak states. The ‘war
on terror’ represents an aggregation of aims within shifting coalitions
that collaborate for a variety of reasons and that claim to be participating
in this ‘war’. While the benefits for US corporate interests and the US
military are extremely important (as stressed by Chomsky and Pilger, for
example), pinning everything on Washington can take attention away
from important domestic dynamics within countries around the world.77
The beneficiaries of the ‘war on terror’ are located not only in the United
States and the UK but also in a variety of dubious regimes whose co-
operation has been sought and offered. Given this conglomeration of
benefits, the desire to defeat terror cannot necessarily be taken for
granted – whether in Western capitals or at a local level (for example, the
often-collusive behaviour of Russian troops in Chechnya where Russian
generals have made a lot of money). Crucially, as in civil wars, demoni-
sation of a particular enemy creates space for abuses by those who claim
to be fighting this pariah. The Cold War pattern of impunity for one’s
friends is being reinvented for the ‘war on terror’.
Though there is some loss of control of the aims of counter-terror, the
dispersal of violence through a complex coalition may also have certain
benefits for those who are ‘at the top’ of this system. In both civil wars
and the global ‘war on terror’, the licensing of violence (by governments
who encourage ‘tribal violence’ as part of a counter-insurgency, by coali-
tion partners involving private firms in the running of Iraq and its jails,
by Washington in using third-party states for torture or the Northern
Alliance for deposing the Taliban) has the advantage that it creates many
opportunities for ‘deniability’ when abuses are revealed. It minimises the
violence that is directly inflicted by the dominant power, and it reduces
the exposure to violence of the dominant power’s own forces.
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Raytheon – receive over $30 billion per year in Pentagon contracts,91 and
there is a cosy relationship between the defence industry and many top
government officials. For example, James Roche held several top posi-
tions with defence giant Northrop Grumman before becoming air force
secretary, and Paul Wolfowitz, deputy defence secretary, acted as a
consultant to the same company. Ronald Sugar, chief executive of
Northrop Grumman, said in 2003 that he saw ‘very significant growth in
sales and earnings’ as a result of hikes in budgets.92
How can all this be justified in the context of massive world poverty
and the high and growing levels of poverty within the United States
itself? The answer, to a large extent, has been through continued
conflict, whether the enemy has been Communism, ‘rogue states’,
‘Islamic fundamentalism’, ‘drugs’ or, most recently, ‘terror’. The ‘war
on terror’ represents a new application of an old doctrine: the doctrine
of endless war. Even in the post-Second World War ‘peace’, war has
been not so much the exception as the rule. The United States has inter-
vened militarily in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Libya, Panama, Iraq,
Serbia, Afghanistan and Iraq again, not to mention proxy wars in
Angola, Mozambique and Nicaragua or the support for abusive
governments in El Salvador, Guatemala, Colombia, the Philippines and
elsewhere.93 As Noam Chomsky notes, the war on terror has not so
much been declared as re-declared (and by some of the same people): the
first declaration occurred when Ronald Reagan came into the Presi-
dency and announced a war on state-supported terrorism in the
Middle East and Central America.
An almost tangible sense of relief at the emergence of a new enemy
was expressed by Vice-President Dick Cheney in a speech to the Council
of Foreign Relations in February 2002:
The anti-terrorism agenda appears to have been fused with the agenda
of modernising US military capabilities, making it hard to question the
project of weapons modernization.95 In what could be seen as a cruel
application of a martial arts principle, it was the United State’s own
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strength – its skyscrapers and its planes – that was turned against it on
9/11. But if high-tech weapons systems were not the problem on that
day, they have repeatedly been hailed as part of the solution. Even
before 9/11, Bush and Rumsfeld were telling Americans that deterrence
didn’t work in the age of terror and rogue states, and that therefore they
needed a missile shield.96 Some three-quarters of the additional military
funding since Bush took office is not directly related to fighting terror-
ism, and includes spending on the missile shield.97 The new enthusiasm
for ‘mini-nukes’ is also part of the new weapons bonanza.
Also forming part of the military–industrial complex in the United
States are the large American firms carving out big bucks from recon-
struction, particularly in Iraq. The biggest contract for reconstruction in
Iraq – potentially worth US$680 million (or £415 million) – went to the
Bechtel conglomerate, which has close ties to the Bush administration
and makes substantial donations to the Republican Party and its candi-
dates.98 Halliburton, headed from 1995 to August 2000 by Cheney (who
retains stock options), was awarded the main contract for restoring
Iraq’s oil industry; the contract was awarded without competitive
tendering and Halliburton has been charging coalition authorities over
the odds for oil.99 In all, Halliburton’s Iraq contracts up until October
2004 were worth US$9 billion.100 In a move that suggests the evolution
of a profitable system based on destruction-and-reconstruction, the
Bush administration created in August 2004 an ‘Office of the Coordina-
tor for Reconstruction and Stabilization’, with a mandate to draw up
detailed ‘post-conflict’ plans for up to 25 countries that were not, as yet,
in conflict.101
As with the ‘modernisation’ of the military, the priority of gaining
access to oil has effectively been fused with the anti-terrorism agenda,
making it hard – as Michael Klare points out – to question the oil
motive.102 Oil has certainly been a factor in the USA’s choice of enemies
during the ‘war on terror’, influencing the choice of who will not be
attacked as well as who will. To say that the attacks on Afghanistan and
Iraq were part of a ‘war for oil’ would be a major oversimplification.
There is no doubt, however, that the US government has been anxious
to expand oil imports and to reduce its reliance on the Saudis; nor is
there any doubt that Afghanistan and Iraq have played a significant
role in this strategy. The Bush administration’s close links with the oil
industry have been noted. In May 2001, the report of the Cheney-
headed National Energy Policy Development Group (often called the
‘Cheney report’) predicted that US oil imports would need to rise from
10.4 million barrels a day to 16.7 million barrels a day by 2020. The
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Oil was not the only motive here, but it was significant. Iraq exports
some 1.5 million barrels a day but experts say that by 2008 it could
export 6 million barrels a day.113 Even Christopher Hitchens, who
strongly defended the war on Iraq, observed, ‘The recuperation of the
Iraqi oil industry represents the end of the Saudi monopoly, and we
know that there are many Wolfowitzians who yearn for this but cannot
prudently say so in public’.114 The Bush administration has said it aims
to reverse the historic nationalisation of Iraqi oil before it has finished
with ‘reconstruction’.115
If oil has helped make some countries vulnerable, it has also
protected others. As noted, Saudi Arabia was the origin of 15 out of 19
hijackers on 11 September 2001, and yet there was no retaliation against
the Saudis. This reflects Saudi Arabia’s status as a key US ally and the
USA’s heavy dependence on Saudi oil. Saudis’ role in 9/11 may have
brought home the urgency of finding alternative US bases in Iraq.116
An often forgotten part of the war industry is the pro-war media
machine. This has not only promoted war but has also profited from this
promotion. Rupert Murdoch exploited and fuelled the war-fever over
Iraq with pro-war editorial positions. His 140 tabloid newspapers around
the world were selling 40 million a week.117 Murdoch’s hyper-patriotic
Fox news channel showed bombers heading for Baghdad to the accom-
paniment of the US national anthem. With far fewer correspondents in
the Middle East than its competitors,118 Fox still won the ratings war in
the United States. MSNBC, third behind Fox and CNN, had a 350 per
cent rise in viewers during the Iraq war,119 which of course means more
revenue from advertising. A Los Angeles Times survey in April 2003 found
70 per cent of Americans were getting most of their information from all-
news cable channels like Fox, CNN and MSNBC, with only 18 per cent
relying on the traditional nightly news.120 Public relations businesses also
benefited. For example, the Rendon Group got $397,000 to handle PR
aspects of the US military strikes in Afghanistan.121
The economic benefits of the ‘war on terror’ extend well beyond the
United States. For example, those controlling Russia’s war budget have
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benefited from a Chechen conflict that has now been incorporated into
the framework of the ‘war on terror’. In 2001, the Russian government’s
accounting board found nearly $45 million missing from the budget.
Most of it was soldiers’ salaries.122 The profits from selling arms to
Chechen rebels have been mentioned. In Colombia, paramilitaries and
their wealthy backers have profited from a civil war – again now offi-
cially part of the ‘war on terror’ – in which the rebel FARC and ELN
(National Liberation Army) have been the declared enemies but in which
the majority of (rebel and paramilitary) attacks have been on civilians.
Economic benefits have also sometimes extended even to ordinary
people in poor countries. One mechanism runs parallel to the petty rival-
ries that have fuelled violence in civil wars and even in many witch-
hunts: at least two prisoners at Guantanamo Bay believe they were
picked up by the Americans after being falsely denounced as terrorists by
rivals looking to take over their property in the Afghan town of Khost,
near the border with Pakistan.123 Given that American troops have been
anxious to show they have captured enemy personnel, the potential for
such misindentification is considerable.
In addition to their economic functions, civil wars have also had politi-
cal functions which go well beyond (and even work against) the goal of
winning. The political functions of violence – even militarily counter-
productive violence – have included the pay-off from uniting a country
around a common and clearly identified enemy. A second function has
often been the legitimisation of the military’s interference in politics. A
third (and often related) function in civil conflicts has been warding off
the threat of democracy, for example, by creating or maintaining a ‘state
of emergency’. Part of the aim here has often been to facilitate and legit-
imise the intimidation of a wider group of non-rebels under the cover of
‘war’: maintaining conflict can be useful in the suppression of free
speech, unions and democratic forces.124
In Sierra Leone’s eleven-year war, some politicians and military offi-
cers seem to have encouraged and even helped the rebels in the belief
that a ‘state of emergency’ was useful in warding off democracy. In
Rwanda, a small elite within the Hutu orchestrated a genocide when
faced with the threat of democracy arising from the 1993 Arusha peace
agreement.125 In Colombia, as Naomi Klein observes:
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other small weapons and must be killed with big calibres – not
what the gangs use. The police authorities use AK47s. And the
way of killing – four to six guys in a cafeteria or a store, and
they kill everyone. The police don’t make a good investigation.
They keep saying they are delinquents and it isn’t important.
The final objective is to keep young people afraid, so they don’t
participate. It’s striking how many of the victims are girls –
maybe 20–25 per cent women – young women, often very
young like 13. People are often killed in a horrible way, with
elements of torture – a manifestation of the [earlier] counter-
insurgency project. There’s a strong discourse against youth, an
open discourse against youth, especially those who dress
strangely and have tattoos. …129 There’s an ideological
construction where mara is equal to delinquent. The govern-
ment is always talking about security, and they need to create
the impression they have been taking action. If there aren’t
enough of them – criminals, gangs – you create some. So you
make it appear as if you are countering it.
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and that these sanctions had helped him both politically and economi-
cally. First, they reinforced a sense of siege in Serbia, a sense that ‘the
world was against them’. In these circumstances, Milosevic was able to
put himself forward with some success as a strong leader who would
vigorously defend the interests of the Serbs. As one UN official with
long-term involvement in humanitarian aid to the region commented,
‘Milosevic’s strategy is to create conflict and offer a solution – protec-
tion’.133 Second, the sanctions significantly increased price differences
between Serbia and surrounding countries. While this damaged the
majority of Serbs, it created very profitable opportunities for the clique
around Milosevic who were able to bypass the sanctions and to benefit
from these enhanced price differences. In this sense, Milosevic’s political
and economic system in Serbia was arguably based on two kinds of
ethnic war: first, periodic warfare with a variety of ‘ethnic groups’ and,
second, a ‘wider war’ – the stand-off between Serbia and much of the
international community, itself largely the result of Milosevic’s local
wars. Many believe that Milosevic fell from power, in large part, because
he ran out of plausible wars.
The Chechen conflict is another where violence has served political as
well as economic functions. When Vladimir Putin (then serving as Acting
President after Yeltsin’s retirement) conducted the second vicious war in
Chechnya from 1999, it boosted his popularity and helped him to win
Russia’s presidential election in March 2000. This war was billed as
Russia’s own ‘war on terror’ after Chechen terrorists were alleged to
have killed more than 300 in a series of bombings of blocks of flats in
Russia. In September 2004, Putin cited the threat of terrorism – and
Beslan in particular– when proposing to appoint local officials himself
and more generally to centralise power in the Kremlin.134
In the period before 9/11, Bush seems to have been less worried about
al-Qaida than he was about Al Gore. Bush received fewer votes in the
2000 election than his Democratic rival, and at the time of the attacks on
New York and Washington, Bush’s standing in the opinion polls was at
its lowest point since his inauguration, with only 50 per cent of respon-
dents giving him a positive rating. Within two days of the attacks, the
figure had shot up to 82 per cent. By 13–14 March 2003, the figure had
slipped back to 53 per cent, but on 18 March Bush declared war with
Iraq and his rating shot up to 68 per cent.135 Sidney Blumenthal
commented in February 2005, ‘The more terrorism dominates the
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power and that the executive was the most prone to war – a key reason
for their vesting the power of war in the legislature, which proved
compliant after 9/11. The founding fathers had understood that public
fear, in Al Gore’s words, ‘can trigger the temptation of those who
govern themselves to surrender that power to someone who promises
strength and offers safety, security and freedom from fear’.141
Certainly, counter-terror legislation has also exhibited a tendency to
seep into other spheres, and not just in the United States. In 2003,
special powers under the UK’s 2000 Terrorism Act were used against
demonstrators at a London arms fair.142 Just a few days after Britain’s
Home Secretary David Blunkett proposed lowering the standard of
proof in terrorist cases in February 2004, Blair posited the same change
for drug trafficking and other organised crime.143 In September 2005, an
82 year-old party member, Walter Wolfgang, was manhandled and
thrown out of the Labour Party conference after heckling Foreign Secre-
tary Jack Straw as the minister defended Britain’s role in Iraq; the old
man was prevented under anti-terrorist powers from re-entering the
hall.144 Spanish Prime Minister José Maria Aznar banned the Basque
political party Batasuna, even though no direct link had been estab-
lished with terrorist acts; he also banned Basque human rights groups
and the Basque language newspaper.145
An important part of the political function of the ‘war on terror’ has
been the way it legitimises political intimidation by a range of allies
beyond the Bush/Blair/Aznar axis. In effect, the ‘war on terror’ has
given a license to internal repression in countries supporting this war.
This was discussed in Chapter 2 in relation to the anger generated by the
‘war on terror’. As in many civil wars, demonising one party has created
space for the (hidden) abuses of others. As Michael Mann observes,
labelling opponents as ‘al-Qaida’ ‘allows repressive governments to do
what they want with limited international criticism’.146
The war on terrorism has given opportunities for Israel to present
its own actions as part of a joint worldwide struggle against terror-
ism, and Rumsfeld and Cheney have argued that consistency in fight-
ing terrorism requires support for Sharon.147 Human Rights Watch’s
Asia Director Brad Adams said, ‘The worldwide campaign against
terrorism has given Beijing the perfect excuse to crack down harder
than ever in Xinjang [north-west China]’ where some 8 million
Uighurs, a Turkic-speaking group, live.148 In India, anti-terrorist legis-
lation has facilitated abuses against minority groups and political
opponents.149 Even abuses in the former Yugoslavia have been retro-
spectively justified as ‘anti-terrorism’. Certainly, the ‘war on terror’
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Concluding remarks
Although we have often been told that 11 September 2001 was ‘the day
that changed the world’, most of us know that extreme terror was not
invented on that day. There are important lessons to be learned from
attempts to combat the use of terror within a range of civil wars, and
counter-terrorism can draw important lessons from counter-insurgency.
One crucial lesson has been that proliferating weapons and deep-seated
anger at political and economic exclusion have fuelled conflicts that
cannot be adequately understood, or addressed, as the struggle between
two teams: let alone between good and evil. A second is that patterns of
violence and terror are profoundly shaped by the nature of the response
to them: counter-insurgency has all-too-often attracted new recruits to an
otherwise-weak rebellion. Most importantly, rebels – like terrorists –
cannot sensibly be treated as a distinct and finite group that can be phys-
ically eliminated by violence. And focusing exclusively on some
demonised group – however vicious and violent it may be – creates space
for abuses by diverse actors who claim to be opposing this group.
In Sierra Leone, violence against civilians by government soldiers
impeded efforts to win hearts and minds in the war against the Revo-
lutionary United Front (RUF). The conceptualisation of Sierra Leone’s
war as a struggle between two teams (one good, one bad) was deeply
damaging. Identifying the RUF as the source of all evil – a common
position not only in the Sierra Leonean government but among inter-
national donors – actually created space for terror: first, it served to
distract attention from underlying grievances that fuelled the country’s
terror; and second, it distracted attention from abuses by the various
counter-insurgency forces. Similar problems surround the attribution
of terror to ‘evil’ or ‘an evil ideology’.
Ultimately, whether in Africa’s neglected conflicts, in Central Amer-
ica or in the higher-profile attacks of 9/11, lasting security can only
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fear was certainly intense during the Cold War, the stand-off with the
Soviet Union was precisely that: both sides, for the most part, stood off
from actual fighting. When there were wars, these were usually fought by
proxy: casualties, in effect, were exported to the developing world. A
partial exception was war in Vietnam, which killed large numbers of
Americans. But this seems only to have reinforced the feeling that Amer-
ican lives were sacrosanct. In the early 1980s, when I was living in Texas
(where George W. was to become governor), I remember a strange feel-
ing of invulnerability, a feeling that you were very far away from the
problems of the rest of the world (not to mention the rest of America). In
this environment, the Reagan administration’s madcap ‘Star Wars’
scheme (for knocking incoming missiles out of the sky) had an oddly
plausible ring to it – as if missiles were indeed no more than baseballs
which could be quickly dispatched by a former film-star president with
a particularly big bat.
One day in September 2001 dramatically destroyed this cumulative
sense of immunity, and subsequent official measures (for example,
colour codes for different levels of terror alert) have only heightened
the sense of dread. An article in Time magazine just over a month after
the 9/11 attacks vividly expressed the new climate of fear when it said,
‘Everybody finds himself caught on the frontlines’.5 In addition, there
was a profound sense of disorientation. Keeping the peace during the
Cold War was based largely on the principle of deterrence: anyone
contemplating a war had to reckon with the threat of large-scale retali-
ation. The principle of deterrence has also infused domestic law
enforcement, with firearms possession, widespread incarceration and
frequent use of the death sentence all seen as deterring criminals in the
United States.6 However, deterrence will not work with suicide terror-
ists. Part of this is because the terrorist is elusive and frequently escapes
punishment. Highly mobile and un-uniformed, the terrorist often
blends into the host society.7 He or she may draw sustenance from a
criminal underworld that constantly adapts to surveillance and
attempted suppression. Very frequently, the terrorist is elusive even in
death, with the worst perpetrators often escaping interrogation or
punishment because they have committed suicide in the course of their
crimes. This presents another problem for those who believe in deter-
rence: the terrorist may actively wish to die. Can anyone, for example,
have appeared so visibly elated at a death sentence as the Bali bomber,
Amrozi bin Nurhaysim, a smiling car mechanic from East Java? In
September 2002, Bush himself stated in the USA’s National Security
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One timeless rule of war would appear to be this: when the enemy is
elusive, more accessible enemies must be found. In Liberia’s civil war,
Bishop W. Nah Dixon of the Pentecostal Church said of abusive govern-
ment soldiers, ‘Incapable of facing the enemy on the battlefield, [they]
turned against innocent civilians …, killing them on suspicion of abet-
ting and hiding the rebels’.9 A similar problem emerged in Sierra
Leone.10 It seems retribution will always find its victims, and explana-
tion for suffering will find its object. Just after 9/11, Bush declared,
‘Somebody is going to pay’.11 He told King Abdullah of Jordan, ‘There’s
a certain amount of blood-lust, but we won’t let it drive our reaction. …
We’re steady, clear-eyed and patient, but pretty soon we’ll have to start
displaying scalps.’12 As Rene Girard has noted, ‘When unappeased,
violence seeks and always finds a surrogate victim. The creature that
excited its fury is abruptly replaced by another, chosen only because it
is vulnerable and close at hand.’13 A similar mechanism is highlighted
in a different context by American psychiatrist James Gilligan, who
shows how violent criminals have repeatedly vented their fury at past
humiliations on those who are unfortunate enough to be close at hand
and to have somehow reawakened past humiliations (a perspective
discussed more fully in Chapter 9).
After 9/11, Osama bin Laden, widely held to be the architect of the
September atrocities, was proving elusive. The old habit of making
threats against states itself fed into the identification of an accessible
target. Vice-President Dick Cheney revealed some of the underlying
‘logic’ when he said, ‘To the extent we define our task broadly, includ-
ing those who support terrorism, then we get at states. And it’s easier
to find them than it is to find bin Laden.’14 Rushing to war with
Afghanistan was not justified. For one thing, as noted, steps were
reportedly being taken by Pakistan and the Taliban after 9/11 to allow
the extradition of bin Laden himself from Afghanistan; of course, this
may not have worked, but a deadline for extradition could have been
set. In any case, the 19 hijackers (none of them Afghan) trained for their
mission in Europe and the United States, not Afghanistan.15 Yet key
leaders could not seem to let go of that tried and (strangely) trusted
solution: war. Enemies still had to be identified, and a military response
had to be exhibited.
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‘War for oil’ is a term the troops in Iraq know well. That is
the only reason left for this war, leaving those on the ground
with only one reason to fight – get home alive. When this
kind of desperation sinks in, it is easy to make the person
across from you less than human, easier to do horrible things
to them.
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This nation of ours has got a solemn duty to defeat this ideol-
ogy of hate, and that’s what they are, this is a group of killers
who will not only kill here but kill children in Russia, that will
attack unmercifully in Iraq hoping to shake our will. We have a
duty to defeat this enemy. … The best way to defeat them … is
to constantly stay on the offensive.
At some level, Bush really does seem to lump all his enemies
together, hence in part the muddled response to 9/11 and the discon-
nect between problem and solution. For Bush, the profound uncer-
tainty and disorientation arising from 9/11 demanded action. The
key question was not whether anyone thought it would work but
whether anyone had a better idea. Action was venerated for its own
sake, and Bush told West Point military cadets in mid-2002, ‘In the
world we have entered, the only path to safety is the path of action.’30
US government terrorism ‘tsar’ Richard Clarke observed that Bush
felt he needed to ‘do something big’ to respond to 9/11.31 Remember-
ing the scepticism of Secretary of State Colin Powell, Woodward
reported, ‘Powell realised that his arguments begged the question of
well, what would you do? He knew that Bush liked, in fact insisted
on, solutions.’32 Bush, it seems, would have his mission, one way or
the other.
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Of course, the United States has not faced an economic crisis on the
scale of interwar Germany. Even so, the ‘them and us’ certainties
projected by the Bush administration do seem to have gained in allure
as a result of conditions of extreme economic and social uncertainty
and inequality, misfortunes which this administration has simultane-
ously promoted. Meanwhile, inequality and insecurity have helped to
provide the necessary manpower, as poverty has fed powerfully into
military recruitment, particularly in the southern states and among
racial minorities.40
The United States is a profoundly unequal society, where the richest
1 per cent hold more than 38 per cent of the national wealth and where
life expectancy is lower than any other major industrialised nation.41 In
2001, a total of 9 million people in the United States were classed by the
country’s agriculture department as experiencing ‘real hunger’, with
fully 31 million food insecure. Poverty and inequality have been getting
worse under the Bush administration as recession has deepened and
welfare reform has put a time limit on social security payments – hence,
in part, the rise of a peculiarly America institution, the drive-through
In the 1990s, millions of ordinary Americans pursued the fairy-tale
of rags-to-riches through the stock market, boosting share prices. Capi-
tal gains taxes were cut, adding to the windfalls. When prices started to
tumble from 1999, corporate executives – helped by the deregulation of
oil, energy and financial institutions – were often quick to pull out their
money even as they advised ordinary shareholders and local employ-
ees to keep investing.43 Enron – a major sponsor of the Bush family –
was only the most spectacular example of defrauding investors. With
the Enron debacle and other corporate scandals getting increased
media attention by the end of 2001, Karl Rove worried that there could
be a fall-out for Bush and Cheney.44 The potential for a popular back-
lash was all the greater since US middle-class wealth had generally
been stagnating and Americans were was increasingly taking on
consumer debt they could barely manage.45
Instead of any kind of retribution or political backlash, the rich got a
huge tax cut courtesy of George W. Bush.46 In 2001 the Bush adminis-
tration presided over a total tax cut (income and estates tax) of $1.35
trillion (to take effect over ten years). About two years later, another big
cut was pushed through.47 All this added up to a great escape for Amer-
ica’s elite, the kind of people Bush was addressing at a fundraising
dinner when he acknowledged, ‘This is an impressive crowd – the
haves and the have-mores. Some people call you the elite. I call you
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my base.’48 Michael Moore, who has a particular feel for the class
dimensions of the ‘war on terror’, has written:
Perhaps the biggest success in the War on Terror has been its
ability to distract the nation from the Corporate War on Us. In
the two years since the attacks of 9/11, American businesses
have been on a punch-drunk rampage that has left millions of
average Americans with their savings gone, their pensions
looted, their hopes for a comfortable future for their families
diminished or extinguished.49
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The desire to find some kind of an enemy was already in place, in other
words. The terrorist, perhaps the ultimate shape-shifter, stepped into
an existing template. And the displacement of aggression from the
terrorist to his (alleged and imagined) shadowy supporters mimicked
the rapid and arbitrary pre-9/11 shifts in the definition of enemies.
Concluding remarks
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suggested that the greater the disorder, the greater may be the tempta-
tion to invoke some form of magical counter-measures and perhaps to
pursue a reinvigoration of occult customs.9
In the West, we often imagine that such superstitions are behind us.
But Michel Foucault, for one, reminded us to seek out the ‘irrationali-
ties’ of the present as well as the past. Today, in the face of the ‘disease’
of contemporary terrorism and the increased disorientation and anxi-
ety after 9/11, severe shortcomings in explanatory frameworks have
helped to create political and intellectual space for explanations and
prescriptions that are once more leading us into the realms of the super-
stitious and the persecutory. In many ways, we see a return to magical
thinking: the belief and hope that we can re-order the world to our
liking by mere force of will or by actions that have no logical connec-
tion to the problem we are addressing. Such thinking – as Edward
Evans-Pritchard showed in relation to the Azande people in Sudan –
may often exist alongside more scientific frameworks.
Most of us have at times adopted behaviour that we feel may make
us safer but that bears little or no logical connection to actual threats:
avoiding cracks in the pavement, for example. Situations of extreme
fear and powerlessness seem to bring out this propensity for magical
thinking, however secular or rational our normal outlook. Some of us
cross our fingers when our plane hits turbulence; naturally, if the plane
does not crash, we may at some level believe that our superstitious
behaviour somehow ‘worked’. At the level of individual psychology, it
seems to be this mechanism that reinforces obsessive compulsive disor-
ders: we keep on doing what we do (however bizarre) because it seems
to have helped in warding off whatever it is that we fear.10 The same
could perhaps be said for the Cold War nuclear arms build-up: it was
crazy, but somehow as long as no one pressed the button, it seemed to
many to be ‘working’.
The personalities of both Bush and Blair have apparently
contributed to the latest wave of magical thinking. US analyst Joe Klein
said of Bush, ‘The President seems to believe that wishing will make it
so’.11 Novelist Doris Lessing said of Blair, ‘He believes in magic. That if
you say a thing, it is true.’12 Commenting specifically on Blair and the
supposed Iraqi ‘weapons of mass destruction’, Polly Toynbee observed
that the British Prime Minister:
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While personalities have played a role, the resort to magical thinking also
follows a well-worn historical path. The search for someone ‘evil’, some-
one who can be blamed, someone whose removal will produce a safer
world, is characteristic of a long sequence of witch-hunts. This has some-
times served to get leaders ‘off the hook’. In the early modern era,
plagues often prompted a witch-hunt. Anne Barstow comments, ‘By
condemning women to ritual violence, the leaders escaped the Christ-
role that would dictate that they sacrifice themselves in order to remedy
the problem’.14 Of course, it was natural that Bush, Condoleezza Rice and
company came under considerable pressure to explain why they had
failed to prevent the 9/11 atrocities.15 Inevitably, this added to the
pressure to find some external or internal actors to blame.
The disconnect between problem and solution that is manifest in the
leap from 9/11 to attacking Iraq was also a characteristic of the witch-
hunt; and as with the collective hysteria in seventeenth-century Salem
in North America,16 for example, a strain of superstitious, paranoid and
quasi-religious thinking has interacted damagingly with more
mundane aims (like economic gain).
If magical thinking thrives on the absence of credible explanations,
it is striking how existing approaches to conflict analysis leave a huge
gap when it comes to explaining something like 9/11. For one thing,
there has been relatively little mainstream discussion of why hostility
to America might be strong in some quarters (see Chapter 9). This
means that many Americans have been genuinely bemused about 9/11
and correspondingly predisposed to accept the explanation (and, by
extension, the solution) that has been offered by their government.
Deficiencies in conflict studies may also be part of the problem. The
field has been partially appropriated by economics, as in the attempts to
explain violence as a manifestation of ‘greed’ (an approach made promi-
nent by Paul Collier at the World Bank and one to which I have also
contributed). This kind of ‘rational actor’ framework has some advan-
tages (especially in countering the notion of violence-as-chaos) but does
not do a very good job with the anger that feeds violence nor with people
who might want to die.17 It also runs the risk of reinforcing the blinkers
of those with little sense of history and little willingness to listen to
historical grievances,18 perhaps contributing to deficiencies in under-
standing how people became violent and the role of counter-insurgency
and counter-terror in this process.
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And today, while there may again be no logical connection between the
problem and the favoured solution, this disconnect is obscured by
many means, both subtle and unsubtle. Whether the witch-hunt is old
or new, we need to understand how magical and irrational beliefs are
made to seem somehow rational and legitimate, how, in Foucault’s
terms, they are ‘made to function as true’.
The aim in a witch-hunt has been not simply to eliminate some
named and accessible evil; it has also been to generate legitimacy for
this dubious activity. Past experience suggests that where evidence in a
witch-hunt was lacking, the persecutors attempted to legitimise their
activities by getting the accused to condemn themselves: one possible
source of ‘proof’ has been a confession, and the greater the suspicion
that an accusation is not well-founded, the more a repressive system
seems to require a confession to legitimise it. In witch-hunts, a woman
accused of witchcraft could often save herself only by ‘admitting’ she
was a witch. Keith Thomas said of suspected witches in pre-modern
Europe, ‘If the witch confessed, that settled the issue; if she refused to
do so, she was adding perjury to her other sins.’22 Confessions have also
been important when witch-hunts have taken the form of mass perse-
cution by totalitarian regimes. As Hannah Arendt noted, confessions
were much favoured in the Soviet system as a way of legitimising the
mass persecution of dissidents.23
Today, our self-appointed witch-finder generals – mostly besuited
rather than in uniform – presume to locate the contemporary source of
evil and set out to provide the world with ‘proof’. At the individual
level, torture has again been routinely used to extract information that
might incriminate the suspect or third parties.24 While torture was used
during the Cold War (for example, in Vietnam), a new shamelessness
has attached to the practice, legitimized by new definitions and laws.25
Bush made clear that Saddam’s only way to avoid war was to give a
‘full and complete’ declaration of the illicit weapons of mass destruc-
tion, which he did not in fact possess. UN weapons inspector Hans Blix
himself compared the aborted weapons inspection in Iraq to a witch-
hunt; and when US officials rejected the idea that Iraq could meet spec-
ified ‘benchmarks’ so as to show willingness to co-operate with
inspectors and disarm (a path favoured by Germany and Russia and
being considered by the UK), Blix understood the US position to be,
‘The witches exist; you are appointed to deal with these witches; test-
ing whether there are witches is only a dilution of the witch hunt.’26
John Wolf, Assistant Secretary of State for Non-proliferation, said that
the necessary ‘dramatic change’ in Iraq’s position on weapons of mass
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He who exacts his own vengeance is said to ‘take the law into
his own hands’. There is no difference of principle between
private and public vengeance, but on the social level, the differ-
ence is enormous. Under the public system, an act of
vengeance is no longer avenged; the process is terminated, the
danger of escalation averted.52
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fuelling future violence will be far less than where the war is seen as an
act of private vengeance (Iraq 2003), which may itself be revenged.
Evidence from witch-hunts past and present suggests that they oper-
ate within closed systems of thought that make them difficult to chal-
lenge. When the killing or banishment of a witch does not eliminate a
particular problem, the conclusion is usually not that the witch-hunt
was ill-conceived but that more witches must be found. Similarly, when
the persecution of a larger group runs into problems or proves coun-
terproductive, a common response has been to redouble one’s efforts,
to intensify the witch-hunt. This is well mapped by Robert Robins and
Jerrold Post in their book, Political Paranoia, notably in relation to
purges by Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge.53 We can see hints of this impulse
when terror attacks have occurred in various countries in the wake of
the attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq invasions. Such terror bombings
indicate, at the very least, that the punitive action has not eliminated
the problem. But the conclusion in official circles is typically not that
the counter-terror was ill-conceived or ineffective; rather, it is that we
must reinforce the existing strategy and perhaps widen the pursuit of
culprits. Time will tell whether Iraq’s fellow members in the ‘axis of
evil’ – Iran and North Korea – are also to be attacked in the name of
Significantly, the ‘war on terror’ was not the first time that interna-
tional interventions were based on the (comforting) belief that elimi-
nating evil individuals would provide the key to safety. In the early
1990s, US attempts to relieve famine in Somalia foundered on a
complex war whose political and economic agendas were quickly
boiled down by the US government to the alleged ‘evil’ of one General
Mohamed Aideed. Aideed was the subject of the US government’s
‘most wanted’ posters and the target of a botched US raid in 1993 that
led to the deaths of as many as 1,000 Somalis in the fire fight. At the
turn of the twenty-first century, the complex problems of West Africa
were often neatly and dangerously simplified into the ‘evil’ of Liberian
President Charles Taylor – a profoundly destructive force, to be sure,
but hardly the only problem in a region where corruption and weak
states have repeatedly fed into brutal rebellion and equally brutal
counter-insurgency. In relation to Liberia, Alex Vines, head of the Africa
programme at London’s Royal Institute for International Affairs, said
in mid-2003, ‘Some on the Security Council seem to believe regime
change is desirable but lack any vision of what happens once Taylor is
gone’.54 More recently, the United States focused a lot of hopes in the
Middle East on removing Yasser Arafat, but the International Crisis
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The indications are that the Taliban and other radical elements
have succeeded in their efforts to undermine the reconstruction
process in the south of the country, at least, with the withdrawal
of the aid community from effective programming in that area.
This inevitably risks further alienating the Pushtun population
from the transitional government and raises questions about the
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The British have been shipping cash to Hazrat Ali, the head
of Afghanistan’s eastern military command and the warlord
of Nangahar, who worked with the US at Tora Bora. His men
specialize in arresting people on the pretext that they are
Taliban supporters and torturing them until their families
pay up.69
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good’.76 Blair also gave little sign of having thought through Iraqis’
reception for the invasion/occupation.77
Post-Saddam Iraq has paid heavily for the tendency to reduce every
problem to the evil of Saddam and his fellow Ba’athists. The hierarchical
organisation that is the US military has tended to imagine the enemy in
its own image, that is, as a hierarchical organisation which will be fatally
weakened by the elimination of key leaders. In late 1993, military
strategist Jon Arquilla said of the hunt for Saddam in Iraq, ‘We are a
hierarchy and we like to fight hierarchies. We think if we cut off the head,
we can end this.’78 Saddam’s removal was supplemented by the rapid
dismantling of the Ba’athist state: again, an identifiable body of appar-
ently evil individuals whose removal would ostensibly make everyone
safer. In effect, Coalition Provisional Authority head Paul Bremer fired
the entire senior civil service,79 and up to 30,000 Ba’ath Party officials
were automatically excluded from office (a policy later partially
reversed).80 Even more dangerously, an army of some 400,000 Iraqi
soldiers was demobilised without any re-employment programme or
pensions. While these state structures had certainly proved profoundly
abusive, attempting to eliminate them overnight had the effect of
compounding insecurity, starting with widespread looting in the imme-
diate aftermath of the US-led attack. Dismantling an entire state in a
matter of weeks, though it might fit neatly with a neo-liberal agenda as
well as with the impulse to demonise a finite group of enemies, repre-
sents a pretty dangerous enterprise. (The flooding of Louisiana in 2005,
and information on the previous neglect of levees, of emergency
planning and the free-for-all building on wetlands were soon to remind
Americans, in a manner more damaging for Bush, of the dangers of a
Republican ideology that seemed to have little faith even in the idea of
government.81) In Iraq, the dangers from angry ex-officials themselves
were compounded when the damage to services gave a boost to insur-
gency and, in particular, the Shi’ite religious activism that so worried the
United States. As the International Crisis Group (ICG) observed:
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Moqtada al-Sadr and his ‘Mahdi army’ were guarding factories from
looters (and even helping to direct traffic) until Bremer provoked Sadr
into armed conflict by shutting his newspaper and arresting and killing
his deputies.83
Plentiful warnings on the consequences of wholesale sackings
were ignored. Although the Pentagon tended to favour a purge of
those tainted by the Ba’ath Party and Saddam, the US State Depart-
ment wanted to keep the government apparatus largely intact, at least
until elections could be held.84 The State Department also predicted
the widespread looting which duly occurred.85 At the end of May
2003, Ramiro Lopes de Silva, the UN’s most senior humanitarian offi-
cial in Iraq, warned that the sudden decision to demobilise a massive
army without any re-employment or pensions could generate a ‘low
intensity conflict’ in the countryside, particularly given the tightened
security in the capital.86 These sackings did indeed prove a significant
factor in the post-occupation insurgency. An American special forces
officer stationed in Baghdad said that after the dissolution of the
Army, ‘I had my guys coming up to me and saying, “Does Bremer
realize that there are four hundred thousand of these guys out there
and they all have guns?” So did these decisions contribute to the
insurgency? Unequivocally, yes.’87
Iraq’s police force was another problem, as was the failure to deal
with unemployment. Andrew Balthazor, for ten months the senior
intelligence officer for part of Baghdad, noted in August 2004 that the
former Iraqi police had been engaged far too late in the reconstruction,
that unemployment had foolishly not been made a priority and that
‘idle hands are dangerous’.88
The working assumption of the US government in particular has
been that if you remove Saddam (the heart of the problem), a democ-
racy would naturally grow up in its place. But Saddam loyalists proved
a significant force and were joined by nationalists driven by desire for
independence and security, and by Islamists wanting to return political
Islam to Iraq.89 There are reasons why democracy was absent in Iraq
through the twentieth century (not least the artificiality of colonial
borders and the artificially bolstered power of Sunni allies), and many
of these reasons persist. Removing a totalitarian regime creates a
vacuum, to be sure; democracy may have a chance, but it is only one of
the political systems which could fill that vacuum. A truly democratic
Iraq, moreover, could eventually put in power the kind of Islamist
government that the West doesn’t like (and helped forestall in Algeria).
Part of the problem with the United States’s aggressive
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a few ‘bad apples’. For example, Bush was anxious to deny that this
torture reflected anything like official policy or that it was mirrored by
abuses in Cuba and Afghanistan.103 In the UK the Sun newspaper was
happy to label Lynndie England with the banner headline ‘Witch!’.104
In reality, the abuses at Abu Ghraib were not just individual acts of
sadism by a few ‘evil’ individuals; they were also the products of fear,
racism and signals from the top. Bush decided on 7 February 2002 that
the protection of the Geneva Convention would be withheld both from
al-Qaida and the Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, a particular problem
given the subsequent efforts to bring Guantanamo techniques to Abu
Ghraib.105 Justice Department and Defense Department lawyers argued
that Americans could torture prisoners and avoid criminal charges.106
Rumsfeld in December 2003 approved interrogation techniques includ-
ing the use of hoods, the removal of clothing and the ‘use of detainees’
individual phobias (such as fear of dogs) to induce stress’.107 (He
rescinded this, reportedly after vigorous opposition from Navy
lawyers.) Tellingly, the idea that evil can be physically eliminated has
characterised the response to Abu Ghraib as well as the ‘war on terror’:
Bush’s principal response to Abu Ghraib was to suggest tearing the
prison down (though he neglected to provide for it in his budget).108
While the emphasis on ‘a few evil individuals’ characterises the
response both to abuses by the enemy and to abuses by one’s own side,
there has been a marked difference in terms of the degree to which the
violence is seen as decentralised. Specifically, alongside the exaggera-
tion of the decentralisation of violence in one’s own operations (‘there
were no orders to abuse’), there has existed a pretty systematic under-
estimation of the degree to which the enemy’s violence is decentralised.
The dangers here are two-fold: first, that this way of thinking and talk-
ing perpetuates abuses by one’s own side; and, second, that it rein-
forces counterproductive strategies based on eliminating a few key
‘evil’ individuals or regimes.
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Special Plans was created [in the wake of 9/11] in order to find
evidence of what [Deputy Defense Secretary Paul] Wolfowitz
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The drastic step of setting aside the notion of proof appears to have
been given a veneer of intellectual credibility by officials and analysts
who drew on the work of Leo Strauss at the University of Chicago,
including Paul Wolfowitz and William Kristol.27 Strauss’s former
doctoral student Abram Shulsky became Director of the Pentagon’s
Office of Special Plans and together with Gary Schmitt (a member of
the Project for the New American Century) he published an article in
1999 called, ‘Leo Strauss and the World of Intelligence (By Which We
Do Not Mean Nous)’. Seymour Hersh observes:
Hersh quotes a former CIA expert who spent the past decade immersed
in Iraqi-exile affairs and who said of the Pentagon’s Special Plans
people, ‘They see themselves as outsiders. There’s a high degree of
paranoia. They’ve convinced themselves that they’re on the side of the
angels, and everybody else in the government is a fool.’29
Leo Strauss argued that good politicians should reassert the absolute
moral values that would unite society. He was worried by relativism:
the idea that nothing could be said to be absolutely or objectively true.
Religion had a vital political function in ensuring social order – what
Plato called a ‘noble lie’. Indeed, although Strauss is widely held to
have been an atheist, religion was seen as useful because it ‘breeds
deference to the ruling class’.30 This ambivalence mirrored Strauss’s
discussion of Niccolò Machiavelli’s view that a ruling prince should not
be religious but ought to appear so, since a religious populace was
necessary for social order.31 Also important for Strauss and those he
influenced seems to have been the idea of concealing things from
people incapable of understanding them.32 It was not hard to imagine
how this way of thinking could feed into the elevation of ‘faith’ and the
distortion of evidence. Nor it is difficult to see a synergy between this
way of thinking and the Republican ‘backlash’ – as analysed by
Thomas Frank – which diverted economic and social discontent into
anger over diverse ‘moral issues’.
Signals from the top encouraged the production of inaccurate and
biased information. As Paul O’Neill, who was asked to resign from his
post of Treasury Secretary in December 2002, put it:
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The use of a general signal from the top on the kind of evidence that
was required had some similarities with signals sent out in relation to
torture and coalition soldiers’ abuses: Mark Danner quotes a lawyer for
one of those accused of abuses in Iraq, Staff Sergeant Ivan Fredericks:
The story is not necessarily that there was a direct order. Every-
body is far too subtle and smart for that. … Realistically, there is
a description of an activity, a suggestion that it may be helpful
and encouragement that this is exactly what we needed.34
The CIA’s past failings did not help in resisting this pressure. The CIA
had lost credibility for failing to anticipate or prevent 9/11. For exam-
ple, those al-Qaida operatives it was tracking were never put on the
immigration service watch list.38 This was only the latest in a series of
errors by the CIA – not only its failure to foresee the Soviet collapse but
its failure to provide warning of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade
Center in 1993, on US military barracks in Saudi Arabia in 1996, on US
embassies in East Africa in 1998, and on the USS Cole in 2000. Then
there was the CIA’s failure even to notice India’s underground nuclear
testing in 1998.39 Where information is weak and predictions inade-
quate, exaggerating threats was likely to be bureaucratically safer than
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to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons’. But the IAEA was soon report-
ing that the size of the tubes meant they were ill-suited for uranium-
enrichment and that they were identical to those previously used by
Iraq to make conventional artillery rockets. Despite the IAEA’s rebuttal
in January 2003, Powell repeated the aluminium tubes charge in his
speech to the UN on 5 February.46 The CIA had warned in 2001 that
documents purporting to show Iraq had attempted to buy 500 tons of
uranium from Niger were fakes. Yet these documents were cited by
Bush in his spring 2003 State of the Union address.47 On 7 October 2002,
Bush made a speech warning that Iraq had a growing fleet of
unmanned aircraft which could be fitted with chemical or biological
weapons and used ‘for missions targeting the United States’. But in
reality the aircraft did not have the range to reach the United States.48
And so it goes on.
Britain’s September 2002 dossier on Iraq’s WMD was heavily
massaged. Early drafts were called ‘Iraq’s Programme for WMD’, but
the published dossier was called ‘Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction’.
Tony Blair’s foreword said Saddam’s military planning allowed for
some of his WMD ‘to be ready within 45 minutes of an order to use
them’. Yet the initial draft made clear that Saddam could not launch a
nuclear attack on the UK; this was deleted. Chemical and biological
weapons, reported by intelligence, were only battlefield ones. The
dossier gave the impression that these were long-range and press
reports on these lines were never corrected.49 Bush twice cited the 45-
minute claim in the British dossier,50 but CIA boss George Tenet
privately referred to the ‘they-can-attack-in-45-minutes shit’.51
A British government dossier released at the end of January 2003,
cited by Powell in his 5 February 2003 address to the UN Security
Council as a ‘fine paper’, was actually plagiarised – most of it from a
paper by a postgraduate student, which itself drew largely on informa-
tion that was more than ten years old.52 According to a July 2003 report
from the UK’s Foreign Affairs Committee, ‘it appears likely that there
was only limited access to reliable human intelligence in Iraq and that
as a consequence the United Kingdom may have been heavily reliant
on US technical intelligence, on defectors and on exiles with an agenda
of their own’.53
When it comes to following one’s hunches (rather than an evidence-
based procedure), the doctrine of ‘preventive self-defence’ has offered a
great deal of scope. The doctrine’s great advantage is that the chosen
enemy does not actually have to have done anything. Donald Rumsfeld
in particular argued that the demise of traditional enemies and the
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For his part, Tony Blair declared simply, ‘Leadership comes by instinct’.66
After his month with Blair, journalist Peter Stothard said of the Prime
Minister, ‘He has great faith in his powers of personal intuition’.67 Blair
also seems to have persuaded others by banishing self-doubt. In mid-
March 2003, he threw everything into convincing the House of
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Commons (and especially his own party) that war was justified. Stothard
After all the editing upstairs, he says little more than that the
future cannot be known before it happens – with which all can
surely agree. But the piling of argument on argument is brutal.
Logic, however, will only take him so far. Those whom he wins
over, he wins by showing so powerfully his confidence that he is
right. To many of his critics such certainty is the way of madness.68
Significantly, Blair was the first British prime minister who did not owe
his status as party leader to his parliamentary colleagues. Elected by a
vote among party members, he could afford to make enemies among
his own MPs.72 Stothard noted, further:
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which had produced the September 2002 dossier hyping the threat of
WMD, assessed in February 2002 that the threat from al-Qaida and asso-
ciated groups would be heightened by military action against Iraq.88
In the United States, Brent Scowcroft, national security adviser to
Bush senior during the 1991 Gulf War, said on TV in August 2002 that
an attack on Iraq could turn the Middle East into a ‘cauldron and thus
destroy the war on terrorism’.89 Particularly prominent in warning of a
backlash against the ‘war on terror’ was Colin Powell. Bob Woodward
reports that at a meeting with Bush and Rice at Bush’s residence:
Powell told Bush that as he was getting his head around the
Iraq question, he needed to think about the broader issues, all
the consequences of war. … Powell said the president had to
consider what a military operation against Iraq would do in the
Arab world. Cauldron was the right word. He dealt with the
leaders and foreign ministers in these countries as secretary of
state. The entire region could be destabilized – friendly regimes
in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan could be put in jeopardy or
overthrown. Anger and frustration at America abounded. War
could change everything in the Middle East.90
Successive terrorist attacks were not taken as evidence that the United
States was on the wrong path. In fact, Wolfowitz showed he was quite
capable of using them to draw the opposite conclusion: to show the ever-
elusive connection between Iraq and al-Qaida. Woodward reports that
Wolfowitz ‘thought it more than a coincidence that al Qaeda, which had
been relatively inactive since 9/11, had resumed activity [including the
Bali bombing] after the president had gone to the U.N. and threatened
unilateral action against Iraq’.91 Assessing whether the ‘war on terror’ is
‘working’ has also seen the sidelining of evidence-based thinking. For
example, uncomfortable think-tank data on the efficacy of the ‘war on
terror’ has been suppressed by the US government.92
The lesson seems to be that once faith takes hold, evidence will
prove whatever you want it to. Yet religious faith does not have to lead
in this delusional direction. Christian author and activist Jim Wallis
used to be invited to the White House in the early days of the Bush
administration. He told Ron Suskind:
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7 Action as Propaganda
In the ‘war on terror’, extreme and unlawful violence has been used to
make violence seem legitimate and necessary, a disturbing example of
what Hannah Arendt called ‘action-as-propaganda’. Explaining this
term, Arendt referred to ‘the advantages of a propaganda that
constantly ”adds the power of organization” to the feeble and unreli-
able voice of argument, and thereby realizes, so to speak, on the spur of
the moment, whatever it says’.1 For Arendt, factual propaganda actu-
ally worked better even than Joseph Goebbels’ rhetoric. Although
Arendt focused on the way action-as-propaganda could persuade
others, the concept can also help to explain how abuses sometimes
legitimise themselves in the eyes of key perpetrators.
We have noted already the allure of certainty in uncertain times, the
desire for simple solutions and tangible targets. Action-as-propaganda
can reinforce an oddly reassuring feeling of certainty, helping to bend
reality into line with a distorted and propagandistic image of the world.
It also distorts our perceptions of this reality so that the gap between
public perception and official propaganda is further diminished.
Arendt’s concept helps us to understand how the wagers of the ‘war on
terror’ have in effect taken something irrational (a magical solution to
the problem of terror) and through their actions made it appear to
many people (and, crucially, large sections of the American electorate)
to be both rational and plausible.
In their daily lives people are buffeted around by chance, and the
massive economic and social disruption in the United States has fuelled
a sense of insecurity and uncertainty which 9/11 compounded. Arendt
understood how our desire for certainty and predictability could feed
into abusive ideologies. ‘What the masses refuse to recognize’, she
wrote, ‘is the fortuitousness that pervades reality.’2 Consistency,
however constructed, was deeply alluring:
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Arendt saw how this respect could come from denigrating – or even
attacking – others, and how this aggression could, in addition, generate
(spurious) legitimacy for itself. Part of the source of this ‘legitimacy’
was what has been called ‘just world thinking’, where people in effect
assume that punishment implies a crime, and where this assumption
serves to protect them from the fear of a totally arbitrary world.4 Signif-
icantly, ‘just world thinking’ may be more tempting as the world – and
accusations – become more arbitrary: thus, the more irrational the
actions of the Bush administration, for example, the greater may be the
felt need to reassure oneself that ‘there must be a reason’ for the
selection of victims (and therefore that ‘we’ are safe).
Arendt suggested that another means by which violence could
generate its own legitimacy was by allowing leaders to make their own
predictions come true: first, when people came to resemble a distorted
and propagandistic image of them (as sub-human or disease-ridden,
for example); second, when alleged historical laws about the triumph
of a particular group or idea were ‘revealed’ as accurate; and third,
when humanitarian ideals were similarly ‘revealed’ as an unrealistic
irrelevance. Again, these ideas will prove relevant in relation to the
‘war on terror’.
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Colin Powell’s analysis at the time, Blair told the House of Commons in
November 2000, ‘We believe that the sanctions regime has effectively
contained Saddam Hussein’.21 But Blair, too, seems to have been
persuaded, in part, by the ‘inevitability’ of the war. A key moment came
in Blair’s meeting with Bush in Texas in April 2002, which helped
convince the British Prime Minister that Bush was set on war with Iraq.22
Blair came back committed to supporting military action for regime
change in Iraq (reportedly on the understanding that efforts would be
made, first, to eliminate WMD through weapons inspections and,
second, to form a coalition to shape public opinion).23 Blair’s preparations
on returning to the UK included telling Chancellor Gordon Brown to
redesign budget calculations to pay for a war.24 However, ‘inevitability’
had a Janus-face for Blair: John Kampfner comments in his book, Blair’s
Wars, ‘Blair set about his immediate task of preparing the public for mili-
tary action, while maintaining the front that it was “not inevitable”.’25 At
an early stage in the preparations for war, a public proclamation that war
was unavoidable would no doubt have smacked too much of
subservience to Washington. But significantly, once US troops were
headed for Iraq, Blair was ready to change tack and to use the idea of
inevitability and the momentum of events as a tool to persuade his own
public and party. Blair’s March 2003 speech to the House of Commons
included the passage, ‘This is a tough choice. But it is also a stark one: to
stand British troops down and turn back; or to hold firm to the course we
have set.’26 Tony Blair worried about the damage that would be done in
the world by a unilateral American victory; on this logic, Britain would
have to go to war to avoid America going to war alone.27 Meanwhile,
Blair subscribed to some of the confidence of Bush and Karl Rove that
victory would generate its own support: Robin Cook recalled of Blair, ‘In
the many conversations we had in the run-up to the war, he always
assumed that the [Iraq] war would end in victory, and that military
triumph would silence the critics.’28
In the domestic sphere, ‘winning’ had already proved a useful tool
of persuasion and intimidation. Dissent within the Labour Party had
been stifled: first in the interests of winning power from the Tories and
then in the context of the legitimacy that winning bestowed. Kampfner
observed that Blair ‘had dominated his party for a decade, his author-
ity allowing him to push through foreign and domestic policies even
when they were at odds with his MPs and activists – even members of
his own Cabinet’.29 As British writer Beatrix Campbell put it, ‘The party
gave itself up to alchemists who proclaimed that they, alone, possessed
winning powers’.30 Of course, the free market ideology that Bush – and
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Once the occupation of Iraq was underway, the hope that ‘might would
be seen to be right’ was also expressed in relation to the insurgency.
One US officer involved in attacks on Fallujah stressed the role of
aggression followed by ‘psy-ops’, ‘always coming back to the theme of
the inevitability of the superior tribe’.36 Journalist Robert Kaplan
commented from Iraq, ‘People in all cultures gravitate toward power.
… The chieftain mentality is particularly prevalent in Iraq.’37
Conformity to laws
Hannah Arendt observed that the broad mass of people ‘are predis-
posed to all ideologies because they explain facts as mere examples of
laws and eliminate coincidences by inventing an all-embracing
omnipotence which is supposed to be at the root of every accident’.39
Further, in conditions of uncertainty people are likely to be attracted to
an ideology that claims to be actively shaping history in line with some
long-term historical laws, thereby re-establishing some sense of control.
In the case of the Nazis, the long-term historical law was a kind of racial
Darwinism; for Soviet governments, it was the inevitable and scientifi-
cally predicted triumph of the proletarian class.40 Arendt pointed out
that the Nazis spoke of soon-to-be-extinct races and the Soviet regime
of dying classes, and that the murderous actions of these totalitarian
regimes helped underline their power and omniscience by making
these predictions come true.41 Bush has not matched these earlier abom-
inations; however, he is certainly keen to emphasise that he and the
United States form part of a grand design that conforms with God’s
wishes and laws. In his January 2005 inauguration speech, Bush
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Once war had been declared, criticism of the Bush and Blair admin-
istrations became much more difficult (see also Chapter 3). The imper-
ative of ‘supporting our troops’ became dominant. Criticism of the
military was particularly taboo, and the deaths of US soldiers in some
ways reinforced the difficulty of opposing the war. As Michael Mann
put it, ‘Any criticism of the [Iraq] war was widely regarded, not just as
unpatriotic, but also as disrespect for our dead.’49 After the killing of 21-
year-old Jonathan Kephart in Iraq, local Baptist pastor David Food said,
‘If I hear anything negative [about the Iraq war], I take it personally. I
feel that they are saying it about John. It invalidates the sacrifice he
made.’50 In June 2005, with violence escalating in Iraq and the total of
US troops killed rising relentlessly, Michael Ignatieff observed in the
New York Times magazine, ‘Thomas Jefferson’s dream [of freedom for all
nations] must work. Its ultimate task in American life is to redeem loss,
to rescue sacrifice from oblivion and futility and to give it shining
purpose.’51 In other words, the sacrifice of US troops – which Ignatieff
had supported – must be made to be meaningful. There are uncom-
fortable echoes here of the way an earlier violence helped to feed prop-
aganda for more violence. Noting the common argument that US
soldiers in Vietnam were betrayed by a liberal elite, Thomas Frank
observed in 2004:
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‘inevitability’: out of loyalty to our troops, we must back the policy that
puts them in harm’s way for no good reason. This kind of upside-down
reasoning must have helped to confirm Bush’s belief that opposition
would wilt in the face of ‘confident action’.
If war could stifle dissent, holy war might do so in spades. Political
commentator George Monbiot pointed out that the US government’s
religiously tinged sense of ‘mission’ meant that disagreement was not
simply dissent; it was heresy. Of course, war may also reinforce reli-
gious feelings. When battle is underway, it is clearly reassuring (and
gives courage) to believe that God is on your side. This in turn can
bolster the legitimacy of war.
How this worked out in practice is another issue, but the SS intention
here was clear. More than this, the persecution of the Jews – confining
them to disease-ridden ghettoes, numbering them, herding them
behind walls and fences in concentration camps, starving them and
slaughtering them en masse – was a process that tended to take
away most of the manifestations of a normal human life and in the
process helped to create a dehumanised image that matched the Nazis’
dehumanising language.
It is, of course, easy to see differences between the events Arendt is
discussing and the current debacle. Even so, the ‘war on terror’ is a
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One logic of terrorism is this: if America is not quite the evil imperial-
ist of our propaganda and our imagination, let us help to make it so. It
works on the other side too: in circumstances where the terrorist has
been portrayed as all around us and bent on our destruction, counter-
productive actions that lead to a proliferation of angry enemies, while
leading us all towards lives of fear, at least bring the perverse cognitive
satisfaction (particularly for the leaders who chose this path) of know-
ing, ‘Yes we are right, the enemy is indeed as powerful, pervasive and
dangerous as we portrayed it; we must redouble our efforts.’ It is hard
to imagine that Bush and Blair consciously wish to make thing worse;
even so, they inhabit a world in which mad solutions generate (spuri-
ous) legitimacy for themselves. Indeed, it seems ‘both sides’ in the ‘war
on terror’ are busy nurturing their favourite nightmares. At the level of
civil wars, we have seen how accusations that rebels were ‘Muslim
fundamentalists’ can, over time, acquire an increasing degree of truth,
as in Chechnya and the Philippines. Anti-American feeling in much of
the world is often taken as a ‘given’; but this sentiment, as noted, is not
a natural or even a long-standing one.58
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Billed erroneously as a key source of terrorism prior to the war, Iraq has
become so – a development that lends spurious credibility to the initial
accusation. The propaganda was made to become true, at the cost of much
distortion and many lives. As John Kerry said when debating with Bush,
‘The President just talked about Iraq as a center of the war on terror. Iraq
was not even close to the center of the war on terror before the President
invaded it.’59 Even attacks on occupying forces have been quickly labelled
as ‘terrorist’, and a common charge by the US command in Iraq has been
that Iraqi fighters have been using terrorist tactics.60 However, attacks on
occupying soldiers are not terrorism: even the US State Department’s defi-
nition of terrorism centres on the use of violence against civilians.61 How
do you justify the devastation of an entire city – like Fallujah in November
2004? First, you announce that it harbours ‘terrorists’; then when most
people flee in fear, you declare the city a free-fire zone on the grounds that
the only people left behind must be the terrorists.62
As well as creating enemies by deepening anger, violence can cause
displacement, thereby ‘contaminating’ new ‘targets’ with enemy
groups. A paranoid state of mind interprets even the displacement
resulting from its own violence as a conspiracy by evil governments
intent on ‘harbouring’ terrorists. For example, one of the main alleged
links between Saddam and bin Laden, the Jordanian Abu Masab al-
Zargawi (whom Bush called the ‘best evidence’ for a connection
between Iraq and al-Qaida)63 appears to have sheltered in Baghdad
after fleeing the US-led attack on Afghanistan.64 Thus, one attack
helped justify the next. After Baghdad fell, al-Zargawi was then said to
be sheltering in Fallujah, something that was used to justify the devas-
tation of that city in November 2004. Earlier, in May 2003, US officials
had turned up the heat on Iran, saying it was harbouring al-Qaida lead-
ers and Saddam loyalists. Syria too was accused of harbouring Iraqi
Ba’athists. But it was quite natural that the attacks on Afghanistan and
Iraq would displace into surrounding countries many of those who
were being explicitly targeted. Sir Andrew Green, UK Ambassador to
Syria in 1991–94, commented, ‘The Syrian authorities cannot prevent
Iraqis getting across a 400-mile desert border.’65 Syria has indeed
become a source of jihadis for the Iraqi insurgency,66 but again this
‘rogue’ status is a predictable consequence of the attack on Iraq, rather
than confirmation that Syria is inherently anti-American or is part of an
expanded ‘axis of evil’. In 2005, US military officials were predicting
that the ‘vast ungoverned spaces’ of the Horn of Africa would play host
to al-Qaida fighters retreating from Iraq67 – a trend (or perception) that
could bring more trouble for that region. Quite apart from the effects of
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Thus, it is war itself that may help to create the sense of an implacable and
inhuman enemy. Meanwhile, abuses by coalition forces within Iraq have
dehumanised the enemy not only by fuelling anger and violence but also
by stripping people of their dignity. A report by the US Major General
George Fay noted that general practices such as the extensive use of
nudity ‘likely contributed to an escalating “de-humanization” of the
detainees and set the stage for additional and more severe abuses to
occur’.70 Violence is often a process, in which initial abuses create spuri-
ous legitimacy for worse atrocities.71 Part of the function of extreme
violence, moreover, is to convince the victims themselves that they are
not worthy of rights: for if they did have rights, why then are they being
so systematically attacked or dehumanised? General Janis Karpinski,
suspended as head of a unit running prisons because of the Abu Ghraib
scandal, said she was told by Major General Geoffrey Miller, former
commander of Guantanamo Bay camp, ‘This place [Abu Ghraib] must be
Gitmo-ised. … [T]hey are like dogs. If you allow them to believe they are
more than dogs, then you will have lost control.’72
Concluding remarks
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because the terrorists had committed suicide), and this set the scene for
a disconnect between ‘solution’ and ‘problem’ that was every bit as
stark as with the displaced violence highlighted by Gilligan. The cycle,
as noted, is potentially endless, since those onto whom powerlessness
and shame are ‘offloaded’ will be (and are being) tempted to remedy
their own powerlessness and shame through their own feeling of
power-through-violence, as they embrace terror attacks and simple
resistance to occupation. ‘Killing and torture’, as Eric Hobsbawm wrote
in his study of bandits and rebels, ‘is the most primitive and personal
assertion of ultimate power, and the weaker the rebel feels himself to be
at bottom, the greater, we may suppose, the temptation to assert it’.2
The attacks brought a second, more insidious threat of shame: the
threat arising from the suspicion, however dimly or reluctantly sensed,
that 9/11 occurred because of something that those targeted (meaning,
principally, Americans) had done or failed to do. Identifying the source
of the violence as some finite external ‘evil’ seems to have offered a
more palatable alternative. This process is discussed in Chapter 9.
A third threat of shame (also considered in Chapter 9) has arisen
from the violent reaction to 9/11, a reaction that prompted wide-
spread condemnation of the United States (and to a large extent the
United Kingdom) in countries around the world as well as consider-
able antipathy to soldiers on the ground in Afghanistan and Iraq. Key
actors in the counter-terror reacted to this additional threat of shame
by widening their circle of enemies and simultaneously narrowing
their circle of trusted confidantes. The potentially wounding criticism
of ‘friends’ could be neatly – but dangerously – warded off by exclud-
ing them or, at the extreme, redefining them as ‘enemies’. This
process helps to explain the vehemence of aggression against domes-
tic and foreign critics of the ‘war on terror’ and also against many
civilians in those countries attacked.
Violence as power
When news of abuses like Abu Ghraib leaked out, the revealed humilia-
tions were generally dismissed by US officials as exceptional and unrep-
resentative. There was also a more general debate about torture, with
some arguing that a degree of torture might be justified if it meant access
to information that could prevent a terror attack or otherwise help the
‘war on terror’. But what if abuses are not just an aberration or a ruthless
attempt to ‘win’ but actually a central goal? What if humiliation is not the
exception or even the means, but the point?
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Yet the lure of ‘shaming’ others was clearly very great. An immediate
sense of powerlessness stemming from 9/11 seems to have been all the
greater for the fact that America has been accustomed to exercising great
power and authority: like a child grown used to having everything its
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own way, America was in the habit of imposing its will, not of having
others impose their will on it. The shock of 9/11, moreover, seems to have
come on top of a wider unease: a collective anxiety at the slipping away
of America’s economic supremacy. In this dual context, fantasies of
renewed omnipotence have been deeply alluring: they seem to have
helped to reassert some sense of control. The desire to reassert control
was evident even in small details, as when Bush insisted that the United
States would respond to 9/11 ‘at a time of our own choosing’.
Closely linked to reversing the shame of powerlessness is the desire
for revenge, a revenge whose chosen victims have been determined to
a significant extent by high-level definitions of the enemy. Again, this
has very little to do with winning the ‘war on terror’ and tends actively
to impede the business of winning. On 4 February 2002, about 25 men
from three US Special Forces units and three CIA paramilitary teams
gathered near the Pakistan border of Afghanistan. A pile of rocks had
been arranged as a tombstone over a buried picture of the destroyed
World Trade Center. One man read a prayer and then declared, ‘We
consecrate this spot as an everlasting memorial to the brave Americans
who died on September 11, so that all who would seek to do her harm
will know that America will not stand by and watch terror prevail.’21 So
far, so Bush-like. But soldiers can sometimes go further than a president
in spelling out an underlying desire for violence. The prayer continued,
‘We will export death and violence to the four corners of the earth in
defense of our great nation’. Similar sentiments could be found among
some US soldiers serving in Iraq. Corporal Michael Richardson, 22,
One British former officer interacting with US troops in Iraq said the
feeling was that ‘the gloves are off’, adding, ‘Many of them still think
they are dealing with people responsible for 9/11.’23
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The comparison no doubt will have annoyed a lot of people: just as did
the US officials’ and observers’ attempts to infantilise France for its lack
of belligerence over Iraq (Chapter 9) or North Korea’s leader Kim Jong
Il (Chapter 2). However, the musician’s words may be something more
than a provocative phrase. British psychoanalyst Joan Riviere, in a book
co-authored with child psychoanalyst Melanie Klein, notes, ‘a baby
does not recognise anyone’s existence but his own … and he expects all
his wants to be fulfilled’.25 When he realises that he is dependent on
others, he is likely to become very aggressive. Riviere goes on, ‘The
baby cannot distinguish between “me” and “not-me”; his own sensa-
tions are his world, the world to him; so when he is cold, hungry or
lonely there is no milk, no well-being or pleasure in the world.’26 This
realisation of powerless may itself be a primary source of shame.27
Barbara Ehrenreich has written that before 9/11, ‘We Americans had
been lazy, willfully ignorant, and self-involved to the point of solip-
sism. If there was an outside world, we didn’t want to know about it,
unless the death of a beautiful princess was involved.’28 In many ways,
9/11 reinforced a certain deep-seated self-absorption. How many times
has the world been told that 11 September 2001 was ‘the day that
changed the world’, that ‘our sense of security vanished on that day’,
that ‘nothing would ever be the same again’? These statements have a
degree of truth to them, and through their cataclysmic nature, they
have helped feed a reaction (and a doctrine of pre-emption) that has
itself radically changed the world. But there is self-absorption and
blindness here too. If you try to make a case for 6 April 1994 as ‘the day
that changed the world’, you will get mostly blank looks on the streets
of New York (or London, for that matter). You will be lucky indeed to
run into someone sufficiently educated and aware that they can dimly
recall, ‘Oh yes, wasn’t that the start of the Rwandan genocide that
killed some 800,000 people?’
Of course, the United States is not a child but an innovative and
technologically advanced nation with a rich and diverse culture; but in
a country that runs up a record trade and budget deficit while launch-
ing expensive wars and implementing a US$350 billion tax cut, is there
not something of this creature expecting ‘all his wants to be fulfilled’?
Is there not also something infantile or at least irresponsible in the
magical thinking that sees high-tech wars as almost cost-free for the
victims and the perpetrators, the belief that one can usefully respond to
terror by increasing spending, the view that evil can be somehow cut
free from the rest of us, and, finally, the belief that if you close your
eyes and wish for something hard enough (some weapons of mass
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The yearning for the restoration of lost values is certainly part of the
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This gets to the heart of the matter and eloquently highlights the coun-
terproductive nature of Bush’s approach. But the president’s reply was
as unapologetic as it was revealing, ‘My opponent just said something
amazing’, he began:
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Said added that the idea that ‘human beings must create their own
history [has] been replaced by abstract ideas that celebrate American or
western exceptionalism, denigrate the relevance of context, and regard
other cultures with contempt’. Further, ‘Without a well-organised sense
that the people over there were not like “us” and didn’t appreciate
“our” values – the very core of traditional orientalist dogma – there
would have been no war.’35 In this reinvigorated orientalism, there is no
room, as Said put it, for ‘hospitality’, for minds that actively make a
place for a foreign ‘other’ and attempt to understand it on its own
What these habits and shortcomings add up to is a kind of political
autism: a deep-rooted failure to appreciate that there exist real, living,
deciding human beings beyond the self-referential world of Western
leaders.36 Only a few individuals seem to have been willing to entertain
thoughts outside this egocentric box. One was Secretary of State Colin
Powell, who may as a black man have been more conscious than most
of the downside of imperialism. Bob Woodward notes that at a meeting
of senior US officials on 29 October 2001, Powell ‘worried that the
United States was playing superpower bully, trying to move the
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But Rumsfeld surely protests too much. Key US officials seem themselves
to have been tempted by these whispered words; and their own ‘will to
power’, their own ‘theology of self’, has flourished in the context of
economic dependency and the powerlessness of 9/11 itself. It is true that
terrorists have in some ways elevated themselves to a God-like status:
they claim to speak with God’s authority, and they ‘play God’ with inno-
cent lives. Yet what US politicians persistently fail to realise is that they
too are seen as playing God, as falsely claiming God’s authority, as play-
ing God with innocent lives, as ignoring law rather than abiding by it.
The noisy and violent project of ‘exporting liberty’ also gives the impres-
sion of a country seeking, in John Feffer’s phrase, ‘to remake the world in
its own image’: an enterprise that the Bible originally attributed to God.46
One taxi-driver in South Africa’s Johannesburg expressed a common
view when he told me, ‘Bush has got so much power that he thinks he is
God.’ The confidence of the neo-conservatives in their ability to trans-
form the world seems to owe something to the belief that they had
defeated the Soviet Union (a feat, incidentally that many al-Qaida terror-
ists attributed to themselves and that helped give them a kind of overcon-
fidence).47 When the US administration initially named the attack on
Afghanistan as ‘Operation Infinite Justice’, the choice of name suggested
that the United States had set itself up with a god-like status, and indeed
the label was withdrawn when it was pointed out that in Islam it is only
Allah that can dispense ‘infinite justice’. One is reminded of a Percy
Shelley poem called ‘The Mask of Anarchy’, which was written in the
aftermath of the 1819 Peterloo massacre in Manchester, England:
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At one level, those who promote perpetual war are natural allies:
extremism seems bizarrely in love with its opposite number.49 At
another level, these enemies seem destined to misunderstand each
other, perhaps in part because they resemble each other in important
ways and cannot bear to recognise the fact. The insistence that someone
is the opposite of you may grow more forceful as you come to resem-
ble them more; indeed, work on nationalism has suggested the impor-
tance of the ‘narcissism of minor differences’: the smaller the real
difference between people (as in former Yugoslavia), the larger it may
come to loom in their imagination.50 The common roots of Judaism,
Christianity and Islam certainly do not seem to have been a particular
source of harmony, and the more extreme manifestations of fundamen-
talism associated with these religions seem particularly anxious to
dismiss any commonalities. All the more reason, then, to follow Karen
Armstrong’s advice when she suggests, ‘We must educate ourselves to
see the distress, helplessness, fear and, latterly, rage that underlie the
various religious fundamentalisms.’51
Piggybacking US power
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Gilligan and Thomas Scheff both stress links between German ‘shame’
at the Treaty of Versailles and the search for scapegoats culminating in
the mass killing of Jews. Even in France, itself deeply traumatised by
the First World War, significant groups found it tempting to welcome
Nazism as a solution to internal weaknesses and impurities. Bartov
observes that many in occupied France saw the Nazi occupation as
confirmation of France’s moral decline and its drift to secularism and,
at the same time, as an opportunity to reverse these trends with an
alliance between the Church and head of the Vichy regime, Marshall
Henri Pétain.5
After the Second World War, military reversals continued to feed
into various kinds of ‘purging’. In the mid-1970s, heavy bombing by
the United States encouraged a perverse and violent search for ‘purity’
in Cambodia, a purging of ‘colonialism’ and ‘imperialism’ via the
Khmer Rouge’s forced uprooting of urban populations and its killing of
Vietnamese, ‘Vietnamese sympathisers’ and alleged spies and ‘collabo-
rators’.6 After the Rwandan army had suffered the ‘humiliation’ of a
peace agreement at Arusha in 1993, a search for sources of weakness
and ‘impurity’ seems to have fed powerfully into the 1994 Rwandan
A powerful strand of thought in the United States has suggested that
9/11 occurred, in part, because America had become weak and hedonis-
tic. This has fed into two disturbing and ultimately counterproductive
reactions. The first has been aggression towards various external enemies.
The second has been a redoubling of the pursuit of ‘purity’ and ‘moral
regeneration’ at home: as if to reinvigorate a society grown soft and
susceptible to attack. The Republican Party and the religious right have
tended to adopt a schizophrenic view of the state, that it should interfere in
personal morality and steer clear of the market (with defence spending
being a notable exception). This approach has apparently been reinforced
by 9/11: the felt need to reinvigorate ‘American values’ in the wake of 9/11
has encouraged more interference in personal morality and still greater
economic liberalism via tax cuts in particular. However, public spending
has tended, paradoxically, to rise – especially defence spending.
Part of the humiliation of 9/11 was a feeling that the United States
had not been strong enough, or macho enough, to deter it. The view
that a weak response to 9/11 would invite a worse attack was even
expressed by some ostensible liberal commentators. While warning
against failing to distinguish terrorists from non-terrorists, New York
Times columnist Thomas Friedman wrote just after 9/11, ‘To not retali-
ate ferociously for this attack on our people is only to invite a worse
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attack tomorrow and an endless war with terrorists.’8 For many officials
and analysts, the US self-image as a superpower demanded ‘tough
action’. As Vice-President Cheney said when the Afghan attack ran into
significant resistance, ‘We should encourage the Northern Alliance to
take Kabul. We as a superpower should not be stalemated.’9 Signifi-
cantly, Bush and many members of his national security team saw the
Clinton administration’s response to bin Laden and international
terrorism as so weak that it was virtually an invitation to hit the United
States again. Criticism of Clinton was particularly strong when it came
to his launching of 66 cruise missiles into al-Qaida training camps in
Afghanistan in response to the bombings of two US embassies in Africa
in 1998.10 Bush commented after 9/11:
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supporting Bush by the religious right.14 Fears that America had grown
weak and materialistic also seem to have fed into a foreign policy back-
lash in which doubts about one’s own values and vigour were violently
cast aside. Norman Mailer observed of America in 2004, ‘We have
become a guilty nation. Somewhere in the moil of the national conscience
is the knowledge that we are caught in the little contradiction of loving
Jesus on Sunday, while lusting the rest of the week for mega-money. How
can we not be in need of someone to tell us that we are good and pure and
he will seek to make us secure?’ On this logic, we might expect that the
economic interests in war (oil, guns) would only reinforce the vehemence
of the self-styled moral agenda. Moreover, as Mailer notes, the reformed
alcoholic Bush may himself have been in special need of such moral re-
clothing: ‘George W.’s piety has become a pomade to cover all the
tamped-down dry-drunk craziness that still stirs in his livid inner air.’15
Compare these dynamics (whether societal or individual) with an
account from Swiss intellectual Tariq Ramadan, a Muslim, on the
process by which some young Muslims have been recruited into terror
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as a sign of virtue.29 Many Americans have taken the power and conspic-
uous wealth of ‘God’s own country’ as a sign of God’s approval and
special favour. Shortly after Bush took office, White House press secretary
Ari Fleischer rejected calls for drivers to reduce fuel consumption, saying,
‘The President believes it’s an American way of life. … The American
way of life is a blessed one.’30 As Clifford Longley put it in his study
Chosen People, ‘a nation enjoying success can easily convince itself it is
basking in the benevolence of Providence’.31 By the same logic, an assault
on power and conspicuous wealth may bring the threatening thought
that God is no longer smiling on a virtuous and chosen people. Thus,
wealth and power must be maintained not only for their own sake but as
a sign of God’s continuing approval.
In Bush’s interpretation of terrorists’ views of America, the use of the
words ‘impotent’ and ‘flaccid’ should alert us to a worry that the
United States has not been sufficiently masculine or virile. Bush seemed
to invoke the language of mid-life crisis when he ‘worried that the
United States had lost its edge’.32 Perhaps significantly, Bush has
favoured macho language (often with a Spanish flavour) when praising
his friends. He told Blair aide Alastair Campbell, ‘Your man has got
cojones’.33 Bush sometimes called Ariel Sharon ‘toro’ or ‘the bull’.34 Bush
and his entourage may have felt a particular need to talk tough and to
banish internal weakness: those who managed to avoid military serv-
ice in Vietnam included not only George Bush himself but John
Aschroft, Richard Perle and Dick Cheney – influential figures described
by playwright David Hare as ‘Men willing to send others to do what
they would not do themselves’.35 The unease of these ‘chicken hawks’
was evidenced in the Republican attacks on the record of someone who
had conspicuously not opted out of the Vietnam war, John Kerry.36
Comparing Bush and Kerry, Norman Mailer observed pithily, ‘Bush is
the better actor. He has been impersonating men more manly than
himself for many years.’37 If all this machismo could be deployed in the
name of the oppressed women of Afghanistan (a refreshing, if sudden,
priority for the Republicans), then so much the better.
It is not difficult to see an underlying assertion of ‘masculine’ virtues
in many other responses to 9/11. For example, David Halberstam, a
prominent critic of the Vietnam war, now praised the ‘muscularity and
flex of American society’, adding that ‘our strengths, when summoned
and focused, when the body politic is aroused and connects to the polit-
ical process, are never to be underestimated.’38 Conversely, those
opposing the Iraq war were often derided as unmanly. On the eve of the
war, Timothy Garton Ash commented:
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There was a unisex quality to the Clinton staff that set it far
apart from the Bush [senior] administration. It was the shape
of their bodies. In the Clinton administration, the broad-
shouldered, pants-wearing women and the pear-shaped,
bowling-pin men blurred distinctions between the sexes. I
was used to athletic types, physically fit persons who took
pride in body image and good health.44
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with his own physical prowess, ‘I’m doing 205 pounds [bench-
presses],’ Bush enthuses boyishly at one point, ‘isn’t that the best for
any president?’45 And who can forget Bush moving seamlessly from
clubbing bad guys to clubbing golf balls in Michael Moore’s film
Fahrenheit 9/11, ‘I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop
these terrorist killers. Now watch this drive!’ Meanwhile in London,
Bush’s colleagues and caddies were also desperately keeping fit. Blair
was devoted to stretching exercises and fruit lunches.46 Key Blair aide
Alastair Campbell was training for the London marathon.47 While the
Bush team was using sports analogies to describe war,48 the Blair team
was busy deploying war analogies to describe sport.49
Matching this machismo was an impulse to emasculate the enemy.
Some of the language surrounding 9/11 seemed designed to remove
any claim to conventional masculinity from the attackers, as when they
were labelled as ‘cowards’ or when the National Enquirer reported that
‘World Trade Center terrorist Mohamed Atta and several of his bloody
henchmen led secret gay lives for years.’50 Unsurprisingly, the culture
among US soldiers in Iraq was macho in the extreme.51 In both Iraq and
Afghanistan, female American soldiers were used to humiliate male
prisoners (and at Abu Ghraib were photographed doing so); Allen
Feldman suggests plausibly that this was designed to extract male
identity and sexual power from the Iraqi ‘terrorist’ and transfer them to
male US soldiers.52 This not only exploited Muslim cultural norms; it
may also have said something about the insecurities of the Western
troops, insecurities that mirrored bullying and insults during military
training. As Eric Hoffer once observed, ‘You can discover what your
enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you’. In
October 2005, the Australian investigative programme ‘Dateline’
reported that US soldiers in Afghanistan had faced the bodies of two
Taliban fighters towards Mecca and burned their bodies, before broad-
casting over loudspeakers in the local dialect:
Bush’s fears about the United States being seen as impotent and flaccid
can also be seen in the context of a much broader set of fears in the
United States, centring on emasculation.54 These fears have been most
strongly expressed by the far-right. In The Turner Diaries, a book that
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At the other end of the political spectrum from the Reverend Falwell’s
interpretation of 9/11 as moral corrective were those who stressed that
the United States had made enemies with an aggressive foreign policy.
Terrorism purports to be retribution, and the question could not
entirely be expunged from consciousness: retribution for what? We
know from studies of disasters like wars and famines, moreover, that
victims often blame themselves. In many ways, this is a variation of the
‘just world thinking’ discussed in Chapter 7: punishment is held to
imply a crime.64 An obvious alternative to self-criticism and the shame
of responsibility is to point the finger at others – in other words, to
choose blame over shame, perhaps in a violent manner.
From 1996 onwards Osama bin Laden fairly consistently gave three
reasons for attacking the United States: US military occupation of Saudi
Arabia; US support for Israel/‘Zionists’/‘Jews’; and the 1991 invasion
of Iraq and subsequent bombing and starving of its people. He subse-
quently added the 2001 attack on Afghanistan and the 2003 invasion of
Iraq.65 This analysis demands to be taken seriously, yet it clearly carries
some kind of threat of shame for the West. It was more palatable simply
to blame the catastrophe entirely on some external ‘evil’ – just as Blair
linked the 2005 London bombings with ‘an evil ideology’ – and to label
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Yet Kingsolver’s message was one that even liberal intellectuals found
very difficult to hear,67 and any criticisms of US foreign policy tended to
go down badly. Michael Moore recalls how, in the aftermath of 9/11, the
original publisher of his bestseller Stupid White Men tried to bury the
book (which was critical of US foreign policy). The National Educational
Association, American’s largest teachers’ union, created a ‘Remember
September 11’ website that was widely condemned for its allegedly
‘blame-America’ approach; George Will wrote in the Washington Post that
the website showed ‘a politically correct obsession with “diversity” and
America’s sins’, and was ‘as frightening, in its way, as any foreign
threat’.68 David Horowitz, a Marxist in the 1960s, suggested that ‘self-
described progressives’ had made alliances ‘with Arab fascists and
Islamic fanatics in their war against America and the West’ – apparently
‘an updated version of the Nazi-Soviet entente’.69 He suggested, further,
that 9/11 and the war against Iraq had provided an opportunity to a
radical movement ‘whose permanent agenda was war against America
and its perceived global “domination”’,70 and that attacks on the admin-
istration were giving encouragement to terrorist forces.71 In his pamphlet
The Art of Political War, distributed to Republican Congressman during
the 2000 elections, Horowitz argued that ‘Politics is war conducted by
other means’.72 Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber point out that this
makes war the norm; and if war is the norm, there may be no need to
concern oneself about whether to start one.73
In general, the 9/11 attacks made self-awareness less rather than
more likely and meant that many Americans came to perceive them-
selves overwhelmingly as victims. Any incipient feelings of shame for
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Another American blind-spot, of course, has been Iraq itself. With the
ascendance of Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran in 1979, Saddam was seen as a
bulwark against militant Shi’ite extremism and the possible fall of pro-US
regimes in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Jordan.85 In 1982, Iraq was actually
removed from Washington’s official list of states that supported terror-
ism.86 The United States backed Iraq in its war with Iran, and both the
Reagan and Bush senior administrations authorised the sale to Iraq of
numerous items with both military and civilian applications, including
poisonous chemicals and deadly biological viruses like anthrax and
bubonic plague.87 The US government also showed little concern about
the use of chemical weapons at this time. Even the press seemed docile, as
when the Washington Post said in 1984 that it was ‘not surprising’ that Iraq
would use gas given the ferocity of the Iranian enemy, adding that it was
‘a bit odd when you consider all the ways that people have devised to do
violence to each other, to worry overly about any particular method’.88
The intensity of Saddam’s abuses is not in doubt, not least in the use
of gas against the Kurds at Halabja in 1988, when at least 5,000 people
were killed. However, such abuses are hardly a credible explanation for
the 2003 attack on Iraq. Again, some sense of history is helpful. In the
early 1970s, with Iraq getting too close to the Soviet Union and threat-
ening the US-backed Shah of Iran, Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon
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Tony Blair says the name “José Maria” with almost the same
affection as he says “Sally” [Morgan] or “Alastair” [Campbell].
Some of his friends find this attraction to a man of the European
right as hard to endure as his closeness to George Bush.
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This mechanism helps to explain how Bush and Blair were able to
maintain some elements of genuine belief in the desirability of actions
whose predictably counterproductive effects were widely noted by
experts and intelligence officials. The political and economic pay-offs
from ‘perpetual war’ probably also played a part in shoring up their
Internal enemies
We have seen how James Gilligan and Rene Girard (in their different
ways) have shown that violence is frequently visited on those who are
available and readily to hand, and not necessarily on those responsible
for some initial provocation. We have also seen how, both historically
and in the present, the pursuit of purity seems to offer some kind of
solution or compensation for defeat and humiliation, and some kind of
magical immunity to external enemies. This involves at least a partial
relocation of the threat from the external to the internal. We know that
the identification of ‘evil’ over there typically dovetails at some point
into the identification of a corresponding evil, a ‘fifth column’, over
here. In the United States itself, a classic example was Senator Joseph
McCarthy’s anti-Communism in the 1950s.116 Earlier, there had been
round-ups and deportations of eastern European immigrants in the
United States at the time of the 1917 Russian Revolution. The search for
moral regeneration in the wake of catastrophe has often spilled over
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All this vitriol was before the suicide attacks of July 2005 by UK-based
Muslims.122 The London bombings of 7 July 2005 were quickly followed
by attacks on mosques in the UK.
The tendency to broaden the definition of the enemy is particularly
troubling in view of what we know about the ‘career trajectory’ of
several well-known terrorists and their feeling of having been rejected
by Western societies in which they live. To the extent that this rejection
is reinforced by ‘anti-terrorism’ measures, by anti-immigration rhetoric
like that of the UK’s Conservative Party or the American journalists’
jibes about ‘Londonistan’ after the July 2005 London bombings, by
suspicion of Muslims or Arabs in general, and more generally by a new
search for racial or religious ‘purity’, we can (again) expect the creation
of more terrorists.
It was not just Muslims who could be considered as internal
enemies. The ranks of the demonised sometimes expanded rapidly as
the irrationality of the original persecution led to a determination to
defend it as rational and reasonable. Those questioning the definition
of the ‘enemy’ might soon acquire that label. Fear of being deemed an
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The threats we face today are both external and internal: exter-
nal in that there are groups and states that want to attack the
United States; internal in that there are those who are attempt-
ing to use this opportunity to promulgate their agenda of
‘blame America first’. Both threats stem from either a hatred for
the American ideals of freedom and equality or a misunder-
standing of those ideas and their practice.123
Many Democrats, especially in the Senate, came to fear Bush and Rove,
who in 2002 approved advertisements showing Democratic Senators’
faces alongside bin Laden and Saddam Hussein.124 Opposition to the
Patriot Act, which expanded powers to tap phone calls and detain or
deport immigrants on the order of the attorney general, meant you
risked being depicted as unpatriotic. Journalists questioning the rush to
war with Iraq could also quickly become part of the ‘enemy’. As Mass-
ing observed, ‘Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and the Weekly Standard,
among others, all stood ready to pounce on journalists who strayed,
branding them liberals or traitors – labels that could permanently
damage a career.’125 William Kristol wrote in the autumn of 2002 of ‘an
axis of appeasement – stretching from Riyadh to Brussels to Foggy
Bottom [the neighbourhood of the State Department in Washington]’.126
Meanwhile, Lynne Cheney, wife of Dick, played a lead role in the
American Council of Trustees and Alumni, which singled out profes-
sors who were deemed insufficiently patriotic.127 In academia, there
were moves to link federal funding with avoidance of excessive criti-
cism of US foreign policy.128 Some of the intimidatory tactics were to
come back to haunt the Bush administration. Notably, in 2005 the polit-
ically damaging ‘Plamegate’ investigation centred on who leaked the
identity of CIA agent Valerie Plame to reporters: apparently in order to
smear her husband Joseph Wilson, a critic of the build-up to war.129
In the UK after the London bombings of July 2005, politicians once
again felt free to make all kinds of statements about what the terrorists
‘want’. A frequent theme was that they want to ‘divide us’: a key impli-
cation being that criticism of government policy would hand the terror-
ists a victory. In August 2005, Tony Blair announced his intention to
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The indifferent, the timid and the frightened did not constitute
a military or political threat but a conceptual and moral threat,
a threat to the oppositional meaning of enmity and the partisan
morality it entailed. They showed that the violence was not
inevitable but a product of human choice and making.
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during the course of the war itself’.133 BBC reporter Andrew Gilligan
was pilloried for suggesting (accurately) that the government knew
that weapons of mass destruction could not be launched within 45
minutes, while the attack on Gilligan focused on relatively small
details like his calling UK civil servant and weapons expert David
Kelly a member of the intelligence service and Gilligan’s decision not
to script his live broadcast.134 One letter to the Guardian newspaper
summed up the government’s double-standard well, ‘[Director of
communications] Alastair Campbell expects the BBC to have a higher
level of evidence before running a story than he expects the govern-
ment to have before running a war.’135 A government less sensitive to
criticism might actually have been happy with the BBC: according to
a Cardiff University study, the BBC was using a relatively high
proportion of coalition government or military sources, compared
with other TV channels, and was placing less emphasis on Iraqi casu-
alties.136 The vilification of Andrew Gilligan and the shaming and
naming of David Kelly showed that the appetite for witch-hunts – for
an easy target that would deflect criticism and avoid self-reflection –
was almost infinitely extendable. Even the Hutton enquiry (into
Kelly’s death) was in many ways a distraction from the central issue
of the dishonest rush to war with Iraq. In the United States,
scapegoating of the CIA helped take some of the heat off Bush.137
Lapsed allies
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could widen the circle of enemies. For example, Judith Zur’s work on
war widows in Guatemala demonstrated that the leaders of the abusive
civil patrol militias have tended to harbour a strong fear of women’s
words (and the words of war widows in particular). These militia lead-
ers have feared ridicule, laughter, physical retribution and legal retri-
bution. All this has fed into continuing violence, particularly against
women. Attempts to redistribute shame from victim to perpetrator – for
example, in ceremonies designed to re-humanise the victims of violence
– have sometimes pushed the perpetrators into vicious retaliation, or
mental breakdown.144
In the case of Iraq in particular, the circle of enemies tended also to
widen to include many Iraqi civilians, and again avoidance of shame
was an important mechanism. The habit of separating the evil people
from ‘the rest of us’ seems to have helped create a state of perpetual
shock when those being saved from evil failed to show the anticipated
gratitude towards the self-declared ‘good guys’. This mirrored patterns
in the Vietnam war.145 In Washington and London, politicians, soldiers
and foreign affairs experts had been predicting for months that the
capture or killing of Saddam would calm the conflict. Analysts thought
the killing of Saddam’s sons, Uday and Qusay, would weaken the
insurgency, but it grew stronger.146 Also (wrongly) predicted to mark
the retreat of insurgency was the creation of the interim Iyad Allawi
regime in June 2004, and then national elections in January 2005.147
In Iraq, many US soldiers, targeted in guerrilla attacks, seemed unable
to understand why so many Iraqis were so angry.148 Was this not a fight
against evil, after all? Fearful and angry, US soldiers have sometimes
drawn little distinction between enemy combatants and civilians.149
Sunday Times reporter Mark Franchetti quoted US Corporal Ryan Dupre,
‘The Iraqis are a sick people and we are the chemotherapy. I am starting
to hate this country. Wait till I get hold of a friggin’ Iraqi. No, I won’t get
hold of one. I’ll just kill him.’150 A senior Defense Department civilian
commented in mid-2000, ‘Too many of our soldiers out there are begin-
ning to hate the Iraqis.’151 Soldiers’ disillusionment was mirrored among
some soldiers’ families. In Hinesville, Georgia, where the Third Infantry
Division has its home-base, there has been anger that soldiers’ sacrifices
have not been more vociferously recognised by the intended bene-
ficiaries.152 One woman had a husband driving a truck for this division,
which had so far lost 35 soldiers. She commented, ‘I thought they [the
Iraqis] would be more enthusiastic, I mean, who wouldn’t want to live
like Americans, to live in democracy, to send your children to school? I’m
surprised how naïve the Iraqis are.’153
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The idea of America’s special calling to remake the world has proved
persistent ever since the country’s inception and Tom Paine’s eloquent
1776 rant against tyranny, Common Sense, in which he declared, ‘We have
it in our power to begin the world over again’.3 The origins of the present-
day United States of America were intertwined with the idea of ‘manifest
destiny’: the belief that the United States had a divinely-inspired mission
to expand served as an ideological justification for annexation of Texas,
California and Oregon as well as the accelerated destruction of Native
American peoples. Going into the Great War in 1917, President Woodrow
Wilson famously proclaimed:
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chosen, to show the nations of the world how they shall walk
in the paths of liberty.4
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They like the way he [Bush] walks and the way he points, the
way he exudes confidence. They have faith in him. And when
you attack him for his malaprops, his jumbled syntax, it’s good
for us. Because you know what those folks don’t like? They
don’t like you!13
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Hussein in the same breath, though he was pretty tricky in the exact
wording, suggesting he knew it was an artful lie.30
A second rule of advertising is: find some memorable catch-phrases.
After Bush introduced the phrase ‘axis of evil’ in a January 2002 speech,
Bob Woodward reports, ‘[Paul] Wolfowitz saw once again how impor-
tant it was to grab the headlines, and he was reminded that academics
didn’t get it; oversimplification was required in a sound-bite culture.’31
When Rumsfeld mentioned the concept of ‘shock and awe’, Bush said
it was a catchy notion. (He also wondered if it might be a ‘gimmick’,
but it was adopted nonetheless.)32
A third rule of advertising is pretty obvious: promise big benefits
from your product. Advertising has always been about wish-fulfilment:
a pervasive and powerful kind of magical thinking. Typically, the prod-
uct is portrayed as possessing magical qualities that will bring you
love, sex, respect, security or some combination of these. Raymond
Williams argued that the problem with consumer society is not that we
are too materialistic, but that we are not materialistic enough; if we
were sensibly materialistic, if we confined our interest to the usefulness
of objects, we would find most advertising to be of insane irrelevance.33
Promising big benefits means selling not just the product but the
deficit it purports to fill. To sell the toilet-cleaner, in other words, you have
to sell the germs. When it comes to selling the ‘war on terror’, you have to
sell the threat. Of course, elements of the threat cannot be doubted: 9/11
was a horrifying fact. But the threat from Iraq in particular was greatly
Increasingly, the wish fulfilled in ads is the wish to get rid of people.
The product is chosen in preference to the person, while the ad portrays
the superiority and desirability of things over people.34 (We have not
yet had an ad inviting us to choose liberation at the expense of the liber-
ated – or at least the invitation has not been explicit.) This advertising
trend is in line with countless reality TV programmes centring on rejec-
tion: for example, the Big Brother format of ‘who stays, who goes? – you
decide’. The fantasy – in the ads, in the reality shows, and to some
extent in the ‘war on terror’ – is one of power and control. You decide.
You can choose – of course, on the basis of a closely edited version of
‘reality’ – to get rid of the bad or annoying people. Let’s vote Saddam
out of the house!
A fourth rule in advertising is also very basic: you stress that the
product will not cost much. Bush underlined this promise in the case of
the ‘war on terror’ by pushing through tax-cuts in the run-up to war.
Indeed, the belief that major foreign and domestic problems can be
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The ‘war on terror’ has an intellectual arm, and many of the most signifi-
cant contributors are ‘liberals’. Part of the problem is that those who have
attempted to understand causes have been portrayed as themselves a
cause of 9/11. A prime example is the work of Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard
law professor with a reputation for liberal stances on civil liberties. For
Dershowitz, attempting to understand and eliminate the root causes of
terrorism was ‘exactly the wrong approach’,67 and indeed helped to
explain why 9/11 happened in the first place. He argued that terrorists
were trying through terror to get attention to these ‘root causes’. Thus,
attempting to address them rewarded terrorism. ‘The real root cause of
terrorism is that it is successful – terrorists have consistently benefited
from their terrorist acts.’68 Dershowitz cited the case of the Palestine Liber-
ation Organization and the acquisition of a Palestinian homeland.
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This analysis was echoed by Tony Blair’s adviser Robert Cooper. In 2005,
Cooper was nominated by Prospect magazine as one of the top 100 ‘public
intellectuals’ in the world, and his views throw disturbing light on what
came to pass for respectable analysis. Cooper stated in April 2002:
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Part of the intellectual context for 9/11 and its backlash has been set by
Samuel Huntington’s influential thesis of a Clash of Civilisations.84 Hunt-
ington was responding to the breakdown of the East–West division and
of the realist paradigm and also to the perceived unhelpfulness of the
chaos model; in contrast to these models, he found the essence of
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Endorsing torture
Since the US-led coalition has been moving back in many ways to the
methods and the mind-set of witch-finders and inquisitors of old, it is not
surprising that it is beginning to welcome back the inquisitors’ favourite
means of securing information and compliance: torture. In one of the
more frightening tomes on terrorism and counter-terrorism, law profes-
sor Alan Dershowitz observes wistfully that ‘we could easily wipe out
international terrorism if we were not constrained by legal, moral, and
humanitarian considerations.’90 It is hard to think of a more deluded
statement. Pulling himself back from this vision of nirvana, Dershowitz
proposes ‘a series of steps that can effectively reduce the frequency and
severity of international terrorist attacks by striking an appropriate
balance between security and liberty.’91 It is here that torture raises its
ugly head. Dershowitz suggests that torture could be a justifiable
response to terrorism, giving the example of a ticking bomb where
forcibly extracting information could save the lives of large numbers of
civilians.92 He also argues that with the United States already subcon-
tracting torture to third-party states, it is better if any torture gets an offi-
cial warrant from the president of the Supreme Court; yet as Human
Rights Watch’s Executive Director Ken Roth points out:
the fact that sometimes laws are violated does not mean you
want to start legitimising the violation by getting some judge to
authorise it. If you start opening the door, making a little excep-
tion here, a little exception there, you’ve basically sent the
signal that the ends justify the means, and that’s exactly what
Osama bin Laden thinks.93
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11 Conclusion
The ‘war on terror’, then, is based on the false premise of a finite
number of evil individuals and their ‘state backers’ and the false
assumption that the source of the problem can be physically elimi-
nated. This damaging approach effectively reduces complex historical
processes to something akin to a crude video game in which an identi-
fiable enemy can simply be shot away. We need alternative and non-
violent models if we are to come up with less crude and less
counterproductive solutions. Even video games are not necessarily this
simple: in a game called ‘September 12’, players can blast away at
targets in an Arab village but women weep over their dead children as
more terrorists grab guns to defend their homes.1
In sport, a good rule of thumb for tacticians is this: what would my
opponent least like for me to do? This approach has evidently not
been followed in the ‘war on terror’. We have seen how the ‘war on
terror’, like many civil wars, can be better understood as a system
than a contest. Sustained by counterproductive tactics that predictably
create more terrorists, the system simultaneously yields a range of
political, economic and psychological benefits for a variety of actors,
notably those within a diverse coalition participating in the ‘counter-
terror’. As in a civil war, benefits have percolated through the system:
the political and economic benefits of the ‘war on terror’ have
accrued not only at the ‘top’ (notably, in Washington) but among a
wide range of regimes and interest groups that have collaborated (or
have appeared to collaborate) in the attempt to eliminate the desig-
nated ‘evil’. Terrorists have also pursued tactics that predictably
alienate people and reinforce opposition. This war may be endless,
but it is not aimless. Just because a particular tactic is predictably
counterproductive does not, of course, imply that all these counter-
productive effects were foreseen and wilfully embraced. Neverthe-
less, their persistence implies an accommodation to failure which is
so prolonged and so systematic that it cannot be realistically labelled
as ‘failure’ any more.
Part of the psychological function of this ‘war on terror’ is the sense
of certainty and the (fleeting) sense of security it brings. It represents a
kind of serial witch-hunt in which the rule of law and the practice of
evidence-based thinking have been largely set aside. The process is
surprisingly shameless and key US officials have sometimes boasted
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Burke has noted, ‘The main reason for the failure of the Islamic revolu-
tion in Algeria and Egypt was that most people wanted to have noth-
ing to do with men who mutilated and maimed innocent people.’10 As
Gandhi understood, a non-violent reaction to violence and injustice
gives people the chance to perceive and understand the original
violence, while a violent reaction tends to blind people to the original
provocation. Expanding the war on terror to embrace and legitimise all
manner of national conflicts is a major mistake. As Michael Mann notes,
‘The United States should leave alone conflicts involving national liber-
ation fighters’, including in Chechnya, Kashmir, the Philippines and
Indonesia. The way US actions revived jihadis in Algeria and Egypt,
who had been fading from around the mid-1990s, should be an object
lesson.11 In short, the United States should avoid actions that continue
to infuse an anti-American sentiment into diverse local grievances.
In terms of practical and useful actions that can be taken, there is
plenty to do. The currently favoured magical solutions to the problem
of terror are not only proving counterproductive; they are also – in
line with Max Gluckman’s comments on the ‘distractions’ of believing
in witchcraft – distracting attention from many of the most pressing
problems. A realistic alternative approach would be based essentially
on treating terrorists as criminals and upholding the law, both nation-
ally and internationally. At present, the label of a ‘war on terror’ feeds
into the terrorists’ propaganda, self-image and self-delusions; for
example, it makes it hard to counter the claims of London bomber
Mohamed Siddiq Khan that his actions in July 2005 were part of a
‘war’ in which civilian voters were a legitimate target. Of course, the
label of a ‘war on terror’ also legitimises violence by the United States
and its allies. Calling it a war legitimises what is often a very one-
sided violence – like calling bullfighting a sport.
Part of treating terrorism as a crime lies in integrating the struggle
against terrorism with the fight against organised crime. Criminal
networks (sometimes linked to terror networks) have learned to think
trans-nationally; yet governments responding to crime and terrorism
are often still thinking within the framework of the nation state.12
Controlling flows of funding can make a contribution.13 One pressing
practical need is for better inspection of shipping: in 2004, one report
said that only 2 per cent of ships arriving in the United States were
being physically inspected.14
Terrorist organisations like al-Qaida can be countered with the use of
informers. Finding those who will inform on suspected terrorists is
always going to be much harder in conditions where the counter-terror
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Egypt has been getting from the United States offers potential for this
kind of pressure. The United States should stop propping up undemo-
cratic regimes more generally in the Middle East (notably, in Saudi
Arabia). Helping to ease this path would be reduced dependence on
Middle Eastern oil via a programme to promote energy efficiency and
developing renewable resources.
If focusing on development issues can contribute to security, there
are also major dangers in linking security and development.25 One is
that those countries considered marginal to the ‘war on terror’ may be
systematically neglected. A second is a reinvention of Cold War-style
discrimination against enemies and over-forgiveness of the sins of your
friends. A third is that NGOs, many of them heavily dependent on
government funding, may subordinate their agendas to a Western secu-
rity agenda;26 tarring NGOs with the brush of US military policy has
threatened (and cost) the lives of aid workers in Iraq and Afghanistan
and has helped to limit the humanitarian presence there.
A ‘nuclear 9/11’ is a terrifying possibility; but attacking Iraq does
not make it any less likely. A key priority should be securing Russia’s
nuclear legacy – something estimated to cost US$30 billion. There is
also a pressing need to get India, Pakistan, North Korea and Israel to
join the non-proliferation treaty. Israel’s WMD (including nuclear
weapons and a chemical weapons programme) should be addressed as
a matter of urgency. There is a need to link intelligence and export
control networks with border, port and airport security to prevent
moving of nuclear materials and technology.27 One way in which
nuclear weapons could fall into extremists’ hands is through a change
of regime in Pakistan: actions that fuel extremism in Pakistan hardly
help. Ensuring moderation in Pakistan is also important in other ways.
It was a Pakistani scientist, Abdul Qadeer Khan, who was found to be
at the centre of an international black market in nuclear materials, sell-
ing nuclear technology to Iran, Libya and North Korea. Pakistan also
holds one of the keys to stability in Afghanistan: Pakistan’s madrassa
religious schools for the poor – funded in large part by Saudi and
American money – educated many of the Afghan refugees who went
on to form the Taliban; today, the remnants of the Taliban continue to
draw support and find shelter from fellow Pashtun inside Pakistan.
In all the thinking about arms control ‘over there’, arms control at
home should not be forgotten. Without further nuclear disarmament in
the West, many states will rebel against non-proliferation norms, seeing
a double standard.28 Gun control is also important, both in terms of
international trade and domestic sales. (An upbeat al-Qaida pamphlet
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The need for critical introspection is universal and not confined to ‘the
West’. The impulse to ward off shame is a major barrier to self-
understanding and a major spur to violence by many parties. This
includes a few Muslims who may, as Tariq Ramadan argued, turn to
violence to ward off the shame of having been ‘corrupted’ or contami-
nated by Western ways. There are many problems in the world – includ-
ing the Muslim world – that cannot be attributed to ‘American
imperialism’. Bhikhu Parekh, Chair of the Commission on the Future of
Multi-ethnic Britain, has argued that Muslims must ‘stop blaming the
West for all their ills’.36 Roula Khalaf, Middle East editor of the Financial
Times, has argued that Arab and Muslim countries have ‘slipped into an
easy anti-Americanism that shows little understanding of what the US is
really like as a society’.37 Edward Said refers to a sense of ‘failure and
frustration’ and ‘an Islamism built out of rote learning and the oblitera-
tion of what are perceived to be other, competitive forms of secular
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Chapter 1: Introduction
1. Adrian Levy and Cathy Scott-Clark, ‘One huge US jail’, Guardian Weekend,
19 March 2005.
2. Mark Duffield, ‘“Getting savages to fight barbarians”, development, secu-
rity and the colonial present’, Conflict, Development and Security, 2005, 5(2):
141–60; Clive Hall, personal communication.
3. Conetta, Strange victory, pp. 30, 33.
4. The term ‘civil war’ is adopted here, but of course many contemporary
civil conflicts – such as those in the Democratic Republic of Congo and
Afghanistan – have very significant international involvement.
5. Times Online, 3 June 2002, http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3-
6. George W. Bush, State of the Union address, 3 February 2005, www.white
7. Philip Webster, ‘Blair hints at military action after Iran’s “disgraceful”
taunt’, Times, 28 October 2005.
8. See, e.g. Foucault, Power/Knowledge.
9. Bartov, Mirrors of Destruction, p. 96.
10. Miller, Tell Me Lies, pp. 5–6.
11. I am particularly grateful here for feedback from Chris Dolan, Chris
Cramer, Teddy Brett and Laurie Nathan.
12. See also, Clay and Schaffer, Room for Manoeuvre.
13. For example, Jane Mayer, ‘Outsourcing torture’, New Yorker, 14 February
2005, www.globalpolicy.org.
14. Keen, The Benefits of Famine. We can also see this pattern in civil wars after
the Cold War (see, e.g. Keen, Conflict and Collusion in Sierra Leone).
15. See, e.g. Keen, The Benefits of Famine; Keen, The Kurds in Iraq; Keen, Conflict
and Collusion in Sierra Leone.
1. Oliver Burkeman, ‘US says it will hunt down terrorists’, Guardian, 14 May
2. Woodward, Bush at War, p. 67.
3. ibid, p. 45.
4. Singer, The President of Good and Evil, p. 2.
5. Bush famously said of bin Laden, ‘We’ll smoke him out of his cave’ (see e.g.
www.dailyherald.com). An unexceptional example of dehumanising
language from the press referred to Islamist terrorism and portrayed the
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Middle East as ‘the breeding ground for this particular brand of savagery’
(Max Boot, ‘America’s next move in the Middle East’, Sunday Times, 18 May
6. Woodward, ibid, p. 224.
7. ibid, p. 316.
8. www.state.gov/r/ (accessed in 2004).
9. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago.
10. See, e.g. Faisal Bodi, ‘Fear and loathing’, Guardian, 21 January 2003; Fuad
Nahdi, ‘From peace marches to jihad’, Guardian, 1 April 2003.
11. Bill Powell, ‘Struggle for the soul of Islam’, Time, 13 September 2004, p. 56.
12. Debate in Miami, Florida.
13. Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘Terror crackdown has not reduced al-Qaida threat,
warns think tank’, Guardian, 14 May 2003, citing International Institute of
Strategic Studies report, ‘Strategic Survey’ by Jonathan Stevenson,
14. ibid.
15. Peter Bergen, ‘The long hunt for Osama’, Atlantic Monthly, October 2004.
16. Institute for Policy Studies and Foreign Policy in Focus, ‘A Failed ”Transi-
tion”: The Mounting Costs of the Iraq War’, September 2004, www.global
17. See e.g. Keen, The Economic Functions of Violence in Civil Wars. The price of
a hand grenade at Al Kut in southern Iraq: US$1.50 (Scott Johnson, ‘Inside
an enemy cell’, Newsweek, 18 August 2003, p. 17).
18. Global Witness, ‘For a few dollars more: how al Qaeda moved into the
diamond trade’, London, April 2003, available at www.globalwitness.org.
19. Burke, Al-Qaeda; Jason Burke, ‘Who did it – and what was their motive?’,
Observer, 10 July 2005; Peter Taylor, ‘The new al-Qaida’, BBC2 TV, first
broadcast 25 July 2005.
20. James Fallows, ‘Bush’s lost year’, Atlantic Monthly, October 2004.
21. See e.g. Kean and Hamilton, The 9/11 Report. One part of this attempt was
when Washington said a Jordanian ‘bin Laden associate’, Abu Musab al-
Zargawi, had sheltered in Baghdad after fleeing the US-led coalition attack
on Afghanistan, but this man was a member of a group, al-Tauheed, set up
in competition with bin Laden. Washington stressed contacts between
Saddam’s regime and bin Laden inside Afghanistan, but while bin Laden
did send representatives to talk with an Iraqi emissary who was sent to
Afghanistan in 1998, these Iraqi overtures were rejected by bin Laden. The
Bush administration also stressed that the Iraqi militant group Ansar-al-
Islam had links with al-Qaida. This was true, but the group were based in
northern Iraq, an area not controlled by Baghdad (Jason Burke, ‘Ghost of
al-Qaeda left out of story’, Observer, 27 July 2003). The weaponry of this
group was also greatly exaggerated. US Secretary of State Colin Powell
told the UN Security Council on 5 February 2003 that Ansar al-Islam had a
‘terrorist chemicals and poisons factory’ (Rampton and Stauber, Weapons of
Mass Deception, p. 98), but Luke Harding of the Observer visited the site
three days later and found no sign of chemical weapons anywhere, just a
dilapidated collection of buildings (Luke Harding, ‘Revealed: truth behind
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36. Hugo Young, ‘Once lost, these freedoms will be impossible to restore’,
Guardian, 11 December 2001.
37. Richard Norton-Taylor and Duncan Campbell, ‘How real is the terrorism
threat today?’ Guardian, 29 January 2005.
38. Jamie Wilson, ‘Ten al-Qaida plots foiled since 9/11’, Guardian, 7 October
39. Noam Chomsky, ‘One man’s just war is global terror’, Sunday Independent
[South Africa], 13 July 2003.
40. http://www.iraqbodycount.net/database.
41. Les Roberts, Riyadh Lafta, Richard Garfield, Jamal Khudhairi and Gilbert
Burnham, ‘Mortality before and after the 2003 invasion of Iraq: cluster
sample survey’, The Lancet, 29 October 2004, www.thelancet.com. The
organization ‘Iraq Body Count’ put the figure of those killed, including
through poor health and sanitation provision, at a minimum of 26,457 by
October 2005, www.iraqbodycount.net/.
42. ‘Baghdad burning’, 7 April 2004, http://riverbend.blogspot.com/.
43. ‘Sabrina Tavernise’, New York Times, 14 July 2005, www.nytimes.com.
44. CNN, ‘Forces: US and coalition casualties’, http://edition.cnn.com/
45. Cf Keen, Conflict and Collusion in Sierra Leone.
46. Ian Traynor and Dan De Luce, ‘UN watchdog presses Iran on nuclear
inspections’, Guardian, 16 June 2003.
47. Seumas Milne, ‘Iraqis have paid the blood price for a fraudulent war’,
Guardian, 10 April 2003.
48. Isabel Hilton, ‘Why Korea has returned to the cold’, Guardian, 11 February
49. Noam Chomsky, ‘The resort to force’ (excerpted from Hegemony or Survival,
Metropolitan Books, 2004), http://www.chomsky.info/books/hege-
50. US unilateralism in relation to Iraq compounded earlier go-it-alone poli-
cies, such as Bush’s withdrawal in 2002 from the Anti-Ballistic Missile
Treaty (amid fears it would impede US anti-missile defence programmes),
his pulling out of the Kyoto Protocol on global warming in the same year,
his refusal to strengthen the convention on biological weapons, and his
backing off from the International Criminal Court.
51. Blix, Disarming Iraq, p. 274.
52. ibid.
53. ‘The document and what it means’, Guardian, 28 April 2005.
54. Chaloka Beyani, ‘International law and the “war on terror”’, in: Joanna
Macrae and Adele Harmer, ‘Humanitarian action and the “global war on
terror”’, HPG Report 14, Overseas Development Institute, London.
55. Geoffrey Bindman, ‘Tony Blair and the Iraq war: in the eye of the law’, 13
April 2005, opendemocracy.net.
56. Soros, The Bubble of American Supremacy, p. 59.
57. Peter W. Galbraith, ‘Iraq: Bush’s Islamic Republic’, New York Review of
Books, 11 August 2005; ICG, ‘Unmaking Iraq: a constitutional process gone
awry’, Amman/Brussels, 26 September 2005.
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119. CNN.com, ‘You are either with us or against us’, 6 November 2001, http://
120. Conetta, Strange Victory, p. 33.
121. Jonathan Steele, ‘Do Americans care for any casualties but their own?’,
Guardian, 20 May 2002.
122. Conetta, ibid, p. 38.
123. Marc Herold, n.d., ‘A dossier on civilian victims of United States aerial
bombing of Afghanistan’, www.cursor.org/sotries/civilian_deaths.htm.
124. Conetta, ibid, p. 6.
125. There were some 90 sorties a day during the second week of the campaign
(Conetta, ibid).
126. Romesh Ratnesar, ‘The new rules of engagement’, Time, 5 November 2001.
127. Mann, Incoherent Empire, p. 132.
128. Turton, David and Peter Marsden, ‘Taking refugees for a ride? The politics
of refugee return to Afghanistan’, Afghanistan Research and Evaluation
Unit (Kabul, December 2002), pp. 1–2.
129. David Jones, ‘Return of the Taliban’, Daily Mail, 8 February 2003.
130. Jon Henley, ‘Did we make it better?’, Guardian, 29 May 2003.
131 Ratnesar, ibid.
132. Marc Herold, ibid. Herold is an economics professor at the University of
New Hampshire.
133. Bob Graham, ‘I just pulled the trigger’, Evening Standard, 19 June 2003,
accessed at http://www.thisislondon.com/news/articles/5402104?
134. Michael Moore, Will they ever trust us again?, p. 47; see also, Evan Wright,
Generation Kill.
135. Scott Johnson, ‘Inside an enemy cell’, Newsweek, 18 August 2003, p. 17.
136. Sami Ramadani, ‘Faluluja’s defiance of a new empire’, Guardian, 10
November 2004.
137. Human Rights Watch, ‘Violent response: the US army in al-Falluja’, June 2003.
138. Jonathan Steele and Dahr Jamail, ‘This is our Guernica’, Guardian, 27 April
139. Mark Danner, ‘The logic of torture’, New York Review of Books, 24 June 2004.
140. Victoria Brittain, ‘Why are we welcoming this torturer?’, Guardian, 24
February 2005.
141. Mark Danner, ‘Torture and truth’, New York Review of Books, 10 June 2004,
pp. 46–50, quoting, ‘Report of the International Committee of the Red
Cross (ICRC) on the Treatment by the Coalition Forces of Prisoners of War
and Other Protected Persons by the Geneva Conventions in Iraq During
Arrest, Internment and Interrogation’, February 2004; see also, Mark
Danner, ‘Abu Ghraib: the hidden story’, New York Review of Books, 7
October 2004.
142. Mark Danner, ‘Abu Ghraib: the hidden story’, New York Review of Books, 7
October 2004.
143. ‘Violations were tantamount to torture’, edited extracts of ICRC report into
treatment of Iraqi prisoners by coalition forces, Guardian, 8 May 2004.
144. Mark Danner, ibid.
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145. Rod Nordland, ‘Rough justice’, Newsweek, 18 August 2003, pp. 18–20.
146. Rory McCarthy, ‘Fundamental errors of inflexible army’, Guardian, 13 April
147. ‘Baghdad Burningburning’, 7 May 2004, http://riverbend.blogspot.com/.
148. Rory McCarthy, ‘We will fight until the end’, Guardian, 8 April 2004.
149. Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, ‘We don’t need al-Qaida’, Guardian, 27 October 2005.
150. Scilla Elworthy, ‘Tackling terror by winning hearts and minds’, 20 July
2005, www.opendemocracy.net.
151. Mark Danner, ‘Torture and truth’, ibid.
152. British Agencies Afghanistan Group, Afghanistan: Monthly Review, June
153. Reuters, ‘UN says sanctions have killed some 500,000 Iraqi Children’, 21
July 2000, http://www.commondreams.org/headlines/072100-03.htm.
154. Woodward, Bush at War, p. 130. Woodward seems to find this question
morally unremarkable, commenting: ‘Anyone with a basic understanding
of military strategy might have smiled at the question. The noisy, slow-
moving transport planes used for food drops are sitting ducks until air
defense installations are wiped out’ (Woodward, ibid, p. 130).
155. ‘US food drops “useless” for hungry hordes’, Daily Record and Sunday Mail,
16 October 2001, accessed at nucnews.net/nucnews/2001nn/0110nn/
156. Nor is it clear that food was the form of aid most wanted by Afghans
157. Woodward, ibid, p. 273.
158. ibid, p. 294, citing Wolfowitz.
159. ibid, p. 279; my emphasis. In the event, the decision about whether to bomb
during Ramadan was overtaken by events: namely, the occupation of
Kabul by the Northern Alliance and a few Pashtun leaders (ibid, p. 313).
160. John Stremlau, The International Politics of the Nigerian Civil War; Human
Rights Watch, Evil Days; Keen, The Benefits of Famine.
161. Woodward, ibid, p. 204. US planes carrying food were taking off from
Germany at the time.
162. Isabel Hilton, ‘Hearts and minds at any cost’, Guardian, 13 July 2004; Ewen
MacAskill, ‘Pentagon forced to withdraw leaflet linking aid to information
on Taliban’, Guardian, 6 May 2004.
163. Short, An Honourable Deception?
164. Jacqui Tong, Médecins sans frontières (MSF), ‘Disobedient humanitarian-
ism: violence, politics and aid’, talk given at LSE, London, 17 November
165. British Agencies Afghanistan Group, Afghanistan: Monthly Review, June
2004, p. 2.
166. Ewen MacAskill, ‘Aid agency quits Afghanistan over security fears’,
Guardian, 29 July 2004.
167. Woodward, Plan of Attack, p. 278.
168. Martin Woollacott, ‘Humanitarians must avoid becoming tools of power’,
Guardian 2 April 2004.
169. Stothard, 30 Days, p. 139.
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199. The US bombing of Libya in response to the Berlin disco bombing of 1986
was followed by Libya’s 1988 attack on Pan Am flight 103, killing 270.
200. See also Keen, ‘Since I am a dog’; Michael Jackson, In Sierra Leone.
201. RUF (Revolutionary United Front), Footpaths to Democracy, 1995, p. 12.
202. Sierra Leone Broadcasting Service, 18 June 1997; my emphasis.
203. Mark Lawson, ‘Terrorist nostalgia’, Guardian, 17 April 2004.
204. Conetta, Strange Victory, p. 33.
205. John Gittings, ‘North Korea will talk if it is not labelled evil’, Guardian, 4
April 2002.
206. John Feffer, ‘The response’, in: Feffer, Power Trip, p. 179.
207. Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth, p. 74.
208. Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, p. 332; my emphasis.
209. Meir statement to the Sunday Times, 15 June 1969, http://en.wikipedia.org.
210. Robert Baer, ‘The cult of the suicide bomber’, Channel 4, broadcast 4
August 2005.
211. Jessica Stern, ‘Pakistan’s Jihadjihad culture’, Foreign Affairs, November/
December 2000, http://ksghome.harvard.edu/~.jstern. CSIA.KSG/pakistan.
212. Juergensmeyer, Terror in the Mind of God, p. 187.
213. ibid, p. 195.
214. ibid.
215. Arendt, On Violence, p. 65.
216. www.life-peace.org/newroutes.
217. In Guatemala, some Mayan victims of brutal counter-insurgency told
human rights workers involved in organising prosecutions for genocide
that the process was important to them partly because it conferred inter-
national and state recognition that they were indeed human and worthy of
having their human rights upheld (Keen, ‘Demobilising Guatemala’).
218. ‘Jonathan Dimbleby’, ITV1, broadcast 15 June 2003.
219. Neil MacFarquhar, ‘Many Arabs say Bush misreads their history and
goals’, New York Times, 31 January 2002.
220. For example, Friedman, Longitudes and Attitudes.
221. Bill Powell, ‘Struggle for the soul of Islam’, Time, 13 September 2004, p. 56.
222. For example, Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘Don’t demonise Bin Laden, cautions
MoD official,’ Guardian, 8 November 2001.
223. Eric Hobsbawm, Bandits, p. 58.
224. Brian Whitaker, ‘Easy targets are magnet for Islamic militants’, Guardian, 20
August 2003.
225. Abd Samad Moussaoui, ‘My brother Zac’, Guardian Weekend, 19 April 2003
226. ibid.
227. ibid.
228. ibid.
229. John Burns, ‘The power, the glory and the grievances’, Guardian, 18
September 2001.
230. Ambivalence towards ‘the mother country’ could take a similar form in
Sierra Leone (Keen, Conflict and Collusion in Sierra Leone).
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231. Jonathan Raban, ‘My Holy War’, The New Yorker, 4. February 2002.
232. Rohan Gunaratna, ‘Womaniser, joker, scuba diver: the other face of al-
Qaida’s no 3’, Guardian, 3 March 2003. Hamdi Osman, suspected of a role
in the attempted London bombings of 21 July 2005, had lived in Italy and
acquired a reputation as a ‘Romeo’ and a dancer who loved American
popular culture (John Hooper, ‘Suspect was a Roman Romeo in love with
US’, Guardian, 2 August 2005).
233. Peter Bergen, ‘In the beginning’, Guardian, 20 August 2004.
234. Interviewed on ‘Inside the mind of the suicide bomber’, director Tom
Roberts, Channel 4, broadcast November 2003.
235. Juergensmeyer, Terror in the Mind of God, p. 64.
236. ibid, p. 65.
237. ibid, p. 66.
238. Maruf Khwaja, ‘Muslims in Britain: generations, experiences, futures’, 2
August 2005, openDemocracy, http://opendemocracy.net/conflict-terror-
239. See the quote from Tariq Ramadan in Chapter 9 (note 16).
240. ICG, ‘Islamist terrorism in the Sahel: fact or fiction?’, 31 March 2005.
241. For example, Bill Powell, ‘Struggle for the Soul of Islam’, Time, p. 54.
242. Hugh Roberts, 2003, ‘North African Islamism in the blinding light of 9/11’,
working paper 34, Crisis States Programme, DESTIN, LSE, London,
243. Scott MacLeod, ‘The Enemy WithinThe enemy within’, Time, 26 May 2003,
p. 37.
244. Said Aburish, The Rise, Corruption and Coming Fall of the House of Saud, 2nd
edn (London: Bloomsbury, 2005).
245. Martin Woollacott, ‘Saudi’s regime can’t please both the US and its people’,
Guardian, 16 May 2003.
246. Hugh Roberts, personal communication; see also Hugh Roberts, ibid.
Torture had been used in the course of police investigations under Morocco’s
new anti-terrorism law (David Pallister, ‘Two Britons face terror charges in
Morocco’, Guardian, 2 August 2003, citing Paris-based International Federa-
tion of Human Rights Leagues).
247. Jason Burke, ‘Stronger and more deadly, the terror of the Taliban is back’,
Observer, 16 November 2003.
248. Gerges, The Far Enemy.
249. ibid, p. 271.
250. Putzel, in Buckley and Fawn.
251. Mann, Incoherent Empire, p. 184.
252. ibid.
253. Putzel, ibid.
254. Mann, ibid, p. 184.
255. Putzel, ibid.
256. ibid.
257. Naomi Klein, ‘A deadly franchise’, Guardian, 28 August 2003.
258. Nick Paton Walsh, ‘US looks away as new ally tortures Islamists’, Guardian,
26 May 2003; see also, John MacLeod and Galima Bukharbaeva,
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1. Whilst Paul Collier has tended to stress the economic agendas of rebels, the
cover of warfare can also be important for governments and their supporters.
2. Foucault, Power/Knowledge, pp. 135–6.
3. For example, Keen, The Economic Functions of Violence in Civil Wars; Keen,
Conflict and Collusion in Sierra Leone.
4. Compare Tim Allen, who sees war as conferring status, and sometimes
legitimacy, on violence (Tim Allen, ‘Perceiving contemporary wars’, in: The
Media of Conflict: War reporting and representations of ethnic violence, New
York: St Martin’s Press, 1999.)
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5. Burke, Al-Qaeda; Jason Burke, ‘Who did it – and what was their motive?’,
Observer, 10 July 2005.
6. See e.g. Castells, End of Millennium.
7. Global Witness, ‘For a few dollars more: how al Qaeda moved into the
diamond trade’, London, April 2003, available at www.globalwitness.org.
8. Keen, Conflict and Collusion in Sierra Leone; Mahmood Mamdani, Citizen and
Subject; Bruce Berman ‘Ethnicity, patronage and the African state’, pp.
9. See notably Mann, Incoherent Empire; Roberts, ‘North African Islamism in
the blinding light of 9-11’.
10. See also Mann, ibid.
11. Burke, ibid, p. 25.
12. Jason Burke, ‘Who did it – and what was their motive?’, Observer, 10 July
13. Sierra Leone shows the dangers of focusing on leaders rather than follow-
ers. An attempt was made to ‘neutralise’ the late rebel leader Foday Sankoh
with concessions in a 1999 peace agreement at Lome, Togo. For a long time,
very little was done to address the anger or grievances of his followers
with an effective programme of disarmament, demobilisation and
reintegration (DDR). The peace broke the following year.
14. Richards, Fighting for the Rainforest; Keen, Conflict and Collusion in Sierra Leone.
15. Rashad Yaqoob, audience member, ‘What happened? What changed?
What now?’, transcript of an openDemocracy/Q-News meeting at
Chatham House, 4 August 2005, www.opendemocracy.net.
16. Cf Hobsbawm, Bandits.
17. Johanna McGeary ‘When no-one is truly safe’, Time, 1 December 2003, p 5.
18. See, e.g. Kim Sengupta, ‘The police’s nightmare: home-grown terrorists’,
Independent, 13 July 2005.
19. Burke, al-Qaeda, p. 21.
20. ibid.
21. For example, Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth (Harmondsworth:
Penguin, 1965).
22. David Stoll, ‘Evangelicals, guerrillas and the army: the Ixil Triangle under
Rios Montt’, in Carmack, Harvest of Violence: The Maya Indians and the
Guatemalan Crisis, p. 104.
23. Paul Richards, ‘Rebellion in Liberia and Sierra Leone: a crisis of youth?’.
24. Paul Richards, 1996, ‘Violence as cultural creativity? Social exclusion and
environmental damage in Sierra Leone’, mimeo.
25. See e.g. Keen, The Economic Functions of Violence in Civil Wars.
26. Stern, Terror in the Name of God, pp. 213–17, cited in David Gold (2004), p. 9.
27. Cf Clay and Schaffer, Room for Manoeuvre (1984).
28. Clarke, Against All Enemies, p. 263.
29. See e.g. Ferdinando Imposimato, ‘Preface to ”The Dirty War” by Habia
Souaidia’, Algeria-Watch, 15 January 2001, http://www.algeria-watch.
30. Keen, The Benefits of Famine; Keen, Conflict and Collusion in Sierra Leone.
31. Keen, The Benefits of Famine.
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32. Cf Scott Straus, ‘Darfur and the genocide debate’, Foreign Affairs, 81(4):
123–33, January/February, 2005.
33. Stoll, ‘Evangelicals, guerrillas and the army’.
34. Francisco Gutierrez Sanin, personal communication.
35. Isabel Hilton, ‘Terror as usual’, Guardian, 23 September 2003.
36. Luis Eduardo Fajardo, ‘From the Alliance for Progress to the Plan Colom-
bia’, working paper no. 28, Crisis States Research Centre, LSE, London,
37. Francisco Gutiérrez Sanín, 2003, ‘Criminal rebels? a discussion of war and
criminality from the Colombian experience’, working paper no. 27, Crisis
States Research Centre, LSE, London, www.crisisstates.com.
38. Anatol Lieven, Chechnya: Tombstone of Russian Power, p. 361.
39. David Hearst, ‘Vladimir’s big adventure’, Guardian, 9 November 2001,
cites Gall and de Waal, Chechnya: A Small Victorious War.
40. Lieven, Chechnya, p. 356.
41. A total of 129 hostages and 41 Chechen fighters were killed, mostly by the
gas used to knock out the hostage-takers.
42. Chris McGreal, ‘Our strategy helps the terrorists – army chief warns
Sharon’, Guardian, 31 October 2003.
43. Karen Armstrong, ‘Our role in the terror’, Guardian, 18 September 2003.
44. Kevin Toolis, ‘You can’t make a deal with the dead’, Guardian, 10 September 2003.
45. Henry Siegman, ‘Sharon and the future of Palestine’, New York Review of
Books, 2 December 2004.
46. Keen, Conflict and Collusion in Sierra Leone. At the town of Ryazan, south of
Moscow, where strangers were spotted in September 1999 moving heavy
sacks of explosives into the basement, a number of factors pointed suspi-
ciously at the FSB Russian secret police. Several apartment explosions
earlier that month were blamed on Chechen terrorists and used as a reason
for relaunching the war in Chechnya. The strangers were planting a bomb
of the same type as those used to create earlier explosions in Moscow,
Buinaksk and Volgodonsk, which had been blamed on Chechen terrorists.
47. Interview with Samraoui, author of ‘Chroniques des Annees de Sang’. in:
Campbell, ‘The French connection’, New Zealand Listener, 14–20 February
2004, http://www.algeria-watch.org/fr/article/mil/francalgerie/french_
48. Gordon Campbell, ‘The French connection’, ibid.
49. Ronan Bennett, contribution to ‘What would you do?’, Guardian, 28 February
50. See, e.g. Jane Mayer, ‘Outsourcing torture’, New Yorker, 14 February 2005.
51. Keen, ‘Demobilising Guatemala’; Keen, Conflict and Collusion in Sierra Leone;
on Uganda, see Chris Dolan, Understanding War and its Continuations: The Case
of Northern Uganda, PhD thesis, London School of Economics, 2005.
52. Naomi Klein, ‘Stark message of the mutiny’, Guardian, 15 August 2003.
53. James Astill, ‘Rwandans wage a war of plunder’, Observer, 4 August 2002,
54. James Astill, ‘Conflict in Congo has killed 4.7m, charity says’, Guardian, 8
April 2003.
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55. James Fallows, ‘Bush’s lost year’, Atlantic Monthly, October 2004.
56. Suskind, ‘Without a doubt’.
57. Clarke, Against All Enemies, p. 275.
58. Julian Borger, ‘Bush told he is playing into Bin Laden’s hands’, Guardian
Unlimited, 19 June 2004.
59. Clarke, ibid, p. 276; Fallows, ibid, citing Clarke and Michael Scheuer.
60. Fallows, ibid.
61. Declan Walsh, ‘Most wanted’, Guardian, 5 August 2001.
62. Rory McCarthy, ‘Inside story of the hunt for Bin Laden’, Guardian, 23
August 2003.
63. Declan Walsh, ‘Most wanted’, Guardian, 5 August 2001.
64. David Clark, ‘The war on terror misfired. Blame it all on the neocons’,
Guardian, 7 April 2004.
65. James Astill, ‘Rwandans wage a war of plunder’, Observer, 4 August 2002,
www.guardian.co.uk/congo; on Sierra Leone, see Keen, Conflict and
Collusion in Sierra Leone; on Cambodia, see Berdal, Mats and David Keen,
‘Violence and economic agendas in civil wars: considerations for policy-
makers’, Millennium, 26(3), 1997.
66. Naomi Klein, ‘Stark message of the mutiny’, Guardian, 15 August 2003.
67. Gall and de Waal, Chechnya: A small victorious war.
68. Mann, Incoherent Empire, pp. 174–5.
69. Craig Unger, House of Bush, House of Saud: The secret relationship between the
world’s two most powerful dynasties.
70. Rampton and Stauber, Weapons of Mass Deception, p. 105.
71. Unger, ibid.
72. Clarke, Against All Enemies, p. 282.
73. ibid, p. 281.
74. Suskind, ‘Without a doubt’.
75. Rampton and Stauber, ibid, p. 104; Brian Whitaker, ‘Saudi Arabia to ques-
tion 12,000 citizens’, Guardian, 15 August 2003.
76. Donald Rumsfeld sat on the board of Zurich-based engineering giant ABB
when it sold two light water nuclear reactors to ‘axis of evil’ member North
Korea in 2000 (Randeep Ramesh, ‘The two faces of Rumsfeld’, Guardian, 9
May 2003).
77. See Hugh Roberts, ‘North African Islamism in the blinding light of 9-11’,
working paper no. 34, Crisis States Programme, 2003, www.crisis
78. Keen, The Benefits of Famine; Keen, Conflict and Collusion in Sierra Leone.
79. See e.g. Tim Judah, ‘Uganda: The secret war’, New York Review of Books, 23
September 2004.
80. Report of the Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural
Resources and Other Forms of Wealth in the Democratic Republic of
Congo, S/2001/357, April 2001.
81. ibid.
82. ibid; see also International Crisis Group, ‘Storm clouds over sun city’.
83. Report by James Astill, ‘Rwandans wage a war of plunder’, Observer, 4
August 2002, www.guardian.co.uk/congo. Rwanda did withdraw the
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majority of its troops from the Congo in October 2002, but seconded at least
5,000 soldiers to its rebel proxy (the Rally for Congolese Democracy) and
maintained a significant degree of control. While Rwanda claimed some
50,000 Hutu militiamen remained in Congo in April 2003, independent
estimates put their number at about 15,000. At least 80 per cent of these
were children and very unlikely to have been in any way responsible for
genocide. In April 2003, the scattered garrisons of Rwanda and Uganda
(formerly allies, but now sworn enemies) were estimated to be occupying
about a third of the Congo. Astill noted, ‘Since its partial withdrawal,
Rwanda has conceded the job of disarming the Hutus to the UN, though it
still has a hand in the process. UN officers complain that whenever they
make contact with one of the Hutu militias, the RCD [Rally for Congolese
Democracy] attacks and scatters it.’ (James Astill, ‘Counting the dead’,
Guardian, 10 April 2003).
84. ICG, ‘The Congo’s transition is failing’, 30 March 2005.
85. Keen, ‘Demobilising Guatemala’.
86. Gore Vidal, Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace, p. 158.
87. William Hartung, ‘Military–industrial complex revisited’, Foreign Policy in
Focus, http://www.fpif.org/papers/micr/index_body.html.
88. Tim Weiner, ‘Lockheed and the future of warfare’, New York Times, 28
November 2004.
89. Carl Conetta, ‘The Pentagon’s new budget, new strategy, and new war’,
Project on Defense Alternatives, briefing report no. 12, Cambridge, Mass.,
25 June 2002.
90. Kaldor, p. 11.
91. Hartung, ‘Military–industrial complex revisited’.
92. Julian Borger and David Teather, ‘So much for the peace dividend: Penta-
gon is winning the battle for a 400 billion dollar budget’, Guardian, 22 May
93. See, e.g. Simon Tisdall, ‘War remains the option of first resort – not last’,
Guardian, 27 February 2003.
94. Frances Fitzgerald, ‘How hawks captured the White House’, Guardian, 24
September 2004.
95. Michael Klare, ‘Resources’, in: Feffer, Power Trip, pp. 50, 58–9.
96. Thomas Friedman, ‘A memo from Osama’, 26 June 2001, in: Friedman,
Longitudes and Attitudes, pp. 27–8.
97. William Hartung, ‘Military’, in: Feffer, ibid.
98. Vikram Dodd, ‘US contracts come under scrutiny’, Guardian, 23 May 2003;
cronyism in CPA (NYRB Galbraith article).
99. CBS News, cbsnews.com, ‘Cheney’s Halliburton ties remain’, 26 September
2003; Robin Cook, ‘The financial scandals of occupation are worse than the
errors of judgement’, Independent, 7 November 2003.
100. David Leigh et al, ‘Cheney oil firm faces UK inquiry’, Guardian, 30 October
101. Naomi Klein, ‘The rise of disaster capitalism’, The Nation, 2 May 2005.
102. Klare, ‘Resources’, in: Feffer, Power Trip, p. 50.
103. Cheney report, in: Klare, ‘Resources’, ibid, p. 52.
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130. See notably Thomas Frank, What’s the Matter with America?
131. Somewhat similarly, Nancy Scheper-Hughes (in Death without Weeping)
has suggested in relation to north-east Brazil that police actions are often
arbitrary and that they intimidate entire social groups.
132. See e.g. Robert Thomas, Serbia under Milosevic.
133. Interview, Belgrade, 1999.
134. Bridget Kendall, ‘Analysis: Putin’s drastic measures’, BBC News Online, 13
September 2004, news.bbc.co.uk.
135. Rampton and Stauber, Weapons of Mass Deception, pp. 143–4.
136. Sidney Blumenthal, ‘Domestic gibberish’, Guardian, 10 February 2005.
137. Woodward, Bush at War, pp. 206–7.
138. ibid, p. 207.
139. Naomi Klein, ‘The true purpose of torture’, Guardian, 14 May 2005.
140. Kenneth Roth, ‘The law of war in the war on terror’, Foreign Affairs,
January/February 2004, http://www.foreignaffairs.org/20040101facom-
ment 83101/kenneth-roth/the-law-of-war-in-the-war-on-terror.html.
141. Al Gore, ‘Democracy itself is in grave danger’, Common Dreams News
Center, http://www.commondreams.org/views04/0624-15.htm.
142. Rebecca Allison, ‘Police can use terror powers on protestors’, Guardian, 1
November 2003.
143. Helena Kennedy, ‘Take no comfort in this warm blanket of security’,
Guardian, 15 March 2004.
144. Ben Russell and Andrew Grice, ‘Don’t mention the war’, Independent, 29
September 2005.
145. Naomi Klein, ‘A deadly franchise’, Guardian, 28 August 2003.
146. Burke, Al-Qaeda, p. 17.
147. Frances Fitzgerald, ‘How hawks captured the White House’, Guardian, 24
September 2004.
148. Human Rights Watch, ‘China: religious repression of Uighur Muslims’, 12
April 2005, http://hrw.org/english/docs/2005/04/11/china10447.htm.
149. Aidan White, ‘Journalism and the war on terrorism: final report on the after-
math of September 11 and the implications for journalism and civil liberties’,
International Federation of Journalists, Brussels, 3 September 2002.
150. Simon Tisdall, ‘Riding the crest of a terror wave’, Guardian, 7 December 2004.
151. Mann, Incoherent Empire, p. 18.
152. Naomi Klein, ‘A deadly franchise’, Guardian, 28 August 2003.
153. Luis Eduardo Fajardo, ‘From the Alliance for Progress to the Plan Colom-
bia’, working paper no. 28, Crisis States Research Centre, LSE, London,
154. Human Rights Watch, World Report 2005.
155. One factor may be that the USA wants to redesign the 1972 anti-ballistic
treaty because it wants a ballistic missile defence system, and this means it
needs Russia on side (Menzies Campbell, ‘A wider arms deal’, Guardian, 15
November 2001).
156. Mann, Incoherent Empire, p. 174.
157. BBC News Online, ‘US to blacklist Chechen groups’ http://news.
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158. Nick Paton Walsh, ‘US looks away as new ally tortures Islamists’, Guardian,
26 May 2003.
159. Nick Paton Walsh and Ewen MacAskill, ‘Straw clashes with Uzbek leaders
after 500 killed’, Guardian, 16 May 2005.
160. Nick Paton Walsh, ‘US looks away as new ally tortures Islamists’, ibid.
161. Nick Paton Walsh, ‘Brutality and poverty fuel wave of unrest’, Guardian, 16
May 2005.
162. Ewen MacAskill, ‘Scepticism greets Straw’s reproof’, Guardian, 16 May 2005.
163. Rampton and Stauber, Weapons of Mass Deception, p. 117.
164. Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘Guantanamo is gulag of our time, says Amnesty’,
Guardian, 26 May 2005.
165. See, notably, Mark Duffield’s Global Governance and the New Wars.
166. Human Rights Watch, ‘Coercive interrogation’, January 2005, http://
167. Noting that prisons tended to produce and educate more criminals,
Foucault described the prison system as ‘the detestable solution which one
seems unable to do without’ (Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish: The
birth of the prison, p. 232).
168. Keen, The Benefits of Famine.
169. Rami Khouri, ‘Democracy from America? An Arab’s advice’, 31 March
2005, opendemocracy.net.
170. Statement at National Security Council meeting on 10 October 2001
(Woodward, Bush at War, p. 224).
171. Woodward, ibid, p. 229.
172. See e.g. Luke Harding, ‘US helicopters in secret mission to spray
Afghanistan’s blossoming opium fields’, Guardian, 9 June 2003; also Colin
Brown and Andrew Clennell, ‘Opium trade booms in basket-case
Afghanistan’, Independent, 28 July 2004.
173. Declan Walsh, ‘Warlords, poppies and slow progress’, Guardian, 7
December 2004.
174. For example, Mariam Rawi, ‘Rule of the rapists’, Guardian, 12 February 2004.
175. Rampton and Stauber, Weapons of Mass Deception, p. 130.
176. Mann, Incoherent Empire, p. 137.
177. Suzanne Goldenberg, ‘The stand’, Guardian, 5 May 2005.
178. Tim Judah, ‘Uganda: the secret war’, New York Review of Books, 23
September 2004.
179. Faludi, Stiffed, pp. 331–2.
180. Duncan Campbell, ‘Introducing Del-Qaida’, Guardian, 17 July 2004.
181. Simon Jenkins, ‘Once they kept us from fear. Now our leaders want to
frighten us senseless’, Times, 24 November 2004.
1. One banner at a Bush election rally 2004 proclaimed simply, ‘You make me
feel safe’ (Madeleine Bunting, ‘Age of anxiety’, Guardian, 25 October 2004).
2. Suskind, The Price of Loyalty, p. 306.
3. Full text at: http://politics.guardian.co.uk/iraq/story/0,12956,91 6790,00.
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html. George Soros has compared the false confidences of the ‘war on
terror’ with a speculative bubble: in both, a big gap has opened between
perceptions and reality (Soros, The Bubble of American Supremacy, p. 184).
4. This may not have been a direct cause-and-effect, but it’s still an ominous
portent today, particularly in view of Bush’s statement on 11 September
2001 that ‘The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century took place today’ (quoted
in Woodward, Bush at War, p. 37).
5. Michael Duffy and Nancy Gibbs, ‘Defender in chief’, Time, 5 November 2001.
6. Even in relation to ordinary criminals it is not clear that punishment
prevents future crime. Psychiatrist and prison activist James Gilligan sees
bad conditions in prisons as compounding the shame and humiliation that
propelled violence in the first place (James Gilligan, Violence: Reflections on
our deadliest epidemic).
7. This might be done strategically; see e.g. Peter Taylor on the Taqfiri, who
believe in blending in to a host society the better to carry out attacks (Peter
Taylor, ‘The new al-Qaida’, BBC 2 TV, first broadcast 25 July 2005).
8. http://www.whitehouse.gov/nsc/nss5.html.
9. Bishop W. Nah Dixon, Great Lessons of the Liberian Civil War.
10. Keen, Conflict and Collusion in Sierra Leone.
11. Woodward, Bush at War, p. 17.
12. ibid, p.168; my emphasis.
13. Girard, Violence and the Sacred, p. 2. The terrorist too may pick enemies in
an arbitrary way. In Bali, the bombed Sari bar was used much more by
Australians than Americans. Iraqis were for a long time bombed and half-
starved at a distance and some have also now found an identifiable and
accessible enemy: the occupying soldier.
14. Woodward, ibid, p. 43. Of course, the terrorists also face the problem that
their principal enemies – presumably Bush and Blair prominent among
them – are well protected, and the terrorists have generally preferred to
attack more accessible targets.
15. Jonathan Steele, ‘Fighting the wrong war’, Guardian, 11 December 2001.
16. Clarke, Against All Enemies, p. 31.
17. Bob Graham, ‘I just pulled the trigger’, Evening Standard, 19 June 2003,
accessed at http://www.thisislondon.com/news/articles/5402104?
18. Michael Hoffman, ‘The civilians we killed’, Guardian, 2 December 2004.
19. The enemy was also largely incomprehensible. US forces came to Iraq equip-
ped with every kind of imaginable machine for killing, healing, spying and
communicating with each other, but very, very few personnel with the incli-
nation or the capacity to communicate with Iraqis. (This same combination
had helped undermine the US intervention in Somalia.) US forces relied heav-
ily on a machine called a ‘Phrasealator’, an eggbox-sized translation machine
that could cope with ‘get out of your car slowly’ but not with any deeper
understanding of Iraqis’ needs and priorities (James Meek, ‘Speaking a differ-
ent language – but we’ve got the Phrasealator’, Guardian, 31 March 2003).
20. Bob Graham, ibid.
21. Mark Danner, ‘Torture and truth’.
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November 2003.
43. Kellner, From 9/11 to Terror War, p. 189.
44. Suskind, The Price of Loyalty, p. 235.
45. Richard Sennett, ‘The age of anxiety’, Guardian, 23 October 2004.
46. Moore, Dude, Where’s My Country?, pp. 137–55.
47. Singer, The President of Good and Evil, p. 12.
48. Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004), written and directed by Michael Moore.
49. Moore, ibid, p. 137.
50. As Simon Schama has noted, the internet is not only a source of pluralism
but also a useful ally for those wishing to argue that evolution is just a
theory or that Iraq really did bring down the Twin Towers (‘Onward
Christian soldiers’, Guardian, 5 November 2004).
51. Schama, ibid.
52. Vidal, Perpetual War, p. 61. Vidal also suggests a link between farmland
dispossession and Christian fundamentalism (ibid, p. 60).
53. More generally, de-industrialisation has plunged large numbers of work-
ing-class and middle-class Americans into a poorly paid service sector at
the same time as large numbers of immigrants have also been entering this
sector (Todd, After the Empire, p. xi).
54. Gary Indiana, ‘Kindergarten governor’, London Review of Books, 6
November 2003.
55. Thomas Frank, What’s the matter with America?
56. Those who have imbibed a business ideology and training in poor coun-
tries may also have their anger stoked by teachings that require them to
interpret poor circumstances as personal failure (Jeremy Seabrook, ‘The
making of a fanatic’, Guardian, 20 December 2001).
57. See, e.g. Schama, ibid.
58. Faludi, Stiffed, p. 32.
59. ibid.
60. Scilla Elworthy, ‘Tackling terror by winning hearts and minds’, 20 July
2005, opendemocracy.net.
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passenger asks why, he replies, ‘To keep away the elephants’. And when
his companion points out that there are no elephants here, he is
triumphant, ‘Exactly!’
11. Joe Klein, ‘How Bush misleads himself’, Time, 28 July 2003, p. 25.
12. Gary Younge, ‘Never mind the truth’, Guardian, 31 May 2004.
13. Polly Toynbee, ‘Did Blair lie to us?’, Guardian, 30 May 2003.
14. Anne Barstow. Witchcraze, p. 153.
15. See, notably, Kean and Hamilton, The 9/11 report.
16. See e.g. Arthur Miller, The Crucible.
17. Collier takes this framework to an extreme when he suggests that listening
to grievances is useless since rebels will always stress their grievances
rather than their greed (e.g. ‘Doing Well out of War’).
18. See also Richani, Systems of Violence, on Colombia.
19. I am grateful to my friend Adekeye Adebajo, who has a doctorate in interna-
tional relations from Oxford University, for bringing this to my attention.
20. ‘War studies’, sometimes half in love with war, has been closely linked to
international relations and has often been stuck in the study of World Wars
and Cold Wars, again, a state-based framework.
21. Mark Duffield, ‘“Getting savages to fight barbarians”: development, secu-
rity and the colonial present’, Conflict, Development and Security, 2005 5(2):
22. Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic, p. 658; see also Caro Baroja, The
World of Witches.
23. Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, p. 353.
24. Once you start torturing someone, the pressure is on to find them guilty or
get a confession. Otherwise, you are left torturing an innocent person.
25. Naomi Klein, “The US has used torture for decades. All that’s new is the
openness about it”, Guardian, 10 December 2005.
26. Blix, Disarming Iraq, p. 202.
27. ibid, p. 201.
28. Chemical weapons had been used against Iraqi Kurds in 1988.
29. Blix, ibid, p. 244.
30. Clarke, Against All Enemies, pp. 267–8.
31. Woodward, Plan of Attack, p. 157.
32. ibid, p. 292.
33. ibid, p. 222; see also p. 234.
34. This would certainly be unusual behaviour, to put it mildly, prior to a
major conflict.
35. ‘10 questions for Silvio Berlusconi’, Time, 28 July 2003, p. 8.
36. Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic, p. 658.
37. Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘The BBC row has been got up to obscure the ugly
truth’, Guardian, 28 June 2003.
38. ibid.
39. There are elements of this even in UK law (‘loitering with intent’), but it is
40. Keen, The Kurds in Iraq; see also, Makiya, Republic of Fear.
41. On Rwanda, see especially, Mamdani, When victims become killers.
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42. This is discussed by Arthur Miller in the introduction to his play The
43. Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic, p. 696.
44. Saddam Hussein’s aggression, notably against Kuwait, had led to sanc-
tions in the first place; and Saddam for a long time rejected any oil-for-food
45. Blair cited the numbers of Iraqis killed by sanctions in the context of a
March 2003 discussion on humanitarian justifications for the war
(Stothard, 30 Days, p. 139).
46. Kathryn Hughes, ‘In league with the devil’, Guardian, 13 November 2004,
citing Lyndal Roper’s ‘Witch craze: terror and fantasy in baroque Germany’.
47. For example, Bush: ‘The terrorists are fighting freedom with all their
cunning and cruelty because freedom is their greatest fear’, Republican
National Convention, New York, 2 September 2004.
48. Lewis Lapham, Theater of War: In which the republic becomes an empire (New
York: New Press, 2003).
49. Roy, The Ordinary Person’s Guide to Empire, p. 105.
50. Allen, ‘The violence of healing’.
51. Girard, Violence and the Sacred, p. 18.
52. ibid, p. 16.
53. Robins and Post, Political Paranoia.
54. Jonathan Steele, ‘War crimes charge for Liberian leader’, Guardian, 5 June
55. ICG, ‘After Arafat?’, New Briefing, 23 December 2004, Amman/Brussels.
56. Micklethwait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation, p. 223.
57. Woodward, Bush at War, p. 195.
58. Brian Urquhart, ‘A cautionary tale’, New York Review of Books, 10 June 2004,
pp. 8–10.
59. Conetta, Strange Victory.
60. ibid, p. 24.
61. ibid, p.9.
62. James Fallows, ‘Bush’s lost year’, Atlantic Monthly, October 2004. As Robin
Cook noted, US troops lack training in peacekeeping and tend to bring
with them a culture of using overwhelming military force (Robin Cook,
‘Deeper into the Iraqi quagmire’, Guardian, 22 October 2004).
63. James Astill, ‘Plea for security rethink as French aid worker is buried’,
Guardian, 21 November 2003.
64. Conetta, ibid, p. 32.
65. Clarke, Against All Enemies, p. 279.
66. Rory McCarthy, ‘US soldiers attack mountain hideout in biggest battle for
a year’, Guardian, 29 January 2003.
67. British agencies Afghanistan Group, Afghanistan: Monthly review, April
2003, London, p. 4.
68. Isabel Hilton, ‘Now we pay the warlords to tyrannise the Afghan people’,
Guardian, 31 July 2003.
69. ibid.
70. British agencies Afghanistan Group, Afghanistan: Monthly review, ibid, p. 3.
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94. Julian Borger, ‘Pentagon was warned over policing Iraq’, Guardian, 28 May
95. Suzanne Goldenberg, ‘Iraq gets fraction of US aid billions’, Guardian, 5 July
96. Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, ‘SIGIR
reports to Congress’, 30 January 2005, globalsecurity.org.
97. In: Moore, Will They Ever Trust Us Again?, p. 35.
98. ibid, p. 35.
99. Peter Galbraith, ‘Iraq: the bungled transition’, New York Review of Books, 23
September 2004, p. 71.
100. Paul Krugman, ‘The price of ideology and cronyism’, Guardian, 6
September 2005.
101. Some other estimates put it higher.
102. Peter Galbraith, ‘Iraq: the bungled transition’, ibid.
103. On Afghanistan, see Duncan Campbell and Suzanne Goldenberg, ‘Inside
America’s secret Afghan gulag’, Guardian, 23 June 2004. The photographs
of Abu Ghraib abuses themselves suggest some degree of official approval:
a feeling that there was little to hide.
104. See, e.g. Robert Barr, ‘World view: calls for Rumsfeld’s resignation amid
outrage over photos’, Association Press, http://www.southcoast today.
105. Mark Danner, ‘Abu Ghraib: the hidden story’, New York Review of Books, 7
October 2004.
106. Anthony Lewis, ‘The election and America’s future’, New York Review of
Books, 4 November 2004.
107. Mark Danner, ‘Abu Ghraib: the hidden story’, ibid, p. 48; cf George
Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, in which interrogators exploit
Winston Smith’s fear of rats.
108. Sidney Blumenthal, ‘Bush takes refuge in history’, Guardian, 3 June 2004.
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2005, citing civil service paper prepared for 23 July 2002 Downing Street
37. Robert Dreyfuss, ‘The Pentagon muzzles the CIA’, American Prospect,
13(22), 16 December 2002, http://www.prospect.org/print/V13/22/drey-
38. The failure to impede the planning and execution of 9/11 is documented in
Kean and Hamilton, The 9/11 Report.
39. Goodman, ‘Intelligence’, in: Feffer, Power Trip, pp. 97–100.
40. Goodman, ibid, p. 99. Blix notes the lack of US intelligence agents inside
Iraq after the end of the Cold War (Blix, Disarming Iraq, p. 261).
41. Kampfner, Blair’s Wars, p. 210.
42. Robert Dreyfuss, ‘The Pentagon muzzles the CIA’, American Prospect,
13(22), 16 December 2002, http://www.prospect.org/print-friendly/
43. Seymour Hersh, ‘Selective intelligence’, New Yorker, 12 May 2003,
44. Hersh, ibid. Top-ranking Iraqi official and exile Hussein Kamel told US and
UK intelligence officers and UN inspectors in 1995 that after the 1991 Gulf
War Iraq had destroyed all its chemical and biological weapons and the
missiles to deliver them (John Barry, ‘The defector’s secrets’, Newsweek, 3
March 2003).
45. Rampton and Stauber, Weapons of Mass Deception, pp. 86–7.
46. ibid, p. 87.
47. ibid, p. 88.
48. ibid, p. 87.
49. Ewen MacAskill and Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘10 ways to sex up a dossier’,
Guardian, 27 September 2003.
50. Singer, The President of Good and Evil, pp. 164–5.
51. Woodward, Plan of Attack, p. 190.
52. Rampton and Stauber, ibid, p. 97. The dossier came complete with the orig-
inal typographical errors in the plagiarized paper, and had several differ-
ent spellings of Ba’ath, depending on which unacknowledged source was
being copied at the time. (‘Leaked report rejects Iraqi Al-Qaeda link’, BBC,
6 February 2003, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/2727471.stm; see
also Raymond Whitaker, ‘MI6 and the CIA: the enemy within’, New
Zealand Herald, 9 February 2003, http://www.nzherald.co.nz/storydis-
53. ‘The decision to go to war in Iraq’, Foreign Affairs Committee Report,
extracts in: Guardian, 8 July 2003.
54. Donald Rumsfeld, ‘Transforming the military’, Foreign Affairs, 81(20), 2002,
pp. 20–32.
55. Kenneth Adelman, ‘A doctrine is born’, Fox News, www.
foxnews.com/story/0,2933,54469,00.html. The US National Security Strat-
egy articulated in September 2002 noted, ‘America will act against emerg-
ing threats before they are fully formed’ (US Department of State, ‘The
national security strategy of the United States of America’, September 2002,
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56. Brian Massumi, ‘Perception attack: pre-emptive power and the image’,
Security Bytes conference, Lancaster University, 17–19 July 2004.
57. Clarke, Against All Enemies, p. 266.
58. G. John Ikenberry, ‘American’s imperial ambition’, Foreign Affairs, 81(5),
September–October 2002, p. 50.
59. Woodward, Bush at War, p. 320.
60. Helena Kennedy, ‘Take no comfort in this warm blanket of security’,
Guardian, 15 March 2004.
61. Ron Suskind, ‘Without a doubt’, New York Times, 17 October 2004.
62. Hendrik Hertzberg, ‘Comment’, New Yorker, 15 November 2004.
63. Woodward, Bush at War, p. 342; see also, Suskind, pp. 165–6; Naughtie, The
Accidental American.
64. Woodward, ibid, p. 342. The helmet of a crew member of a US tank parked
outside the Palestine Hotel, Baghdad, bore the message, ‘I do what the
voices in my head tell me to’ (photograph by Simon Norfolk, Guardian
Weekend, 24 May 2003).
65. Sidney Blumenthal, ‘Bush and Blair: the betrayal’, Guardian, 14 November 2003.
66. Tony Blair, ‘Now we must usher in a new political era of fairness’, from
speech to Labour Party Conference, Guardian, 1 October 2003.
67. Stothard, 30 Days, p. 207.
68. ibid, p. 92.
69. Clare Short, ‘How Tony Blair misled Britain in the run-up to war in Iraq’,
Independent, 23 October 2004.
70. Short, An Honourable Deception?
71. Robin Cook, ‘Tony knows best’, Newsweek, 26 July 2004, p. 22.
72. David Clark, ‘The sofa of total power’, Guardian, 13 December 2004.
73. Stothard, ibid, p. 93.
74. See, e.g. Kampfner, Blair’s Wars, pp. 248, 385.
75. Stothard, ibid, p. 40.
76. Kampfner, ibid, p. 169, comments that, ‘war with Iraq was a price well
worth paying for demonstrating his credentials to the White House’.
77. Frank Bruni, Ambling into History: The unlikely odyssey of George W. Bush
(New York: Perennial, 2002), p. 6.
78. Stothard, ibid, p. 40.
79. Ron Suskind, ‘Without a doubt’, New York Times, 17 October 2004, accessed
via LexisNexis.
80. Blair told journalist Peter Stothard that he was ‘ready to meet my maker’
and answer for ‘those who have died or have been horribly maimed as a
result of my decisions’ (2 April 2003, Stothard, ibid, p. 189). Clearly moved,
Stothard commented, ‘if I meet that man from this morning again, and if I
am asked whether the Prime Minister, as well as feeling the political risk of
war, feels powerfully and personally its worst individual results, I will say
that he does’ (ibid, p. 190).
81. Woodward, Bush at War, p. 256, p. 259; see also Clarke, p. 243.
82. Kampfner, Blair’s Wars, p. 246.
83. Woodward, Bush at War, p. 261.
84. Suskind, ‘Without a doubt’.
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8. Rampton and Stauber, Weapons of Mass Deception, pp. 78–9, citing poll by
the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press.
9. Seymour Hersh, ‘Selective intelligence’, New Yorker, 12 May 2003.
10. Woodward, Bush at War, p. 338
11. Adolf Hitler, speech to Wehrmacht commanders-in-chief, 22 August 1939,
ogy/3686Walker02.html. I am grateful to Edward Balke for bringing this
statement to my attention.
12. Dunn, ‘Myths, motivations and “misunderestimations”’, p. 294, cites
Johanna McGreary, ‘6 reasons why so many allies want Bush to slow
down’, Time, 3 February 2003.
13. Woodward, ibid, p. 341.
14. Woodward, Plan of Attack, p. 296.
15. George Monbiot, ‘Our fake patriots’, Guardian, 8 July 2003.
16. Rampton and Stauber, ibid, p. 169.
17. Phillip Knightley, ‘The disinformation campaign’, Guardian, 4 October
18. Singer, The President of Good and Evil, p. 162.
19. Nicolas Lemann, ‘How it came to war’, New Yorker, 31 March 2003, citing
Richard Haass, then director of the policy-planning staff at the State
20. Mary Wiltenburg, ‘After the genocide, redemption’, Christian Science
Monitor, http://www.csmonitor.com/2004/0407/p01s03-woaf.html.
21. Isabel Hilton, ‘Need to build a case for war? Step forward Mr Chalabi’,
Guardian, 6 March 2004.
22. Kampfner, Blair’s Wars, p. 168.
23. Michael Smith, ‘Blair planned Iraq war from start’, Sunday Times, 1 May
2005, citing civil service paper prepared for 23 July 2002 Downing Street
24. ‘So clear was he in his mind on his return from Crawford [Texas] that he
asked Gordon Brown to redraw his financial calculations for the budget he
was due to give later in April. Secretly, officials from the Treasury and Down-
ing Street got down to work immediately on ‘the numbers’ – the amount of
extra money that would be required to pay for the war preparations.’
(Kampfner, ibid, p. 169).
25. Kampfner, ibid, p. 168. Stothard also mentions Blair and his aides believed
George Bush would go to war with Iraq whatever anyone else said or did
(a view they shared, incidentally, with most of the war’s critics).
26. ‘Full text: Tony Blair’s speech’, Guardian Unlimited, 18 March 2003,
27. See, Stothard, 30 Days, p. 85.
28. Robin Cook, ‘Not even in his worst nightmares’, Guardian, 25 March 2005.
After the July 2005 bombings, Blair argued that changing policy would
give the terrorists a victory.
29. Kampfner, ibid, p. 387.
30. Beatrix Campbell, ‘An infantile disorder’, Guardian, 26 July 2004.
31. Frum and Perle, An End to Evil, pp. 271–2.
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such people if we regard them as infidels and expect Jesus to dissolve their
tongues and eyes any day now’ (Nicholas Kristof, ‘Jesus and jihad’, New
York Times, 17 July 2004, www.nytimes.com). Many Christian evangelists
believe that the Second Coming will take place in Israel, and that the pres-
ence of Jews there is a precondition for the fulfilment of biblical prophesy
(e.g. Micklewait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation; Karen Armstrong, ‘Root
out this sinister cultural flaw’, Guardian, 6 April 2005).
48. ‘Blair calls for new law to tackle rogue states’, Times Online, 5 March 2004,
49. Mann, Incoherent Empire, p. 139.
50. Gary Younge, ‘God has a plan. Bush will hold back the evil’, Guardian, 9
October 2004.
51. Michael Ignatieff, ‘Who are Americans to think that freedom is theirs to
spread?’, New York Times Magazine, 26 June 2005, accessed at http://
52. Frank, What’s the Matter with America?, p. 229.
53. Jonathan Freedland, ‘Faith against reason’, Guardian, 20 October 2004.
54. Woodward, Plan of Attack, pp. 270–1.
55. Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, p. 269.
56. Jason Burke, ‘Theatre of terror’, Guardian, 21 November 2004. Chechen leader
Shamil Basayev commented in early 2005 that his fighters would carry out
more attacks like that on the school at Beslan, Russia, ‘if only to show the
world again and again the true face of the Russian regime’, perhaps in part
through their brutal reaction (Channel 4 News Special Report, Jonathan
Miller, ‘Another Beslan?’, 3 February 2005, www.channel4.com).
57. Mark Juergensmeyer, ‘Religious terror and global war’, Global and
International Studies Program, University of California, Santa Barbara,
58. Roberts, ‘North African Islamism in the blinding Light of 9-11’; Mann,
Incoherent Empire.
59. First pre-election debate, 2004. Many of the suicide bombers in Iraq have
come from Saudi Arabia (Robert Scheer, ‘US is its own worst enemy in
Iraq’, Los Angeles Times, 17 May 2005, accessed at www.globalpolicy.org).
60. Michael Massing, ‘The unseen war’, New York Review of Books, 29 May 2003,
61. Iraqi insurgent attacks on civilians clearly cannot be justified, but the prac-
tice of creating a perceived ‘other’ acquired another predictable dimension
when Iraqi insurgents confronting superior military capability were
condemned as deceitful and cowardly. Indian novelist and activist Arund-
hati Roy observed wryly that ‘Deceit is an old tradition with us natives’.
(Arundhati Roy, ‘A strange kind of freedom’, Guardian, 2 April 2003, p. 2.)
62. See, Jonathan Steele and Dahr Jamail, ‘This is our Guernica’, Guardian, 27
April 2005.
63. ‘Blind to the truth’, leader, Guardian, 18 June 2004.
64. Jason Burke, ‘Ghost of al-Qaeda left out of story’, Observer, 27 July 2003.
65. Andrew Green, ‘Why Syria is American’s new target’, Guardian, 17 April 2003.
66. Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, ‘From here to eternity’, Guardian, 8 June 2005.
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dealing with people that are at the end of their empires. The Muslims have
not got to terms with the fact that they are no longer the ruling power.’
(‘What happened? What changed? What now?’, transcript of an open-
Democracy/Q-News meeting at Chatham House, 4 August 2005,
www.opendemocracy.net); see also, Bernard Lewis, ‘The roots of Muslim
rage’, Policy, 17(4), summer 2001–02.
54. Kampfner, Blair’s Wars, p. 3.
55. Christopher Meyer, ‘Tony Blair and the wooing of America’, Guardian, 7
November 2005.
56. George Monbiot, ‘Our fake patriots’, Guardian, 8 July 2003.
57. Even Alastair Campbell joked that Blair should begin a British TV address,
‘My fellow Americans’, but Blair was not laughing (Stothard, 30 Days, p. 106).
58. One small example of the concern with presentation, after Clare Short
denounced his Iraq policy as ‘reckless, reckless, reckless’, Blair was about
to go on television and asked his advisers, ‘Am I frustrated by Clare Short’s
action, or distracted?’ (Stothard, 30 Days, p. 10).
59. Tony Blair, ‘Now we must usher in a new political era of fairness’, from
speech to Labour Party Conference, Guardian, 1 October 2003.
60. George Monbiot, ‘Our fake patriots’, Guardian, 8 July 2003.
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– not fully spelled out by him – is that our most immoral actions may stem
precisely from our moral impulses, since without these we would have no
sense of shame in the first place. In this context, Bush’s and Blair’s appar-
ently deep sense of their own morality might be expected to bring a height-
ened threat of shame, and an unusually aggressive response to criticism, of
the kind we have seen.
107. Suskind, The Price of Loyalty, p. 293.
108. Bush promoted Rice to Secretary of State instead of Powell. Rumsfeld kept
his job. Wolfowitz became President of the World Bank. Alberto Gonzales,
who commissioned the memos justifying torture, became Attorney
General (Seymour Hersh, ‘The unknown unknowns of the Abu Ghraib
scandal’, Guardian, 21 May 2005).
109. Faludi, Stiffed, p. 334.
110. In her book Eichmann in Jerusalem, Hannah Arendt shows how opposition
to the Nazi project of expulsion and extermination – though relatively rare
– could be remarkably effective, as in the case of Danish officials working
under Nazi occupation. The Nazis (including Eichmann himself) were
always emboldened by lack of opposition to their world view, but they
were not all-powerful.
111. Timothy Garton Ash, ‘No more Jeeves’, Guardian, 30 September 2004; see
also, Short, An Honourable Deception?, p. 159; Christopher Meyer, ‘How
Britain failed to check Bush in the run up to war’, Guardian, 7 November
112. Rampton and Stauber, Weapons of Mass Deception, p. 118.
113. See also, Short, ibid.
114. Kampfner, Blair’s Wars, p. 195.
115. Kernberg, ‘Sanctioned social violence’, p. 693.
116. Another (and few have taken this process to a more bloody extreme) was
the persecution of internal enemies by the Khmer Rouge in their policy of
perpetual revolution.
117. Minimal and shrinking black support for the Republican Party.
118. American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee Research Institute, 2003,
‘Report on hate crimes and discrimination against Arab Americans,
September 11 2001 to October 11 2002’, Washington D.C.
119. Nigel Morris, ‘Muslims made to feel like an enemy within by Islamopho-
bic attitudes, report concludes’, Independent, 3 June 2004.
120. Hugh Muir, ‘British Council official sacked over anti-Islam articles’,
Guardian, 2 September 2004.
121. Anthony Browne, ‘The triumph of the East’, Guardian, 27 January 2005,
122. Three out of four were born in Britain.
123. William Bennett, Open letter, New York Times, 10 March 2002, quoted in:
Rampton and Stauber, Weapons of Mass Deception, p. 150.
124. Elizabeth Drew, ‘Hung up in Washington’, New York Review of Books, 12
February 2004.
125. Michael Massing, ‘Now they tell us’, New York Review of Books, 26 Febru-
ary 2004, p. 45. By contrast, a kind of pack mentality encouraged more
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feisty criticisms of Bush once the main Iraq offensive was over (Massing,
126. William Kristol, ‘The axis of appeasement’, Weekly Standard, 26 August–2
September 2002.
127. Barry and Lobe, in Feffer, Power Trip, p. 46. See, e.g. Michelle Goldberg,
‘Osama university?’, 6 November 2003, www.salon.com.
128. See, e.g. Paul Harris, ‘Besieged Bush faces attacks from friends as well as
foes’, Observer, 30 October 2005.
129. Andrew Sparrow, ‘New law to stop flow of volunteers to terror camps’,
News Telegraph, 16 July 2005, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.
130. Simon Jenkins, ‘This is an act of censorship worthy of Joseph Goebbels’,
Guardian, 23 September 2005.
131. Joan Didion, 2003, ‘Fixed ideas: America since 9.11, New York’, New York
Review Book, p. 14.
132. Antonius Robben ‘The fear of indifference’.
133. Extracts from letter to Alastair Campbell, Guardian, 28 June 2003.
134. Ewen MacAskill, ‘”It was a slip of the tongue”’, Guardian, 18 September
135. Ramani Chelliah, letter to the Guardian, 28 June 2003.
136. Matt Wells, ‘Study deals a blow to claims of anti-war bias in BBC news’,
Guardian, 4 July 2003).
137. See, e.g. Sidney Blumenthal, ‘Bush’s other war’, Guardian, 1 November
138. Timothy Garton Ash, ‘Anti-Europeanism in America’, Hoover Digest,
www.hoover.Stanford.edu/publications/digest/032/ash2.html, earlier
version in New York Review of Books, 13 February 2003.
139. Steve Dunleavy, ‘How dare the French forget’, New York Post, 10 February
140. Thomas Friedman, ‘Take France off the Security Council’, New York Times,
in: Guardian, 11 February 2003.
141. Stothard, 30 Days, p. 37.
142. Thomas Friedman, ‘Take France off the Security Council’.
143. Joe Klein: ‘Tearing Kerry down’, Time, 13 September 2004, p. 29.
144. Author’s own research, www.crisistates.com.
145. See, e.g. Faludi, Stiffed.
146. Ewen MacAskill, ‘What happens now inside Iraq?’, Guardian, 15 December
147. Paul Rogers, ‘Iraq’s end to optimism’, 28 April 2005, opendemocracy.net.
148. Rory McCarthy, ‘Just another day in Baghdad’, Guardian, 19 June 2003.
149. See, e.g. Wright, Generation Kill.
150. Mark Franchetti, ‘Slaughter at the bridge of death: US Marines fire on civil-
ians’, CounterPunch, 31 March 2003, www.counterpunch.org/franchetti
151. Scott Johnson, ‘Inside an enemy cell’, Newsweek, 18 August 2003, p. 17.
152. Julian Borger, contribution to ‘Iraqis wait for US troops to leave … as wives
clamour for their return’, Guardian, 5 July 2003.
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153. ibid.
154. See e.g. Naomi Klein, ‘Die, then vote. This is Falluja’, Guardian, 13
November 2004.
155. See e.g. CNN, ‘U.S. forces raid al-Sadr home in Najaf’, 12 August 2004,
156. Seumas Milne, ‘The right to resist’, Guardian, 19 June 2003.
157. Anger towards senior officers was also obvious, Bob Graham reported
from Iraq. Specialist Anthony Castillo: ‘We’re more angry at the generals
who are making these decisions and who never hit the ground, and who
don’t get shot at or have to look at the bloody bodies and the burnt-out
bodies’ (Bob Graham, ‘I just pulled the trigger’); see also, Michael Moore,
Will They Ever Trust Us Again?, as well as Institute for Policy Studies and
Foreign Policy in Focus, 2004, ‘A failed transition’, www.globalpolicy.org.
158. These tensions are mentioned in Wright, Generation Kill, p. 249.
159. Naomi Wolf, ‘We Americans are like recovering addicts after a four-year
bender’, Guardian, 7 November 2005.
160. Kampfner, Blair’s Wars.
161. Michael Quinlan, ‘Blair had taken us towards an elective dictatorship’,
Guardian, 22 October 2004.
162. Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘Low key tactics under review’, Guardian, 25 June
163. Cohen, States of Denial, e.g., p. 103.
1. See e.g. Sidney Blumenthal, ‘The Bush nemesis’, Guardian, 20 October 2005.
2. Micklethwait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation.
3. Thomas Paine, Common Sense (1776), http:///gppsk.ab.ca~rgilson/
4. Owen Harries, ‘Understanding America’, CIS Lectures, Center for Inde-
pendent Studies, 222.cis.org.au/Events/CISlectures/2002/Harries 030402.
5. Godfrey Hodgson, ‘Bush vs Kerry: what sort of people do we want to be?’,
27 October 2004, opendemocracy.net.
6. ‘The power of nightmares’, BBC2 TV, broadcast 27 October 2004. (Of
course, if the world were like that, we might be more secure; but how do you
get to there from here?)
7. The bit of Tom Paine he didn’t quote: ‘Even the distances at which the
Almighty hath placed England and America, is a strong natural proof, that
the authority of the one, over the other, was never the design of Heaven.’
(Thomas Paine, ibid.)
8. American singer-songwriter Steve Earle has made this point eloquently
(‘Pop and politics: Steve Earl’, BBC2 TV, broadcast 11 April 2005).
9. See, e.g. Zinn, A People’s History of the United States; Stannard, American
Holocaust. It seems possible that this has fed into sympathy for Israel,
another frontier society where some have seen themselves as bringing
fertility to the desert and expanding at the expense of an inferior people.
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35. James Fallows, ‘Bush’s lost year’, Atlantic Monthly, October 2004.
36. Robert Scheer, ‘Fiddling while crucial programs starve’, Los Angeles Times,
37. Washington Post, editorial, 4 August 2003, in: Guardian, ‘The editor’, 5
August 2003. Iraq was part of forgetting Afghanistan, where ‘The goal has
never been to get bin Laden’ (General Richard Myers, Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, April 2002). Donald Rumsfeld commented helpfully,
‘[bin Laden] is alive or dead. He’s in Afghanistan or somewhere else’,
(Brendan O’Neill, ‘War against what?’, tompaine.com, 10 July 2002).
38. Blix, Disarming Iraq, p. 274.
39. Scheer, ibid.
40. Matthew Engel, ‘Pentagon hawk at war with his own side’, Guardian, 13
March 2003. Internal Pentagon plans assumed an occupation force of only
around 30,000 troops (Clarke, Against all Enemies, p. 270).
41. On this, see, Dan Plesch, ‘Shock, awe – and tanks’, Guardian, 18 April 2003.
42. Jonathan Steele, ‘Fighting the wrong war’, Guardian, 11 December 2001. A
similar point is made by Conetta, Strange Victory.
43. Richard Doyle, ‘Minding the globe or making a mesh of it’, 17–19 July 2004,
Security Bytes conference, Lancaster University.
44. American writer Naomi Wolf commented after Hurricane Katrina, ‘Like
recovering addicts who have taken a step into a 12-step programme, we are
ready at last to hear how we have harmed others – and to try to make
amends’ (Naomi Wolf, ‘We Americans are like recovering addicts after a
four-year bender’, Guardian, 7 November 2005).
45. Mann, Incoherent Empire, p. 139.
46. Rampton and Stauber, Weapons of Mass Deception, pp. 175–6.
47. ibid, p. 180.
48. Franken, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, p. 374.
49. Rampton and Stauber, ibid, p. 175.
50. Natasha Walter, ‘In pursuit of spotless minds’, Guardian, 26 April 2004.
51. Michael Duffy and Nancy Gibbs, ‘Defender in chief’, Time, 5 November 2001.
52. Woodward, Bush at War, p. 295.
53. Baudrillard, The Gulf War Did Not Take Place.
54. Paul Rogers, ‘A jewel for al-Qaida’s crown’, 11 August 2005, opendemoc-
55. Max Rodenbeck, New York Review of Books, 11 August 2005.
56. Woodward, ibid, p. 137.
57. Rampton and Stauber, ibid, p. 142.
58. Ron Fournier, ‘Bush heads for Asian summit, says world behind U.S.’, Tulsa
World, 18 October 2001.
59. Shortly after Bush took office, White House press secretary Ari Fleischer
rejected calls for drivers to reduce fuel consumption, saying, ‘The President
believes it’s an American way of life. … The American way of life is a
blessed one’ (Singer, The President of Good and Evil, p. 135).
60. See e.g. Hanif Kureishi, ‘The arduous conversation will continue’,
Guardian, 19 July 2005.
61. CNN, ‘Bush makes historic speech aboard warship’, 1 May 2003.
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82. ibid.
83. ibid.
84. Huntington, Clash of Civilizations.
85. Edward Said, ‘The clash of ignorance’, Media Monitors’ Network, 2001,
86. Compare the view of British anthropologist David Turton outlined in
Chapter 2, ‘Ethnicity … may be a result of conflict as much as a cause of it’.
87. Berman, Terror and Liberalism.
88. It is worth noting that terrorist attacks have often centred on soft-targets in
places where the Islamic world meets the Western world: as in the Bali
bombings in 2002. As noted, the Nazis successfully redefined assimilation
as pollution, and the implication drawn was that the pollutant or infection
should be eliminated.
89. Huntington later stated, in Who Are We? America’s great debate (2nd edn,
London, Simon and Schuster, 2005), that America had a ‘mainstream’ and
‘core’ Anglo-Protestant culture and a number of ‘subcultures’ which also
shared in this mainstream culture.
90. Dershowitz, Why Terrorism Works, p. 3.
91. ibid.
92. ibid, pp. 131–63.
93. CNN, ‘Dershowitz: torture could be justified’, 4 March 2003, http://
94. Significantly, Dershowitz explicitly sees terrorism as a top-down phenom-
enon where leaders are more important than any followers radicalised by
counter-terror (Dershowitz, ibid, p. 33).
95. Jason Burke, ‘Al-Qaida is now an idea, not an organisation’, Guardian, 4
August 2005.
96. Pratap Chatterjee and Deepa Fernandes, ‘Returning to life’, Alternet, 18
July 2005, www.globalpolicy.org.
97. Ignatieff, The Lesser Evil, p. 19.
98. ibid, p. 8.
99. ibid.
100. ibid.
101. Michael Ignatieff, ‘Could we lose the war on terror? Lesser evils’, New York
Times Magazine, 2 May 2004.
102. Foucault, Discipline and Punish.
103. ibid.
104. Michael Ignatieff, ‘Could we lose the war on terror? Lesser evils’, New York
Times Magazine, 2 May 2004. Ignatieff supported the 2003 Iraq war. Paul
Berman, Terror and Liberalism.
105. Stephen Holmes, ‘Looking away’, London Review of Books, 14 November
2002, http://www.lrb.co.uk/v24/n22/print/holm01_.html.
106. Ben Rawlence, ‘Tony Blair is the original neocon’, Guardian, 23 October
2004. Blair’s belief that ‘in the end, values and interests merge’ would be
strongly supported by the neo-cons. The UK government’s mantra has
been that security is best promoted by ‘the spread of our values’.
107. Kampfner, Blair’s Wars, p. 77.
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25. See notably Jo Beall, ‘Cities, terrorism and development’, Journal of Interna-
tional Development, 2006, 8(1).
26. On these dangers, see notably Isabel Hilton, ‘Hearts and minds at any cost’,
Guardian, 13 July 2004.
27. Madeleine Albright and Robin Cook, ‘We must cut our nuclear arsenals’,
Guardian, 9 June 2004.
28. ibid.
29. Moore, Dude, Where’s My Country?, p. 24.
30. ‘What happened? What changed? What now?’, transcript of an open-
Democracy/Q-News meeting at Chatham House, 4 August 2005,
31. A pioneer in behaviourism was Burrhus Skinner, who showed how you
could change the behaviour of rats through changing the rewards and
punishments you applied to them. Of course, incentives and punishments
can make a difference to human behaviour. But one problem with applying
behaviourism to human beings is that humans are often aware of attempts
to manipulate them, and this awareness itself is likely to affect their
response. For example, many people in Serbia resented the attempt to
manipulate their behaviour through sanctions. As one young Serbian
woman working for an NGO told me, ‘Many people were against Milose-
vic, but then reacted to sanctions by saying, “Don’t tell me what I should
be thinking and doing!”’ She said of NATO’s 1999 bombing, ‘Bombing was
good for Milosevic, and to be anti-Milosevic was to be pro-NATO’.
32. Peter Burnell, ‘Democracy promotion: the elusive quest for grand strate-
gies’, Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft (2004), 204(3): 100–16.
33. See, e.g. Thandika Mkandawire, ‘Thinking about developmental states in
Africa’, Cambridge Journal of Economics (2001), 25.
34. Ronan Bennett, contribution to ‘What would you do?’, Guardian, 28
February 2003.
35. Jonathan Steele, ‘It feels like 1967 all over again’, Guardian, 9 April 2003.
36. David Held, ‘Violence, law and justice in a global age’, 1,
37. Edward Said, ‘A window on the world’, Guardian [G2], 2 August 2003.
38. ibid.
39. ibid.
40. Keen, The Benefits of Famine.
41. Manji, The Trouble with Islam Today, pp. 13–14.
42. Said, ibid.
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Note: arabic compounds with al- (Operation Enduring Freedom)
and bin are alphabeticized under (2001), 16–17, 36, 86, 118, 156,
the following component. Notes are 162, 170, 197, 198, 199
indexed in the form, e.g., 222n2-21 connection with 9/11, 16
(page 222, note 21 for chapter 2). continuing US operations in, 19
deaths of civilians, 25–6
9/11, 69, 138, 145–6, 148, 201, 219, humanitarian problems, 29, 108,
256–7n8-52 170
attitudes to responses to, 11, 146 media coverage, 198
cost of mounting attacks, 18 neglect of reconstruction, 107–8
failure to explain, 98 oil pipeline, 70
failure to prevent, 120 and Pakistan, 48, 62
hijackers, 40–2, 43, 117 reconstruction funds, 26
responses to, 16, 34–5, 46, 64, 86, refugees from, 25
90, 118, 145–6, 163–4, 168, 199, resistance/terrorism in, 18–19,
211 224n2-71 (see also al-Qaida)
suggested involvement of Iraq, Taliban rule in, 42 (see also
133, 194 Taliban)
US disproportionate emphasis Transitional Administration, 108
on, 151 war/resistance against Soviet
US shame over, 160–1, 165–6 Union, 12, 32, 44, 174, 187
45-minute claim, 12, 122, 184 Africa
al-Qaida in, 10, 17
A attitudes of Muslims in, 44
Abdullah, King of Jordan, 86 agriculture
Abouhalima, Mahmoud, 43 destruction of crops, 59–60
Abu Ghraib, 6, 27–8, 113–14, 139, in Kansas, 93–4
143, 146, 148, 149, 168, 177, 208, aid see humanitarian aid
213, 252n7-47 Aideed, Mohamed, 106
media coverage, 32, 34, 36, AIDS, 164
245n5-103 Ailes, Roger, 76
Abu Sayyaf, 46–7 Aldrich, Gary, 167
Aburish, Said, 45 Algeria, 45, 60, 175, 214
‘action as propaganda’, 131–44 attitudes to USA in, 13, 55
Adams, Brad, 77 terrorists in, 44, 45
Adebajo, Adekeye, 176, 242n5–19 war of independence, 36, 58
al-Adl, Seif, 46 Ali, Hazrat, 109
advertising, 194–201, 212 Allawi, Prime Minister Iyad, 113,
see also propaganda 186
Afghanistan, 16–18, 25–7, 29–30, Allen, Tim, 105, 160, 231n3-4
45–6, 53, 62–3, 70, 86–7, 174, 205 American Enterprise Institute, 21
army, 26 anger, 55–6
attack by US and allies outside target countries, 31–48
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[ 280 ]
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Bosnia, 64, 175, 206, 209 administration of), 15, 64, 167,
Bouteflika, President Abdenaziz, 45 175
Brazil, 237n3-131 Bush, Jeb, 116
Bremer, Paul, 110, 187 Buzan, Barry, 204–5
Brookings Institution, 10
Brown, Gordon, 135, 251n7-24 C
Browne, Anthony, 181 Calley, William, 88
Burke, Jason, 19, 45–6, 55–6, 213–14 Cambodia, 63, 68, 106, 161, 173,
Burns, John, 42 261n9-116
Bush, President George W. Campbell, Alastair, 166, 168, 179,
administration links with oil 184, 189, 256n8-57
industry, 69–70 Campbell, Beatrix, 135
attitude to history, 24, 137–8, Campbell, Gordon, 60–1
225n2-115 Cannistraro, Vincent, 121
claimed instincts, 124 Card, Andy, 194
comments on al-Qaida, 10, 13, Carlyle Group, 64
155, 172, 194–5, 220n2-5 Cartwright, Justin, 152
comments on humanitarian aid, Caruso, J.T., 18
29–30 Castillo, Anthony, 263n9-157
comments on Iran, 2 casualties
comments on Iraq, 121–2, 127, deaths see deaths
155, 178, 194–5 wounding of troops, 14, 25
comments on politicians, 166 Center for International Policy, 121
comments on pre-emptive Chabal, Patrick, 96–7
attacks, 20, 123 Chalabi, Ahmad, 121
comments on war on terror, 2, 8, chaos/order world split, 202–5
48, 84, 90, 118, 133, 134, 200, Chechnya, 17, 53, 60, 63, 64, 78, 175,
239n4-4, 243n4-47 214, 233n3-46, 252n7-56
criticism of Clinton functions of war in, 75
administration, 162 terrorist attacks in, 13, 222n2-35
entourage, 178–9 Cheney, Vice-President Dick, 64, 68,
as governor of Texas, 85 69–70, 77, 86, 101, 115, 116, 162,
personality, 97, 126–7, 153, 163, 166
167–8, 264n10-12 comments on war on terror, 8
political tactics, 75–6, 223n2–50 Cheney, Lynne, 182
re-election, 162–3, 251n7–42 Chevron (Oil), 64, 70
references to evil, 8 China, 70, 254n8-8
and religion, 163–4 internal repression, 77
response to 9/11, 11 military capabilities, 15
State of the Union speech, US attitudes to, 21
January 2002, 8 Chomsky, Noam, 5, 13, 65, 68, 173
State of the Union speech, Churchill, Winston, 177
spring 2003, 122 CIA, 120–2, 174, 215
tax cuts, 92 funding of radical groups, 19, 174
wrecking non-violent efforts, renditions 27
215 rivalry with FBI, 215
Bush, President George Sr. (and as scapegoat for Bush, 184
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of civilians in Iraq, 13, 26–7, 29, Egypt, 55, 173, 175, 214, 216
223n2-41 executions in, 19
of troops in Afghanistan, 25 terrorists in, 44–5, 224n2-71
of coalition troops in Iraq, 14, torture in, 6, 27
139 war against Israel, 33
of resistance fighters in Iraq, 10 Ehrenreich, Barbara, 151
democracy El Salvador, 68
avoided by war, 72 ELN (Colombia), 72, 78
and consumerism, 199 Elworthy, Scilla, 28, 96
impossible to spread by force, ‘enemy’, the, 84–95, 99, 104–5, 178
15–16, 217–18 arbitrary choice of, 27, 239n4-13
issues in Iraq, 111 choice of accessible, 86, 95,
seen as promotion of security, 11 239n4-14
Democratic Republic of Congo civilians seen as, 185–7 (see also
(DRC), 62, 63, 66, 79, 234–6n3-83 civilians)
Dershowitz, Alan, 89, 201–2, 207–8, dehumanization of, 89, 140, 143
240n4-27, 267n10-94 difficulty of identifying, 87, 88
deterrence, principle of, 85, 89 dissenters seen as, 4, 178
see also United States, claimed ‘easy targets’, 105
right to unilateral/pre-emptive as evil see enemy,
military action dehumanization of; evil;
diamond trading (and al-Qaida), witch-hunt
10, 54 factors shaping definition, 3, 63–4
Didion, Joan, 183 internal, 40, 160, 180, 181–2
discrimination against Muslims, Muslims defined as, 180
40–2, 181, 217 near and far off jihadis, 46, 55
Dixon, Bishop W. Nah, 86 prisoners as, 4
Dobbins, James, 108 as the punished, 132
Dodge, Toby, 12 trading with, 63
‘dodgy dossier’, the, 11–12, 122, see also ‘axis of evil’
222n2–25, 247n6-52 England, Lynndie, 114
Doe, President Samuel, 57, 174 Eno, Brian, 245n6-2
Doyle, Richard, 197 Enron, 92
Dreyfuss, Robert, 120 Ethiopia, 30
drugs ethnic minorities, 217
in Afghanistan, 82 in Iraq, 16, 175–6
links with insurgents/terrorists, see also Muslims
61, 78, 174 Evans-Pritchard, Edward, 97
Duffield, Mark, 99, 144, evidence, attitudes to, 115–30
265–6n10–33 evil, concept of, 6, 25, 52–3, 80, 103,
Dupre, Ryan, 186 170, 172, 183, 266n10-78
evil intentions, 103 (see also
E witch-hunts)
Earle, Steve, 264n10-8 as integral to humans, 172
Eastwood, Clint, 193 and torture, 208
Economist, the, 115 as warding off guilt, 146
EGP (Guatemala), 57 see also ‘axis of evil’
[ 283 ]
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F Georgia, 17
al-Fagih, Saad, 39 Gerecht, Reuel Marc, 129
Fahim, Mohammed, 109 Gerges, Fawaz, 46, 148, 155
Fallows, James, 11 Germany, 22, 90, 91, 100, 184, 218
Faludi, Susan, 88, 94 Nazi, 22, 89, 91, 103, 140, 160–1,
Falwell, Jerry, 165, 172, 257n9-24 240n4-35, 261n9-110, 267n10-88
Fanon, Frantz, 36–7, 57, 141 GIA (Algeria), 60–1
FARC (Colombia), 59, 72, 78 Gilligan, Andrew, 184
Fay, George, 143 Gilligan, James, 37, 86, 145, 160–1,
Feffer, John, 156 170, 172, 187, 188, 239n4-6,
Feldman, Allen, 168 261n9-106
Finsbury Park mosque, 32 Girard, Rene, 86, 105,
FIS (Algeria), 60 globalisation, 54, 55
Fisk, Robert, 163 Glover, Jonathan, 187
Fleischer, Ari, 166, 266–7n10-59 Gluckman, Max, 212–13, 214
Foden, Giles, 109–10 Goff, Stan, 244n5-78
Food, David, 139 Golan Heights, 33
forged documents on Iraq and Gold, David, 152
uranium from Niger, 11, 122 Goldwater, Barry, 193
Foucault, Michel, 3, 5, 6, 51–2, 65, Gonzales, Alberto, 261n9-108
97, 100, 208–9, 237n3-167 Goodman, Mel, 121
Fox Media, 71, 76, 198 Gore, Senator Al, 75, 77
France, 101, 151, 161, 184–5 Graham, Andrew, 10
and Algerians, 45 Graham, Bob, 263n9-157
Moroccan immigrants in, 40–2 Grass, Gunther, 176
religious attitudes, 165 Green, Sir Andrew, 142
riots, 217 Greenstock, Jeremy, 15
Franchetti, Mark, 186 GSPC, 45
Frank, Thomas, 93–4, 139, 153, 164, Guantanamo Bay, 27, 38, 72, 114,
192, 193 118, 143, 158, 207, 213
Franks, Tommy, 62, 198 Guardian, the, 47, 176, 184
Fredericks, Ivan, 120 Guatemala, 57, 59, 61, 67, 68, 73–4,
free market ideology, 135–6 185–6, 213, 229n2-217, 259n9-64
Friedman, Thomas, 24, 129, 161–2, guilt, sense of, 259n9-64
184, 185, 204, 256n9-8, 266n10-78 and inequality, 104–5
Frum, David, 21, 136 and Muslim ‘corruption’ by
West, 163
G el-Guindi, Sheikh Khaled, 34
Galbraith, Peter, 113 Gulf War (1991), 13, 15, 41, 44–5,
Gandhi, Mahatma, 214 105, 170, 173, 177
Garton Ash, Timothy, 166–7, 179 Gunaratna, Rohan, 18
gays, US attitudes to, 167–8
Geneva Convention, 114 H
genocide, 53, 176, 206 Haass, Richard, 19–20, 108
in Central America, 174 Halberstam, David, 166
prosecutions over, 229n2-217 Hall, W. D., 165
in Rwanda, see Rwanda Halliburton, 64, 69, 112
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