Darkness Moves Normal Edition

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Darkness Moves

By Perplexing Ruins
T he Violet Valley

8 4


7 1

9 6

Each hex is 3 miles

Territory of Hasek the Gnome

Tiny abandoned shrine on the Corruption

road leading into the valley. When a PC suffers corruption,
• Find: in a small wooden decrease their WIL stat by - 1 for the
crate are 7 intact candles duration of the adventure. While
If the party spends a respectful afflicted with corruption and a PC fails
moment in the shrine and lights a WIL save, decrease their WIL stat an
a candle or leaves some other additional -1. Corruption can be
homage in deference, the party removed by drinking Hasek the
is immune to Corruption. Gnome’s brew on the Bog Island. (4)
Table of Contents
Page 1……………………………..Overview
Page 3…………………………….Encounters
Page 5………………………….…Bestiary
Page 7…………………………….T he Beast
Page 9……………………………..T he Who
Page 11……………………………..Argol Village
Page 13…………………………….Hexenturm
Page 15-18…….…………………….Regional Locations
Page 19……………………………Veiled Woods
Page 21……………………………Fever Tomb
Page 23……………………………Items/Herbs
Overview: Darkness Moves is a low-
level adventure to use with Cairn. The
A rgol is a superstitious place, where
few outsiders visit, and deep historical
setting herein is The Violet Valley, a strife divides many of the locals. In the
tucked away region resting between previous century, Argol maintained a
craggy hills to the west and north, and position of relative security and prestige,
deep forest to the east. A desolate, having supplied several important
though serviceable road, leads into the soldiers to the state. These women
southern point of the valley, reaching brought glory and minor affluence to the
the middle-sized hamlet of Argol. The community for a pleasant time, however,
adventure describes a series of blighted, the fervency of supposed witchcraft and
grotesque, and mysterious activities. other dark tidings tainted the
reputation of the Violet Valley. It was
The valley and its locations are depicted said freakish beasts spawned from the
on the map in 3-mile hexes. Though roots of sickly fir trees and ravens cawed
travel may not take long, dark rain is in devilish tongues. These events, along
continually falling, causing the fields with several land disputes, ushered in a
and forest to become soggy. There are no brief though violent period of which the
roads, but sometimes faint footpaths. aftereffects still hang in the misty
Tracks and paths become muddy or silence.
flooded. The referee should decide on
which Encounter Tables to roll based on At first one or two, it was said, were
terrain, distance from town, and tried and convicted in the still standing
narrative need. tower, known colloquially as Gert’s
Folly, but this soon gave way to
The Fever Tomb, located in the far unchecked accusation and fervent
northwest, may not have any role in the persecution. Hanging, pressing,and
session. Its only hint comes from the water trial became common events, but
Hermit, so Referees might choose to The Fall seemed to match the color and
interject a rumor in the village to unhinged pathology of the townsfolk.
prompt exploration. The accused was taken to the ramparts
of the tower, and if innocent, it was
believed, the divine would intervene and
Endgame: The results of this module
are not defined. A fail or win factor
descend the victim gracefully to earth.
When it was eventually mentioned by a
farmer of the name Gert, that surely if
should be considered during they were witches, then their evil
preparation. It’s my aim to present a powers would equally procure them
strange and dark place for players to safety, and yet not one defendant had
explore, but it’s quite possible they leave survived or landed without severe harm.
the Valley with a sense of hopelessness Unfortunate Gert himself, in the name
shared by the NPCs. However, there are of “sympathizer of evil,” became the final
several avenues: rid the Valley of the resident to meet their fate in such a
terrible beast; appease the ethereal way.
plane causing the blight; explore the
Fever Tomb for its riches; become the The valley overcame its bloodshed but
lords of an out of the way area. not its paranoia, inherited through the
generations. Heads are kept low,
Additionally, there is no supplied countenance is grim, and all cast a wary
resolution to the missing persons. They eye on the towering edifice of stone.
are to be presumed disappeared by the
environment, the encroaching bog, the
various creatures. Murder is suspected
by some NPCs, but not necessarily the Sensitivity: This module touches on
issues that may cause distress in some.
case. This should allow for the Referee
to sculpt the narrative more to their Persecution, missing persons, and
tastes, be it someone is rescued from a bigotry towards homosexuality appear
lair or discovered exploring a far off in the text. Please take note of your
region. The session can then be played audience in how you prepare and
as investigation, with tone modulated. consider asking your players about these
subjects before play, so as to prepare
them or even alter certain elements.
1 Though dark, it is play, and participants
should feel safe and enjoy themselves.
1 Strange forms appear in the surrounding woods, accompanied by
several reports of them mocking and taunting those who wander by

2 The crop of black berries has all turned foul, a fact in itself not entirely
extraordinary; the oozing putrid juice is another matter

3 An outbreak of witchcraft is rolling through the valley once again

4 Rain ceaselessly falls from the leaden sky and pools in deepest black;
many in the valley fear these pools as much as the night itself

5 Many haunting children tales originated in the Violet Valley - most are
sworn to be true

6 A highly superstitious place, the Violet Valley residents are known for
celebrating their rites and rituals in lavish fantastical costumes

7 Those in the know can acquire the highly potent and valuable “There
Below Liqueur,” only available in the Violet Valley
On the frontier of society, many brigands and outlaws have sought
8 sanctuary here, however, the Violet Valley is inhospitable to those of
devious natures, and most outsiders in general
Historically, the Violet Valley has produced several significant female
9 warriors, this has not been the case for over a century; they refuse to
participate in any outside or state matters
10 Many residents of Argol have permanently stained hands from years of
Blackberry picking, smashing, eating, and dyeing clothing
Argol was left alone by authorities after a succession of four
11 government officials never returned and a military contingent was lost
in the surrounding woods for five days before most returned to the
capitol starving and mad
Argol is a place of great silence except during the Festival when many
12 bells are woven into costumes and clanged as a means of vanquishing
demonic spirits

Large, strange footprints cross the muddy dirt road and vanish into the
1 nearby woods

A man in a bizarre creature costume, adorned with ribbons and bells,

2 comes screaming and running down the road

A brash monster hunter was heard bragging about his big secret job
3 coming up in the Purple Valley

4 Message board notice from Argol: Vanquishers of evil beasts required

When PCs enter a new hex or spend time
Travel Encounters ~ investigating, roll 1d20 to determine what they
encounter. May opt to roll 1d4 on appropriate
tables below for guaranteed creature encounter.
Cloud appears overhead, elongates into a tall swirling figure-like form, red
lights faintly discernible within, slowly dissipates into steady rain
2 A Wilting (d20 x 2) flies overhead toward the Veiled Woods
3 Pack of d8 + 2 wolves begin surrounding the party, at first only visible on the
periphery, and will engage or depart depending how the party reacts
Numerous dead and mutilated ravens; feathers, blood and innards strewn
about; 1 albino raven injured but alive in the center
5 Langhoff the Silent and his creaky cart comes into view
6 Thorny vegetation clings and cuts at the party; damage to packs and clothing
An old hunter’s shack, worn and sinking into ground but roof intact.
7 Inhabited by 2 Grast. Contains an old trunk hidden under dust and leaves
which contains a minor treasure (roll Minor Treasure Table)
Villagers dressed in wild costumes and dancing; black smoke and stench of
8 burning meat; from a distance, they appear to be frightening wild monsters,
if approached they scatter into multiple directions
9 On slight wind smell the sour odor of wet fur and scorched stone made wet
10 Ground apparently sentient, moving underfoot and whispering incoherently
in an unknown harsh language – save against WIL or suffer Corruption
11 Find a traveler’s pack, ripped open, rations spoiled. Find a locket with
etching of young woman (presumed to be Alma from Argol)
12 A Grop’elde is antagonizing Langhoff the Silent, blood streaks the black fur
of Beatrix, who is barking violently and salivating, with hackles raised.
13 A Brackel corpse (actually a playful trap – interaction will bring d20 Brackel)
14 Abandoned prayer shrine – offers shelter for 3 full-sized humans
Come across creature tracks (d8)
1-6 Festival of Brackel, disheveled and confusing, ultimately heading SE
7 Grop’elde tracks visible for 20 yards then vanish
8 The Beast (If tracks followed, then 1 of 6 chance encountering Beast)
16 Sassam in full costume is nearby conversing with an ancient tree
17 Individual in black monk’s attire, gaunt, meditative sitting position,
immersed to the waste in mud, zoned out, apparently high on Arlick brew
18 Empty liquefied disparity in landscape dissipates in a flickering crackle
19 Foot rot; no movement for 2 days
The Beast is 15-20 yards away, hunched over behaving in a way conducive to
20 what was generated on The Beast generator – GM should narrate with
appropriate tension and mystery as this is the famed creature itself *

* If the Folk Monster has not been encountered throughout the adventure,
the GM should deploy this option for the next appropriate encounter

Forest/Hills Encounters Bog/Plains Encounters

1 1 Grop’elde 1 D10 Raven Wilt
2 D20 Brackel 2 D6 Brackel
3 D8 + 2 Wolves 3 D4 Grast
4 D8 Raven Wilt 4 D4 Exhumed Villagers
1) Argol 6) Witch Cemetery
In the Violet Valley , considered In a clearing half day beyond the
untamed and backwards, sits the small Hexenturm, is the cemetery of the
town of Argol. A conflicted legacy of defiled. Here is where the convicted are
great warriors and dark persecutions is buried. Lined by a stone wall. Generally
the membrane of uneasiness underlying avoided and feared.
its current existence. Reluctantly,
known now for production of There 7) Heinrich’s Shack
Below blackberry liqueur and dyed
textiles, it is largely an insular Home of Heinrich the Solitary. Previous
community . Dominated by the mayor of Argol, now exiled. Considered a
Hexenturm. Mayor Kluge recently wisdom giver, he is sought out by the
disappeared. Son, Laszlo imprisoned in desperate on matters of existential
the tower. importance: mourning mothers,
depressed woodsman, conflicted leaders.
Is said to demand something of
2) Veiled Woods significance as payment, but none
Named for the always present layer of involved has yet to divulge their
fog and mist. Thick mix of fir and payment.
deciduous. Has long been the source of
mystery and apprehension. Blue lights 8) Clarician Fever Tomb
flicker on the edge. Sounds of festivity Far northwest, tucked in deep old
can be heard on the eve of feast days growth forest. Underground shrine,
from deep within. Hunting and foraging marked on the slightly elevated surface
is reserved for the desperate. A secretive by a post and lintel stone entryway.
culture of devotion has developed, Forest Stones moss-covered; scratched with
Followers, in which locals don costumes unknown symbols. Intense odor of sulfur
of strange, otherworldly figures and hold and burning leaves. Previously
ceremonies. This burgeoning cult has undiscovered, the villagers have no
begun to cause a rift with the more knowledge of its existence. (To be named
conservative levels of the community. by the party as their discovery).
3) Brackel Falls 9) The Black Heart
A clearly diseased patch of forest just north Always present in the memories of
of the Veiled Woods. Tall waterfall drops locals, the Hidden Heart is a deep pit
viscous black water. Inhabited by a where fools and adventurers have
particularly hostile band of Brackel that delved and not returned from the cave
have taken to eating other bands and at its bottom. Teenagers dare one
humans. Entering this hex automatically another to yell their loves and
has the party encounter d10 Brackel. confessions into its dark depths at
night. Recently filling with the constant
4) Bog Island dark rain. Black and viscous, the Heart’s
Mound of dirt and bramble, topped by new pool has caused parents and
three massive leafless oak trees. There is officials to issue warnings to avoid.
an obvious stick hut. Party can wade Recently referred to as The Black Heart.
through the bog to reach the island.
Home of Hasek the Gnome. 10) Fresh Spring
A refreshing and calm respite in the
valley. The only location protected from
5) Berry Field encounters of any kind. The water here
Northwest of Argol. A large natural is clean and free of the foul rain water
berry patch, generations of bushes and that incessantly falls.
bramble, it is a wild and overgrown
area. Efforts to tame into systematic
harvest land annually diminished by
the motions of nature. Favorite dwelling
and feeding place of the Grop’elde.

5 HP, 6 STR, 12 DEX, 15 WIL, lucent touch (d6)
• Spirit; black undulating form; seeks
to enter the mouth
• Weakness: Holy Light & Holy Water
• Regenerates 3 HP per round
• Immune to physical attack
• Confined to chosen location of haunting

Exhumed Villager
4 HP, 6 STR, 6 DEX, 10 WIL, bite (d4)
• Dissipates if struck by holy attacks
• If bit, save against Rot (d4 dmg/daily
until flushed out with salt water or
consume Woodland Red Berries

6 HP, 6 STR, 15 DEX, 12 WIL, scratch (d4)
• Can cast Befuddle and Haste spells once per day
• Delights in trickery, mockery
10 HP, 14 STR, 5 DEX, 12 WIL, club (d10), boulder throw (d4)
• Rare; tall, dark, lichen-clung fur
• Can’t resist berries
• While uninjured, can vanish as an action
• Vanish: to prevent –
once per round 1 PC must save
against WIL to keep seeing

Raven Wilt
6 HP, 8 STR, 13 DEX, 9 WIL, bite (d6)
• Raven head, particulated black body
• Must strike head or wings
• Desperately fears fire, instant death
• Critical damage: skin embedded with
Eldritch particulates (reduce WIL by 1
until surgeon or metaphysician visited;
suffer nightmares for 1d6 nights)

5 HP, 8 STR, 14 DEX, 12 WIL, bite (d8)
• Nearly always ambushes
• Curse: If PC kills a wolf, save against
WIL or suffer Canine Empathy: PC
takes 1 damage a day until successful
T he BeastT he Beast
D elirious visions? Paranoid imagination? Brutal beast? The Violet Valley is host
to a blood-soaked reign. Two peasants have been reported missing without a trace
and four others met a grisly end. Dismembered, chewed, dragged, over the land.
The valley folk believe a rabid pack of wolves are responsible, but in the security of
their down blankets, they whisper of haunted spirits exacting vengeance. Many
say the Mayor was the last victim, others say the Mayor is responsible. Roll
according to tables, combine to your whim. Make a terrifying Beast. Draw it!
Ability Scores/ Hit Protection
Roll 3d6 for each Ability. Features (roll d20 3 times)
Roll 2d6 + 10 for Hit Protection 1. Antlers
Monster Base (d6) 2. Fangs
1-3: Aerial 4-6 Terrestrial 3. Tail
4. Spikes
Aerial Beast (d6) 5. Matted Fur
1. Bat 6. Skeletal
2. Moth 7. Multi-limbed
3. Owl 8. Swarming
4. Locust 9. Fungal
5. Crow 10. Tentacles
6. Wasp 11. Hooves
12. Fangs
Terrestrial Beast (d6) 13. Eyeless
1. Wolf 14. Gelatinous
2. Bear 15. Horns
3. Goat 16. Spewing
4. Spider 17. Carapace (2 Armor)
5. Deer 18. Camouflaged
6. Boar 19. Oozing
20. Prismatic
Entity (d8)
1. Demonic Personality (d4)
2. Large Predator 1. Devious
3. Undead 2. Hateful
4. Amorphous 3. Curious
5. Amphibious 4. Sophisticated
6. Decayed
7. Frozen
8. Colossal
T he BeastT he Beast
Tactics (d10) Flavor (roll d12 twice)
1. Ambush 1. Prefers Old growth forests and
2. Stalk swamps, craves human bone marrow.
3. Evade 2. Birthed from essence of deep hatred
4. Swarm 3. Unharmed by cold elements but will
lose strength in high temperatures
5. Taget Weakest
4. Remains in shadows, from where it
6. Play issues eerie calls
7. Berserk 5. Can Teleport instantly once HP
8. Charge reaches half value to nearby location (3
9. Disorient Rounds away)
10. Harry 6. Cannot be harmed by magic
7. Surrounded by mist, reducing range
damage by half
Attack (roll d10 twice)
8. Permeates odors of decay and rot
1. Bite (d8)
9. Will approach sleeping victim and
2. Ghostly touch (d8) breathe into their ear
3. Horns (d6) 10. Critical Damage: Causes Corruption
4. Slash (d6) in victim (d4 WIL dmg)
5. Spell (roll Cairn core) 11. Critical Damage: Victim falls into
6. Claw (d4 +4) sleep for d3 days
7. Paralyzing gaze (save) 12. Critical Damage: Devours portion of
victim, gaining minor immunity from
8. Acidic spit (d4 + 2) that creature type (1 Armor)
9. Grisly remains (save or
deal damage as unarmed
(d4) for duration of battle)
10. Slash (d10)

T he
10 HP , 8 STR, 12 DEX, 13 WIL

8 HP , 9 STR, 10 DEX, 10 WIL

3 HP , 4 STR, 6 DEX, 14 WIL

Sheriff Stilton Laszlo the Son Alma the Midwife
Sword (d8), Armor 1 (Gambeson) Dull Dagger (d4)

Long-time depressive Son of the disappeared Lost eye to Brackel. After

and humorless man. Mayor. Meager efforts of recent altercation with
His right arm was smuggling Down Below Laszlo has snapped,
lost to the war. to nobles. He is known suspects his guilt of
Responds well to for his conniving and Ulna’s disappearance,
sympathy. Stilton is hostile nature; can be
unpredictable a wild found shouting and believes Stilton to be
card. If one can get conservative views while an accomplice. Hides
into his good graces, in his cups. He is in a secret magic lineage. Her
he is easily persuaded power struggle with final act is revenge. Uses
and helpful. Sheriff Stilton for the last few charges in
Conversely, is dominance of Argol. her relic: Breath of Life
extremely dangerous. Relied on his father’s Stone, to raise the
position to bully and persecuted to serve her
Having difficulty harass those he views as
overcoming local less and has blamed his vengeance. In this state,
superstition and fear father’s absence on the she is more positive
in order to solve villagers. towards outsiders than
various mysteries. fellow villagers.
Secretly fascinated by
the occult and longs Directed his suspicious
rage towards Alma and Breath of Life: 3 charges
to commune with (currently empty). Coat
spirits of the eldritch her partner Ulna, the
realm. midwife and herbalist in dirt from grave, place
couple. Was suspected in mouth and say name
for Ulna’s disappearance of fallen – will Raise
and locked in the tower. Dead. Replenish 1 charge
for every month buried in
a grave.

Found: Tavern / Found: Tower Found: In her hut /

Sheriff’s Office Cemetery
What They WantWhat They Want What They
• To solve mystery of • To escape the tower
and exact revenge on the • Find Ulna
• To join the cultists • To control the beast • A relic to imbue with

10 HP , 12 STR, 8 DEX, 10 WIL

7 HP , 8 STR, 10 DEX, 13 WIL

Blacksmith Redmaigne Sassam
Warhammer (d10) Sharpened Antler (d6)

A difficult countenance to look A fringe member of Argol. Some

at, Redmaigne’s appearance is spit nastily that she is the bastard
as gruff as his demeanor. He daughter of Sheriff Stilton. In fact,
suffered intense burns to the her origins seem to be largely
majority of his head, and speaks unknown, other than she has no
in a gravelly voice. He carries parents. Increasingly maligned by
the weight of shame from the the community for her habit of
crimes and acts of violence he dressing in Festival costume
witnessed and participated in. regularly. Viewed initially as an
To avoid intimacy with his eccentricity, she has begun to
fellows, he plays the dim-witted gather more “Forest Followers”
muscle man, but spends solitary around her. They dress in wild
evenings plotting and scheming creature costumes and perform
to build his wealth. ceremonies in the countryside.
They can be occasionally heard
clattering bells and chanting in
Will let himself be hired to help the deep night.
PCs explore. Will nee to be
impressed in order to sign on, Will tell the PCs about the Tree
and 50% chance he will betray God’s desire to rid the valley of
the party by running away with blight and darkness.
If convinced to join the Party, will
be able to lead them safely
through the Veiled Woods without
rolling Incidents.

Found: Tavern / Forge Found: Outside of Argol/

hey Want What They WantWhat They Want

• Acquire wealth to build a

• For the valley to be consumed
mansion by the forest and controlled by
Forest Followers
• To be a treasure hunter
Argol Village



2 in 6 chance of party being harassed by d8 Brackel on the country

road into the Violet Valley.

If approaching the village at night, d4 Village guards will approach

and demand the party’s business in town.

1. Derelict Shrine - A short distance outside of the village, this

shrine has long been disused. If the party is being harassed by
creatures of the Valley, one hour spent in the shrine will cause the
creatures to leave them alone. If the party searches they will find 7
intact candles. If they light one of these candles or show spiritual
homage in some way, they are immune to the Valley’s Corruption.

2. Mayor’s Manor - Abandoned since Mayor Kluge’s disappearance

and Laszlo’s imprisonment. There is no inn within the valley, but the
Party can use the manor as a residence for the duration of their
presence. The manor has potential to be the Party quarters if they are
successful and welcomed in Argol.

3. Town Center - A place to purchase goods, obtain rumors, and

trade plants for rations.

4. Abandoned House - One of the disappeared residents lived here.

A generally spooky house with numerous animal heads mounted on
the wall. Mold is growing along the walls. The party can find 2 solid
warm quilts and a nice bow here (10 arrows).
5. Hexenturm - A dank, ominous place. Appears to permeate a dark
odor, and to be slowly staining a dark color. There are always at least
two villagers acting in guard duty. There is a high chance of finding
Sheriff Stilton here.

6. Tavern - The only place in the Valley to legally acquire Down

Below Liqueur (a valuable and rare resource outside of Argol - stocks
are low due to the blight afflicting the berry fields). Find 3 casks of
Down Below in the cellar (200 worth 200 silver pieces each). A Grast
inhabits the cellar recently, and if the party gains the Hermann the
Keeper’s trust, he will offer them one cask as payment to rid the place
of the creature.

7. Alma’s Hut - A tiny space, hung all over with plants, animal
bones, and strange bits and pieces. She will make healing potions if
her wants are met. Will trade herbs. The party can steal a Spellbook
from here, but she will know, and not offer any trades, and in fact will
find ways to curse or harm the party.

8. Blacksmith - A large and dusty structure atop the hill. Redmaigne

seldom leaves. Will fix anything metal for the party for 10 silver
pieces. Redmaigne loves to share stories of adventurers.

9. Stables - A small stable that can house 2 horses, 2 silver pieces

each. Renata knows her horses, keeps to herself. There is a beautiful
sword hanging on the wall in the small quarters she calls home.

There are numerous other houses in the village, made of mud and
timbers and thatched roofs. Including the homes of three other
missing or dead. Any of these homes can be occupied by the party, but
the village would be hostile towards this decision. If undiscovered, the
other homes have 50% chance of being looted for tools, food, or other
valuables worth 5 silver pieces.

Following Mayor Kluge’s
departure, the people
locked his cruel son, Laszlo,
on the third floor. Long a
bully , the young man was
6 protected by his father’s
influence, but now the cost
of his effrontery has come
due. Continual and near-
5 violent harassment of the
herbalist and midwife
couple, two kindly women
responsible for countless
births and healings in the
village, has stirred much
resentment and anger
amongst the residents.
In order to exact
punishment, it was agreed
3 4 the tragic and haunted
nature of the tower was
preferred to direct violence,
as the lack of bruising would
allow the people to claim
ignorance should the mayor

Some rumors claim Laszlo

is the only one who knows
2 his father’s whereabouts;
and furthermore, the only
one with knowledge of the
horror plaguing the valley.
Laszlo’s shrieking and
sobbing can be heard
throughout the day and

1. Entrance. Two village guards play directional clue to Mayor Kluge’s
checkers; cudgel and shovel near at whereabouts – reveal clue to
hand; keys in pocket of left guard. monster’s
Locked door, thick wood, banded with “weakness”
iron; crumbling stone at hinges (bonus to 5. Ramparts. Spiral stairs. Overgrown.
smashing). 8 coins on table. Stench of Two ornately carved dragons flank
compost and manure. doorway , oddly not deteriorated
• Reaction: Welcome to game – • Corruption: If dragons touched,
Wager: 2 silver (if win collect 4 hear incoherent whispering in an
silver) unknown harsh language – save
• Bribe: required against WIL (+2 against WIL or suffer Corruption
bonus if time spent to play game) • Find: stone box covered in bramble
• Antagonized: if Bribe failed – and bush; inside find intact spyglass
guards cause scene – arrival of d4
lightly armed villagers and Sheriff if 6. Upper Tower. Large unfamiliar
present in tower (50% chance) skeleton sprawled on floor; humanoid
with large upper body, bulbous.
2. Sheriff’s Office. 50% chance Sheriff
Wrapped around neck is an
present; rumors of his despondent
iron manacle; lies atop two delicate
nature; if present will join brawl; if not
though mostly intact wings (shimmer)
present door locked (requires keys from
Entrance Guards); tower keys hang • Trap: skeleton covers a collapsible
behind desk; tapestry hangs near door door – if disturbed save against
DEX or fall to compost pile below
and straw covers floor (suffer d6 dmg)
• Reaction: dismissive, irritated,
drinking; requires successful
to allow visitation to Prominent Cell
• Stealing keys: restrain so keys can
be taken (if not silenced d4 lightly
armed villagers will soon appear) GM Note: The clue revealed by the
3. Derelict Cell. Neglected, dim, dusty, tree god in the Veiled Woods is
used for storage, broken implements, referring to tumbling this tower
barrels, and old bits of leather. into The Black Heart chasm.
Explained as the blight of
• Find: in dusty barrel with broken persecution and murder is
tools Red Ribbon of Endless permanently leeching out from this
Ammunition (reduce usage to 0; structure.
exposure to water causes
4. Prominent Cell. Laszlo chained to
wall, Chain attachment weak, one bond
broken – used free hand to harm face,
ears stuffed with filth and straw; panics
at sight of party
Villager Guard
• Converse: requires successful save
3 HP, 6 STR, 10 DEX, 10 WIL,
against WIL – if too close he will shovel/cudgel (d6)
lash out with chain - save against • Avoid combat unless they have
DEX (d4 dmg) advantage
• Fail: fail twice to calm or will • Causing a scene always brings d4
escalate into hysterical screaming allies
until he passes out or is physically Sheriff Stilton
subdued 10 HP, 8 STR, 12 DEX, 13 WIL,
• Success: if successful (will demand sword (d8), Armor 1 (Gambeson)
freedom in order to reveal) – reveal
T he Black Heart
200’ deep, steep sides; requires climbing
gear. Nothing known of the cave at the
bottom. Upon first en-counter is half full
of water – appears viscous and black.

Investigate: To dive to bottom and

investigate cave save against STR every
20’ to prevent drowning. If posses means
of negating drowning and able to reach
bottom then

• Without illumination: Feel around

in muck and find 2 skeletons with
assorted rusted and ruined
adventuring gear.

• With illumination: Discover a deep

but otherwise plain cavern. See
third skeleton with shining Sword of
Impious Malevolence (sentient) * Heinrich the Solitary
4 HP, 4 STR, 14 DEX, 14 WIL
Purpose: According to the riddle from
the Ancient Tree God in the Veiled Mayor of Argol long ago. During a guilt
Woods, the purpose of the Heart is to revivalists’ movement, he fled the village
after retaliation by villagers over his
consume the wicked history of Argol. ancestor’s pivotal role as judge in the
The party should motivate the residents mass witch persecutions.
to dismantle the Hexenturm and drop
all of its contents into the pit. This What He Wants
should be difficult, make the players
appear ridiculous to the villagers. Must • To be spiritually redeemed for the sins
overcome deep superstition. of his family – rejoin the village
• A bucket of untainted blackberries or a
Success: The Black Sky will begin to grip of Arlick
dissipate, the blight will lift, • Good information and rumor
exhumations will cease, and creature • Someone to investigate rumors of a
behavior returns to normal. lost tomb somewhere in the North.

If supplied with any of his wants, will

supply a rumor.

* Klagor the Void Maker

1. Has word of a lost tomb far in
Every wielder has used the
blade, by sheer accident or the North – forgotten pilgrimage site of
through the Sword’s malevolent a Hero
influence on some innocent. Its 2. Offers news of the Beast’s location or
last owner vowed to break the habits
cycle, thus bringing it into the
depths of the Heart. The blade 3. He knows fire to be the simple
will be found protruding from bane of Raven Wilt
the man’s skeletal remains. 4. The voices one hears can be
weakened by stuffing the ears
with Gilmander Nip
Witch Cemetery Berry Field
Recently fear, panic and hastily The core of Argol’s blackberry trade, the
acquired blessings are permeating the bushes supply the source of Down Below
valley after it was discovered by a liqueur and local dyes. Overgrown and
wild, the field continually rebukes the
reluctant and distant relative on a villagers’ efforts to properly cultivate the
recent sojourn to the site, that several land.
graves appeared to be exhumed. The Smells of rank wetness and rot. If
poor man was so terrified by what he Spring or Summer, berries are oozing
saw that the number of disturbed putrid black ichor. If Fall or Winter, the
bushes are bare, sharp, and coated in
graves was not noticed. coagulated black ooze.
• Corruption: Hear incoherent
75 graves of the persecuted are here. whispering in an unknown harsh
Lined by a stone wall that was language – save against WIL
traditionally blessed by a priest or cleric Suffer Corruption
on New Y ear Festival. Not practiced in • Find: If Summer 50% chance of
15 years. finding several buckets worth of
berries that appear to be
untouched by the blight
• Entrance: Upon entering the
cemetery, notice (d20) graves are • Grop’elde: If the total party WIL is
exhumed. 50 % chance (d6) equal or above the 10 factor
exhumed Villagers present. according to party size, encounter a
• Find: One grave contains a secret feeding Grop’elde.
family stash (the man who
Discovered the disturbance was Example: if there are 3 party members,
collective WIL stats must be 30+; 4
coming to the cemetery to dig up members must have 40+, 5 members
some of the treasure) must have 50+
• Treasure: d100 x 2 gold coins, 4
pieces of torso-sized fine leather

Exhumed Villager Grop’elde

4 HP, 6 STR, 6 DEX, 10 WIL, bite (d4) 16 HP, 1 Armor 14 STR, 6 DEX, 7
WIL, strike with club (d10) stone
• Dissipates if struck by holy throw (d4)
attacks • Seldom seen, usually in the
• If bit, must save against rot (d4 Blackberry fields – can’t resist
taking berries
damage every round until flushed • Tall, dark lichen-clung fur
out with salt water or afflicted • Reported encounters were violent,
consumes Woodland Red Berries usually guarding or stealing food
• Widely thought to vanish suddenly
Bog Island
A muddy island covered in swamp
shrubs, dead trees, animal burrows.
Intense odor of decay. Numerous weeds
and flowers growing on the island.
Inhabited by numerous mosquitoes.

Hasek the Gnome

150 HP, 5 STR, 12 DEX, 14 WIL

A near immortal denizen of the valley,

but is now dying. Requires the essence
of something powerful to increase his
life force. Was once the impetus for the
population to begin their wilderness
festival celebrations. People donned
costumes of the illusive gnome and
traipsed throughout the countryside. As
is the case with many immortals, Hasek
(Hill Dweller) was dismissed, forgotten.
Now he dwells in bitterness and
aloofness in the swamps and hills of the
Northern Valley. Elusive, trickster,
difficult to find. 50% chance of his
appearing to the party in his territory.

What They Want

• To become a celebrated idol again
• The blood or essence of the beast to
concoct life increasing elixir
He can offer the party a special brew
that will heal their Corruption.
Additionally, he can offer the party a
magical oil, when rubbed on their face,
will prevent any negative afflictions of
fear. 17
Fresh Spring
On the far western edge of the valley, the
spring trickles from the rocky cliff edge. The
clearing is calming, restful, and may not be
the location of encounters. The water will
disipate instantly if placed in a vessel of any
kind. A drink from the stream will restore
d6 HP one time per visit to the hex.
Veiled Woods
Pathway. 2 abreast. Lined by
fragrant flowers.
Wander: Between points
test WIL to prevent
straying or become
(D4 thorn damage,
lose 1 ration).
When traveling
between points,
roll Incidents.

1. Holloway.
100’ sunken
Shrouded in
mist, dotted
with the blue
glow of
patches. Mist
resists PC
causes immobility
(think quicksand).
Proceeding slowly and
casually will allow easy
passage. 50% chance d4
Grast attack when the party
reaches the second half of the

2. Ravine & Huntsman. 400’ long, 40’ deep

ravine cuts across the path. Stone bridge. Small hut
on opposite side.
• Whimsical Huntsman: Halfway across the bridge a gaunt young man will
emerge with a large Wolf (stat as Wolf)
• Demands a riveting story to gain passage. To fail, he warn, there will be
trouble. Will blow his horn to summon d6 + 2 Wolves. If successful, he will
grant passage (Success/failure GM discretion)
• Ornate Huntsman Horn (controls Wolves and bears)

3. Boulder. Overgrown area. Massive boulder covered in pale lichen & moss.
Flanked by two large trees. Carved markings faintly visible beneath the lichen.
Heat will cause to glow.
• Reads: Juice of dark fruit satiates the beast; warmth consumes jealously
• Boulder: Interaction with boulder or trees will cause d6 Brackel to emerge
with laughter from woods and surround the party
• Treasure: Hidden in the roots of left tree: Scroll of Magic Detection; in a hole
in the right tree: 150 silver pieces
Brackel Raven Wilt
6 HP, 6 STR, 15 DEX, 12 WIL, scratch (d4) 6 HP, 8 STR, 13 DEX, 9 WIL, bite (d6)
Grast Wolves
4 HP, 6 STR, 12 DEX, 15 WIL,luscent touch (d6) 5 HP, 8 STR, 14 DEX, 12 WIL, bite (d8)
10 HP, 14 STR, 5 DEX, 12 WIL, club (d10), boulder throw (d4)
4. Cave. Above left of path, narrow footpath leads to cave recedes into
hillside. Entrance shimmers with pink and blue light. Recedes
45’. Grop’elde dimensional dwelling.
• Threshold: Disturb cave light and Grop’elde
will emerge from within to aggressively investigate.
• Blackberries: Grop’elde can’t resist,
consuming causes it to take ethereal form and
return to cave.
• Treasure: Stone vessel contains 2

4 Potions of Cure Affliction and 300 silver


5. The Surrounding. Clearing,

surrounded by thick vegetation.
Trap: After 2 PCs enter clearing,
hundreds of granite stems emerge
from ground creating stone wall,
each topped by a fragrant pale
• Fragrance: causes
listlessness (+1 to all rolls for PCs
5 within ring)
• Flower: burning causes stem
to vanish but will summon
Grop’elde (if not already pursuing
• Stem: destroying will cause
d66 Raven Wilts to appear atop stems
• If Party rests instead of resists, a
large Nameless Fir-Folk god appears
(ancient creator of the Veiled Woods). It
demand the party explain reason for presence
(Success is GM discretion. Upon Success, God will
grant major clue : To clear a blight, what is tall
must tumble from sight.
• Fail to explain: d4 Raven Wilts swoop down to attack
until satisfying answer is submitted
• After clue is revealed, Party is suddenly standing outside the
Veiled Woods d4 days later in hex marked with

1 Path of entangling thorns have grown onto the path, save against DEX or take d4
damage and lose 1 ration
Entangled petrified skeleton several steps to side. Find small pouch of d4 precious stones
and silver dagger attached to rotten leather belt
3 Hours have passed, forest grows dark and noisy, zero visibility without light
Trap: troop of mushrooms in path; if smashed toxic spore cloud causes d4 + 1 nerve
damage, induce 3 hours sleep
Trap: Elderly couple 10’ into woods drinks from a trickling waterfall; if approached they
5 vanish, leaving behind a 20’ wide x 30’ deep pit in their place: save against DEX – find
two skeletons at bottom
6 Cairn with a paper note visible; Snake hidden inside; find d20 x 10 silver pieces and
folded paper with hastily written note: breath or fire
Pathway obstructed by large trees and bramble; if climbing through save against DEX or
7 STR otherwise suffer d4 dmg; d6 Brackel mock party from just within the woods; shrieks
and guttural laughter
8 D8 Brackel obstruct the path in front and behind the party
C larician Fever Tomb






Slip Pit

5 W Alter &


Gr a R
2 D
, 1 (d 6 )
5 ,
P ng
4 H rni
T ch
6 S t ou



Clarice’s Covered Pit


15 HP, 2 Armor
11 STR, 13 DEX, 14 WIL

Cursed Berserker Sword (d8)

Spell (Mirror Image, Sleep)
• Bald, face paint, physical being in Tomb
• Resentful of disease, fight to death
• Critical damage: breathes plague, afflicted with
Lung Rot
• Wants: To be free and conquer again
• Weakness: Obsessed with Stash, distraction
1. Entrance. Depression in forest floor, • Find: bags each in alcove, 250 silver
full of dark, viscous water. Low Passage, coins
overgrown. Steps Passage. Crawl space, hands & knees,
lead down. Water runs through thick air
entryway , over stairs, down tubular • Trip Line: enchanted ribbon,
corridor. Smooth. Elaborately carved. pushed or severed will release Trap.
Push down to maintain tension and
• Slide: save against DEX or STR to prevent trigger.
prevent sliding into Spiked Cistern ◆ TRAP: Hear fast grating sound.
2. Spiked Pool. Flooded. Stone spikes Spear (3d6 dmg) drops from above –
(d4 dmg) faintly discernible below save against DEX
surface. Remnants of wood board visible If trap is triggered in one passage it
in between spikes, length of pool, large is disabled in the other passage.
piece impaled center of pit (hold one 6. Covered Pit. Empty but stone disc
flush with floor – heavy , requires
light deft figure) exceptional STR or lever
• Doorways: both sides of pit
• Plague: Plague victim buried alive
• Button: panel left of entryway,
flush with wall with treasure – face tightly covered
◆ Press: clicking sound from or save against STR, suffer Lung
ceiling Rot (d3 dmg per day and feverish
(see remnants of mechanism) hallucinations) until cool fresh air
• Spikes: walk between spikes – save breathed.
against DEX to prevent tumbling - • 1 Grast
Fail: suffer d4 dmg • Stash: Roll 3 x Major Treasure
3. Slip Pit. Right door, short hall Table
(submerged), rough footing (haphazard 7. Clarice’s Tomb. Empty but stone
boulders submerged). slab flush with floor – heavy , requires
• Trip: save against DEX or STR to exceptional STR or lever.
prevent falling into pit – Fail: suffer 2d6 • Plates (unmovable otherwise)
dmg either side of tomb, require
simultaneous pressure
• Find: light reflects off corpse
impaled at bottom and numerous • Clarice: slab removed, spirit of
bright flecks (d20 x 10) silver pieces ancient warrior queen attacks to
defend tomb
4. Confounding Door. Left door, steep
hall to small landing. • Distract: (on 1 of 6) chance with
• See: skeleton with cracked skull Stash treasure
and boulder in lap (rotten clothes) • Treasure: Successful in combat or
• Sealed Door: Enchanted (can be distraction, will drop Cursed
disenchanted). Blocked by 15 river Berserker Sword – Tomb: 3000
rocks, must be moved individually. ancient gold coins.
Each time a stone is dislodged, a
“twin” boulder falls from above onto
the landing (d3 dmg)
5. Altar & Berries. Five burial alcoves
line walls, each with skeleton, ancient
armor. Stone altar with large
clay vessel filled fresh blackberries. Two
open passages leading south.
• 5 Grast: activate if berries taken
• Berries: Enchanted (edible) . Have
2 days to plant, then they
disintegrate 22
Minor Treasure
1. Tins (2) of face paint (blue & white)
Major Treasure
1. Purse of d20 rare gems
2. Geode (50% chance crystals inside) 2. Jewel-encrusted sword hilt
3. Sheaf of blank paper 3. 1000 silver coins
4. Carved figurine (antler bone) 4. 2 random Spellbooks
5. Small icon painting of a hero 5. 4 Potions of Healing
6. Ceramic vessels of various spices 6. Dagger of Illumination
7. Scroll covered in unknown language 7. Spellbook of Warding
8. Lush, ornate, intact rug 8. 5 pieces of gold jewelry
9. Glass Jar of Endless Spirits 9. d20 x 1000 gold coins
10. Wooden carved mask, faded paint 10. 2 Potions of Giant Strength

Fern Fiddlehead – Edible, though not in excess. Forest. Early spring.

Dandelion – Edible. Consumption grants a boost in vitality. Grassland. Summer.
Whipp Grass – Not directly edible. Cooked down in water to thicken into nutty
flavored broth. Remove before consumption. Sharp, long-bladed grass. Bog. Winter.
Woodland Red Berries – Edible for short window at onset of winter, otherwise toxic.
Induces uncontrollable vomiting. Due to the thick red juice, this expulsion is rather
visibly alarming. Universal. Year round.
Silvertip Weed – Not edible. Highly poisonous. Used in deadliest poisons. Bog and
Forest. Year round.
Arlick – Not directly edible. Small yellow berries. Used as a hallucinogen when
cooked in mammal milk. Excess use will cause long-term psychosis. Ground
coverage. Rocky areas. Year round.
Feathered Balm Leaf – Not edible. Long, soft, broad. Mashed with a starch to
use as healing balm. Famous healing properties. Forest; mouths of caves. Spring
And Summer.
Gilmander Nip – Edible. Chewable sugary leaves. Used in many foods and drinks.
Grassland. Year round.
Milk Burn – Not edible. Highly toxic. Rare. Consumed by livestock, causes painful
death. Name taken from white substance within leaves. Mountains and Bogs. Year
Salvin – Edible. A strong flavorful twig popularly used in stew. Remove before
consumption. Grassland and Forest. Year round.

Cone of Rotten Tree Wandering Merchant
Steep in cold water, creates a pleasant
smelling though thoroughly toxic Langhoff the Silent
brew. Consumer will have powerful
6 HP, 7 STR, 12 DEX, 12 WIL,
and terrifying hallucinations of their
hatchet (d6)
future, will tell one truth. Risk of
permanent psychic damage. What He Wants
• Brackel Wing
Humerus of Grop’Elde Dolorous Dice • Feathered Balm Leaf
Place on a fire to Carved from the stone • Grop’elde fur
create noxious of sacred henges. • Intimate conversation
vapors to ward off
Rubbing the dice in
evil spirits for as
long as the fire is hand and blowing on Age unknown. A mystery to the
burning. If rinsed them will transfer villagers of Argol. “He arrived
and properly pain into the dice. 1 during our grandfather’s time,”
dried after each charge. Roll double they say of him. Seldom speaks,
use, the bone sixes on a clean cloth apparently seldom eats.
usually to empty the pain and Friendly , offers strange but
withstands up to
recharge the dice. On useful items.
three burnings.
a fail, suffer the pain
Creaky cart announces random
appearances. Known to display
emotion only once, a deep grief
Brackel Quills at the death of his beloved
Drop a handful of
mountain dog. Out of gratitude
these deadly-sharp for his supplying a rare herb
needles on the that saved a mother’s life, the
floor, and ask, “I previous healer procured him
wonder who another such hound.
means me harm?”

Seldom appears. GM
They will point in may deploy as
the direction of desired.
any evil spirits
and monsters. All items the cost of a
trade (must be exotic,
potent, rare)

Beatrix II
8 HP, 10 STR, 14 DEX, 12 WIL, bite (d10)
Thank you for picking up this effort of mine! It is
my first extended adventure. A level 1-3
adventure to supplement Cairn, takng place in a
dark mysterious place known as the Violet Valley.
All art and text is mind, with a few instances of
friendly input; and the Hexenturm is Public
Domain art. Good luck on your adventures in
Darkness Moves.

Text and art by Perplexing Ruins

Credits and T hanks

My foremost thanks goes to my wonderful wife -
supportive, kind, and the first person I run to with
new things I make.

This book wouldn’t exist without the inspiration I

found from reading the excellent game Cairn, and
the feedback, help and some editing I received from
its generous author Yochai Gal.

My other thanks to:

Tam for helping navigate software
Iko for reading and feedback
Caverns of Heresy for reading and feedback
L.F. OSR for layout suggestions
Jean Verne for reading and feedback
Ava Islam for sensitivity input and feedback
Ben Milton’s Maze Rats continues to inspire me.
Additionally, my thanks to the small community of
makers whose discourse and creations constantly motivate
and inspire me.

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