Darkness Moves Normal Edition
Darkness Moves Normal Edition
Darkness Moves Normal Edition
By Perplexing Ruins
T he Violet Valley
8 4
7 1
9 6
2 The crop of black berries has all turned foul, a fact in itself not entirely
extraordinary; the oozing putrid juice is another matter
4 Rain ceaselessly falls from the leaden sky and pools in deepest black;
many in the valley fear these pools as much as the night itself
5 Many haunting children tales originated in the Violet Valley - most are
sworn to be true
6 A highly superstitious place, the Violet Valley residents are known for
celebrating their rites and rituals in lavish fantastical costumes
7 Those in the know can acquire the highly potent and valuable “There
Below Liqueur,” only available in the Violet Valley
On the frontier of society, many brigands and outlaws have sought
8 sanctuary here, however, the Violet Valley is inhospitable to those of
devious natures, and most outsiders in general
Historically, the Violet Valley has produced several significant female
9 warriors, this has not been the case for over a century; they refuse to
participate in any outside or state matters
10 Many residents of Argol have permanently stained hands from years of
Blackberry picking, smashing, eating, and dyeing clothing
Argol was left alone by authorities after a succession of four
11 government officials never returned and a military contingent was lost
in the surrounding woods for five days before most returned to the
capitol starving and mad
Argol is a place of great silence except during the Festival when many
12 bells are woven into costumes and clanged as a means of vanquishing
demonic spirits
Large, strange footprints cross the muddy dirt road and vanish into the
1 nearby woods
A brash monster hunter was heard bragging about his big secret job
3 coming up in the Purple Valley
When PCs enter a new hex or spend time
Travel Encounters ~ investigating, roll 1d20 to determine what they
encounter. May opt to roll 1d4 on appropriate
tables below for guaranteed creature encounter.
Cloud appears overhead, elongates into a tall swirling figure-like form, red
lights faintly discernible within, slowly dissipates into steady rain
2 A Wilting (d20 x 2) flies overhead toward the Veiled Woods
3 Pack of d8 + 2 wolves begin surrounding the party, at first only visible on the
periphery, and will engage or depart depending how the party reacts
Numerous dead and mutilated ravens; feathers, blood and innards strewn
about; 1 albino raven injured but alive in the center
5 Langhoff the Silent and his creaky cart comes into view
6 Thorny vegetation clings and cuts at the party; damage to packs and clothing
An old hunter’s shack, worn and sinking into ground but roof intact.
7 Inhabited by 2 Grast. Contains an old trunk hidden under dust and leaves
which contains a minor treasure (roll Minor Treasure Table)
Villagers dressed in wild costumes and dancing; black smoke and stench of
8 burning meat; from a distance, they appear to be frightening wild monsters,
if approached they scatter into multiple directions
9 On slight wind smell the sour odor of wet fur and scorched stone made wet
10 Ground apparently sentient, moving underfoot and whispering incoherently
in an unknown harsh language – save against WIL or suffer Corruption
11 Find a traveler’s pack, ripped open, rations spoiled. Find a locket with
etching of young woman (presumed to be Alma from Argol)
12 A Grop’elde is antagonizing Langhoff the Silent, blood streaks the black fur
of Beatrix, who is barking violently and salivating, with hackles raised.
13 A Brackel corpse (actually a playful trap – interaction will bring d20 Brackel)
14 Abandoned prayer shrine – offers shelter for 3 full-sized humans
Come across creature tracks (d8)
1-6 Festival of Brackel, disheveled and confusing, ultimately heading SE
7 Grop’elde tracks visible for 20 yards then vanish
8 The Beast (If tracks followed, then 1 of 6 chance encountering Beast)
16 Sassam in full costume is nearby conversing with an ancient tree
17 Individual in black monk’s attire, gaunt, meditative sitting position,
immersed to the waste in mud, zoned out, apparently high on Arlick brew
18 Empty liquefied disparity in landscape dissipates in a flickering crackle
19 Foot rot; no movement for 2 days
The Beast is 15-20 yards away, hunched over behaving in a way conducive to
20 what was generated on The Beast generator – GM should narrate with
appropriate tension and mystery as this is the famed creature itself *
* If the Folk Monster has not been encountered throughout the adventure,
the GM should deploy this option for the next appropriate encounter
5 HP, 6 STR, 12 DEX, 15 WIL, lucent touch (d6)
• Spirit; black undulating form; seeks
to enter the mouth
• Weakness: Holy Light & Holy Water
• Regenerates 3 HP per round
• Immune to physical attack
• Confined to chosen location of haunting
Exhumed Villager
4 HP, 6 STR, 6 DEX, 10 WIL, bite (d4)
• Dissipates if struck by holy attacks
• If bit, save against Rot (d4 dmg/daily
until flushed out with salt water or
consume Woodland Red Berries
6 HP, 6 STR, 15 DEX, 12 WIL, scratch (d4)
• Can cast Befuddle and Haste spells once per day
• Delights in trickery, mockery
10 HP, 14 STR, 5 DEX, 12 WIL, club (d10), boulder throw (d4)
• Rare; tall, dark, lichen-clung fur
• Can’t resist berries
• While uninjured, can vanish as an action
• Vanish: to prevent –
once per round 1 PC must save
against WIL to keep seeing
Raven Wilt
6 HP, 8 STR, 13 DEX, 9 WIL, bite (d6)
• Raven head, particulated black body
• Must strike head or wings
• Desperately fears fire, instant death
• Critical damage: skin embedded with
Eldritch particulates (reduce WIL by 1
until surgeon or metaphysician visited;
suffer nightmares for 1d6 nights)
5 HP, 8 STR, 14 DEX, 12 WIL, bite (d8)
• Nearly always ambushes
• Curse: If PC kills a wolf, save against
WIL or suffer Canine Empathy: PC
takes 1 damage a day until successful
T he BeastT he Beast
D elirious visions? Paranoid imagination? Brutal beast? The Violet Valley is host
to a blood-soaked reign. Two peasants have been reported missing without a trace
and four others met a grisly end. Dismembered, chewed, dragged, over the land.
The valley folk believe a rabid pack of wolves are responsible, but in the security of
their down blankets, they whisper of haunted spirits exacting vengeance. Many
say the Mayor was the last victim, others say the Mayor is responsible. Roll
according to tables, combine to your whim. Make a terrifying Beast. Draw it!
Ability Scores/ Hit Protection
Roll 3d6 for each Ability. Features (roll d20 3 times)
Roll 2d6 + 10 for Hit Protection 1. Antlers
Monster Base (d6) 2. Fangs
1-3: Aerial 4-6 Terrestrial 3. Tail
4. Spikes
Aerial Beast (d6) 5. Matted Fur
1. Bat 6. Skeletal
2. Moth 7. Multi-limbed
3. Owl 8. Swarming
4. Locust 9. Fungal
5. Crow 10. Tentacles
6. Wasp 11. Hooves
12. Fangs
Terrestrial Beast (d6) 13. Eyeless
1. Wolf 14. Gelatinous
2. Bear 15. Horns
3. Goat 16. Spewing
4. Spider 17. Carapace (2 Armor)
5. Deer 18. Camouflaged
6. Boar 19. Oozing
20. Prismatic
Entity (d8)
1. Demonic Personality (d4)
2. Large Predator 1. Devious
3. Undead 2. Hateful
4. Amorphous 3. Curious
5. Amphibious 4. Sophisticated
6. Decayed
7. Frozen
8. Colossal
T he BeastT he Beast
Tactics (d10) Flavor (roll d12 twice)
1. Ambush 1. Prefers Old growth forests and
2. Stalk swamps, craves human bone marrow.
3. Evade 2. Birthed from essence of deep hatred
4. Swarm 3. Unharmed by cold elements but will
lose strength in high temperatures
5. Taget Weakest
4. Remains in shadows, from where it
6. Play issues eerie calls
7. Berserk 5. Can Teleport instantly once HP
8. Charge reaches half value to nearby location (3
9. Disorient Rounds away)
10. Harry 6. Cannot be harmed by magic
7. Surrounded by mist, reducing range
damage by half
Attack (roll d10 twice)
8. Permeates odors of decay and rot
1. Bite (d8)
9. Will approach sleeping victim and
2. Ghostly touch (d8) breathe into their ear
3. Horns (d6) 10. Critical Damage: Causes Corruption
4. Slash (d6) in victim (d4 WIL dmg)
5. Spell (roll Cairn core) 11. Critical Damage: Victim falls into
6. Claw (d4 +4) sleep for d3 days
7. Paralyzing gaze (save) 12. Critical Damage: Devours portion of
victim, gaining minor immunity from
8. Acidic spit (d4 + 2) that creature type (1 Armor)
9. Grisly remains (save or
deal damage as unarmed
(d4) for duration of battle)
10. Slash (d10)
T he
10 HP , 8 STR, 12 DEX, 13 WIL
7. Alma’s Hut - A tiny space, hung all over with plants, animal
bones, and strange bits and pieces. She will make healing potions if
her wants are met. Will trade herbs. The party can steal a Spellbook
from here, but she will know, and not offer any trades, and in fact will
find ways to curse or harm the party.
There are numerous other houses in the village, made of mud and
timbers and thatched roofs. Including the homes of three other
missing or dead. Any of these homes can be occupied by the party, but
the village would be hostile towards this decision. If undiscovered, the
other homes have 50% chance of being looted for tools, food, or other
valuables worth 5 silver pieces.
Following Mayor Kluge’s
departure, the people
locked his cruel son, Laszlo,
on the third floor. Long a
bully , the young man was
6 protected by his father’s
influence, but now the cost
of his effrontery has come
due. Continual and near-
5 violent harassment of the
herbalist and midwife
couple, two kindly women
responsible for countless
births and healings in the
village, has stirred much
resentment and anger
amongst the residents.
In order to exact
punishment, it was agreed
3 4 the tragic and haunted
nature of the tower was
preferred to direct violence,
as the lack of bruising would
allow the people to claim
ignorance should the mayor
1. Entrance. Two village guards play directional clue to Mayor Kluge’s
checkers; cudgel and shovel near at whereabouts – reveal clue to
hand; keys in pocket of left guard. monster’s
Locked door, thick wood, banded with “weakness”
iron; crumbling stone at hinges (bonus to 5. Ramparts. Spiral stairs. Overgrown.
smashing). 8 coins on table. Stench of Two ornately carved dragons flank
compost and manure. doorway , oddly not deteriorated
• Reaction: Welcome to game – • Corruption: If dragons touched,
Wager: 2 silver (if win collect 4 hear incoherent whispering in an
silver) unknown harsh language – save
• Bribe: required against WIL (+2 against WIL or suffer Corruption
bonus if time spent to play game) • Find: stone box covered in bramble
• Antagonized: if Bribe failed – and bush; inside find intact spyglass
guards cause scene – arrival of d4
lightly armed villagers and Sheriff if 6. Upper Tower. Large unfamiliar
present in tower (50% chance) skeleton sprawled on floor; humanoid
with large upper body, bulbous.
2. Sheriff’s Office. 50% chance Sheriff
Wrapped around neck is an
present; rumors of his despondent
iron manacle; lies atop two delicate
nature; if present will join brawl; if not
though mostly intact wings (shimmer)
present door locked (requires keys from
Entrance Guards); tower keys hang • Trap: skeleton covers a collapsible
behind desk; tapestry hangs near door door – if disturbed save against
DEX or fall to compost pile below
and straw covers floor (suffer d6 dmg)
• Reaction: dismissive, irritated,
drinking; requires successful
to allow visitation to Prominent Cell
• Stealing keys: restrain so keys can
be taken (if not silenced d4 lightly
armed villagers will soon appear) GM Note: The clue revealed by the
3. Derelict Cell. Neglected, dim, dusty, tree god in the Veiled Woods is
used for storage, broken implements, referring to tumbling this tower
barrels, and old bits of leather. into The Black Heart chasm.
Explained as the blight of
• Find: in dusty barrel with broken persecution and murder is
tools Red Ribbon of Endless permanently leeching out from this
Ammunition (reduce usage to 0; structure.
exposure to water causes
4. Prominent Cell. Laszlo chained to
wall, Chain attachment weak, one bond
broken – used free hand to harm face,
ears stuffed with filth and straw; panics
at sight of party
Villager Guard
• Converse: requires successful save
3 HP, 6 STR, 10 DEX, 10 WIL,
against WIL – if too close he will shovel/cudgel (d6)
lash out with chain - save against • Avoid combat unless they have
DEX (d4 dmg) advantage
• Fail: fail twice to calm or will • Causing a scene always brings d4
escalate into hysterical screaming allies
until he passes out or is physically Sheriff Stilton
subdued 10 HP, 8 STR, 12 DEX, 13 WIL,
• Success: if successful (will demand sword (d8), Armor 1 (Gambeson)
freedom in order to reveal) – reveal
T he Black Heart
200’ deep, steep sides; requires climbing
gear. Nothing known of the cave at the
bottom. Upon first en-counter is half full
of water – appears viscous and black.
1. Holloway.
100’ sunken
Shrouded in
mist, dotted
with the blue
glow of
patches. Mist
resists PC
causes immobility
(think quicksand).
Proceeding slowly and
casually will allow easy
passage. 50% chance d4
Grast attack when the party
reaches the second half of the
3. Boulder. Overgrown area. Massive boulder covered in pale lichen & moss.
Flanked by two large trees. Carved markings faintly visible beneath the lichen.
Heat will cause to glow.
• Reads: Juice of dark fruit satiates the beast; warmth consumes jealously
• Boulder: Interaction with boulder or trees will cause d6 Brackel to emerge
with laughter from woods and surround the party
• Treasure: Hidden in the roots of left tree: Scroll of Magic Detection; in a hole
in the right tree: 150 silver pieces
Brackel Raven Wilt
6 HP, 6 STR, 15 DEX, 12 WIL, scratch (d4) 6 HP, 8 STR, 13 DEX, 9 WIL, bite (d6)
Grast Wolves
4 HP, 6 STR, 12 DEX, 15 WIL,luscent touch (d6) 5 HP, 8 STR, 14 DEX, 12 WIL, bite (d8)
10 HP, 14 STR, 5 DEX, 12 WIL, club (d10), boulder throw (d4)
4. Cave. Above left of path, narrow footpath leads to cave recedes into
hillside. Entrance shimmers with pink and blue light. Recedes
45’. Grop’elde dimensional dwelling.
• Threshold: Disturb cave light and Grop’elde
will emerge from within to aggressively investigate.
• Blackberries: Grop’elde can’t resist,
consuming causes it to take ethereal form and
return to cave.
• Treasure: Stone vessel contains 2
1 Path of entangling thorns have grown onto the path, save against DEX or take d4
damage and lose 1 ration
Entangled petrified skeleton several steps to side. Find small pouch of d4 precious stones
and silver dagger attached to rotten leather belt
3 Hours have passed, forest grows dark and noisy, zero visibility without light
Trap: troop of mushrooms in path; if smashed toxic spore cloud causes d4 + 1 nerve
damage, induce 3 hours sleep
Trap: Elderly couple 10’ into woods drinks from a trickling waterfall; if approached they
5 vanish, leaving behind a 20’ wide x 30’ deep pit in their place: save against DEX – find
two skeletons at bottom
6 Cairn with a paper note visible; Snake hidden inside; find d20 x 10 silver pieces and
folded paper with hastily written note: breath or fire
Pathway obstructed by large trees and bramble; if climbing through save against DEX or
7 STR otherwise suffer d4 dmg; d6 Brackel mock party from just within the woods; shrieks
and guttural laughter
8 D8 Brackel obstruct the path in front and behind the party
C larician Fever Tomb
Slip Pit
5 W Alter &
Gr a R
2 D
, 1 (d 6 )
5 ,
P ng
4 H rni
T ch
6 S t ou
15 HP, 2 Armor
11 STR, 13 DEX, 14 WIL
Cone of Rotten Tree Wandering Merchant
Steep in cold water, creates a pleasant
smelling though thoroughly toxic Langhoff the Silent
brew. Consumer will have powerful
6 HP, 7 STR, 12 DEX, 12 WIL,
and terrifying hallucinations of their
hatchet (d6)
future, will tell one truth. Risk of
permanent psychic damage. What He Wants
• Brackel Wing
Humerus of Grop’Elde Dolorous Dice • Feathered Balm Leaf
Place on a fire to Carved from the stone • Grop’elde fur
create noxious of sacred henges. • Intimate conversation
vapors to ward off
Rubbing the dice in
evil spirits for as
long as the fire is hand and blowing on Age unknown. A mystery to the
burning. If rinsed them will transfer villagers of Argol. “He arrived
and properly pain into the dice. 1 during our grandfather’s time,”
dried after each charge. Roll double they say of him. Seldom speaks,
use, the bone sixes on a clean cloth apparently seldom eats.
usually to empty the pain and Friendly , offers strange but
withstands up to
recharge the dice. On useful items.
three burnings.
a fail, suffer the pain
Creaky cart announces random
appearances. Known to display
emotion only once, a deep grief
Brackel Quills at the death of his beloved
Drop a handful of
mountain dog. Out of gratitude
these deadly-sharp for his supplying a rare herb
needles on the that saved a mother’s life, the
floor, and ask, “I previous healer procured him
wonder who another such hound.
means me harm?”
Seldom appears. GM
They will point in may deploy as
the direction of desired.
any evil spirits
and monsters. All items the cost of a
trade (must be exotic,
potent, rare)
Beatrix II
8 HP, 10 STR, 14 DEX, 12 WIL, bite (d10)
Thank you for picking up this effort of mine! It is
my first extended adventure. A level 1-3
adventure to supplement Cairn, takng place in a
dark mysterious place known as the Violet Valley.
All art and text is mind, with a few instances of
friendly input; and the Hexenturm is Public
Domain art. Good luck on your adventures in
Darkness Moves.