An Organizational Structure Is Defined As A System Where It Is Arranged Into

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I. Introduction:

WMSUis a state-run University situated in Zamboanga City. It is regulated by

the"Board of Regents" who is a self-regulating body that is legally and ultimately responsible
for the university and everything that goes on it. The Administration is entrusted in the
President which he/she will be assisted by the VP for Academic Affairs..

II. Objectives
At the end of this activity, you can:

1. Identify the units of the academic and administrative offices in the Organizational
2. Discuss the student conduct and demonstrate understanding on the different sanctions
3. Sing the WMSU Hymn with fervour feelings

III.Concept/s Explanation:

An organizational structure is defined as a system where it is arranged into

hierarchal order of ranks and position within the organization. The order may start from
the highest position down to the lowest according to his/her work functions in the
company or institution.

An organizational structure may look like the sample below.


VP for Marketing VP for Production VP for


Manager Manager Manager

The Officers of the WMSU University Administration consists of the following:

a. University President;
b. Vice President for Academic Affairs;
c. Vice President for Administration and Finance;
d. Vice President for Research, Extension Services, and External Linkages;
e. Vice President for Resource Generation;
f. Deans of the Colleges/Institutes; and
g. The Directors or Heads of the various academic and non-academic units.

Colleges/ Institute under the Vice-President of Academic Affairs are as follows:

a.College of Architecture (CArch)
b.College of Asian and Islamic Studies (CAIS)
c.College of Communication and Humanities (CCH)
d.College of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE)
e.College of Social Sciences (CSS)
f.College of Engineering and Technology (CET)
g.College of Home Economics (CHE)
h.College of Forestry and Environmental Studies (CFES)
i.College of Law (Law)
j.College of Nursing (CN)
k.College of Physical Education, Recreation, and Sports (CPERS)
l.College of Public Administration & Development Studies (CPADS)
m.College of Science and Mathematics (CSM)
n.College of Social Work and Community Development (CSWCD)
o.College of Teacher Education (CTE)


Section 1. Basis for Discipline

Every student in the University shall abide by the following Code of Conduct:

1.1 Student shall at all times observe the laws of the land, the rules and regulations of the
University and the standards of society which include Filipino moral, social and ethical

1.2 Student shall always act with fairness, tolerance, moderation and respect for the
opinions and feelings of others, bearing in mind that education stands for broadness of views
and for the appreciation and understanding of principles;

1.3 Student is expected to be courteous and considerate in all occasions and to behave in a
manner befitting men and women of refinement and of good breeding;

1.4 Student must wear the prescribed uniform unless for certain valid reasons he/she has a
written exemption from the Dean of Student Affairs which he/she must show upon demand
otherwise he/she will not be allowed inside the University campus;
1.5 Student who has no class but who comes to school for research or for other non-
academic purposes must wear the uniform;

1.6 Student must have a Western Mindanao State University Identification Card that must be
carried and displayed properly whenever he/she is within the university campus.

Section 2. Specific Misconduct

A student shall be subjected to disciplinary action for any of the following acts:

2.1 Any form of cheating in an examination or any act of dishonesty in relation to his/her
studies such as, but not limited to plagiarism, asking another student to take an examination
for him/her or doing it for another;

2.2 Carrying within the University premises, any firearm, knife with a blade longer than 2½
inches, or any dangerous or deadly weapon/explosives;

2.3 Drinking of alcoholic beverages within academic and administrative buildings,

dormitories and immediate premises thereof, or drunken behavior within the University

2.4 Unauthorized or illegal possession or use of prohibited drugs or chemicals, or other

banned substances enumerated in the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972 (as amended) such as
LSD, marijuana, heroin, shabu or opium and hallucinogenic drugs in any form within the
University premises;

2.5 Gambling within the University premises;

2.6 Abusive and gross deliberate discourtesy to any university official, faculty member,
person in authority, such as but not limited to:

Use of indecent and vulgar language;

2.6.1 Spitting in front of faculty, University official or any person in authority;
2.6.2 Slamming chairs and tables, banging doors and windows;
2.6.3 Verbal insults upon members of the faculty/university officials/employees,
2.6.4 Inflicting harm on a faculty or administrative official/employee
2.6.5 Oral defamation committed against a person in the University community.
2.6.7 Creating disorder, tumult, breach of peace or serious disturbance within the

2.7 Any conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person without
provocation inside the University premises;

2.8. Making false statement of any material fact, or practicing or attempting to practice any
deception or found in connection with his/her admission or registration in, or graduation
from the university;

2.9 Practicing or attempting to practice any deception or fraud in connection with his/her
application in any university-funded or sponsored scholarship or grant;
2.10 .Knowingly furnishing false information about the University, it’s officials, faculty and

2.11 Vandalism and damage of University property regardless of cause includes but not
limited to:
a. Tearing off or defacing library books, magazines or periodicals of the University;
b. Writing or drawing on the walls or pieces of furniture;
c. Breakage of windows, showcases, cabinets, and posters from the bulletin board
d. Tearing , burning, tampering, forgery or alteration of official documents;

2.12 .Disgraceful or immoral conduct within the University premises such as but not limited
to exhibitionism, sexual intercourse, petting and the like in classrooms or anywhere in the
campus, or any act committed that will bring dishonour to the University;

2.13 . Unlawfully taking of the University property or of any property of the members of the
University community;

2.14 . Subversive Acts (as defined by R.A. No. 1700);

2.15 . Active offensive involvement or participation in melees (rumbles);
2.16 . Habitual violation of school rules and regulations;
2.17 . Unauthorized or forcible entry to the campuses, offices and classrooms;
2.18 . Smoking in the classrooms and in prohibited unauthorized areas;
2.19 . Any such other acts in violation of existing University rules and regulations.


(a.) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in section 2 (2.1) shall be penalized
as follows:
1st Offense, suspension not less than one (1) semester but not more than one (1) year
2nd Offense, Dismissal/disbarment

i.) All cases involving any form of cheating in examination or any act of dishonesty shall be
investigated by a college/institute. And this shall automatically be subject to review by the
University Board of Discipline.

ii.) Any student found guilty of cheating/dishonesty shall be barred from graduating with
honors, even if his/her weighted average is within the requirements for graduating with

(b.) Any students found guilty of misconduct defined in section 2 (2.2) shall be penalized
as follows:
1st Offense, suspension, not less than 15 days but not more than thirty (30) days;
2nd Offense, suspension, not less than thirty (30) days but not more than one (1)
3rd Offense expulsion, provided that the deadly weapon should be a firearm, the penalty
1st Offense, suspension, not less than 30 days but not more than 1 semester
2nd Offense, expulsion

(c.) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in section 2 (2.3) shall be
penalized as follows:
1st Offense, suspension not less than three (3) days but not more than 7 days;
2nd Offense, suspension not less than seven (7) days but not more than 15 days;
3rd Offense, suspension not less than fifteen (15) days but not, more than 30 days;
4th Offense, expulsion

(d.) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in section 2 (2.4) shall be penalized
as follows:
1st Offense, suspension not less that fifteen days (15) but not more than 30 days;
2nd Offense, suspension not less than thirty (30 days but not more than 45 days;
3rd Offense, expulsion

(e.) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in section 2 (2.5) shall be penalized
as follows:
1st Offense, suspension not less than three (3) days but not more than 7 days;
2nd Offense, suspension not less than seven (7) days but not more than 15 days;
3rd Offense, suspension not less than fifteen (15) days but not, more than 30 days;
4th Offense, expulsion/disbarment

(f.) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in section 2 (2.6) shall be penalized
as follows:
1st Offense, suspension not less than 30 days but not more than 1 semester;
2nd Offense, expulsion, provided, that should student assault, strike or inflict physical
violence upon any University official, faculty members or person in authority, the
penalty shall be expulsion.

(g.) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in section 2 (2.7) shall be penalized
as follows:
1st Offense, suspension not less than fifteen (15) days but not more than 45 days;
2nd Offense, suspension not less than 45 days but not more than 1 semester;
3rd Offense, expulsion

(h.) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in section 2 (2.8) shall be penalized
as follows:
1st Offense, suspension not less than one (1) semester but not more than (1 year;
2nd Offense, dismissal/disbarment

(i.) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in section 2 (2.9) shall be penalized
as follows:
1st Offense, suspension not less than one (1) semester but not more than 1 year;
2nd Offense, dismissal/disbarment
(j.) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in section 2 (2.10) shall be
penalized as follows:
1st Offense, suspension not less than one (1) semester but not more than 1 year;
2nd Offense, dismissal/disbarment

(k.) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in section 2 (2.11) shall be
penalized as follows:
1st Offense, suspension not less than one (1) semester but not more than 1 year;
2nd Offense, dismissal/disbarment

(l.) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in section 2 (2.12) shall be
penalized as follows:
1st Offense, suspension not less than fifteen (15) days but not more than 30 days;
2 Offense, suspension not less than 30 days but not more than 45 days;
3rd Offense, expulsion

In addition, students may be also required to pay for the repair and/or replacement of
the damaged property.

(m.) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in section 2 (2.13) shall be
penalized as follows:
1st Offense, suspension not less than seven (7) days but not more than 15 days;
2 Offense, suspension not less than 15 days but not more than 30 days;
3rd Offense, expulsion/ disbarment

(n.) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in section 2 (2.14) shall be
penalized as follows:
1st Offense, suspension not less than fifteen (15) days but not more than 30 days;
2nd Offense, suspension not less than 30 days but not more than 45 days;
3rd Offense, expulsion

In addition, the student may be also required to pay for, or replace the stolen property.

(o.) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in section 2 (2.15) shall be
penalized as follows:
1stOffense.suspension not less than one (1) semester but not more than 1 year;
2nd Offense, dismissal/disbarment

(p.) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in section 2 (2.16) shall be
penalized as follows:
1st Offense, suspension not less than one (1) semester but not more than 1 year;
2nd Offense, dismissal/disbarment
(q.) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in section 2 (2.17) shall be
penalized with dismissal from the University.

(r.) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in section 2 (2.18) shall be
penalized as follows:
1st Offense, suspension not less than thirty (30) days but not more than 45 days;
2nd Offense, suspension not less than 45 days but not more than 1 semester;
3rd Offense, expulsion/disbarment

(s.) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in section 2 (2.19) shall be
penalized as follows:
1st Offense, suspension not less 15 days but not more than 30 days;
2nd Offense, suspension not less than 30 days but not more than 45 days;
3rd Offense, expulsion/disbarment

(t.) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in section 2 (2.20) shall be
penalized with expulsion , dismissal, suspension from the University , withholding of
graduation and other privileges, permanent disqualification form enrolment, exclusion from
any class, reprimand, warning, or expression of apology. The gravity of the offense
committed the nature of the disciplinary action or penalty to be imposed.



Western Mindanao State University

Beautiful emblem of the southern seas
Meant to mould the youth for human dignity
The pillar of peace and unity

Firm she stands and stalwart she looks

With its crimson and white in the sil’vry light
As she glides to guide the beaming faces upright
She whispers the tune of the Old Normal School

Hail, Oh Alma Mater dear!

The beacon light of a million fold
Praise be to them that nurtured thee,
Who fought and died let their laurels be

Shout aloud in triumph, we

For God has granted His decree
Born the State University
Long envisioned for eternity

(Repeat 1st and 2nd stanza)

Practice the WMSU Hymn thru this link:

IV. Work/Practice Exercise

1. Draw the University Organizational Structure with the 4 Vice Presidents and fill up the
Colleges/Institute under the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

2. Identify and explain the sanctions for the following misconduct.

Cheating in an 1st offense, suspension not less than 1 semester but not more than 1year.
examination: 2nd offense, Dismissal/disbarment.

1st offense, suspension not less than 30 days but not more than 1 semester.
Verbal insults on a 2nd offense, expulsion, provided, that should students assaults, strike or
faculty member inflict physical violence upon any University official, faculty members or
person in authority, the penalty shall be expulsion.
Vandalism and
1st offense, suspension not less than 1 semester but not more than 1 year.
damage of
2nd offense, dismissal or disbarment.
university property:
Smoking in the
1st offense, suspension not less than 30 days but not more than 1 year.
2nd offense, suspension not less than 45 days but not more than 1 semester.

Making false statement

1st offense, suspension not less than 1 semester but not more than 1 year.
of any material fact:
2nd offense, dismissal or disbarment.

3. Record a video of yourself singing the WMSU Hymn and send it thru your instructor's
email address or submit it during the face-to-face midterm exam.

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