Surat Akujanji Bi
Surat Akujanji Bi
Surat Akujanji Bi
(a) Shall abide by subsection 15(2) of Universities and University Colleges Act 1971, for not become a member of any unlawful society, organization, body or
group of persons whether in or outside Malaysia or become a member of any society, organization, body or group of persons, not being a political party, which the
UTHM Board of Directors determines to be unsuitable to the interests and well-being of the students or the University or be involved in political party activities
within the University; and
(b) Shall abide by subsection 15(3) of Universities and University Colleges Act 1971, for not express or do anything which may reasonably be construed as
expressing support for or sympathy with or opposition to any unlawful society, organization, body or group of persons whether in or outside Malaysia or any
society, organization, body or group of persons which UTHM Board of Directors determines to be unsuitable to the interests and well-being of the students or the
(c) Shall comply with all the provisions regarding discipline as stated in the Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (Discipline of Students) Rules.,
(d) Will comply with the provisions on hostel etiquette as stated in the Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (Discipline of Students) Rules; and
(e) Will comply with the provisions on road traffic order as stated in the Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (Discipline of Students) Rules.
I hereby understand that if I do not comply with any of the provisions of those laws and instructions, action may be taken against me according to the provisions of those laws,
and instructions, including the punishment of expulsion from the University.
Faculty : Designation :
Date : Date :
* The witness must either be a Councillor, Justice of Peace, Government Officer at the Management or Professional level, Principal/Headmaster, Headman or Community