Major Project Report: "Recruitment of Human Resources and Mis Handling at Productivity Expertz Service Pvt. LTD."

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(Government of NCT of Delhi)

(Affiliated To Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University,Delhi)

(FIFTH SEMESTER -2017-2020)


(HOD, BBA Department)


Certificate Of Project Guide

This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “RECRUITMENT OF HUMAN


SERVICE PVT. LTD.’’ is the bona fide work carried out by MR. SHUBHAM


BUSINESS STUDIES, Department of Business Administration during the year

2018-2021, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree

of Bachelor in Business Administration and that the dissertation has not formed

the basis for the award previously of any degree or diploma to the best of my

knowledge and belief.


HOD, BBA Department


I hereby declare that this project work entitled “RECRUITMENT OF


EXPERTZ SERVICE PVT. LTD.” is a record of an original work done by me

under the guidance of Ms. Harvinder Kaur and this project is submitted in the

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of Bachelor of

Business Administration. The results embodied in this thesis have not been

submitted to any other university or institute for award of any degree or


Shubham Nagar
5th Semester


A Macro Project is a golden opportunity for learning and self – development. I

realize that I may not have come this far without the guidance, help and support

of people who have acted as torch bearers in this journey.

I am highly indebted to Mr. HARVINDER KAUR, HOD, BBA department,

BPIBS for guiding me throughout this project despite being in a very busy


Lastly, but most importantly, I wish to thank my respondents heartily for

contributing their precious time for the study to be conducted successfully.

Shubham Nagar
5th Semester


Certificate of project guide


Chapter 1 Introduction

Objectives of the Study

Review of Literature

Research Methodology

Limitations of Study

Chapter 2 Profile of the Organization

Chapter 3 Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Chapter 4 Conclusions and Recommendations





HRM is the strategic approach to the effective management of people in a

company or organization such that they help their business gain a
competitive advantage. It is designed to maximize employee performance
in service of an employer's strategic objectives. Human resource
management is primarily concerned with the management of people within
organizations, focusing on policies and systems .

Objectives of human resource management

The objectives of HRM can be broken down into four categories:

• Societal objectives: Measures put into place that respond to the ethical
and social needs or challenges of the company and its employees. This
includes legal issues such as equal opportunity and equal pay for equal

• Organizational objectives: Actions taken that help to ensure the

efficiency of the organization. This includes providing training, hiring the
right amount of employees for a given task or maintaining high employee
retention rates.

• Functional objectives: Guidelines used to keep the HR functioning

properly within the organization as a whole. This includes making sure that
all of HR’s resources are being allocated to its full potential.

• Personal objectives: Resources used to support the personal goals of

each employee. This includes offering the opportunity for education or
career development as well as maintaining employee satisfaction.


1. Recruitment

This is the most challenging task for any HR manager. A lot of attention
and resources are required to draw, employ and hold the prospective
employees. A lot of elements go into this function of recruitment, like
developing a job description, publishing the job posting, sourcing the
prospective candidates, interviewing, salary negotiations and making the
job offer.
2. Training and Development

On the job training is the responsibility of the HR department. Fresher

training may also be provided by some companies for both new hires and
existing employees. This Fresher training is mainly done to make the
employees up to date in their respective areas as required by the
company. This function makes the employees understand the process and
makes it easy for them to get on their jobs with much ease.

3. Compensation and Benefits

A company can attain its goals and objectives if it can acclimatize to new
ways of providing benefits to the employees. Some of the benefits given
by companies are listed below for our understanding:
• Working hour flexibility
• Extended vacation
• Dental/Medical Insurance
• Maternal/Paternal Leave
• Education Reimbursement for children

4. Performance Appraisal

The employees of any organization will be evaluated by the HR

department as per the performance. This function of Human Resource
Management is to help the organization in finding out if the employee they
have hired is moving towards the goals and objectives of the organization.
On the other hand, it also helps the company to evaluate whether the
employees needs improvement in other areas.
It also helps the HR team in drawing certain development plans for those
employees who have not met the minimal requirements of the job.

5. Employee Grievance

Grievance is generally defined as a “real or imagined wrong , or other

cause for protest that is a cause of distress”. In legalese, grievance is any
“injury, injustice or wrong that affords reason for resistance, and its formal
expression is in the form of a complaint”. It is a complaint when the
employee merely expresses his thoughts and opinions verbally, talking
about it to anyone who cares to listen. It becomes a grievance when the
employee formalizes it, mostly through putting the complaint in writing and
submitting it to the appropriate authority tasked to look into the resolution
of the complaint.

Recruitment is a process of finding and attracting the potential resources
for filling up the vacant positions in an organization. It sources the
candidates with the abilities and attitude, which are required for achieving
the objectives of an organization.
Recruitment process is a process of identifying the jobs vacancy,
analyzing the job requirements, reviewing applications, screening,
shortlisting and selecting the right candidate.
To increase the efficiency of hiring, it is recommended that the HR team of
an organization follows the five best practices (as shown in the following
image). These five practices ensure successful recruitment without any
interruptions. In addition, these practices also ensure consistency and
compliance in the recruitment process.

Recruitment process is the first step in creating a powerful resource base.

The process undergoes a systematic procedure starting from sourcing the
resources to arranging and conducting interviews and finally selecting the
right candidates.

Recruitment planning is the first step of the recruitment process, where the
vacant positions are analyzed and described. It includes job specifications
and its nature, experience, qualifications and skills required for the job,
A structured recruitment plan is mandatory to attract potential candidates
from a pool of candidates. The potential candidates should be qualified,
experienced with a capability to take the responsibilities required to
achieve the objectives of the organization.

Identifying Vacancy
The first and foremost process of recruitment plan is identifying the
vacancy. This process begins with receiving the requisition for
recruitments from different department of the organization to the HR
Department, which contains −

 Number of posts to be filled

 Number of positions
 Duties and responsibilities to be performed
 Qualification and experience required
When a vacancy is identified, it the responsibility of the sourcing manager
to ascertain whether the position is required or not, permanent or
temporary, full-time or part-time, etc. These parameters should be
evaluated before commencing recruitment. Proper identifying, planning
and evaluating leads to hiring of the right resource for the team and the

Job Analysis
Job analysis is a process of identifying, analyzing, and determining the
duties, responsibilities, skills, abilities, and work environment of a specific
job. These factors help in identifying what a job demands and what an
employee must possess in performing a job productively.
Job analysis helps in understanding what tasks are important and how to
perform them. Its purpose is to establish and document the job
relatedness of employment procedures such as selection, training,
compensation, and performance appraisal.

The following steps are important in analyzing a job −

 Recording and collecting job information

 Accuracy in checking the job information
 Generating job description based on the information
 Determining the skills, knowledge and skills, which are required for
the job
The immediate products of job analysis are job descriptions and job

Job Description
Job description is an important document, which is descriptive in nature
and contains the final statement of the job analysis. This description is
very important for a successful recruitment process.
Job description provides information about the scope of job roles,
responsibilities and the positioning of the job in the organization. And this
data gives the employer and the organization a clear idea of what an
employee must do to meet the requirement of his job responsibilities.
Job description is generated for fulfilling the following processes −

 Classification and ranking of jobs

 Placing and orientation of new resources
 Promotions and transfers
 Describing the career path
 Future development of work standards
A job description provides information on the following elements −

 Job Title / Job Identification / Organization Position

 Job Location
 Summary of Job
 Job Duties
 Machines, Materials and Equipment
 Process of Supervision
 Working Conditions
 Health Hazards

Job Specification
Job specification focuses on the specifications of the candidate, whom the
HR team is going to hire. The first step in job specification is preparing the
list of all jobs in the organization and its locations. The second step is to
generate the information of each job.
This information about each job in an organization is as follows −

 Physical specifications
 Mental specifications
 Physical features
 Emotional specifications
 Behavioral specifications
A job specification document provides information on the following
elements −

 Qualification
 Experiences
 Training and development
 Skills requirements
 Work responsibilities
 Emotional characteristics
 Planning of career

Job Evaluation
Job evaluation is a comparative process of analyzing, assessing, and
determining the relative value/worth of a job in relation to the other jobs in
an organization.
The main objective of job evaluation is to analyze and determine which job
commands how much pay. There are several methods such as job
grading, job classifications, job ranking, etc., which are involved in job
evaluation. Job evaluation forms the basis for salary and wage


Recruitment strategy is the second step of the recruitment process, where

a strategy is prepared for hiring the resources. After completing the
preparation of job descriptions and job specifications, the next step is to
decide which strategy to adopt for recruiting the potential candidates for
the organization.
While preparing a recruitment strategy, the HR team considers the
following points −

 Make or buy employees

 Types of recruitment
 Geographical area
 Recruitment sources
The development of a recruitment strategy is a long process, but having a
right strategy is mandatory to attract the right candidates. The steps
involved in developing a recruitment strategy include −

 Setting up a board team

 Analyzing HR strategy
 Collection of available data
 Analyzing the collected data
 Setting the recruitment strategy

Searching the Right Candidates

Searching is the process of recruitment where the resources are sourced
depending upon the requirement of the job. After the recruitment strategy
is done, the searching of candidates will be initialized. This process
consists of two steps −
 Source activation − Once the line manager verifies and permits the
existence of the vacancy, the search for candidates starts.
 Selling − Here, the organization selects the media through which the
communication of vacancies reaches the prospective candidates.
Searching involves attracting the job seekers to the vacancies. The
sources are broadly divided into two categories: Internal
Sources and External Sources.

Internal Sources
Internal sources of recruitment refer to hiring employees within the
organization through −

 Promotions
 Transfers
 Former Employees
 Internal Advertisements (Job Posting)
 Employee Referrals
 Previous Applicants

External Sources
External sources of recruitment refer to hiring employees outside the
organization through −

 Direct Recruitment
 Employment Exchanges
 Employment Agencies
 Advertisements
 Professional Associations
 Campus Recruitment
 Word of Mouth

Screening starts after completion of the process of sourcing the
candidates. Screening is the process of filtering the applications of the
candidates for further selection process.
Screening is an integral part of recruitment process that helps in removing
unqualified or irrelevant candidates, which were received through
sourcing. The screening process of recruitment consists of three steps −

Reviewing of Resumes and Cover Letters

Reviewing is the first step of screening candidates. In this process, the
resumes of the candidates are reviewed and checked for the candidates’
education, work experience, and overall background matching the
requirement of the job
While reviewing the resumes, an HR executive must keep the following
points in mind, to ensure better screening of the potential candidates −

 Reason for change of job

 Longevity with each organization
 Long gaps in employment
 Job-hopping
 Lack of career progression

Conducting Telephonic or Video Interview

Conducting telephonic or video interviews is the second step of screening
candidates. In this process, after the resumes are screened, the
candidates are contacted through phone or video by the hiring manager.
This screening process has two outcomes −
 It helps in verifying the candidates, whether they are active and
 It also helps in giving a quick insight about the candidate’s attitude,
ability to answer interview questions, and communication skills.

Identifying the top candidates

Identifying the top candidates is the final step of screening the
resumes/candidates. In this process, the cream/top layer of resumes are
shortlisted, which makes it easy for the hiring manager to take a decision.
This process has the following three outcomes −

 Shortlisting 5 to 10 resumes for review by the hiring managers

 Providing insights and recommendations to the hiring manager
 Helps the hiring managers to take a decision in hiring the right

Evaluation and control is the last stage in the process of recruitment. In
this process, the effectiveness and the validity of the process and
methods are assessed. Recruitment is a costly process, hence it is
important that the performance of the recruitment process is thoroughly
The costs incurred in the recruitment process are to be evaluated and
controlled effectively. These include the following −
 Salaries to the Recruiters
 Advertisements cost and other costs incurred in recruitment
methods, i.e., agency fees.
 Administrative expenses and Recruitment overheads
 Overtime and Outstanding costs, while the vacancies remain unfilled
 Cost incurred in recruiting suitable candidates for the final selection
 Time spent by the Management and the Professionals in preparing
job description, job specifications, and conducting interviews.


For any organization, recruitment is a crucial part of developing and

maintaining an effective and efficient team. A good recruitment strategy
will cut down the wastage of time and money, which would have incurred
for extensive training and development of unqualified resources.
Have you ever thought of, how a recruiter finds the right candidates?
Recruiters use different methods to source, screen, shortlist, and select
resources as per the requirements of the organization. Recruitment types
explain the means by which an organization reaches potential job seekers.

We will shed some light on the secrets of hiring and recruiting methods,
used by the recruiters. Recruitment is broadly classified into two different
categories − Internal Sources and External Sources.

Internal Sources of Recruitment

Internal sources of recruitment refer to hiring employees within the
organization internally. In other words, applicants seeking for the different
positions are those who are currently employed with the same
At the time recruitment of employees, the initial consideration should be
given to those employees who are currently working within the
organization. This is an important source of recruitment, which provides
the opportunities for the development and utilization of the existing
resources within the organization.
Internal sources of recruitment are the best and the easiest way of
selecting resources as performance of their work is already known to the
organization. Let us now discuss more on the various internal sources of

Promotion refers to upgrading the cadre of the employees by evaluating
their performance in the organization. It is the process of shifting an
employee from a lower position to a higher position with more
responsibilities, remuneration, facilities, and status. Many organizations fill
the higher vacant positions with the process of promotions, internally.

Transfer refers to the process of interchanging from one job to another
without any change in the rank and responsibilities. It can also be the
shifting of employees from one department to another department or one
location to another location, depending upon the requirement of the
Let’s take an example to understand how it works. Assume there is a
finance company called ABC Ltd. Having two branches, Branch-A and
Branch-B, and an employee from Branch-A resigned from his job
responsibilities. Hence, this position has to be filled for the continuation of
the project in Branch-A.
In this scenario, instead of searching or sourcing new candidates, which is
time consuming and expensive, there is a possibility of shifting an
employee from Branch-B to Branch-A, depending upon the project
requirements and the capabilities of that respective employee. This
internal shifting of an employee from one branch to another branch is
called as Transfer.

Recruiting Former Employees

Recruiting former employees is a process of internal sources of
recruitment, wherein the ex employees are called back depending upon
the requirement of the position. This process is cost effective and saves
plenty of time. The other major benefit of recruiting former employees is
that they are very well versed with the roles and responsibilities of the job
and the organization needs to spend less on their training and

Internal Advertisements (Job Posting)

Internal Advertisements is a process of posting/advertising jobs within the
organization. This job posting is an open invitation to all the employees
inside the organization, where they can apply for the vacant positions. It
provides equal opportunities to all the employees working in the
organization. Hence, the recruitment will be done from within the
organization and it saves a lot of cost.

Employee Referrals
Employee referrals is an effective way of sourcing the right candidates at a
low cost. It is the process of hiring new resources through the references
of employees, who are currently working with the organization. In this
process, the present employees can refer their friends and relatives for
filling up the vacant positions.
Organizations encourage employee referrals, because it is cost effective
and saves time as compared to hiring candidates from external sources.
Most organizations, in order to motivate their employees, go ahead and
reward them with a referral bonus for a successful hire.

Previous Applicants
Here, the hiring team checks the profiles of previous applicants from the
organizational recruitment database. These applicants are those who
have applied for jobs in the past. These resources can be easily
approached and the response will be positive in most of the cases. It is
also an inexpensive way of filling up the vacant positions.

Pros and Cons of Internal Sources of Recruitment

Internal sources of recruitment, i.e., hiring employees within the
organization, has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The
advantages are as follows −

 It is simple, easy, quick, and cost effective.

 No need of induction and training, as the candidates already know
their job and responsibilities.
 It motivates the employees to work hard, and increases the work
relationship within the organization.
 It helps in developing employee loyalty towards the organization.
The drawbacks of hiring candidates through internal sources are as
follows −

 It prevents new hiring of potential resources. Sometimes, new

resources bring innovative ideas and new thinking onto the table.
 It has limited scope because all the vacant positions cannot be filled.
 There could be issues in between the employees, who are promoted
and who are not.
 If an internal resource is promoted or transferred, then that position
will remain vacant.
 Employees, who are not promoted, may end up being unhappy and

External Sources of Recruitment
External sources of recruitment refer to hiring employees outside the
organization externally. In other words, the applicants seeking job
opportunities in this case are those who are external to the organization.
External employees bring innovativeness and fresh thoughts to the
organization. Although hiring through external sources is a bit expensive
and tough, it has tremendous potential of driving the organization forward
in achieving its goals. Let us now discuss in detail the various external
sources of recruitment.

Direct Recruitment
Direct recruitment refers to the external source of recruitment where the
recruitment of qualified candidates are done by placing a notice of
vacancy on the notice board in the organization. This method of sourcing
is also called as factory gate recruitment, as the blue-collar and
technical workers are hired through this process.

Employment Exchanges
As per the law, for certain job vacancies, it is mandatory that the
organization provides details to the employment exchange. Employment
exchange is a government entity, where the details of the job seekers are
stored and given to the employers for filling the vacant positions. This
external recruitment is helpful in hiring for unskilled, semi-skilled, and
skilled workers.

Employment Agencies
Employment agencies are a good external source of recruitment.
Employment agencies are run by various sectors like private, public, or
government. It provides unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled resources as
per the requirements of the organization. These agencies hold a database
of qualified candidates and organizations can use their services at a cost.

Advertisements are the most popular and very much preferred source of
external source of recruitment. The job vacancy is announced through
various print and electronic media with a specific job description and
specifications of the requirements. Using advertisements is the best way
to source candidates in a short span and it offers an efficient way of
screening the candidates’ specific requirements.
Let’s take an example. Assume that there is a Sales Company called XYZ
Ltd which has got a new project of selling a product in a short span of
time, as the competition is very high. In this scenario, choosing the
specific recruitment plays a vital role. Here the ideal type of recruitment
which should be chosen is Advertisement.
Advertisement is the best suitable practice for this kind of hiring, because
a large volume of hiring in a short span can be done through
Advertisement only. Advertisement is one of the costliest way to recruit
candidates, but when time and number are important, then advertisement
is the best source of recruitment.

Professional Associations
Professional associations can help an organization in hiring professional,
technical, and managerial personnel, however they specialize in sourcing
mid-level and top-level resources. There are many professional
associations that act as a bridge between the organizations and the job-

Campus Recruitment
Campus recruitment is an external source of recruitment, where the
educational institutions such as colleges and universities offers
opportunities for hiring students. In this process, the organizations visit
technical, management, and professional institutions for recruiting
students directly for the new positions.

Word of Mouth Advertising

Word of mouth is an intangible way of sourcing the candidates for filling up
the vacant positions. There are many reputed organizations with good
image in the market. Such organizations only need a word-of-mouth
advertising regarding a job vacancy to attract a large number of

Pros and Cons of External Sources of Recruitment

External sources of recruitment, i.e., hiring employees outside an
organization, has both its benefits and drawbacks. The benefits are as
follows −
 It encourages new opportunities for job seekers.
 Organization branding increases through external sources.
 There will be no biasing or partiality between the employees.
 The scope for selecting the right candidate is more, because of the
large number candidates appearing.
The disadvantages of recruiting through external sources are as follows −

 This process consumes more time, as the selection process is very

 The cost incurred is very high when compared to recruiting through
internal sources.
 External candidates demand more remuneration and benefits.
To conclude, the HR department should be flexible enough to choose
between internal or external methods of recruitment, depending upon the
requirement of the organization.

Role of Management Information System (MIS) in

Human Resource
In today's organizations human resource is considered as one of the key
resources of business organizations. The transaction processing layer of
MIS in human resource function deals with routine activities like
attendance recording and payroll calculations. The operational level
activities also include maintaining the employee records which is used as
a basis for strategic layers. With the growing importance of human
resource management and increasing size of the organizations,
maintenance of employee related data and generating appropriate reports
are the crucial aspects of any organization


Employee engagement is a workplace method designed to improve an

employee’s feelings and emotional attachment to the company, their job
duties, position within the company, their fellow employees, and the
company culture. HR departments can use employee engagement tactics
to boost wellbeing and productivity across all company levels.

Through various measures, initiatives, and approaches, employee

engagement encourages all members of a company to put their best foot
forward, day in and day out. Employee engagement in HR also helps to
ensure that each and every employee is fully committed to the company’s
mission, goals, and values and that they remain encouraged and inspired
to contribute the overall success of the business. At the foundation of all
employee engagement tactics is the intent to enhance the well-being of
each and every employee.

While all departments throughout the company can and should execute
various employee engagement measures, HR departments are particularly
vital for employee engagement approaches to be successful. The impact of
employee engagement on employee retention, as well as wellbeing and
productivity, is something which HR departments must keep at the forefront
of their initiatives. There are five key roles that every HR department
should fulfill when it comes to improving employee engagement.

1. Executive Leadership: As the employee engagement champions, the

HR department should take an executive leadership role when it
comes to identifying and investing in ways to improve engagement
tactics. The HR department is also responsible for ensuring
transparency and understanding in regards to the company
expectations for each employee.

2. Employee Engagement: HR professionals within the company should

be experts in what employee engagement is. They are the ones who
understand the importance of employee engagement in HR, what
methods best drive employee engagement, how these tactics can be
measured, and what steps must be taken to continuously improve
engagement approaches.

3. Training: HR is also responsible for training, guiding, and coaching

department managers in how they can better engage their staff. As
employee engagement consultants, HR needs must also lead by
example when it comes to maintaining an open dialog, regularly
addressing causes deterring the success of employee engagement
approaches, pointing out and applauding progress, and looking past
scores and metrics to focus on the betterment of the employee.

4. Activities: Though employee engagement is a serious element of

business success in which HR plays an important role, it’s also their
duty to fulfill the role of engagement humorist by bringing enthusiasm,
excitement, and inspiration to the process. By introducing,
implementing, and organizing employment engagement activities, HR
can foster a stimulating workplace that values the individual
contributions of each employee and recognizes productive

5. Measurement Lastly, the HR department must play the role of
gatekeeper for employment engagement. Regular surveys,
department check-ins, and other means of measurement, help HR
pros develop and implement specific action plans that can be
frequently discussed and addressed with team managers. Instead of
focusing solely on data, analytics, benchmark goals, and ranking
numbers, the HR department must place strict emphasis on the
specific dialog and methods that positively influence employee

All in all, employee engagement in HR helps to ensure that all employees

feel engaged and empowered to put their best foot forward. Employees
who feel engaged are proven to not only be more productive and content in
their job role, but they are also more loyal to the company and more driven
to contribute to overall business success.


 To study the role of Recruiter.

 To study how to select right person for right job.

 To evaluate the procedure of recruitment system.

 To effectively handle management information system.

Literature Review

The review of literature revealed that the recruitment and selection process
is carried out in organizations by adopting latest technologies like online
portals, outsourcing, job fair, campus interviews, and mobile recruitment
applications. The representation of this practice is to find the best
candidate for an organization. Besides adopting the latest technology,
consideration of the expatriate factor would lead to an effective way of
recruitment practices in finding out the right candidate for the right job and
thus create a healthier work environment. The expatriate factors have not
been considered well in the Indian context, but have been given
importance in the global context in the process of recruitment and

Sharma and Jyoti

In there article they have explained about the Job Satisfaction that they
finalize it the best and effective reason for an employee in the working
situation. They also explain that this emotional factor helps the employee in
the organization to yield best results. Dissatisfaction is one of the main
reasons for attrition of employee in the organization. So, job satisfaction is
the primary reason of an employee’s carrier growth and development of an

T.V. Rao
The study in his book explains that the audit conducted describes the
methods and ideas which have to be implemented in the Human Resource
Audit. His framework helps to estimate the different criteria like core
competency, culture and value of the organization. By evaluating the
employee’s interpersonal skills, they can improve in some of the factors
which are they lacking in the system. They also have broadminded people
in the top level management which helps the low and middle level
employees to know about their concerns. So they each and every
employee in the organization helps them to achieve more by increasing the

Korsten and Jone

According to Korsten (2003) and Jones (2006), Human Resource
Management theories emphasize on techniques of recruitment and
selection and outline the benefits of interviews, assessment and
psychometric examinations as employee selection process. They further
stated that recruitment process may be internal or external or may also be
conducted online. Typically, this process is based on the levels of
recruitment policies, job postings and details, advertising, job application
and interviewing process, assessment, decision making, formal selection
and training (Korsten 2003).
Jones et al. (2006) suggested that examples of recruitment policies in the
healthcare, business or industrial sector may offer insights into the
processes involved in establishing recruitment policies and defining
managerial objectives.

Successful recruitment techniques involve an incisive analysis of the job,

the labour market scenario/ conditions and interviews, and psychometric
tests in order to find out the potentialities of job seekers. Furthermore,
small and medium sized enterprises lay their hands on interviews and
assessment with main concern related to job analysis, emotional
intelligence in inexperienced job seekers, and corporate social
responsibility. Other approaches to selection outlined by Jones et al.
(2006) include several types of interviews, role play, group discussions and
group tasks, and so on.

Any management process revolves around recruitment and failure in

recruitment may lead to difficulties and unwanted barriers for any company,
including untoward effects on its profitability and inappropriate degrees of
staffing or employee skills (Jones et al. 2006). In additional, insufficient
recruitment may result into lack of labour or hindrances in management
decision making, and the overall recruitment process can itself be
advanced and amended by complying with management theories.
According to these theories, the recruitment process can be largely
enhanced by means of Rodgers seven point plan, Munro-Frasers five-fold
grading system, personal interviews, as well as psychological tests (Jones
et al. 2006).

Alan Politzer
Alan (2007), in his work Human Resource Management in a Business
Context, formally defines recruitment and selection as the process of
retrieving and attracting able applications for the purpose of employment.
He states that the process of recruitment is not a simple selection process,
while it needs management decision making and broad planning in order to
appoint the most appropriate manpower. There existing competition among
business enterprises for recruiting the most potential workers in on the
pathway towards creating innovations, with management decision making
and employers attempting to hire only the best applicants who would be
the best fit for the corporate culture and ethics specific to the company
(Price 2007). This would reflect the fact that the management would
particularly shortlist able candidates who are well equipped with the
requirements of the position they are applying for, including team work.
Since possessing qualities of being a team player would be essential in
any management position (Price 2007).

Hiltrop Williamson
Hiltrop (1996) was successful in demonstrating the relationship between
the HRM practices, HRM-organizational strategies as well as
organizational performance. He conducted his research on HR manager
and company officials of 319 companies in Europe regarding HR practices
and policies of their respective companies and discovered that employment
security, training and development programs, recruitment and selection,
teamwork, employee participation, and lastly, personnel planning are the
most essential practices (Hiltrop 1999). As a matter of fact, the primary role
of HR is to develop, control, manage, incite, and achieve the commitment
of the employees. The findings of Hiltrop’s (1996) work also showed that
selectively hiring has a positive impact on organizational performance, and
in turn provides a substantial practical insight for executives and officials
involved. Furthermore, staffing and selection remains to be an area of
substantial interest. With recruitment and selection techniques for efficient
hiring decisions, high performing companies are most likely to spend more
time in giving training particularly on communication and team-work skills
(Hiltrop 1999). Moreover the finding that there is a positive connection
existing between firm performances and training is coherent with the
human capital standpoint. Hence, Hiltrop (1996) suggests the managers
need to develop HR practices that are more focused on training in order to
achieve competitive benefits

Jackson and Bratton and Gold

As discussed by Jackson et al. (2009), Human resource management
approaches in any business organization are developed to meet corporate
objectives and materialization of strategic plans via training and
development of personnel to attain the ultimate goal of improving
organizational performance as well as profits. The nature of recruitment
and selection for a company that is pursuing HRM approach is influenced
by the state of the labour market and their strength within it. Furthermore, it
is necessary for such companies to monitor how the state of labour market
connects with potential recruits via the projection of an image which will
have an effect on and reinforce applicant expectations. Work of Bratton &
Gold (1999) suggest that organizations are now developing models of the
kind of employees they desire to recruit, and to recognize how far
applicants correspond to their models by means of reliable and valid
techniques of selection. Nonetheless, the researchers have also seen that
such models, largely derived from competency frameworks, foster strength
in companies by generating the appropriate knowledge against which the
job seekers can be assessed. However, recruitment and selection are also
the initial stages of a dialogue among applications and the company that
shapes the employment relationship (Bratton & Gold 1999). This
relationship being the essence of a company’s manpower development,
failure to acknowledge the importance of determining expectation during
recruitment and selection can lead to the loss of high quality job seekers
and take the initial stage of the employment relationship so down as to
make the accomplishment of desirable HRM outcomes extremely difficult.
In the opinion of Bratton and Gold (1999), recruitment and selection
practices are essential characteristics of a dialogue driven by the idea of
“front-end” loading processes to develop the social relationship among
applicants and an organization. In this relationship, both parties make
decisions throughout the recruitment and selection and it would be crucial
for a company to realize that high-quality job seekers, pulled by their view
of the organization, might be lost at any level unless applications are
provided for realistic organization as well as work description. In view of
Jackson et al. (2009) and Bratton & Gold (1999) applicants have a specific
view of expectations about how the company is going to treat them;
recruitment and selection acts as an opportunity to clarify this view.
Furthermore, one technique of developing the view, suggested by Bratton
and Gold (1999), are realistic job previews or RJPs that may take the form
of case studies of employees and their overall work and experiences, the
opportunity to “cover” someone at work, job samples and videos. The main
objective of RJPs is to allow for the expectations of job seekers to become
more realistic and practical. RJPs tend to lower initial expectations
regarding work and a company, thereby causing some applications to
select themselves; however RJPs also increase the degree of organization
commitment, job satisfaction, employee performance, appraisal and job
survival among job seekers who can continue into employment (Bratton &
Gold 1999) Jackson et al. (2009).

Silzer Zampa
However, the process of recruitment does not cease with application of
candidature and selection of the appropriate candidates, but involves
sustaining and retaining the employees that are selected, as stated by
Silzer (2010).

Work of Silzer (2010) was largely concerned with Talent management, and
through their work they were successful in resolving issues like whether or
not talent is something one can be born with or is it something that can be
acquired through development. According to Silzer et al (2010), that was a
core challenge in designing talent systems, facing the organization and
among the senior management. The only solution to resolve the concern of
attaining efficient talent management was by adopting fully-executable
recruitment techniques. Regardless of a well-drawn practical plan on
recruitment and selection as well as involvement of highly qualified
management team, companies following recruitment processes may face
significant obstacles in implementation. As such, theories of HRM can give
insights in the most effective approaches to recruitment even though
companies will have to employ their in house management skills for
applying generic theories across particular organizational contexts. Word
conducted by Silzer et al (2010) described that the primary objective of
successful talent strategies is to create both a case as well as a blueprint
for developing the talent strategies within a dynamic and highly intensive
economy wherein acquisition, deployment and preservation of human
capital-talent that matter,, shapes the competitive advantages and success
of many companies (Silzer et al. 2010).

Taher Walker
Toward that end Taher carried out a study to critique the value-added and
non-value activities in a recruitment and selection process. The strategic
manpower planning of a company, training and development programme,
performance appraisal, reward system and industrial relations, was also
appropriately outlined in the study. This study was based on the fact that
efficient HR planning is an essence of organization success, which flows
naturally into employee recruitment and selection (Taher et al. 2000).
Therefore, demand rather than supply must be the prime focus of the
recruitment and selection process and a greater emphasis must be put on
planning, supervising and control rather than mediation. Extending this
principle, a realistic approach to recruitment and selection process was
demonstrated, and the study found that an organization is efficient only
when the value it commands exceeds the price involved in determining the
process of decision making or product. In other words, value-added and
non-value added activities associated with a company’s recruitment and
selection process impacts its role in creating motivated and skilled
workforce in the country (Taher et al. 2000). Thus, the study identified the
waiting time, inspection time and filing time as non value added tasks and
the cost of advertisement as the only value added activity in the overall
process. Taher et al. (2000) investigated the recruitment and selection
section of Bangladesh Open University. It was found that whenever the
recruitment and selection department of BOU received a recruitment
request of new applicants from other sections, the officials failed to
instantly advertise the vacancy in various media. The university had to
follow some long sequential steps prior to doing so. After the vacancy is
publicly advertised, what followed were the bureaucratic formalities and
complications together with inspection and supervision by two departments
thereby causing unnecessary waiting in the recruitment and selection
process that eventually increases the cost of recruitment by keeping the
organization’s image at stake. The study also witnessed some amount of
repetition taking place at every step of recruitment where the applications
of applicants circulating around too many departments for verifications.
This repetitive work tends to engage unnecessary persons for a single task
that results in unnecessary delay in the decision and unjust wastage of

After careful consideration of similar problems in the BOU, Taher et al.

(2006) recommended for amending the recruitment process by stating that
firstly processes like job analysis and searching internal and external
sources must be followed by direct advertisement of the post as the HR’s
own responsibility, and not by any intermediate officials. This will eliminate
the non-value activities. Secondly, Taher et al (2000) suggested a ‘system’
to be introduced to ease the respective department to study the shortlisted
candidates, which can be done only by the request of the HR department.
A medical assistance must be sought by BOU in regards to the physical or
mental abilities of applicants for the job function as well as their workers
compensation and risk. A procedure needs to be devised pertaining to the
privacy and confidentiality of medical reports. Thus, this privacy and
decrease in noon-value added activity of the medical exam can be
sustained effectively by testing the applicants via contracted medical
advisors, or in-house doctors. Use of a computer based HR system should
be installed in BOU to manage the pool of information about employees
and to make the organization to take just-in-time HR recruitment and
selection decisions.

Therefore, any organization is encouraged to development real-time

recruitment strategies that must attempt to generate a pool of appropriately
qualified and well-experienced individuals so as to effectively initiate the
selection strategies and decisions. In essence, the potential applications
are encouraged to apply for the open vacancies and also the relevant
departments can engage in recruiting the best candidates to upgrade the
department’s performance 


"Research is creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the
stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humans, culture and society,
and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications."

It is used to establish or confirm facts, reaffirm the results of previous work,

solve new or existing problems, support theorems, or develop new
theories. A research project may also be an expansion on past work in the
field. Research projects can be used to develop further knowledge on a
topic, or in the example of a school research project, they can be used to
further a student's research prowess to prepare them for future jobs or
reports. To test the validity of instruments, procedures, or experiments,
research may replicate elements of prior projects or the project as a
whole. Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge.

Research can simply be defined as the task of searching from available

data to modify a certain results. Research Methodology is the blueprint of
conducting research. It is a systematic way to solve a problem. It is
basically the science of studying how research is to be carried out.
Essentially, the procedures by which researchers go about their work of
describing, explaining and predicting phenomena are called research
methodology. The main aim is to give the work plan of research.
It includes the entire process used to collect information and data for the
purpose of making decisions and conclusions.

Research process applied

✓ Defining
the objectives of the study which is related to ‘Employee
Engagement and recruitment process’.

✓ Reviewing literature which included study of articles, papers, theories,


✓ Framing questionnaire.

✓ Collecting the responses from the employees.

✓ Analysis of feedback obtained.

✓ Drawing conclusions and interpretations and providing suggestions.

Research Problem refers to some difficulty which a researcher
experiences in the context of either a theoretical or particular situation and
wants to obtain a solution for the same.

Research Design:
After devising the problem and setting the objectives, the next step is to
prepare the research design. A research design is the arrangement of
conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to
combine the relevance to the research purpose with economy in
procedure. It’s a conceptual structure within which a research is
conducted; it constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement and
analysis of data. There are two types of research designs:

a) Exploratory research design:

This is used in formulative research studies. The main purpose of such
study is to formulate a problem for more precise investigation or of
developing the working hypothesis from an operational point of view. The
main emphasis is on the discovery of ideas and insights. It is conducted
through the survey of concerned literature and experience survey.

b) Descriptive research design:

This is used in descriptive research studies which are concerned with
describing the characteristics of a particular individual, or a group. Here,
structured and well thought out instruments should be used for collection
of data. This research design takes enough provision for protection
against bias and must maximize reliability.

Research design of the project: Descriptive Research

Sample design: A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample

from a population.

Sample: All the items in any field of inquiry constitute a ‘Universe’ or

‘Population’. Sometimes its not possible to collect the data from entire
population and hence a representative group which forms the ‘sample’.
All the employees in PES formed the population but since, PES is an
organization with approximately 175 employees therefore it became a very
difficult task to obtain feedback from all the employees because of the time
constraint and other restrictions. Hence, a sample was chosen from the
employees of PES.

Sample Unit: A sample unit is something or someone on whom the

research is conducted. It can be a geographical unit, social unit, individual
unit etc.
In this research, a selected employee formed a sample unit.
Sample size: It defines the number of elements in the sample. The size of
the sample was 50.

Sampling: The process of selection of sample is called ‘sampling

technique’. There are two techniques of sampling namely ‘Probability
Sampling’ and ‘Non probability Sampling.’

• Probability Sampling:
A Probability sampling is a random or a chance sampling. Here every item
of the universe has an equal chance of inclusion in the sample. The
results obtained from probability sampling can be assured in terms of
probability. It ensures the law of Statistical Regularity which states that if
on an average the sample chosen is a random one, the sample will have
the same characteristics as the universe.

• Non-probability Sampling:
A Non-probability sampling is a deliberate or a biased sampling procedure
which does not afford any basis for estimating the probability that each
item in the population has of being included in the sample. In this design, a
personal element has a large chance to enter and there is a danger of
bias. Quota sampling is an example of this kind of sampling.

Sampling used in this project: Probability Sampling.

Data Collection: For achieving the set objectives of the project, one has to
closely analyze the data which has to be collected first. This data is
acquired from two sources namely Primary sources and Secondary

• Primary Sources: Here data obtained is called primary data. This type of
data is collected for the very first time and for the particular purpose of
conducting research.

Primary data sources were the employees chosen in the sample. The tool
used to collect this data was the questionnaire which was distributed
amongst the employees, either through e-mails or through direct

• Secondary Sources: The data collected from these sources is called

secondary data. This is readily available and has been collected and
analyzed by someone before.

Secondary sources were certain journals, articles, books which were

published in this area and written by recognized authors.

Data analysis: It is basically understanding and analyzing the data to draw
conclusions and to form the interpretations. Data analysis is done from
texts and numeric information which have been obtained through the help
of questionnaire.

Tools which were used to analyze the data:


Percentage analysis is one of the basic statistical tools which is widely

used in analysis and interpretation of primary data. It deals with the
number of respondents response to a particular question is percentage
arrived from the total population selected for the study. It is one of the
simple forms of analysis which is very easy for anyone to understand the
outcome of the research. It is normally used by commercial research
organisation and pictorially presented with different diagrams.


A good graph or chart can show as much as several paragraphs of words.

There are several different types of charts and graphs. The four most
common are probably line graphs, bar graphs and histograms, pie charts,
and Cartesian graphs. They are generally used for, and are best for, quite
different things.

✓ Bar graphs to show numbers that are independent of each other.

Example data might include things like the number of people who
preferred each of Chinese takeaways, Indian takeaways and fish and

✓ Pie charts to show you how a whole is divided into different parts. You
might, for example, want to show how a budget had been spent on
different items in a particular year.

✓ Cartesian graphs have numbers on both axes, which therefore allow

you to show how changes in one thing affect another. These are widely
used in mathematics, and particularly in Algebra.
Hence, the collected data was interpreted with pictorial representations
such as bar graph, pie charts and others along with percentage analysis.


As every conducted study cannot be considered full-proof because of

certain limitations and restrictions it faces. The limitations of this

study are listed below:

a) Limited area:

The area of study was very limited which was only restricted to

within the organisation.

b) Limited time:

There was limited time in which this study was completed. The

time frame was limited and hence this study was covered

under a lot of pressure of time.

c) Few interactions:

There was a little interaction and that too with few people because

of the limited area.

d) Dynamic nature of the environment:

Since change is the inevitable and hence what is relevant today

might not be true and relevant tomorrow.



Their journey started in May 2009 as a Corporate Training Provider with
the name of “Productivity Expertz”. During the time span of 8 years as a
corporate training provider, we received an incredible response from our
respected clients who in turn helped us in upgrading and enhancing our
In 2017, we upgraded Productivity Expertz to Productivity Expertz LPP
where we started giving services related to employee engagement and
automation solutions as well. We have been blessed to receive clients who
responded marvelously to our services which further led to the formation of
Productivity Expertz Services Pvt Ltd in the year 2019.

We are a registered SME with Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium

Enterprises, Govt of India. Additionally we are registered as a Training
Partner with Skill India and a Testing center with Certiport.

The two essential pillars of Productivity Expertz Services Pvt Ltd are Mr.
Jatin Sukhija and Ms. Nidhi both of whom are dedicated professionals who
manage an excellent team of 50+ highly experienced certified Training
Consultants that serve the clients by taking Corporate Training programs
all over India. The group also includes 150+ coordinators whose job is to
put their heart and soul to offer fun-filled engagement activities for the
employees. Last but not the least division is a team of creative and expert
professionals who are working day and night to design and deliver all kinds
of automation and consulting services.
The strong foundation of Productivity Expertz Services Pvt Ltd is laid
on customer’s satisfaction and transparency which makes us stand out
from the lot.

Productivity Expertz provides various service namely:-
 Corporate Training
 Employees engagement at work
 Project consulting

Certified training programs are most needed by the professionals to give a
quick boost to their career and face the rising competition. We at
Productivity Expertz Services Pvt Ltd offer top-notch training services and
make sure you inculcate the most needed training skills in your
professional life as well. Our pre-training and post-training services are the
best in the market because we believe everyone deserves a chance to be
the finest in their profession. The best part is you can even cobrand with
our training tools by mentioning your company logo. The training lifestyle
mentioned below will help you understand the approach of corporate
training offered by us.

The training life cycle mentioned below will help you understand the
approach of corporate training offered by us

1. Training Registration
We offer an online training registration panel where training managers
send out the training invitations to all their employees. The registration
happens on a first come first serve basis due to the limited availability of
seats per training program. The best feature of our registration panel is it
closes immediately after the required number of registrations has been

2. Training Survey
We offer an online training survey which helps the training manager to
get a brief insight into the employee working. The survey results will thus
help to cater to the needs of employees. Be it a training schedule or
employee capabilities all can be briefly learned via survey files. Training
managers can then immediately download the survey reports and take
necessary actions. 

3. Pre and Post ASSESSMENT

The pre and post assessments are in the form of 20 multiple choice
questions that are given to employees before and after the training
program. The estimates offer instant scorecards to both employees and the
training managers which help in understanding the effect of the training
session on the employees. This feature also provides a specialized admin
panel from where the training manager can download and analyze the
assessment report immediately.

4. Corporate Training
We offer all kinds of training programs be it onsite or offsite. This is
possible by our excellent team of certified training professionals that offer
the sessions all over India. We have a specially designed onsite training
setup available in Delhi NCR region. It is fully equipped with IT Systems to
help your employees understand and learn the training steps better. We
also create training classrooms with the help of our projectors, screens,
and laptops. Your place or mine is never a matter of concern until the end
result is improved business productivity.

5. Training Material
Whenever you opt for our training program then we provide you with the
training material ,(training handouts, study material and keyboard
shortcuts) which you can refer after the training program.

6. Training Feedback
It’s time to bid adieu to the old school pen and paper feedback
consolidation feature. Try our online training feedback option which gives
instant results. It helps in analyzing the effectiveness of the training
program and helps you to know if the trainer has made a positive influence
on the employee or not. The training managers can share the feedback
links with their employees and obtain quick and consolidate result in an
excel sheet.

7. Training Report
We also provide a complete training report for the training managers which
assist in analyzing the effectiveness of the training. It also aids in
monitoring employee productivity before and after the training.
Also, note that we adhere to the privacy and non-disclosure of information
clause. Hence be sure that the information provided by you is highly
confidential. Even our training programs have no loophole for any security
breach. We aim to serve you with the utmost dignity, transparency, and

Productivity Expertz Services Pvt Ltd is a Certiport Authorized Testing

Centre. Therefore, we offer a vast list of training solutions and ensure that
you get everything you want all in one place. All our training packages
ensure to provide 100% Practical training with in-depth case studies &
scenarios, assessment panel, access to training handouts, tips & tricks,
study materials and certificate of participation.

The Learning Management System is designed to help the companies in

organizing and delivering the employee training. It is all about how a team
coordinates a learning process and the tools they use in it. With the help of
our LMS our team has been able to offer top notch training services to the
clients through training registration, pre/post assessment, survey, feedback
generation, training materials and provision of reports to assess the overall
training effectiveness.


Employees are the backbone of every organization. Keeping them happy

and motivated should thus be one of the major responsibilities of any
organization. We at Productivity Expertz Services Private Limited help the
management in organizing different types of engagement activities for the
employees as well as their family members. The sole purpose of these
activities is to help them develop a good bonding with each other, keep
them motivated and also bring refreshment in there monotonous lives. We

are happy to arrange these activities for the employees and the
organizations because, in the end, we get to see many smiling faces.

Be it New Year, the Independence Day, company’s Annual Day

Celebration or any other festive occasion we add spark in all the events
and make it happening and energizing. This is made possible by our
dedicated team of coordinators, anchors, and many others, who are highly
professional and experienced in conducting these engagement activities.
Here is a brief about different engagement activities and how we celebrate
them to add fun and frolic in the work place.

Glimpse of activities done for employee engagement at workplace -

New Year celebration is one of the most awaited events in the entire world.
Why don’t you make this event special in your office with our assistance?
Try out our cool themes such as Winter’s theme, Bollywood theme,
Carnival Theme and many others. Your work is just to select the theme
and we do the complete decoration accordingly. A New Year cake is there
and a dance floor can also be set for the employees. We do have a
separate selfie booth with props of cars, bikes, cut-outs of Bollywood stars,
or snow-man cut-outs. The best part is a set of exciting games like dart
board, musical chair, scavenger hunt, charades, and many others. One
can also enjoy juggling with the joker and magic tricks with the magician.
Additionally, we also have the arrangement of snacks and mock tails for
your employees to keep them energised.


When we first started our consulting service in the year 2017 then our main
goal was to drive the productivity of our clients and enhance their work
accuracy. We have heard from many companies that our consulting has
made their workflows quite efficient. Here is how.

Creation of pre-defined templates for sending
business proposals
The need for the company was to send business proposals to its clients. A
pre-defined word and power point template was created which has a
similar structure and format. The employee work was reduced to a great
extent as they just had to create the needed content.

Modifying the consumer database of a call center

The company already had pre-defined software to enter client data but
their search was for a better database which had the entire information that
also aided for better analysis. A database was thus built in MS access
which resulted in an automated report that was generated in a single click.
The end result was better analysis and reduction in time as well as manual

Uploading employee information in the SAP system

An online process was made through multiple online forms which allowed
the employees to fill their information. Excel automation was then carried
out by application of formulas and functions and macros programming was
also applied on excel data to make it SAP compatible. The data was then
exported to excel in SAP compatible format. The sheet was then uploaded
to SAP. The end result was an automated HR process with no errors and
increased reliability.

Chapter- 3

Data Analysis and Interpretation


The data was collected from the employees of productivity expertz service
with the help of google form.A well structured questionnaire was formed
for the purpose of study. There were 10 questions in all which were being
analyzed in this project with the help of tools like Percentage analysis and
Pictorial representations like pie charts, bar graphs etc.

❖ Gender

Gender No. of respondents Percentage %

Male 30 60
Female 20 40
Total 50 100




Male Female


60% of the respondents are male and 40% of the respondents are female.
So we can conclude that, the majority of the respondents were belongs to
Male group.

❖ How would you rate the Motivation provided by the senior
employees of the company?

Answer choices No. of respondents Percentage %

Poor 8 16
Moderate 22 44
Excellent 20 40
Total 50 100

45 40


20 16

Poor Moderate Excellent

16% of the respondents are not liking the motivation provided by senior
employees, 44% of the respondents thinks it’s moderate and 40%
respondents think it’s Excellent.

❖ How many years of experience are you having?
Answer choices No. of respondents Percentage %
Between 2-5 years 25 50
Between 5-8 years 15 30
Less than 1 year 10 20
Total 50 100



35 30

25 20

Between 2-5 years Between 5-8 years Less than 1 year

20% of the respondents have less than 1 years of experience, 30% of the
respondents have around 5 to 8 years of experience and 50%
respondents have 2 to 5 years of work experience.

❖ Is there meetings held in the beginning of the year to explain
and clarify activity, task and goals to be achieved?
Answer choices No. of respondents Percentage %
Yes 48 96
No 2 4
Total 50 100


Yes No



96% of the respondents say Yes that meetings held in the beginning of
every year. Hence this concludes that meetings held to explain and
clarify activity task and goals to be achieved in PFC.

❖ Does job challenges you enough to learn new
concepts and skills ?
Answer choices No. of respondents Percentage %
To Some Extend 16 32
No 4 8
Very Much 30 60

Total 50 100




40 32



To Some Extend No Very Much


60% of the respondents say that job challenge them to learn new
skills, whereas 32% of them think to some extend and 8% doesn’t find
job challenging.

❖ Would you like to bring any changes in the current working
of the company?

Answer choices No. of respondents Percentage %

No 38 76
To Some Extend 9 18
Greatly 3 6
Total 50 100







No To Some Extend Greatly


76% of the respondents think that there are no scope for change in the
working of the company, whereas 18% of the respondents think there
is certain scope for changes. So, it can be generalized that most
employees are satisfied with the working of the company.

❖ How would you rate the working environment of the


Answer choices No. of respondents Percentage %

Poor 0 0
Good 5 10
Excellent 45 90

Total 50 100









20 10

10 0

Poor Good Excellent


90% of the respondents have rated the working environment of the

company “Excellent” which indicates that the company is sincere about

it’s employees working conditions. Whereas 10% of them rated it under

the category of “Good”.

❖ Should more training be given to employees who fall short in

completion of their targets?

Answer choices No. of respondents Percentage %

Disagree 0 0
Agree 50 100
Total 50 100



20 0

Disagree Agree


100% of the respondents fully agreed that training should be

given to employees who fall short in completion of their targets.
Every employee knows the importance of training in enhancing
their relevant skills and make them more effective and efficient.

❖ How much of scope is there in your company for the promotion

of employee ?

Answer choices No. of respondents Percentage %

High 47 94
Low 3 6
Total 50 100



High Low


94% of the respondents fully agree that there is high scope for promotion
in the organisation. This indicate that the company recognize the effort &
dedication of the employees towards their work and reward them for the
same in various ways out of which promotion is also the one.

❖ How was the hiring process during your recruitment?

Answer choices No. of respondents Percentage %

Complex 1 2

Moderate 48 96
Simple 1 2

Total 50 100


2 2
Complex Moderate Simple


96% of the respondents say that the Hiring process of the company
was moderate.Whereas, the other 2% of them says that it was
simple and remaning 2% told that is was complex for them.

❖ How often are Employee Engagement program held at your


Answer choices No. of respondents Percentage %

Most Often 50 100
Once in two months 0 0
Once in three 0 0
Total 50 100



10 0 0

Most Often Once in two months Once in three months


100% of the respondents says that the Employee Engagement program

are held most often at the workplace, this indicate that company is very
much concerned about their employees and conduct employee
engagement activities most oftenly.


❖ 60% of the respondents are male and 40% of the respondents are
female. So we can conclude that, the majority of the respondents were
belongs to Male group.

❖ 16% of the respondents are not liking the working environment , 44% of
the respondents thinks it’s moderate and 40% respondents think it’s

❖ 20% of the respondents have less than 1 years of experience, 30% of

the respondents have around 5 to 8 years of experience and 50%
respondents have 2 to 5 years of work experience.

❖ 96% of the respondents say Yes that meetings held in the beginning of
every year. Hence this concludes that meetings held to explain and clarify
activity task and goals to be achieved in PFC.

❖ 60% of the respondents say that job challenge them to learn new skills,
whereas 32% of them think to some extend and 8% doesn’t find job

❖ 76% of the respondents think that there are no scope for change in the
working of the company, whereas 18% of the respondents think there is
certain scope for changes. So, it can be generalized that most employees
are satisfied with the working of the company.

❖90% of the respondents have rated the working environment of the

company “Excellent” which indicates that the company is sincere about it’s
employees working conditions. Whereas 10% of them rated it under the
category of “Good”.

❖100% of the respondents fully agreed that training should be given to

employees who fall short in completion of their targets. Every employee
knows the importance of training in enhancing their relevant skills and
make them more effective and efficient.

❖ 94% of the respondents fully agree that there is high scope for
promotion in the organisation. This indicate that the company recognize the
effort & dedication of the employees towards their work and reward them
for the same in various ways out of which promotion is also the one.

❖ 96% of the respondents say that the Hiring process of the company was
moderate.Whereas, the other 2% of them says that it was simple and
remaning 2% told that is was complex for them.

❖ 100% of the respondents says that the Employee Engagement program
are held most often at the workplace, this indicate that company is very
much concerned about their employees and conduct employee
engagement activities most oftenly.




For every organization human resources are the most important

human assets. They need to be motivated to perform their best for

organizations success. Recruitment is a key responsibility of the HR

department. While HR works in many areas including employee

engagement, employee development, data management and many

others, one of the key areas of focus for HR is to attract, select and

onboard suitable candidates for the organization.

The contributions of each employee play a pivotal role in the sustenance

and growth of a business. Hence it is extremely important to select the

right person for the job. The same way as a square peg does not fit in a

round hole, a bad hire can affect the overall business outcomes. The

research revealed that the current recruitment system at PES is very

much effective. In this study, following conclusions can be drawn:

❖ Majority of the employees are well aware and satisfied with the

Recruitment and Selection process at PES.

❖ Employees find themselves motivated.

❖ PES Recruitment System is bias free.

❖ Participation of employees in the decision making is also there.

❖ Finally I conclude that, majority of the employees are satisfied with the
Recruitment System of the organization. Only some employees are not
satisfied with the same because of the long lasting process.


Hiring the wrong employee can cost you time and money, which hampers
your progress. Making a poor hiring decision, and it may cost you more
than that—your customers may start leaving you for good.
This a lot of pressure on human resources. From recruitment to
onboarding, the hiring process has many moving elements and just as
many opportunities for failure. There is a way to improve and master it,
though. The only thing your company needs is a fresh approach

 The employees who are aware of the recruitment policy and

process of the PES should be oriented with the main objectives

of the policy and the process.

 Recruiters should ideally coordinate with the hiring managers to draft

accurate job descriptions which provide a sense of purpose to the

 The suggestions, preferences and feedback of the employees

should be given a well thought so that the employees can attach

and involve themselves in the organization. It would also motivate

them for producing better outputs.

 Therefore, Productivity Expertz Service can do slight modifications

in the recruitment program.

article/ /news/PFC02


Gender: Department:

1. How would you rate the Motivation provided by the senior
employees of the company?
 Poor
 Moderate
 Excellent

2. How many years of experience are you having?

 Between 2-5 yrs
 Between 5-8 yrs
 Less than 1 years

3. Is there meetings held in the beginning of the year to

explain and clarify activity, task and goals to be
 Yes
 No

4. Does job challenges you enough to learn new concepts

and skills ?
 To some extend
 No
 Very much

5. Would you like to bring any changes in the current

working of the company?
 No
 To some extend
 Greatly

6. How would you rate the working environment of the

 Poor
 Good
 Excellent

7. Should more training be given to employees who fall

short in completion of their targets?
 Disagree
 Agree

8. How much of scope is there in your company for the

promotion of employee ?
 High
 Low

9. How was the hiring process during your recruitment?

 Complex
 Moderate
 Simple

How often are Employee Engagement program held at

your workplace?
 Most often
 Once in two months
 Once in three months

Thank You for Giving Your Valuable Time & Opinion




1. TITLE : Recruitment of human resources and MIS handling at Productivity

Expertz Service Pvt. Ltd.
2. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY : For the purpose of Major Project in Requirement
with curriculum of GGSIPU

i. To evaluate the procedure of recruitment in the productive expertz service


ii. To judge the effectiveness of current recruitment system.

• Research Design: Descriptive Research
• Data Collection Approach: Primary Data (Survey-Questionnaires)

• Sampling Method: Probability Sampling

• Measurement Techniques: Percentage Analysis and Graphical
5. QUESTIONNAIRE (if any): Yes (attached in Annexure)



Student Name : Shubham Nagar

Roll No. : 00611401717

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Name of the student : SHUBHAM NAGAR(02911401718)

Course : BBA (Gen)

Name of the supervisor: Ms.Harvinder Kaur

S. No. Date Time Progress of Signature of Signature of

Report Student Supervisor













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