Course Details Civil Engineering UET
Course Details Civil Engineering UET
Course Details Civil Engineering UET
Civil Engineering
For 2018 Session and Onward
Approved Status:
Recommended by Board of Study
Approved on 30-07-2018
Meeting Dated:
Recommended by Board of Faculty
Approved on 10-09-2018
Meeting Dated:
Recommended by Academic Council
Approved on 15-10-2018
Meeting Dated:
Recommended by Syndicate Meeting
Approved on
Course Credit Hours Contact Hours Prerequisite
Code Theory Practical Theory Practical
CE-103 2 1 2 3 None
Civil Engineering
CE-105 1 2 1 6 None
Phy-122 Basic Mechanics 2 1 2 3 None
MA-111 3 0 3 0 None
Basic Electrical
EE-198 1 1 1 3 None
MinE- Basic Engineering
2 0 2 0 None
170 Geology
Total 11 5 11 15
Semester Total 16 26
Course Credit Hours Contact Hours
Code Theory Practical Theory Practical Prerequisite
CE-101 3 1 3 3 None
CE-102 2 1 2 3 None
HU-101 0 1 0 3 None
IS/Hu- Islamic & Pak
3 0 3 0 None
101 Studies/ Ethics
MA-112 3 0 3 0 None
Basic Mechanical
ME-119 1 0 1 0 None
Workshop Practice 0 1 0 3 None
Total 12 4 12 12
Semester Total 16 24
Course Credit Hours Contact Hours Prerequisite
No. Theory Practical Theory Practical
Surveying and
CE-201 GIS-RS 3 1 3 3 CE-101
Mechanics of
CE-212 3 1 3 3 Phy-122
CE-231 3 1 3 3 None
IS/HU- Islamic & Pak
3 0 3 0 None
201 Studies/Ethics
MA-240 2 1 2 3 None
Total 14 4 14 12
Semester Total 18 26
Course Credit Hours Contact Hours
Code Theory Practical Theory Practical Prerequisite
CE-205 2 1 2 3 CE-105
Construction &
Economy and
CE-207 3 1 3 3 None
CE-211 Structural 3 0 3 0 Phy-122
CE-221 3 1 3 3 None
Introduction to
ATP-201 Architecture and 2 0 2 0 None
Town Planning
Total 13 3 13 9
Semester Total 16 22
Course Credit Hours Contact Hours requisite
Code Theory Practical Theory Practical
Mgt-317 Management in 2 0 2 0 None
CE-311 Structural Analysis 2 0 2 0 CE-211
CE-313 Steel Structures 3 1 3 3 CE-211
CE-321 3 1 3 3 CE-221
Hydrology and
CE-332 Water Resources 2 1 2 3 None
Technical Report
HU-300 0 1 0 3 None
Total 12 4 12 12
Semester Total 16 24
Course Credit Hours Contact Hours Pre-
Code Theory Practical Theory Practical requisite
CE-312 3 1 3 3 CE-212
Plain & Reinforced CE-103,
CE-314 3 1 3 3
Concrete-I CE-212
CE-331 Fluid Mechanics-II 3 1 3 3 CE-231
Hazards and
CE-305 Disaster 2 0 2 0 None
Probability and
MA-356 Statistics in 2 0 2 0 None
Mgt-319 1 0 1 0 None
for Engineers
CE-306 Professional Ethics 1 0 1 0 None
Total 15 3 15 9
Semester Total 18 24
Credit Hours Contact Hours Pre-
Subject requisite
Code Theory Practical Theory Practical
Structural CE-311,
CE-412 3 1 3 3
Engineering CE-314
Plain & Reinforced CE-311,
CE-411 3 1 3 3
Concrete-II CE-314
CE-421 3 1 3 3 CE-221
CE-434 3 1 3 3 CE-231
CE-499 Project 0 3 0 6 None
Total 12 7 12 18
Semester Total 19 30
Course Credit Hours Contact Hours Pre-
Code Theory Practical Theory Practical requisite
CE-431 3 1 3 3 CE-231
Design of CE-311,
CE-413 2 1 2 3
Structures CE-314
Pavement &
CE-423 Foundation 3 0 3 0 CE-321
ENE-440 3 1 3 3 CE-231
CE-499 Project 0 3 0 6 None
Total 11 6 11 15
Semester Total 17 26
• Lettering Practice
• Instrument Practice
• Orthographic Sketching
• Orthographic Drawing 1
• Orthographic Drawing 2
• Sections and Conventions
• Symbols for Building Material, Building and Surveying (Assignment)
• Isometric Views
• Boundary Wall Design
• Working Drawing for Check Post
• To determine the reaction of the simply supported beam under various loadings.
• To determine the center of mass of various figures, cut out the wooden plank by
experiment & calculations.
• To find the tension in various parts of a Hanging rope loaded at various points.
• To determine the force acting in the tie and jib of a simple jib crane (Wall Crane).
• To verify the principle of moment.
• To verify law of friction between solid bodies and to find the coefficient of friction
between wood and other materials.
• Electrical Elements and Circuits: Electric current, voltage, power and energy, Ohm's
law, inductance, capacitance, Kirchoff's laws. Introduction to node voltage and loop
current methods, AC single and poly-phase system, DC machines, AC Synchronous
Machines, AC Induction Machines, Transformers, Converting Machines.
• Power Plant Installations and Distribution System: Power Systems layout,
generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electric power,
• Introduction to domestic electrification: Principles of House wiring and Industrial
wiring, Illumination. Calculation of energy load of a building.
• Electronics: Diode. Transistor and simple rectifier circuit. Electrical know how related
to experimental design instrumentations like corrosion rate measurements, strain
gauges, LDT’s, LVDT’s. etc.
• The course will cover preliminary concepts regarding electricity and magnetism. First
half of the course will emphasize on circuit topologies and laws whereas the second half
will focus on electric machines.
• Basic circuit laws including ohm’s law, KCL, KVL will be studied. RC and RL circuits
will also be discussed with reference to phasors and vector diagrams.
• A brief overview of DC and AC machines including various types of DC motors, DC
generators, and transformers will be given. Some concepts of instrumentation and types
of storage elements will also be discussed.
• Arithmetic operators
• Revision of GUI of QBasic
• Arithmetic operators (contd.) and Relational operators
• Practice of Variables, data types, INPUT, DIM and PRINT statements
• Binary number system
• Practice of Locate, Color, Screen and Print statement with TAB function
• Binary number system (contd.)
• Practice of Control statements and Loops and arithmetic operators
• Real Numbers
• Practice of Formatting output using PRINT USING statement
• Real Numbers (contd.)
• Practice of Arrays in QBasic
• Practice of Working with files in QBasic
• Practice of Flow Charts and Graphics in QBasic
• Practice of Introduction to object oriented programming
• Practice of Introduction to GUI of Visual Basic
• Practice of Dot notation in Visual Basic
• Practice of Command Buttons, Labels, Text Boxes, Forms
• Practice of Scope of variables, Frames, Option Buttons, Check Boxes
• Practice of Working with files in Visual Basic
• Introduction to MS Word
• Introduction to MS Excel and MS Power Point
This Course prepares students for the challenges of the society that is shaped by communication.
As participants in the program, students develop an integrate knowledge, creativity, ethical
practice and skills. Students also examine and produce work in oral, written and visual
communications and practice skills in group and intercultural communication.
• Basic / Elementary machine shop: Detailed study of center lath and accessories, plane
and taper turning, basic lath operations including turning, facing, simple screw cutting /
treading, knurling, grooving (drilling and boring), cutting tools and their grinding. Brief
introduction of shaper, milling sharing and surface grinding machine. Assigning of
practical jobs.
• Fitting and fabrication shop: The use and care of fitters tools, marking out of jobs,
practice in metal filing, sawing, drilling, dieing, tapping and reaming. Brief introduction
and use of power hack saw, arbor press, sheet rolling machine, punching machine and
drilling machine. Assigning of practical jobs.
• Carpentry shop: The use and care of tools. type of timber, its defects and preservation
methods practice in planning and sawing. Different types of wood joints. Study of sawing,
planning, turning mortise and Tenon machines. Assigning of practical jobs.
• Electrical shop: Electric shocks and treatment. The use and care of tools used by
electricians, types and uses of cables and electrical accessories for house wiring, practice
and simple house wiring, testing methods. Switch gear used on domestic installations and
DB system. Earthing system. Assigning of wiring arrangements practical.
• Types of stresses and strains, stress-strain behavior of ductile and brittle materials.
Statically determinate and indeterminate problems, compound bars. Temperature
• Bending moment and shear force diagrams for determinate beams for general loading.
Principle of superposition, relationship between load, shear force and bending moment.
• Theory of simple bending, distribution of bending and shear stresses in beams of
symmetrical sections.
• Differential equation of beam deflection and deflection of beams using the double
integration Singular Functions moment area and conjugate beam methods. Strain energy
due to direct loads, shear and bending. Castigliano’s theorems and their application to
find deflections and rotations.
• Combined bending and axial stresses, Columns, types of columns, stability of columns,
Euler and other formulae for elastic critical load, eccentrically loaded short columns.
• Torsion of solid and hollow circular sections. Strain energy due to torsion and impact
• Merits and demerits of steel and reinforced concrete construction. Types of loads.
Various design methods. Limit states.
• Site selection, orientation and setting out for civil engineering projects.
• Masonry Construction: Types of stone, brick and block masonry. Bonds in brick
masonry. Dampness in buildings, causes and remedial measures.
• Various types of floor finishes, interior and exterior finishes. Scaffolding and formwork,
Expansion and construction joints, factors affecting their location.
• Concrete Construction: Batching, mixing, transportation and compaction of concrete. Pre-
cast concrete, concrete construction. Quality control in concrete construction.
• Woodwork in building construction. Defects in building construction. Principal defects,
diagnosis, causes and remedial measures.
• Stone crushers. Machines for cleaning and grading of aggregates. Concrete mixers, vibrators and
pneumatic tools.
• Types of Civil Engineering drawing. Preparation of plans, elevations and sections. Working
drawings of a residential building. Computer graphics.
• Application of architectural planning and rendering in Civil Engineering projects.
• Estimation of reinforced concrete structures using long wall short wall and centerline methods
• Estimation of roads and highways components
• Application of MS Excel for Economic Analysis (equivalent annual worth, present worth,
future worth, IRR, replacement & retention study, Benefit Cost Ratio).
• Planning and scheduling of a construction Project using MS Project
• Introduction to Primavera P6
Town Planning:
• Introduction: Hydrology, hydrological cycle and the hydrologic equation, practical uses
of hydrology, importance of hydrology.
• Meteorology: The atmosphere and its composition, relative humidity, dew point and
their measurement devices. Saturation deficit. Solar radiation as a source of heat, adiabatic
changes and the lapse rate, air temperature, seasonal and diurnal variation of air temperature.
The general circulation of wind system, the monsoons and western disturbances.
Measurement of air temperature, relative humidity, radiation, sunshine and atmospheric
• Precipitation: Types of precipitation, factors necessary for the formation of
precipitation, measurement of precipitation, interpretation of precipitation data.
• Evaporation and Transpiration: Factors affecting evaporation, measurement of
evaporation, evapo-transpiration.
• Stream Flow: Water stage and its measurement, selection of site for stage record, selection
of control and metering section, methods of measurement of stream flow, interpretation of
stream flow data.
• Runoff: Factors affecting runoff, estimating the volume of storm runoff.
• Hydrographs: Characteristic of Hydrograph, components of a hydrograph, hydrograph
separation, estimating the volume of direct runoff, introduction to unit hydrograph concept,
S-curve, Application of probability in determining maxima/minima of discharge. Types
of histogram and distribution.
• Stream Flow Routing Introduction to flood frequency and duration analysis. Reservoir routing,
channel routing.
• Ground Water Flow: Introduction, sources and discharge of ground water. Water table
and artesian aquifer. The Theis formula and its application to aquifer tests. Reservoir
sedimentation. Factors controlling erosion, sediment rating curves. Sediment yield of a
catchment, sedimentation in reservoirs.
• Water resources and water demands of Pakistan.
• Plain Concrete: Constituent materials of concrete and their properties. Properties of fresh
and hardened concrete and factors affecting them. Curing of concrete and its significance.
Testing of concrete for various properties including physical tests, strength tests. Crushing or
ultimate strain. Modulus of elasticity of concrete, types, tests, determination and significance.
Design of normal concrete mixes, factors affecting the workability of the fresh and strength and
durability of the hardened concrete. Corrosion of reinforced concrete (chloride and
carbonation) Alkali aggregate reaction, and sulfate attack. Additives and admixtures for
concrete. Cracks in concrete.
• Fluid Flow in Pipes: Reynold's number and its significance. Instability of viscous flow,
viscous flow through circular pipes. Turbulent flow through circular pipes, semi empirical
theories of turbulence, velocity profile in turbulent flow, pipe roughness, Nikurades's
experiments, Moody's diagram, branching pipes.
• Dimensional Analysis: Reyleigh's method, Buckingham's Pl-theorem and its application.
• Hydro-dynamics: Ideal and real fluids, differential equation of continuity, rotational and
irrational flow, stream function and velocity potential function, circulation and vorticity,
orthogonality of steam lines and equipotential lines, brief description of flow fields, flow net
and its limitations, different methods of drawing a flow net.
• Forces on Immersed Bodies: Development of boundary layer on immersed bodies,
elementary theory of surface drag and form drag, simple lift and drag equations and their
applications to simple engineering problems, separation of boundary layer.
• Forces on Vanes and Turbo machinery: Impulse momentum equation and its
application, forces on moving flat and curved vanes, similarity laws and factors for turbo
• Types of Turbine: Impulse turbine, construction, features and operations, specific speed.
Reaction turbine, types, construction, features and operation. Specific speed, cavitations,
draft tube. Governing of turbines.
• Pumps: Centrifugal pumps, classification, construction features and operations
Reciprocating pumps; single, and double acting pinups, indicator diagram, acceleration head,
maximum suction head, maximum suction lift and use of air vessels.
• To determine the Critical Reynold’s number for flow of water in a pipe of Uniform diameter and
to investigate correlations between: i ~ v, and f ~ RN for laminar and turbulent flows.
• To verify the Impulse Momentum Principle for a Jet of water stinking on various Vanes.
• To make the study of Impulse Turbines: Pelton Wheel, and Turgo Impulse turbine
• To perform experiment on Pelton Wheel for plotting its Characteristic Curves.
• To make the study of Double stage Centrifugal Pump.
• To perform the experiment on Double Stage Centrifugal Pump to plot its Characteristic Curves.
• To make the study of Reaction Turbines:
• Francis Reaction Turbine.
• Kaplan Turbine.
• To perform experiment on Double Acting Reciprocating Pump and to determine %age slip and
coefficient of discharge.
• To study the Cavitation phenomenon in flow
• Introduction: The concept of entrepreneurship, the economist view and sociologist view,
Behavioural approach, Entrepreneurship and Management
• The Practice of Entrepreneurship: The process of entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial
Management, The entrepreneurial business, Entrepreneurship in service institutions, The
new venture
• Entrepreneurship and Innovation: The innovation concepts, Importance of innovation
for entrepreneurship, Sources of innovative opportunities, The innovation process, Risks
involved in innovation
• Developing Entrepreneur: Entrepreneurial profile, Trait approach to understanding
entrepreneurship, Factors influencing entrepreneurship, The environment, Socio cultural
factors, Support systems
• Entrepreneurship Organization: Team work, Networking organization.
• Devising entrepreneurial marketing plan, Entrepreneurial marketing strategies, Product
quality and design
• Case Studies of Successful Entrepreneurs Civil Engineers
• Prestressed Concrete: Principles, techniques and types, tendon profiles etc. Losses of
prestress, Analysis of Prestressed concrete for service load, cracking load and ultimate strength.
Design and detailing of simply support post-and pre-tensioned beams.
• Bridge Engineering: Site selection for a bridge, types and structural forms of bridges,
Construction methods. Vehicle load transfer to slab and stringers. Design and detailing of
simple RC deck and girder bridges.
• Matrix methods of analysis: Virtual force principle and flexibility method, flexibility of bar,
beam and general flexural elements, analysis of 2D framed structures with temperature, support
settlement and lack of fit. Virtual displacement principle and displacement method, element
stiffness matrix for bar, beam and plane frame element, coordinate transformation.
Compatibility and equilibrium. Assembly of structure stiffness matrix. Analysis by stiffness
method of 2D trusses, beams and frames including temperature effects, lack of fit and
settlement of supports. Reliability of computer results. Computer applications of above using
interactive computer programs. Analysis by stiffness method of 2D-Reliability of computer
results. Computer applications of above using interactive computer programs.
• Introduction to Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering: Vibration of SDOF
lumped mass systems, free and forced vibration with and without viscous damping. Natural
vibration of SDOF systems. Response of SDOF systems: to harmonic excitation, to specific
forms of excitation of ideal step, rectangular, pulse and ramp forces. Unit impulse response.
Vibration of MDOF systems with lumped mass. Hamilton’s principle, modal frequency and
mode shape Computer applications of above. Introduction to basic terminology in EQ
engineering Form of structures for EQ resistance. Ductility demand, damping etc. Seismic
zoning of Pakistan Equivalent lateral force analysis. Detailing of RC structures for EQ
• Highway Engineering: Elements of typical cross section of road, types of cross sections.
Design speed, lane capacity. Capacity reducing factors. Horizontal and vertical curves, grade
line, super elevation, transition curve, curve widening, sight distance requirements. Principles
of intersection design for at grade and grade separated intersections. Channelization. Highway
construction materials, their properties and tests. Characteristics of drivers, vehicles and
roadways, traffic surveys, traffic controlling devices, highway illumination, parking and
accident studies.
• Runway Engineering: Airport requirements site selection. Airport classification, aircraft
characteristics, runway length and runway configuration. Runway lighting, airport drainage
• Railways: Elements of a track, types of gauges. Types of rail sections, rail joints creep and
wear of rails. Fish plate, bearing plates and checkrails. Types of sleepers, their merits and
demerits, sleeper density, spacing and stiffness of track. Types of ballast, requirements for good
ballast, Renewal of ballast, formation of single and double track formation failures. Selection
of site for a railway station, layout of stations and yards, points and crossing various, layouts,
signaling and inter locking. Modern methods for construction of tracks, maintenance, tools and
• Steady flow in open channels: Specific energy and critical depth. Surface profiles and back
water curves in channels of uniform sections. Hydraulic jump and its practical applications.
Flow over humps and through constrictions.
• Critical depth meters, broad crested weirs and venturi flume.
• Unsteady Flow: Discharge through orifices and over weirs under varying heads. Unsteady
flow through pipelines, water hammer. Instantaneous and slow closure of valves. Surges in
open channels.
• Dams: Types of storage dams, forces on dams, design of gravity dams, Reservoir engineering,
regulation of storage reservoirs.
• Hydraulic Similitude: Similitude in hydraulic model testing. Similitude requirements;
geometric, kinematics and dynamic similarities. Various dimensionless numbers and their
significance, Physical models, techniques and analysis. Introduction to numerical models.
• Sediment Transport in Open Channels: Properties of individual particles, fall velocity
Movement of bed and suspended load. Collection and analysis of field data, methods for
estimation of sediment transport capacity of channels.
• Hydro Power Engineering: Selection of hydropower sites. Components and layout of
waterpower scheme.
• Introduction to computational hydraulics
• Introduction: Definition and types of irrigation. Merits and demerits of irrigation, Indus basin
irrigation system.
• Water Resources: Planning and development of water resources projects. Water resources in
• Canal Irrigation: Elementary concept about canal head works, selection of their site and
layout, weirs and barrages, various components and functions. Measures adopted to control silt
entry into canals, silt ejectors and silt excluders. Design of weirs on permeable foundations,
sheet piles and well foundations, cut off walls. Design of irrigation channels, Kennedy’s and
Lacey’s theories. Rational methods for design of irrigation channels. Comparison of various
methods. Computer Aided design of irrigation channels.
• Irrigation Works: Canal head regulators, falls, meter flumes, canal outlets. Cross drainage
works: types and functions. Canal lining: advantages and types. Maintenance of irrigation
• Irrigated Agriculture: Water requirements of crops, duty of irrigation water. Delta of crops,
consumptive use, estimation of consumptive use, methods used for assessment of irrigation
water. Irrigation methods and practices. Management of irrigation systems, various approaches,
participatory irrigation management.
• Water logging and salinity: Definition, field capacity, wilting point, hygroscopic moisture
etc. Causes and effects of water logging, reclamation of water logged soils. Drains and tube
wells. Causes and effects of salinity and alkalinity of lands in Pakistan. Reclamation methods.
Drainage network in irrigated areas.
• Types of pavement, wheel loads, equivalent single wheel load, repetition and impact factors,
load distribution characteristics, highway and airport pavements compared. Design
considerations. Methods of design of pavements, group index, CBR and Westergaurd methods.
Construction and maintenance Pavement evaluation and rehabilitation.
• Definition, purpose and types, general requirements of foundations, depth of footings, selection
of foundation types. Geotechnical design of isolated, combined, mat and strap foundations.
Differential settlements and cracks, proportioning of footings for given settlement or equal
settlements. Proportioning of footings for given settlements. De-watering for foundation
construction. Introduction to deep foundations. Types of piles, load carrying capacity of piles.
Group action, negative skin friction, pile load test. Foundation construction.
The project shall consist of a Standard Report of design, investigation or literature survey of any
problem in Civil Engineering.